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Microwave surface resistance in superconductors with grain boundaries Yasunori Mawatari Energy Technology Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305–8568, Japan 5 (Dated: Dec. 28, 2004) 0 0 Microwave-fielddistribution,dissipation,andsurfaceimpedancearetheoreticallyinvestigatedfor 2 superconductorswithlaminargrainboundaries(GBs). Inthepresenttheoryweadoptthetwo-fluid modelforintragraintransportcurrentinthegrains,andtheJosephson-junctionmodelforintergrain n a tunnelingcurrentacrossGBs. ResultsshowthatthesurfaceresistanceRsnonmonotonicallydepends J on the critical current density Jcj at GB junctions, and Rs for superconductors with GBs can be 1 smaller than thesurface resistance Rs0 for ideal homogeneous superconductors without GBs. 1 PACSnumbers: 74.25.Nf,74.20.De,74.50.+r,74.81.-g ] n o I. INTRODUCTION the superconductors. Magnetic induction B is assumed c to be less than the lower critical field, such that no vor- r- High-temperaturesuperconductorscontainmanygrain ticesarepresentinthe superconductors. (See Ref.20for p boundaries (GBs), where the order parameter is locally microwave response of vortices.) u suppressed due to the short coherence length.1 GBs The GBs are modelled to have laminar structures as s . have attracted much interest for their basic physics as in Ref. 21; the laminar GBs that are parallel to the at well as for their applications in superconductors,2,3,4 xz plane are situated at y = ma, where a is the spac- m and play a crucial role in microwave response and sur- ing between grains (i.e., effective grain size) and m = - face resistance Rs of high-temperature superconducting 0,±1,±2,···,±∞. The thickness of the barrier of GB d films.5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 junctions, dj, is much smaller than both a and the Lon- n Electrodynamicsof GB junctions canbe described us- don penetration depth λ, and therefore, we investigate o ing the Josephson-junction model, and one of the most the thin-barrier limit of dj → 0, namely, GB barriers c [ important parameters that characterize GB junctions is situated at ma−0<y <ma+0. 1 the critical current density Jcj for Josephson tunneling current across GBs.14,15,16 The J strongly depends on 5v the misorientation angle of GBs.c1j7,18 In YBa2Cu3O7−δ B. Two-fluid model for intragrain current 2 films, Jcj can be enhanced19 and Rs reduced13 by Ca 2 doping. TheinvestigationoftherelationshipbetweenRs Weadoptthestandardtwo-fluidmodel15,16 forcurrent 1 and J is needed to understand the behavior of R and transport in the grain at ma+0 < y < (m+1)a−0. cj s 0 Jcj in Ca doped YBa2Cu3O7−δ films. The Jcj depen- The intragrain current J =Js+Jn is given by the sum /05 disenncoet torfivRiasl, whohwetehveerr,GhBass nenohtaynectebteheenmcliacrroifiweadv,eadnidssiit- oJfnt=heσsnuEpe,rwcuhrerreentσsJs==1/iωσµsE0λ2anadndthσenniosrtmhaelncourrmreanlt- t pation that is proportionalto R . fluid conductivity in the grains. The displacement cur- a s m In this paper, we present theoretical investigation on rentJd =−iωǫEwiththedielectricconstantǫcanbene- the microwave field and dissipation in superconductors glectedforamicrowaverangeofω/2π∼GHz. Amp`ere’s d- withlaminarGBs. Theoreticalexpressionsofthesurface law µ−01∇×B =(σn+iσs)E is thus reduced to n impedance Z = R −iX of superconductors with GBs s s s o are derived as functions of Jcj at GB junctions. E =−iωΛ2g∇×B, (1) c : where Λ is the intragrainac field penetration depth de- v g i II. BASIC EQUATIONS fined by X r Λ−2 =ωµ (σ −iσ )=λ−2−iωµ σ . (2) a A. Superconductors with grain boundaries g 0 s n 0 n Combining Eq. (1) with Faraday’s law, ∇×E = iωB, Weconsiderpenetrationofamicrowavefield(i.e.,mag- we obtain the London equation for magnetic induction nreentticdeinndsiutcytiJo)ninBto=supµe0rcHon,deulcetcotrriscthfiaetldocEcu,paynadsecmuri-- B =Bz(x,y)zˆ for y 6=ma as infinite area of x>0. We investigate linear response for B −Λ2∇2B =0. (3) z g z small microwave power limit, such that the time depen- denceofthemicrowavefieldisexpressedbytheharmonic For ideal homogeneous superconductors without GBs, factor, e−iωt, where ω/2π is the microwave frequency Eq. (3) is valid for −∞ < y < +∞ and the so- that is much smaller than the energy-gap frequency of lution is simply given by Bz(x) = µ0H0e−x/Λg, and 2 the electric field is obtained from Eq. (1) as E (x) = where γ = 2πJ /ωφ = 1/2ωµ λλ2 . The total tun- y sj cj 0 0 J −iωµ0ΛgH0e−x/Λg. The surfaceimpedance Zs0 =Rs0− neling current across GB is thus given by iX forhomogeneoussuperconductorsisgivenbyZ = s0 s0 1 ∂B Ey(x = 0)/H0 = −iωµ0Λg. The surface resistance − z =Jsj +Jnj =(iγsj +γnj)Vj. (10) Rs0 = Re(Zs0) and reactance Xs0 = −Im(Zs0) of ideal µ0 ∂x (cid:12)y=ma homogeneous superconductors without GBs are given (cid:12) (cid:12) by16 Integrationof(cid:12)Faraday’slaw,∂Ey/∂x−∂Ex/∂y =iωBz, yields R = µ2ω2λ3σ /2, (4) s0 0 n E (x,y =ma+0)−E (x,y =ma−0) x x X = µ ωλ (5) s0 0 ma+0 ∂E (x,y) ∂V (x) y j = dy −iωB (x,y) = ,(11) z forσn/σs ≪1wellbelowthe superconductingtransition Zma−0 (cid:20) ∂x (cid:21) ∂x temperature T . c whereweusedEq.(6). Thestaticversion(i.e.,ω →0)of Eq. (11) corresponds to Eq. (4) in Ref. 22. Substitution of Eqs. (1) and (10) into Eq. (11) yields the boundary C. Josephson-junction model for intergrain current condition for B at y =ma, z WeadopttheJosephson-junctionmodel14,15,16fortun- ∂B ∂B aΛ2∂2B z z j z − + = , nGeBlinjugnccutirornenstisadcreotesrsmGinBesdabtyyth=egmaua.ge-Binevhaarviiaonrtopfhtahsee ∂y (cid:12)(cid:12)y=ma+0 ∂y (cid:12)(cid:12)y=ma−0 Λ2g ∂x2 (cid:12)(cid:12)y=ma difference across GBs, ϕj(x), and the voltage induced whereΛ (cid:12)(cid:12)is the character(cid:12)(cid:12)isticlengthforac field(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)pene(t1r2a)- across GB, V (x), is given by the Josephson’s relation, j j tion into GBs defined by ma+0 φ0 Λ−2 = ωµ a(γ −iγ ) Eydy =Vj = (−iωϕj), (6) j 0 sj nj Zma−0 2π = µ0a(2πJcj/φ0−iωγnj). (13) where φ is the flux quantum. The tunneling current 0 parallel to the y axis is given by the sum of the su- III. SURFACE IMPEDANCE perconductingtunnelingcurrent(i.e.,Josephsoncurrent) J = J sinϕ and the normal tunneling current (i.e., sj cj j A. Microwave field and surface impedance quasiparticle tunneling current) J = γ V . The crit- nj nj j ical current density J at GB junctions is one of the cj mostimportantparametersinthepresentpaper,andthe Equations(3)and(12)arecombinedintoasingleequa- resistance-area product of GB junctions corresponds to tion for x>0 and −∞<y <+∞ as 1/γ . We neglect the displacement current across GBs, Jdj n=j −iωCjVj where Cj is the capacitance of the GB B −Λ2∇2B =aΛ2 +∞ ∂2Bzδ(y−ma), (14) junctions. z g z j ∂x2 m=−∞ Here we define the Josephson length λ and the char- X J acteristic current density J as whose solution is calculated as 0 ∞ B (x,y) 2 cosh[K(y−a/2)] λJ = (φ0/4πµ0Jcjλ)1/2, (7) z = e−x/Λg + dk µ H π Λ2K2sinh(Ka/2) J = φ /4πµ λ3. (8) 0 0 Z0 g 0 0 0 ksinkx × (15) The ratio Jcj/J0 = (λ/λJ)2 characterizes the coupling (2KΛ2g/aΛ2j)+k2coth(Ka/2) strength of GB junctions.22 For weakly coupled GBs, namely, Jcj/J0 = (λ/λJ)2 ≪ 1 (e.g., high-angle GBs), for0<y <a, whereK =(k2+Λ−g2)1/2. Theright-hand electrodynamics of the GB junctions can be well de- side of Eq. (14) and the second term of the right-hand scribed by the weak-link model.14,15,16 For strongly cou- side of Eq. (15) reflect the GB effects. See Appendix A pled GBs, namely, Jcj/J0 =(λ/λJ)2 >∼1 (e.g., low-angle for the derivation of Eq. (15) from Eq. (14). GBs), the Josephson-junction model is still valid but re- Electric field in the grains is obtained from Eq. (1) as quires appropriate boundary condition at GBs, as given Ey = iωΛg2∂Bz/∂x, and voltage induced across GB is inEq.(4)inRef.22,aspointedoutbyGurevich;seealso obtained from Eq. (10) as V = iωaΛ2∂B /∂x . The j j z y=0 Refs. 21 and 23. mean electric field E¯ at the surface of the superconduc- s (cid:12) In the small-microwave-powerlimit suchthat sinϕj ≃ tor is thus calculated as (cid:12) ϕ =2πV /(−iωφ ) for |ϕ |≪1, the J is reduced to j j 0 j cj 1 a−0 E¯ ≡ dyE (x=0,y) Jsj ≃Jcjϕj =iγsjVj, (9) s aZ−0 y 3 1 a−0 γ ∝ J . The dissipation in the grains, σ |E|2/2, and = V (x=0)+ dyE (x=0,y) sj cj n a(cid:20) j Z+0 y (cid:21) theintragraincontributiontothesurfaceresistance,Rsg, therefore, tend to increase with increasing J . The dis- = iω Λ2 ∂Bz + Λg2 a−0dy ∂Bz . sipationatGBs,γnj|Vj|2/2,andthe intergracijncontribu- " j ∂x (cid:12)x=y=0 a Z+0 ∂x (cid:12)x=0# tion to the surface resistance, Rsj, on the other hand, (cid:12) (cid:12) decrease with increasing J . (cid:12) (cid:12) (16) cj (cid:12) (cid:12) The surface reactance X = −Im(Z ) is also divided s s Substitution of Eq. (15) into Eq. (16) yields the surface into two contributions, impedance Z =R −iX ≡E¯ /H as s s s s 0 X =X +X , (23) ∞ s sg sj Z 2 1 s = 1+ dk −iωµ Λ π Λ3K3 wheretheintragraincontributionX andthe intergrain 0 g Z0 g sg 1 contribution Xsj are given by × . (17) (KΛ2/Λ2)+(k2a/2)coth(Ka/2) g j 1 ∞ a−0 ω X = dx dy σ |E|2+ |B |2 , The surface resistance and reactance are given by Rs = sg a|H0|2 Z0 Z+0 (cid:18) s µ0 z (cid:19) Re(Z ) and X =−Im(Z ), respectively. s s s (24) ∞ 1 X = dxγ |V |2. (25) B. Microwave dissipation and surface resistance sj a|H0|2 Z0 sj j Both X and X decrease with increasing J . The time-averaged electromagnetic energy passing sg sj cj through the surface of a superconductor at x = 0 and −0<y <a−0 is given by the real part of C. Simplified expressions for surface impedance 1 a−0 a E = dy(E B∗) = E¯ H∗, (18) 2µ0 Z−0 y z x=0 2 s 0 The following Eqs. (26)–(34) show simplified expres- sions of the surface impedance Z , the surface resistance where E¯s =ZsH0 is defined by Eq. (16), and (Bz)x=0 = Rs = Re(Zs), and the surface resactance Xs = −Im(Zs) µ0H0. Poynting’s theorem24 states that E is identical to for certain restricted cases, assuming σn/σs ≪ 1 and the energy stored and dissipated in the superconductor, γ /γ ≪1 well below the transition temperature. nj sj 1 ∞ a−0 For small grains of a ≪ λ such that coth(Ka/2) ≃ E = dx dy(σ −iσ )|E|2 2/Ka, Eq. (17) is reduced to n s 2 Z0 (cid:20)Z+0 +(γ −iγ )|V |2− a−0dy iω|B |2 .(19) Zs ≃−iωµ0 Λ2g+Λ2j 1/2. (26) nj sj j z Z−0 µ0 (cid:21) (cid:0) (cid:1) Theright-handsideofEq.(14)isreducedtoΛ2∂2B /∂x2 TherealpartsofEqs.(18)and(19)showthatthesurface j z fora≪λ,andtheeffectiveacpenetrationdepthisgiven resistanceRs =Re(E¯s/H0)=Re(Zs)iscomposedoftwo by Λ = (Λ2 + Λ2)1/2 as in Ref. 21, resulting in the terms: eff g j surfaceimpedance givenbyEq.(26). TheR andX for s s small grains is obtained as R =R +R . (20) s sg sj The intragraincontributionRsg is fromthe energydissi- Rs ≃ 1+ 2λ J0 −1/2 1+ 4λ2γnj J0 2 , (27) pation in the grains,and the intergraincontribution Rsj Rs0 (cid:18) a Jcj(cid:19) " aσn (cid:18)Jcj(cid:19) # is from the dissipation at GBs: X 2λ J +1/2 s 0 Rsg = a|H1 |2 ∞dx a−0dyσn|E|2, (21) Xs0 ≃ (cid:18)1+ a Jcj(cid:19) , (28) 0 Z0 Z+0 1 ∞ where Rs0, Xs0, and J0 are defined by Eqs. (4), (5) Rsj = a|H |2 dxγnj|Vj|2. (22) and (8), respectively. Equation (27) is decomposed 0 Z0 into the intragrain R and intergrain R contribu- sg sj Both the intragrain current |Jg| around GBs and the tions, asRsg/Rs0 ≃(1+2λJ0/aJcj)−1/2 and Rsj/Rsg ≃ intergrain tunneling current |Jj| across GBs are sup- (4λ2γnj/aσn)(J0/Jcj)2, respectively. pressed by the GBs, and are increasing functions of Equation (26) is further simplified when a ≪ 2λ2/λ J J . With increasing J , the intragrain electric field for small grain and weakly coupled GBs as cj cj |E| = |J /(σ +iσ )| also increases, whereas the inter- g n s grain voltage |V | = |J /(γ +iγ )| decreases because Z ≃−iωµ Λ , (29) j j nj sj s 0 j 4 and we have 103 (a) R 2γ λ 2λ 1/2 J 3/2 R =R +R s ≃ nj 0 , (30) s sj sg Rs0 σn (cid:18) a (cid:19) (cid:18)Jcj(cid:19) 102 Rsj Xs 2λ 1/2 J0 1/2 Rsg ≃ . (31) 0 Xs0 (cid:18) a (cid:19) (cid:18)Jcj(cid:19) RR/ss 101 Rs ~ Jcj–1.5 a /λ = 0.1 Thus, we obtain the dependence of R and X on the s s material parameters as R ∝ γ a−1/2J−3/2 and X ∝ a−1/2J−1/2, which are indsependnejnt of λc.jThe R gisven 100 cj s by Eq. (30) for the small grain and weakly coupled GBs is mostly caused by intergrain dissipation, Rs ≃ Rsj ≫ 10–1 R . For X given by Eq. (31), on the other hand, both sg s intragrainX andintergrainX contributetothe total 103 (b) sg sj Xs =Xsg+Xsj. a/λ = 0.1 For large Jcj (i.e., strong-coupling limit) such that a/λ = 1 KΛ2/Λ2 ≫(k2a/2)coth(Ka/2), Eq.(17) for the surface 102 g j a/λ = 5 impedance Z is simplified as s 0 s R Zs ≃−iωµ0 Λg+Λ2j/2Λg , (32) R/s 101 and we have (cid:0) (cid:1) 100 R λ J 4λ2γ J 2 s 0 nj 0 ≃ 1− + , (33) R aJ aσ J s0 cj n (cid:18) cj(cid:19) X λ J 10–1 s 0 ≃ 1+ . (34) Xs0 aJcj 102 a/λ = 0.1 (c) X ~ J –0.5 The first and second terms of the right-hand side of s0 s cj a /λ = 1 wEqh.er(e3a3s)tchoerrtehsiprdontedrmtoctohrereisnptorangdrsatinotchoentinritbeurgtiroanin, Rcosng-, XX/s 101 a /λ = 5 tribution, R . sj 100 IV. DISCUSSION 10–2 10–1 100 101 J /J cj 0 Figure 1(a) and (b) shows J dependence of R . As cj s shown in Fig. 1(a), the intergrain contribution Rsj is FIG. 1: Dependence of surface resistance Rs = Re(Zs) and dominant for weakly coupled GBs (i.e., small Jcj/J0 surface reactance Xs =−Im(Zs) [i.e., Eq. (17) with Eqs. (2) regime),whereastheintragraincontributionRsg isdom- and (13)] on critical current density Jcj at GB junctions. Rs inant for strongly coupled GBs (i.e., large Jcj/J0). The is normalized to the surface resistance without GB, i.e., Rs0 R decreases with increasing J as R ∝ J−1.5 [see given by Eq. (4), Xs is normalized to Xs0 given by Eq. (5), Eqsj. (30)], whereas Rsg increasescjwith Jscjj. Thcej result- aωn/d2πJc=j is10noGrHmza,liλzed=t0o.2J0µmde,fiσnned=as1E07q.Ω(−81).mP−a1r,aamnedteγrnsjar=e ing surface resistance Rs =Rsj +Rsg nonmonotonically 1013Ω−1m−2, which yield Rs0 =0.25mΩ, Xs0 =16mΩ, and depends on Jcj and has a minimum, because Rs is de- J0 = 1.6 ×1010A/m2. (a) Total surface resistance Rs = termined by the competition between Rsj and Rsg. As Rsj+Rsg,intergraincontributionRsj givenbyEq.(22),and shownin Fig.1(c), on the other hand, Xs monotonically intragrain contribution Rsg given by Eq. (21) for a/λ = 0.1. decreaseswithincreasingJcj [i.e.,Xs ∝Jc−j0.5 forweakly (b) Rs and (c) Xs for a/λ=0.1, 1, and 5. coupled GBs as in Eq. (31)]. The nonmonotonicdependence ofR on the grainsize s a is also seen in Fig. 1(b). For small Jcj/J0 the Rs de- a/λ=5, Rs/Rs0 ≈0.86for a/λ=1, and Rs/Rs0 ≈0.59 creases with increasing a as Rs ∝ a−0.5 [see Eq. (30)], for a/λ = 0.1. The minimum Rs/Rs0 is further reduced whereas Rs increases with a for large Jcj/J0. when λγnj/σn is further reduced. The R for strongly coupled GBs can be smaller Theoretical results shown above may possibly be ob- s thanR foridealhomogeneoussuperconductorswithout served by measuring R , X , and J in Ca doped s0 s s cj GBs, namely, Rs/Rs0 <1 for Jcj/J0 >∼1. The minimum YBa2Cu3O7−δ films. The enhancement of Jcj (Ref. 19) surfaceresistanceforλγ /σ =0.2isR /R ≈0.97for and reduction of R (Ref. 13) by Ca doping are individ- nj n s s0 s 5 ually observedin YBa2Cu3O7−δ, but simultaneous mea- Bz(x,ma)=Bz(x,0) as surements of J and R are needed to investigate the cj s relationshipbetween Rs andJcj. The nonmonotonicJcj ˜b(k,q) = ∞dx +∞dyB (x,y)e−iqysinkx, (A1) dependence of R for strongly coupled GBs may be ob- z s Z0 Z−∞ sweirtvhedlairngehiJgchjqounaltihtyefiolrmdserwoitfhJs0m∼all1g0r1a0iAns/ma2<aλt alonwd ˜b0(k) = ∞dxBz(x,0)sinkx= +∞ dq ˜b(k,q), temperatures. Z0 Z−∞ 2π (A2) V. CONCLUSION respectively. The Fourier transform of Eq. (14) leads to We havetheoreticallyinvestigatedthe microwave-field ˜b(k,q) k = 2πδ(q) distribution in superconductors with laminar GBs. The µ0H0 K2 field calculation is based on the two-fluid model for αk k˜b (k) current transport in the grains and on the Josephson- + e−imqa 1− 0 (,A3) K2+q2 µ H junctionmodelfortunnelingcurrentacrossGBs. Results m " 0 0 # whereK =(k2+Λ−2)1/2 anXdα=aΛ2/Λ2. Substituting showthat the microwavedissipationatGBs is dominant g j g Eq. (A3) into Eq. (A2), we have for weakly coupled GBs of J ≪ J , whereas dissipa- cj 0 tion in the grains is dominant for strongly coupled GBs of Jcj ≫ J0. The surface resistance Rs nonmonotoni- ˜b0(k) = k +αk 1− k˜b0(k) +∞ dq e−imqa , JcallyasdeRpen∝dsJo−n1.5Jcfjo;rtJhe R≪s dJec,rweahseerseawsitRh inincrceraeasisnegs µ0H0 K2 " µ0H0 #Xm Z−∞ 2πK2+q2 cj s cj cj 0 s (A4) with J for J ≫J . The intragraindissipation can be cj cj 0 suppressed by GBs, and the surface resistance of super- which is reduced to conductors with GBs can be smaller than that of ideal homogeneous superconductors without GBs. ˜b (k) 1 2 1 0 = − . (A5) µ H k kKΛ22K+αk2coth(Ka/2) 0 0 g Acknowledgments B (x,y) is calculated from˜b(k,q) given by Eq. (A3) as z I gratefully acknowledgeH. Obara,J.C. Nie, A. Sawa, B (x,y) 2 ∞ +∞ dq ˜b(k,q) M. Murugesan, H. Yamasaki, and S. Kosaka for stimu- z = dk eiqysinkx lating discussions. µ0H0 π Z0 Z−∞ 2π µ0H0 2α ∞ k˜b (k) = e−x/Λg + dkksinkx 1− 0 π µ H APPENDIX A Z0 " 0 0 # +∞ dq eiq(y−ma) × . (A6) Equation (15) is derived by solving Eq. (14) with the −∞ 2π K2+q2 m Z boundary condition of B =µ H at x=0, as follows. X z 0 0 We introduce the Fourier transform of B (x,y) and Substitution of Eq. (A5) into Eq. (A6) yields Eq. (15). z 1 G. Deutscher and K.A. Mu¨ller, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 1745 selhaus, Phys.Rev.B 48, 6400 (1993). (1987). 9 R.Fagerberg, andJ.K. Grepstad,J. Appl.Phys. 75, 7408 2 J.MannhartandH.Hilgenkamp,PhysicaC317-318,383 (1994). (1999). 10 M. Mahel, Solid State Commun. 97, 209 (1996). 3 D. Larbalestier, A. Gurevich, D.M. Feldmann, and A. 11 J. McDonald and J.R. Clem, Phys. Rev. B 56, 14 723 Polyanskii, Nature 414, 368 (2001). (1997). 4 H.HilgenkampandJ.Mannhart,Rev.Mod.Phys.74,485 12 J.C. Gallop, A. Cowie, and L.F. Cohen, Physica C 282- (2002). 287, 1577 (1997). 5 T.L. Hylton, A. Kapitulnik, M.R. 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