7 Microquasars: Progress made and open questions 0 0 2 n a J 9 2 I.F. Mirabel∗† 1 v EuropeanSouthernObservatory. AlonsodeCordova3107.Santiago,CHILE 7 E-mail: [email protected] 3 8 1 InthelasttalkoftheconferenceIsummarizedthemainprogressandcontributionstohighenergy 0 7 astrophysicsmadebystudiesofmicroquasarsinourGalaxy. Tostimulatethegeneraldiscussion 0 I have underlined some of the questions that will guide in the near future the research in this / h areaofastrophysics. HereIpresenttheviewgraphsandquestionsformulatedduringthegeneral p - discussion. o r t s a : v i X r a VIMicroquasarWorkshop: MicroquasarsandBeyond September18-222006 SocietàdelCasino,Como,Italy ∗Speaker. †OnleavefromCEA-Saclay.France (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicence. http://pos.sissa.it/ Microquasars:Openquestions I.F.Mirabel Figure1: ChandraandINTEGRALimagesoftheGalacticCenterregionontheleft. Ontherightisshown thel 6cmcompactcounterpartofthehighenergysourceatthecenterofcollimatedjetsthatarethetrace ofsynchrotronelectronsandpossiblepositronsstreamingawayfromthecompactsourceuptodistanceofa fewlightyears. 1. The microquasar 1E1740.7-2942stilla mystery Figure1showstheChandraandINTEGRALimagesoftheGalacticCenterregion,wherethe most luminous source in the hard X-rays is the famous Einstein source 1E 1740.7-2942, which is a source of relativistic jets that extend up to a few light years. The flux, spectrum shape and time variability in the X-rays are similar to those that would be observed from Cygnus X-1 located in the Galactic Center region, which supports the hypothesis that 1E 1740.7-2942 is a stellar-mass black hole binary. However, until today it has not been found -even using the VLT in the near andmid-infrared-, anunambiguousopticalorinfraredcounterpart ofthedonorstarinthisputative blackholebinary. 2. Gamm-raysfrom compact binaries: microquasar jets orpulsarwinds ? Recentobservations haveshownthatsomecompactstellar binariesradiate thehighestenergy light in the universe. The challenge has been to determine the nature of the compact object and whether the very high energy gamma-rays are ultimately powered by pulsar winds or relativistic jets(Figure2). Multiwavelengthobservationshaveshownthattwo(PSRB1259−63andLSI+61303)ofthe threegamma-raybinariesknownsofarareneutronstarbinariesandthattheveryenergeticgamma- 2 Microquasars:Openquestions I.F.Mirabel Figure 2: Alternativemodelsfor very energeticgamma-raybinaries. Left: Microquasarsare poweredby compactobjects(neutronstarsorstellar-massblackholes)viamassaccretionfromacompanionstar. The jets boostthe energyof stellar winds to the range of very energeticgamma-rays. Right: Pulsar winds are poweredby rotationof neutronstars; the wind flows away to large distancesin a comet-shapetail, as has beenshownintobethecaseforLSI+61303.Interactionofthiswindwiththecompanion-staroutflowmay produceveryenergeticgamma-rays. raysfromthesetwosourcesmaybeproducedbytheinteractionofpulsarwindswiththewindfrom the companion star. Infact, inthis meeting werepresented observations atradio wavelengths that support the idea that LS I +61 303 may be a gamma-ray pulsar rather than a microquasar. As expected from the pulsar wind model (right panel of Fig. 2), VLBAimages ofthe radio emission show a relativistic wind from the compact object that spins as a function of the orbital phase. However,nopulsations havesofarbeendetected fromLSI+61303. At this time it is an open question whether the third gamma-ray source (LS 5039) is also poweredbyapulsarwindoramicroquasar jet,whererelativistic particlesincollimatedjetswould boost the energy of the wind from the stellar companion to TeV energies. High resolution maps at radio wavelengths would tell whether the direction of the jets spin as a function of the orbital phaseortheirpositionangleintheskyremainthesame. Ontheotherhand,itwouldbeinteresting asearchforTeVemissionfromconfirmedblackholebinaries,whichwouldprovidesupporttothe microquasar jetmechanism fortheproduction ofveryenergetic gamma-rays. TheseTeVbinariesdonotrequireDopplerboosting, namely,theyarenotmicroblazars. 3. Perspectives to determine the spinoflackholes Three methods have been proposed to determine the spin of black holes. They are based on measurements of: 1) the temperature of the continuum spectrum. Due to the shrink of the inner accretion disk in rapidly rotating (Kerr) black holes, the temperature increases with angular momentum. 2)theFelineat6.7keV,whichisskewedtowardslowerenergies asafunction ofthe 3 Microquasars:Openquestions I.F.Mirabel Figure3: Leftpanel: Jet-powerednebulaaroundCygnusX-1fromGalloetal.(2005). Rightpanel: Image atl 20cmofthenebulaW50thathostsSS433,fromDubneretal. (1998). angularmomentum. 3)themaximumfixfrequencyofquasi-periodicoscillations(QPOs),whichis a function of the basic parameters that define astrophysical black holes, namely, the mass and the spin. In this meeting new exciting insights on the spin of black holes were presented. Refining the analysis of the continuum spectrum it was found that GRS 1915+105 contains a black hole spin- ning near the maximum rate, whereas GROJ1655-40, LMCX-3, and 4U 1543-47 have moderate spins. It is interesting that the source with maximum spin is also one of the most powerful jet sources. However,duetothesmallnumberstatistics itisstillanopenquestion whether thepower ofrelativistic jetsisafunctionofthespin,aspredicted bydifferentmodels. Inthisfieldtherearestillthefollowingbasiccaveats: a)Thephysics ofQPOsisstillnotfullyunderstood. Inthismeetingithasbeenproposed that theyareduetoglobalmodesthatariseasspontaneous instabilities ratherthanasorbiting “blobs”. b) Itis still uncertain how the forest of warm absorber lines may affect the X-ray continuum, andtherefore theestimatesofthetemperature oftheinneraccretion disk. 4. Darkoutflows andsuper-Eddington sources Inlastyearstherehavebeenincreasingevidencesshowingthatrelativisticandnon-relativistic massoutflowsfromaccretingcompactobjectsmayberadiativelyinefficient. Theevidencesreside mostly in the interaction of the jets with the interstellar environment. They are: 1) The moving X-ray jets from the microquasars XTEJ1550-564 and H1743-322 that produced in real time syn- chrotron bow shocks far away from the sources and long after X-ray outbursts from the compact binary, and 2) The large scale interstellar structures inflated by the relativistic jets as observed at radiocontinuum wavelengths inCygnusX-1andSS433(Figure3). InSS433amechanicalluminosityoftherelativisticjetsof≥1039 ergs−1 hasbeenestimated from spectral lines ofions ofH,He,andFeatoptical, infrared and X-raywavelengths. InSS433 more than 50% of the energy is not radiated and it has been estimated that more than 30% of the accreted mass is being ejected in the form of massive winds and relativistic jets. Clearly, SS 433 isasuper-Eddington source ofstellar masswithanysotropic outflowandradiation that fromother 4 Microquasars:Openquestions I.F.Mirabel Figure4:leftpanel:SuperluminalejectioninGRS1915+105;centralpanel:multiwavelengthsimultaneous observationsofinstabilitiesintheaccretiondiskandthegenesisofjets;Rightpanel:Unifiedmodelforblack holeaccretion-jetphenomena(Fenderetal2004). viewing angle would be classified as an ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX). It may be used as a probeofULX’sinexternalgalaxies. Thefollowingquestions remainopen: 1)Whatistherelation betweenmassivewindsandwarmabsorbers ? 2)Ifblackholesofintermediatemass(≥100M )areprolific,whynoonehasbeenidentified ⊙ in the Milky Way or the Magellanic Clouds, where the dynamical mass of compact objects in binaries canbedetermined ? 5. Disk-jet coupling In 1994 it was observed a mayor ejection event from GRS 1915+105 that was followed si- multaneously with BATSEon the Compton Observatory and the Very Large Array (Figure 4, left panel). Theconnection between the inner disk-corona and thejets became clear because the ejec- tion took place at the time of a sudden drop in the 20-100 keV flux. At that time it was assumed that the high energy electrons producing the hard X-ray radiation had been suddenly blown away intheform ofcollimated relativistic jets. Thephysical nature oftheinstability thatproduced such transition remainsunknown. Four years later was obtain further insight into the connection between accretion disk insta- bilities and the formation of jets. In ∼1 hour of simultaneous multiwavelength observations of GRS 1915+105 during the frequently observed 30-40 min X-ray oscillations in this source, the connectionbetweensuddendropsofthex-rayfluxfromtheaccretiondiskandtheonsetofjetswas observed again in several occasions (Figure 4, central panel). The triggers of jets are instabilities in the accretion disk (transition from low-hard to high-soft states). The X-ray spike in the central panelmarkstheonsetofashockthroughacompact, steadyjet. A comprehensive phenomenological model based on the notion that the jet phenomenology is part of the accretion process was later proposed by Fender et al (2004; Figure 4 right panel), to whichIreferthereaderforadetaileddescription. Analogoustransitionshavenowbeenobservedin 5 Microquasars:Openquestions I.F.Mirabel thequasars3C120, 3C279and3C390,thediagram intherightpanelofFigure4beingconsidered inobservations ofthedisk-jet coupling inaccreting blackholesofallmassscales. 6. The black holeatthe GalacticCenter EuropeanandAmericanteamshavebeenstudyingthekinematicsofthecentralclusterofmas- sivestarswiththeVLTandKeckrespectively, whereusingadaptiveopticsatinfraredwavelengths from theground becomes competitive withspaceastronomy. Bothteamsreachsimilarresults and estimateablackholemassof3×106 M . However,therearefollowingpuzzles: ⊙ 1)Howcouldamassivecluster ofmassivestarsbeformedandsurvive inaregionof10light yearsradiusfromthesupermassive blackhole? 2) Observing with the VLT, QPOs of about 15 min were reported. However, no such QPOs have been observed so far with Keck. In microquasars it is known that QPOs of maximum fix frequency areonly observed sporadically butnotpermanently. Couldthepresence andabsence of theseQPOsbeduetochance? 3) The flares in Sgr A∗ exhibit similar time delays between the X-rays, infrared and radio wavelengths as observed in the flares of GRS 1915+105 (Figure 4 central panel). These time delaysarecomparable,irrespectiveofthemassoftheblackholeswhichindicatesthattheradiating plasmahasdetachedfromthegravitational fieldoftheblackhole. 7. Microquasars and beyond Inthethreeastrophysical manifestations ofastrophysicalblackholesarefoundthesamethree basicingredients: ablackhole,anaccretion disk,andrelativistic jets(Figure5). Formicroquasars, quasarsandGRBshavebeenproposed thesamealternative models: Jetmodels: Discontinuous ejections ofblobs(internalshockmodel)versuspointing flux. Twoflowmodel: collimatedMHDflowplussuper-relativistic pairbeamedjet Jetproduction models: MHDcentripetal (inner)plusmagneticdissipation atlargerscales. 8. Microquasar -GRBconnections InpreviouspublicationsIhadproposedthatmicroquasarsinourGalaxycanbeusedasnearby probes of the collapsar model for the formation of stellar-mass black holes. In particular, the kinematics of microquasars can be used to constrain the energy of natal explosions during the formation ofblackholes. Forinstance, fromthechemical composition foundintheatmosphere of the donor star and runaway velocity of GRO J1655-40 it was proposed that the black hole in this microquasar wasformedthrough averyenergetic supernova. The question on whether all black holes form through energetic explosions or some form by directcollapse isrelatedtothequestion onwhetheralllongGRBsareassociated withhypernovae (type Ib/c). The recent observations of GRB 060614 by Della Valle et al. (2006) show that some long-lasting GRBs can be associated with very faint supernova. This result is consistent with the findingthattheblackholesof≥10M inCygnusX-1andGRS1915+105havenotreceivealarge ⊙ linearmomentumduringformation(Figure6). 6 Microquasars:Openquestions I.F.Mirabel Figure5: Thethreemanifestationsofastrophysicalblackholes. Figure 6: Left panel: R-band light curve of the GRB 060614 afterglow showing no luminoussupernova (Della Valle et al. 2006). Right panel: Proper motion of of Cygnus X-1 and the parent association of massivestarsCygnusOB3showingthatthemicroquasarremainedatitsbirthplaceanddidnotreceiveda strongkick. 7 Microquasars:Openquestions I.F.Mirabel 9. Empirical correlations and analogiesbetween stellarandblack holeastrophysics DifferentempiricalcorrelationsbetweentheX-rayandradiofluxes,noisespectrum,andQPOs asafunction ofblack holemasshavebeenproposed. Iftheseempirical correlations becomemore robust, independently of the models, the mass and spin of black holes will be determined. As in stellarastrophysics, inblackholeastrophysicstheluminosityisafunctionofsizeandtemperature. At present, black hole astrophysics is in an analogous situation as was stellar astrophysics in the first decades of theXX century. Atthat time, wellbefore reaching the physical understanding oftheinteriorofstarsandthewaybywhichtheyproduceandradiatetheirenergy,empiricalcorre- lations such astheHRdiagram werefound andused toderivefundamental properties ofthestars, such as their mass. Analogous approaches are taking place in black hole astrophysics. Using cor- relations among observables such as the radiated fluxes in x-rays and radio waves, quasi-periodic oscillations, flickering frequencies, etc, fundamental parameters that describe astrophysical black holessuchasthemassandspinoftheblackholesarebeingderived. References [1] DellaValle,M.etal.2006,Nature444,1050 [2] Dubner,G.etal.(1998),Astron.J.116,1842 [3] Fender,R.etal.(2004),MNRAS355,1105 [4] Gallo,E.etal.(2005),Nature436,819 [5] Merloni,A.etal.(2003)MNRAS,345,1057 8