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ago. Mildred E. Rafferty Chesley~alph, \,~:j(lM, He was employed by NEWMARKET - Mrs. Mil- the F.A. Gray, Inc., painting~ontractorI9')9 dred E. Rafferty, 63, died this painter of Portsmouth and morning at the Rockingham CountyHospital after ashort ill- NEWMARKET' - Chesley Ralph, later by the University of ness.~, 1L\ hl"'\\. ,q<.aif:: 82, of 5 Pine St., died Thursday at his New Hampshire. Mrs. Rafferty was born in home after a period of failing health. He was former police Newmarket Dec. 13,1904,alife- Born in Port de Grave, New- officer for the town of longresident ofBayRoad. foundland, Oct. 29, 1896, the son of Ed- Newmarket and amember For many years she was ward J. and Susan Caravan Ralph, he of the Durham Police bookkeeper at Turcotte Hard- had resided in Newmarket for the Auxiliary. He was also a ware Store, Newmarket. Sheis the daughter ofthe late past 40 years, having lived formerly well-known sportsman FI:'1!I!~JYllWr.,andiss~rvivied in Lynn, Mass. and adealer in antiques. byher mother, Mrs. SadIeCum- Mr. Ralph was a painting con- Chesley is survived by mings Willey, Newmarket; one tractor in Lynn, Mass., and was em- his daughter, Mrs. Fred daughter, Mrs. Raymond Bat- ployed for many years by the F. A. (Dorothy) Deganyoun of ricia Twombly, Portsmouth. Gray Painters of Portsmouth, and There are two grandchildren, later by the University of New Hamp- Newmarket, and one son, one sister, Mrs. Arthur (Ruth) shire. Mr. Robert L. Ralph of Lambert, Newmarket. Thereare Nashua, N.H., plus 12 He was a former police officer in four brothers, Frank WillyJr., Newmarket and a former member of grandchildren and 14 Chester Willey,RalphWilley,all of Newmarket, and Robert Wil- the Durham Police Auxiliary. great grandchildren. leyofMadbury.Oneaunt, sever- Mr. Ralph was a former antique He also leaves one alnieces andnephews. dealer and a'n avid outdoor sports- sister, Mrs. Carrie Ralph Funeral services will be held man. Campbell of Lynn, Mass., Friday at 2 pm at the Brisson The family includes a daughter, plus several nieces, and Kent Funeral Home, New- Mrs. Fred (Dorothy) Degonyoun of nephews and cousins. market. Burial' in Roverside Newmarket; one son, Robert L. Ralph Cemetery, Newmarket with of Nashua; 12 grandchildren; 14 Rev. Marshall Stevenson,pastor great-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. of the Lee Congregational Churchofficiating. Carrie Campbell of Lynn, Mass.; and Friends and relatives are in- several nieces, nephews and cousins. vited tocall at the funeral home Funeral services will be con- Thursday from 2 to 4and 7to 9 ducted at 11 a.m. Monday from the om. Brisson and Kent Funeral Home, 41 Exeter St. Burial will be in Riverside Florence Rasmussen Cemetery in the spring. Friends and relatives are invited NEWMARKET - Aldea M. Ran- to call from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday and DURHAM Florence Linnea .dall, 88, formerly of Exeter Street, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday at R;asmussen, 95, formerly of Wood- died Saturday, April 18, 1992,at Ro- the Brhlson and Kent Funeral Home. SIde Rd., Durham, died Thursday. chester Manor, after along illness. February 2, 1995 at the Camden Born in Newmarket, N.H. on Octo- Chesley Ralph, Health Care Center, Camden Maine after along illness. ' , ber 4,1903,the daughter of Francois ,Q179 X. and Delina (Masse) Moreau, she Born March 2, 1898in Rockford was a lifelong resident of Newmar- Ex-Contractor, Ill., she was the daughter of Aaro~ ket. and Mary (Jonsson) Burkman. For many years she worked as a Police Officer She grew up in Roscoe, Ill., and weaver in the Newmarket Manufac- was a graduate of Rockford High turing Co. School (to which she commuted bv She also worked an an inspector NEWMARKET - Fun- horse and buggy) and the University and packer for Rockingham Shoe eral serives were held ofWisconsin. Co., Newmarket, and the Kingston- from the Brisson and Kent She was a gifted gardener and cre- Warren Corp., Newfields. Funeral Home, 41 Exeter ator of floral arrangements and was She was a communicant of St- Street, Newmarket, for a member of the Durham Garden Mary's Church and a member of the Chesley Ralph, 82, of 5 Club and the Silver Squares. Newmarket Senior Citizens. She was active in the Community Pine Street with Rev. She was predeceased by her hus- Church of Durham Women's Guild Shane Estes officiating. band, Hubert Randall, who died in and the greens committee of the 1975, and her son, Hubert Randall Christmas fail'. Burial will be held in Jr., whodied in1982. Her husband, Prof. Edwin J. the spring in the Riverside Survivors include: a daughter-in- Rasmussen, extension horticultural- law, Mrs. Ingrid Randall ofNewmar- Cemetery, Newmarket. ist and professor of horticulture at ket; a sister, Mrs. Bernard (Diana) The bearers were the University of New Hampshire Loughlin of Newmarket; five grand- died in 1969. ' Richard Ralph, David children, Mrs. Robert (Carol) Gahan Survivors include: a daughter Ralph, Robert Blouin, of Madbury, Janet Caron of Goffs- Mary Helen of Durham' a son Joh~ Herbert Ralph, Larry town, Nancy Archambeault of Barr- Edward ofTenants Harbor, !VI~ine:a ington,Brian Randall ofNewmarket Ralph and Frederick sister, Helen Burkman of Howell and Lisa Randall of Newmarket; Ralph. Mich.; four grandchildren; and fou; five great-grandchildren; and two grea t-grandchildren. Chesley was born in nephews. Port DeGrave, Newfound- Amemorial service wJ1lbeheldat 2p.m. Sat- Friends and relatives are invited to call on land, on Oct. 29, 1896, the urday, Feb. 18at theCommunity ChurchofDur- Mondayfrom 2-4and 7·9p.m. at the Kent and son of Edward J. and ham. Pelczar Funeral Home,41Exeter St.,Newmar· Susan Caravan Ralph. It wouldbeappreciated ifmemorial donations keto He was a painting con- were made to the McGregor Memorial Ambu- AMassofChristianburialwillbecelebrated on traetor in Lynn, Mass., for lance.P.O.Box4,Durham, N.H.03824. Tuesdayat10a.m.inSt.Mary's Church,followed many years before moving byburialinCalvaryCemetery, Newmarket. to Newmarket 40 years -r•..• "lc._jt,+ "1ft"'" charles Ramsdell For 10years she owned and operated theSandwich Shop ,qas- at Rockingham Junction. .. - Her husband Charles F.Ramsdell died in 1985. NEWMARKET - Charles F. Ramsdell, 85, of 59 Exe- Survivors include several nieces and nephews. ter St. died Thursday, Sept. 5, at Exeter Health Care after A funeral service will be held on Tuesday, May 3 at 2 a long illness. p.m. from the Kent & Pelczar Funeral Home, 41 Exeter Born Aug. 6, 1900, in Nottingham, the s~mof,Robert St.,Newmarket, with Rev. David Wuori, officiating. Burial W. and Martha (O'Brien) Ramsdell, he had lived m New- will follow in Riverside Cemetery, Newmarket. market for the past 63years, previously residing inExeter. Relatives and friends are invited to call at the funeral He had worked for the Newmarket Electric Co. and then as a shipfitter at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, retiring home from 1to 2p.m. prior to the funeral service. in 1963. Emma C. Ramsdell He was amember of the Knights of Pythias, Rising Star Lodge, F&M, of Newmarket and the Newmarket Senior NEWMARKET - Emma C. Ramsden, 93, of Exeter Citizens. Street, died Saturday, April 30, 1994 at Helga's B & B Survivors include his wife of 63 years, Mrs. Emma Guest House in Durham, where she had recently resided. (Young) Ramsdell of Newmarket; and several nieces, Mrs. Ramsden was born Oct 21, 1900 in Newmarket nep,pews and cousins. andwas the daughter ofLewis and Liza (Hamilton) Young. FUneral services were Sunday, Sept. 8, at the Kent She was a lifelong resident of Newmarket and for many Funeral Home, 41 Exeter St., Newmarket, wit~ the Rev. years wintered in Sarasota, Fla.- Shane Estes, pastor ofthe Newmarket Commumty church, She had worked at the Newmarket Manufacturing Co., officiating. Burial took place inRiverside Cemetery, New- making warps for the weavers, and when the mills moved market. to Lowell, she went there and instructed people on how to Memorial donations may be made totheNewmarket Am- make warps. bulance Corps, incare ofMrs. Candice Jarosz, Langs Lane, Newmarket. She was also formerly employed at Little Yankee Shoe Co. in Newmarket, and the Kingston-Warren Co. in Newfields. Aldea M. Randall 199;;" For 10years, she owned and operated the sandwich shop at Rockingham Junction. NEWMARKET -Aldea M. Randall, 88, formerly ofEx- Her husband, Charles F.Ramsdell, died in 1985. eter St., died Saturday, April 18at Rochester Manor after Survivors include several nieces and nephews. a long illness. Afuneral service was held on Tuesday, May 3 from the Born in Newmarket on Oct. 4, 1903, the daug~ter of Kent arid Pelczar Funeral Home, Newmarket, with Rev. Francois X. andDelina (Masse) Moreau, shewas alIfelong David Wuori officiating. resident of Newmarket. Burial followed in Riverside Cemetery, Newmarket. For many years, she worked asaweaver inthe Newmar- ket Manufacturing Co. .. She also worked as an inspector and packer for Rocking- ham Shoe Co., Newmarket, and the Kingston-Warren CharlesRamsd~1I Corp., Newfields.' rest-~'?,> ( She was a communicant of St. Mary's Church and a NEWMARKET - Charles member of the Newmarket Senior Citizens. Ramsdell, 85, of 59 Exeter St. died Thursday, Sept. 5, 1985, at Exeter She was predeceased by her husband, Hubert Randall, Health Care after along illness. who died in 1975, and her son, Hubert Randall Jr., who Born Aug. 6, 1900,in Nottingham, died in 1982. . the son of Robert W. and Martha Survivors include adaughter-in-law, Mrs. Ingnd Randall (O'Brien) Ramsdell, he had lived in of Newmarket; asister, Mrs. Bernard (Diana) Loughlin of Newmarket for the past 63 years, previously residing inExeter. Newmarket; fivegrandchildren, Mrs. Robert (Carol) Gahan Hehad worked for the Newmarket of Madbury, Janet Caron of Goffstown, Nan~y Archam- Electric Co. and then as a shipfitter beault of Barrington, and Brian Randall ~d Lisa Randall, at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, both of Newmarket; five great-grandchildren; and two retiring in1963. Hewas a member ofthe Knights of nephews. ril Pvthias, Rising Star Lodge, F&AM, AMass ofChristian burial wascelebrated Tuesday, Ap of Newmarket and the Newmarket 21 inSt. Mary's Church. Burial followed inCalvary Ceme- Senior Citizens. tery, Newmarket. Kent and Pelczar Funeral Home, New- Survivors include his wife of 63 market, was.~~ charge of arr~ngements. ~'"'" _ years, Mrs. Emma (Young) Ramsdell ofNewmarket; and sever- Emma C. Ramsdell alnieces, nephews and cousins. Funeral services will be held at 2 NEWMARKET - Emma C. Ramsdell, 93, of Exeter p.m. Sunday at the Kent Funeral Home, 41 Exeter St., Newmarket, Street, died Saturday, April 30, 1994 at Helga's B.& B with the Rev. Shane Estes, pastor of Guest House in Durham, where she had re~ently reSIded. the Newmarket Community Church, Mrs. Ramsdell was born Oct. 21, 1900, ~nNewm~rket, officiating. Burial will be in River- N.H. and was the daughter of Lewis and Llza (HamIlton) side Cemetery, Newmarket. Young. She was a lifelong resident of ~ewmarket and for Friends are invited to call from 1 many years wintered in Sarasota, Flonda. . to 2 p.m. Sunday, prior to the ser- She had worked at the Newmarket Mfg. Co. making vice. Memorial donations may be made warps fortheweavers, andwhen the mills moved toLowell tothe Newmarket Ambulance Corps, shewant there and instructed people onhowtomake warps. In care of Mrs. Candice Jarosz, She was also formerly employed at Little Yank~e Shoe -LangsLane, Newmarket. Co. in Newmarket, and the Kingston-Warren Co. 10New- fields. _ __ NEWMARKET Emma C. Ramsdell, 93,of Exeter Street, died Saturday, April 30,1994,at Helga's B & B Guest House in Durham, where she had recently resided. Mrs. Ramsdell was born Oct. 21, 1900inNewmarket, N.H. and was the daughter of Lewis and Liza (Hamil- ton) Young. She was a lifelong resi- dent of Newmarket and for many years wintered inSarasota, Fla. She had worked at the Newmarket Manufacturing Co., making warps for the weavers, and when the mills moved to Lowell, she went there and instructed people on how to make warps. She was also formerly employed at Little Yankee Shoe Co. in Newmar- ket, and the Kingston-Warren Co. in Newfields. For 10years, she owned and oper- ated the sandwich shop at Rocking- ham Junction. Her husband Charles F. Ramsdell died in 1985. Survivors include several nieces and nephews. Afuneral service willbeheldonTuesday at 2 p.m. from theKent andPelczar Funeral Home, 41Exeter St.,Newmarket, withRev.DavidWuo- ri,officiating. Relatives and friends are invitedtocall at the funeral homefrom 1-2p.m. prior tothe funeral service. Burial willfollowinRiverside Cemetery, New- market. Foster's DailyDemocrat, Dover, N.H. Dover; one sister, Mrs. Belle Wen- Thu~ay Evening,November29,1984 tworth of Angleton, Texas; and several nieces and nephews. Hugh Reed Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Obituary today from the Durham Community HAWORTH, N.J. - Hugh R. Church with the Rev. Harold Criswell; "Dick" Reed, 54, of 206Ousatonna pastor of the Durham Community John E. Reardon St., was pronounced dead Friday, Church, officiating. Nov.23,1984,at hishome after asud- Burial will be in the spring in Dur- Services for John Edward denillness. ham Cemetery. Reardon Jr., 52, 4308 Green- Born in Reading, Mass., he had The Brisson and Kent Funeral Home, burg Ln., Annandale, Md., who been a 25-year resident of Haworth 41 Exeter St., Newmarket was in died Aug. 1,willbe held today, andNewmarket, N.H. charge of arrangements. Aug. 4, at 2p.m. from Brisson Mr. Reed was a 1951graduate of Memorial donations may be made to the University of New Hampshire the organization or charity of one's and Kent Funeral Home, New- and was employed as operations choice. _ market. manager for the AT&T Consumer Locally he is survived by a Products ofQueens,N.Y. sister, Mrs. Frank (Dorothy) Hewas a warden ofSt. Luke Epis- Willey, Newmarket; two copal Church and was a member of brothers, Myron and Charles, Rising Star Lodge 47, F&AM, of Newmarket, N.H. both of Newmarket; nieces and Family members include his wife nephews, aunts and uncles. Mrs. Deborah (Waugh) Reed of Burial will take place in the Haworth; three daughters, Mrs. Ste- Durham Cemetery. phen (Carol) Liszewski ofLittle Fer- Friends and relatives are ry, N.J., Susan V.Re dofNewYork invited to call at the funeral City and Mrs. Ste'/en (Deborah) home this evening from 7-9. Dressler of Acton, Mass.; two sons, Dana S. Reed and Bruce R. Reed, both of Englewood, N.J.; a grand- son; his father, Laurence Reed of Reading, Mass.; a brother, Charles ReedofFreedom, NoH.; and asister Former t~_ac~l!rMary Reilly dies Mrs. Richard (Ann) Priebe of War: renF,unMearainle.services were held Sun- , 'J)::",'~";"" n K l DOVER - Mary C. Realy, 85, of day, Nov. 25,in St. Luke Episcopal 411CochecoPark, a former resident ChurchinHaworth. of 14 Trakey Street, died Tuesday, Memorial contributions may be July 21,1987,at Wentworth-Douglass made to the University of New Hospital after abrief illness. Hampshire 100Club, in care ofJohn Born June 10,1902,inNewmarket, S. Elliott Alumni Center, UNH, Dur- the daughter of Hugh and Frances ham. (O'Connor)Reilly, shehad resided in Gertrude Reardon, Dovermostofher life. She was a graduate of St. Mary age 90 SchoolandDover HighSchool,gradu- ["t<:'1.• ated from the University of New DURHAM - Mrs. Gertrude M. Rear- Hampshire, Class of 1923,and also don, 90, of Churchill Apartments died studiedfurther at BostonUniversity. Friday evening at the Dover Health Miss Reilly taught English at Care Center after a long illness. Dover High School42years and was Born in Dover, she had made her chairman of the English Depart- home in Durham for 62years. ment. While teaching, she was hon- For many years she was an active ored as Teacher of the Year as well member of the Durham Community as being awarded a citation from Church. She was a member of Scam- UNH for being outstanding in the mell Grange where she held the office fieldofeducation. M R'II of lecturer and secretary for many This past year the Dover High ary 91 Y School library was renamed the past local regent. She had served as years and was a past master. Mary C.Reilly Library inher honor. state treasurer as wellas being state Mrs. Reardon was a Gold Star Following her retirement from the treasurer ofthe Past Grand Regents mother and member of Bourgoin-Rear- Dover public school systems, she Club. . don American Legion Auxiliary. She taught at St. Thomas Aquinas High FamilY members include several was also a member of the Silver School.She was senior class adviser cousins 'and a longtime friend, Mrs. Squares and was well known in the formany years. Cecelia H. Farley, with whom she Durham area for her fine cooking. Shewas a member ofDelta Kappa made her home. Mrs. Reardon was a former member Gamma Sorority and the National, AMass of Christian burial will be of the Pythian Sisters of Durham. NewHampshire and Strafford Coun~ celebrated at 10 a.m. Friday at St. She is survived by three sons, Myron ty Retired Teachers Associations. Joseph Church. Burial will·be in 8t. F. Reardon of Barrington, Charles W. She had been secretary of the State MaryNewCemetery. Reardon of Newmarket and Herbert A. Association. Relatives andfriends are invited to Reardon of Somersworth; four daugh- Shewas amember andformer sec- callfrom 2to4and 7to9p.m. Thurs- ters; Mrs. Frank Dorothy Willey of retary of the Dover Women's Club. day at the Tasker Funeral Home, 621 Newmarket, Mrs. Alfred (Barbara) Shewas the first president ofthe St. Central Ave.,Dover. Thomas Aquinas Parents Club. Those who wish are invited to Isaacson of Durham, Mrs. Richard She was member and past presi- make memorial contributions in her (Shirley) Yates of Fairfield, Conn., dent ofSt. Joseph Altar and Rosary name to the Catholic Daughters Mrs. Robert (Marjorie) Long of Chat-- Society and was a communicant of State Scholarship Fund, in care of ham, Mass.;. 13 grandchildren, 15 St.Joseph Church. AnnaBuckley, 165MountVernon St., great-grandchildren; three brothers Shewas a member ofthe Catholic Dover, N.H.03820or tothe charity of Ch.arles Leighton of Kittery, Scott Dallg11tersof the Americas and was _oll_e_'s_c_ho___ic_e'--- Leighton and James J:.,eighton, both of f~J~~n ~ He was a 49-year member of the Record fO;\TV>4 i"\"4I\!if Lamprey Aerie No. 1934F.O.E., and WLttb ~ \~ NEWMARKET Myron F. was a life member of the Robert G IHH'.h7IAM -Mary E. Record 84 of Durgin A.L. Post No. 61, both of "Mike" Reardon, 74, of 9 Newmarket. ~ Sdwol House Lane, died M~nd~Y, Granite St., died. Tuesday, 2, ~" .4, 1989,at Wentworth-Douglass 1989, at Rockingham Nursing Home, He was also 11member ofthe New- IHlsprtnl, Dover. market Senior Citizens. Brentwood. Born Sept. 24, 1904,in Derry, the He was the widower of Jane Born 26. in York, Maim" of Leroy S. and Annie E. the son of 8.nd . (Bascom) Reardon who died in 1963, Hartshorn, she had resided ton) Reardon, he had lived in Barr- ~adelyn (Slade) Reardon who died Duxh:amfor the past 42years for- m 1911,and Lucille (Smith) Reardon ington for six for living in Newmarket f~r 11 45 years and the past year and a who died in 1982. year!!. half at Rockingham Nursing Home. Survivors include: a brother. Her- Sl~ew:asformerly employed in the He had been errlpl,oYi3das 11laborer bert A. Reardon, Piermont, N.R.; IH1.dIO VIsual department at the Uni- for various striuctionfirms. four sisters, Mrs. Dorothy M, Willey versity ofNew Hampshire. Mr. Reardon was a member of L"c1" ofNewmarket; Mrs. Barbara Isaac- She had att~nded the University of borers Union Local 976AFL-CIO. the son of Durham; Mrs. Shirley Yates M..?~wHampshIre for several years Robert Amerkan ofRochester, N.Y.; Mrs. Marjorie L. She was a member of Newmarket P t No. In Long of South Chatham, Mass.; sev- Community Church. K~gston VFW Post. eral nieces and nephews; two step- The widow of Louis Record who Hewas an Corps vet· sons, Robert and Fred Edgerly of died 1984,she is survived by'three eran ofWorld War Newmarket; and several stepgrand- sons, Jack L. Recprd of Deerfield He was a former member of Lam· children. .!lon L. Record of Nottingham and prey Aerie No. 1934FOE ofNewmar· James W. Record of Dover; three ket, and was form€:rly a volunteer He was predeceased by four broth- dau.ghters, Beverly R. Burrows of for the Newmarket Depart- ers, John. Harold, William and Durham. Sara L. Gowen of Roches- ment. Myron Reardon. ter and Linda McGowen of Notting- Survivors include his 51 ham; I! grandchildren; 12 great- Edith grandchIldren; and several cousins. Th13reare nocalling hours. r Gr<i.vesideservices will be held to- NEWFIELDS - Justin "Skip" C. day at 2p.m. in Pleasant View Cern- (Judy) Renner, 16,ofRailroad Avenue, died eh:ry, Londonderry. and Nil'S. Thursday, Aug. 1,1991,at his home. Family flowers only. Adams of Rochester; eight Born Dec. 21,1914,in Portsmouth, Memurial contributions, ifdesired, two great-grandchil- the sonofJohn and Maude (Sullivan) !"nay be made to Crotchett Mountain bn,th<,rs, Charles Reardon Renner, he had resided in Newfields IiGvmlation, Greenfield, N.H. 03047 of Newmarket Herbert Reardon since 1951 and formerly resided in KHlt & Pelczar Funeral H~me, 41 ofPiermont, N.H.; five Doro- Newmarket for 16years. EXf£ter st.. Newmarket, is in charge thy VViHeyof Newmarket, He served inWorld War II and had of [H'rangements. Isaacson of Durham, Mrs. Richard 14years service in the New Hamp- Yates of Rochester, N,Y., shire National Guard. and Mrs, Robert Nialrjcirie Long of He was formerly employed at the Adelord Renaud ChaUliH1rl,Mass.; and several nieces Portsmouth Naval Shipyard as a MA 7\ht-\'\ )~"'l~ caulker-chipper, later at the Essex Co. of Newmarket and for many NEWMAUET' - Adelard years was a repairman for the Zied- J. Renaud, 64, of 2 Rock man Corp. and was employed for ten Street, died Sunday at the VA years at the commissary at Pease Hospital in Boston, Mass., af- Air Force Base. ter a short illness. where An:lerica He was a member of Newmarket He was born in New- vices be conducted at Community Church and attended the market, Nov. 14, 1911, and Funeral ser'flices "«viEbe Fri- NeV\1ields Community Church. He had been a life iong resident. day at 2 p.m. in the funeral home was a former Sooday school teacher He was the son of the late Pe- with the Rev. Dean F'lemming, chap .. inNewmarket. ter and Suzanne (Lepine) Re- lain of Rockingham Nursing Home, Mr. Renner was past American Le- naud. officiating. Burial will be in Durham gion District 3vice commander and He served in the U.S. Army from 1955-57was State ofNew Hamp- ~during WWII, was a member Cemetery. shire Department vice commander. flowers only. : of the Robert G. Durgin He was past commander and mem- M€~m()riillcontributions. if desired. . American Legion Post 67,the ber of the Robert G. Durgin Ameri- may be made to the American Dia- . Lamprey Aerie FOE 1934, can Legion Post No. 67of Newmar- betes Association, New Hampshire and St. Mary Church. ket and was former director of the Affiliate, P.O. Box 595,Manchester, Survivors include his wife, Drum and Bugle Corps of the N n.,03105, Boomer American Legion Post of .Jeanett (Hamel) Renaud of Newmarket; three daugh- Portsmouth. For many years he was a member ters, Mrs. Richard (Irene) ofthe Newmarket Fire Department. Morin of Somersworth, Mrs. NEWMARKET - Charles W. Survivors incllifle: his wife of 51 Larry (Aline) Gowen and Reardon, 13,ofLampre;l Street, died years, Barbara (Sewall) Renner of Mrs. Michael (Marie) Wickcl- Tuesday. June 25, 1991, at Exeter Newfields; two sons, Walter J. iff, both of Newmarket; four Hospital. Renner of Newfields and Richard A. grandchildren, and one step- Born June 29, 1917 in Durham, Renner of Lee; two daughters, Mrs. brother, Albert Lepine. N.H., the son of John & Gertrude (Leighton) Reardon, he resided in David (Elaine) Williams and Cheryl A mass of Christian burial Newmarket for 50years. A. Murray, both of Newfields; 12 will be celebrated Wednesday He served in the U.S. Navy during grandchildren; three great-grand- at 9 a.m. from St. Mary World War II. children; two sisters, Mrs. Shirley Church with burial in Calvary He was a foreman in the ground Tosi and Mrs. Mildred Dion, both of Cemetery, Newmarket. maintenance department at the Uni- Portsmouth; several nieces and Friends and relatives are versity of New Hampshire, and had nephews. invited to call Tuesday 2-4 also been employed at the Macallan and 1-_l)~.m._at the Brisson Co.•Newmarket. Jeannette A. Renaud NEWMARKET -Jeannette A. Renaud, 73, ofNicho- lasAvenue, died Friday, Jan. 26, 1996 at Exeter Hospi- tal. Edith C. Reardon Born March 10, 1922 in Newmarket, she was the NEWMARKET -Edith C. Rear- daughter ofthe late Ulric and Malvina (Deshais) Hamel. don, 79, formerly of Newmarket She was a lifelong resident of Newmarket and had died Sunday, July 21, 1996 at th~ worked as a stitcher in various shoe shops in Newmar- Rockingham Nursing Home in ket. Brentwood. Mrs. Renaud was a former member and past presi- Born April 7,1917 in West Not- dent of the Robert G. Durgin A.L. Auxiliary Unit 67 of tingham, the daughter of James and Newmarket. Maude (Morrison) Hargreaves, she She was a communicant of St. Mary's Church, New- was raised in Nottingham, lived in market. Barrington for six years and resided Her husband, Adelard J. Renaud, died in 1976. in Newmarket for most of her life. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Richard She was a devoted mother and (Irene) Morin of Brooksville, Fla., Mrs. Larry (Aline) grandmother. Gowen of Newmarket, and Mrs. Kevin (Marie) Her husband, Myron 'Mike' Alexander of Oakland, Calif.; a brother, Wilfred U. Reardon, died in 1989. She was pre- Hamel of Newmarket; several nieces and nephews; six deceased by her son, Edward, who grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. died in 1965. A Mass of Christian burial was celebrated Tuesday, Survivors include three daugh- Jan. 30 in St. Mary's Church. Rev. John Finnigan was ters,Mrs. Roger (Joanne) Desjardins celebrant. of Ne.wmarket, Mrs. Stephen (Judy) Burial will be in the spring in Calvary Cemetery, KoskI of Dover, and Mrs. Richard Newmarket. (Joyce) Adams ofFarmington; eight Memorials may be made to the Newmarket Ambu- grandchildren; seven great-grand- lance Corps. c?ildren; one step-great-grandson; a SIster,Ethel Snow of Dunedin, Fla.; several nieces, nephews and cous- ins. Funeral services were held July NEWMARKET - Edith C. Rear- 24 at the Kent & Pelczar Funeral don 79 formerly of Newmarket, Home, Newmarket. Burial followed died July 21, 1996at the Ro~kingham ' in the Durham Cemetery. Nursing Home in Brentwood. Should friends desire, memorials Born April 7, 1917in West Notting- ham the daughter of James and -1IIIIIl.mBIi!lJl!&!!!!£M!!I!.II!I_!!!'l.MlIi_IIllJIII'# lIIIlI\iii!llmIl!lJQIIIM!III.!III&& _ Maude (Morrison) Hargreav~s, s~e may ~emade to Rockingham VNA. was raised in Nottingham, IlVe~ m HOspIce, 137 Epping Rd. Exeter NH 03833. ' Barrington for six years and resIded < , in Newmarket for most ofher life. She was a devoted mother and grandmother. " . " Her husband Myron MIke Rear- I:!el!~Rb?ley.r? don died in 1989, and she was prede- 'F""" ".\'\ ceased by her son, Edward Reardon, I k]l,,, ).." ha whSourdviievdorsin 1i9n6c5lu.de three daughter~ RipElFeyF,IN6G7H, oAfMGre-en HlVeklemnn,ta.Ji.Ln 11byeefaorrse agmooving bach. W Mrs. Roger (Joanne) Desjardins o. dIed.Saturday, Nov. 21, 1987, at her The wida,;,! of Raymo~d E. Ripley Newmarket, Mrs. Stephen \Judy) long illness. of she is survived by two Koski of Dover, and Mrs. RlCh.ard i'Ul,:;,-dst 26, 1920 in Effing~ 9 Ripley of Somers- (Joyce) Adams of Farmington; eIght " W. Ripley of Eft- grandchildren; seven great-grand- GBughter, Mrs. Sharon children; one step great-grandson;. c: : two grand- sister, Mrs. Ethel Snow of Dunedm, grandsons: -th"ee Fla.; several nieces, nephews and Frank _!?avis, .~en!1~'h cousins. 1.,;8,V1S,all of Efi~ r~/irs.Eleanor VisitinghourswillbeheldonTuesdayfrom2to Mrs. Edith 4and7to9p.m.attheKent&PelczarFuneral Mrs. Marion Libbovf Home41ExeterSt.,Newmarket. Nirs.Jeanie Metcalf Fun~ralseriveswillbeheldonWednesdayat fI1,mc,hester, Mrs. Bertha Hannaford 10a.m.attheKent&PelczarFuneralHome. NIl'S. Lillian Douglas BurialwillfollowintheDurhamCemetery. .Maine, and Mrs. Flowersareacceptableorshouldfriendsdesire of Bartlett; and memorialsmaybemadetoRockinghamVNA- and cousins. Hospice,137EppingRoad,Exeter,NH03833. n-, ser-~ices will be held at 2 Iuesday In the First Congrega- Church, Ossipee. The Rev. Da- ~'_'''''' will officiate. Burial will n; be from 7 to 9 in.Lord Funeral Home, Marianne Robinson lorenzo Roy,,:, "W••.·- 1:2.I"/cl.)"e l'j',Y;'C ,l¥' ~ ,( NEWMARKET - Lorenzo (Larry) NEWMARKET'- M;~.M~;ianne J. Robi~s~n,' 64', of 3 Roy, 59,of Bay Road died ~aturday, Great Hill Terrace died Sunday, March 3, at Frisbie Oct.9,1982, at Exeter HOspItal. Memorial Hospital in Rochester after a brief illness. Born Feb. 5,1923, in Lac Megantic, Born Sept. 13, 1920, in Chemnitz, Germany, she had Canada the son ofAime and Lucian- formerly lived in East Wakefield for 18years and had liv- na (Fortier) Roy, he had been aresi- ed in Newmarket for a short time. dent of Auburn, Maine, before mov- ingtoNewmarket 22years ago. Survivors include her husband, James W. Robinson of Mr. Roy was a veteran of World Augusta, Maine; a daughter, Mrs. Carol L. McDormand War II, serving in the U.S. Marine of Rochester; and many nieces and nephews. Corpsinthe Asiatic-Pacific area. No services will be held. Since 1960he had owned and oper- Memorial donations may be made to the American ated the Sandy Carl Bakery an.d Cancer Society, N.H. Division, 686 Mast Road, Man· Catering Service of Newmarket, chester, N.H. serving many Exeter area business- The Kent Funeral Home, 41Exeter St., Newmarket. es. I duckd arrangeme_n_ts_. _ He was an active member of the Exeter Counry Club and St. Mary's Marguerite Rollins Church, and was a Fourth Degree !?!.\ Knights of Columbus, Exeter Coun- , cil. He was a former member of the NEWMARKET -Maguerite C. Rollins, 74, of New- Newmarket Service Club and the market House, Granite Street, died Wednesday, July Robert G. Durgin American Legion 25, at Wentworth-Douglass'Hospital in Dover. Post No.67, Newmarket. Members of his family include his Born Oct. 24, 1909, in East Sutton, the daughter of widow, Mrs. Theresa (Foise) Roy of Isaac and Persis (Smith) Atherton, she had resided in Newmarket; two daughters, Mrs. Newmarket for 30 years, previously living in Durham Bruce (Sandra) Fall and Mrs. Jo- and Lee. seph (Carleen) Kruczek, both of She was retired form the Kingston-Warren Newmarket; two brothers, Alexan- Manufacturing Company after 23 years of employ- der Roy of North Wyandotte, Mich., ment. and Noel Roy ofLitchfield, Maine; a She was a member of the Newmarket Community sister Mrs. Simone Lauge of Lewis- Church and the Anglo-Saxons Association of Amer- ton, Maine; two grandchildren, Eric Fall and Kelly Kruczek, both ofNew- ica. She had been a Vista volunteer for four years, a market; and several nieces and volunteer in Human Services for Strafford County and nephews. a member of the Association for the Elderly. A Mass of Christian burial will be The widow of Lionel Rollins, she is survived by a celebrated at 10a.m. Tuesday at St. son, John S. Rollins of Middleton; two daughters, Mary's Church. Interment will be in Mrs. Charles (Audrey) Lang of Newmarket and Judith Calvary Cemetery. Howcroft of Deerfield; six grandsons; one grand- Friends and relatives may call daughter; two great-grandchildren; a brother, Walter from 2to 4 and 7 to 9p.m. today' at A. Atherton of Laconia; three sisters, :v1rs.'Valarus Brisson and Kent Funeral Home, 41 Exeter St., Newmarket. (Marion) Kibbe of Somers, Conn., Mrs. Alaric (Natalie) Hawkins of Newmarket and Mrs. Jesse (Helen) Olden of Moultonboro; and several nieces and nephews. Mrs. Lea M. Rousseau, 79, 7 Graveside services will be held at 11a.m. Saturday, Spring St., Newmarket, died Aug. 4, in East Sutton Cemetery, Sutton. March 2 at Exeter Hospital The Kent Funeral Home, 41 Exeter St., Newmar- after a long illness. ket, isin charge of arrangements. Born in Somersworth, Mrs. Donations in her memory may be made to the New" Rousseau was a member of St. ~arket Ambulance Corps, care of Mrs. Candice Mary Church, Ladies of St. J(]t:~S7, Ne~Inar_k._e_t_. _ Ann, and Robert G. Durgin Joseph Roman American Legion Auxiliary. The family mcludes hiS wife, The family includes her Viii Joseph Roman, 100, died Mrs. Tekla Roman of Pelham husband, Joseph A. Rousseau; March 18 at a local nursing Manor, N.Y., two daughters, two sons, Roland A., Newmar- home after.along illness. Mrs. Nicholas Cea of Pelham ket, and Paul H. Rousseau, Mr. Roman was born in Manor and Mrs. Stacia Reilly of Dover; six grandchildren and Austria and had lived in Dover; five grandchildren and six five great-grandchildren; and Newmarket for 65 years. Hewas great-grandchildren. several nieces and nephews. a retired employee of the A mass of Christian burial was A mass of Christian burial Newmarket Manufacturing celebrated Saturday morning at was celebrated March 5 at St. Company. He was a member of St. Mary's Church. Committal Mary Church. the Polish National Alliance, a services were held at the Calvary Burial will be in the spring at former member of the Cemetery chapel. Burial will be Calvary Cemetery, Newmarket. Newmarket Polish Club and st: at Calvary Cemetery in the Mary's Parish. SPring,- __ ------ She was an associate member of _ He worked for' the Department of Charles Rogers th~ Newburyport (Mass.) Art Associ- Transportation in the state of Con- atIOn. nectic~lt for 25years, retiring in 1984. CONCORD - Charles R Rogers She was a communicant of St. He IS survived by his wife Mary 97,formerly of Piscataqua Road died Thomas More Church and 11member Roy, of Milford; two so~s, Ro- Saturday, Oct. 24, 1987, in McKerly of the Silver Squares, both of Dur- _, Roy of Chesapeake, Ohio, and ham.. . Harold Roy of Milford; one daugh- Medical Care Center, where he had lived for the past three years. The widow of J. Clifford Ronan ter Mrs. Rita Stickles, of Rollins- Born AprH 17, 1890, the son of who died in 1973, she is survived by N.H.; three sisters, Mrs. Flor- Charles and Emmaroy (Learnard) t~o sons, Clifford J. Ronan of Mar- '2,J.Jce Paradis of Biddeford, Maine, Rogers, he was raised in Newmarket tIndale, Texas, and Francis G. ,wter Noella Roy of Rochester, N.H., and had lived in West Medford Ronan of Durham; one daughter, md,Mrs. Pauline Routhier, of Wind- Mass., for 32 years and in Concord Mrs. Peter (Dorothy) Meneghin III ·or Locks; eight grandchildren; and for the past 13years. of Newmarket; nine grandchildren' ::nree great-grandchildren. and two sisters, Mrs. Matthew Anteli A Mass of Christian burial will be He was a 1913graduate of the Uni- of Marstons Mills, Mass., and Helen !.celebrated on Monday, Aug. 31, 1987, versity of New Hampshire and a pro- Goodwin of Boston. at 10 a.m. at SL Mary's Church fessor in the drafting department at Wentworth Institute, Boston. AMass of Resurrection will be cel- Nevvmarket .. N:H. with the pastor: ebrated at 9 a.m. Wednesday at St. __' John Fmmgan, officiating. He was the football and track Thomas More Church, Durham with j3urial will be in Calvary Ceme- ctfach at Franklin High School in 1913 and 1914 and taught math for many the Rev. David Morley, past~r as Newmarket. rea~s at Medford High School, retir- celebrant. Burial will be in st. Mary and relatives are invited mgm 1953. Ceme~ery, Newburyport, Mass. . (;al] onSunday from 7-9p.m. at the He then moved to Florida and sold Callmg hours are from 2to 4 and 7 ,~-'~!'ecn·wtmFaurnkeerta.l Home, 41 Exeter St., to 9p.m. Tuesday at the Kent Funer- insurance for the Christian Mutual al Home,.41 Exeter St., Newmarket. Life Insurance Co. in St. Petersburg. MemorIal donations may be made He attended the First Baptist Church, Concord. He was an active to the Multiple Sclerosis Society Lewis A. Robinson Gideon most of his life, distributing New Hampshire Chapter, 967 El~ DURHAM - Lewis A. Robin- Bibles to various locations. St., Manchester 03101; or to St. son, ?0, of 56 Mill Road, died He enjoyed writing and wrote his Thomas More Church, Box LL, Dur- TuesGC:y at Wentworth-Doug- memoirs and several books. ham 03824. lass Hospital, Dover, after a The widower of Maude Williams long illness. . i Rogers, who died in 1975, he is sur- __Ruth E. Robie . Born in Exeter, he had lived vived by one daughter, Mrs. Wesley ! (Lucille) Schurman of Concord' l--os!!';..,; Sect 12-(V!(Vl.dL1'1 !for many years in Concord three grandchildren; and four great~ DADE CITY, Fla. - Ruth E. Ro- iwhere he was employed at th~ Rumford Press. He was the' grandchildren. . bie, beloved teacher in Newmarket I Funeral services will be held at 3 elementary schools for more than 20 ishop teacher at Newmarket! I p.m. Thursday from the Kent Funer- years, died suddenly of a massive 'High School for several years. al Home, 41 Exeter St., Newmarket. stroke at the age of 78in Dade City i He graduated from Exeter! The Rev, Walter Holder, pastor of Florida, on February 24,1988. ' !High School, attended the Cni.! First Baptist Church, assisted by the Mrs. Robie is survived by her hus- Iversity of Maine at Orono I Rev. Keith Thompson, will officiate. band, Chester; her daughters, Lana :Maine and was a member of! Burial will be in Riverside Ceme- Lemieux of West Point, utah, and ;Scannel Grange of Durham. tery, Newmarket. Janice Robie of Cornish, Maine; her i The family inclUdes his wife,Ij There are no calling hours. brother Gordon Flanders; seven 1\1rs.Beatnce (Chagnon) Robin I grandchildren; 18 great-grandchil- F~ilncesRonan dren; and several nieces and neph- Ison an5 a stepson, Paul De-! both of Durham; a ews. sister, Mrs. Christine Perkins 0; DURHAM - Frances (Goodwin) A memorial service will be held in Ronan, 82, formerly of the Churchill June at Colebrook, N.H., near her Seabrook, and two nieces Apartments, died Friday, Aug. 7, birth place and where Mrs. Robie at- , Private gravcside s;rvices 1987 at the Exeter Health Care Cen- tended Colebrook Academy (high will be held this afternoon ter. school) before beginning her teach- t':1e Durham Cemeterv. Thr Born Aug. 30, 1904, in Boston, the ing career at the age of 16 at the Brisson and Kent 'Funeral daughter of Francis and Julia (Dug- Bear Brook School in Stewartstown, Home. Newmarket is in charCiE gan) Goodwin, she had lived in West N.H. Mrs. Robie later attended arrangements. '= Roxbury, Mass., Newburyport, Plymouth Normal School, graduat- Mass., and Newbury, Mass. She had ing in 1929. Lionel Robim lived in Durham for three years and She was a dedicated teacher and in Pond View, Barrington, for nine will be mourned not only by her fam- ! ... months. By but by the many students who NEWMARKET - Lionel A. Robin, She was graduated from Perry were "her children." Mrs. Robie's 79, of Elm St., died Sunday Dec. 17, Normal School, Boston, Class of 1923, passing is a loss to all those whose· 1989,at his home in and was a primary grade school lives she touched in her 37 years of Born May 27, HUO, in Biddeford, teacher in Newbury, Mass., and teaching in New Hampshire and in Maine, the son of Alexander J. and Revere, Mass. her retirement years in Florida. Adeline (Brousseau) Robin, he had She was head of the hospitality lived in Newmarket for A loom fixer by trade, had committee of the Roxbury Latin worked for Gallant Manufacturing in School, West Roxbury, Mass. She was active in the Parent Newmarket and Milliken Manufac- MILFORD, Conn. - Leo J. Roy, turing Co.of Exeter as well as other Teacher Association at Ursuline '13,of 39Peck Street, died Thursdav Academy, Dedham, Mass" and Eng- Aug. 27, 1987, at the Milford Hospital textile mills. Mr. Hobin was also the lish High School, Boston. along illness. groundskeeper at Riverside Ceme- Mrs. Ronan was a former member Born in Newmarket, N.H., on tery in Newmarket for many years. of Sodality of St. Theresa Church, Nlarch 18, 1914, the son of Alfonse He was a member of st. Mary's and Theresians of St. Theresa and Bertha (Janelle) Roy, he lived in Church inNewmarket. Church, West Roxbury, Mass. She Ne'Nmarket for many years, and for Survivors include his wife, Marie organized a social service activity at the past 40 years has resided in Mil- Anna (Duhaime) Robin of Newmar- St. Theresa Church to promote visits ford. ket; t.wo daughters, Mrs. Gilman to the elderly~Il~ shut-ins. (Nancj1) Jjemier of Lee_l.lild ?t!E_s:Ed- win (Jeanne) Crosby of :i:!;astKings- ket Lions Club. ton; a son, Edward J. Robin ofNew- Mr. ~obles and his wife assisted in Rose Roy --'''-.:1l market; nine grandchildren and nine the delIvery of meals for the New- ~":.-t"~I~i~(.'i great-grandchildren. mar~et Meal Site Program of the NI{:WMARKET- Rose M.Roy, 76, Friends may call Tuesday from 2 Rockingham County Nutrition Pro- of Ash Swamp Road, died this morn- to4and 7to 9p.m. at Kent &Pelczar gram. ing at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital Funeral Home, 41Exeter St. inDover. . Funeral services will he held Survivors include his wife, Beverly Born Nov. 14, 1912, in Dover, the Wednesday at Hla.m. in the funeral (Blanchard) Robles of Newmarket· daughter of .Joseph and Eva home with the Rev. John l"innigan a son, Steven E. Dumas, of Lynn', (Dionne) Labrecque, she had resided pastor ofSt. Mary's Church, officiat: Mass.; Two grandchildren; Two inNewmarket fm'the past 87 mg. brothers, Joseph Robles of Everett Burial wm take place in Riverside Mass., and Emilio Robles Jr., of She was fOirmerJly Portmsouth Cemeter'y in the spring. Lakewood, Calif.; a sister, Emma Pease Air Force Base R~bles, of Malden, Mass.; and two She was a cOlrnIllmli.c:mt of St. J. Gordon RodriguesSr. neICesand anephew. Mary's Church, There willbe nocalling hours. The widow of Alfred L, NEWMARKET _ John Gordon Graveside services will be held on died in 1951,she is survived Rodrigues Sr., 72, of South Main Thursday at 1 p.m. at Riverside sons, Benjamin Roy and Street died suddenly Tuesday, July Cemetery, Newmarket, with Rev. both of Newmarket, Alfred Roy 31, 1990at Wentworth-Douglass Hos- Alex Lopez, Pastor of Newmarket of South Mass., Ronald pita!. Comm~ity Church, officiating. Roy of Dallas, Texas, and Reginald Born Aug. 26, 1917 in Newport, Faml1Y requests memorials be Roy of Dover; a daughter, Mrs. R.I., the son of John G. and Kathe- made to Newmarket Meal Site Pro- Ronald (Monica) Dumai.s of Rollins- rine (Gordon) Rodrigues, he had gram, C/O Mrs. Joan McEvoy ford; 17 grandchildnm; 10 great- lived inNewmarket for 66years. Grant Rd., Newmarket, N.H., 03857 grandchildren; three sisters, lE:va He was a 1935 graduate of New- or the Newmarket Community Cliche and Antionette Kitteridge, market High School, and a1939grad- Church Food Pantry, C/O Mrs. Isa- both of Somersworth, and Lorraine uate ofthe University ofNew Hamp- bel Donovan, Great Hills Circle Harris of Missouri; and several shire. During World War II he served Newmarket, N.H., 03857. ' nieces and nephews. in the army and was a bronze star . Kent and Pelczar Funeral Home is Friends mar call Friday from 2to medal recipient. After the war he re- mcharge ofarrangements. 4.and 7to 9p.m. at Kent & Pelczar mained active inthe army reserves. --~~--_._- '..-.------~-- Funeral Home, 41 Exeter SL New- From 1946to 1983he operated the ludger Rondeau market. . A Mass of Christian bu:dal win be Great A Motor Company, Newmar- ST. JOHNSBURY, Vt. - Ludger celebrated Saturday at 10 a.m. at St. ket and was aformer member ofthe Rondeau, 93, of Main Street, died Mary's Church, followed bytHlda!. in N.H.Automobile Dealers Assoc. July 17,1990at the VAHospital in St. Calvary Cemetery, NewmarJih!f:L Hewas a member ofSAEfraterni- Johnsbury. ty, active in the University ROTC, Born Aug. 15,1896in St.Apollinair, and member of the Alumni Associa- Canada, the son ofZephirin and Ade- tion and the 100club ofUNH. He was line (Martineau) Rondeau, he moved also amember ofthe Robert G.Dur- toNewmarket at the age ofthree, at- ginAmerican Legion Post No.67,the NEWMARKET - V. Jeanne Rob- tended Newmarket Schools and Lamprey Aerie No. 1934 FOE, the owned and operated a grocery store shaw, 60, of Lamprey River Parkat Polish Club and the Newmarket Ser- died Wednesday, March 13, 1991, onBay Road for many years. vice Club. He also lived in Portsmouth for the Exeter HospitaL Mr. Rodrigues was a member of many years, where he was an auto- Born March 19, 1930, in Brookline, St.Mary's Church, Newmarket. mobile salesman. Mass., she was the daughter of the Survivors include his wife of 49 Upon retirement he moved to St. late Leo A. and Caroia (Campbell) years, Katharine (Carpenter) Ro- Johnsbury, Vt. Handy. A 1947 gr;adl1<d:e of Newton drigues of Nemarket; three sons, He was a veteran of World War I (Mass.) High she had lived in John Gordon Rodrigues Jr., of Wil- Newton Center, Mas~.;'F'or the past bur, Wash., David A. Rodrigues, of and was also active in the SLJohns- 37years she has lived inNewmarket. Waukesha, Wisc., and Gary A. Ro- bury American Legion and VFW drigues of Des Moines, Iowa.; seven grandsons; and two great-grand- Posts. Survivors include her husband He was a member of St. John's daughters. John (Jack) Robshaw of Newmar: Friends and relatives are invited Church. ket; her mother ofExeter; two sons, Survivors include his wife, Ann to call on Friday from 2to 4p.m. at Jon Robshaw of Exeter and Jeffrey (Wills) Rondeau of St. Johnsbury; the Kent and Pelczar Funeral Home, Robshaw of Newmarket; three three daughters, Mrs. Helen Barney 41 Exeter St., Newmarket. The fu- daughters, Mrs. Gary (Jacquie) of St. Johnsbury, Barbara Nason of neral service and burial will be pri- House of Newmarket, Jennifer Rob- Camarillo, Calif., and Mrs. Shirley vate and will be held at the conven- shaw of Stratham, and Mrs. Robert Brittel of Ashby, Mass.; a son, Rob- ience ofthe family. (Janet) Puchlopek of Newmarket; ert Rondeau of California; two and nine grandchildren. grandchildren; several great-grand- children and great-great-grandchil- dren; a brother, Wilfred Rondeau of NEWMARKET - Frank Robles, Newmarket; and a sister, Severine Therearenocallinghours. 67,ofLangs Lane, died Monday July Neal ofNewmarket. !\.funeral servicewillbeheldFriday March 9,1990at his home. Funeral services were held July 21 15,at 11a.m. in the Newmarket Co~mullity Born May 26, 1923in East Boston, at St. John's' Church. Commital ser- C~urch,~th th~Rev.AlexLopez,pastor,offici· Mass., the son of Emilio and Caro- vices were held at Mt. Calvary Cem- atmg.Bunal willfollowinRiversideCemetery line (Di'Stephano) Robles, he had etery, with the folding ofthe flag by Newmarket. ' live~ in Lynn, Mass., for 21 years, representativres ofthe American Le- movmg to Newmarket in 1983. He Flowersare acceptable,or,shollldfriendsde· gionand VFW. was a 1942 graduate of Charlestown Funeral arrangements were by the sire,memorialsmaybemadetotheNewmarket HighSchool. Sayles Funeral Home, St. Johnsbury. AmbulanceCorps, c/o Candice Jarosz, Langs During World War II he served in Land,Newmarket,]\/.8.03857. the U.S.Army. For 25years he was employed by American Airlines, retiring in1983. H~_was~am~mber o~the Newmar- He was a 1935graduate ofNewmarket High School, and ~1939graduate ofthe University ofNew Hampshire. Dur- mg World War IIhe served in the Army and was abronze NEWMARKET -Lionel A. Robin, 79, of Elm St., died star medal recipient. After the war he remained active in Sunday, Dec. 17 at his home in Newmarket. the Army Reserves. Born May 27,1910, inBiddeford, Me., the son ofAlex- From 1946to 1983he operated the Great A. Motor Com- ander J. and Adeline (Brousseau) Robin, he had lived in pany, Newmarket and was a former member of the N.H. Newmarket for many years. Automobile Dealers Association. Aloom fixer bytrade, he had worked for Gallant Manu- .He was amember ofSAE fraternity, active inthe Univer- facturing in Newmarket and Milliken Manufacturing Co. SItyROTC, and member of the Alumni Association and ofExeter aswell asother textile mills. Mr. Robin was also the 100Club ofUNH. He was also amember ofthe Robert the groundskeeper at Riverside Cemetery in Newmarket G. ~urgin American Legion Post No. 67, the Lamprey for many years. Aene No. 1934 FOE, the Polish Club and the Newmarket He was amember of St. Mary's Church in Newmarket. Service Club. . Survivors include his wife, Marie Anna (Duhaime) Robin Mr. Rodrigues was a member of St. Mary's Church, of Newmarket; two daughters, Mrs. Gilman (Nancy) Ber- Newmarket. . nierofLee and Mrs. Edwin (Jeanne) Crosby ofEast Kings- Survivors include his wife of 49 years, Katharine ton; a son, Edward J. Robin of Newmarket; nine grand- (Carpenter) Rodrigues of Newmarket; three sons, John children and nine great-grandchildren. Gordon Rodrigues Jr., of Wilbur, Wash., David A. Funeral arrangements were made by Kent and Pelczar Rodrigues ~f Waukesha, Wisc., and Gary A. Rodrigues Funeral Home, 41 Exeter St. of Des Momes, Iowa; seven grandsons; and two great- Funeral services were held Wednesday, Dec. 20 in the granddaughters. funeral home with the Rev. John Finnigan, pastor of St. Kent and Pelczar Funeral Home, Newmarket, was in Mary's Church, officiating. charge of arrangements. Burial willtakeplace inRiverside Cemetery inthespring. The funeral service and burial will be private and will oseph Rousseau be held at the convenience of the family. V\,,"~·~~k>J \ \ Mc\.'),.£.,.._ \'1,\$'\0; NEWMARKET -Joseph A. Rousseau, 93, formerly of Spring Street, Newmarket, and for the past four years a NEWMARKET -Frank Robles, 67, ofLangs Lane, died resident at the New Hampshire Veterans Home in Tilton, Monday July 9, 1990 at his home. died Sunday, March 2, atthe Franklin Regional Hospital, Born May 26, 1923 in East Boston, Mass., the son of Franklin. Born March 18, 1892, in Saint Appolinaire, P.Q. Emilio and Caroline (Di'Stephano) Robles he had lived in Lynn, Mass., for 21 years, moving to Newmarket in 1983. ~e was a 1942graduate ofCharlestown High School. Canada, the son ofJoseph and Marie (Cote) Rousseau, he Dunng World War II he served in the U.S. Army. had resided in Newmarket for 82 years. For 25 years he was employed by American Airlines The manager of Kingman Rexall Store for 25 years, he retiring in 1983. ' retired in 1957. He served as town clerk of Newmarket He was a member of the Newmarket Lions Club. from 1920-1924 and 1926-1931. Mr. Robles and his wife assisted inthe delivery ofmeals He had served in the U.S. Army during World War I for the Newmarket Meal Site Program of the Rockingham andwas acharter member and past commander of theCha- County Nutrition Program. teau Thierry Barracks No. 125 of World War I Veterans. Survivors include his wife, Beverly (Blanchard) Robles He was acharter member and chaplain for fourteen years of Newmarket; a son, Steven E. Dumas, ofLynn, Mass.; and held alife membership inthe Robert G. Durgin i\meri- two grandchildren; two brothers, Joseph Robles ofEverett can Legion Post 57. Mass., and Emilio Robles Jr. ofLakewood, Calif.; asister: Amember oftheCatholic Order ofForesters Joilet Court 637, he served as financial secretary from 1920-1946 and Emma Robles of Malden, Mass.; and two nieces and a trustee from 1946-1986. He was a48-year member of the nephew. Lamprey Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 1934 of Graveside services were held last Thursday atRiverside Newmarket. Cemetery, Newmarket, with Rev. Alex Lopez, pastor of He was a communicant of St. Mary's Church. Newmarket Community Church, officiating. The widower ofLea (Cote) Rousseau, who died in 1977, Family requests memorials be made toNewmarket Meal he is survived by two sons, Roland A. Rousseau of New- Site Program, c/o Mrs. Joan McEvoy, Grant Rd., market and Paul H. Rousseau ofDover; sixgrandchildren; Newmarket, N.H. 03857 or the Newmarket Community eight great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Church Food Pantry, c/o Mrs. Isabel Donovan GreatHills A Mass of Christian burial was celebrated on Wednes- Circle, Newmarket, N.H. 03857. ' day, March 5, at St. Mary's Church with the Rev. John Kent and Pelczar Funeral Home was in charge of Finnigan, pastor, as celebrant. Burial will be in the spring arrangements. in Cavalry Cemetery, Newmarket. Friends who desire may make memorial donations tothe ;-iewmarket Ambulance Corps, c/o Candice Jarosz, Lang's Lane, Newmarket, 03857. J. Gordon Rodrigues Sr. ICC['?D NEWMARKET - John Gordon Rodrigues Sr., 72, of South Main Street died suddenly Tuesday, July 31 at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital. Born Aug. 26, 1917 in Newport, R.I., the son of John G. and Katherine (Gordon) Rodrigues, he had lived in Newmarket fOL66 yeal'S-'

Pelczar Funeral Home, 41Exeter St., Newmar· keto. AMass of Christian burial will be celebrated on. Tuesday at 10a.m. in St. Mary's Church, followed.
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