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Preview Middleton's Allergy 2-Volume Set: Principles and Practice (Expert Consult Premium Edition - Enhanced Online Features and Print)

Middleton’s ALLERGY PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE Middleton’s ALLERGY PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE E I G H T H E D I T I O N — V O L U M E 1 N. Franklin Adkinson, Jr., MD Stephen T. Holgate, MD, Professor of Medicine DSc, FMedSci Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology MRC Professor of Immunopharmacology Department of Medicine Clinical and Experimental Sciences Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Baltimore, Maryland, USA Southampton University and General Hospital Southampton, United Kingdom Bruce S. Bochner, MD Professor of Medicine and Director Robert F. Lemanske, Jr., MD Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine Department of Medicine Head, Division of Pediatric Allergy, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Immunology, and Rheumatology Baltimore, Maryland, USA University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health A. Wesley Burks, MD Madison, Wisconsin, USA Professor and Chair, Pediatrics Physician-in-Chief Robyn E. O’Hehir, FRACP, North Carolina Children’s Hospital PhD, FRCPath University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Professor and Director Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA Department of Allergy, Immunology, and Respiratory Medicine William W. Busse, MD Alfred Hospital and Monash University Professor of Medicine Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Department of Medicine Allergy, Pulmonary, and Critical Care Medicine University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Madison, Wisconsin, USA 1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd. Ste. 1800 Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899 MIDDLETON’S ALLERGY PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE Volume 1 PN 9996092240 Eighth Edition Volume 2 PN 9996092305 Two-volume set ISBN: 978-0-323-08593-9 Copyright © 2014 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. Copyright © 2009, 2003, 1998, 1993, 1988, 1983, 1978, by Mosby, an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier. com/permissions. This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. With respect to any drug or pharmaceutical products identified, readers are advised to check the most current information provided (i) on procedures featured or (ii) by the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose or formula, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications. It is the responsibility of practitioners, relying on their own experience and knowledge of their patients, to make diagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Middleton’s allergy : principles and practice. —8th edition / N. Franklin Adkinson Jr. … [et al.]. p. ; cm. Allergy Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-323-08593-9 (two-volume set : alk. paper) I. Adkinson, N. Franklin, Jr. (Newton Franklin), 1943- II. Middleton, Elliott, Jr., 1925-1999. III. Title: Allergy. [DNLM: 1. Hypersensitivity. 2. Immunity. WD 300] RC584 616.97—dc23 2013014886 Cover image adapted from Figure 21.2 in Pathophysiology of Allergic Inflammation by Peter J. Barnes. Senior Content Strategist: Belinda Kuhn Deputy Content Development Manager: Joanne Scott Content Coordinator: Humayra Rahman Khan Publishing Services Manager: Anne Altepeter Project Manager: Louise King Design Manager: Louis Forgione Illustration Manager: Michael Carcel Illustrator: Oxford Illustrators, Chartwell; Dartmouth Publishing, Inc. Marketing Manager: Katie Alexo Printed in China Last digit is the print number: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PREFACE TO THE EIGHTH EDITION With the publication of the eighth edition of Middleton’s Allergy: responses are applicable to allergic diseases, and a broadened Principles and Practice, the “beat goes on” for a textbook that role for innate immune mechanisms is at the forefront of was established nearly 40 years ago. Over these years, the book cutting-edge research. Other chapters covering the fundamental has continued to meet the educational needs of a diverse reader- aspects of the immune system have been greatly expanded to ship—students, trainees, investigators, and practitioners. reflect relevant advances, especially new insights about the roles Although there are new “verses” to the original “score” to reflect of regulatory T cells in both sensitization and immunotherapy. advances and discoveries over the past 4 decades, the basic Advances in understanding of the origins and pathways of “melody” to this textbook has been retained and builds on the allergic diseases have accelerated tests of whether biologic thera- success of the previous editions. The success over time for this pies can be used to modulate, if not modify, human allergic and textbook is an ongoing testimony to the insight, design, and immunologic diseases. The rationale for these advances is often wisdom of the founding editors: Elliott Middleton, Jr., Elliot F. new pathways that may have direct and selective applicability to Ellis, and Charles E. Reed. In 1978 they were academic leaders allergic reactions. To amplify more fully the seventh edition, with expertise in the science and clinical practice of our spe- three newly minted chapters were added: Immune Tolerance, cialty. Their visionary approach in the original design of this Immunobiology of IgE and IgE Receptors, and Resolution of textbook recognized the need not only for a comprehensive Allergic Inflammation. New findings expounded in these chap- textbook to codify state-of-the-art information on the ever- ters hold promise of identifying novel potential targets for pre- expanding and evolving science of allergic diseases and inflam- vention and treatment of allergic disorders. mation, but also to then translate this hard-won knowledge A separate section on aerobiology and allergens (Section B) from research to clinical practice. This singular need and goal has been added to the eighth edition to expand topics that are remain today the manifest vision of this undertaking. both unique and fundamental to the origins of a reaction to an It was their concept and design—one that has been adhered environmental allergen: the structure and properties of foreign to in subsequent editions, including this eighth edition—that substances that become allergens, the host-environmental a comprehensive text should be built around two major infor- interactions leading to clinical disease, the role of air quality, mational foci. The first is the need to have a broad and com- and the standardization of allergen measurements in the assess- prehensive review and discussion of the underlying scientific ment and management of allergic diseases. A new chapter, Par- basis that forms a foundation for allergic diseases (i.e., the ticulate and Pollen Interactions, highlights how allergens and principles). The second major component of the text builds environmental particulates can and do interact to promote upon and translates these scientific principles into discussions allergic sensitization. on the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases (i.e., the New chapters have also been added to reflect advances of practice). It is the fondest hope of their successors, now seven emerging fundamental and/or clinical importance, including: in number, that the current eighth edition maintains the goals Respiratory Tract Mucosal Immunology, Ontogeny of Allergic and standards so wisely established by Drs. Middleton, Ellis, Diseases and Asthma, Mouse Models of Allergic Airways and Reed. Disease, Lung Imaging, and Gastrointestinal Mucosal Immu- In planning the eighth edition of Middleton’s Allergy, a nology. The topic of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis number of organizational changes were implemented. The ever- and hypersensitivity pneumonitis receives new emphasis in this expanding knowledge of basic immunology fundamentals was edition, reflecting the clear inclusion of these disorders within applied to common diseases—including asthma, food allergies, the clinical spectrum of allergy and immunology. and atopic dermatitis, for example—to add greater understand- Asthma remains the predominant component of the section ing of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology pathways of these on the respiratory tract, and 10 chapters have undergone disorders, which in turn would delineate more effectively treat- extensive revisions to reflect new information and clinical ment opportunities, both current and future. Although many translation. The major advances in asthma pathogenesis are examples of this approach are present in the eighth edition text, found in a newly authored chapter with subsequent chapters one of the most striking is the emergence since the last edition discussing diagnosis, treatment, and special aspects of asthma— of new and lifesaving treatments for hereditary and acquired occupational, exercise, and during pregnancy. Asthma is a het- angioedemas. For years the fundamental defect in hereditary erogeneous disease and this is noted in many aspects, including angioedema has been known, but it has taken a decade of explo- onset, severity, and responsiveness to treatment. Heterogeneity ration of its pathways to devise not just one, but several effective is also reflected in asthma in terms of the ages of the patients and safe treatments for patients with hereditary and, it is hoped, affected. To recognize these critical distinctions, new chapters other forms of kinin-mediated angioedemas. were delineated to deal with the unique aspects in the diagnosis New technology continues to expand the identification and and management of children and adults. recognition of new aspects and “players” in the dynamic Systemic manifestations of allergic and immunologic disease immune system network. Every attempt has been made to are covered in Section G. In addition to comprehensive coverage ensure that this advanced knowledge was included in this text, of specific disorders (e.g., eosinophilia and eosinophil-related particularly as it may relate to allergic and immunologic dis- disorders), mastocytosis, drug allergy, human immunodefi- eases. In that spirit, the “overview” to immunity and how it ciency virus, and anaphylaxis, chapters are devoted to diagnos- works has been expanded to include chapters on both innate tic methods relevant for allergy evaluations, including recent and adaptive immunity. Both of these components of immune advances such as component analysis. In the past 2 decades, ix x Preface to the Eighth Edition research on food allergies has been unprecedented and has led perspectives are aired and new voices can be heard, even when to a greater recognition and appreciation of the scope of these there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the “older” author. allergic reactions and, more recently, of how to provide safe This sometimes results in perceived insults when authors are definitive prevention and treatments as alternatives to avoid- “dropped,” but we believe the value of this principle continues ance. Consequently, a new chapter on food allergy management to prove itself. Hence, in this edition, you will find new co- has been added. authorship in a majority of chapters, and totally new presenta- Finally, the section on therapeutics for allergic and immu- tions in 43 of 102 chapters! We believe this newness alone is nologic diseases remains extensive and includes many new sufficient reason to acquire and engage the eighth edition— topics. This section has traditionally been a strength of the even for experienced clinicians and investigators. Middleton text and from our perspective continues to be so in In our opinion, the authors who have graciously contributed the eighth edition. Control of allergic reactions by pharmaco- 102 chapters and two appendixes to the eighth edition have logic and immunologic means remains a main focus. An provided readers from all levels with comprehensive, evidence- expanded discussion of immunotherapy includes a new chapter based information and timely reviews of allergic diseases. They on sublingual immunotherapy to reflect its major advances and have “told the story” of the principles of our diseases as well as interest and its emerging clinical use. Two other chapters are translated this information into practice for the most effective now part of the Therapeutics section: Cytokine-Specific Therapy current care and treatment. It is impossible to sufficiently thank in Asthma and Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The all of the authors for their wonderful and informative chapters. use of biologics in allergic diseases is of considerable interest It has been our responsibility—and pleasure—to orchestrate and reflects the culmination of applying knowledge from the their well-written chapters into a book that we hope will con- basic biology of disease pathways to novel therapies for disease tinue to effectively serve and meet the needs of our readership, processes that may not be responsive to current treatment from student to investigator to care provider. because of uniquely responsive subpopulations of patients. This monumental cooperative effort among authors and The eighth edition continues to expand innovations of the editors could not have been undertaken without the superb seventh edition that brought widespread endorsement and support of our publishing staff at Elsevier, for whom we are acclaim. These include full-color coding and accenting, coordi- especially grateful. Based in London, Joanne Scott and her nated artwork with consistent format, an insistence on tabular associates Devika Ponnambalam and Humayra Rahman Khan and schematic graphical presentations wherever possible, sum- arranged international conference calls, organized and docu- maries of important concepts for each chapter, and extensive mented our efforts and progress, and kept both authors and referencing with an emphasis on recent findings. With this editors on track for an on-time completion. Belinda Kuhn, edition we also began the process of encouraging authors to senior content strategist, and her predecessor, Sue Hodgson, conform their contributions to a common outline format so oversaw the planning and evolution of the project over the that there is some consistency in order of presentation within past 4 years. Louise King in St. Louis managed the layout and chapters. All of these features, plus other enhancements such as proofing process, and numerous others at Elsevier did great reference links and ability to extract figures as slide copy, are service in artwork and design, publicity, and production. available on the searchable web version available to those who Mike Carcel, Louis Forgione, and Brett MacNaughton in acquire the electronic format. Philadelphia managed the art line and cover and text design. It Along with the major content changes in the science and was a pleasure to work with this excellent multinational staff of treatment of allergic diseases, the eighth edition of Middleton professionals. has seen changes in our editors. Dr. F. Estelle R. Simons has Lastly, a word about the future. Medical publishing is chang- stepped down as an editor. We greatly miss her scholarship of ing rapidly and we will change with it. The eighth edition will allergic diseases but we are grateful that she and Dr. Cezmi A. be published in print form and simultaneously issued in elec- Akdis have continued to author their very comprehensive and tronic format, as was true for the seventh edition. But the tra- tour de force chapter Histamine and H-Antihistamines. Drs. ditional 5-year cycle for completely new editions will be replaced 1 Robyn E. O’Hehir and Wesley Burks are new and welcome addi- by a continuously revised e-edition, which will allow all content tions as editors. They have brought special expertise in immu- to remain current. The details of this new era for the Middleton nology/asthma and food allergy, respectively, as well as a fresh text are being finalized and should be available by the time of view to the overall direction of Middleton’s Allergy: Principles publication. and Practice. In addition, Dr. O’Hehir’s acceptance means that we now have editors from three continents, which hopefully N. Franklin Adkinson, Jr. allows and encourages a fully global perspective. Managing Editor The authorship for this text continues to expand in terms Bruce S. Bochner of geographic origin. The 215 contributing authors come from A. Wesley Burks 17 countries on 5 continents. The Middleton text continues William W. Busse to evolve over time to become global in perspective, and edito- Stephen T. Holgate rial care has been exercised to ensure clear understanding of Robert F. Lemanske, Jr. differences in practice norms, especially between the United Robyn E. O’Hehir States and Europe. Another continuing editorial policy is the systematic turnover of chapter authorship to ensure that fresh May 2013 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION Allergy, once a confusing subject for clinician and researcher It is our opinion that some chapters in this book represent alike, has emerged as a medical science in which immunology, the most comprehensive summaries of the subject matter to be physiology, and pharmacology interface uniquely. Our present found in print. Thus Allergy: Principles and Practice serves not state of knowledge is the culmination of the efforts of many only as a textbook but as a reference book. Indeed, this was our workers over many decades of research in the clinic and labora- intent, but original estimates for the length of the book were tory. We want to acknowledge our incalculable debt to these necessarily revised upward as it became clear that much excel- investigators, both basic scientists and clinicians, who taught us lent material could not properly be left out. The final product not only fact but more importantly concepts and scientific then turns out to be a book we hope will be useful to all students method. of allergy: practitioners, clinical investigators, other researchers, Several textbooks on allergy are already in existence. Why allergy trainees, and medical students. another one? We pondered this question for some time before The generous and unstinting help of many people in addi- embarking on what turned out to be, expectedly, a rather for- tion to the contributors made this book possible. Without the midable task. It was our opinion that a truly comprehensive competent and devoted secretarial assistance of Marci Dame, book about allergy should focus strongly not only on the excit- Evelyn Beimers, Bonnie Barcy, Carol Speery, and Candace ing developments of the past decade or two in immunology but Anderson, the task could not have been accomplished. We also provide in-depth coverage of equally pertinent new infor- thank our wives and families for their forbearance, while we mation on physiology and pharmacology, two areas of critical were sequestered away from home for day and night weekend importance to the student of allergy. We have made no attempt sessions during the planning and editing phases. From the to cover all of the subject matter considered to fall under the beginning their support has been essential to the successful general rubric of clinical immunology and so do not include completion of our job. A number of colleagues, too numerous sections dealing with rheumatology, other connective tissue to name, provided help in critical reading of manuscripts. To disorders, immunohematology, or tumor immunology, for these and others who were helpful in a variety of ways, we offer example, since these subjects are well covered elsewhere. thanks. The chapters dealing with immunology, pharmacology, and We are saddened that two contributors died during the prep- physiology appear at the beginning in the basic science section aration of the book. Jane Harnett is the senior author of the of the book to provide the necessary conceptual framework for chapter dealing with aspirin idiosyncrasy. Dr. Harnett compiled the clinical science section, which deals with the variety of clini- much of the information for the chapter and worked on the cal states that fall within the purview of allergy and the allergist. manuscript under extremely difficult circumstances up to The value of the clinical descriptions is vastly enhanced by a within only a few days of her untimely death. She is remem- careful reading of the earlier chapters. bered fondly and with respect by all those with whom she We were most fortunate in securing a truly outstanding worked. Robert P. Orange, one of the most brilliant and creative “star-studded” cast of contributors who managed to find time investigators of his generation, died suddenly during the prepa- in their already overcrowded schedules to help us write the ration of the book. No one can guess what additional important book. We thank them all for their efforts and are grateful for discoveries Dr. Orange would have made had he not died so the patient indulgence of a few who put up with some predict- prematurely. able editorial fussing meant to achieve proper balance and avoid We would like to record here our personal sorrow at the loss excessive overlap. of these fine physicians. We hope that their representation in Most of the chapters can be read as free-standing articles or this textbook will help keep memories of them alive. monographs on that particular subject. This has led to a certain irreducible amount of duplication. By and large, there is con- Elliott Middleton, Jr. sistency among chapters in which comparable material has been Charles E. Reed presented by different authors, but the reader will find occa- Elliot F. Ellis sional areas of controversy, a natural state of affairs in a rapidly growing field. 1978 xi CONTRIBUTORS Seema S. Aceves, MD, PhD Andrea J. Apter, MD, MSc, MA Associate Professor, Pediatrics and Medicine Professor of Medicine Division of Allergy and Immunology, Departments of Chief, Section of Allergy and Immunology Pediatrics and Medicine Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine Director, Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders Clinic Perelman School of Medicine at the University of University of California, San Diego Pennsylvania La Jolla, California, USA Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Rady Children’s Hospital Adherence San Diego, California, USA Gastrointestinal Mucosal Immunology Claus Bachert, MD, PhD Professor of Medicine Ian M. Adcock, MD Chief of Clinics Professor, National Heart and Lung Institute Head, Upper Airway Research Laboratory Imperial College London Ear, Nose, and Throat Department London, United Kingdom University Hospital Ghent Biology of Monocytes and Macrophages; Glucocorticosteroids Ghent, Belgium Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps N. Franklin Adkinson, Jr., MD Professor of Medicine Katherine J. Baines, PhD Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Department of Medicine Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine University of Newcastle Baltimore, Maryland, USA Hunter Medical Research Institute Drug Allergy; Appendix B: Internet Resources for Allergy and Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia Immunology Professionals Biology of Neutrophils Cezmi A. Akdis, MD Mark Ballow, MD Professor and Director, Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics Research Director, Allergy/Immunology Fellowship Training Program University of Zürich Past Chief, Division of Allergy/Clinical Immunology and Director, Christine Kühne−Center for Allergy Research and Pediatric Rheumatology Education Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo President, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical SUNY Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Immunology Buffalo, New York, USA Zürich, Switzerland Approach to the Patient with Recurrent Infections Immune Tolerance; Histamine and H Antihistamines 1 Peter J. Barnes, FMedSci, FRS Mübeccel Akdis, PD, MD, PhD Head of Respiratory Medicine Head of Immunodermatology, Swiss Institute of Allergy and National Heart and Lung Institute Asthma Research Imperial College London University of Zürich London, United Kingdom Zürich, Switzerland Pathophysiology of Allergic Inflammation Immune Tolerance Neal P. Barney, MD Keith C. Allen, BSc Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Medical Student Director of Cornea and External Disease Service Medical Research Council Centre for Inflammation Research University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Queen’s Medical Research Institute Health University of Edinburgh Madison, Wisconsin, USA Edinburgh, United Kingdom Allergic and Immunologic Diseases of the Eye Resolution of Allergic Inflammation xiii xiv Contributors Fuad M. Baroody, MD, FACS Judith Black, AO, MBBS, PhD Professor of Surgery, Otolaryngology−Head and Neck Surgery Professor and NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow, and Pediatrics Discipline of Pharmacology Director, Pediatric Otolaryngology School of Medical Sciences and Woolcock Institute of Medical The University of Chicago Medical Center Research The Comer Children’s Hospital The University of Sydney Chicago, Illinois, USA Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Allergic and Nonallergic Rhinitis Noncontractile Functions of Airway Smooth Muscle Heidrun Behrendt, MD Bruce S. Bochner, MD Professor and Director Emeritus Professor of Medicine and Director Center of Allergy and Environment Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Christine Kühne–Center for Allergy Research and Education Department of Medicine Munich, Germany Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Particulate and Pollen Interactions Baltimore, Maryland, USA Biology of Eosinophils; Appendix A: CD Molecules Bruce G. Bender, PhD Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry Mark Boguniewicz, MD Head, Division of Pediatric Behavioral Health Professor, Division of Allergy–Immunology National Jewish Health Department of Pediatrics, National Jewish Health Denver, Colorado, USA University of Colorado School of Medicine Adherence Denver, Colorado, USA Atopic Dermatitis M. Cecilia Berin, PhD Associate Professor of Pediatrics Larry Borish, MD Division of Allergy and Immunology Professor of Medicine, Asthma and Allergic Disease Center Jaffe Food Allergy Institute Carter Immunology Center Department of Pediatrics University of Virginia Health System Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Charlottesville, Virginia, USA New York, New York, USA Cytokines in Allergic Inflammation Gastrointestinal Mucosal Immunology Louis-Philippe Boulet, MD, FRCPC, FCCP Paul J. Bertics, PhD† Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine Kellett Professor of Biomolecular Chemistry Laval University University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Québec Heart and Lung Institute Health Québec City, Québec, Canada Madison, Wisconsin, USA Diagnosis of Asthma in Adults Signal Transduction Jean Bousquet, MD Thomas Bieber, MD, PhD, MDRA Professor of Pulmonology, Department of Allergology Professor and Chair Arnaud de Villeneuve Hospital Department of Dermatology and Allergy University Hospital of Montpellier University of Bonn Montpellier, France Bonn, Germany In Vivo Methods for the Study and Diagnosis of Allergy Structure of the Skin and Cutaneous Immunology Joshua A. Boyce, MD Leonard Bielory, MD Albert L. Sheffer Professor of Medicine in the Field of Allergic Professor, Center of Environmental Prediction Diseases Rutgers University Harvard Medical School Attending, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Jeff and Penny Vinik Center for Allergic Disease Research Director, STARx Allergy and Asthma Center Division of Rheumatology, Immunology, and Allergy New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA Brigham and Women’s Hospital Unconventional Theories and Unproven Methods in Allergy Boston, Massachusetts, USA Lipid Mediators of Hypersensitivity and Inflammation †Deceased Contributors xv Peter Bradding, BM, DM, FRCP Peter G.J. Burney, MD, FFPH, FMedSci Professor of Respiratory Medicine Professor, Department of Respiratory Epidemiology and Institute for Lung Health Public Health Department of Infection, Immunity, and Inflammation National Heart and Lung Institute University of Leicester Imperial College London Leicester, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom Biology of Mast Cells and Their Mediators Epidemiology of Asthma and Allergic Airway Diseases Christopher E. Brightling, MD, PhD, FCCP Robert K. Bush, MD Wellcome Senior Research Fellow Professor Emeritus, Department of Medicine Clinical Professor in Respiratory Medicine Division of Allergy, Immunology, Pulmonary, and Critical Institute for Lung Health Care Medicine Department of Infection, Inflammation, and Immunity University of Wisconsin University of Leicester Madison, Wisconsin, USA Glenfield Hospital Reactions to Food and Drug Additives Leicester, United Kingdom Lung Imaging; Cytokine-Specific Therapy in Asthma William W. Busse, MD Professor of Medicine David H. Broide, MB, ChB Department of Medicine Professor of Medicine Allergy, Pulmonary, and Critical Care Medicine University of California, San Diego University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public La Jolla, California, USA Health Cellular Adhesion in Inflammation Madison, Wisconsin, USA Management of Asthma in Adolescents and Adults Simon G.A. Brown, MBBS, PhD, FACEM Professor of Emergency Medicine Jeroen Buters, PharmD University of Western Australia Associate Professor, Center of Allergy and Environment Royal Perth Hospital Christine Kühne–Center for Allergy Research and Education Perth, Western Australia, Australia Munich, Germany Anaphylaxis Particulate and Pollen Interactions Rebecca H. Buckley, MD Lien Calus, MD J. Buren Sidbury Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics, Resident in Otorhinolaryngology Department of Pediatrics Upper Airway Research Laboratory Professor of Immunology, Department of Immunology Ear, Nose, and Throat Department Duke University Medical Center University Hospital Ghent Durham, North Carolina, USA Ghent, Belgium Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps Janette K. Burgess, PhD Carlos A. Camargo, Jr., MD, PhD Associate Professor and NHMRC Career Development Fellow, Professor of Medicine Discipline of Pharmacology Harvard Medical School School of Medical Sciences and Woolcock Institute of Medical Physician, Massachusetts General Hospital Research Boston, Massachusetts, USA The University of Sydney Emergency Treatment and Approach to the Patient with Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Acute Asthma Noncontractile Functions of Airway Smooth Muscle Brendan J. Canning, PhD A. Wesley Burks, MD Associate Professor of Medicine Professor and Chair, Pediatrics Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Department of Physician-in-Chief Medicine North Carolina Children’s Hospital Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Baltimore, Maryland, USA Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA Neuronal Control of Airway Function in Allergy Reactions to Foods

Boasting a worldwide reputation as the leading text in allergy and immunology, Middletons Allergy continues its steadfast tradition of providing comprehensive coverage of state-of-the-art basic science, as well as authoritative guidance on the clinical concepts of day-to-day diagnosis and management
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