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Preview Micromagnetic understanding of current-driven domain wall motion in patterned nanowires

A. Thiaville1, Y. Nakatani2,1, J. Miltat1 and Y Suzuki3 1CNRS-Universit´e Paris-sud, Laboratoire de physique des solides, Bˆat. 510, 91405 Orsay cedex, France, 2 University of Electro-communications, Chofu, 182-8585 Tokyo, Japan, 3 Osaka University, Dep. of Materials Engineering, 5 Toyonaka, 560-8531 Osaka, Japan 0 0 (Dated: January 21, 2005) 2 In order to explain recent experiments reporting a motion of magnetic domain walls (DW) in n nanowires carrying a current, we propose a modification of the spin transfer torque term in the a J Landau-Lifchitz-Gilbert equation. Weshow that it explains, with reasonable parameters, themea- sured DW velocities as well as the variation of DW propagation field under current. We also 6 introducecoercivity byconsidering roughwires. ThisleadstoafiniteDWpropagation fieldandfi- 2 nitethresholdcurrentforDWpropagation,henceweconcludethatthresholdcurrentsareextrinsic. Somepossible models that support thisnew term are discussed. ] i c PACSnumbers: 72.25.Ba,75.70.Kw,72.25.Pn s - l r t Recentresearchonmagneticnanostructureshasshown The symbols are: m~ unit vector along the local mag- m that effects caused by an electric current flowing across netization, γ0 gyromagnetic constant, H~ micromagnetic t. a nanostructure may dominate over the effects due to effective field, Ms spontaneous magnetization and α a the field generated by the same current [1, 2]. Most of Gilbert damping constant. The velocity ~u is a vector m the work up to now, experimental and theoretical, has directed along the direction of electron motion, with an - been devoted to the 3-layer geometry (2 magnetic lay- amplitude d n ers separated by a normal metal spacer, with lateral di- o mensions well below the micrometer so as to get single u=JPgµB/(2eMs), (2) c domain behaviour). Under current, generation of spin [ where J is the current density and P its polarization waves [3], layer switching [2] and precession of magne- rate (u is positive for P > 0 i.e. for carriers polar- 2 tization [4] have been observed. All these results could ized along the majority spin direction). For permalloy v 8 be qualitativelyexplainedby the spintransfermodel [1]. the factor gµB/(2eMs) amounts to 7×10−11 m3/C.The Ontheotherhand,thesituationwithaninfinite number 2 local form (1), already introduced by several authors oflayers,namelyamagneticnanowirecontainingamag- 6 [19, 20, 21, 22], can be seen as the continuous limit of 7 netic domain wall (DW), has just started to be studied. theSlonczewskispintransfertermbetweeninfinitelythin 0 Here, under the sole action of a current, the DW may successive cross-sections of the nanowire. 4 be moved along the wire, as confirmed by several exper- 0 The consequences of (1) on the dynamics of a trans- iments [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. The situation is however more / verse wall (TW – Fig. 1a) have been well studied quali- t complex than with 3 layers, as the evolution of the cur- a tatively [13, 14]. Using the integrated equations for the m rentspinpolarizationacrosstheDWhastobedescribed, DWdynamics[15,16], itwasfoundthat2regimesexist. so that a deepconnectionwith the problemofDW mag- - At low current, the spin transfer torque is balanced by d netoresistance exists. Two limits have been identified by aninternalrestoringtorque. TheDWmagnetizationtilts n the theories, namely the thin and thick DW cases. The o out of the easy plane (as first explained by Berger [17]), length to which the DW width has to be compared is, c buttheDWdoesnotmovesteadilyundercurrent. Above v: depending on the model, the spin diffusion length [11], a threshold, the internaltorque is not sufficient and DW the Larmor precession length [12], or the Fermi wave- i motion occurs, together with a continuous precession of X length [13]. These lengths are below or of the order of a the DW magnetization(in Fig. 1: a→d→a¯→d¯..., the r nanometer in usual ferromagnetic metals. In the exper- bar meaning π rotation around the x axis). The thresh- a iments cited above (nanowires of typical width 100 nm old is linked to the steepness of the potential well that and thickness 10 nm), the DW width is of the order of defines the equilibrium orientation of the TW magneti- 100nm,muchabovetheselengths. Thus,theapproxima- zation (mainly a magnetostatic effect, see Fig. 1). tionsofcurrentpolarizationadiabaticityandfulltransfer These qualitative findings were fully confirmed by mi- of angular momentum to the local magnetization apply, cromagnetic computations [18] uncovering, however, a andtheLandau-Lifchitz-Gilbert(LLG)equationofmag- big discrepancy with experimental results. The intrin- netization dynamics becomes sic current thresholds computed for steady propagation of a TW in a perfect wire were found to be more than m~˙ =γ0H~ ×m~ +αm~ ×m~˙ − ~u·∇~ m~. (1) 10 times larger than experimental values. Thermal fluc- (cid:16) (cid:17) 2 (cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:2) (cid:0)(cid:4)(cid:2) ing to experiments. Indeed, because of the small thick- (cid:6) ness of the sample, this field is essentially perpendicular (cid:5) (cid:0)(cid:7)(cid:2) (cid:0)(cid:3)(cid:2) andlocalizedatsampleedges. Itsmaximumvalueforan extremecaseu=100m/s,P =0.4ina120×5nm2 wire is µ0Hz =0.017 T, a value well below the perpendicular demagnetizing field (1 T), that results in a very small FIG.1: Schematicdomainwallstructuresinasoft nanowire. Theyaregovernedbymagnetostaticsanddependonthewire out of plane magnetization rotation. Consequently, all cross-section: (a) transverse wall, (b) perpendicular trans- resultsshownbelowwere computedwithout the Oersted verse wall, (c) vortex wall. As the fabricated wires are very field. Transverse,but also vortex walls, were considered. wide compared tothe exchangelength (5 nm for permalloy), Figure 2a shows the wall velocity v under zero field as the energy maximum situation (b) decays to a wall with an a function ofthe velocityu (proportionalto the current) antivortex (d) [24]. In cases (a, b) the DW magnetization ◦ with β as a parameter. The sample is 120 nm wide and angle φ with respect to the y axis is 0 and 90 , respectively. 5nmthick[7],withaDWofthetransversetype(Fig.1a). Thestablestructuresare(a)atsmallerand(c)atlargercross- sections [25]. The β = 0 curve displays an absence of DW motion for u < u = 600 m/s, and a rapid increase of v towards u c above the threshold, as inferred previously [13, 18, 22]. tuations cannot change the situation because the energy Curves with β > 0 differ markedly from this behaviour, barrier against DW magnetization rotation proves very as DW motion is obtained at any finite u (keep in mind large(fora120×5nm2 permalloywire,theenergydiffer- thewireisperfect). Velocityincreaseslinearlywithuand encebetweenstates(d)and(a)inFig.1is 230kBTamb). β, up to a breakpoint where it decreases (or increases Therefore, we need to introduce corrections to perfect if β < α – not shown). Results obtained for other α adiabaticity and pure local spin transfer in the micro- values indicate that all of them can be described as v = magnetic models. In this letter, we show how the inclu- βu/α below the breakpoint. Above breakpoint, the DW sion of a second term describing the current torque, as structure examination reveals the periodic injection of introduced previously in the 3 layers geometry [23], can antivortices at wire edges, which cross the wire width resolve this discrepancy. Our approach is twofold: first andareexpelled, similarlytothe fielddrivencase[24]or we study how micromagnetic results are modified when to the current driven case with β = 0 [18], above their this term is phenomenologically included. In a second respective thresholds. stepweexamineseveralmodelsofthecurrenteffectthat ThesamebehaviorisobtainedatlowuforaVWstruc- may justify the existence of such a term, and try to esti- ture in a larger wire (width 240 nm, thickness 10 nm). mate its magnitude. This surprising result (for field-driven propagation, wall ThemodifiedLLGequation,againobtainedinthecon- mobility is much lower for a VW [25]) can be explained tinuous limit, now reads bytheglobalargumentsofThiele[26]aboutsteady-state motions. Indeed, Eq. 3 can be transformed to a general- m~˙ =γ0H~ ×m~ +αm~ ×m~˙ − ~u·∇~ m~ +βm~ × ~u·∇~ m~ . ized Thiele relation (cid:16) (cid:17) h(cid:16) (cid:17) i (3) ←→ As discussed later, the non-dimensional parameter β is F~ +G~ ×(~v−~u)+ D (α~v−β~u)=~0, (4) much smaller than unity, hence comparable to α. The solved form of (3) shows that the new term modifies the with F~ the static force, G~ the gyrovector (along z here) ←→ initial spin transfer torque by a second order quantity, and D the dissipation dyadic [26]. The solution is then anddirectlycompeteswiththe dampingtermassociated ~v =β~u/αaslongastherestoringforcekeepingthevortex to the first term. This is very appealing, as one sees in the wire can balance the gyrotropic term. Otherwise directlyfrom(1)thatforzerodampingthesolutionunder theVWtransformsintoaTWbylateralexpulsionofthe current is just the solution at zero current, but moving vortex. at velocity ~u. Experiments on single-layer wires of permalloy [7, 8, In order to test the influence of this new term, micro- 10]show howeverthata thresholdcurrentexists for DW magnetic numerical simulations were performed. Simi- propagation,similarlytofield-drivenpropagation(forex- larly to previous work [24], a moving calculation region ample, a propagationfield HP ∼20 Oe was measured in centered on the DW represented an infinite wire. Wire Ref. [7]). This is not reproduced by our results for per- width and thickness corresponded to experiments [7, 8], fect wires. A roughness of the wire edges was therefore and materialparameters were those typical of permalloy introduced, characterized by a mean grain size D (see 5 −11 (Ms = 8×10 A/m, exchange constant A = 10 J/m Ref. [24] for details). Fig.2b shows how the results of andnoanisotropy)with,inmostcases,dampingfixedto Fig.2a are modified for D = 10 nm, a value which re- α =0.02 [24]. The mesh size was 4×4×5 nm3. It was sults in an extrapolated propagation field HP ∼ 10 Oe, checkedfirstthatthe Oerstedfieldgeneratedbythe cur- with velocity vs. field curves given in Ref. [18]. At low renthadanegligibleeffectforcurrentvaluescorrespond- β (< 0.02) the DW is blocked for u < u , showing that c 3 1200 Thus, this model of coercivity does create a propagation (a) D = 0 fieldHP andisconsistentwithathresholdcurrentuP for 1000 DW propagation, even if the data do not allow to deter- 800 0.10 0.04 mine precisely its value. An important additional result ) s of the simulations is that, for a rough wire, the velocity m/600 is reduced when compared to the perfect case relation ( v 400 0.02 v = (β/α)u. The reduction factor is not a constant, as 0.01 for example at D = 10 nm, α = 0.02 and β = 0.04, the 200 b = 0 factors for a TW are 0.6, 0.7 and 0.4 for 120x5, 240x5 2 and 240x10 nm strips, respectively, whereas they are in 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 the range 0.5−0.6 for a VW. u (m/s) 1200 Experimentalpropagationthreshold currentsuP [7, 8, (b) D= 10 nm 0.1 10] for permalloy strips amount to P × 50 m/s (TW) 1000 0.04 and P ×80 m/s (VW), for cross-sections 120x5, 240x10 800 and200x(5-35)nm2,thecurrentpolarizationP beingun- ) s m/ 600 known. These values are compatible with our results at v ( D =10nm,whichwaschoseninordertoreproducetypi- 400 calpropagationfields. Althoughthevalueofβ cannotbe determined at this stage, we infer from our results that 200 0.02 0.01 it should be larger than 0.01. In addition, the measure- 0 ment of the propagation field under current [7] showed 0 200 400 600 800 1000 a linear variation of HP vs. u, with ∆HP = 3 Oe for u (m/s) ∆u = P ×100 m/s. As for a perfect wire [27] one has v = µH +βu/α, we evaluate ∆HP/∆u = β/(αµ). The FIG. 2: Steady velocity computed for a transverse domain wallbymicromagneticsina120×5nm2 wireasafunctionof mobility calculated by micromagnetics for this nanowire −1 −1 beingµ=26.5ms Oe [25],weestimate,forα=0.02 thevelocity urepresentingthespinpolarized currentdensity (2),withtherelativeweight(β)oftheexchangefieldtermas and P =0.4, β =0.04. A micromagnetic calculation for a parameter. Open symbols denote vortices nucleation. The thissituation,onthesame120x5nm2wirewithα=0.02, shaded area indicates the available experimental range for u. β = 0.04 and u = ±50 m/s gives ∆HP ∼ 7.8 Oe which (a) perfect wire and (b) wire with rough edges (mean grain fullyagreeswiththeabove(0.4×7.8=3.1). Anotherex- sizeD=10nm). Dashedlinesdisplayafittedlinearrelation perimental data is the DW propagation velocity v (only with a 25 m/s offset. one measurement, Ref. [8]). It was seen to increase from 2 to 6 m/s as the current velocity was increased from P ×80 to P ×90 m/s. The average slope of these data roughness-induced DW pinning dominates. Above u , is consistent with, in a perfect wire, β =0.03, α =0.02, c the DW moves via nucleation of antivortices and vor- and P = 0.4. Note that (i) the β value should be larger tices, again similarly to the perfect case with β = 0. If because of the velocity reduction in a rough wire, and β is larger (0.02 − 0.1), a window of DW propagation (ii) the determination of β is subject to uncertainty, as without vortex nucleationexists (filled symbols), includ- the coercivity source we considered may not be the only ing values of u well below u . Larger β values result in meaningful one. To summarize, we see that the exper- c DW motion at lower u. However, with our coercivity imental results can be reproduced by introducing the β model and the absence of thermal fluctuations, continu- term in (3), with a value of about 0.04 for permalloy. ous DW propagation at “low” velocities (v < 300 m/s) is not possible as the DW eventually stops at positions Wedescribenowhowthenumericalmicromagneticre- withalargerwirewidthfluctuation. Thismaybelargely sultsshownabovecanbe qualitativelyunderstoodinthe due to our coercivity model, as in the same conditions a TW case, in the framework of the extended Slonczewski VW moves already at v ≈ u = 100 m/s, and for regu- equations describing DW motion. These are constructed lar notches TW propagation at v < 10 m/s is obtained. by assuming a given DW profile with some parameters By comparing with Fig. 2a, it is clear that the rough (herethewallpositionq andmagnetizationangleφ–see wire data cannot be fitted by merely introducing an off- Fig.1). InthecaseofpurespintransfertheLLGequation set uP into the results for a perfect wire,as done usually could be derived from a least action principle, allowing in the field-driven case. On the other hand, simple pro- aneasyderivationoftheequations[18]. Thisisnolonger portionality of v to u gives a very good fit. However, it true with the additionalterm andthe originalprocedure would be as good if a small offset existed, as shown by mustbeapplied[15,16]. Foraone-dimensionalTWpro- the dashed lines in Fig. 2b that assume uP = 25 m/s . file,characterizedbyaDWwidthparameter∆,onethen 4 3 the latter, dominant for thin walls, enters the integrated DWdynamicsequations(6)similarlytooursecondterm. 2.5 Thus,foraDWoffinitethicknessthesecondtermshould 2 remain present in some proportion. As the characteris- W v tic length is here the Fermi wavelength [13], we expect v / 1.5 b = 0.10 β ≪1. Note howeverthe lack ofanexpressioninthe in- 1 0.04 termediate DW thickness regime that would predict the 0.02 value of β. 0.01 0.5 0 Zhangetal. calculatedspinaccumulationforacurrent 0 flowing across a multilayer, and the resultant torque on 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 u / v themagnetization,withtheinclusionofthes-dexchange W interaction [11, 29]. Extending their model [11] to the caseofalinearlyvaryingmagnetizationgivesbothterms FIG. 3: Domain wall propagation velocity under current as obtainedfromtheone-dimensionalmodel,assumingaperfect of (3) with a slightly modified equivalent velocity u and wire and a constant wall width parameter ∆, for a damping a β factor given by constant α=0.02. The curves’ shape is extremely similar to the numerical results (Fig. 2a). Velocities are normalized to theWalker threshold vW =γ0∆HK/2. β =(λJ/λsf)2 =~/(Jτsf), (7) gets with J the s-d exchange interactionenergy, τsf the spin- φ˙+αq˙/∆=γ0Ha+βu/∆ ; q˙/∆−αφ˙ =γ0HKsinφcosφ+u/∆fl,ip time, λJ and λsf the associated diffusion lengths. (5) Note that with λJ = 1 nm and λsf = 5 nm for permal- with ∆ = ∆(φ) the wall width parameter mini- loy, one gets β = 0.04. As for pure metals λsf can be mizing the DW energy at wall magnetization angle muchlarger[30],oneexpectsthatβ maybecomesmaller φ. In the simplest 1D model [18] one has ∆(φ) = and, hence, that DWs may prove more difficult to move. 2 1/2 This should be investigatedby experiments. One should A/ K0+Ksin φ , with K0 the effective longi- (cid:0)tudin(cid:0)al anistropy (cid:1)a(cid:1)nd K the transverse one (HK = also be aware that the time τsf in (7) may not be ex- actly the spin-flip time. This time appears in fact as the 2K/(µ0Ms)). One sees from (5) that the additional transverse relaxation time in the evolution equation of term enters the equations similarly to an applied field the spin accumulation. If part of this relaxation occurs Hequiv = uβ/(γ0∆), explaining DW motion at any u in through interaction with the localized moments, for ex- a perfect wire. At zero applied field one gets ample by incoherent precession around the local magne- φ˙ = α β−α u − γ0HK sin2φ ; q˙=βu/α−∆φ˙/α. tization, then the moment is transferred to the localized 1+α2 (cid:20) α ∆ 2 (cid:21) spin system and does not contribute to β. (6) In conclusion, we have shown that the inclusion of For |u| < (γ0HK/2)∆(π/4)α/|β −α| [28] a stationary a second term describing the spin transfer torque, akin regimeexistswithq˙=βu/α. TheDWvelocityisremark- to the exchange field term considered previously, might ably independent on the DW width, as already shown solvethepuzzleofthequantitativeexplanationbymicro- with (4). Above the threshold φ oscillates and so does magnetics of the current induced DW motion [31]. This the velocity. The average wall velocity, plotted in Fig.3, view is supported by a direct comparison of experimen- isverysimilarinbehaviourtonumericalresults(Fig.2a). tal results (DW velocity, reduction of DW propagation Thenon-trivialeffectofroughnessisnotincludedinthis field under current) to micromagnetic simulations of re- 1Dmodel,butifonetakesitintoaccountbyanincreased alistic nanowires (excepting pinning phenomena). The dissipation(largerα) a velocityreductionin roughwires modelpredictsthatDWsshouldmoveundersmallercur- is natural. rents for more perfect wires (having a lower propagation We finally turn to discussing possible origins of Eq.3. field). As our approach was phenomenological, a basic One may first remark that the new term exhausts the understanding of the form of the spin-transfer torque in possibilities of introducing linearly the magnetization continuous structures as wide as a domain wall is still gradientalongtheelectriccurrentdirectionintotheLLG verymuch needed. The magnitude ofthe new term, and equation. itsmaterialdependence,shouldallowtodiscriminatebe- The approach of Tatara and Kohno [13] put forward tween models. twoeffectsofanelectriccurrentacrossaDW,calledspin transfer and momentum transfer. The former, dominant A.T.acknowledgesfruitfuldiscussionswithF.Pi´echon for thick DWs, hasthe sameformas ourfirsttermwhile and N. Vernier. 5 [20] J-P. Ansermet, IEEE Trans. Magn. 40, 358 (2004). [21] J. Fern´andez-Rossier et al., Phys. Rev. B 69, 174412 (2004). [1] J. C. Slonczewski, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 159, L1 [22] Z. Li and S.Zhang, Phys. Rev.Lett. 92, 207203 (2004). (1996). [23] C. Heide, P.E. Zilberman and R.J. 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