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1 1 0 Mildly mixed coupled models vs. WMAP7 data 2 Giuseppe La Vacca & Silvio A. Bonometto a∗ n a J aPhysics Department, Milano–Bicocca University & I.N.F.N., Sez. Milano–Bicocca Piazza della Scienza 3, 20126 Milano, Italy 1 1 Mildly mixed coupled models include massive ν’s and CDM–DE coupling. We present new tests of their ] likelihoodvs.recentdataincludingWMAP7,confirmingittoexceedΛCDM,althoughat∼2–σ’s. Wethenshow O theimpactonthephysicsofthedarkcomponentsofν–massdetectionin3Hβ–decayor0νββ–decayexperiments. C . h p - o 1. Spectral distorsions r t s Cosmological data (apart 7LI abundance) are a nicely fitted by ΛCDM, a model which however [ has severe fine tuning and coincidence problems. 1 Here we therefore discuss an alternative easing v theseproblems: that,symoultaneously,neutrinos 5 (ν) have mass, and DE is a scalar field φ self– 5 1 interacting and interacting with Cold Dark Mat- 2 ter(CDM).Toourknowledge,thisisthe onlyal- 1. ternative whose likelihood, although marginally, 0 exceeds ΛCDM. 1 An energy transfer fromCDM to Dark Energy 1 (DE)causessignificantdistorsionsofC andP(k) l : v spectrainrespecttoΛCDM,butallowsDEtobe i asignificantcosmiccomponentsinceever;distor- X Figure1. ΛCDMandMMC C compared. Inthe tions are also caused by ν masses, in the range l r upper (lower) plot C are normalized to ΛCDM a Mν =Pimi ∼1 eV. These two distorsions tend (the best fitting SUGl RA model including cou- howeverto compensate and compensation allows pling and massive ν’s). C obtained with either to fit data better than ΛCDM (Figure 1 shows l coupling or massive ν’s only are alsoshown. The this for CMB anisotropy spectrum). error bars are a sampling of WMAP7 C data. Thisyieldsmodelsincludingaslightamountof l Hot Dark Matter (typically Ω ∼0.01); they are h then Mildly Mixed and Coupled (MMC) models. eralized self–interaction potential. Then, while 2. Potentials & coupling T(c) µ +T(de) µ =0, it is ν;µ ν;µ Among possible CDM–DE couplings [1], we consider the option arising from Brans–Dickie T(de)νµ;µ =+CT(c)φ,ν , T(c)νµ;µ =−CT(c)φ,ν ,(1) gravityconformallytransformedfromthe Jordan to the Einstein frame [2], just allowing for a gen- (T(c,de) : CDM and DE stress–energy tensors, µν ∗Talk given by S.A.B.; his present address is: Physics T(c,de) : their traces) with a coupling Department,SectionAstrophysics,TriesteUniversity,Via Tiepolo11,34143Trieste,Italy C =(16π/3)1/2β/mp (2) 1 2 (m : Planck mass). Ratra–Peebles (RP, [3]) or ing the publicly available code CosmoMC [10]. P SUGRA [4] potentials The dataset combinations considered are: (i) WMAP7+BAO+H . (ii) WMAP7+BAO+SNIa. V(φ)=(Λ/φ)α (RP) (3) o (iii) The same data plus the power spectrum of V(φ)=(Λ/φ)αexp(4πφ2/m ) (SUGRA) (4) galaxy surveys. p The following parameters define the model: areconsideredhere,forφself–interaction,soeas- { ω ,ω ,θ,τ,n ,ln1010A ,Λ,β,M } ing fine tuning. RP (SUGRA) yields a smooth b c s s ν Here ω = Ω h2, θ is the ratio of the co- (fast) dependence of the DE state parameter on b,c b,c movingsoundhorizonatrecombinationtoitsdis- redshift. For both potentials Λ will be taken as tance,ΛistheenergyscaleinRPorSUGRApo- a free parameter. Once the density parameter of tentials, β yields the CDM–DE coupling, τ and DE is found, the valuse of α is also uniquely de- A have their usual meanings, while ν–mass dif- fined. Both these potentials also yield a dynam- ferences are neglected. ical rise from O(10−2) to unity of the DE/CDM Results including in datasets SSDS “data” ratio, at the eve of the present epoch, so easing [11] will be also shown. Although used also in coincidence as well. The natural scale for C is WMAP7 release [12], such “data” are obtained then O(m−1); only in the presence of ν masses p from observations by exploiting the Halofit ex- such range gets consistent with data. pressions [13] for non–linear spectra. Such ex- pressions are reliable within the frame of ΛCDM 3. Neutrino mass cosmologies,butcouldproducemisleadingresults Absolute ν masses can be measured through if the true cosmologyis non–ΛCDM,aswe envis- double beta decays (0νββ) or 3H β decay [5,6]. agehere. Itdoesnotcomethenasasurprisethat The former process is allowed only if ν’s are these last results appear much less promising for Majorana spinors with mass, yielding MMC cosmologies. m2ββ =XUe2imi =m2e/Cmmt10/ν2ββ (5) 5. Results i (Uei :PMNSν mixingmatrix;me :electronmass; In Figure 2 we show 1– and 2–σ marginalized t0νββ : decay half life). Here, the nuclear matrix likelihood curves in respect to various datasets 1/2 element C causes the main uncertainties. (see caption) for RP and SUGRA potentials. mm Using 76Ge, the Heidelberg-Moscow (HM) [7] The two panels exhibit just marginal quantita- and the IGEX [8] experiments gave t0ν > 1.9× tive shifts and,inthe sequel,onlyRP resultswill 1/2 1025y and t0ν > 1.6×1025y, respectively. How- be reported. 1/2 The strong degeneracy between M and β is ever, a part of the HM theam claims a t0ν detec- ν confirmed, evident when CMB data are put to- tion yielding m 6= 0 at > 5σ’s. At 3σ’s, this ββ gether with low–z data. If spectral SDSS data KK–claim reads m =(0.2−0.6)eV [9]. ββ are used, the degeneracy is damped. As previ- The best limits on m from 3H β–decay come β ously outlined, this is not a surprise and calls for from the Mainz and Troitsk experiments: m < β an unbiased analysis of the huge SDSS sample. 2.0eV, at 95% C.L.). The experiment KATRIN In Figure 3 we show marginalized and average [6] will soon improve the limit by one order of likelihood distributions on β (coupling), Λ (en- magnitude, being able to confirm the KK claim. ergy scale in potential) and M , when varying This is the range of masses needed to balance ν the dataset. DE–CDM coupling, so yielding MMC models. Both β and M plots exhibit a maximum at ν non–zero values. The maximum on β persists 4. Methods & data even when spectral data are considered. Here we show results of fits of MMC models We then studied what effects would arise on to available cosmological data, performed by us- cosmological parameters if the KK-claim is cor- 3 0.25 0.2 0.15 β 0.1 RP 0.05 WMAP WMAP+BAO+H0 WMAP+BAO+SN WMAP+LRG+H0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 M ν —————————————————— 0.25 0.2 0.15 β 0.1 SUGRA 0.05 WMAP WMAP+BAO+H0 WMAP+BAO+SN WMAP+LRG+H0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 M ν Figure 2. 1– & 2–σ likelihood contours for var- ious datasets. The red and green ones, using CMBandBAOdata,pluseitherH orSNIacon- 0 straints, confirm the correlation between β and Figure 3. Likelihood distribution on β, Λ, M ν M . WMAP7 data only provide quite loose con- for various datasets (about then see the caption ν tours. Blue contours include SSDS spectral data of the previous Figure). The upper (lower)panel (LRG). They are reported for the sake of com- is for RP (SUGRA) potential. Notice the near– pleteness, but they assume Halofit spectral ex- detection of β and that Λ constraint are looser pressions, unsuitable to fit non–ΛCDM models. than in the absence of coupling. 4 rect (Figure 4, upper panel) or the KATRIN ex- should not forget that such claim could be quite periment (Figure 4, lower panel) leads to ν mass consistent with our “KATRIN” assumption. detection. The two Figure differ for the range of Let us however ooutline that, besides of being ν mass considered. consistentwithMMCmodels,suchν–massdetec- tionsapparentlyimplythediscoveryofCDM-DE coupling, possibly at more than 3–σ’s and a final overcoming of the ΛCDM cosmology. 0.25 REFERENCES 0.2 1. L.L.Honorez,B.A.Reid,O.Mena,L.Verde and R. Jimenez, JCAP 1009 (2010) 029. 0.15 2. L. Amendola, Phys. Rev. D 62, 043511 β (2000); see also: T. Damour, G. W. Gibbons 0.1 and C. Gundlach, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 123 (1990); T. Damour and C. Gundlach Phys. 0.05 RP + K.K. Rev. D 43, 3873 (1991) WMAP 3. B. Ratra and P. J. 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