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Microscopic Aspects of Adhesion and Lubrication, Proceedings of the 34th International Meeting of the Société de Chimie Physique PDF

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Preview Microscopic Aspects of Adhesion and Lubrication, Proceedings of the 34th International Meeting of the Société de Chimie Physique

TRIBOLOGY SERIES Advisory Editor: DOUGLAS SCOTT Editorial Board W.J. Bartz (Germany, F.R.G.) I.V. Kragelskii (USSR.) C.A. Brockley (Canada) K.C. Ludema (U.S.A.) H. Czichos (Germany, F.R.G.) A.J.W. Moore (Australia) W.A. Glaeser (U.S.A.) G.W. Rowe (Gt. Britain) M. Godet (France) T. Sakurai (Japan) H.E. Hintermann (Switzerland) J.P. Sharma (India) Vol. 1 Tribology - A Systems Approach to the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear (Czichos) Vol. 2 Impact Wear of Materials (Engel) Vol. 3 Tribology of Natural and Artificial Joints (Dumbleton) Vol. 4 Tribology of Thin Layers (Iliuc) Vol. 5 Surface Effects in Adhesion, Friction, Wear, and Lubrication (Buckley) Vol. 6 Friction and Wear of Polymers (Bartenev and Lavrentev) Vol. 7 Microscopic Aspects of Adhesion and Lubrication (Georges, Editor) TRIBOLOGY SERIES, 7 MICROSCOPIC ASPECTS OF ADHESION AND LUBRICATION Proceedings of the 34th International Meeting of the Socii% de Chirnie Physique Paris 14-18 September 1981 J.M. GEORGES ( ED lTOR) with the help of the Organizing Committee ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: J.B. DONNET - J.M. GEORGES, Chairman - D. MASSIGNON - D. MAUGIS B. MUTAFTSCHIEV - J.L. POLTI - L. TER MINASSIAN-SARAGA C. TROYANOWSKY, General Secretary ELSEVIER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING COMPANY - - AMSTERDAM OXFORD NEW YORK 1982 ELSEVIER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING COMPANY Molenwerf 1 P.O. Box 21 1,1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Distributors for the United States and Csnada: ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY INC. 52, Vanderbilt Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017 Librar? of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Microscopic aspects of adhesion and lubrication. (Tribology series ; V. 7) Ehglish and French. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Lubrication and lubricants--Congresses. 2. Adhesion-Congresses. I. Georges, J. M. 11. Socied de chimie hysique. 111. Series. TJ1075 .A2@ 621.8'9 82 -2379 ISBN 0-444-t2071-1 AACR2 ISBN 044442071-1 (Vol. 7) ISBN 044441677-3 (Series) 0 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1982 All rights resewed. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other- wise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, P.O. Box 330, 1000 AH Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Printed in The Netherlands FOREWORD When selecting the themes for our International Meetings we always try to choose a subject that cuts across as many disciplinary borders as possible. Such subjects are not suoerior to those more highly specialized, but they are less easily accepted at first. Specialists of any field will always manage to meet an4 exchange views on their common pet subjects, whereas in the majority of cases physicists will seldom meet chemists, who will seldom meet biologists, who etc.., unless there is some prodding from a group in which physicists, biologists and chemists alike are on an equal footing. To compel people from different but overlapping disciplines to meet is to ensure the cross-fertilization so often mentioned, and which so often remains wishful thinking. Nevertheless, this is the first time that we have gone so far in brin- ging together people from the ethereal realm of fundamental research and those concerned with such vulgar problems as the proper working of ball bearings, wear prevention in car engines or tyres or how to make refractory bricks adhere really strongly to the body of a space shuttle. And this meeting has attracted polymer physicists, physical chemists and chemists, surface and interface people from solid-state physics and biophysics, mechanical engineers, etc.. . During the first meetings of our Conference Committee I did have some misgivings : would it be possible to make people with such different specializations understand each other or at least willing to try and understand each other? It is pleasing to report that this meeting of different minds was effec- tively and efficiently achieved. The Committee (J.B. Donnet, J.M. Georges, D. Massignon, D. Maugis, B. Mutaftschiev, J.L. Polti and L. Ter Minassian-Saraga) achieved an harmonious mix of lecturers from the Cavendish Laboratory, the Weizmann Institute of Science, the Physical Chemistry Laboratory of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the College de France, the CNRS Research Centre on Crystal ... Growth Mechanisms, the Solid-state Physics Laboratory at Orsay, etc. with those from Toyota, IRM, Unilever, Exxon, peugeot, NASA, Martin Marietta Labora- ._. tories Our Society is grateful to them and to the authors who brought us their newest results along with a number of bri.lliant surveys. Much remains to be done, but it was clear from the start that all participants were looking for a common view on their problems, a common language, and that they often found it : the discussions in this book will bear testimony on this point. And the lectures by J. Friedel on "Surfaces, adhesion and friction the views of an ignoramus" and A. Silberberg on "Biolubrication" provided excel- lent links between the major discussion themes and solid-state physics on the one hand and biophysics on the other. This meeting was certainly timely : despite their essential importance to both fundamental and applied knowledge, adhesion, friction and lubrication had until recently been treated in a mostly qualitative fashion, and description had held precedence over interpretation. The recent instrumental advances in the study of surfaces and our improved understanding of contact and short-range interactions made it possible to attempt an assessment of what we know of lubrication and adhe- sion at the molecular level. What is known about lubrication is not yet quantitative -this would imply a full knowledge of bulk, surface and thin film properties of solids and liquids in all possible conditions - but definite progress will be apparent, despite the remark of an author that "The production of lubricants is strikingly reminis- cent of French cooking : almost infinite variety, more of an art than a science, usually performed at the dark end of a kitchen. "The same author confided to me that ours was, in his view, the first really scientific conference on the subject. The reader must judge whether we have deserved "either such excessive praise or such indignity". (Racine, loosely translated.) With respect to adhesion and friction there was a rich crop of expe- rimental and theoretical data and interpretations. Whatever the subject under discussion, the discussions were often deep and always lively. The Conference theme is far enough from my own research to prevent my passing judgment, but I preserve the pleasant memory of many participants expressing their satisfaction with what the meeting had brought them and of the cooperation it would initiate. The Societe de Chimie physique has reason to be satisfied with the contributions and discussions gathered in these Proceedings. Our thanks go to all those who took part in setting up the programme, offering their most recent results and views, and making the meeting useful to all. C. TROYANOWSKY Honorary Secretary Soci6te de Chimie Physique XI AVm-P ROPOS Pour les themes de nos reunions internationales nous nous efforGons de retenir des sujets qui traversent les frontieres disciplinaires. 11s ne possedent aucune superiorit6 sur les sujets hautement sp6cialises mais ils sont moins fre- quents : les specialistes d'un domaine donne s'arranqeront toujours pour se rencontrer et confronter leurs vues sur leurs sujets d'election, tandis que les chimistes rencontrent rarement les physiciens, qui rencontrent rarement les bio- logistes, qui etc... d moins que n'intervienne un groupement dans lequel physi- ciens, biologistes, chimistes se retrouvent d bgalite. Amener leS specialistes de disciplines differentes mais qui presentent des zones de recouvrement d se ren- contrer assure cette "fertilisation croisee" souvent mentionnee, rarement realisee. C'est pourtant la premiere fois que nous sommes all& si loin dans le rassemblement des specialistes du fondamental ethi.r@ et ceux qui touchent d des problemes aussi vulgaires que le bon fonctionnement des roulements a billes, la prevention de l'usure des moteurs ou des pneus, ou la bonne adhesion de brisues refractaires au fuselage d'une navette spatiale. Cette reunion a rPuni des phy- siciens, physico-chimistes et chimistes des polymPres, les specialistes des surfaces et interfaces aussi bien en physique du solide qu'en biophysique, les .. meraniciens, etc. En fait, j'ai ressenti quelque inquietude lors des premieres reunions du ComitP d'organisation : pourrions-nous amener des gens aux specialites si diff6rent.es d se romprendre, ou du moins d desirer se comprendre? 11 est agreable de constater que le contact recherche a 6t6 etabli. Le Comite (J.B. Donnet, J.M. Georges, D. Massignon, D. Maugis, B. Mutaftschiev, J.L. Polti et Mme L. Ter Minassian-Sarage) a harmonieusement associe les conf6- renciers du laboratoire Cavendish, de 1'Institut Weizmann, de 1'Institut de Chimie physique de 1'Academie des sciences d'URSS, du College de France, du Centre de recherche sur les rnecanismes de la croissance cristalline du CNRS, du laboratoire de physique des solides d'Orsay, etc... avec ceux de Toyota, I.B.M., Unilever, Exxon, Peugeot, de la N.A.S.A., des laboratoires Martin Marietta, etc.. Notre Societe leur est reconnaissante, comme elle l'est aux auteurs qui nous ont present6 leurs plus recents resultats et nombre de brillantes revues. I1 reste encore beaucoup faire, mais il etait clair des le depart que tous les participants recherchaient des vues communes, e t un langaqe commun, et les ont souvent trouves : les discussions de ce livre en temoignent. E t les XI1 conferences de J. Friedel sur "Etat des surfaces, adhesion et frottement : le point de vue d'un beotien" et d'A. Silberberg sur la "Biolubrification" ont excellemment fait le lien de nos principaux themes de discussion a la physique du solide d'une part, 2 la biophysique de l'autre. Cette reunion etait opportune : malgre leur importance Bvidente sur les plans fondamental autant qu'applique, adherence, frottement, lubrification avaient jusqu'a present ete traites de maniere essentiellement qualitative, la description l'emportant de loin sur l'interpretation. Les progres instrumentaux dans l'etude des surfaces, et notre meilleure comprehension des interactions au contact ou a courte distance, ont permis d'evaluer nos connaissances de la lubri- fication et de l'adhesion au niveau moleculaire. Ce qui touche a la lubrification n'est pas encore quantitatif -ceci impli- querait la pleine connaissance des proprietbs massiques, superficielles ou en couches minces des solides ou liquides dans les conditions les plus diverses - mais d'evidents progres sont apparus, malgre la remarque d'un auteur selon qui "la fabrication des lubrifiants rappelle Ctonnamment la cuisine frangaise : variete presqu'infinie, plus un art qu'une science, pratiquee en general au fond d'une cuisine". Le mGme auteur me confiait que notre reunion etait selon lui la premiere sur le sujet 2 Ptre reellement scientifique : le lecteur jugera si nous avons 'I. .merit6 "Ou cet exces d'honneur ou cette indignite" (Racine, ou presque) Pour l'adhesion et le frottement il y eut une riche moisson de resultats et d'irlterpretations, experimentaux comme theoriques. Sur tous les themes de discussion les interventions ont 6t6 souvent penetrantes, et toujours animees. Le sujet de la rencontre est trop eloigne de mon propre domaine pour que je hasarde un jugement categorique, mais je garde l'agreable souvenir des nombreux partici- pants qui exprimaient leur satisfaction de ce que cette reunion leur avait apport6, et des cooperations qu'elle avait amorcees. La Societe de Chimie physique peut se sentir Bgalement satisfaite des contributions et des discussions reunies dans ces Actes. Elle exprime sa gratitude a tous ceux qui ont mis sur pied le programme, apporte leurs resultats et idees les plus recents et rendu cette reunion profitable a tous. C. TROYANOWSKY Secretaire general Societe de Chimie physique XI11 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The 34th International meeting of the Societd de Chimie physiaue has received financial support from the following organizations : - Centre national de la recherche scientifique - Commissariat l'dnergie atomique - Direction des recherches, etudes et techniques - European Research Office (U.S. Army) and the following firms and industrial groups : - Compagnie franqaise de raffinage - ELF - ERAP - Institut fraqais du pdtrole - Kodak - Path6 - Thomson - C.S.F. This help is gratefully acknowledged. xv LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ADAMS M.- Unilever Research, Port Suniight Laboratory, Quarry Road, East Bebington, Wirral Merseyside LG3, 3JW, G.B. ALM0N.- Michelin, Service G.R., 63000 Clermont Ferrand ANTONICELLI M.- Inst. Nat. Polytechnique, Labo ERMES, 2, rue de la Citadelle BP 850 - 54011 Nancy ARMBRUSTER.- S.N.I.A.S., 12, rue Pasteur, 92152 Suresnes AZOUZ A.-.Dept. of Physics, Aston University - Gosta Green, Birmingham, G.B. BARGAIN M.- Centre de recherches Rhone Poulenc, 85, av. des FrPres Perret, 69190 Saint Fons BARQUINS M.- Labo. Central des Ponts et ChaussCes, Cellule mecanique des surfaces 58, Bd Lefebvre, 75015 Paris BASZKIN A.- Physic0 Chimie des membranes, UER biomedicale, 45, rue des Saints Peres, 75006 Paris BENIS A.- G. R.A. D.E., 5, rue Las-Cases, 75007 Paris BILLIAU M.- Tr&fimGtaux, Centre de recherches, 141, rue Michel Carre, 95102 Argenteuil cedex BIVERSTEDT A.- Institute for Surface Chemistry, Box 5607, S - 114 86 Stockholm, SuPde BLIN J.C.- CEA/CEN Saclay/DMECN, 91191 Gif sur Yvette BONISSEiW A.- C.R.M.C~c ampus Luminv, 9? 913, 13288 Marseille BOURASSE A.- C.E.A., Centre de Cadarache, 13115 St Paul Lez Durance B3URRET.- Michelin, Service GT, Clermont Ferrand 63000 SRAITHWAITE E.R. - Climax Molybdenum Co, 1/3 Grosvenor Crescent, London SWlX DL, GB BRENDLE M. Physico-chimie des surfaces solides, 24, av. du Pt Kennedy, 68200 Mulhouse BREWE D.- Propulsion Laboratory, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio 44135 BRIANT J.- I.F.P., av. de Bois PrPau, 92506 Rueil Malmaison 3RUN C.- Rhone Poulenc, Centre de recherches de St Fons, 5, av. des Freres Perret 69190 Saint Fons CBAGXON P.- Lab0 de Thermodynamique, UER des Sciences, 123, av. Albert Thomas, 87060 Limoges Cedex CAAPUIS J. - Univ. of Toronto, Mechanical Engineering, Toronto M5 S 1 A 4, Canada COGNARD J. - Lab. groupe ASUAG, Asulab S.A., Passage Max Weuron 6, CH 2001 Neuchatel Suissc COGNET J.- Societe H.B.S., B.P. 434, 26500 Bourg les Valence CONSTANS B.- Centre de recherche ELF de Solaize, BP 22, 69360 St Symwhorien d'Ozon CRON A.- SociPt6 Lonza AG, Lab. CIAT, 5643 Sins, SuiSSe XVI DAIGNE J., Direction des Lab., Regie Nationale des Usines Renault, 8/10 av, E.Zola, 92109 Boulogne Billancourt DAFQUE-CERETTI E.- C.E.M.E.F. Sophia AntiDolis 06560 Valbonne DARTYGE 2.M.- I.R.C.H.A., B.D. 1, 91710 Vert le Petit DEISS W.J. - Aluminium Pechiney, Centre de recherches, B.P. 24, 38340 VoreDue DEJARDIN P.- C.R.M., 6, rue Boussingault, 67083 Strasbourg Cedex DELAMARE F,- C.E.M.E.F., Ecole des Mines, Sophia AntiDOliS 06560 Valbonne DEPOISIER J.C.- Valeo, 4, rue Gambetta, 93 St Ouen DERJAGUIN B.V.- Inst. of Physical Chemistry, Acad. Sci. USSR, Lenin Drosvect 31 Yoscow 117312, URSS - DESPCTOVIC R. Ruder Boskovic Institute, Colloid Chemistry, P.O. B. 1016, - 41001 Zagreb, Yougoslavie QREYFUS,- USSI, 116, av A. Briand, 92220 Bagneux DUPEYRAT R.- Lab0 de Spectroscopie Raman, Univ. P. et M. Curie, 4, P1. Jussieu Tour 22-23- E 2 - 75230 Paris cedex 05 - DURAUD J.P. C.E.A., CEN/SACLAY, 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex DU PARQUET J.- Centre de recherches Total, B.D. 27, 76700 Harfleur DUROUCHOUX P.- D.R.E.T., 26, Bd Victor, 75996 Paris Armees - hBESHARDT.- Dr. Karl Thomaz GmbH, Vedical DeD., Birkendorfer Strasse 65 D 7950 Biberach 1/RFA EXEIlOWA D. Mrs. - Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 1040 Sofia, Bulgarie - FELLER H.G. Institut fur Metallforschung, T.U. Berlin, Joachimsthaler Str. 31-32 D. 1000 Berlin 15 FILIPOVIC VINCEKOVIC Mrs - Colloid chemistry, Ruder Boskovic Institute, 41001 Zagreb, P.B. 1016 - Yougosl. FOWKES F.M.- Dept. Chemistry - Lehigh Univ.,Bethlehem PA 18015 , USA FRIEDEL J.- Univ. Paris Sud, Physique des solides, BBt. 510, 91400 Orsay - FUREY M.J. Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Polytech. Inst. Blacksburg, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA FINDENEGG G.H.- Ruhr University Bochum, Inst. of Physical Chemistry, Postfach 10 21 48, D 4630 Bochum 1, RFA FISCHER T.E.- Exxon Corporate Research Lab. Linden NJ 01036 USA FULLER K.N. G.- MRPRA, Brickendonbury - Hertford SG13 8NL, G.B. de GENNES P.G.- College de France, P1. Elarcellin Berthelot, 75005 Paris - GEORGES J.M.- Technologie des surfaces, ECL, 36, route de Dardilly 69130 Ecully GOLDBLATT 1.L.- Exxon, Products Research Division, P.O. Box 51, Linden, NZ 07036,US GRAS R.- Lab. de Tribologie, I.L.S.C.M. 3, rue V. Hainaut, 93407 St Ouen GUILHOT B. - Chimie physique des Drocessus Industriels, E.N.S.M. de St Etienne 158, cours Fauriel, 42023 Saint Etienne cedex GUIRALDENQ P.- Metallurgie physique-matGriaux, E.C.L., 36, av. Guy de COllOn?e 69130 Ecully

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