ISSN 0373-5680 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 66 (3-4): 205-217, 2007 205 Migration and dispersal of Anthonomus grandis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in South America STADLER, Teodoro* and Micaela BUTELER** *Laboratorio de Investigaciones y Servicios Ambientales Mendoza (LISAMEN) Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (CRICYT - CONICET) Av. Ruiz Leal S/N Parque General San Martin, CC. 131, M 5500 IRA, Mendoza, Argentina; e-mail: [email protected] **Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, Montana State University, 334 Leon Johnson Hall, Bozeman 59717, Montana, USA; e-mail: [email protected] Migración y dispersión de Anthonomus grandis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) en América del Sur (cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132) RESUMEN. El presente estudio sobre la dispersión de Anthonomus grandis Boheman, el picudo del algodonero, en Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Bolivia, explora las características ecológicas y fisiológicas que han permitido a este insecto dispersarse y establecerse exitosamente en América del Sur. La plasticidad fenotípica de A. grandis se caracteriza por un tiempo de desarrollo flexible, ciclo de vida multivoltino con generaciones superpuestas, la capacidad de alimentarse con polen de diversas familias botánicas así como de otras fuentes de alimento y por su habilidad para migrar y dispersarse con la ayuda del viento. Todo esto hace de esta especie una plaga clave para el cultivo del algodón. Los cultivos de cítricos en Misiones, Argentina, son posibles sitios para la hibernación de esta especie. En esta región fueron capturadas grandes cantidades de individuos prediapausantes, provenientes de algodonales en post-cosecha en Paraguay, atraídos probablemente por compuestos volátiles de cítricos cultivados en la zona. La quiescencia facultativa que atraviesan los adultos ante condiciones adversas, conlleva a un retraso en el desarrollo que se relaciona con las condiciones desfavorables. Esto sugiere que la hibernación en A. grandis puede ser definida como «oligopausa», una forma intermedia de diapausa. Desde su introducción en Brasil en 1983 y hasta el 2006, el picudo se ha dispersado en dirección sudoeste hacia Argentina, a una velocidad promedio de 61 km año-1. Sin embargo, le ha insumido aproximadamente diez años cruzar 250 km, desde Paraguay hacia el centro de la zona algodonera de Argentina. Este progreso más lento se debe probablemente a las acciones llevadas a cabo en el marco del programa de erradicación del picudo del algodonero, por parte del gobierno de Argentina. La llegada del picudo al área central de cultivo de algodón en la Argentina, así como a otras áreas de cultivo en Paraguay y Argentina, confirma el hecho de que el picudo debería finalmente incluirse en un programa único de manejo integrado de plagas del algodón. PALABRAS CLAVE. Picudo del algodonero. Manejo integrado de plagas. Plaga clave. Recibido: 7-IX-2007; aceptado: 2-X-2007 206 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 66 (3-4): 205-217, 2007 (cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132)(cid:132) ABSTRACT. This study discusses the dispersal of Anthonomus grandis Boheman, the cotton boll weevil, in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia, exploring the ecological and physiological factors that have made the dispersal and establishment of this insect in South America so successful. The boll weevil’s phenotypic plasticity is represented by its flexible developmental time, its multivoltine life cycle with several overlapping generations, its capacity to feed on pollen from diverse botanical families as well as from non pollen food sources and its ability to migrate and disperse aided by winds. These characteristics make it a key pest for cotton. Probable overwintering «hot spots» for the boll weevil were identified in Misiones-Argentina, where large numbers of prediapausing weevils concentrate after arrival from newly harvested cotton fields in Paraguay, probably attracted by citrus orchards volatiles. The boll weevil’s facultative quiescence is always relative to environmental adverse conditions. This suggests that overwintering in the boll weevil can be defined as «oligopause», an intermediate form of diapause. Since its introduction to Brazil in 1983, until 2006, it has spread southwest at an average of 61 km year-1 towards Argentina. However, it took the boll weevil approximately ten years to move 250 km between Paraguay and the main cotton growing area in Argentina. This slower progress is probably due to the actions taken by the Argentine government through the boll weevil eradication program. The arrival of the boll weevil at the cotton cropping areas in Paraguay and Argentina reinforces the fact that the boll weevil should finally be included in an integrated cotton pest management program jointly with other major cotton pests. KEY WORDS. Cotton boll weevil. Integrated Pest Management. Cotton key pest. INTRODUCTION predators and parasites that attack the BW, these do not effectively control the pest The «cotton boll weevil» Anthonomus populations. The BW is also susceptible to grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: protozoan and fungal pathogens, but effective Curculionidae) (BW) is considered the most control has not been achieved so far, destructive cotton [Gossipium hirsutum L. primarily because the pathogens do not act (Malvaceae)] pest in America, due to its fast enough (Bell, 1983). This fact is consistent behavioural characteristics that allow with the concept that there are in principle, migration and dispersal, its biological no effective control agents found in the characteristics such as high reproductive habitat of newly introduced pests (Ables et capacity, multivoltine life cycle, and the fact al., 1983). that predation and parasitism by natural In South America, the BW has invaded enemies provide poor control of its Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Bolivia (dos populations. From moderate numbers of Santos, 2000; Gomez et al., 2000; Cosenzo overwintered adults the pest may develop et al., 2001; Duran Parada, 2000). Cotton into yield-damaging populations within the production in these countries is mainly span of a single generation. Any insect species represented by two opposite situations: large that exhibit these attributes has the potential cotton fields of over 50 ha and farmers with of being a dangerous economic pest (Walker less than 3 ha, where smallholders rely on & Niles, 1971). cotton as a cash crop. Cotton-growing areas In the Northern and Southern American in Paraguay and Argentina are scattered cotton growing areas, even though there are among the region and represented mainly by over 50 recorded beneficial species of smallholders. This fact makes the cotton pest STADLER, T. and M. BUTELER. Migration and dispersal of Anthonomus grandis in South America 207 complex situation quite different from the one advances in the knowledge of the interaction in the US or in Australia, two countries with between the BW and its host-plant as well as modern and technically advanced its feeding habits, offer an opportunity to agricultural industries. understand the dispersal of the BW in Brazil, As shown by the US Boll Weevil Paraguay, Argentina and Bolivia. Based on Eradication Program (http:// the knowledge obtained we present a review of the ecological and physiological factors weevil.html), the only effective way thus far, that have made the dispersal and to reduce BW populations to levels below establishment of the BW in South America economic significance is the use of intensive so successful, and discuss its implications. pheromone mass trapping, pin-head applications based on pheromone trapping, Natural history of the cotton boll weevil in-season insecticide applications and intensive «diapause-control programs». Such As described by West-Eberhard (2005), an intensive, high input approach makes variability in responsiveness in an organism cotton growing unprofitable for small farmers. is due partly to genetic variation and partly Moreover, insecticides pose a serious to variations in the developmental plasticity drawback on populations of beneficial of phenotype structure, physiology, and organisms that regulate other cotton pests, behaviour that arise during development and such as Pectinophora sp. (Lepidoptera: may be influenced by inputs from the Gelechiidae), and Heliothis sp. (Lepidoptera: environment, like temperature, photoperiod Noctuidae). Therefore, the use of pesticides and food availability. Survival and to manage the BW impacts the whole insect reproduction of an individual strongly pest management of the crop, and augments depend on its phenotypic plasticity (Caswell, production costs. Thus, the arrival of the boll 1983; Ishihara, 1999). weevil, has had severe social consequences The phenotypic plasticity of the BW has because although damage by this insect pest been demonstrated by the high variability in has reduced yields and profits drastically (e.g. time required by this species to develop from Paraguay), smallholders are not expected to egg to adult even for eggs laid on the same abandon cotton in the short term, since day. This developmental time range may be historically there have been no other as short as three days and as long as thirty six alternatives to cotton for a cash crop (Cosenzo days for weevils developing in squares and et al., 2001). up to fifty one days for weevils developing in The BW has been an issue of interest since bolls. Moreover, the BW is a multivoltine the species first became known as a pest in species with eight to ten generations during USA in the early 1890’s and considerable the normal season, and this is a critical work has been published on the subject. attribute that makes it a dangerous economic However, in South America, the BW has only pest (Coad, 1915; Horton & Ellis, 1997). recently become a key pest, and many Different authors report that spring-emerging questions regarding its biology, dispersal and BWs search for the nearest cotton plants host relationships still remain unanswered in (Cushman, 1911; Grossman, 1928) to feed this singular South American-scenario. on. Those weevils emerging before squares Recent advances in the knowledge of the are available may feed on the terminals of BW in the framework of a project titled cotton seedlings or on pollen from flowering Integrated Pest Management of the Cotton plants near the cotton fields. The BW, Boll Weevil in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay however, needs cotton pollen to successfully (CFC-ICAC/04), present an opportunity to mate, and oviposition does not occur until review the origin, dispersal, host relationships squares are present (Pierozzi Jr., 1985). After and natural enemies of the pest in South cotton square formation, BWs are attracted America (Stadler, 2001). The new discovery to cotton fields by plant volatiles. They of the BW at the southern limit of the cotton respond to the host plant volatiles as well as cropping area in Argentina and the latest to aggregation pheromones from other 208 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 66 (3-4): 205-217, 2007 individuals present in the field (Tumlinson et and feeds on pollen of other plants apart from al., 1969; White & Rummel, 1978). Later, Malvales in North and South America they mate and lay eggs when squares reach (Benedict et al., 1991; Jones et al., 1993). In approximately 0.6 mm in diameter. BW Argentina and in Paraguay, adult BWs feed oviposition has been well described by on native flora in the absence of cotton. This several authors (Cushman, 1911; Hunter & was shown by different authors studying BW Price, 1912; Bottrell, 1983). The BW female populations from Formosa and Misiones scouts the flower or fruit bud tapping it with (Argentina), where 37 pollen types were her antennae before laying an egg. Upon found in the digestive tract of trapped selecting a suitable site the insect begins to individuals. Pollen found belonged to bore a hole into it with its mouthparts, after Malvaceae, Compositae (Asteraceae), pulling out a piece of the epidermis and lays Solanaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Amaranthaceae, an egg. Females prefer to oviposit on squares Leguminosae (Fabaceae), and Polygonaceae rather than on bolls (Isley, 1932; Habib & (Cuadrado & Garralla, 2000; Cuadrado, Fernandes, 1983) unless the squares are too 2002). In the winter, pheromone trapped BWs big (Showler, 2004). Usually, females lay one showed pollen from different species of egg per square but each female may lay about Solanaceae, Leguminosae, Malvaceae, and two hundred eggs during a ten to twelve day Compositae in their digestive tract (Cuadrado, period. Eggs hatch in three to five days and 2002). Finally, Showler & Abrigo (2007) newly emerged larvae feed within the squares showed that adult BWs can be sustained on for eight to ten days. The pupal stage lasts non pollen food sources from plant species from five to seven days. Generation time from common in the south tropics and egg to egg averages about eighteen to twenty Mesoamerica. These authors demonstrated one days, depending on environmental that the BW is able to feed on endocarps of conditions (Horton & Ellis, 1997). Toward the prickly pear, grapefruit and orange, and end of summer, most emerging adult weevils survive up to three and a half months. enter a «pre-diapause» state, where they don’t Moreover, BWs seem to have a higher mate and spend a great part of the time survival rate during the winter in citrus feeding to build up reserves for the winter. In orchards than in other habitats, and Showler semiarid regions (e.g. Rolling plains of Texas), (2006) calls these «overwintering hot spots» adults generally spend the winter sheltered for the BW. Pollen as well as non pollen food under leaf litter in wooded areas near cotton sources other than cotton are called «feeding fields, in fence rows and grass banks hosts» and do not induce reproduction. surrounding cotton fields (Sterling & Nevertheless, feeding hosts allow the survival Adkisson, 1971). The BWs remain in these of weevils during the cotton-free months and overwintering sites until temperatures represent an important energy supply for pre- become warmer and days lengthen (Horton diapausal, migratory and post-diapausal & Ellis, 1997). activities. Cate & Skinner (1978) state that BWs are Recent findings present Hampea sp. primarily pollen feeders and their populations (Malvaceae) as an original reproductive host can be sustained by pollen when cotton is for the BW. However the BW has adopted unavailable. Work conducted in the northern other reproductive hosts such as Gossypium hemisphere and in Paraguay and Brazil, has hirsutum, Cienfuegosia sp. (Malvaceae) and shown that the BW feeds on pollen from a pantropical species of Hibiscus Malvaceae when reproductive hosts are (Malvaceae), Hibiscus pernambucensis (Cate, lacking (Cross et al., 1975; Lukefahr et al., 1996). 1986; Marengo Lozada et al., 1987). The tribe Gossypiae (Malvaceae) in Diversification in foraging in the BW is a America embraces four genera: Gossypium, product of its phenotypic plasticity as part of Hampea, Thespesia and Cienfuegosia, and the survival strategy in adults during periods BWs have been observed on all them. when cotton is not available. It has been Hampea occurs mainly in Mexico and shown that the BW is a polyphagous species Central America and south of the Amazon STADLER, T. and M. BUTELER. Migration and dispersal of Anthonomus grandis in South America 209 only the genus Cienfuegosia occurs wild and The literature reports on BW diapause are Thespesia populnea (L.) is often commercially diverse and in most cases, rather confusing grown. The BW’s reproductive hosts in South (in Rankin et al., 1994). Most literature reports America have not been experimentally on BW diapause (Earle & Newston, 1964; determined so far, but according to Keeley et al., 1977; Wolfenbarger et al., 1978; Krapovickas (2000) the genus Cienfuegosia Graham et al., 1979; Guerra et al., 1982; seems to be the most probable reproductive Braga Sobrino & Lukefahr, 1984; Rankin et host for the BW and its geographic al., 1994) match Müller’s (1970) definition distribution in Argentina overlaps with the of oligopause: a «facultative response to cotton-cultivated areas in this country. unpredictable exigencies on an irregular Cienfuegosia is endemic from the province basis, induced by adverse environmental of Chaco (Argentina) and Paraguay and it can conditions» and this particular response be found up to latitudes of 33° S. Therefore, appears and ends with a delay relative to knowledge of the species and its possible role unfavourable conditions. as alternative host for the BW is of great According to Müller’s (1970) importance, especially considering that its classification, some populations in the US as blooming period extends from September to well as in north-eastern Brazil show an June in Paraguay, providing an alternative oligopause (Braga Sobrino & Lukefahr, 1984). food source for the BW in the off season On the other hand, the «diapause syndrome» (Krapovickas, 2000). described in the BW by Rankin et al. (1994), The BW faces different seasonal consists of a set of behavioural and challenges during its life cycle, such as physiological species-specific markers of pre- absence of its reproductive host, harsh winter diapause, diapause and post- diapause conditions, and shortening of daylight. processes to seasonal changes (Tauber et al., Phenotypic plasticity allows the BW to adapt 1986). to adverse factors through migration, Graham et al. (1979) suggest that the dormancy and seasonal phenotypic variation. incidence of diapause in BW may vary considerably from year to year. Earle & Cotton boll weevil dormancy Newston (1964) describe differences in BW diapause between individuals as a Dormancy is a genetically based consequence of overwintering strategies other arrestment in insect development through than diapause that occurs in response to an behavioral adaptation to a seasonally array of environmental factors or diet. changing environment. Stimuli like food Differences in responses to overwintering quality and abundance can influence cues among insects of the same species from dormancy through interaction with different geographical areas are common, and photoperiod and temperature (Dingle, 1972; critical photoperiods for diapause induction Beck, 1980). Dormancy also allows often appear related to latitude (Tauber et al., synchronization of insect lifecycles 1986; Leather et al., 1993). For example, interacting with development rates and there are significant differences in BW determining patterns of voltinism (Tauber & diapause (Keeley et al., 1977; Wolfenbarger Tauber, 1976). Quiescence and diapause are et al., 1976; Guerra et al., 1982), as well as the two types of dormancy usually identified in winter time reproduction (Showler, 2006) in insects although diapause shows several between subtropical and temperate intermediate forms (Müller, 1970; Beck, environments. Guerra et al. (1982) reported 1980; Tauber et al., 1986). that in the subtropical regions in the US, Overwintering in the BW occurs in the diapause is best distinguished by interruption adult stage, which may provide the greatest of sexual functions, which is only temporary flexibility for location of, and movement and can be easily altered through feeding on within overwintering sites, as well as cotton flower buds. movement towards food and reproductive The regulation of diapause in the BW is resources in spring. complex and dynamic. Both early and late 210 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 66 (3-4): 205-217, 2007 life stages are sensitive to dynamic direction play primary roles in displacement photoperiods and temperatures, individuals as decisive factors determining the direction remain sensitive to these cues for different and distance travelled. Rainey (1977) durations, and the cues have a cumulative highlighted the enormous survival rate of effect on diapause induction over part or all insects using kinetic energy of atmospheric of the life cycle (Wagner et al., 1999). This circulation through downwind movement to adaptation would provide the species with locate and exploit ephemeral vegetation. flexibility to allocate portions of its population In South America, the BW tends to to reproduction or diapause as conditions disperse during late summer and early fall dictate during development. matching the end of the cotton season, and favored by high wind speeds. The average Migration of the cotton boll weevil highest wind speeds observed in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay are from the NE and N Migration in insects is a persistent, directions and they can have a significant directed movement dependent upon an influence on BW dispersal from infested areas inhibition of response to physiological stimuli (Ravelo et al., 2001). As described by several (i.e. mating, food), that could eventually arrest authors (Gomez et al., 2000; Cosenzo et al., movement Kennedy (1961). This definition 2001), the highest BW trapping catches in has shown to be useful in distinguishing Misiones were observed after cotton harvest, migratory and trivial flight in insects (Rankin which is coincident with the massive et al., 1994). The BW, like other insect migration of BW from southern Paraguay to species, uses migration not only to escape NE Argentina (Misiones and Formosa from old habitats and/or adverse conditions provinces) in the fall (Gomez et al., 1996; but also for colonization and active dos Santos, 2000; Gomez et al., 2000). Young exploitation of temporary habitats weevils emerged in the fall, will migrate after (Southwood, 1962). cotton harvest mainly as a result of food Migration in the BW occurs in the fall, scarcity as shown by different authors in when the major portion of the BW population Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina (Gomez et al., moves from cotton fields into a winter habitat 1996; Gomez et al., 2000; dos Santos, W. J., relatively near the source field. According to 2001; Cosenzo et al., 2001). On the other Moody et al. (1993), the early progeny of hand, spring-emerging early reproductive these migrants will probably enhance the BWs will migrate in absence of reproductive effective dispersal from the point of origin. hosts, and feed on feeding hosts until a These authors also consider the reproductive reproductive host becomes available. Spring- BWs dispersing from infested fields in the fall emerging BWs reproduce after reaching the to play an indirect but major role in the limits of their dispersal flight. During this establishment of overwintered adults in new phase, BWs could travel great distances areas. Showler (2006) reports that (Rankin et al., 1994). Studies conducted by curculionids are not known to migrate Rankin (1974) indicate that juvenile hormone between specific locations and that the long (JH) controls the timing and coordination of range movements of BWs are passive and flight and reproduction through its response accidental relying on wind currents. So, the to photoperiod, temperature and food quality BW might spread randomly to favorable and in Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas) (Heteroptera: unfavorable habitats like plant seeds do. Early Lygaeidae). In this species, intermediate JH workers recognized that the BW did not rely titers stimulate migratory behavior, allowing totally on its flying ability to cover great rapid colonization by young adults at their distances because it is a slow flyer with a non- highest reproductive potential, maximizing aerodynamic body design, reaching the utilization of the new habitat. This unassisted flight speeds of < 4,8 km h-1 phenomenon is termed «oogenesis flight (McKibben et al., 1988). For BWs lifted by syndrome» (Dingle, 1974). During starvation, convective currents to higher altitudes where JH titers continue to decline until the wind velocities are greater, wind velocity and individual settles down to survive on its STADLER, T. and M. BUTELER. Migration and dispersal of Anthonomus grandis in South America 211 reserves to maximize the chance of finding a (Burke et al., 1986). The rapid expansion of more favorable environment (Rankin & the BW in the cotton growing areas in North Riddiford, 1977). A similar efficient strategy and Central America and its high impact on is employed to some extent by other species the crop yield are an evidence of the fast as the (e.g.) Colorado potato beetle dispersal rate and high reproductive capacity [Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: of this pest. Chrysomelidae)] and the common cockchafer The Amazon was thought to be an [Melolontha melolontha L. (Coleoptera: adequate barrier that would restrain the BW Melolonthidae)] (Stengel & Schubert, 1970). from moving southwards. However, in Very little is known about the reproductive February of 1983 the Department of physiology of the BW, oogenesis, or adult Entomology of the Agricultural School in diapause in this species. However, in a study Piracaba-Sao Paulo reported the presence of conducted by Taub-Montemayor et al. (1997) the pest in cotton fields in Campinas Sao elevated levels of hemolymph juvenile Paulo (Braga Sobrinho, 2000) (Fig. 1), hormone esterase (JHE) were found to be although it is possible that the appearance of positively correlated with survival throughout the BW in Brazil was due to an accidental the winter in South Texas population of introduction other than because of natural weevils. According to these authors JH seems dispersal (dos Santos & Meneguim, 1996). In to control vitelogenesis in the pre- June 1983, probably disseminated through reproductive female weevil and high JHE cottonseed trade, the BW infested the cotton levels are correlated with diapause onset and growing areas of the northeast of Brazil overwinter survival. Boll weevils with (Paraiba and Pernambuco). In March 1985, relatively large fat bodies and incompletely 350 000 ha of cultivated cotton in the states or partially developed ovaries show a of San Pablo, Paraiba, Pernambuco and Rio tendency to make long duration flights Grande do Norte were affected by the pest (Rankin et al., 1994). This condition is typical (dos Santos & Meneguim, 1996; Degrande, of the «oogenesis flight syndrome» in which 1991). The first infestation in Parana was migration occurs prior to the onset of found in 1987. Less than five years later, the reproduction (Dingle, 1974). pest had infested more than 90% of the cotton producing area of the country. It was Dispersal of the cotton boll weevil in especially appalling for smallholders, who Latin America couldn’t afford new technological advances to control the pest (Gomez et al., 2000). The BW may move more than 60 km in The appearance of the BW in Brazil put search of food or overwintering habitats. Paraguay on the alert, where cotton is the Johnson et al. (1975) recaptured marked BWs main crop. Traps to monitor the pest were at distances ranging from 2 to 66 km from installed in Paraguay and as a measure to the release point and Guerra (1988) reported restrain the advance of the pest into the that several marked BWs were recovered at country, the entrance of cottonseeds from a flight distance of approximately 320 km. Brazil was banned and cotton cultivated with Other authors reported that an advance of seeds coming from that country were approximately 80 km year -1 was normal for destroyed. In spite of all these efforts, BWs this insect as it spread north and eastward were captured in pheromone traps for the first (Hunter & Coad, 1923). The BW dispersal time in Paraguay in 1991, in the district of stochastic models developed by McKibben Saltos del Guayrá (Gomez et al., 1996). et al. (1991), show that maximum dispersal In 1993, the BW was reported in the distances can be greater than 100 km for province of Misiones (Fig. 1), restricted to some individuals of a migrant population. non-cultivated areas. In June 1994, BWs were In the USA, the BW was firstly found in captured in San Ignacio de Loyola Texas in 1892. In the subsequent thirty years, (Argentina), on the border with Paraguay, near it infested the USA cotton belt and spread to cotton fields. At the same time BWs appeared Venezuela in 1949 and to Colombia in 1950 in pheromone traps in the department of 212 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 66 (3-4): 205-217, 2007 Fig. 1. Dispersal of Anthonomus grandis in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Bolivia from 1983 until 2006 (schematic). * Dispersal of A. grandis in Brazil, Paraguay after Gomez et al. (2000). Pilcomayo and then Pilagas (Formosa BW infested areas in Paraguay (Fig. 2): the province). In 1996, BWs were captured 60 northern area where BW populations are high km southwest of the cultivated area (Cosenzo (A), the central area where pest populations et al., 2001), and finally in August 2006 BW are moderate to high (B) and the southern was reported in Cte. Fernandez (Chaco), the area (C), dispersal front of the BW, with main argentine cotton cropping area (http:// intermediate levels of infestation (Gomez et al., 2000). As shown in the figure, BW noticia1.htm) (Fig. 1). In 1999 the presence dispersion has been precisely followed in of the BW was reported in Bolivia, and it is Paraguay through trapping programs suspected that it was introduced from Brazil developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of (Duran Parada, 2000). this country (Gomez et al., 2000), At present the occurrence of the BW in demonstrating that the BW disperses the Paraná state (Brazil), not only constitutes downwind at a rate of 60 to 100 km in a year. a problem by reducing cotton profitability, In an attempt to eradicate the BW from but it also creates dispersal sources that move Argentina, and to prevent infestation of the to Argentina. The pest has been restrained main cotton cropping areas of the Chaco and from the main cotton growing area in Formosa provinces, the Argentine authorities Argentina although sporadic re-infestations decided to destroy all cotton planted in the occur due to migrating insects from Paraguay province of Misiones (Fig. 1), close to the (Cosenzo et al., 2001). border of Paraguay and Brazil. Surprisingly, In Paraguay the BW affected even when cotton was eradicated in the approximately 95% of the cotton growing province of Misiones, trap captures areas in 1996, migrating in a windward established since 1996, show a trend of BW direction (NE) at a speed of 60 km a year populations migrating upwind in northeast (Gomez et al., 2000). There are three distinct direction in the fall from Paraguay into STADLER, T. and M. BUTELER. Migration and dispersal of Anthonomus grandis in South America 213 Fig. 2. Migration and dispersal of Anthonomus grandis in Paraguay (schematic - after Gomez et al., 2000). SW windward movement into Argentina and E-NE upwind movement into the main citrus cropping area in Misiones-Argentina. Misiones and further into Corrientes province Gomez et al., 2000). The unusual behavior (Argentina) (Retzlaff, 1998), two provinces of upwind movement, over short distances, where citrus are among the main crops. of large numbers of weevils from Paraguay Remarkably, the results of the Argentine BW into non-cotton areas into Misiones (Fig. 2) trapping program show that the BWs’ since 1996, can be understood under the light southwestern (downwind) migration in of Showler´s (2006) work. This author showed direction to the main Argentine cotton that BWs survive better in citrus orchards than cropping area was always lower than in other habitats during the winter and that expected (E. Cosenzo pers. comm.). such habitats are examples of overwintering In South America, the BW tends to «hot spots» in the sub-tropical Lower Rio disperse during late summer and early fall Grande Valley of Texas. Cotton harvest in matching the end of the cotton season, and Paraguay (March, April) causes BWs to search is favored by high wind speeds. The average for alternative food sources (Guerra, 1986), highest wind speeds observed in Argentina, as well as for overwintering refuges. Also, Brazil and Paraguay are from the NE and N cotton harvest overlaps with late citrus directions and they’ve had a significant orchard ripening in Misiones and Corrientes influence on BW dispersal from infested areas (Argentina). Therefore, the atypical upwind (Ravelo et al., 2001). As described by several (northeast) movement of weevils from authors, the highest BW trapping catches harvested cotton fields in Paraguay observed where reached after cotton harvest, which is since 1996, reinforces Showler´s (2006) coincident with the massive migration of BWs statement on the attractiveness of citrus from southern Paraguay to Argentina orchards volatiles to the BW. (Misiones and Formosa provinces) in the fall (Gomez et al., 1996; dos Santos, W. J., 2000; 214 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 66 (3-4): 205-217, 2007 CONCLUSIONS if Cienfuegosia is a reproductive host for the BW experimentally in order to establish if The BW invaded Brazil in 1983, from BWs migrating great distances between where it moved southwest and arrived in cotton cropping sites, do reproduce on wild Paraguay in 1991, in Argentina in 1993 and hosts or if they do so exclusively on cotton. finally in Bolivia in 1999. In August 2006, Determined efforts were made by various the BW reached the epicenter of the argentine investigators to establish principles and cotton cropping area (27º S) (Fig. 1). Since its techniques to control the BW. Experience has introduction in Sao Paulo in 1983, the BW shown that no efficient biocontrol agents are has moved approximately 1400 km available at the moment and total southwest. The remarkable upwind (North- dependence on insecticides is a non effective East) movement of weevils from harvested and expensive form of BW control. Also, cotton fields in Paraguay to Misiones- erradication technologies as those utilized in Argentina (Fig. 2), where no cotton is grown, the US BW eradication program are not suggests that BWs are attracted to citrus feasible in Paraguay and Argentina due to the orchards volatiles and that such habitats are large number of smallholders with less than probably overwintering areas. 3 ha plots, distributed erratically in the forest, The variability in responsiveness of the producing cotton as a cash crop, and based BW to environmental factors is due partly to on rudimentary technology. In this scenario genetic variation and partly to variations in only an integration of cultural and chemical the developmental plasticity of phenotype tactics will provide effective control. These structure that arise during individual cultural methods involve the management of development influenced by inputs from the overwintering habitat, stalk destruction, environment, like temperature, photoperiod uniformly delayed cotton planting, early crop and food availability (West-Eberhard, 2005). termination, the use of resistant cotton varieties Variability in responsiveness to environmental and chemical control of diapausing BWs. The cues permits the BW to go through several arrival of the BW to the epicenter of the overlapping generations during the cotton argentine cotton cropping area in August growing season, to develop in squares as well 2006, reinforced the fact that the BW should as in bolls, to adjust its developmental time finally be included in an integrated cotton pest from egg to adult to a broad time range, to management program jointly with other major migrate and disperse when the conditions are cotton pests common in Argentina and unfavorable, to feed on pollen from different Paraguay such as the pink boll worm botanical families as well as from non pollen [(Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) food sources. External factors have a major (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)], the boll worm developmental effect on the BW, which complex (Spodoptera - Heliothis) and the leaf allows for variable life spans. Thanks to this, worm [Alabama argillacea (Hübner) this insect is able to thrive in various (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)]. environments differing in food availability After its introduction to Sao Paulo-Brazil and climate. These are all critical attributes in 1983, the BW has moved approximately that make the BW a great survivor, and a 1400 km southwest reaching the centre of dangerous economic pest (Coad, 1915; the Argentine cotton cropping area (27º S) in Horton and Ellis, 1997). August 2006. From there, the BW has spread Because the BW can profit in an towards the southwest at an average of 61 opportunistic way from pollen of very km year-1 between Sao Paulo and Cte. different botanical families as well as from Fernández, Chaco-Argentina. The same other plant structures like endocarps of speed was observed during the dispersal of prickly pear, grape fruit and oranges, BW the pest from the north to the south of migration routes seem to be independent of Paraguay. However, the BW didn’t move as possible «floristic corridors» connecting fast as expected from SW Paraguay to the different cotton cropping areas in South centre of the Argentine cotton cropping area America. It remains necessary to determine (Cte. Fernández-Chaco) between 1995 and