J Mater Sci (2018) 53:7527–7550 Electronic materials ELECTRONIC MATERIALS Microstructure, surface chemistry and electrochemical response of Ag|AgCl sensors in alkaline media Farhad Pargar1,* , Hristo Kolev2 , Dessi A. Koleva1 , and Klaas van Breugel1 1Faculty ofCivilEngineering and Geosciences, Materials andEnvironment, Technische UniversiteitDelft, Stevinweg 1, 2628CN Delft,The Netherlands 2Institute ofCatalysis, Bulgarian Academy ofSciences, Acad. G.BonchevStr., bl.11,1113 Sofia,Bulgaria Received:24October2017 ABSTRACT Accepted: 27January 2018 Characterization of the Ag/AgCl electrode is a necessary step toward its Published online: application as a chloride sensor in a highly alkaline medium, such as concrete. 6 February2018 The nucleation and growth of AgCl on Ag in 0.1 M HCl was verified through cyclic voltammetry. Ag anodization was performed at current densities, deter- (cid:2) The Author(s) 2018. This mined by potentiodynamic polarization in the same (0.1 M HCl) medium. The article is an open access morphology and microstructure of the AgCl layers were evaluated via electron publication microscopy, while surface chemistry was studied through energy-dispersive spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. At current density above 2 mA/cm2, the thickness and heterogeneity of the AgCl layer increased. In this condition, small AgCl particles formed in the immediate vicinity of the Ag substrate,subsequentlyweakeningthebondstrengthoftheAg/AgClinterface. Silveroxide-basedorcarbon-basedimpuritieswerepresentonthesurfaceofthe sensor in amounts proportional to the thickness and heterogeneity of the AgCl layer.Itisconcludedthatawell-definedlinkexistsbetweenthepropertiesofthe AgCl layer, the applied current density and the recorded overpotential during Aganodization.Theresultscanbeusedasarecommendationforpreparationof chloride sensors with stable performance in cementitious materials. Introduction discussion [1–3]. Discussions concern the OCP responses of the sensors in alkaline medium and the The determination of the chloride content in rein- observedscatteramongtheseresponses.Forinstance, forced concrete (RC) structures is important for the similar Ag/AgCl sensors are reported to give a dif- assessment of the probability of chloride-induced ferent response to identical alkaline medium, which corrosion of steel reinforcement. Although the is a nonexpected outcome. While the sensor’s application of Ag/AgCl sensors for the above pur- response is just a common open-circuit potential pose is well known, the benefits and drawbacks of (OCP) record, i.e., the Ag/AgCl electrode potential utilization of these sensors are still a subject of reading, the possible discrepancies will reflect the Address correspondence toE-mail: [email protected] https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-018-2083-0 7528 J Mater Sci (2018) 53:7527–7550 time needed for establishing a dynamic equilibrium Different techniques are available for the AgCl for- at the sensor/environment interface. Although fun- mation on a Ag substrate [13]. The AgCl layer can be damental electrochemical thermodynamics and attached(physicallybond)ontheAgsubstratebydip- kinetics can explain these discrepancies [4–12], prac- pingAginmoltensilverchloride,thelayercanbeelec- tical application of the Ag/AgCl sensors for RC trochemicallyformedbyanodizationinHClsolution,or structures is still to be justified. This justification chemically formed, by oxidation with aqueous FeCl 3 refers to specifying the limits for these sensors’ solution. The choice of a technique is determined by a application and the reasons behind the existence of generalattempttoimprovetheperformanceofAg/AgCl such limits. electrodesinviewoftheirsensitivitytovariousparam- The motivation of this work lies in an attempt to eters, involved in the manufacturing process. For clarify the origin of the unexpected results obtained instance,inthecaseofscreenprinting,aAg–AgClpaste with Ag/AgCl sensors in alkaline medium. The lack isdepositedonametallicsurface(e.g.,Pt)toproducethe ofagreementamongtheOCPresponseofthesensors Ag/AgClelectrode.Theadhesivepropertiesofthepaste has been reported as partly attributable to the sen- to the supporting electrode might not be very good; sors’ preparation methods [1]. Varying physical hence, the reliability of the sensor will depend on the properties of the AgCl layer were considered as the homogeneityoftheAg–AgClpasteused[14].Ingeneral, reason for OCP responses, different from those the relatively small contact area, i.e., weak adhesion expected [2]. The potentially weak bond between the betweentheAgrodandAgCllayer,mayleadtooxida- AgCllayerandtheAgsubstrateofthesensor,abond tion of AgCl at Ag/AgCl interface by hydroxide ions which develops during sensor’s preparation, has fromthealkalinemediumatarelativelyfastrate[15]. been suggested as the main reason for the poor per- One of the most frequently used methods for Ag/ formance of the sensor in alkaline medium [3], AgCl sensor preparation is anodization of Ag in a although this has not been experimentally justified. HCl solution [16–19]. The low pH of a HCl solution Hence, the experimental evidence to support this wouldlimitthepossibleAg Oformation[20,21]and 2 hypothesis is scarce [1, 4]. would result in AgCl formation on the Ag substrate. The thermodynamic considerations and the kinet- A layer of AgCl with sufficient thickness was con- ics of AgClformation on a Agsubstrate were subject sideredtobeofca.tensofthemicrometerrange[12]. to numerous works in the fields of electrochemistry With anodization, the rate of AgCl formation and crystal growth since the early 1950s [5–11]. depends on the applied current density and the time Despite the results in these thoroughly elaborated oftheanodization [22].Different currentdensityand works, the properties and performance of Ag/AgCl anodizing time have been reported for the prepara- electrodes in the alkaline medium are yet to be tion of sensors, e.g., 0.4 mA/cm2 for 30 min [16, 19], affirmed, especially in view of their application as 2 mA/cm2 for 30 min [17], 0.2 mA/cm2 for 1 h [18], chloride sensors for RC structures. 0.4 mA/cm2 for 2 h [3]. Logically, as with each elec- One of the reasons for a limited number of reports trochemical process of this kind, the anodization onthecorrelationbetweenthepropertiesoftheAgCl regime will affect the produced layer thickness, sur- layer and the response of the sensor in alkaline face morphology and ionic/electron conductivity, medium is related to unsuccessful attempts for respectively [5, 10]. These features of the AgCl layer observing the inner morphology of the AgCl layer. may subsequently be reflected in the electrochemical For instance, as reported in [4, 11, 12]: microscopic response of the sensor [20], especially in alkaline observations of the Ag/AgCl interface was prob- medium.Forinstance,aporousmicrostructureofthe lematic.TheattemptstostiffenthesamplebyCuand AgCl layer increases the probability of a mixed Ni–P plating or liquid N (low temperature of potential by limiting the rate at which the sensor can 2 approx. – 190 (cid:3)C) was not successful, since the soft achieve equilibrium potential [23]. This should be AgCl particles would spread over the entire surface avoided, if possible, in order to achieve a more of the samples and mask the interface. Sample accurate and reliable sensor’s response. preparation to address the above challenges is dis- Considering aforementioned, the focus of this cussed in this work and is part of in-depth investi- paper is to correlate the properties of the AgCl layer gation of the Ag/AgCl sensors’ performance in totheanodizationregimeandlinkthesetotheactual alkaline medium. electrochemical response of the sensor in chloride- J Mater Sci (2018) 53:7527–7550 7529 containing alkaline medium. The importance of this to 1 h, and (2) for equal duration of 1 h, but at four correlation is in view of the research question: how different current densities, i.e., 0.5 mA/cm2 (regime different morphology, microstructure and composi- A),1 mA/cm2(regimeB),2 mA/cm2(regimeC)and tion of the AgCl layer are important for the accuracy 4 mA/cm2(regimeD).Thewiresanodizedinthefirst ofasensoranddeterminationofthechloridecontent manner,i.e.,highestcurrentdensityandvaryingtime in a relevant medium. The significance of the above of anodization, are designated as D-type sensors, dependencies is also evaluated in view of the intrin- since they formed a parallel group of the D sensors, sic conductivity of a AgCl layer (ionic and electron prepared via the second approach at 4 mA/cm2 for conductivity), more importantly how these proper- 1 h anodization only. The D-type sensors were only ties determine an electrochemical equilibrium at a used for microscopic investigations of the Ag/AgCl sensor/solution interface, i.e., the sensor’s response, interfaceandassupportiveevidencetotheresultsfor is also addressed. all other sensor types, including the discussion on ohmic resistance of the AgCl layers. The experimen- tal setup and instrumentation for sensors’ prepara- tion were identical to the one for the CV and PDP Experimental materials, methods tests. The current regimes were chosen based on the and technical background PDP screening test as specified in ‘‘Electrochemical Electrochemical tests on Ag in 0.1 M HCl tests on Ag in 0.1 M HCl’’ section. The thickness of the AgCl layer was both experimentally determined Linear sweep cyclic voltammetry (CV) and poten- (‘‘Morphology, microstructure and surface chemistry tiodynamic polarization (PDP) were employed as of the AgCl layer’’ section) and theoretically screening techniques to derive information for AgCl approximated by employing Eq. (1), which essen- formation on the Ag substrate. Ag wires of 99.5% tially is a modification of Faraday’s law: purity, 1 mm diameter, were supplied by Salomon’s i(cid:2)M(cid:2)t X¼ ð1Þ Metalen B.V. Netherlands. The CV and PDP tests F(cid:2)d werecarriedoutin0.1 MHClsolution(pH * 1.4)in where X is the thickness of the AgCl layer (cm); i is a conventional three-electrode cell arrangement, the applied current density (A/cm2); M is the where the Ag wire (1 cm length) was the working molecular weight of AgCl, 143.5 g/mol; t is the electrode, a Pt mesh was the counter electrode and a duration of anodization; F is the Faraday’s constant saturated calomel electrode (SCE) was the reference (F = 96500 C/mol/equiv); d is the density of the electrode. The CV scans were performed from - 400 AgCl layer, 5.56 g/cm3. The theoretical approxima- to? 150 mV(versusOCP)atascanrateof100 mV/s tion of a AgCl layer after Ag anodization is also withtheaimtoverifyAgClnucleationandgrowthin reported in the literature [5]. thechosenmedium.PDPwasperformedintherange of -200 to ? 1600 mV versus OCP at a scan rate of Ag/AgCl sensors’ response in alkaline 0.5 mV/s.ThePDPtestresultsdeterminedtherange medium ofcurrentdensities,potentiallysuitableforanodizing Ag in the chosen medium. The CV and PDP tests The sensors’ response ina modelalkalinemediumis were performed using PGSTAT 302N potentiostat their open-circuit potential (OCP) over time. A brief (Metrohm Autolab B.V., The Netherlands). background on OCP-related theory in view of the Ag/AgCl electrode (or sensor) is as follows: record- Ag anodization: preparation of Ag/AgCl ingtheOCPofthesensorreflectsthemainconceptof sensors defining the chloride content at the sensor/medium interface. Well known is that Ag/AgCl sensors are The Ag wires were cleaned for 2 h in concentrated predominantlysensitivetochlorideions;hence,their ammonia, then immersed in demineralized water response in chloride-containing medium is directly overnight,priortoanodizationin0.1 MHClsolution. related to the activity (concentration, respectively) of Anodization was carried out in two manners: (1) at thechlorideions.Thisrelationshipisgovernedbythe 4 mA/cm2withvaryinganodizationtimefrom 900 s Nernst equation (Eq. 2): 7530 J Mater Sci (2018) 53:7527–7550 RT Morphology, microstructure and surface E¼E0Ag=AgCl(cid:3)2:303nFlg½aCl(cid:3)(cid:4) ð2Þ chemistry of the AgCl layer where E is the measured OCP of the sensor versus a The following procedure sequence (Fig. 1) was reference electrode such as SCE, E0 is the stan- Ag=AgCl employed prior to microscopic observations of the dard electrode potential for the Ag/AgCl electrode Ag/AgCl interface: (1) a portion of the Ag wire was (V),acl(cid:3) istheactivityofthechlorideions(mol dm-3) narrowed prior to anodization; (2) the narrowed in the vicinity of the electrode, R is the gas constant portionwasstretchedfromthetwosidesofthenotch; (J mol-1 K-1), F is the Faraday constant (C mol-1) (3)thisallowedinvestigationofa‘‘crosssection’’,i.e., and T is the absolute temperature (K). The chloride the parallel growth of the AgCl layer on the Ag ions concentration (CCl(cid:3)) [molality] can be calculated substrate. The obtained cross section resembled a further, using the relationship in Eq. (3), employing fracture surface. This enabled the inner morphology the activity coefficient ccl(cid:3) [24]. oftheAgCllayertobewellobserved.Thisprocedure acl(cid:3) ¼CCl(cid:3) (cid:2)cCl(cid:3) ð3Þ and sequence were specifically chosen for the pur- pose of clear differentiation of the AgCl layers’ for- Equation (2) is based on the electrochemical mation on identically handled Ag substrates, but in exchange equilibrium, presented by Eq. (4), which conditions of different anodization regime (various takes place on the surface of the sensor in chloride- currentdensity,‘‘Aganodization:preparationofAg/ containing medium. In the alkaline medium of zero AgCl sensors’’ section). This approach was chosen as or low chloride ions content, the adopted OCP will the only suitable one to address the objectives of this deviate from the one following Eq. (2), since inter- work and to overcome the challenges with Ag/AgCl fering hydroxide ions will dominate the potential sample preparation for microscopy purposes, as response, i.e., E will not present the Ag/AgCl equi- specifically outlined in the introduction section. librium only, but also reflect a mixed potential of a The AgCl layers were analyzed, using Environ- Ag/AgCl/Ag O interface. In this case, the exchange 2 mental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM), Phi- equilibrium presented by Eq. (5) will be relevant. lips-XL30 equipped with an energy-dispersive AgþCl(cid:3) $AgClþe(cid:3) ð4Þ spectrometer (EDS). The samples were examined under accelerating voltage of 20 kV in high vacuum 2AgClþ2OH(cid:3) $Ag Oþ2Cl(cid:3)þH O ð5Þ 2 2 mode. MoredetailsonthetheoreticalaspectsofAg/AgCl The surface chemistry was evaluated through response in alkaline medium, and relevant con- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The mea- straints,arereportedinarecentreviewonthesubject surements were taken using an ESCALAB MkII (VG and references therein [25]. Scientific) electronspectrometer at abasepressure in The OCP of the chloride sensors, as produced in the analysis chamber of 5 9 10-10 mbar using twin different anodization regimes, were recorded in anode MgK /AlK X-ray source with excitation a a chloride-containing cement extract. OCP was moni- energies of 1253.6 and 1486.6 eV, respectively. The tored by using the specified in ‘‘Electrochemical tests XPS spectra were recorded at the total instrumental on Ag in 0.1 M HCl’’ section electrochemical setup. resolution (as it was measured with the FWHM of The cement extract (CE) of pH ca. 12.8 was obtained Ag3d5/2 photoelectron line) of 1.06 and 1.18 eV for by mixing cement powder (CEM I 42.5N) and dem- MgK andAlK excitationsources.Theprocessingof a a ineralized water at the ratio of 1:1. The bottled mix- themeasuredspectraincludedasubtractionofX-ray ture was rotated for 24 h, followed by filtration for satellitesandShirley-typebackground[28].Thepeak obtaining the extract. The chemical composition of positions and peak areas were evaluated by a sym- CE is as follows: Ca—201 mg/l; K—3.85 mg/l; Na— metrical Gaussian–Lorentzian curve fitting. The rel- 1.33 mg/l; Al—4 mg/l and Fe\1 mg/l. Sodium ativeconcentrationsofvariouschemicalspecieswere chloride was added as a solid to the desired con- determined by normalization of the peak areas to centrations of 20 and 260 mM in the CE (CE is a their photoionization cross sections, calculated by generally used model medium for electrochemical Scofield [29]. studies, e.g., for steel [26, 27], since it resembles the pore water of cement-based materials). J Mater Sci (2018) 53:7527–7550 7531 Fig.1 ProceduresequenceforthepreparationofacrosssectionoftheAg/AgClsensor:anarrowingtheAgwirepriortoanodization; bstretching fromboth sides after anodization; cas aprepared crosssection for ESEMobservations. Results and discussion forbothinterfacialanddiffusioncontrolofthecrystal growth kinetics [39]. In other words, as seen in AgCl nucleation and growth Fig. 2a), the hysteresis loop, forming in the reverse scanoftherecordedCVforAgin0.1 MHClsolution, CV tests the cross-over point at ca. 40 mV and the peak C2, define the nucleation of AgCl on the Ag substrate. The formation of AgCl on a Ag substrate, from Next, the cross-over point remains constant with nucleation and growth to reduction and recovery of subsequent scans (Fig. 2a, inlet), which proves an the AgCl layer in various solutions, has been largely interfacial control of the AgCl growth kinetics. studied over the past decades. Both analytical and ThefollowingfeaturesoftheCVresponse(Fig. 2a) experimental works are reported and readily avail- can also be noted: practically zero current on the able [7, 9, 30–34]. Studying these processes generally forwardscans(alsoconfirmingtheinertnessofAgin means recording the metal’s response to a variety of these conditions) was followed by a rapid rise of imposed signals (waves). Linear sweep CV, for anodic current, observed at 80 mV in the first scan example, provides invariable information on the and 54 mV in the subsequent scans. This single nucleation process, while a PDP response would anodic peak (A1) is a Ag dissolution peak in the 1st define the range of current densities for Ag scan and a stripping peak in the subsequent scans, anodization.Itisnotasubjecttothispapertodiscuss corresponding to the removal of already formed at indetailtheelectrochemistrybehindAgClnucleation negative potentials deposits on the Ag surface. A andgrowth,buttoratherclarifythechosenapproach cathodic shift for the base of the anodic peak was toward Ag/AgCl sensors preparation. CV and PDP observed with subsequent scans, at the point of the were employed to that end, as screening techniques. abrupt rise of anodic current (80 mV) (Fig. 2a, inlet). Figure 2 depicts CV scans for Ag in 0.1 M HCl, This shift was more significant between the 1st and Fig. 2a, and the PDP response in 0.1 M HCl, Fig. 2b. 2nd CV scans (from 80 to 54 mV), marginal between The aspects of employing CV and the theoretical the 2nd and 5th scans (54–49 mV), and not relevant interpretation of CV scans are reported in detail afterward—toward the 20th scan. Prior to the catho- [35–38] and will be only commented here to the diccurrentmaximumonthereversescan(peakC2),a extent of addressing the objectives of this work. nearly linear current–potential region on either side When a phase nucleation on a metal surface is of the cross-over point (at 40 mV) can be observed involved(asAgClonAg),theCVcurve(Fig. 2a)will (Fig. 2a and inlet), where the cross-over potential reflect a number of characteristic features: (1) an would equal to the metal–metal ion reversible enhanced anodic and cathodic peak currents sepa- potential (in this case a slight deviation from the ration, which is different from the otherwise standard potential of 22 mV for the reaction equilib- observed more narrow response for a general mass rium at a Ag/Ag? interface was observed). The transport controlled CV; (2) a characteristic cross- cathodicpeakC1(- 55 mV)wasrecordedonlyinthe over in the reverse branch of the CV scan will be 1st scan and can be associated with: (1) the very first observed(Fig. 2a,pointatE = 40 mV);alongwith(3) stageofdeposition(initiation)ofAgClnuclei[10];(2) thepresenceofacurrentmaximainthereversedscan canbeduetoincreasedAg?concentration,following (peak C2 in Fig. 2a), caused by the phase nucleation the first anodic current increase [40]; (3) and/or can in the forward scan. The theory and observable be due to the contribution of an initially smaller size characteristic features in a CV scan were formulated 7532 J Mater Sci (2018) 53:7527–7550 Fig.2 a Anoverlay of the 1st,2nd, 5th,10th and20thCV scanfor Agin 0.1M HCl;bPDPcurvefor Agin 0.1M HCl. AgCl nuclei on the Ag substrate. Similar variation in is that AgCl is known to have a limited electron cathodic peaks potential and currents within AgCl conductivity, together with a limited ionic conduc- formation on a Ag substrate was reported to be sus- tivity (e.g., for Ag? and Cl- ions, [43]. This will tained in all scans and linked to the contribution of impede a subsequent growth of AgCl on the Ag large (e.g., peak C2) or smaller (e.g., peak C1) AgCl surface, once a layer of a certain thickness had nuclei [10]. However, the mechanism here is obvi- already developed. As shown in Fig. 2a, the current ously different: a reoccurrence of the peak C1 with at anodic and cathodic peaks increases only initially, subsequent scans was not recorded (Fig. 2a). With together with a slight shift of peak potentials (this is scanning both anodic and cathodic peaks currents between the 1st and the 5th scans). With subsequent initially increased, Fig. 2a, as expected, while the scanning no further increase was observed, main- cross-over point remained at the identical current– taining the same peaks potential and, as aforemen- potential location, irrespective of the scan number tioned, a constant position of the current cross-over (Fig. 2a and inlet). A constancy of the cross-over point (inlet in Fig. 2a). These features would be con- pointwouldmeantheformationofcrystalsofalarge sistent with a 2D (rather than 3D) growth process size, while in contrast, a cathodic shift of this point [44], and stabilization of the AgCl layer on the Ag would be denoted to diffusion-controlled crystal substrate.Theactualmorphologyandmicrostructure growth and will also imply a decreasing crystal size ofAgCl,grownontheAgsubstrate,willbediscussed [39]. A cathodic shift of the cross-over point (Fig. 2a) indetailin‘‘Surfacemorphologyandmicrostructure’’ wasnotobserved.Therefore,thepeakC1mostlikely section. The ionic and electron conductivity of the reflects an increased Ag? concentration during the AgCl layer will be discussed in ‘‘Correlation of sen- initial Ag dissolution, followed by initiation of AgCl sors’ response, surface properties and ohmic resis- nuclei formation. The interfacial controlled crystal tance of AgCl’’ section in relation to the growth of AgCl nuclei of sufficiently large size is morphological observations. reflected by the shape of the CVs with subsequent scans, where stabilization in both anodic and catho- PDP test dic currents was observed between the 5th and 20th cycles(Fig. 2a),attributabletothecoverageoftheAg The PDP test was performed to determine the range substrate by a AgCl layer. of suitable current densities for AgCl formation. At Similar features in a CV response were attributed potentials more noble than the corrosion potential to a 3D growth of AgCl for Ag/AgCl interfaces in (Ecorr = 20 mV vs. SCE), the PDP curve shows a variouselectrolytes[30,41,42].However,tobenoted sharp increase in anodic current, Fig. 2b. This J Mater Sci (2018) 53:7527–7550 7533 increase in current with anodic polarization was Sensors’ response: OCP records almost potential independent until ca. 150 mV, cor- respondingtoananodiccurrentmaximumof4 mA/ Background and related general considerations cm2. Stabilization followed after this point and Evaluating the sensors’ response to alkaline medium independence of current from potential with further isimportantinviewoftheirpracticalapplicationina polarization was observed. At potential values more (reinforced) concrete system. In chloride-containing anodic than 300 mV, a limitation of anodic current medium the sensors’ OCP will return the chloride was relevant with a current stabilization at approx. 2 mA/cm2. This limitation in the current density can ions concentration in that medium (in accordance withthepreviouslyintroducedEqs. 2,3and4).Inthe be interpreted as the coverage of the Ag surface by a chloride-free environment, as would be in a concrete AgCllayer.BasedonthePDPtestresult(Fig. 2b),the system where chlorides did not yet penetrate the current density range for AgCl layer formation is betweenca.0.05and4 mA/cm2,with4 mA/cm2asa matrix, the sensors’ OCP will reflect a mixed poten- maximum and 0.5–2 mA/cm2 as an average range, tial and a dynamic exchange equilibrium, similar to Eq. (5), will be relevant. For the former situation, the where the Ag substrate is supposedly uniformly OCPisexpectedtoshiftincathodicdirectionandwill covered by AgCl. Therefore, for the Ag anodization be determined by the activity of the chloride ions process in 0.1 M HCl and Ag/AgCl sensor’s prepa- (e.g., for chloride content in the range of ration, respectively, four current densities in the rangeof:0.5–4 mA/cm2wereemployed(regimesA– 250–500 mM, the OCP value of a chloride sensor DinFig. 3).Thecurrentdensitiesof2and4 mA/cm2 should read between 6 and 23 mV vs. SCE [45]). For the latter case, chloride-free alkaline medium, the canbereferredtoashigh current densities, while0.5 and 1 mA/cm2 are considered as average to low OCP values are expected to be more anodic (ca. 100–150 mV vs. SCE, [13, 45, 46]), due to a mixed current densities. potential,arisingfromOH-ionsinterference[1].The The anodization regimes A–D in Fig. 3 are from levelofOH-ionsinterferencewill,therefore,depend this point forward used as sensors’ designation, i.e., onthechloride ionsconcentration(i.e.,theOH-/Cl- sensors A, B, C and D are discussed in the following ratio)andwilldominateintheabsenceofCl-ions.A sections. Figure 3 also gives the theoretically detection limit, largely determining a chloride sen- approximated thickness of the AgCl layer in each sor’s response, is reported to be 10 mM chloride regime, together with the experimentally derived content [45]. Although OH- ions interference cannot one. The former was calculated using the previously be excluded in the hereby employed alkaline solu- introducedEq. (1);thelatterissubjecttopresentation tionsofpHca.12.8,thechloridecontentinthemodel and discussion in ‘‘Surface morphology and media was adjusted to be above the reported detec- microstructure’’ section. tionlimitof10 mM.Thiswasalsodoneinviewofthe objective of this work to elucidate the effect of AgCl morphology and microstructure on the response of sensor within chloride ions detection, rather than a silveroxidecontributiontothesensors’performance. OCP records As already introduced, the sensors’ response is the OCPrecorditself,reflectingthedynamicequilibrium at the sensor/environment interface. The main objective here was to determine the accuracy of the chloride sensors to reflect the chloride content in the alkaline medium. What should also be noted, is that the time to reach a stable OCP for each sensor will determine its sensitivity and stability. Since the Fig.3 Anodizationregimesforsensorpreparation(1-hduration) model medium was identical, fluctuations or andthicknessofthedepositedAgCllayeronthesilversubstrate. 7534 J Mater Sci (2018) 53:7527–7550 unexpectedperformancewouldberelatedtotheAg/ increase in chloride concentration from 20 to AgCl interface and/or the AgCl properties, 260 mM. This is irrespective of the sensor type and respectively. anodization regime, respectively. TheOCPrecordsinchloride-containingCE(20and TheresultsdepictedinFig. 4alsoreflectadifferent 260 mM chloride content) are presented in Fig. 4. As patternofperformanceforthedifferentsensors:OCP canbeobserved,increasingthechloridecontentfrom stabilizationdependsnotonlyonthechloridecontent 20 (Fig. 4a) to 260 mM (Fig. 4b) results in a cathodic in the medium, but also on the obviously different shift of the OCP values for all sensors. For sensors A properties of the AgCl layer (which is in addition to and B, the initial values, e.g., within 60–120 s of the thickness variation, Fig. 3). As shown in Fig. 4a, immersion,readbetween90 mV(for20 mMchloride approximately 60 s were needed for a stable OCP of content) and 25 mV (for 260 mM chloride content), sensors A and B, prepared at low current densities while before stabilization the initial OCP values for (Fig. 3), while more than 1800 s were required for sensors C and D are between 40 (Fig. 4a) and 15 mV sensorsCandD(withathickerAgCllayer,Fig. 3)to (Fig. 4b).At the end of the test, the final OCPs for all reach a stable value. This observation was relevant sensors correspond to the chloride content in the for both 20 and 260 mM chloride concentrations medium—for 20 mM chloride content, the adopted (Fig. 4a, b). The increase in the AgCl layer thickness values were between 80 and 89 mV, for 260 mM from* 8 lm(sensorA)to* 15 lm(sensorB)hasa solution—the final values were between 24 and negligible effect on the OCP stabilization time. 25 mV. This is as expected and reflects the relevant However, the increase in AgCl layer thickness from chloride content, since theoretically (following Eqs. 2 15 lm for sensor B to 20 lm for sensor C and 40 lm and 3), at 20 and 260 mM chloride concentration, a for sensor D, has an obvious influence on the OCP chloride sensor should read 89 and 23 mV versus stabilization time. Consequently, the observed dif- SCE, respectively [45]. ference (1 min for sensors A and B vs. 30 min for To be noted is that the OCP records in CE with sensors C and D) should be attributable to a specific 20 mM chloride concentration showed a variation of AgCl layer morphology and microstructure, rather 50 mV at the beginning of the test, narrowing down thantothicknessalone.Tobenotedisthattheabove to 7 mV after 7200 s (Fig. 4a). In 260 mM chloride- potentialdifferencesanddeviationfromtheexpected containing medium a smaller deviation was performancewasalsorecordedinthesamerangefor observed,i.e.,lessthan10 mVatthebeginningofthe replicate specimens (three replicate specimens were test, decreasing to 1 mV after 7200 s (Fig. 4b). The tested, but results for theseare not included in Fig. 4 results show that both OCP variation and the time for simplicity). For instance, in less than a 100 s, needed for OCP stabilization are reduced upon an sensor A reached to the stable potentials of 85 ± 1.5 Fig.4 Evolution of OCP values of the Ag/AgCl sensors in chloride-containing cement extract: a CE?20mM chloride content; bCE?260mM chloride content. J Mater Sci (2018) 53:7527–7550 7535 and25 ± 0.2 mVinCEwith20and260 mMchloride observed, the morphological features and packing of concentrations, respectively. In contrast, a relatively the AgCl layer are different in each case. For sensors stable OCP for the sensor D was observed after A and B (Fig. 5a, b), ‘‘packed-piled’’ AgCl particles 1800 s, reading ca. 78 ± 3 mV for CE with 20 mM were well observed on the Ag substrate. Addition- chloride concentration and 23 ± 2 mV for CE with ally, the AgCl layer appears to be relatively uniform, 260 mM chloride concentration. presenting rounded, 1–2 lm in (top) size AgCl par- Additionally, the following observation is impor- ticles, and a distinct boundary between these. Along tanttobespecificallyaddressed:intheinitialperiod, with clearly observable boundaries, specifically for thehigherinstabilityofsensorsCandD,comparedto sensor A (Fig. 5a), well defined are the surface sensors A and B, was obvious (Fig. 4a, b, records openings of micro-channels. For sensor B (Fig. 5b), prior to 1200 s). The result means that sensors C and these features become slightly distorted, the surface Dinitiallyreportan‘‘overestimated’’chloridecontent morphology, however, maintaining similar to the (a more cathodic OCP), while sensors A and B give sensor A appearance. an almost immediate accurate response. In other In contrast, the AgCl layer for sensors C and D words, the potentially different microstructural becameamosaicofcomplexpatterns(Fig. 5c,d).The properties of the Ag/AgCl interface for A and B high current densities, as employed for 1 h in the versusCandDsensorsshouldberesponsibleforthe production of sensors C and D (2 and 4 mA/cm2), observeddiscrepancies.Exceptthealreadydiscussed apparently induced the formation of elongated and considerations, this hypothesis follows the common discontinuous, ‘‘twisted’’ AgCl particles. The ‘‘inner’’ knowledge that limitation of ion transport of any microstructure of the AgCl layer cannot be judged kindattheinterfacesensor/medium(orlimitationof from surface observations only, but can be clearly electron transport along the sensors’ conductive sur- visualized on a cross section of the Ag/AgCl inter- face) will be reflected in variations in the time to face. Figure 6 presents the cross sections for sensors establishanequilibriumcondition.Theseaspectswill A and D, together with relevant EDS analysis in be discussed in ‘‘Correlation of sensors’ response, depth of the sections, toward the Ag substrate (the surface properties and ohmic resistance of AgCl’’ resultsforsensorsAandBweresimilar,aswellasfor section in correlation to the experimental results on sensorsCandD,micrographsofthecrosssectionfor microstructure of the Ag/AgCl interface. Surface B and C sensors are, therefore, not presented). The chemistry, although supposed to be similar, might EDS analysis in Fig. 6 for the interfaces in sensors A also play a role in the sensor’s response. Therefore, and D confirms both Ag and Cl in the AgCl layer, thenextstepinthisworkisanin-depthinvestigation while only Ag at the Ag substrate, hence confirming of the surface morphology, microstructure and sur- the expected qualitative outcome for the Ag/AgCl face chemistry of all sensors, which are discussed in interface. the following sections. For sensor A (Fig. 6a), a visuallywelladhered and homogeneous AgCllayer can beobserved. Thegrain Surface morphology and microstructure boundaries in depth of the layer can be well seen, showing a well packed and almost perpendicular In this section, electron microscopy (Figs. 5, 6 and 7) orientation toward the Ag substrate. This upright andEDSanalysis(Fig. 6)arediscussedforallsensors particles’orientation would account foracontinuous (A, B, C and D), produced for identical anodization micro-channel network in depth of the layer. The time of 1 h, but at different current densities (Fig. 3). contribution of such a morphology and microstruc- Additionally, electron microscopy of the Ag/AgCl ture to the performance of the sensor would be interface for D-type sensors, anodized at the highest reflectedinarapidresponsetotheenvironment.This current density of 4 mA/cm2 and varying anodiza- is because a (vertically) open, continuous network of tion time, is also presented (Fig. 7) as supportive micro-channels would account for reduced limita- evidence for the discussion in this and the next tions to ion transport. This was as actually observed, sections. OCP records’’ section and Fig. 4, where an almost Figure 5 depicts ESEM micrographs from the top instant accurate response of sensors A and B to the surface of the sensors, visualizing the AgCl layers, pre-defined chloride content was recorded, together obtained in each anodization regime. As can be with a fast OCP stabilization. These microstructural 7536 J Mater Sci (2018) 53:7527–7550 Fig.5 ESEMimagesoftheAgCllayeronthesurfaceofsensorsAat0.5mA/cm2(a),Bat1mA/cm2(b),Cat2mA/cm2(c)andDat 4mA/cm2(d). Fig.6 CrosssectionandEDSspectraoftheAg/AgClinterfacein is chosen to allow visibility of the bi-layer structure in sensor D, sensorAat0.5mA/cm2(a)andsensorDat4 mA/cm2(b).Note together with the fullAgCl layer thickness. Agsubstratein(b)isnotseenatthis92500magnification,which