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Mikoyan-Gurevich MIG-15: The Soviet Union’s Long-Lived Korean War Fighter (AeroFax) PDF

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Preview Mikoyan-Gurevich MIG-15: The Soviet Union’s Long-Lived Korean War Fighter (AeroFax)

MIKoyan-Gurevich M i G · 1 5 The Soviet Union's Long-lived Korean War Fighter Yefim Gordon Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-iS The Soviet Union's Long-lived Korean War Fighter Yefim Gordon Mikoyan-GurevichMiG-15: Contents TheSovietUnion'sLong-livedKoreanWarFighter ©2001 YefimGordon ISBN1857801059 Introduction 3 Chapters PublishedbyMidlandPublishing 1 The'MiG Menace'isBorn 7 4Watling Drive,Hinckley,LE103EY,England 2 TheAluminium Rabbit: Tel:01455254490 Fax:01455254495 MiG-15VersionBriefing 12 E-mail:[email protected] Designconceptandlayout 3 Foreign Production 47 MidlandPublishingisanimprintof ©2001 MidlandPublishingand 4 TheMiG-15inActionor IanAllanPublishingLtd StephenThompsonAssociates TheAluminium RabbitGoestoWar.54 5 MiG-15OperatorsWorldwide 79 Worldwidedistribution(exceptNorthAmerica): PrintedinEnglandby MidlandCountiesPublications IanAllanPrintingLtd 6 TheMiG-15bisinDetail 114 4WatlingDrive,Hinckley,LE103EY,England RiverdeneBusinessPark,MoleseyRoad, 7 ProductionTotalsand Telephone:01455254450 Fax:01455233737 Hersham,Surrey,KT124RG FamilySpecificationtables .....118 E-mail:[email protected] www.midlandcountiessuperstore.com Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthis End notes 125 publicationmaybereproduced, NorthAmericantradedistribution: storedinaretrievalsystem,transmitted Appendices SpecialtyPressPublishers&WholesalersInc. inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic, 11605KostDamRoad,NorthBranch,MN55056 mechanicalorphoto-copied,recorded 1 MiG-15FamilyDrawings 127 Tel:651 5833239 Fax:651 5832023 orotherwise,withoutthewritten 2 MiG-15inColour 145 Tollfreetelephone:8008954585 permissionofthepublishers. Titlepage:TheST-1 duringStateacceptance trials.Seepage41. Below:ApairofPolishAirForceSBLim-2As atdispersal.6010Redisintheforeground; notetheubiquitousAntonovAn-2totherear. BothYefimGordon 2 MiG-15 Introduction The Second World War brought about major the use of captured materials in advanced NAMI also designed an engine rated at changes in aircraft design. The piston engine technology development was not an unusual 2,000kgp (4,409Ibst). hadreachedthelimitofitsdevelopmentpoten practice,andtheUSSRwasnotaloneindoing The war with Germany caused turbojet tial; a new aircraft powerplant was required. this.TheUnitedStates,GreatBritain,andother development in the USSR to be put on hold. Hencethefirstexperimental jetengines ofthe nations made good use of German projects The work resumed onlyin 1944when the out prewarperiodquicklypavedthewayforproto afterthewar. come of the war could be foreseen and it type and production jet-powered combat air By the end of the Second World War the appearedpossibletosparesomeeffortsforthe craft. The Messerschmitt Me262 Schwalbe Soviet aircraft industry was fUlly capable of development of new advanced engines. A M (Swallow)/Sturmvogel(StormPetrel),theArado developingandproducingjetaircraftonitsown. Lyul'kacontinued hisworkonturbojetdesign, Ar234Blitz(Lightning) andtheGlosterMeteor Indisputably,theUSSRcouldhavequicklycre which resulted in the 1,300kgp (2,866Ibst) became the first jets to see actual combat. ated powerful turbojets and transonic fighters TR-1 (toorboreaktivnyy [dveegate!'] - turbojet) Thus, progressthatmighthavetaken decades without resorting to captured research, but, powering the experimental Ilyushin IL-22four wascrammedintojustafewyears. given the pressures ofthe incipientCold War, enginebomberof1947.Shortlyafterwardsthe Inthe postwaryears, achievements inaero Sovietengineershadverylittletimetoproduce design bureau led by Aleksandr Aleksan dynamics, engine design and manufacturing an 'answerto the West' - months, sometimes drovich Mikulin also started work on asimilar technologies led to the development of literallydays.UndertheregimeoflosifVStalin, engine. sweptwing jet aircraft. Predictably, the first of failure to meet the objective could mean By then, however, jet engines and aircraft these were fighters. The first-generation jet promptexecution.ThisiswhySovietengineers were in production in the West. The USSR fighters which entered service in 1945-1952 sometimes preferred to play safe by using riskedfallingfarbehind.Tosavetime,theSovi featured sweptorthin straightwingsand were 'imported'technologies. etgovernmentchosetheonlyrealisticoption capable of near-sonic speeds of 900 to Thecapabilities ofthe MiG-15were derived to launch production ofGerman axial-flowtur 1,200km/h(486to648kts).Themostsuccess from what Russians called three 'whales', or bojets: the 900kgp (1,984Ibst) Junkers Jumo fulandpopularofthesearetheMikoyan/Gure ground rules: aturbojetrated atover2,000kgp 004 Orkan (Hurricane) and the 800kgp vich MiG-15 and the North American F-86 (4,409Ibst), a new configuration with swept (1,763Ibst) BMW 003 Sturm (Storm). The Sabre. Bothflewforthefirsttimein 1947,went wing and empennage, and new pilot survival reverse-engineered versions were designated through similar development stages and aids, includinganejectionseat.These,togeth RD-10andRD-20respectively.Theseturbojets servedoperationallyintheirowncountriesand erwith heavyarmamentandeaseofmanufac (and the Yakovlev Yak-15 and Mikoyan/Gure those of allies. Though differing somewhat in ture and operation, turned the MiG-15 into a vich MiG-9 fighters they powered) gave the configuration, avionics, equipment and arma superbtechnical product. Sovietaircraftindustryitsfirsttaste ofjettech ment, the F-86 and MiG-15 were more or less nology.Atthesametime,itwasdecidedtobuy equivalent in flight performance. When flown Enginedevelopment themostadvancedWesternturbojetswithcen by equally skilled and experienced pilots, the TurbojetdevelopmentintheUSSRdated back trifugal-flow compressors - the Rolls-Royce two aircraftwere quiteamatchfor each other. tothe early1920s.In 1923VBazarovreceived Neneand RR Derwent- and buildthem under The MiG-15 was to have a long service a patentfor the world's firstturboprop engine licenceintheUSSR. career.Itwasbuiltinhugenumbersbothinand layout. Three years lateraspecial gasturbine Sovietenginedesignersneededtwotothree outside the Soviet Union, evolving into many engine research group led by Nikolay more years for prototype and full-scale devel versions, and paved thewayfor Sovietfighter Romanovich Brillingwas organized attheSci opmentofnewer, morepowerfulaxial-flowtur design for the next decade. Many are active entificAutomobileandEngineInstitute(NAMI bojets. This time was used effectively: several even now, albeit mostly as privately-owned Naoochnyy avtomotornyy institoot) in turbojets with thrust ratings from 3,000kgp to warbirds;inpassing,itshouldbenotedthatthe Moscow;themainfocus ofthisgroupwasthe 9,000kgp (6,613 to 19,841Ibst) entered pro MiG-15 has undoubtedly earned the warbird turboprop engine. After 1930, the group was duction in the early 1950s. All were based on title! headed by VOovarov, afamous scientist and indigenousSovietprototypes. As aresult ofthe ColdWar and all its impli engineerinthefieldofturbineenginedesign.In In 1946theSoviet MinisterofAircraftIndus cations, for decades Sovietaircraft have been 1936 NAMI developed the 1,150eshp GTU-3 tryMikhailVKhroonichevandaircraftdesigner developed in total secrecy. For this reason, turboprop for Andrey Nikolayevich Tupolev's Aleksandr Sergeyevich Yakovlev approached mythshavetakenholdconcerningthecreation TB-3bomber.Twoprototypeengineswerebuilt Stalin, reporting their intentionto buystate-of oftheMiG-15whichneedtobeputtorest. and tested in 1938-40, butthe TB-3 flew with the-art British Nene and Derwent turbojets. Mythnumberone:theMiG-15wasnotanew pistonenginesonly. 'Uncle Joe' reacted with typical spontaneity: aircraft but a major rework of the projected The next step in Sovietjet engine develop 'What fool will sell us his secrets?' However, Focke-WulfTa183developed byKurtTank. ment came when Arkhip Mikhailovich Lyul'ka Soviet-Westernrelationswerestillcordialatthe Myth numbertwo, which arose as aconse designed the RD-1 turbojet (reaktivnyy dvee time, and Stalin's 'fools' abounded at Rolls quence of the first: Soviet aircraft designers gate!'- jetengine)attheKhar'kovAviationInsti Royce and in the British Labour Government. wereincapableofproducingsomethingworth tute. This first Soviet turbojet was rated at Hence, aircraft designer Artyom Ivanovich while and the MiG-15 would never have 500kgp (1,102Ibst); development was 75% Mikoyan,enginedesignerVladimirYakovlevich appearedwithouttheuseofcaptured German complete when the Great Patriotic War began Klimov and metallurgical engineer S Kishkin research data and 'captive brains'. However, on 22nd June 1941. The Oovarov group at weresenttoEnglandtonegotiateacquisitionof MiG-15 3 the turbojets. They purchased 30 Derwent V In due course, the VK-1 engine was fitted However,mostoftheearlySovietjetfighters and 25 Nene 1/11 engines which were carefully to the MiG-15bis, an upgraded version ofthe were developed hastily. The designers select studiedattheCentral InstituteofAeroEngines MiG-15. Italsopoweredthe IL-28bomberand ed a configuration identical to that of piston (TsIAM- Tsentrahl'nwinstitootaviatseeonno theTu-14Ttorpedo-bomber. engined aircraft, with the engine up front and vo motorostroyeniya). Both types were tested exhaustingunderthefuselage,whichinevitably onaTupolevconvertedintotheTu-2LLengine RD·45FandVK·1Aspecifications resulted in a helicopter-style pod-and-boom testbed,1 a converted Tu-2 Bat twin-engine fuselage.Thisconfigurationwascalledredahn RD-45F(Nene-2) VK-IA bomberoperatedbytheFlightTestInstitute(L11 naya komponovka (lit. 'step arrangement') in - Lyotno-ispytahtel'nwinstitoot) inZhukovskiy Maxstaticthrust,kgp(Ibst) 2,270(5,004) 2,700(5,952) the USSRbecauseofthesimilaritytothe step near Moscow! Laterthe Nene-1 powered the Rpm 12,300 11,560 onaspeedboat'splaningbottom. Perhapsthe Tu-72 and Tu-73 bomber prototypes which Dryweight,kg(Ib) 703to726 884.5 ultimate example of this 'quick fix' design evolved intothewell-known Tu-14Bosun. The (1,550to1,600) (1,950)' approach was the Yak-15, a straightforward Derwent-5wasconsideredafighterengineand Diameter,m(It) 1.25(4'1") 1.273(4'2") conversionoftheYak-3Ufighter.Itwasbasical used for projects developed by the design Length,m(It) 2.45(8'~") 2.57(8'5")' ly astandard Yak-3U airframe with the Klimov bureauxunderASYakovlevandSemyonAlek Specificfuelconsumption, VK-105PF liquid-cooled Vee-12 engine sup seyevich Lavochkin. kg/kgphr(Ib/lbsthr) 1,065 1,On plantedbyanRD-10(Jumo004)turbojetinthe Concurrently, licence production of the nose, underslung so as to direct the exhaust British turbojets began in Moscow. The Der *withoutjetpipe;tatmaximumthrust gasesunderthefuselage. wentVwasmanufactured underthelocaldes This'tadpole'configurationwasnotaSoviet ignation RD-500, whilethe Nene Iand Nene II Centrifugal-flowturbojetsprovedmorereliable invention, having been employed on the Ger became the RD-45 and RD-45F respectively.' than early axial-flow turbojets. As speeds man Messerschmitt P1101 (which was com Thenumbers500and45werethenumbersof increased, however, centrifugal-flow power pleted but never flown) and the projected the engine plants producing the respective plants proved too thirsty. Higher speeds Messerschmitt P 1106, Blohm &Voss P 210 models(plantNo500waslocatedintheTushi requiredgreaterthrustandhencegreatermass and Heinkel P1078. Yet many Soviet postwar nodistrictnotfarfromthewell-knownairfield). flow. A centrifugal-flow engine offered less jetfightersusedit,includingtheYak-15,Yak-17 VladimirYaKlimovwasheadofproductionand thrust than an axial-flow engine having the Feather, Yak-23, MiG-9 Fargo and the experi was also busy modernizing andfurther devel samefrontalarea.Also,thecentrifugal-flowtur mental La-150, La-152, La-156and La-174TK. opingtheseturbojets. bojetwas limited byitssingle-stagecompres IntheWest,onlythe5MBJ29Tunnan(Barrel) Soviet fighters powered by the 1,590kgp sorofferingapressureratioof4.2to4.4.Since hadthepod-and-boomarrangement. (3,505Ibst) RD-500, such as the Yak-23 Flora, no multi-stage compressors were developed, Turbojets were lighter than piston engines, Yak-30' and Lavochkin La-15 Fantail, made thecentrifugal-flowturbojetreacheditspeakof allowing the cockpit to be moved forward to their maiden flights in 1947-48. The heavier development with thrust ratings of 3,000 to improve the pilot's forward and downward RD-45 was intended for the Tu-14 and IL-28 4,000kgp(6,613to8,818Ibst)betweentheend view. Sincetherewasnopropellerdemanding Beagletacticalbombers. oftheSecondWorld Warandtheearly1950s. largegroundclearance,thelandinggearcould InchoosingtheRD-45foritsnewfighter,the beshortened. Atricyclelanding geareliminat Mikoyan/Gurevich design bureau, aka OKB Jetairframedesign ed the need to locate a tail wheel in the jet 1555orMMZ·'Zenit' (Zenith),tookacalculated Earlyjetaircraftweredesignedalongthesame exhaust,ashadbeenthecasewiththeYak-15. risk- justasithaddonein1939withtheMiG-1 linesastheirpiston-enginedforebears. Astur Anotheroptionwastomounttheengineover powered by the brand-new Mikulin AM-35 bojets were improved, however, it became the fuselage. Even though this freed up fuse engine. The risk paid off; the MiG-15 powered clearthatchangeshadtobemadetoatypical lagespaceforarmament, equipmentandfuel, bytheRD-45and (andtheMiG-15bis powered airplane'saerodynamicsandgeneral arrange thisconfigurationwasimpractical becausethe by the RD-45F) became the mainstay of the ment. enginenacellecreatedconsiderable drag and Soviet fighter force. Although the competing It is well known that obtaining the correct complicated pilot escape in an emergency. Yakovlevfightersweremoreagile,theMiGwas centre of gravity (CG) position is one of the Only two aircraft actually utilised this config fasterandmoreheavilyarmed. major challenges in aircraft design. For con uration - the prototype Fieseler Fi103 (the Typically of the Soviet aircraft industry ventionaldesignstheCGmustbelocatedat25 manned version ofthe V-1 'buzz bomb') and (alas!), earlyRD-45s and RD-45Fs hadashort to33% meanaerodynamicchord (MAC). With the production He162 Volksjager (People's servicelife(onlysome100hours,lessthanthe a piston engine, this meant positioning the Fighter). original Nene) because poor-quality indige engineatthefrontofthe aircraft, ahead ofthe The next logical step in jet fighter develop nous materials had to be used. Later, Soviet CG and the wings. Thefuel tanks were inthe mentwastomovetherelativelylightweighttur designersdevelopedtheRD-45FAwhichintro CGzonetominimiseCGtravelcaused byfuel bojetbackwards,placingitinthefuselageaftof duced new materials and structural improve burnoff, and the crew behind the CG. The the cockpit. This resulted in an cigar-shaped mentsdoublingtheengine'sservicelife. weight of the engine and propeller was bal fuselage with the nozzle located at the aft Building on experience gained with the anced by the weight ofthe rearfuselage and extremity, which was much moreaerodynami RD-500and RD-45 (and benefitingfromTslAM empennage. cally efficient than the 'tadpole' arrangement. research into centrifugal compressors), the Ifaturbojetweremounted insimilarfashion Withtheengine(s) buriedintheaftfuselage, KlimovOKBdevelopedmorepowerfulandfuel intheaircraft'snose,theexhaustgaseswould two air intake types were possible: nose and efficientcentrifugal-flowturbojets.The2,700kgp have to exit under the fuselage. Placing lateral inlets. Both types had advantages and (5,952Ibst)VK-1 turbojetemergedin1949;the engineson orunderthewings eliminatedthis shortcomings.Anoseintakemadeitnecessary VKinitialsstoodforVladimirKlimov,suggesting problem,andthisconfigurationwasutilisedby toincreaseforwardandcentrefuselagecross thatenoughSovietresearchhadgoneintothe theHeinkel He280,theMesserschmittMe262 section, since the airflow had to be routed engineto qualifyitasan indigenousdesign. It and the Gloster Meteor. Soviet fighters thus around the cockpit. Lateral intakes increased was a refined derivative of the RD-45 and a configured weretheSukhoi Su-9 (manufactur fuselage width ahead of the wings. With the steppingstonetotheafterburningVK-1Frated er'sdesignation'izdeliyeK')'of1946andSu-11 advent of powerfUl but bulky radars the air at3,380kgp (7,451Ibst). Structural and manu (izdeliye LK) of1947,'aswell asthe 1-211 and intake arrangement issue was largely settled facturing improvements produced the VK-1A 1-215designed by Semyon Mikhailovich Alek becausethe radarwould haveto beplaced in versionwitha150to200hourservicelife. seyev(I = istrebitel'- fighter).- thenose, making noseintakesimpractical. 4 MiG-15 Sweptwings By the end of the Second World War pilots flying high-performance piston fighters (for instance, the North American P-51 Mustang) would sometimes approach the speed of sound in a dive. In this situation the controls becamesteadilyheavierasairspeedincreased; thenosewouldtrytodrop,andsometimesthe controls would reverse. It took a lot of effort from the pilot to recover from this dangerous modeknownasMachtuck. Withjetaircraft,levelflightspeedsincreased intothesonicrange. Machtuckwhichpilotsof prop-driven aircraft had encountered briefly now became routine. At times, uncontrollable aircraftdivedintotheground,takingwiththem not only the luckless pilots but the secrets of transonic flight. Test pilot Gheorgiy Ya Bakhchivandzhiwas oneofthefirst, losing his life in the Bereznyak/lsayev BI-1 rocket-pow ered interceptoron 27th March 1943during a high-speedrun.Themessagewasclear: anin depth study of transonic aerodynamics was needed. Wind tunnel tests showed that athin sym metrical wing section and swept wings could resolve the 'shock-wave crisis'. As early as 1935, the German aerodynamicist Dr. Alfred Busemann came upwith the swept-wing con cept.Hecontinuedhisresearchduringthewar and the Germans used wings with 30 to 38° Afull-scalemockupofthe1-310coveredwith extreme nose,the pilotlying prone.Thecock leading-edge sweep on several fighters (the wooltuftsintheTsAGIT-102windtunnel. pitwasattached byexplosivebolts, with acat YefimGordonarchive Me262 and Me163 Kamet). Aspate ofswept apultthatejectedthepilotafteritwasdetached. wing aircraft, includingtheTa183whichborea The Walther HWK 509-109 twin-chamber liq passingresemblancetothefutureMiG-15,was uid-fuel rocket engine provided 4,000kgp onthedrawingboardsorattheprototypecon Initially swept wings were tested on gliding (8,818Ibst) thrust. Total fuel and oxidizer structionstagebytheendofthewar. modelsdroppedfromaTu-2mothership.How capacity was 1,900kg (4,188Ib), permitting 2 The main peculiarityofthe sweptwing was ever, during 1945-48 Pavel Vladimirovich minutesofengineoperation.Theaircraftcould thatairflowwas divided intotwo components; TsybindesignedtheLL-1,LL-2andLL-3gliders. accelerateto approximately Mach2.0- inthe oneflowedfromtheleadingedgetothetrailing Asthedesignationsimply,thesewereresearch oryatleast. edge and the other spanwise. The spanwise aircraftforstudyingtransonicaerodynamicsat Flighttests began in 1948 at an airbase in componentcaused boundarylayermovement about 1,150km/h (621kts). The LL-1 had Tyoplyy Stan (now a residential district in the fromwingroottowingtip, resultingintipstall;it straightwings andthe LL-2hadforward-swept south-westernpartofMoscow)andlateratthe alsoreducedtheefficiencyofthewing'scontrol wings; the LL-3, which was never completed, new factory airfield in Lookhovitsy, some surfaces. To preventthis, many Soviet aircraft was to have 30° sweepback. The gliders had 100km (62 miles) south-east of Moscow. A featured boundary layer fences on the wing water ballast and a solid rocket booster. The modified B-29-5-BW operated by L11 (serialled upper surface; these generated vortices, experiment was conducted in a dive with the 256 Black) served as amothership;12the346 reducing spanwise flow and preventing early boosteroperatingformaximumspeed. was suspended on a pylon between the airflowseparation. AftertheendoftheSecondWorldWar,Ger bomber's Nos 3 and 4 engines. Three proto Itisan open secretthatscientistsand engi manaircraftdesignersinSoviet-occupiedterri types- the346-Pglider(Pforplahner),the346 neersindifferentcountriesfacedwiththesame tory were deported to the USSR to develop 1withamockupengineandthefully-equipped objectiveoften comeupwith similarsolutions. new-generation aircraft. Two new design 346-3- participated intheprogramme, piloted Inthe USSRthe sweptwing ideawas devised bureaux were established in the Podberez'ye byWolfgangZieseand PAKaz'min. byVStroominskyofTsAGI (Tsentrahl'nwaero settlement near the town of Doobna. One of The 346-3 made its first powered flight on i ghidrodinameecheskiy institoot - Central them (OKB-2 headed by Hans Rossing, with 15th August 1951. However, the programme Aerodynamics & Hydrodynamics Institute the Soviet engineer Aleksandr Yakovlevich wasplaguedbyaccidents. Initsthird powered named after Nikolay V Zhukovskiy) in 1946. Bereznyakas his deputy)'·continued work on flighton2nd Septemberthe aircraftexceeded AssistedbyGBOschgensandotherscientists, the DFS 346 rocket-powered Mach 2.5 900km/h (486kts) indicatedairspeed (lAS) but heconductedresearchonswept-wingaerody research aircraft, which was almost complete then became uncontrollable and Ziese was namics. Basicconceptsforswept-wingaircraft bytheendofthewar." Theaircraft(referredto orderedtoeject. stability and controllability analysis were for inSovietdocumentsas346)wastransportedto Concurrently, Matus Ruvimovich Bisnovat mulated. TsAGI embarked on a major pro TsAGI in 194qfor full,scale aerodynamictests continued work on his B-5 transonic speed gramme to study a wing swept 35°. This was intheT-101 windtunnel. researchaircraft,alsowith45°wingsweep.The exactly the wing later recommended for the The 346 was an all-metal, mid-wing mono B-5 was powered by a Dooshkin liquid-fuel La-160(thefirstSovietswept-wingaircraft)and plane with 45° wing sweep, an unsweptHail rocketengine.Testflightsbeganin1948witha theMikoyan/Gurevich1-310(theMiG-15proto and retractable skid landing gear. To reduce Petlyakov Pe-8 bomber acting as the mother type). dragthepressurizedcockpitwasplacedinthe ship;thetwoprototypesmadeabouttenflights. MiG-15 5 Meanwhile, Lavochkin builtthe La-160fight vival at speeds of 528 to 850km/h (285 to Acknowledgements er, aderivativeofthe earlier 'tadpole' designs. 459kts) and altitudes upto 6,000m (19,685ft). The author wishes to express his gratitudeto Itdifferedfromthe earlierfighter prototypesin Thefightertheydesignedwassimilarinconfig thefollowing personswhohavecontributedto featuring 35° swept wings with a thin airfoil uration to the Saab J-21, with a pusher pro themakingofthisbook: already validated in theory; hencethe aircraft peller and twin booms supporting thetail unit Firstofall, asusual,Iwould liketothankthe wasdubbedStrelka(Arrow).Initialstabilityand butwith ramjet boosters incorporated intothe translator,DmitriySKomissarov,withoutwhose handlingtrialswereheldfromJunetoSeptem tailbooms. It featured an escape system of work and assistance the book would never ber1947.Wingfenceswerefittedinthecourse FlorovandBorovkov'sowndesignwhichrotat haveappeared. ofthe flight test programme; these became a ed the seat and ejected it downwards pneu Also,mythanksgotoNigelEastaway,oneof standardfeatureofSovietdesigns- thehigher matically.Thewarinterruptedthedevelopment the leaders ofthe Russian Aviation Research thewing sweep,thelargerthenumberofwing ofthisaircraftandhenceofthefirstSovietejec Trust, who provided a lot ofvaluable informa fences.TheLa-160reached1,050km/h(567kts) tionsystem. tiononChineselicence-builtMiGs,andHelmut orMach 0.92in adive.Atthesametime, Lav Itwas notuntilthe end ofthewarthatwork Waltherand Keith Dexterwho supplied photos ochkintestedtheLa-174TKwithathin,straight oncrewescapesystemsresumedintheUSSR. which would otherwise hardly be obtainable. wing (hencetheTKsuffixstandingfortonkoye The Mikoyan OKBteamed with TsAGI, L11 and krylo) and a more powerful RR Derwent the Aviation Medicine Institute to become a YefimGordon engine."Despitetheextrathrust,theLa-174TK leaderinejectionseatdevelopment.Trialswere Moscow was slowerthan the swept-wing La-160, prov performed at L11, atfirst using atest rig with a ing that swept wings were the way to go for trolley that moved along a vertical guide rail; March2001 high-speedaircraft. the trolley was accelerated by an explosive Gradually, experience with swept wing was chargeandthenslowedbypowerfulbrakes.L11 accumulated.Thisexperiencewasofgreathelp engineers determined the size of the charge in designing the MiG-15, La-15, and Yak-30 requiredtogetthenecessaryGload.Aftertests fighters. with dummies and animals it was decided to carryoutthefirstmannedtest. Sixstrong men Ejection seats were'ejected'intherigwiththemaximumGload. With the advent ofjetaircraft capable oftran Flighttests came next. The engineers pro sonic speeds, bailing out inthe old-fashioned ceeded cautiously, using adummyforthefirst way became sheer suicide. New crew rescue actual ejections. A converted Petlyakov Pe-2 methods,suchasejection,wererequired. Buckdivebomberwasused;itstwintailsmade Thefirstattemptstofacilitatebailingoutwere itidealforejectionseattrials,reducingthedan undertaken in Germany in the late 1920s and ger of the seat striking the vertical tail in the early1930s,butthesedidnotprogressbeyond eventofafailedejection.Theseatwasinstalled the ground test stage. Ejection systems were in the former gunner's compartment immedi usedforthefirsttimeduringtheSecondWorld atelybehindthe pilot; initially, itwas notstabi WarinGermanhigh-speedpiston-enginedand lized and tumbled head over heels in the jet aircraft. Two ejection systems were devel slipstream as it parted company with the air oped inGermany: acartridge systemand one craft.Theejectionsequenceandtheseat'stra using compressed air.Theformersystem was jectorywererecordedbyacinecameraaboard usedbyHeinkelintheHe162fighterwhichhad the Pe-2. Modificationswere madeto the seat itsengineatopthefuselage. Ejectiontimeata afterthefirstejectionshadbeenanalysed,and maximum Gload of 11.5 was 0.178 seconds; byJuly1947mannedtestscouldbegin. ejection speed was 13.2 m/sec (2,640ft/min). Gavriil Kondrashov, an experienced para The advantages ofthe cartridge ejection sys chutistwithmorethan700parachutejumpsto temwereitslowweightandstructuralsimplici his credit, was chosen. On 24thJuly 1947, he RussianLanguageandTransliteration ty; dependenceonthe powdercharge (which successfullyperformedthefirst ejection inthe The Russian language is phonetic - pronounced as might or might not function properly) was a USSR. written,or'asseen'.TranslatingintoEnglishgivesrise shortcoming. Thefirst ejection seat was ofcartridge-fired tomanyproblemsandthevastmajorityofthesearise becauseEnglishisnotastraightforwardlanguage,with The compressed air ejection system was design;theejectiongunandtheseatpanwere manypitfallsofpronunciation! used on the Heinkel He280 jetfighter (which attachedtotheseat'sframe.Thepilotsatonhis Accordingly, Russian words must be translated neverenteredproduction) andtheHe219two parachutewhichlayintheseatpan.Therewas through into aphonetic form of English and this can seat piston-engined nightfighter. This system noprovisionforautomaticparachuteopening; leadtodifferentwaysofhelpingthereaderpronounce was heavier and more complex and required the parachute'sstatic linewas attachedto the whathesees.Everyefforthasbeenmadetostandard isethis,butinevitablyvariationswilloccur.Whileread air bottles, afast-acting valve and piping. The seat,whichmeantthepilothadtopushtheseat ingfrom sourceto sourcethis mightseem confusing He219'sejectionseatweighed27.9kg(61.5Ib), awayforciblyafterejectioninorderforthepara and/orinaccuratebutitisthenameaspronouncedthat comparedtotheHe162's20.5kg(45.2Ib)seat. chutetoopen. istheconstancy,notthespellingofthatpronunciation! Afterthewar,theworkofGermandesigners Thiswasclearlyashortcoming,reducingthe The20thletteroftheRussian(Cyrillic)alphabetlooks was the object ofclose scrutiny bythe Allies. pilot'schances ofsurvival if hewaswounded. verymuchlikea'Y'butispronouncedasa'U'asinthe word'rule'. Many German documents and prototypes Theminimumsafeejectionaltitudewas200to AnotherexampleisthetrainofthoughtthatRussian werecapturedbytheBritish,andGermanwork 300m (656to 984ft). At speeds over700km/h wordsendingin'y'areperhapsbetterspelloutas'yi'to was carefully analysed in the USSR and the (378kts), the procedure often resulted in underlinethepronunciation,butitisfeltthatmostWest UnitedStates. injuriesbecausetheseatoffered noprotection ern speakers would have problems getting their The first Soviet attempts to design an ejec forthepilot'sfaceorlimbs. tonguesaroundthis! tion seat date back to 1940. In the course of This first-generation Soviet ejection seat This is agood example ofthe sortofproblem that someWestern sourceshavesufferedfrom inthepast new fighter development, designers lI'ya Flo was fitted to the MiG-15, MiG-15bis, MiG-17, (and occasionally even today) when they make the rent'yevich Florov and Aleksey Andreyevich and La-15. Itwastosavealotofliveswhenthe mental leapaboutwhattheyseeapproximatingtoan Borovkovaddressed the problem of pilot sur- MiG-15and MiG-15bissawactionin Korea. Englishletter. 6 MiG-15 ChapterOne The 'MiG Menace' is Born 1-310 (izdeliye 5-1,5-2,5-3) alists prevailed, but, on the whole, progress with a single fuselage, swept wings and con theMiG-15prototypes' triumphed over orthodox solutions. Thus, the ventional sweptempennageseemed simplest The availability of new engines made for the Mikoyan/GurevichOKBchosesweptwingsfor and most aerodynamically efficient and was developmentofsecond-generationjetfighters. itsnewfighter. eventually selected for the new fighter desig On 11th March 1947, the Soviet government It so happened that the Mikoyan/Gurevich nated1-310inofficialdocuments.Theaircraft's (CouncilofMinisters)approvedtheexperimen OKBwasnottaskedwithmassproductiondur in-house designation was 'izdeliye S', said to tal aircraftconstruction planfortheyear. Soon ing the Great Patriotic War (production ofthe be derived from strelovidnoye kry/o (swept afterwards,on15thApril,theMinistryofAircraft MiG-3interceptorendedinlate1941).Itsefforts wings). Industry (MAP - Ministerstvo aviatseeonnoy atthetimeweredevotedtoresearchanddevel Thewingsproposed byTsAGI,featuring35° promyshlennosti) issued directive No210 opmentwork. Thisresulted insomeadvanced sweepatquarter-chordand2°anhedral,turned ordering the Mikoyan/Gurevich OKB to dev fighters, including the izdeliye Aseries (1-220/ outto have an extremely poor lift/drag ratio in elop a jet fighter with a pressurized cockpit 1-225) which exceeded 700km/h (387kts) in take-off and landing mode, which meant the andtobuildtwo prototypes. AGBroonovwas level flight. Though none ofthese aircraftwas aircraftwould notmeetVVSfield performance appointed chief project engineer for the new to see production, they became stepping requirements. To cope with the problem the fighter, with AAAndreyevasthe 'nextin com stonestowardstheearlypost-warjets. OKBcontemplated variablegeometry (VG)for mand'. Mikoyanengineersgottheirfirstswept-wing awhile.Thiswasin1947,thirtyyearsbeforethe Thespecificoperational requirement (SOR) experiencewiththeOotkaexperimentaltail-first 'swingwing'izdeliye 23-11 (the 'true' MiG-23S was quite tough. Maximum speed was to be aircraft' (often called MiG-8). Development, Flogger-A prototype) flew for the first time.' 1,000km/h(540kts)atsealeveland1,020km/h testing and production of the 1-250/MiG-13 Though Mikoyanengineershadvery probably (551kts) at5,000m (16,404ft). The fighter was (izdeliye N) mixed-powerfighterandthe pure studied German VG research, the time for a requiredtoclimbtothis altitudein3.2minutes jet straight-wing MiG-9 gave them experience 'swing wing' aircraft had not yet come (VG and haveanendurancein excessofonehour. with turbojet-powered fighters. The straight wings werethen considered too complex and Range in economical cruise at 10,000m wing, rocket-powered 1-270 (izdeliye Zh)3 rather unreliable), so the engineers selected (32,808ft) was specified as 1,200km (648nm) experimentalinterceptorbecamethefirstSovi another solution, reducing wing loading. This andtake-offand landing run at700and 800m et aircraft to reach 1,000km/h (540kts) lAS in madeforacceptablelandingspeedsevenwith (2,296and2,624ft) respectively. 1947. Still, combining allthis (sweptwings, jet apoorLIDratio. Theaircraftwastohaveadequatearmament propulsion and highspeed) in asingleaircraft Ithasto besaid herethatthe Sovietaircraft and avionicsto cope with US and British war called for a lot of effort on the part of both industry had a few quirks. The all-pervasive planes of the era (since the Cold War was Mikoyanandthenumerousotherresearchand secrecy wrapped around the industry by the already brewing andthe US and Great Britain productionestablishmentsinvolved. notorious KGB (Komitet gosoodahrstvennoy were already regarded as potential adver The MiG-15's road to becoming a produc bezopahsnosti - State Security Committee) saries). Initially, one 45mm (1.77 calibre) can tion aircraftwas longandwinding. Theaircraft sometimes proved detrimental. Sovietexperts nonandtwo23mm (.90calibre)cannonswere which was eventually to fly was preceded by werewell-versedonAmericanadvanceddevel envisaged,thoughtheformerwassoonsubsti several preliminary development. (PD) pro opment projects but knew almost nothing tuted bya37mm (1.45calibre) weapon. Provi jects. The first of these envisaged a twin about what their colleagues in other Soviet sionsforcarryingtwo100kg(220Ib)bombson engined fighter which was promptly dropped OKBs were doing. For this reason, designers the regular drop tank hardpoints were also when it became obvious that Soviet engine oftenwastedtimeandstatemoney,duplicating demanded. plants could not provide enough engines for each other's efforts. This problem got worse Last but not least, the new fighter was massproduction. whenhigh-techsystemsandavionicscameon required to be easily maintainable. The Soviet In 1947,afterAIMikoyan hadreturnedfrom thescene. AirForce(WS- Voyenno-vozdooshnyyeseely) hisvisittoEnglandand25Nene-1 engineshad Indevelopingthe 1-310,thedesignersfound knewalltoowellthatinafuturewar,combatair been delivered, the OKB started work on the that providing the required CG position was craft would almost certainly have to operate 1-320(izdeliyeFN)- thefirstaircrafttobearthis quiteaproblem.Withtheengineintheaftfuse fromimprovisedtacticalairstripswithlittleorno designation - as an insurance policy in case lage,theCGwastoofaraft, impairingstability maintenancefacilities. Finally, the aircraftwas the swept-wing fighter should fail. The 1-320 andhandling.Theproblemwaspartlycuredby topresentnoinsurmountabledifficultiesforthe 'Mkl'wasastraightforwardmodificationofthe slightlyincreasingwingareaaftoftherearfalse averagepilot. MiG-9 (izdeliye FS) with the two side-by-side spar,resultinginakinkedtrailingedgeright(its Successhingedonfulfillingtheseoftencon RD-20axial-flowturbojetsreplaced byasingle innermostportionwasunswept).Thefinalsolu flicting requirements. The powerplant issue Nene- hencetheNinthemanufacturer'sdes tion was to movethe engineforward sothatit hadalreadybeendecided;thefighterwastobe ignation.However,workonthemorepromising was located immediately aft ofthe main spar designed aroundthe Rolls-Royce Nenewhich swept-wing design seemed to progress quite and usealongextensionjetpipe.Thiscreated had entered licence production in the USSR. nicely and izdeliye FN was abandoned at the abonus in theform ofafuselage made up of Developmentoftheejectionsystemin1946-47 prototypeconstructionstage4 two sections (forward and rear); the entire aft alsowentsuccessfully. However, asperusual, Forawhile, Mikoyanengineersalsoconsid fuselagecould beeasilydetached, leaVingthe rigid convention came into conflict with pio ered atwin-boom arrangementreminiscent of enginecompletelyexposedformaintenanceor neering concepts. Sometimestheconvention- the de Havilland Vampire. However, a layout removal. MiG-15 7 A lot of problems were caused by the July1947sawtheappearanceoftheMiG-9M Thesystemwasfairlysimpleandhadfewcom engine's inlet duct. It had a complex shape (izdeliye FR), an experimental version of the ponents, which renderedtheground partsuit becauseofthenumerousobstructionsithadto Fargo with a redesigned forward fuselage. able for use on ad hoc tactical airfields (in bypass, including cockpit and fuel cells. Out Apart from having a totally new weapons truck-mountedform). sideairenteredasubsonicintakewithacentre arrangement, the MiG-9M had a ventilation Constructionofthefirstprototype1-310,des splitter. Here, itseparated intotwoflows pass typepressurizedcockpit.ActuallythefirstSovi ignatedS-1 (ie,iZdeliyeSNo1),beganatMMZ ing along narrow ducts on either side of the etaircrafttoflywith apressurized cockpitwas 'Zenit' in the spring of 1947; the aircraft was frontavionicsbay,nosewheelwell,cockpitand thestraight-wing,single-enginedYak-25exper powered by a RR Nene-1 turbojet (c/n 1036) mainfuelcell;thetwoflowsmetattheengine's imental fighter which flew for the first time on ratedat2,230kgp(4,916Ibst).Bythen,amock compressorface. 31stOctober1947.'Theventilation-typecock uphadbeen reviewedandapprovedbyaWS Maximizing thrust and preventing the aft pitwaspressurizedwith engine bleed air.This commission. By19thDecembertheprototype fuselage from being overheated by exhaust systemensurednormalpressure,temperature had been completed and trucked to L11's air gasesweretwooftheconflictingrequirements andhumidityconditionsinthecockpitandwas field in Ramenskoye south of Moscow.·Viktor facing Mikoyan engineers. The problem was perhapsclosertowhatthefutureMiG-15would Nikolayevich Youganov, who had worked for solved in the course of the first prototype's have. Mikoyan since 1946 and had flown the 1-270, flight tests. TslAM engineers proposed short The Yak-25 also a pneumatic canopy jetti was appointed project test pilot. He was an ening the aft fuselage and extension pipe, soningsystemdesignedbyLeonidLSelyakov excellent airman; in fact, he was often com reducing thrustlossesatfull military powerby who went onto work atthe Myasischev OKB, paredtothefamoustestpilotValeriyPavlovich 7to9%. participatinginthedevelopmentoftheM-4and Chkalovforhisflyingskills- andhisdevil-may Anotherchallengewiththe1-310washowto 3M Bison and M-50 Bounder heavy bombers careattitudeaswell, aswill becomeapparent. accommodate the main landing gear units in and,laterstill,becamechiefprojectengineerof To keep to the planned schedule, the S-1's the relatively thin wings (stowing them in the thepopularTu-134Crustyairliner.Justaboutall maiden flight had to take place bythe end of fuselage was out ofthe question- these was Sovietfightercanopies, includingthose ofthe December.However,theweatherwaspoorand simplyno room). Theproblem boileddownto La-15 and MiG-15, were based on Selyakov's itwas clearly betterto alterthe plan than risk the fact that the thin, high aspect ratio wings workwiththeYak-25. losingtheonlyaircraftavailable.TheOKBlead were of three-spar stressed-skin aluminium Another problem facing designers of the ersdecidedtopostponethefirstflightuntilthe constructionandthestructurewouldbeexces 1-310was how to place the armament. As on beginningof1948.ButYouganovwasshortof sivelyweakened bythemainwheel wells. This theMiG-9,thearmamentcomprisedone37mm money (atthetime, aSoviettest pilot making promptedstudiesonhowtodevelopalight,yet Nudel'man N-37 cannon and two 23mm thefirstflightofanewaircraftwaspaid 10,000 rigidstructure.Eventuallyastiffandlightweight Nudel'man/Sooranov NS-23KM cannons. Ini roubles - quite a lot of money) and insisted one-piecestamped mainsparwasintroduced, tially,theseweretobemountedinsimilarfash thatthefirstflightbeperformedbeforetheyear but not before the aircraft experienced lateral iontotheMiG-9,withthebigcannonmounted wasout. stability problems caused by insufficientwing in the intake splitter and one 23mm cannon On30th December1947thecloudbasewas torsionalstiffness(thesewillbedescribedlater). protruding beyondtheintakelowerliponeach at2,000m (6,560ft),whichmeantthefirstflight 1-310 wing static testing took place at the side. However, armament trials on the MiG-9 couldnotbeperformedundertherulesthenin MoscowAviation Institute. Withtheinitialwing promptlyshowedthatthisarrangementwasno force. Still,Yuganovdecided hewouldflyany design, skin cracks appeared at 120% of the good- the engineoftensurgedafteringesting way,sohenonchalantlyclimbedintothecock maximum design load, clearly indicating that gun blastgaseswhenthecannonswerefired. pit, had the aircraft towed to the holding the structure was way too heavy. The OKB's The problem was aggravated by the MiG-9's position to save fuel, started the engine and structuraldepartmentconsidereditpossibleto powerplant,asaxial-flowturbojetsareextremely took off. Retracting the landing gear, hemade reducestructural weightby 180kg (396Ib) but sensitivetogunblastgasingestion. two circuits of the field below the cloudbase overdid it- thewingsfailed atonly70%ofthe This was nottoo critical on the MiG-15with andlanded. maximum load. Finally, in a compromise itscentrifugal-flowturbojet; still,the engineers Unfortunately, Artyom I Mikoyan was not between high strength and low weight, the chose to relocate the armament. To facilitate theretowitnessthefirstflightofthefutureMiG wingswerelightenedby162kg (357Ib)versus access, engineerNIVolkov inventedasimple 15;nobodyhadexpectedittoflyinthatkindof the original design; nowthe structurefailed at and ingenioussolution: allthree cannons and weather. TheGeneral Designer"congratulated exactlythemaximumdesignload. their ammunition boxes were neatly mounted Youganovonthephone. The engineers had to proceed by trial and onasingletrayunderthecockpit, the N-37to Manufacturer'sflighttestsproceededforthe error because there was no established starboard andthetwo NS-23KMsto port.This nextfive monthsand were completed on 25th method of predicting structural strength char traycouldbewinched downquicklybymeans May 1948. Meanwhile, work continued onthe acteristics of a swept wing at the time. Lav ofahand crank andfourpulleysfor reloading second prototype (S-2) which was 75% com ochkin OKB engineer I Sverdlov created this andmaintenance,decreasingturnaroundtime pletebythetimetheS-1 flew.Thesecond pro techniquewhiletheLa-160,La-168,andLa-174 dramatically. totype differed mainly in being powered by a were under development. His work titled 'Air The avionics suite included an OSP-48 Nene-2 engine (c/n 1039) rated at 2,270kgp craftStructuralStrengthCalculation'isconsid instrument landing system (ILS) for use in (5,004Ibst)andhavingthewingsmoved80mm ered aclassic work on the subject in Russia. instrument meteorological conditions. The (3.15in) aft,withanewairfoilattheroot. Sincejetenginesenabledfighterstoclimbto ground partofthe system includedtwo range Other detail changes included thinner for 15,000m (49,212ft) and higher, ordinary oxy beacons, three marker beacons, communica wardfuselage skins, wing spars madeofV-95 genmaskswerenotenough;thefutureMiG-15 tions radios and an HForVHF radio direction aluminium alloy instead of Type 30KhGSA wasgoingtoneedacockpitpressurizationand finder to facilitate approach, descent to land steel, increased aileron area and a simplified heating system. The limited experience the ing,andtouchdowninbadweather.Thepartof canopy frame for better all-round visibility. An OKB hadamassedwiththewartime 1-212and the system installed on the fighter comprised ASP-1Nautomaticgunsight(avtomateecheskiy 1-214 clearly was not enough. Therefore, an ARK-5 Amur (a riverinthe Soviet Far East; strelkovyypreetsel),was installed, along with Mikoyan joinedforces with their competitor in pronouncedliketheFrenchwordamour)auto anS-13guncameraontheairintakeupperlip. the jet fighter development programme, the maticdirectionfinder, an RV-2 Kristall (Crystal) The main gear unitswere modified in orderto Lavochkin OKB, to develop aviable pressur low-altitude radio altimeter and an MRP-48 increase landing gearwheelbase, internalfuel izedcockpit. Dyatel (Woodpecker)markerbeaconreceiver.' volumewasincreasedandprovisionwasmade 8 MiG-15 The1·310(alsoknownasthe5·1),thefirst prototypeMiG·15,duringthecourseof manufacturer'sflighttestsinDecember1947. YefimGordonarchive for 250 litre (55 Imperial gallon) slippertanks immediatelyoutboardoftheouterwingfences. (Some sources give the drop tank volume as 260litres/57.2Imperialgallons) (Itshould be notedthat- inthe USSR, any way- earlyprototypeaircraftoftendifferedcon siderably in avionics fit from the production version. Asarule, someoftheradioand navi gation equipment was omitted; if radar was envisaged, itwas notfitted atall oratried and tested production radarfrom anearlieraircraft was temporarily fitted instead of the planned modeL) anareaof0.48m'(5.16ft')each.Winganhedral On 4th November, 1948the third prototype TheS-2wascompletedon5thAprilandfirst was increased from _1° to _2°, minor changes wastransferred tothe NilWSfacilityatNovo flewon27th May1948with SergeyNAnokhin weremadetothefinandailerons,andtheele fyodorovka airfield (Saki, the Crimean Penin atthecontrols.ItwasintendedforStateaccep vatorswerefittedwith massbalances. sula) where it underwent so-called checkout tancetrialstobeheldbytheAirForceResearch Fuel capacity was increased to 1,460 litres tests" until3rd December.StageBoftheState Institute(NilWS- Naoochno-issledovatel'skiy (321.2 Imperial gallons) versus 1,340 litres acceptancetrialsendedonthesameday.Test institoot voyenno-vozdooshnykh see0. In the (294.8 Imperial gallons) on the first prototype pilots Yuriy A Antipov and Vasiliy G Ivanov summerof1948,bothprototypeswereflownto andprovisionwasmadeforcarryingbombson made 35 flights at Novofyodorovka. On 23rd the Nil WS facility at Chkalovskoye airbase wing hardpoints, giving the MiG-15 a sec December, AirMarshal KVershinin, Comman east of Moscow.'o Typically ofthe period, the ondaryattackrole.AnAFA-IMreconnaissance der-in-Chief of the WS, signed an order to decisiontolaunchproductionofthefighterwas camera(AFA= aerofotoapparaht- aerialcam introduce the MiG-15 into the WS inventory. madeeven beforetrialswere completed; usu era) covered byahingeddoorwasinstalled in Despite this order, Nil WS pilots were still allythisapproach paidoff. the forward fuselage. The weapons tray was charged with determiningwhetherthe MiG-15 The State acceptance trials proceeded in beefedupandtheN-37cannonwasfittedwith ortheLa-15wasbettersuitedtotheAirForce's twostages (StageA, 27th Mayto25thAugust a flash suppressor, receiving the designation requirements. The La-15 was faster and more 1948;StageB,4thNovemberto3rdDecember N-37D (dorabotannaya - revised). Fortechno stable at speeds approaching Mach 1, but its 1948). In the course of the trials the 1-310 logical reasons the aircraftalso used different mainshortcoming,intheopinionoftheairforce receivedtheservicedesignationunderwhichit structural materials, which resulted in aslight test pilots, was its narrow-track undercarriage wastomakeitsmarkin history (and makethe increaseinemptyweight. which madethe aircraftdifficulttocontrol dur MikoyanOKBworldfamous)- theMiG-15. The S-3tooktotheairon 17thJuly1948at ing crosswind landings, especially in the wet. Thethirdprototype,S-3 (whichwasineffect the hands oftest pilot IT Ivaschchenko who Whilehavingalighterstructure,theLa-15rated a pre-production aircraft), was completed in hadjoinedtheMikoyanOKBin1945.Theman poorlyoneaseofmanufacturingandmaintain March 1948. Like the S-2, it was also ear ufacturer's flight test programme lasted until ability. Itswing manufacturing process (involv marked for State acceptance trials and pow 15th October; 48 flights were made by ing machining large components from solid ered by a Nene-2. This aircraft introduced Ivaschchenko and Sergey N Anokhin, in the slabs ofmetal and matingthem with complex hydraulically-powered airbrakes of almost tri course of which the aircraft attained a top joints)contributedtothedownfalloftheaircraft, angularshapeontherearfuselagesides, with speedofMach0.934. asitsproductionwasverylabour-intensive. MiG-15 9

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