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Middle Jurassic Mesopanorpodidae from Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China (Insecta, Mecoptera) PDF

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Preview Middle Jurassic Mesopanorpodidae from Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China (Insecta, Mecoptera)

Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 32 (4) : 865- 874 ( Oct., 2007) ISSN1000(cid:1)0739 动物分类学报 内蒙古道虎沟中侏罗世中生蝎蛉科 (昆虫纲, 长翅目) 昆虫化石新发现 孙建海(cid:1) 任(cid:1) 东* (cid:1) 史宗冈 首都师范大学生命科学学院(cid:1) 北京(cid:1) 100037 摘(cid:1) 要(cid:1) 描述中生蝎蛉科 Mesopanorpodidae Tillyard, 1918化石 2新属 3新种: 宽翅柱状蝎蛉 Stylopanorpodes eurypterus gen. et sp. nov., 华美纺锤蝎蛉 Netropanorpodes decorosus gen. et sp. nov., 多刺纺锤蝎蛉 Netropanorpodes sentosus gen. et sp. nov.。所有化石标本均采于内蒙古宁城道虎沟中侏罗世九龙山组地层, 模式标本现保存于首都师范大学生命科 学学院。 关键词(cid:1) 长翅目, 中生蝎蛉科, 新属, 新种, 道虎沟, 中侏罗世. 中图分类号(cid:1) Q915(cid:2)819(cid:2)7 (cid:1) (cid:1) 中生蝎蛉科 Mesopanorpodidae Tillyard, 1918 是 本文化石的鉴定和初步描绘主要借助于 Leica 长翅目中的一个灭绝科, Martynova ( 1962) 曾将该 MZ12(cid:2)5显微镜附带绘图仪辅助完成, 部分线条图借 科并入 Permochoristidae, 但后者M 脉分支较多, 两 助于 CorelDraw12绘图软件完成。 者差异较大, 后仍作为一个独立的科 ( Ren, 1995)。 长翅目 Mecoptera Packard, 1886 该科目前已知有11属: Mesopanorpodes Tillyard, 1918; Prochoristella Riek, 1953; Afristella Riek, 1974; 中生蝎蛉科Mesopanorpodidae Tillyard, 1918 Itaphlebia Sukatsheva, 1985; Chrysopanorpa Ren, 1995; MesopanorpodesTillyard, 1918. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 42: 720(cid:1) Erdosia Hong, 2002; Triassochoristites Hong & Guo, 756. MesopanorpodidaeRiek, 1953. Rec. Aust. Mus., 23: 55(cid:1)87. 2003; Forcinerva Hong & Guo, 2003; Longifurcula MesopanorpodidaeRiek, 1974. Paleontol. Africana, 17: 19(cid:1)31. Hong, 2007; Allochorista Hong, 2007; Ladinochorista MesopanorpodidaeSukatsheva, 1985. Trudy Paleontol. Inst. Akad. Nauk Hong, 2007。 Novkshonov ( 1997 ) 将 Itaphlebia SSSR211. Nauka, Moscow: 96(cid:1)114. Sukatsheva, 1985和Chrysopanorpa Ren, 1995合并为一 Mesopanorpodidae Jell, and Duncan, 1986. Mem. Ass. Australus. 个属Itaphlebia, 并将其归入小蝎蛉科Nannochoristidae Palaeontols, 3: 111(cid:1)205. Mesopanorpodidae任东等, 1995. 北京与邻区侏罗- 白垩纪动物群及 中, 但由于该科已经灭绝, 且所发现的种类较少, 其地层. 91~94. 这一划分尚未得到认可, 关于这两属的具体分类还 MesopanorpodidaeHong, Guoand Wang, 2002. Acta Zootax. Sin., 27 有待进一步的研究。中生蝎蛉科是长翅目中比较古 (2): 278(cid:1)283. 老的类群之一, 地史纪录上最早出现于晚二叠世, 科征(cid:1) 前翅相对较宽, Sc脉延伸到翅痣区域, 与长翅目中的 Mesochoristidae 亲缘关系较近 ( Riek, M脉基部与 CuA脉愈合, Rs脉和 M脉均有4个分 1953), Willmann (1987) 认为该科和来自澳大利亚 支。 早 二 叠 世 的 Xenochoristidae, 三 叠 纪 的 分布: 澳大利亚, 南非, 西伯利亚, 中国; 晚 Triassochoristidae可能为长翅目中异源的复系群, 代 二叠世(cid:2) 早白垩世。 表着比小蝎蛉科 Nannochoristidae更早的分支。 柱状蝎蛉属, 新属Stylopanorpodes gen. nov. 我们 自内 蒙 古 宁 城道 虎 沟 的 九 龙 山 组 (Jiulongshan Formation) 地层中采到大量的昆虫化石 模式种: Stylopanorpodes eurypterus gen. et sp. nov. (Liu et al. , 2006; Yao et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 鉴别特征 虫体中等, 喙细长, 复眼大。足细 2006), 其中包括本文的3种中生蝎蛉科化石。化石 长, 其上被有排列不规则的细毛。前翅宽大, 翅痣 的地质时代应归为中侏罗世 ( Ren et al., 2002; Tan 不明显, Sc脉长, 2分支, 伸达翅痣区域; R1 不分 et al. , 2006)。 支, Rs脉4分支, 在翅中点之前分叉, R4+5分叉早 国家自然科学基金 (30370184, 30430100)、北京市自然科学基金 (5032003)、北京市教育委员会科技发展计划重点项目 (KZ200410028013) 和北京市市属市管高等学校拔尖创新人才项目共同资助. * 通讯作者, E(cid:1)mail:[email protected] 收稿日期: 2006(cid:1)12(cid:1)25, 修订日期: 2007(cid:1)07(cid:1)23. 865 (cid:1) 8(cid:1)66(cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) ActaZootaxonomica Sinica 动物分类学报(cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) Vol. 32(cid:1) No. 4 于R 。M 脉4 分支, 分叉晚于 Rs 脉, M 早于 词源: Stylopanorpodes 源于希腊词 styl(cid:1) ( 柱形 2+3 3+4 M1+2分叉, 但晚于R4+5。CuA和M脉在基部愈合较 的) 和 panorpodes ( 中 生 蝎 蛉 科 中 模 式 属 长一段距离, 两脉形成的Y 形脉明显。CuP 和 1A Mesopanorpodes一词的词基)。 脉之间有2支横脉。腹部延长, 圆柱状, 末端变细, 宽翅柱状蝎蛉, 新种Stylopanorpodes eurypterus gen. 雌虫有11腹节。 et sp. nov. (图1~ 4, 13) 比较(cid:1) 从翅脉来看, Stylopanorpodes gen. nov. 与 正模: 一块保存完整的雌虫标本, 编号: CNU(cid:1) Mesopanorpodes Tillyard, 1918和 Prochoristella Riek, 1953 M(cid:1)NN(cid:1)2006005。 类似, 但新属与前者最大的区别在于 R4+5分叉早于 产地及层位: 内蒙古宁城, 中侏罗世九龙山组。 R2+3, CuP和1A脉之间有2支横脉; 与后者的区别 描述(cid:1) 虫体中等大小, 长11mm, 标本展现了虫 在于Rs脉分叉早于M脉, R 分离晚, R 和R 都 2+3 2 3 体的整个侧面, 左前翅折叠到身体腹面, 可见大部 较短, CuA和 CuP 脉之间的横脉缺失。新属的 Rs 分翅脉, 右前翅轻微折叠到身体上, 后翅折叠在一 脉和M脉的分叉方式, 以及 Rs和 M脉区域的横脉 起, 翅脉不可分辨。 退化与其他属截然不同。 图1~ 4(cid:1) 宽翅柱状蝎蛉新种 Stylopanorpodes eurypterus gen. et sp. nov., 正模, 雌性 (holotype, female) CNU(cid:1)M(cid:1)NN(cid:1)2006005 1. 虫体 (body) (cid:1) 2(cid:2) 左前翅翅脉 (leftforewing) (cid:1) 3(cid:2) 后足跗节 (hind tarsus) (cid:1) 4(cid:2) 后足胫端距 (calcarof hindleg) Oct., 2007 孙建海等: 内蒙古道虎沟中侏罗世中生蝎蛉科 (昆虫纲, 长翅目) 昆虫化石新发现 867 (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) 头部顶端突起, 喙细长, 复眼位于头后, 非常 正模: 一块保存完整的雄虫标本, 编号: CNU(cid:1) 突出, 触角缺失。前胸背板小, 中后胸背板明显较 M(cid:1)NN(cid:1)2006100。 大。足细长, 其上密布排列不规则的细毛, 基节清 产地及层位: 内蒙古宁城, 中侏罗世九龙山组。 晰, 明显分为基节前片和后基片, 转节小, 后足胫 描述(cid:1) 虫体较大, 体长12(cid:2)5mm, 标本展现了虫 节明显长于股节, 末端有2 个胫端距, 长度相同, 体的整个侧面, 4个翅折叠在身体腹部, 只有前翅 跗节5节, 基跗节最长, 大约是第2跗节的两倍长。 的翅脉清晰可见。 翅较宽大, 长11mm, 宽4mm, 顶端钝圆, 最宽 头部顶端隆起, 头壳延长, 与唇基、上唇和下 处在翅中点之外, 前缘区较宽, 翅痣模糊, Sc长, 2 颚形成延长的喙, 喙细长; 复眼发达, 触角丝状, 分支, 延伸到翅痣区域, R1 简单, 不分支, 伸达翅 可见11节, 柄节短粗, 鞭节细长。 缘, 在接近末端处弯曲; Rs 脉4分支, 分叉早于 M 前胸背板小, 中后胸背板明显发达。足细长, 脉, 在翅中点之前分出它的两条主脉, R4+5分叉早 其上密布排列不规则的细毛, 基节非常清晰, 明显 可见基节前片和后基片, 转节小, 后足胫节明显比 于R2+3, M 脉从翅基部发出, 4 分支, M3+4 早于 股节长, 末端可见1个胫端距, 跗节5节, 基跗节 M 分叉, 但晚于R , CuA脉基部与M脉愈合较 1+2 4+5 最长。 长一部分, 形成Y 形脉; CuP脉简单, 与 CuA脉分 翅相当大, 长12mm, 宽4mm, 顶端圆; 前缘区 离, 1A简单, CuP 和1A脉之间有 2 支横脉, 2A, 没有扩大, 翅痣清晰, 延伸到 R 脉之下; Sc 脉长, 3A没有保存。后翅只有部分保存, 翅脉不清。 1 2分支, 与Rs首次分叉几乎在同一水平处, 前一分 腹部延长, 圆柱状, 末端变细, 可见11节, 第 支短, 类似横脉, 后一分支长, 延伸到翅痣区域, 1腹节与后胸愈合, 缩小, 9~ 11腹节明显比 2~ 8 节细, 尾须不明显。 亚前缘区非常狭窄; R1 简单, 不分支, 伸达翅缘, 在接近末端处成S形弯曲; Rs 脉4分支, 在接近翅 词源: eurypterus 为拉丁词, 宽翅的。 中点处开始分叉, 与M脉的第 1次分叉在同一水平 纺锤蝎蛉属, 新属Netropanorpodes gen. nov. 处, R4+5与 R2+3在同一水平处分叉; M 脉 4分支, 模式种: Netropanorpodes decorosus gen. et sp. nov. M 分叉早于 M , 且早于 R 分叉, Rs 和M 脉 3+4 1+2 4+5 鉴别特征(cid:1) 虫体中等, 喙细长, 下颚须4 节, 之间的区域较阔, CuA与M脉在基部愈合较短一段 复眼大, 触角丝状, 多节, 柄节短粗, 鞭节细长。 距离, Y形脉明显, CuP简单, 远离 CuA, 1A, 2A 足细长, 其上披有浓密的细毛, 不规则排列。前翅 简单, 两脉之间有2条横脉, 3A简单。后翅翅脉不 翅痣清晰, Sc 脉 2分支, 伸达翅痣, R 脉不分支, 清。 1 Rs脉4分支, 在接近翅中点处分叉, 与 M脉的第1 腹部纺锤形, 前9节明显, 第10节与第9节愈 次分叉几乎在同一水平处。M 脉4分支, M 早于 合, 末端可见尾须, 只有1 节, 末端具有一簇感觉 3+4 M 分叉。CuA和M脉在基部愈合的距离较长, 两 毛; 生殖基节明显, 生殖刺突末端尖细, 可见一对 1+2 阳基侧突。 脉形成的Y形脉有变化。CuP和1A脉之间无横脉, 但1A和2A之间有2支横脉。后翅Sc脉短, 没有伸 词源: decorosus为拉丁词, 华美的。 达翅痣, CuA和M脉在基部愈合的部分更长。腹部 多刺纺锤蝎蛉, 新种Netropanorpodessentosus gen. et 纺锤形, 雄虫腹节可见10节, 雌虫可见11节。 sp. nov. ( 图9~ 12, 15) 比较(cid:1) 新属与Stylopanorpodes gen. nov. 类似, 但 正模: 一块保存完整的雌虫标本, 编号: CNU(cid:1) 新属前翅翅痣清晰, Rs 脉和 M脉在同一水平处分 M(cid:1)NN(cid:1)2006026。 叉, 1A和 2A之间有2支横脉, 后足基跗节较长而 产地及层位: 内蒙古宁城, 中侏罗世九龙山组。 与后者明显不同。新属也可以通过 Rs 脉和 M脉在 描述(cid:1) 虫体中等, 长11mm,标本展现了虫体的 同一水平处开始分叉, Rs 脉和M脉区域的一支横脉 整个侧面, 左前翅向身体背面轻微延伸, 右后翅轻 极度退化与其它属区别开来。 微折叠到身体上, 两翅臀区翅脉不可见, 另外两翅 词源: Netropanorpodes源于希腊词 netro(cid:1) ( 纺锤 折叠在一起, 翅脉不可分辨。 形的) 和 panorpodes ( 中生 蝎 蛉 科 中 模 式 属 头部顶端突起, 喙细长, 下颚须4节, 复眼大, Mesopanorpodes一词的词基)。 触角可见 17节, 柄节短粗, 鞭节细长, 分节明显。 华美纺锤蝎蛉, 新种 Netropanorpodes decorosus gen. 前中胸背板较大, 后胸背板较小。足细长, 其上密 et sp. nov. (图5~ 8, 14) 布排列不规则的细毛, 前中足基节清晰, 明显分为 (cid:1) 8(cid:1)68(cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) ActaZootaxonomica Sinica 动物分类学报(cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) Vol. 32(cid:1) No. 4 (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) 图5~ 8(cid:1) 华美纺锤蝎蛉Netropanorpodesdecorosus gen. et sp. nov., 正模, 雄性 (holotype, male) CNU(cid:1)M(cid:1)NN(cid:1)2006100 5. 虫体 (body) (cid:1) 6. 前翅翅脉 (forewing) (cid:1) 7. 后足跗节 (hindtarsus) (cid:1) 8. 雄性外生殖器 (genitalia ofthe male) Oct., 2007 孙建海等: 内蒙古道虎沟中侏罗世中生蝎蛉科 (昆虫纲, 长翅目) 昆虫化石新发现 869 (cid:1) 图9~ 12(cid:1) 多刺纺锤蝎蛉 Netropanorpodes sentosus gen. et sp. nov., 正模, 雌性 (holotype, female) CNU(cid:1)M(cid:1)NN(cid:1) 2006026 9. 虫体 (body) (cid:1) 10. 前翅翅脉 (forewing) (cid:1) 11(cid:2) 后翅翅脉 (draw line of the hindwing) (cid:1) 12(cid:2) 后足跗节 (hind tarsus) (cid:1) 8(cid:1)70(cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) ActaZootaxonomica Sinica 动物分类学报(cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) Vol. 32(cid:1) No. 4 图13(cid:1) 宽翅柱状蝎蛉Stylopanorpodes eurypterus gen. et sp. nov., 正模, 雌性 (holotype, female) CNU(cid:1)M(cid:1)NN(cid:1)2006005 图14(cid:1) 华美纺锤蝎蛉Netropanorpodesdecorosus gen. et sp. nov., 正模, 雄性 (holotype, male) CNU(cid:1)M(cid:1)NN(cid:1)2006100 Oct., 2007 孙建海等: 内蒙古道虎沟中侏罗世中生蝎蛉科 (昆虫纲, 长翅目) 昆虫化石新发现 871 (cid:1) 图15(cid:1) 多刺纺锤蝎蛉Netropanorpodessentosus gen. et sp. nov., 正模, 雌性 (holotype, female) CNU(cid:1)M(cid:1)NN(cid:1)2006026 基节前片和后基片, 股节细长, 几乎与胫节等长; 腹部延长, 末端尖细, 明显有11节, 9到11节 转节小, 后足基节不可见, 胫节明显长于股节, 末 每一节都有部分压缩到前一节中, 尾须不可见。 端有2 个胫端距, 长度相同, 跗节可见 4节, 基跗 比较(cid:1) 新种前翅Sc 脉第1分支明显, R 分叉 4+5 节最长, 大约是第2跗节的两倍长。 早于 R , 且与M 几乎在同一水平上开始分叉与 2+3 3+4 前翅较宽, 长11(cid:2)5mm, 宽4(cid:2)5mm, 顶端较圆; Netropanorpodesdecorosus sp. nov. 明显不同。 前缘区扩展, 翅痣清晰, 延伸到 R1 脉之下; Sc 脉 词源: sentosus 为拉丁词, 多刺的。 长, 2分支, 前一分支短, 后一分支延伸到翅痣区 致谢(cid:1) 在本文完成过程中得到了本实验室刘玉双、 域, R 简单, 不分支, 伸达翅缘, 在接近末端处成 1 刘明、谭京晶、王莹、黄建东、王田田、李连梅、 S 形弯曲; Rs 脉4 分支, 在翅中点之前开始分叉, 赵亚男等同学的帮助, 在此表示感谢。 R 分叉早于 R , 且与 M 几乎在同一水平处开 4+5 2+3 3+4 REFERENCES(参考文献) 始分叉; M脉从翅基部发出, 4分支, 分叉与 Rs 脉 在同一水平处, M3+4分叉早于M1+2, M1+2分离晚于 Carpenter, F. 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[任(cid:1) 东, 卢立五, 郭子光, 姬 Zootaxa., 1134: 51(cid:1)57. 书安, 1995. 北京与邻区侏罗- 白垩纪动物群及其地层. 北京: MIDDLE JURASSIC MESOPANORPODIDAE FROM DAOHUGOU, INNER MONGOLIA, CHINA (INSECTA, MECOPTERA) SUNJian(cid:1)Hai, REN Dong* , SHIH Chung(cid:1)Kun College of LifeScience, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100037, China Abstract (cid:1) Two new genera and three new species, branched, forking before midwing, R forking before 4+5 Stylopanorpodes eurypterus gen. et sp. nov., R . M 4(cid:1)branched, which forks later than Rs; M 2+3 3+4 Netropanorpodes decorosus gen. et sp. nov. and forkingbeforeM1+2. CuAand Mfusedbasallyfora long Netropanorpodessentosus gen. et sp. nov., are described. distance, cubito(cid:1)median Y(cid:1)vein present. 2 crossveins All fossil specimens were collected from the Middle between CuP and A1 present. Abdomen elongate, Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Inner Mongolia in cylindrical, tapering apically, in the female 11 segments China and deposited in the Capital Normal University. visible. Stylopanorpodes gen. nov. Comparison. In the general venation scheme the Type species. Stylopanorpodes eurypterus gen. et sp. Stylopanorpodes gen. nov. somewhat resembles nov. Mesopanorpodes Tillyard, 1918 and Prochoristella Riek, Diagnosis. Moderate(cid:1)sized insect, rostrum long and 1953, butthe new genus differs fromthe former by R4+5 slender. Eyes large. Legs slender, covered with dense forking before R2+3, two cross(cid:1)veins between 1A and and tiny hairs, irregular arrangement. The forewing CuPpresent, and differs from the latter by Rs forking broad, pterostigma not distinctly. Sc long, 2(cid:1)branched, before M, R forking later, both R and R shorter, 2+3 2 3 reachingthe pterostigmal region. R1 notbranched, Rs4(cid:1) the cross(cid:1)vein between CuA and CuP absent. The new * Correspondingauther, E(cid:1)mail: [email protected] Oct., 2007 孙建海等: 内蒙古道虎沟中侏罗世中生蝎蛉科 (昆虫纲, 长翅目) 昆虫化石新发现 873 (cid:1) genus alsomay be distinguishedfromother genera by the slender, maxillary palp 4(cid:1)segmented. Eyes large. forkingof RsandM, andthecross(cid:1)veins inapicalarea of Antennae filiform, many(cid:1)segmented, with short, stout Rs andM stronglydegenerated. scape and long slender flagellum. Legs slender and long, Etymology. The genus name is a combination of covered with dense and tiny hairs, irregular styl(cid:1) ( Greek, meaning cylindrical) and panorpodes arrangement. The forewing pterostigma clearly present. (the holotypegenus Mesopanorpodes in this family). Sc long, 2(cid:1)branched, reaching the pterostigmal region. Stylopanorpodeseurypterus gen. et sp. nov. ( Figs. 1(cid:1) R1 not branched, Rs 4(cid:1)branched, forking nearly 4, 13) midwing, which forks nearly on the same level with M. Etymology. Eurypterus from Latin, means broad M4(cid:1)branched, M3+4 forking before M1+2. CuA and M wing. fused basally for a long distance, cubito(cid:1)median Y(cid:1)vein Holotype. A well preserved female insect. variable. 2 cross(cid:1)veins between 1Aand 2Apresent. The Registration No: CNU(cid:1)M(cid:1)NN(cid:1)2006005. hind wing Sc shorter, not reaching the pterostigmal Locality and horizon. Daohugou Village, region. Abdomen fusiform, in the male 10 segments Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, China; visible, and female11 segments visible. JiulongshanFormation, Middle Jurassic. Comparison. The new genus is similar to Description. Medium(cid:1)sized insect, length 11mm. Stylopanorpodes gen. nov. However, the new genus The specimen shows a lateral view of the whole insect. forewing with clear pterostigma, Rs andM forkedon the Theleftforewingspreadingoutventrad tothe body. The same level, two cross(cid:1)veins between 1Aand 2Apresent, rightforewing slightly overlapping the body. The hind the hind basitarsus longer, which is distinct from the wings folded together, venation not discernible. later. The new genus also could be distinguished from Vertex of the head raised, with extremely large other genera byRs andM forked on the samelevel, and protrudingeyes at anterior of head. Rostrumslender and the cross(cid:1)veins in the area of Rs and M strongly long. Antennae missing. degenerated. Pronotum small, meso(cid:1) and metanotum distinctly Etymology. The genus name is a combination of bigger. Legs slender and long, covered with dense and netro(cid:1) ( Greek, meaning fusiform) and panorpodes tiny hairs, irregularlyarranged. Coxae very clear, which (the holotype genus Mesopanorpodes in this family) are divided distinctlyinto eucoxae and mera. Trochanters Netropanorpodes Decorosus gen. et sp. nov. (Figs. 5(cid:1) small. Hind tibia obviously longer than femora, with 2 8, 14) terminal calcars, about equal in length. Tarsus 5(cid:1) Etymology. Decorosus from Latin, means segmented, basitarsus longer than others, about two gorgeous. times as longas the second tarsomere. Holotype. A well preserved male insect. Forewing length 11mm, width 4mm, apex evenly Registration No: CNU(cid:1)M(cid:1)NN(cid:1)2006100. rounded, widest somewhat beyond the middle. Costal Locality and horizon. Daohugou Village, space expanded. Pterostigma not distinct. Sc long, 2(cid:1) Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, China; branched, extending to the pterostigmal region. R 1 Jiulongshan Formation, Middle Jurassic. simple, notbranched, reachingthewingmargin, curving Description. Relativelylarge insect, long12(cid:2)5mm. posteriorly near its termination. Rs 4(cid:1)branched, dividing The specimen shows a lateral view of the whole insect. into its two main branches before midwing, which forks The four wings folded together over the abdomen, ealier than M, R4+5 forkingbefore R2+3. M arisingfrom showing only faint traces of the veins. Only venation of the base of the wing, 4(cid:1)branched, M forking before 3+4 forewing is discerniblefrom thefour overlapped wings. M1+2, which forksafter theforkingof R4+5. CuAand M Vertex of the head raised, the head capsule fused basally for a long distance, cubito(cid:1)median Y(cid:1)vein elongate, together with the clypeus, labrum and maxillae present. CuP simple, well separated from CuA. 1A formsthe prolongedrostrum, relativelyslender and long. simple, 2cross(cid:1)veins between CuPand 1Apresent. 2A, Compound eyes well developed. Antennae filiform, 11 3A not preserved. The hind wing only partially segments visible, with short, stoutscapeandlongslender preserved, venation notdiscernible. flagellum. Abdomen long, cylindrical, with tapering Pronotum small, meso(cid:1) and metanotum distinctly termination, 11 segments visible. Basitergum fused to developed. Legs slender and long, covered with dense metathorax, slightly shortened, the9th to 11th segments and tiny hairs, irregular arrangement. Coxae veryclear, abruptly more slender than 2(cid:1)8, the cercus notclear. which are divided distinctly into eucoxae and mera. Netropanorpodes gen. nov. Trochanters small. Hind tibia obviously longer than Type species. Netropanorpodes decorosus gen. et femora, 1 terminal calcar visible. Tarsus 5(cid:1)segmented, sp. nov. basitarsus longer than others. Diagnosis. Moderate(cid:1)sized insect, rostrum long and Forewingconsiderablylarge, length12mm, width4 (cid:1) 8(cid:1)74(cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) ActaZootaxonomica Sinica 动物分类学报(cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) Vol. 32(cid:1) No. 4 mm, apex rounded. Costal space not expanded. 17 segments visible, with short, stout scape and long Pterostigma clearlypresent. Sc long, 2(cid:1)branched, forking slender flagellum on which segmentation is evident. nearly on a level with the origin of Rs, the upper branch Pro(cid:1) and mesonotum slightly larger, metanotum short, almost transverse, the lower long, extending to small. Legs slender and long, covered with dense and the pterostigmal region, subcostal space very narrow. R tiny hairs, irregular arrangement. Fore and middle legs 1 simple, not branched, reaching the wing margin, with clear coxae, which are divided distinctly into sigmoidally curved. Rs 4(cid:1)branched, dividing intoits two eucoxae and mera, with slender femur slightly as longas main branches nearly midwing, which forks nearlyon the tibiae. Trochanters small. Hind leg with coxa not samelevelwithM, R forkingona levelwithR . M discernible, tibia obviously longer than femora, with 2 4+5 2+3 4(cid:1)branched, M forking before M , which forks terminal calcars, about equal in length. Tarsus 4 3+4 1+2 segments visible, Basitarsus longer than others, about before theforkingof R , the space between Rs and M 4+5 two times as longas the second tarsomere. very wide. CuA coalesced with M for a short distance Forewing relatively broad, length 11(cid:2)5mm, width basally, Cubito(cid:1)median Y(cid:1)vein present, having longer 4(cid:2)5mm, with rounded apical margin. Costal space armto CuAthan toM, CuPsimple, well separatedfrom expanded. Pterostigma clearly present, extending well CuA. 1A, 2A simple, 2 cross(cid:1)veins between them below R. Sclong, 2(cid:1)branched, upper branch short, the present. 3A simple. The veins of hind wing not 1 discernible. lower one extending to the pterostigmal region. R1 Abdomen somewhat spindle(cid:1)shaped, with 9 simple, not branched, reaching the wing margin, apparent segments, the 10th segment probably fused to sigmoidally curved near its termination. Rs 4(cid:1)branched, the 9th segment, 1(cid:1)segmented cersus visible, the dividing into two main branches before midwing, R4+5 termination of the cersus with a cluster of distinct forking well before R2+3, which almost forking on the trichobothria. Gonocoxites evident, gonostyle tapering, same level with M3+4. M arising from the base of the visible a pair of paramenes. wing, 4(cid:1)branched, forking on the same level with Rs, Netropanorpodessentosus gen. et sp. nov. (Figs. 9(cid:1)12, M3+4 forking before M1+2. M1+2 forking after R4+5, 15) which forks before R2+3. CuA coalesced with M for a Etymology. SentosusfromLatin, means many setae long distance basally, cubito(cid:1)median Y(cid:1)vein evident. on the legs. CuPand A not discernible. The hind wing smaller than Holotype. A well preserved female insect. forewing, but slightly broader. Sc a little shorter, only Registration No: CNU(cid:1)M(cid:1)NN(cid:1)2006026. one branch. The veins of Cu and A not discernible. Locality and horizon. Daohugou Village, Other veins are similar to the forewing. Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, China; Abdomen elongate, tapering apically, with 11 JiulongshanFormation, Middle Jurassic. clearly defined apparent segments. Each of the 9th to Description. Medium(cid:1)sized insect, length 11mm. 11th segments is telescoped into the preceding segment, The specimen shows a lateral view of the whole insect. the cercus notdiscernible. The left forewing extendingdorsal to the body, the right Comparison. The new species differs from hindwing somewhat overlappingthe body. The veins in Netropanorpodesdecorosus sp. nov. in the followingfeatures the anal area are not discernible. The other two wings on the forewing: the upper branch of Sc evident, R4+5 folded together, the veins are not discernible. forking well before R2+3, which almost forking on the Vertex of the head raised, rostrum slender and same level with M3+4. long, maxillary palp 4(cid:1)segmented. Eyes large. Antennae Key words(cid:1) Mecoptera, Mesopanorpodidae, new genus, new species, Daohugou, MiddleJurassic.

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