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Author Index for 1994 . Announcement — Ellis and Messina on CD-ROM Announcement — Nannostrat: Interactive relational databases for biostratigraphy 3. Announcement — Publication of “The Origins of Applied Micropaleontology: The School of Jozef Grzybowski” Bellas, Spyridon — see: Frydas, Dimitris and Bellas, Spyridon Berggren, W. A. — see: Gradstein, F. M., Kaminski, M. A., Berggren, W. A., Kristiansen, I. L., and D’Iorio, M. A. . Berggren, William A. — Review: Benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy oft he south Caribbean region, by Hans Bolli, Jean-Pierre Beckmann and John B. Saunders Berggren, William A. — Review: The origins of applied micropaleontology: the school of Jozeph Grzybowski, by M. A. Kaminski, §. Geroch and D. Kaminski Bolivar, Ignacio — see: Pawlowski, Jan, Bolivar, Ignacio, Fahrni, Jose and Zaninetti, Louisette Boukhary, Mohamed — Decrouezina n. gen: descendant of Ranikothalia in Nummulitacea 7. Crasquin-Soleau, Sylvie and Orchard, Mike J. —- Upper paleozoic ostracodes of the Harper Ranch beds (south central British Columbi, Canada) D’lorio, M. A.—see: Gradstein, F.M., Kaminski, M. A., Berggren, W. A., Kristiansen, I. L., and D’Iorio, M.A. Fahrni, Jose — see: Pawlowski, Jan, Bolivar, Ignacio, Fahrni, Jose and Zaninetti, Louisette . Frydas, Dimitris and Bellas, Spyridon — Plankton stratigraphy and some remarks on Globorotalia evolutionary trends from the Plio-Pleistocene sections of southwestern Peloponnesus, Greece . Giraudeau, Jacques and Rogers, John — Phytoplankton biomass and sea-surface temperature estimates from sea-bed distribution of nannofossils and plankotnic foraminifera in the Benguela upwelling system .Gladenkov, Andrey Yu. — Diatom assemblages from the Pliocene-Pleistocene Boundary beds in Kamchatka, Russia . Gorog, Agnes — Early Jurassic planktonic foraminifera from Hungary . Gradstein, F. M., Kaminski, M. A., Berggren, W. A., Kristiansen, I. L., and D’Iorio, M. A. — Cenozoic biostratigraphy of the North Sea and Labrador Shelf Green, O. R. — see: Hinchey, J. V. and Green, O. R. .Gudmundsson, Gudmundur — Phylogeny, ontogeny and systematics of Recent Soritacea Ehrenberg 1839 (Foraminiferida) . Gupta, Anil K., — Taxonomy and bathymetric distribution of Holocene deep-sea benthic foraminifera in the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea . Hayward, Bruce W. and Hollis, Christoper J. — Brackish foraminifera in New Zealand: A taxonomic and ecologic review . Head, Martin J., — Morphology and paleoenvironmental significance of the Cenozoic dinoflagellate genera Tectatodinium and Habibacysta . Hinchey, J. V. and Green, O. R.,— A guide to the extraction of fossil diatoms from lithified or partially consolidated sediments Hollis, Christopher J., — see: Hayward, Bruce W. and Hollis, Christopher J. Kaminski, M. A. — see: Gradstein, F. M., Kaminski, M. A., Berggren, W. A., Kristiansen, I. L., and D’lorio, M. A. Kristiansen, I. L. — see: Gradstein, F. M., Kaminski, M. A., Berggren, W. A., Kristiansen, I. L., and D’lorio, M. A. 18.Lee, John J., — Review: Recent Foraminifera from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, by L. Hottinger, E. Halicz and Zeev Reiss 19. Mahapatra, Ajit K. and Sharma, V. — Trissocyclid Radiolaria from the late Early Miocene sequences of Colebrook, North Passage and Great Nicobar Islands, northeast Indian Ocean 20. Meng, Lisa — How accurate is the random settling method for quantitative diatom analysis? A test using Lycopodium spore tablets 21. Murray, John — The structure and functional significance of the wall of Textularia crenata Cheng and Zheng 1978 (Foraminferida, Textulariina) 22.O’Connor, Barry — Seven new radiolarian species from the Oligocene of New Zealand Orchard, Mike J. — see: Crasquin-Soleau, Sylvie and Orchard, Mike J. 23. Pawlowski, Jan, Bolivar, Ignacio, Fahrni, Jose and Zaninetti, Louisette — Taxonomic identification of foraminifera using ribosomal DNA sequences Rogers, John — see: Giraudeau, Jacques and Rogers, John Sarjeant, W. A. S. — see: Stancliffe, R. P. W. and Sarjeant, W. A. S. 24.Sarjeant, W. A. S. and Stancliffe, R. P. W. — The Micrhystridium and Veryhachium complexes (Acritarcha: Acanthomorphitae and Polygonomorphitae): a taxonomic reconsideration Sharma, V. — see: Mahapatra, Ajit K. and Sharma, V. Stancliffe, R. P. W. — see: Sarjeant, W. A. S. and Stancliffe, R. P. W. 25. Stancliffe, R. P. W. and Sarjeant, W. A. S. — The acritarch genus Veryhachium Deunff 1954, emend. Sarjeant and Stancliffe 1994: a taxonomic restudy and a reassessment of its constituent species 26. Williams, H. F. L. — Intertidal benthic foraminiferal biofacies on the central Gulf Coast of Texas: modern distribution and application to sea level reconstruction Zaninetti, Louisette — see: Pawlowski, Jan, Bolivar, Ignacio, Fahrni, Jose and Zaninetti, Louisette Subject Index for 1994 NOTE: Names of new taxa are set in bold-face type. Numbers refer to papers listed in the author index. Acritarchs Ellis and Messina Catalogue, | Indian Ocean Barbestiastra, 24 Textularia crenata, 21 Chalaziosphaeridium, 24 foraminifera foraminifera Chalaziosphaeridium estoniense, 24 Benguela upwelling system, 9 bathymetric distribution, 14 Striatostellula, 24 canaliculi, 21 Holocene, 14 Decrouezina, 6 Micrhystridium, 24 Veryhachium, 24, 25 Ellis and Messina Catalogue, | Indian Ocean, northeast Globuligerina geczyi, 11 Miocene, late Early Benguela upwelling system, 9 Holocene Radiolaria, 19 Indian Ocean, 14 biofacies, foraminiferal Red Sea, 14 Interactive databases, 1, 2 Texas, Gulf Coast, 26 identification Jurassic, Early DNA, 23 biostratigraphy Hungary Jurassic, Early enozoic Hungary, 11 foraminifera, 11 North Sea, 12 Plio-Pleistocene Labrador Shelf Globorotalia evolutionary trends, 8 British Columbia Cenozoic Paleozoic, Upper Marginopora kudakajimaensis, \3 biostratigraphy, 12 Ranikothalia, 6 Ostracodes, 7 Soritacea, 13 Miocene, late Early Carribbean, south Textularia crenata, 21 Indian Ocean biostratigraphy, 4 Radiolaria, 19 foraminifera, brackish Cenozoic New Zealand, 15 Namibia Benguela upwelling system, 9 Indian Ocean, 14 foraminifera, Recent Labrador Shelf, 12 Gulf of Aqaba, 18 nannofossils North Sea, 12 Benguela upwelling system, 9 Russia, Kamchatka, 10 Grand Banks, Newfoundland Cenozoic Nannostrat, 2 diatoms biostratigraphy, 12 extraction from sediment, 17 New Zealand Pliocene-Pleistocene Greece, Peloponnesus Recent Russia, Kamchatka, 10 stratigraphy, 8 foraminifera, brackish, 15 random settling method, 20 Oligocene Grzybowski, Jozeph, 5 radiolaria, 22 Dinoflagellates Pliocene-Pleistocene Gulf of Aqaba North Sea Habibacysta, 16 foraminifera, Recent, 18 Cenozoic Tectatodinium, 16 biostratigraphy, 12 Holocene DNA Indian Ocean, 14 Oligocene identification of foraminifera, 23 New Zealand, 15 New Zealand Red Sea, 14 radiolaria, 22 Egypt foraminifera, 6 Hungary Ostracodes Jurassic, Early Paleozoic, Upper England foraminifera, 11 British Columbia, south-central, 7 Plio-Pleistocene Pseudobeyrichiopsis gerryi, 7 dinoflagellates, 16 Valentinia, 7 radiolaria Recent Valentinia dercourti, 7 Anthocyrtidium odontatum, 22 foraminifera Valentinia harperenis, 7 Dictyoprora gibsoni, 22 Indian Ocean, 14 Valentinia vermiformis, 7 Dorcadospyris mahurangi22 New Zealand, 15 Victoria, 7 Giraffospyris praetoxaria, 19 Red Sea, 14 Victoria hemicircularis, 7 Lamprocyclas matakohe, 22 Victoria pinantonensis, 7 Miocene, late Early Red Sea foraminifera Victoria postpleta, 7 Indian Ocean, northeast, 19 bathymetric distribution, 14 New Zealand Paleozoic, Upper Oligocene, 22 Holocene, 14 British Columbia, south-central Petalospyris bulbosa, 19 Russia, Kamchatka ostracodes, 7 Phormocyrtis vasculum, 22 Pliocene-Pleistocene Siphocampe missilis ,2 2 Pliocene-Pleistocene Diatoms, 10 Spirocyrtis proboscis, 22 Russia, Kamchatka random settling method, 20 slide preparation, 20 Diatoms, 10 England Stratigraphy dinoflagellates, 16 Plio-Pleistocene Greece, Peloponnesus, 8 Texas, Gulf Coast biofacies, foraminiferal, 26

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