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Microstructure Model for Ti-6Al-4V used in Simulation of Additive Manufacturing PDF

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Preview Microstructure Model for Ti-6Al-4V used in Simulation of Additive Manufacturing

DOCTORA L T H E S IS C o r i n Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics n e Division of Mechanics of Solid Materials C h a rle Microstructure Model for Ti-6Al-4V used s ISSN 1402-1544 M ISBN 978-91-7583-579-2 (print) u in Simulation of Additive Manufacturing r g ISBN 978-91-7583-580-8 (pdf) a u Luleå University of Technology 2016 M i c r o s t r u c t u r e M o d e l f o r T i - 6 A l- 4 V u s e d i n S Corinne Charles Murgau i m u la t i o n o f A d d Material Mechanics i t iv e M a n u f a c t u r i n g THESIS FOR DEGREE OF PHILOSOPHY DOCTOR IN ENGINEERING Microstructure Model for Ti-6Al-4V used in Simulation of Additive Manufacturing CORINNE CHARLES MURGAU May 2016 Mechanics of Solid Materials Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics LULEÅ UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 971 87 Luleå, Sweden Phone number +46 (0)920 491 000 Microstructure Model for Ti-6Al-4V used in Simulation of Additive Manufacturing CORINNE CHARLES MURGAU (cid:148) 2016 Corinne Charles Murgau Division of Mechanics of Solid Materials Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics Luleå University of Technology Sweden Phone: +46 (0)920 491 000 Printed by Luleå University of Technology, Graphic Production 2016 ISSN 1402-1544 ISBN 978-917583-579-2 (print) ISBN 978-91-7583-580-8 (pdf) Luleå 2016 www.ltu.se ABSTRACT This thesis is devoted to microstructure modelling of Ti-6Al-4V. The microstructure and the mechanical properties of titanium alloys are highly dependent on the temperature history experienced by the material. The developed microstructure model accounts for thermal driving forces and is applicable for general temperature histories. It has been applied to study wire feed additive manufacturing processes that induce repetitive heating and cooling cycles. The microstructure model adopts internal state variables to represent the microstructure through microstructure constituents’ fractions in finite element simulation. This makes it possible to apply the model efficiently for large computational models of general thermo- mechanical processes. The model is calibrated and validated versus literature data. It is applied to Gas Tungsten Arc Welding -also known as Tungsten Inert Gas welding- wire feed additive manufacturing process. Four quantities are calculated in the model: the volume fraction of (cid:302) phase, consisting of Widmanstätten (cid:302), grain boundary (cid:302), and martensite (cid:302). The phase transformations during cooling are modelled based on diffusional theory described by a Johnson-Mehl-Avrami- Kolmogorov formulation, except for diffusionless (cid:302) martensite formation where the Koistinen-Marburger equation is used. A parabolic growth rate equation is used for the (cid:302) to (cid:533) transformation upon heating. An added variable, structure size indicator of Widmanstätten (cid:302), has also been implemented and calibrated. It is written in a simple Arrhenius format. The microstructure model is applied to in finite element simulation of wire feed additive manufacturing. Finally, coupling with a physically based constitutive model enables a comprehensive and predictive model of the properties that evolve during processing. Keywords: Titanium alloy, Ti-6Al-4V, Welding,Metal deposition, Additive manufacturing, Wire feed, Finite Element Method, Microstructure model, Johnson-Mehl-Avrami- Kolmogorov, Thermally driven i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This thesis summarises my doctoral studies carried out at University West (Högskolan Väst, HV), Trollhättan, during the years 2005-2013. During this period I was registered as a graduate student at Luleå University of Technology (LTU), division for Material Mechanics. The work was supervised by Professor Lars-Erik Lindgren at LTU, by Associate Professor Niklas Järvstråt at HV during the years 2005-2009 and by Research Associate Robert Pederson at LTU during the years 2009-2016. An appreciated collaboration with GKN aerospace Sweden AB (Volvo Aero Corporation 2005-2013) throughout this work is to be mentioned. The work was financed by the European Union through the research project VERDI1 and the research project AFFIX2. The region of Västra Götaland (Sweden) through the project INNside3 and VINNOVA4 foundation through the NFFP project MDReg5 are also acknowledged for their financial support. The author would like to thank the research environment Production Technology West at University West for financial support during the years 2008-2012 and 2015-2016. Professor Lars-Erik Lindgren, and his group, especially Bijish Babu and Andreas Lundbäck, are gratefully thanked for their guidance and collaboration. I wish to express my gratitude to Niklas Järvstråt for his time and support as well as for the advising discussions throughout the first part of this work. I also would like to thank Robert Pederson for all the support and supervision given on the metallurgical field. I appreciated that you stand up when supervision transition were needed. Anna-Karin Christiansson and Mikael Ericsson are thanked for their encouragements and helps along the following up meetings that took me through the end of this work. Thanks to all of you for believing in me more than I do. Finally, I would like to express my family for their understanding and encouragement. Warm thanks to my friends and colleagues at University West for their technical support as well as for their encouragements throughout this journey. I would also like to express my gratitude to all who have helped me master Swedish language and traditions that became part of me. Corinne Charles Murgau Trollhättan, Sweden, May 2016 1 VERDI: European 6th Framework Programme funded research project "Virtual Engineering for Robust manufacturing with Design Integration" (2002-2006) under contract n° AST4-CT-2005-516046 - http://www.verdi-fp6.org 2 AFFIX: European 6th Framework Programme funded research project "Aligning, Holding and Fixing Flexible and Difficult to Handle Components" (2006-2010) under contract n° NMP-NI-4-2004-026670- http://www.affix-ip.eu 3 INNside 1-4: Region Västra Götaland 7th Framework programme funded research project (2007-2011). "Innovative svetsning och bearbetning för lättviktsdesign" 4 VINNOVA: Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems - http://www.vinnova.se/en/ 5 MDreg: Swedish VINNOVA Nationella Flygtekniska ForskningsProgrammet funded research project (2009-2013) under contract n° 2009-01330 iii PUBLICATIONS The thesis comprises introductory chapters and the five appended papers listed below. Paper A Development of a Microstructure Model for Metal Deposition of Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V Corinne Charles and Niklas Järvstråt In Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Titanium (Ti-2007), Kyoto, Japan, 3-7 June 2007 Paper B Modelling Ti-6Al-4V microstructure by evolution laws implemented as finite element subroutines: Application to TIG metal deposition Corinne Charles and Niklas Järvstråt In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research, Pine Mountain, GA, USA, 1-6 June 2008 Paper C A model for Ti–6Al–4V microstructure evolution for arbitrary temperature changes Corinne Charles Murgau, Robert Pederson and Lars-Erik Lindgren Published in Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 20(5), 055006 Paper D Temperature and microstructure evolution in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding wire feed additive manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V Corinne Charles Murgau, Andreas Lundbäck, Pia Åkerfeldt and Robert Pederson To be submitted for publication. Paper E Physically based constitutive model of Ti-6Al-4V for arbitrary phase composition Bijish Babu, Corinne Charles Murgau and Lars-Erik Lindgren To be submitted for publication. v

Keywords: Titanium alloy, Ti-6Al-4V, Welding, Metal deposition, Additive manufacturing,. Wire feed, Finite Anna-Karin Christiansson and Mikael Ericsson are thanked for their encouragements and Then the structure is made up of a combination of small castings, forgings, and sheet metal. They are
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