Contents Corporate Profile 2 Stock Highlights 3 Financial Highlights 4 Message from the President Commissioner 6 Letter from the President Director to Shareholders 8 Management Report 11 Milestones in 2001 13 Corporate Governance 16 Business Segmental Information • AUTOMOTIVE DIVISION 19 – Automobile Group – Motorcycle Group – Component Group • HEAVY EQUIPMENT DIVISION 27 • FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION 31 • AGRIBUSINESS DIVISION 35 • WOODBASED DIVISION 37 • INFORMATION-TECHNOLOGY DIVISION 39 • INFRASTRUCTURE DIVISION 41 Human Resources Development 43 Environmental Management 47 Social Responsibility 49 Corporate Plan in 2002 53 Financial Report 56 Corporate Data Board of Commissioners i Board of Directors iii Corporate Information vii ASTRA international 2 Corporate Profile Bermula dari sebuah perusahaan dagang pada tahun 1957, Astra Started as a trading company in 1957, Astra has since expanded telah meluaskan jangkauan usaha dan investasinya. Kini PT Astra its business and investment reach. Today, PT Astra International International Tbk (“Perseroan”) adalah sebuah perusahaan publik Tbk (the “Company”) is a public Vompany with seven business yang memiliki tujuh bidang usaha, yaitu Divisi Otomotif, Divisi divisions: Automotive, Heavy Equipment, Financial Services, Alat Berat, Divisi Jasa Keuangan, Divisi Agribisnis, Divisi Agribusiness, Wood-Based, Information Technology, and Perkayuan, Divisi Teknologi Informasi dan Divisi Infrastruktur. Infrastructure. Dalam pengembangan usahanya selama ini, Perseroan banyak Over the course of its development, the Company has formed bermitra usaha dengan perusahaan-perusahaan bereputasi partnerships with numerous internationally reputable companies. internasional. Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Surabaya sejak tahun 1990, dengan nilai kapitalisasi pasar saham Exchange since 1990, the Company’s market capitalization as of Perseroan per 31 Desember 2001 sekitar Rp 5 triliun dengan 31 December, 2001 stood at approximately Rp 5 trillion, with 4.637 pemegang saham. 4,637 shareholders. Karyawan Grup Astra di seluruh Indonesia per 31 Desember 2001 The Astra Group employed approximately 95,000 people berjumlah sekitar 95.000 orang. throughout Indonesia as of 31 December 2001. KANTOR PUSAT ASTRA ASTRA HEAD OFFICE ASTRA international 3 Stock Highlights JARINGAN DISTRIBUSI ASTRA MODAL DAN SAHAM (31 Desember 2001) ASTRA DISTRIBUTION NETWORK EQUITY AND STOCKS (as of 31 December 2001) Toyota 104 Modal Dasar / Authorized Capital 6,000,000,000 saham / shares Daihatsu 98 Isuzu 98 Modal Ditempatkan dan Disetor / BMW 6 Issued and Paid-up Capital 2,538,179,783 saham / shares Peugeot 20 Nissan Diesel 13 Honda (motorcycle) 741 Heavy Equipment 36 Astra Credit Company - ACC 27 Federal International Finance - FIF 154 Asuransi Astra Buana - AAB 21 Astra CMG Life 36 Astra Otoparts - AOP 10 Harga Saham Astra di Bursa Efek Jakarta tahun 2001 dan 2002 Astra Stock Price at the Jakarta Stock Exchange in 2001 and 2002 Rp/Share 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr 2001 2002 KOMPOSISI KEPEMILIKAN SAHAM ASTRA SHAREHOLDING COMPOSITION OF ASTRA 31 December 2001 30.69 Cycle & Carriage (Mauritius) Limited 7.56 Toyota Motor Corporation 5.74 Chase MB-US Resident (Norbax Inc) 5.44 Government of Singapore Investment Corporation Pte Ltd A/c “C” 3.30 PT Mitra Invesdana Sekurindo 3.28 Endang Lestari Pujiastuti 2.36 International Finance Corporation 1.96 HSBC Bank PLC 1.63 China Development Industrial Bank 38.04 Others ASTRA international 4 Financial Highlights ASTRA FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (in billion Rp, unless stated otherwise) DESCRIPTION 2001 2000 1999 Net Revenues TOTAL ASTRA (Consolidated) Rp trillion Net Revenues 30,123 28,404 14,853 40 Gross Profit 5,657 5,119 3,298 30 Operating Profit 2,677 2,577 1,759 20 EBITDA 3,493 3,340 2,468 10 Net Income / (Loss) 845 (239) 1,487 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total Assets 26,574 26,863 22,204 Current Assets 10,173 8,930 7,577 Fixed Assets 7,816 7,664 7,431 Net Income (Loss) Current Liabilities 10,355 10,100 7,396 Rp billion Total Borrowings 16,506 17,774 15,486 2,000 Total Equity 2,567 1,705 2,012 1,000 Total Equity + Minority Interest 4,550 3,455 3,634 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 -1,000 -2,000 RATIO ANALYSIS & OTHERS -3,000 Return on Assets 3% -1% 6% -4,000 Return on Equity 46% -18% 147% Gross Profit Margin 19% 18% 22% Operating Profit Margin 9% 9% 12% Current Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.1 Net Income (Loss) per share Rp 1,000 Issued Shares (in million) 2,538 2,507 2,472 500 Net Income (Loss) per share (Rupiah) 335 (96) 624 0 Cash Dividend per share 0 0 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 -500 -1,000 -1,500 -2,000 * The consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1999 has been restated to reflect the application of the Decision Letter No. Kep-06/PM/2000 dated 13 March, 2000 on the Amendment of Rule No. VIII. G.7 of the Capital Market Supervisory Agency concerning the Guide of Financial Statement Presentation. ASTRA international 5 Financial Highlights DESCRIPTION 1998 1997 Divisional Net Revenues Rp trillion 35 TOTAL ASTRA (Consolidated) 30 Net Revenues 11,292 15,873 Net Income / (Loss) (3,689) (279) 25 Total Equity 18 3,256 20 Total Equity & Minority Interest 1,477 4,532 15 Total Assets 24,026 29,168 10 5 AUTOMOTIVE & NON FINANCIAL SERVICES 0 1 2 3 4 5 Net Revenues 10,208 14,046 Others Agribusiness Gross Profits 2,967 3,129 Finser IT Operating Profit (excl. Equity Income) 1,701 1,577 Heavy Equipment Automotive EBITDA 2,313 2,153 Woodbased Net Income / (Loss) (3,620) (438) Total Assets 19,886 18,161 Current Assets 8,009 6,911 Total Assets Fixed Assets 7,743 6,617 Rp trillion Current Liabilities 7,438 7,393 40 Total Borrowings 17,075 13,185 30 20 FINANCIAL SERVICES 10 Net Revenues 1,084 1,826 0 Net Income / (Loss) (69) 159 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total Assets 4,140 11,007 Fixed Assets RATIO ANALYSIS Rp trillion 8.0 TOTAL ASTRA (Consolidated) - Return on Assets -14% -1% 7.5 - Return on Equity -225% -9% 7.0 AUTOMOTIVE & NON FINANCIAL SERVICES 6.5 - Gross Profit Margin 29% 22% 6.0 - Operating Profit Margin 13% 11% 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 - Current Ratio 1.1 0.9 OTHERS Issued Shares (In Million) 2,326 2,326 Net Income / (Loss) per share (Rupiah) (1,586) (120) Cash Dividend per share (Rupiah) 0 60 ASTRA international 6 Message from the President Commissioner Puji dan syukur marilah kita panjatkan ke hadirat Allah Swt, yang telah memberikan tuntunan dan perlindungan-Nya kepada kita dalam melewati tahun 2001, sehingga Astra beserta grup usahanya mampu melampaui masa tersebut dengan kinerja yang baik. Perkembangan perekonomian Indonesia di sepanjang tahun 2001 memang belum menggembirakan. Dari sisi makro, defisit APBN serta menurunnya investasi asing telah menekan laju pemulihan ekonomi. Sementara meningkatnya inflasi dan gejolak nilai tukar USD yang berkelanjutan mengakibatkan sektor usaha mengalami kesulitan dalam menyesuaikan dan menetapkan harga jual yang optimal. Lebih lanjut, faktor sosial dan keamanan yang belum sepenuhnya kondusif terus menambah beban bagi masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Walaupun ada juga beberapa sektor usaha tertentu yang relatif tidak terpengaruh atau bahkan menikmati Let us give praise and thanks to Almighty God, who provided us melemahnya Rupiah. with His guidance and protection in 2001, allowing Astra and its group of businesses to post a positive performance for the year. Sebagaimana telah diperkirakan di awal tahun 2001, bidang usaha utama Perseroan yakni di sektor penjualan kendaraan roda Indonesia’s economic development in 2001 was not encouraging. empat akan mengalami kontraksi di tahun 2001 karena faktor- On the macro level, the state budget deficit and decreasing foreign faktor tersebut di atas. Walaupun demikian, beberapa bidang investment slowed economic recovery. Rising inflation and the usaha lain terutama kendaraan roda dua terus menunjukkan continuing volatility of the rupiah against the US dollar made it pertumbuhan yang sangat menggembirakan, sebagaimana difficult for businesses to adjust and set optimum sales prices. In perkiraan. addition, social and security factors continued to burden society in general. Despite all of this, a number of business sectors were Dengan kesungguhan Manajemen dalam melakukan efisiensi relatively unaffected by and even enjoyed the benefits of a serta mengantisipasi setiap perubahan, secara keseluruhan, weakening rupiah. kinerja Perseroan dapat dikatakan telah mencapai hasil yang optimal sebagaimana tercermin antara lain pada peningkatan As predicted in early 2001, the Company’s main business, penjualan bersih dan laba bersih. Sehingga di tahun 2001, automobile sales, experienced a contraction in 2001 as a result Perseroan dapat memenuhi kewajiban hutang lebih baik dengan of the above factors. Nevertheless, other businesses, particularly pelaksanaan pembayaran sebagian hutang lebih awal dari yang the motorcycle business, continued to show a very heartening dijadwalkan. growth, as expected. Dari sisi operasional, di tengah persaingan pasar yang semakin With the seriousness of the Management in pursuing efficiency kompetitif, yang disebabkan oleh masuknya para pesaing baru and anticipating every possible change, the Company in general di bisnis kendaraan roda empat dan roda dua, serta terobosan- achieved the optimum results, as seen by the increase in inter alia terobosan baru yang dilakukan oleh para kompetitor lama, net sales and net profit. Therefore in 2001, the Company was ternyata keunggulan kompetitif Grup Astra relatif tidak able to repay part of its debts ahead of their maturity dates. tergoyahkan. Pangsa pasar produk-produk Astra relatif tidak terganggu, bahkan beberapa menunjukkan peningkatan From the operational side, amid the tightening of the market as dibanding sebelumnya. Kondisi tersebut disebabkan terutama a result of the entrance of new competitors in the automotive oleh komitmen Manajemen dan segenap jajaran karyawan untuk and motorcycle industries and new innovations introduced by selalu mengedepankan kualitas, profesionalitas, efisiensi dan old competitors, the competitiveness of the Astra Group was kepuasan pelanggan di semua unit kerja. relatively unchallenged. The market share of Astra products remained stable, with the market share of a number of products improving. This was the result of the commitment of the ASTRA international 7 Message from the President Commissioner Kebijakan Manajemen yang menekankan pentingnya pelaksanaan Management and all employees to prioritize quality, etika bisnis dan etika kerja di jajaran Astra, serta program professionalism, efficiency and customer satisfaction in every Community Development dan pelaksanaan Good Corporate business unit. Governance secara konsisten patut dihargai. Kesemua hal tersebut di atas, betapa pun telah menunjang bagi terciptanya Good The Management’s policy of emphasizing the importance of Corporate Image, sesuatu yang melahirkan kepercayaan, empati business and work ethics in Astra, its commitment to Community dan dukungan sosial yang positif dan bermakna dalam kiprah Development programs and its consistent implementation of the sebuah entiti bisnis seperti Astra. principles of Good Corporate Governance are all appreciated. All of these efforts have helped build a Good Corporate Image for Berkenaan dengan itu, berbagai penghargaan telah dianugrahkan Astra, which is something that will create trust, empathy and kepada Astra, baik dari institusi di dalam negeri maupun luar social support. These things are positive and meaningful for the negeri. Hal tersebut, sedikit-banyak merupakan pengakuan continuation of a business entity like Astra. bahwa Grup Astra masih merupakan yang terbaik di bidangnya. In recognition of this, Astra has been honored with a number of Puncak dari prestasi tersebut, terlihat dari peningkatan laba dari awards from both domestic and foreign institutions. These honors kerugian bersih senilai Rp 238,71 miliar pada tahun 2000 menjadi serve as an acknowledgment that the Astra Group remains the keuntungan bersih senilai Rp 844,51 miliar pada tahun 2001. best in its field. Untuk hasil yang menggembirakan tersebut, kami menyampaikan Of all its achievements, the most impressive was the change from penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya dan ucapan selamat kepada a net loss of Rp 238.71 billion in 2000 to a net profit of Rp 844.51 seluruh jajaran Manajemen yang dipimpin Bapak Theodore billion in 2001. Permadi Rachmat selaku Presiden Direktur, serta kepada segenap karyawan Grup Astra yang telah memberikan dedikasi, integritas In light of these impressive results, let me, in my private capacity profesional dan integritas moralnya di sepanjang tahun 2001. as well as on behalf of the Board of Commissioners, convey my greatest appreciation to the Management, led by Mr. Theodore Pada kesempatan ini, tidak lupa kami juga mengucapkan terima Permadi Rachmat as the President Director, as well as to all Astra kasih atas dukungan dan kepercayaan para pemegang saham, employees, who worked with such dedication as well as para mitra usaha, pemasok, pelanggan dan stakeholder lainnya professional and moral integrity in 2001. kepada Perseroan. Semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa senantiasa memberikan ridhonya kepada kita semua. On this occasion, I also would like to express my gratitude to all shareholders, partners, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders for their continued support and trust of the Company. May Almighty God always bless us. Jakarta, May 2002 Abdul Rachman Ramly Presiden Komisaris / President Commissioner ASTRA international 8 Letter from the President Director to Shareholders Yth Bapak dan Ibu Para Pemegang Saham Marilah kita mengucapkan puji dan syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, karena atas perkenan-Nya kita dapat melewati tahun 2001 dengan baik dan menggembirakan, meski berbagai tantangan dan kesulitan senantiasa menghadang. Sukses tersebut dicapai berkat dukungan dan kepercayaan Dewan Komisaris serta seluruh stakeholder kepada Perseroan. Juga, tentu saja, merupakan buah dari kerjasama, kerja keras, dan kerja cerdas segenap karyawan Astra dan Manajemen untuk senantiasa memberikan yang terbaik. Keinginan untuk menjadi yang terbaik, saling menghargai dan teamwork, memang telah menjadi bagian dari kultur Astra dan menjadi “habit” bagi setiap insan Astra - yang melahirkan semangat dan optimistik. Dear Shareholders, Sebagai pimpinan Perseroan, saya sangat menghargai dedikasi Let us pray and give thanks to Almighty God. Because of His dan hasil kerja segenap karyawan dan pimpinan Astra. Saya juga blessings, we were able to pass through 2001 with good and terkesan dengan komitmen para karyawan dalam menjunjung heartening result, despite the various challenges and difficulties tinggi integritas profesionalisnya, yang merupakan prasyarat that confronted us. penting dalam mencapai sukses baik secara institusional maupun individual. This success was achieved thanks to the support and trust of the Board of Commissioners and all the stakeholders in the Company. Terbitnya buku “Etika Bisnis dan Etika Kerja Astra”, “Astra And of course, our success was also the result of the cooperation, Management System”, “Astra Human Resources Management” dedication, intelligence and hard work of Astra’s employees and serta “Astra Green Company” yang sosialisasinya dicanangkan management. The desire to give one’s best, respect for one sejak awal tahun 2001, bagi saya, memiliki makna khusus dalam another, and teamwork have become an ingrained part of Astra’s menjalankan roda organisasi bisnis sebesar Astra. Kesemuanya culture and the practice of everyone at Astra, boosting morale merupakan instrumen yang efektif dalam merespons berbagai and optimism. fenomena yang terjadi dalam dunia bisnis global. As the Company’s leader, I deeply appreciate the dedication and Disamping itu, para pimpinan Astra juga memiliki kesadaran akan work of every Astra employee and manager. I am also impressed pentingnya proses kaderisasi yang sehat dan terarah. Dengan by the commitment of all employees to maintain professional demikian, kita boleh berharap bahwa kelak akan muncul integrity, which is an important prerequisite for success on both pemimpin-pemimpin bisnis yang handal, profesional serta the institutional and individual level. memiliki kecerdasan intelektual, kecerdasan emosional dan kecerdasan spiritual. Saya terobsesi bahwa leader Astra di masa The publishing of books titled “Astra Business and Work Ethics”, depan adalah pemimpin yang memiliki 9 kriteria: vision, obsesion, “Astra Management System”, “Astra Human Resources courage, people skill, integrity, commitment, teamwork, business Management” and “Astra Green Company”, whose socialization sense dan building image. has been pursued since early 2001, for me has special meaning in running an organization as big as Astra. These books serve as Kesemua faktor tersebut di atas, ditambah faktor eksternal yang effective instruments in responding to various phenomena in the cenderung bersahabat, telah membawa Perseroan kepada kinerja global business world. yang mengesankan. In addition, all Astra leaders understand the importance of a healthy and guided process of renewing the Company’s leadership. Therefore, we all hope that in the future, reliable and ASTRA international 9 Letter from the President Director to Shareholders PENINGKATAN KINERJA professional business leaders with intellectual, emotional and spiritual strength will emerge. I am determined that the Company’s Hasilnya dapat kita lihat pada tahun 2001, di mana meski situasi leaders of tomorrow have the nine characteristics necessary for ekonomi Indonesia belum kondusif, Astra mampu membukukan success: vision, obsession, courage, people skills, integrity, catatan positif. Penjualan bersih Perseroan pada tahun 2001 commitment, teamwork, business sense and building image. mencapai Rp 30,12 triliun, meningkat sekitar 6,1% dibanding tahun 2000 senilai Rp 28,4 triliun. Sedangkan laba bersih All of the above factors, supported by favorable external factors, Perseroan mengalami peningkatan yang sangat signifikan, yaitu enabled the Company to achieve an impressive performance. dari rugi bersih Rp 238,71 miliar pada tahun 2000 menjadi laba bersih Rp 844,51 miliar pada tahun 2001. Hal ini terutama PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT disebabkan oleh kinerja menggembirakan dari sektor otomotif, pembiayaan konsumen baik untuk mobil dan motor serta dari This can be seen in our results in 2001. At a time when Indonesia’s sektor agribisnis yang tetap mampu menunjang kinerja Perseroan economic situation was not conducive to growth, Astra booked secara keseluruhan, walaupun masih ada sektor usaha seperti positive results. The Company’s net sales in 2001 reached Rp 30.12 perkayuan yang belum dapat memberikan hasil yang optimal. trillion, a 6.1% increase from Rp 28.4 trillion in 2000. Meanwhile, the Company’s net profit rose significantly from a net loss of Rp Untuk bisnis sepeda motor, Astra bahkan membukukan hasil 238.71 billion in 2000 to a net profit of Rp 844.51 billion in 2001. penjualan tertinggi yang pernah dicapai selama ini, yaitu dengan This was mainly the result of the heartening performance of the angka penjualan 932.178 unit atau naik 95% dibandingkan tahun automotive business, the consumer financing business both for lalu. Hal ini dapat tercapai sebagian karena semakin mantapnya automobiles and motorcycles, as well as the agribusiness sector. posisi Honda di pasar domestik maupun regional sebagai hasil These sectors continued to support the Company’s overall dari restrukturisasi bisnis sepeda motor, dimana sejak Januari 2001 performance, despite some business sectors, such as the wood- lalu, Astra bersama-sama dengan Honda Motor Co., Ltd. based business, being unable to produce satisfactory results. membentuk perusahaan patungan baru, yaitu PT Astra Honda Motor, yang mampu memperlancar proses alih teknologi, In its motorcycle business, Astra booked its highest sales ever, meningkatkan efisiensi serta sekaligus menjadi pemegang hak with total sales volume of 932,178 units representing a 95% agen tunggal, pabrikan dan distributor yang terintegrasi untuk increase from the previous year. This was achieved through the kawasan Indonesia. inter alia strengthening of Honda motorcycles in the domestic and regional markets, the result of a restructuring of the PEMBAYARAN CICILAN HUTANG DIPERCEPAT motorcycle business. In this restructuring, which took place in January 2001, Astra and Honda Motor Co. Ltd. established a new Seiring dengan menguatnya arus kas Perseroan akibat dari joint venture company, namely PT Astra Honda Motor, to smooth mengalirnya dana segar dari hasil restrukturisasi PT Astra Honda out the process of technology transfer and to improve efficiency. Motor kepada Perseroan serta membaiknya operasional At the same time, the joint venture company holds the rights as perusahaan, maka Perseroan berhasil melunasi sisa hutang seri I the sole agent, manufacturer and distributor of Honda motorcycles pada akhir bulan Maret 2001 sebelum jatuh tempo, serta in Indonesia. melakukan pembayaran lebih awal sebesar 20% dari cicilan hutang Seri II yang jatuh tempo pada akhir tahun 2002 pada ACCELERATED DEBT INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS tanggal 28 Desember 2001. With the strengthening of the Company’s cash flow, thanks to PENGHARGAAN an infusion of fresh funds from the proceeds of PT Astra Honda Motor’s restructuring as well as the Company’s improving Pada kesempatan ini, izinkan kami menyampaikan ucapan terima operations, Astra was able to pay the remainder of its Series I kasih kepada Bapak Mikio Nomura dan Bapak Tan Sri Dato’ Paduka debt at the end of March 2001, before the debt reached maturity. (Dr) Sallehuddin bin Mohamed, atas arahan dan bimbingan On December 28, 2001, the Company paid a 20% installment mereka sebagai anggota Dewan Komisaris selama ini. Kedua on its Series II debt, which does not fall due until the end of Komisaris tersebut telah mengundurkan diri pada Rapat Umum 2002.