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Microprocessing and Microprogramming 34 (1992) 255-257 North-Holland Author index to volume 34 (1992) Acevedo-Sotoca, M., see Lopez-Aligue, F.J. 247 problem in client-server model Adan-Coello, J.M. and M. Ferreira Magalhaes, STER’S Cseke, |., see Ambrézy, Gy. multilevel programming model for distributed hard real-time systems Dabrowski, J., Efficient timing verification via mixed- Alexandres, S., see Carazo, J. mode technique Alexandres, S., see Moran, J. 85 Dasi, P.K., see Pramanik, P. Ambrézy, Gy., |. Cseke, Z. Fazekas and S. Zold, ARGUS Deliyannis, T., see Horianopoulos, S.L. — A PC based image processing workstation, its Dorigo, M., Using transputers to increase speed and software and some application examples flexibility of genetics-based machine learning systems Annunziata, M., S. Calabrese and R. Lorello, SIPA: An activity-planning system 23 Elovici, Y., see Azaria, H. Aude, J.S., see Silva, G.P. Avellana, N., see Carrabina, J. 89 Azaria, H., Y. Elovici and R.D. Hersch, Multiple interfaces Fagerstrom, J., see Ringstrom, J. message passing system for transputer network 237 Fan, X., Queue-based primitives for a multithreaded architecture Fay, D.Q.M., see Pramanik, P. Bailey, N., A. Purvis, P.D. Manning and |. Bowler, Some Fazekas, Z., see Ambrézy, Gy. observations on hierarchical, multiple-instruction- Fernandez, E.S.T., see Barbosa, F.M.B. multiple-data computers Fernandez, E.S.T., C.F. Bornstein and M.D. Pereira, Bandyopadhyay, A.K., see Pramanik, P. Parallel code generation for super-scalar architectures Bango, Gy., M. Gardos, J. Miskolczi, |. Szabo and I. Fernandez, F., see Polo, V. Renyi, Design concepts and realization of the Ferreira Magalhaes, M., see Adan-Coello, J.M. hardware structure of ARGUS image processing Flanigan, J., see McConnell, R. workstation 207 Fonio, H.-R. and A. Pawlak, Rule-based synthesis using Barbosa, F.M.B. and E.S.T. Fernandez, Dispatching ADTs and term rewriting simultaneous instructions 227 Fritzson, P., see Ringstrom, J. Biswas, P., see Su, S.C. 187 Fritzson, P., see Kroha, P. Blazek, Z. and |. Jelinek, Multiprocessor monitoring system 163 Bornstein, C.F., see Fernandez, E.S.T. 215 Gandelli, A. and V. Piuri, A highly-parallel system for Bowler, |., see Bailey, N. 211 real-time electronic measurements Brezany, P. and V. Sipkova, Compiling a vector and array Gardos, M., see Bango, Gy. Garrido, F., see Carrabina, J. processing language for an associative processor 171 Britton, C., see Buchanan, M. 19 Gianuzzi, V., see Clematis, A. Buchanan, M. and C. Britton, Formal specification and Gémez, L., A. Hernandez and S. Nunez, Timing model for SDCEFL digital circuits object-oriented design 19 Goutis, C.E., see Horianopoulos, S.L. Calabrese, S., see Annunziata, M. 23 Calderon, J.C., see Carrabina, J. 89 Haggenmiuller, R., see Pfeiffer, M. Carazo, J., S. Alexandres and J. Moran, Speech Havinga, P.J.M., see Smit, G.J.M. recognizer optimization and real-time implementation Hermida, R., see Mozos, D. on a multitransputer array Hernandez, A., see G6mez, L. Carrabina, J., J.C. Calderon, F. Lisa, C. Perez, F. Garrido, Hersch, R.D., see Azaria, H. N. Avellana and E. Valderrama, Digital neural network Holton, D.R.W., see McKeever, J.D.M. system based in new concepts on the recall phase Horianopoulos, S.L., D.£. Metafas, C.E. Goutis and dynamics T. Deliyannis, A VLSI synthesis for complementary Clematis, A. and V. Gianuzzi, The conversation deadlock output Delta Modulation FIR filters 256 Author index to volume 34 (1992) Janecek, J., POLLUX: A language for distributed system delegation and inheritance in object oriented programming 33 languages Jansen, P.G., see Smit, G.J.M. 59 Nunez, S., see Gomez, L. Jelinek, |., see Blazek, Z. Jereb, B. and L. Pipan, Measuring parallelism in Ojstersek, M. and V. Zumer, Improving a time critical task algorithms execution time using an IPRESPS 197 Kim, Yoo S. and Song C. Moon, Update synchronization Pawlak, A., see Fonio, H.-R. 81 pursuing site autonomy in heterogeneous distributed Pereira, M.D., see Fernandez, E.S.T. databases 41 Perez, C., see Carrabina, J. 89 Kokkinidis, P.A. and C. Metaxaki-Kossionidou, An Pfeiffer, M. and R. Haggenmuller, System engineering adaptive improvement of an image compression with DOMINO and GRAPES technique Piechowka, M. and S. Szejko, An object-oriented kernel Kroha, P. and P. Fritzson, Software features of an for distributed simulation of concurrent systems extended single instruction machine Pipan, L., see Jereb, B. Kroon, J.G.M., The software development environment Piuri, V. and R. Stefanelli, Fault-tolerant techniques for at Rijkswaterstaat VLSI tree structures Piuri, V., see Gandelli, A. Lecordier, R. and P. Martin, Data flow processors for Polo, V., F. Fernandez and A. Sanchez, Parallel automated visual inspection implementation of local averaging for image Lisa, F., see Carrabina, J. processing Lopez-Aligue, F.J., M. Acevedo-Sotoca and Pramanik, P., P.K. Dasi, A.K. Bandyopadhyay and A. Jaramillo- Moran, Multimicrocomputer D.Q.M. Fay, Avoidance of deadlock in loop structures implementation of three-dimensional neural networks 247 —a two process solution 103 Lorello, R., see Annunziata, M. 23 Purvis, A., see Bailey, N. 211 Maeng, S., see Ryu, K. Randon, E., P. Sanchez and E. Villar, ESP, a structure Manning, P.D., see Bailey, N. synthesis program Martin, P., see Lecordier, R. 37 Rea, S.A., see Milligan, P. 73 Mayer-Lindenberg, F., Interactive software development Rea, S.A., see Milligan, P. 77 for complex embedded systems 179 Renyi, |., see Bango, Gy. 207 McConnell, R. and J. Flanigan, A simple switching Ringstrom, J., P. Fritzson and J. Fagerstrom, FREDULA: system for transputer links 243 A multi- paradigm parallel programming and McConnell, R.K., see Milligan, P. 73 debugging environment McConnell, R.K., see Milligan, P. 77 Ryu, K. and S. Maeng, Specifying and inheriting McKeag, R.M., see McKeever, J.D.M. concurrent objects McKeever, J.D.M., D.R.W. Holton and R.M. McKeag, Using transputers in a robot programming and control Sage, P.P., see Milligan, P. system 117 Sampsonidis, D. and Zamani, M., An image analysis Metafas, D.E., see Horianopoulos, S.L. 139 system for automatic measurements in solid state Metaxaki-Kossionidou, C., see Kokkinidis, P.A. 231 nuclear track detectors Milligan, P., R.K. McConnell, S.A. Rea and P.P. Sage, Sanchez, P., see Randon, E. FortPort: An environment for the development of Sanchez, A., see Polo, V. parallel Fortran programs Sandoval, F., see Vico, F.J. Milligan, P., S.A. Rea, R.K. McConnell and Septién, J., see Mozos, D. 93 H.R.J. Walters, Parallel collocation modelling: A case Serbedzija, N.B., Parallel programming on a PC —-Acase study in developing efficient parallel codes 77 study 121 Miskolczi, J., see Bango, Gy. Silva, G.P. and J.S. Aude, Evaluation of a SPARC Moon, Song C., see Yoon, Yong I. 63 architecture with Harvard bus and branch target cache 157 Moon, Song C., see Kim, Yoo S. 41 Sipkova, V., see Brezany, P. 171 Moran, J. and S. Alexandres, A comparison of some Smai, A.-H., see Wu, H. 175 processor farm architectures 85 Smit, G.J.M., P.J.M. Havinga and P.G. Jansen, On the Moran, J., see Carazo, J. 215 design of a dynamic reconfigurable network switch 59 Mozos, D., J. Septién, F. Tirado and R. Hermida, Design Stefanelli, R., see Piuri, V. 97 control in a high level synthesis system 93 Su, S.C. and P. Biswas, A memory-mapped interprocessor communication architecture using FIFO — Nieddu, P., Aunifying approach to clientship, RAMs 187 Author index to volume 34 (1992) Svéda, M., Microcontroller software engineering 11 Villar, E., see Randon, E. Szabo, |., see Bango, Gy. Szejko, S., see Piechowka, M. Walters, H.R.J., see Milligan, P. Withagen, W.J., see van Wezenbeek, A.M. Thorelli, L.-E., see Wu, H. Wu, H., L.-E. Thorelli and A.-H. Smai, Flow control for Tirado, F., see Mozos, D. efficient realization of the EDA model Tudruj, M., Multi-layer reconfigurable transputer systems with distributed control of link connections Yoon, Yong |. and Song C. Moon, Reliable transaction processing for real-time distributed database system Valderrama, E., see Carrabina, J. van Wezenbeek, A.M. and W.J. Withagen, Adaptive window working set replacement policies Zamani, M., see Sampsonidis, D. Vico, F.J. and F. Sandoval, Neural networks definition Zold, S., see Ambrézy, Gy. algorithm Zumer, V., see Ojstersek, M. Microprocessing and Microprogramming 34 (1992) 259-260 North-Holland Subject index to volume 34 (1992) Activity planning FIFO RAM Adaptive method Flow control algorithm Adaptive window policy Formal specification ADTs and term rewriting 4GL programming language ARGUS image processing workstation ARGUS system Genetics-based machine learning Associative processor GRAPES Asynchronous process communication Automated visual inspection Harvard bus Automatic measurement Heterogeneous distributed databases High level synthesis system Branch target cache Highly-parallel system CAD of VLSI ICs Image analysis system Case tools Image compression Clientship Image preprocessing Complex embedded systems Image processing Concurrent objects Image processing workstation Concurrent programs Implementation on transputers Concurrent systems Inheritance Configuration Integrated commit protocol inter-processor communication Database techniques Interactive software development Dataflow processors Interconnection network Deadlock Interference problem Debugging environment Degree of connection Kautz graphs Degree of simultaneousness Delegation Load balance Delta modulation Local averaging Deserter process problem Loop structures Design automation Design control Man-power planning Digital circuits Memory management simulation program Digital neural network system Message-passing system Digital signal processing Microcontroller software engineering Dispatching Distributed control Mixed-mode technique Monitoring system Distributed hard real-time systems Multi-layer reconfigurable transputer systems Distributed simulation Multiple-instruction multiple-data computers Distributed systems Multiple interfaces message passing system Distributed transaction processing Multiprocessor DOMINO Multithreaded architecture Dusty deck codes Fault-tolerance Network switch Field programmable gate array Neural network definition 260 Subject index to volume 34 (1992) OBJ programming language 19 RT synthesis Object oriented analysis Rule-based synthesis Object-oriented kernel Object oriented languages Silicon compilation Simultaneous instructions Parallel algorithms Single instruction computer Parallel code generation Site autonomy Parallel codes SPARC architecture Parallel collocation modelling Speech recognition Parallel Fortran programs Static partitioning Parallel genetic algorithms STER environment Parallel implementation Super-scalar architectures Parallel processing Switching system Parallel programming System engineering Parallel programming language PREDULA Teaching robot Processors farm Three-dimensional neural networks Programmable architecture 3GL programming language Pruning Time critical task execution Time verification Queue-based primitives Timing model Transputer 85,117,211, Real-time Transputer links Real-time electronic measurements Recall phase dynamics VLSI synthesis tool Remote procedure call VLSI tree structures

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