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xvii Table of Contents Chairman’s Introduction vii Program Chairman’s Introduction Program Committee Reviewers Session Chairpersons See Cee eee eee seoeaee eases ee @eee Pi eae 64648 6S O68 COO EA OE OFO O42 O88 O08 82S K1: Highest Performance Computing Machines .....0.... .cec.e .eee .eee. ee.e ee.e e ee Keynote speaker: Y.N. Patt (USA) K2: From Image Coding to Multimedia: Algorithms and Architectures for a Revolution ..... Keynote speaker: N. Demassieux (F) K3: Application Machines: An Approach to Realizing Understandable Systems ............ Keynote speaker: H.W. Lawson (S) Al: I i a ee SO it Pega ee Baalee Db pee bie es Se 11 Session Chairman: M. Pezzé (I) IPTES — Incremental Prototyping Technology for Embedded Real-time Systems ....... 13 P. Pulli (SF) and R. Elmstr@m (DK) Results of the ESPRIT Basic Research Action 3148 DEMON ......................005. 23 E. Best (FRG) PROOFS: Application Engineering Based on Formal Methods .................000050- 29 K. van Hee (NL), T. Hildebrand (F) and S. Copelli (1) A2: ee ee when teas en setebsesneow shebiheseheeadneere s 37 Session Chairman: D. Wilson (UK) ee ee ic oa sma swkedcaeses sensed sae neceeed WORK bes SEbEEES 39 R. Stainov and W. Kalfa (FRG) Communicating Active Components: An Environment for Concurrent Applications on es eek ope PERE eT EMSRS h Aa Kd CARER hES ECHR ECC EE REST OS 47 L. Courtrai, J-F. Roos, J-M. Geib and J-F. Mehaut (F) po PTFE COTO TCUT TTT COLT CUCU TTT CUTTER Ee 55 |. Jerebic (SL) Table of Contents a a 8 LG okt W AC KN OWN KR ONES) AONE OOS oes OREO Oe 61 Session Chairman: J. M@lgaard (DK) Specification and Design of Concurrent Control Units ....0..... 0c. e.ee. e.ee eee 63 G. Klein-Hessling (FRG) EPVD: An Interactive Protocol Specification and Validation Environment in Estelle lad a Sie. 5 ob a KA REO AE EO ACES We KSREADES 6406806 6S ESOP 02 8s 71 K.C. Huang, T.S. Nain, W.S. Hsieh, C.S. Yang and C.S. Lu (ROC) An Interactive Environment for the Model-Based Design of Analog Circuits ........... 79 K. Hoffmann (FRG) Aé: ETE a oe ee ee eT eee er ee ee 87 Session Chairman: F. Vajda (H) A Data-Driven Hybrid Computer Architecture .....0.... c.cc. ...ee.e 89 C-C. Tseng, C-Z. Lin, J-K. Hwang (ROC) and K-T. Lin (CHN) A New Magnitude Function for Fast Numbers Comparison in the Residue Number UE CODE ASG cotP TE ere OP Uae Sa) gay aa ae ean a a 97 G. Dimauro, S. Impedovo and G. Pirlo (1) Design of the Processing Node of the PTAH 64 Parallel Computer ................... 105 F. Cappello, J-L. Béchennec and J-L. Giavitto (F) B1: I, Toss Re a Goa ws eu SG CEN eee bn dn aes cadvenie sees 113 Session Chairman: R. McConnell (UK) COMPLEMENT — Comprehensive Large-Scale Engineering Methodologies and Tech- ee Soria yok eee Seay ads BWC E ENS Sad Oded Ew E DSE en ew 4 115 F. Jakob (F) SPECS: Formal Methods and Techniques for Telecommunications Software Develop- ee ce an ade Da ea bi hae ERO ah ORAS Coes 06b40 dR E RON Oe oew akee 117 M. Dauphin (F) ee CUE ee a bee 6 MEd CRORE ESALS REMOTE OREO Me ob tenes 125 Session Chairman: D.Q.M. Fay (E) A Transputer Network for a Device Simulator ........00.0 .e.c e.ce. e.ee .eee. ee e 127 B. Boittiaux, G. Gongalves and M.P. Haye (F) Implementation of Statecharts on Transputers ......0.... c.e e.e. e.e ee.e e.ee ees 133 J.P. Calvez and O. Pasquier (F) Checkpointing and Recovery in a Pipeline of Transputers .................ee0e 0eecn s 141 A. Sinha, P.K. Das and A. Chaudhuri (IND) Table of Contents B3: EE Liisi s werk te ROR NS Se owen doen e ewe ae ORR ed meee ees 149 Session Chairman: O. Caprani (DK) Estimators for Logic Minimization and Implementation Selection of Finite State NO, 25a < Nps Shek oes onda dws 666-450 50sN A ORO EES ERO Oe eee Rees Cee ee eeea 151 A.J.W.M. ten Berg (NL) On the Use of OR-BDDs for Test Generation .....0.0.0. .ccc .cee. ee.e .ee.e e ee L. Jozwiak and H. Mijland (NL) Modelling of Digital Circuits Function and Functional Faults on Register Transfer Level ... J. Gawin (PL) I a es ee em ee oe Session Chairman: P. Mdller-Nielsen (DK) GALATEA Neural VLSI Architectures: Communication and Control Considerations ..... C. Alippi (1) and M. Vellasco (BR) A Behavioral Approach to Testability Analysis for Neural Networks .................. V. Piuri, M.G. Sami, D. Sciuto and R. Stefanelli (1) Artificial Neural Network Realization with Programmable Logic Circuit ................ V. Gustin (SL) Pvarees i GCHAPCTTIIIINNG TOGGID oon cece etree cesenetesencsececesecineees Session Chairman: K. Kléckner (FRG) Be Pe i IEE ID oo Sibiu o's dc Haw deh CRT sae sw ehes WORSE whe ee ead M. Ancona and P. Nieddu (1) Object-Oriented Versus Conventional Software Development: A Comparative Case ER ere a Pye he Fae he Ur NET Tere ne ene oer ere ee ee ee 203 W. Pree and G. Pomberger (A) An Object-Oriented Approach to High-Level Petri Nets .......0.. ce.ce. ee.e e.ee. e ee A. Camurri, P. Franchi and M. Vitale (1) Object-Oriented Analysis and Modeling with the ESAstation ..................0000s H. Schaschinger (A) Ps CN CD gg vce dkw bndwdnd cesses esehedesdesvesceeoneseses Session Chairman: E. Zapata (E) MPPNL — A Petri Net Based Language to Design Fine-Grained Parallel Machines and DL CS e eerie ba O FERED $0406 OLENA SSD DETW RO ho eS Oe ROH OO ee 231 E.E. Pissaloux (F), D.H. Schaefer (USA), S. Bouaziz (F) and F. Devos (F) Table of Contents Allocation of Precedence-Constrained Tasks to Parallel Processors for Optimal Execution 237 R. Das (IND), D.O.M. Fay (E) and P.K. Das (IND) DELTA-T: A User-Transparent Software-Monitoring Tool for Multi-Transputer Systems . . 245 E. Maehle and W. Obelder (FRG) SIMPAC-T: A Simulator for Multitransputer Systems .......0..2.0.0. e.ee. ee.e .ee e 253 S. Arunkumar, R. Lal and R. Venkatagopal (IND) C3: REE Oe eee ee ee ee ee ee er ere 261 Session Chairman: A. Pawlak (FRG) Digital System Simulation with VHDL in a High-Level Synthesis System .............. 263 Z. Peng (S) A High Level Synthesis Algorithm Including Control Constraints ...................-. 271 F. Verdier, A. Safir and B. Zavidovique (F) System Performance Modeling with Functional Schemes and VHDL ................. 279 P. Bakowski and J-P. Calvez (F) Silicon Compilation and Rapid Prototyping of Microprogrammed VLSI-Circuits with a Te ee Uk Ve cakes beens dues oesepebaccee 287 N. Hendrich, J. Lohse and R. Rauscher (FRG) C4: PPS Grr WHOIIOTY GIGTMEBGON ..w. oc ccc ce cece sevecscresessesssceees 295 Session Chairman: Z. Blazek (CS) Performance Evaluation: An Analytical Model for Calculating Start Misses in Caches ... 297 T. Kolarz (FRG) Level-2 Cache for High Performance /390 Microprocessors .............ee.e .ee0ee0e s 303 H. Barsuhn (FRG), W.D. Lohlein (FRG), D. Wendel (FRG), U. Wille (FRG) and P. Coppens (F) ee I ce keke ws cde ecdee beans eed ee ae ee SW eeaee es 311 D. Renaux and P. Dasiewicz (CDN) Efficient Implementation of Regular Parallel Adders for Binary Signed Digit Number I Nae et Biren ok wach Lindh DA ORR ROOD ADEs a o8 ks eel 319 E. Zehendner (FRG) D1: I sala wk ek a i koh 6 a A OS OE Se oh See 327 Session Chairman: M.J. Taylor (UK) A Hybrid Knowledge-Based Approach to Information Retrieval ...................4.. 329 Y. Yoon, D. Shin, K. Choi and G. Kim (ROK) Table of Contents Enhancing the Fuzzy Set Model for High Quality Document Rankings ................ 337 J.H. Lee, M.H. Kim and Y.J. Lee (ROK) Performance Comparison of Signature-Based Multikey Access Methods .............. 345 J.W. Chang, J.S. Yoo and Y.J. Lee (ROK) boc dcccawiccukieesdcheeendudaecwReevb aetsheadbeadeeerdet 353 Session Chairman: S. Winter (UK) Task Level Specification and Communication .........cc.c c.ece. e.ee .eee. ee0e e0e e ee 355 L.P.M. Benders and M.P.J. Stevens (NL) The Specification and Design of Atomic Actions for Fault Tolerant Concurrent Software 363 A.M. Tyrrell and G.F. Carpenter (UK) Deriving Protocol Specifications from Service Specifications Including Multirendezvous . . M. Kapus-Kolar (SL) I PD, ec bhi dane eban es eek pee eae ona ed theddd Need eebaeeeeernes Session Chairman: L. Jozwiak (NL) CMOS Transistor Faults and Bridging Faults: Testability by Delay Effects and Over- EE «bo dda etc ocn ei hehe dc bse bn wawee doce bnsed sees dsansebabboakeeas bate 377 U. Hiibner, W. Meyer and H.T. Vierhaus (FRG) On the Design of a Highly Testable Cell Library ....20.... 0.... c.ece. ee.e .eee eee M. Saraiva, M.B. Santos, A.P. Casimiro, |.M. Teixeira and J.P. Teixeira (P) State Assignment and Testability of PLA-Based Finite State Machines ............... G. Buonanno and M. Serra (I) I le a te a ath ae ba Me ee bias lea eee Session Chairman: A. De Gloria (I) Contrasting Instruction-Fetch Time and Instruction-Decode Time Branch Prediction Mechanisms: Achieving Synergy Through Their Cooperative Operation ............... 401 D.R. Kaeli, P.G. Emma, J.W. Knight and T.R. Puzak (USA) An Adaptable Frame Multiplexing Scheme for Source Routing Bridges ............... T. Antonakopoulos, J. Koutsonikos and V. Makios (GR) A Chip Set Implementation of a Parallel Cellular Architecture ....................005. F. Gregoretti, L.M. Reyneri, L. Rigazio and C. Sansoé (I) EE OPT ETT T TT COLT eT Cre Se ee eee eT eTT ET eee eT eTT T Cee Tre Session Chairman: P. Milligan (UK) An Integrated Access Control in Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems ........ S. Kang and S. Moon (ROK) xxil Table of Contents Transaction Management for Global Serializability and Local Autonomy in Multidatabase ie eee iba 6 x 9 6'a0 bd bo SOS OTHE. 8 5 S400 ON UND EEE 46S COS eo ed 6 os 437 B. Hwang and S. Moon (ROK) Development of a Real-Time Database Management System for Production Process- 445 ce Pe ee aU ewe eb s00 4 00.0050 OS BONERS Ob Cee OO eas H. Lee, J. Kim and J. Cho (ROK) EE RO OR a ee ar ee ae are 453 Session Chairman: K.E. Grosspietsch (FRG) The Dining Philosophers Problem and its Decentralisation .................e.e 0cu-e s 455 J.G. Vaughan (IR) Improving the Probabilistic Clock Synchronization Algorithm .................0-0005: 463 G. Alari and A. Ciuffoletti (1) Data Layouts Impacts on the Compilation of the Communications for a Synchronous i Oe sy og did Ce ONS eee oe pa'ebs ee bee ae ew OES 469 F. Delaplace and F. Cappello (F) E3: EE ee re ree 477 Session Chairman: H.T. Vierhaus (FRG) A Quadratic Programming Approach to Estimating the Testability and Coverage Distribu- ae a ee ails deal Pu ea OOS LORS ENS WHC bE SUE ON SA Cee 479 H. Farhat, S. From and A. Lioy (USA) 485 An Approach to Testability Analysis and Improvement for VLSI Systems ............. X. Gu, K. Kuchcinski and Z. Peng (S) A User Programmable Macrocell Generator for the IEEE 1149.1 Boundary Scan Standard ee a OL ies ste Be cle Sea ka debe os breN airs Cen e cate 493 M. Royals, T. Markas and N. Kanopoulos (USA) E4: eR alate ed a Cate ad we aE ee WANA SS ee ees Loans Oee ved tee Rnewe es 501 Program Chairman: N. Nunez (E) Fi: a ag wine e bat OSA ACE ECE MN CoM be dae ee eh ees 503 Session Chairman: G. Chroust (A) UISER — A Customizable Software Engineering Environment for Development-in-the- Pn Gite ose lees Gis che CEE MA Eh EEA a Hid AGRE OR beds ee wade keen ee eees 505 A. Laine and J. Viskari (SF) PTD: Architectural System Description Support Based on Visual Specification SD £60 cha Ge iCREE 6 SoC RHA CER ECRE COD WERES COED SUE DERS OSE UCO OC CHK 0O 80445 513 J.S. Allende and G.L. Serrano (E) Table of Contents xxiii Making Specifications Executable — Using IPTES Meta-IV ..............0.0.0. e.e e e 521 M. Andersen, R. Elmstr@m, P.B. Lassen and P.G. Larsen (DK) A Software Generator for Multi-Transputer-Based Real-Time Applications 529 O. Pasquier and J.P. Calvez (F) F2: . - — SER renee rate Comte ie Pearman me Rs ce PPE Ware ee Ste 537 Session Chairwoman: E. Pissaloux (F) Dependence Graph Transformations in the Design of Processor Arrays for Matrix Multi- a ee a nner weer eee ne ean, eh eee Ph er ae re Wer Mr ES, ee 539 R. Wyrzykowski, Y.S. Kanevsky and S.G. Ovramenko (PL) Construction of Large-Size Interconnection Networks with High Performance ......... 545 H. Shen and R-J. Back (SF) A Comparative Analysis of Cache Memory Architectures for the MULTIPLUS Multi- EE <34.4 dud ea alktd kes 06 Nees Ma ee ae KR NO ERR C6 EE EO ERE Ese Coco 555 A.M. Meslin, A.C. Pacheco Jr. and J.S. Aude (BR) A Multi-Processor Shared Memory Architecture for Parallel Cyclic Reference Counting R.D. Lins (BR) F3: IR ea ee ey re rr Pe Tr rr ere 569 Session Chairman: M. Stevens (NL) Constructive Evaluation of Computer Architectures: A CAD Approach ................ 571 R. Michi, B. Riedlinger and F.J. Schmitt (FRG) Systematic Synthesis of Parallel VLSI Architectures from FP Specifications and Its eh heehee Ede ON SSS eV Ew Ohad ebae kee weanesects 579 P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou and N. Bilalis (GR) LEFT — A Learning Tool for Early Floorplanning .......0c.. ee.e .ee.e. .eee. e ee 587 J. Herrmann and R. Beckmann (FRG) A Comparison Study of Minimization Methods of Unit Interconnection in VLIW Pro- EE 6 Cou aha ig Ue hae cas a slia'd we eee AER WEE EMREN LA UA > iim PERE Oe ak.e 4 595 C. Carriere, M. Auguin, F. Boeri and G. Menez (F) F4: Eeee eee re eT ee ee ee ee 603 Session Chairman: N. Scarabottolo (I) Intel i860 versus Digital Signal Processors (DSP) ....0..... c.cc. ...ee e 605 S. Silberg (DK) ee Be ES ae er ee 611 H. Plansky and H. Steckenbiller (FRG) xxiv Table of Contents Transputer Model of the Human Peripheral Hearing System ............ 619 A.M. Tyrrell, N. Beasley and D.M. Howard (UK) A Software Architecture for Sound and Music Processing ............. 625 A. Camurri, C. Innocenti, C. Massucco and R. Zaccaria (I) G1: ae ai ae ae bla adie 06 6064 chads wes 633 Session Chairman: G. Leén (E) Measuring and Analyzing Real-Time Kernel Performance ............... 635 H. Berggren, M. Gustafsson and L. Lindh (S) Verifying Networks of Processes that Communicate via Shared Variables 641 T. Kapus and B. Horvat (SL) ETS — A Performance Prediction Tool for Protocols Specified in FDT Estelle .......... 651 |. Chlamtac and K.G. Satam (USA) G2: a hg 2 Pt witb dads 6eé Jeai i swear 659 Session Chairman: G. Ciccarella (1) Fault-Diagnosis for the Generalized Boolean n-Cube Network ........... 661 T-C. Huang, C.S. Yang and K.C. Huang (ROC) Fault Tolerant Wormhole Routing in Hypercube Multicomputers ........ 667 C.S. Yang, Y.M. Tsai and R.L. Wu (ROC) A Reconfigurable Boolean n-Cube Architecture Under Faults ........... 673 C.S. Yang, S.Y. Wu, W.S. Hsieh and K.C. Huang (ROC) G3: ee es cod s os ce eb ees di senddeabhdeacesssa r 681 Session Chairman: A. Nunez (E) Multiple Input Transition in CMOS Gates ............0c. .ce.ce2 e.e e E. Melcher, W. Réthig and M. Dana (F) Power Consumption Estimation Using Statistical Signal Properties ...... 691 S. Chakroun, E. Melcher, W. Réthig and M. Dana (F) Circuit Yield Optimization by Analyzing Performance Statistics ......... 697 H.E. Grab and R.E. Lederle (FRG) G4: Control Algorithms and Applications .........0..2 .ce.ce. ee. ee.e .ee s 705 Session Chairman: E. von Puttkamer (FRG) A PEARL-Based Programmable Multi-Loop and Multi-Sequence Controller 707 R. Welter, G. Thiele, D. Popovic and E. Wendland (FRG) Table of Contents Design of a DSP-Based Discrete Variable Structure Controller with Improved Robustness. N.C.M. Leung, C.K. Li and P.K. Kung (HK) A Self-Tuning Robust Fuzzy Controller A. Nowé (B) From Specification to Implementation Session Chairman: J. Karjalainen (SF) Automated Implementations of Lotos Specifications L. Cuypers (B) From Specification to Implementation of a Real-Time System D. Dours, R. Facca, P. Magnaud, A. Feki, L. Carcagno and M. de Michiel (F) Parallel Architectures II Session Chairman: A. Rea (UK) Neural Network Implementations and Speed-Up on Massively Parallel Machines A.N. Refenes and M.E. Azema-Barac (UK) An Abstract Prolog Machine Based on Parallel Resolution Principle |. Viahavas and P. Kefalas (GR) Local Area Networks Session Chairman: F. Distante (I) Measuring and Simulating an 802.3 CSMA/CD LAN J. van Oorschot and A. Dekkers (NL) Stochastic Modelling of a High Speed, Short Packet Length, Slotted Ring with Finite Queueing Capacity M.E. Woodward (UK) Neural Network Sensor Processing Session Chairman: R. Brause (FRG) Sound Recognition and Optimal Neural Network Design A.N. Refenes and E.B. Chan (UK) Segmentation of Echocardiograms Using a Neural Network C.T. Tsai and Y.N. Sun (ROC) Session Chairpersons’ Addresses Author Index to Volume 35 Subject Index to Volume 35

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