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Microcanonical quantum cosmology: gauge fixing and functional determinants on a circle Dmitry Nesterov and Andrei Barvinsky 5 1 0 Theory Department, Lebedev Physical Institute 2 Leninsky Prospect 53, Moscow, Russia, 119991 n a J 5 1 Abstract ] h Gauge fixing procedure in the path integral for the microcanonical statistical sum in t - quantum cosmology is considered in a special class of gauge conditions free from residual p e gauge ambiguities. Relevant functional determinants and functional delta-functions on a h circle are considered. [ 2 v 1 Introduction 7 8 6 The goal of this short note is to revisit the one-loop approximation for the microcanonical parti- 2 tion function in quantum cosmology [1, 2]. Application of the density matrix in spatially closed . 1 cosmology shows that its statistical sum is mainly determined by the minisuperspace sector of the 0 4 theory described by the scale factor a and lapse function N of the Euclidean FRW metric 1 : v ds2 = N2(τ)dτ2 +a2(τ)d2Ω(3). (1) i X Its time-parametrization invariant action has the form r a N Γ[a,N ] = dτ N (a,a˙/N)+F(η), η = dτ . (2) L a I I Here (a,a˙/N) is a local Lagrangian and F(η) is a free energy of quantum matter fields as a L function of the effective inverse temperature η – the period of the Euclidean time τ measured in units of the conformal time parameter. Integration over τ runs over this period and is denoted by . Remarkable property of this expression is that for any Lagrangian (a,a˙/N) the quadratic L part of Γ[a,N ] on the classical background has a generic form [2] H 2 1 g¨ 1 Γ [n,ϕ] = ε dτ ϕ˙2 + ϕ2 2gϕ˙n+2g˙ϕn+g2n2 + dτ n , (3) 2 2 g − 2 C I (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18)I (cid:19) ∂2L(a,a˙) d2F g aa˙ , , ε D , = , (4) ≡ |D| D ≡ ∂a˙2 ≡ C dη2 |D| p 1 where the perturbations of the scale factor and lapse are parameterized by new variables1 ϕ and n, and N = 1 gauge is used for background. The coefficients of this form are built in terms of the function g = g(τ) and the parameter – functionals of the gravitational background characterized C by a periodic scale factor a(τ). This background forms the cosmological instanton with the topology of S1 S3. The S1 part is associated with the Euclidean time τ which parameterizes × the instanton metric (1) in the gauge N = 1, and a(τ) is a periodically oscillating radius of the sphere S3. The action (3) is gauge invariant under the local coordinate transformations ˙ δn(τ) = f(τ), δϕ(τ) = g(τ)f(τ) . (5) − − Therefore, the path integral for the statistical sum of the model requires Faddeev-Popov gauge fixing procedure which was performed in [2] in the “relativistic” gauge χ(n,ϕ) n˙ = 0. ≡ Since this gauge leaves unfixed residual gauge transformations associated with conformal Killing vectors of the background (1), additional gauge fixing procedure was necessary, which effectively has led to linearly dependent generators treated by the Batalin-Vilkovisky technique of reducible gaugetheories [6]. This makes further analysis of the theory (in particular, the convexity issue for the action of the theory at the saddle points of the path integral) very cumbersome. So here we replace the gauge fixing procedure of [2] in the gauge (??) by using the alternative gauge free from residual gauge transformations. Our main result will be a calculation of the gauge-fixed Gaussian path integral for the one-loop prefactor P of the statistical sum Z = P e Γ0, (6) − which is semiclassically dominated by the tree-level contribution eΓ0 at the saddle point at which the on-shell value of the action (2) is given by Γ . This involves treatment of a special delta- 0 function type gauge, which is nonlocal in the Euclidean time, and finding closed algorithms for functional determinants of nonlocal operators on spaces of periodic functions. So this calculation turns out to be technically illuminating and deserves presentation. 2 Gauge fixing Since the system is a gauge one the correct expression for one-loop contribution according to Faddeev-Popov technique is P = DetQ[χ] Dn Dϕ δ[χ] e−Γ2[n,ϕ] (7) Z Z where χ n,ϕ is some gauge condition completely fixing the gauge invariance, and Q – corre- sponding Faddeev-Popov determinant. The integration is performed over minisuperspace fields (cid:0) (cid:1) n(τ), ϕ(τ) defined on a circle2 S1 of length T. One of possible gauges (a family of gauges) completely fixing the gauge ambiguity is χ(n,ϕ) = βn˙ γ kϕ (8) − I 1New variables are related to perturbations δa and δN as: n= 1 δN δa , ϕ= δa. a N − a |D| 2Functional space of (real-valued) functions on a circle S1 of length T is equivalent to that of (real-valued) (cid:0) (cid:1) p functions on R periodic with period T. so somewhere we call such functions “periodic”. 2 where k(τ) is some function on S1 and β,γ are some constants.3 In what follows for the sake of convenience we will omit denoting the measure dτ in all further integrals dτ where it can not lead to ambiguity. H Absence of residual gauge invariance in this gauge follows from a simple fact that for periodic n(τ) (i.e. n(τ) on S1) the equation χ(n,ϕ) = 0 implies that both terms of (8) separately vanish, χ(n,ϕ) = 0 n˙ = 0, kϕ = 0, (9) → I and thus forbid transformations (5) with a periodic f(τ). TheFaddeev-PopovoperatorQforsuchgaugeχ, actingonthegaugetransformationparameter f, is defined by the equation d2f(τ) Qf(τ) = β +γ dτ k(τ )g(τ )f(τ ). (10) ′ ′ ′ ′ − dτ2 I It does not have periodic zero modes and, therefore, non-degenerate. Its determinant on the space of square integrable functions on a circle L2(S1) γ DetQ = T2 kg . (11) | | β (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) H (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) This can be shown by direct spectrum analysis (see Appendix A). (cid:12) (cid:12) Calculation of the rest part of the prefactor Dn Dϕ δ[χ] e−Γ2[n,ϕ] (12) Z Z simplifies due to the decoupling of the of functional delta-function, √2π δ βn˙ +γ kϕ = δ[βn˙] δ γ kϕ , (13) √T (cid:2) H (cid:3) (cid:0) H (cid:1) which is a corollary of the relation (9). Nontrivial element here is the proportionality coefficient in the right hand side and the definition of the rule how the functional delta-function δ[βn˙] acts on a test functional f[n] in the path integral β dc ˜ Dn δ[βn˙] f[n] = | | f[c]. (14) √T √2π L2Z(S1) ZR Here the integration over square-integrable functions on a circle (“periodic” functions) is denoted by L2(S1) and numerical integration over the real axis is labeled by R. Below we prove this property. 3Theresulteasilygeneralizesforβ,γ β(τ),γ(τ)withβ(τ)=0and γ(τ) =0. Inparticularthisgeneralization → 6 β(τ) 6 allowsto makeFaddeev-Popovoperatorsymmetric. But onthe otherhandit causescomplicationsin calculations. H Inthearticlewepreservetheseconstantsasthetraceofthispossiblegeneralizationandforthereasonofadditional dimensionality check. 3 Integrating thesedelta-functions in(12)we reducethefunctional integral over n(τ) toa numer- ical integral over its homogeneous mode and restrict ϕ(τ) to the subspace of functions transversal to k(τ) which we denote L2 (S1) k ⊥ β 1 1 dc ε F δ(τ τ′) 2g˙(τ) ϕ (τ ) ||γ|| k2TL2⊥kZ(S1D) ϕ⊥kZR √2π exp(−2(cid:0)ϕ⊥k(τ), c(cid:1) 2g˙(τ−′) (cid:16)H g2+ Tε2C(cid:17)!(cid:18) ⊥kc ′ (cid:19))(15) q whereH d2 g¨(τ) F = + (16) −dτ2 g(τ) istheoperator introduced in[4], andintegration over repeatedtime arguments τ andτ is assumed ′ in the exponential of this expression (in accordance with the Einstein rule for the condensed index notation). Factors in the denominators in front of the integral originate from nontrivial arguments of delta-functions. Calculational details for (15), in particular definitions and decoupling of delta- functions, zeta-renormalization and the origin of prefactors can be found in Appendix B. The Gaussian integration in (15) gives β 1 1 1/2 T2 −1/2 | | Det (εF) − ε g2 + ε dτ dτ 2g˙(τ)G (τ,τ )2g˙(τ ) (17) k ′ k ′ ′ |γ| k2T (cid:16) ⊥ (cid:17) ×(cid:18) (cid:16)I ε C(cid:17)− I I (cid:19) q where G (Hτ,τ ) – Green’s function [4] for operator F (16). Since the latter is degenerate there k ′ is an ambiguity in choosing the Green’s function, so G (τ,τ ) is the one, which is orthogonal to k ′ k(τ): dτ G (τ,τ )k(τ ) = 0. ′ k ′ ′ The determinant in the first factor of (17), as shown in Appendix C, can be expressed as H 2 2 kg kg 1 Det (εF) = Det (εF) = △. (18) ⊥k k2 g2 ⊥g k2 ε (cid:0)H (cid:1) (cid:0)H (cid:1) where in the last equality we substitHutedHDet gF = △ g2.HThe latter was obtained in [4] and expresses the determinant of operator with a⊥zero mode on S1 in terms of its the monodromy H coefficient △. The power of ε was obtained via the zeta-function renormalization. Using the explicit representation of G (τ,τ ) obtained in [4] one can show that k ′ 1 T2 dτ dτ g˙(τ)G (τ,τ )g˙(τ ) = g2 , (19) ′ k ′ ′ 4 − △ I I (cid:18)I (cid:19) so the latter factor in (17) equals △1/2 △ 1/2 1+ − . (20) ε1/2T εC (cid:16) (cid:17) Assembling Eqs.(10,17,18,20) one finally gets △ 1/2 DetQ Dϕ(τ) Dn(τ) δ βn˙ +γ kϕ e−Γ2[n,ϕ] = 1+ − , (21) εC Z Z (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:2) H (cid:3) which gives the preexponential factor P (7) to the amplitude of the Universe (6). Needless to say the result actually is independent of the gauge chosen, As a check of consistency note that in the absence of nonlocal “matter” contribution ( = 0) C the contribution of the homogeneous sector is trivial. 4 3 Conclusion Remarkably, in the model of the CFT driven cosmology with d2F g ′′ ε = 1, < 0, < 0, (22) − C ≡ dη2 g the result (21) fully confirms the answer for the statistical sum prefactor initially obtained in [2] for a particular class of instantons4. It reads d2F −1/2 P = const 1 I , (23) × − dη2 (cid:18) (cid:19) where △ I/εis the monodromyfactor of theoperator (16) anda numerical constant coefficient ≡ − isindependent oftheparametersofthebackgroundinstantonand, therefore, completelyirrelevant. Calculations of [2], where the functional determinants were obtained by the variational method, did not control their overall coefficients which depend on one such parameter – the period of the Euclidean time T (which is a nontrivial nonlocal functional of the instanton metric). Nontrivial factors of T contained in the quantities (11), (17) and (20), however, completely cancel out in the final answer (21) and, thus, do not affect the validity of conclusions of [2]. In contrast to the technique of [2] the present gauge fixing procedure avoids residual gauge symmetries and related complications of the quantization formalism for theories with reducible generators[6]. Thisopensprospects fortheanalysisofconvexity propertiesoftheEuclideanaction of the theory and the selection criterion for physically relevant saddle points of the cosmological statistical sum. 4 Acknowledgements The work of Dmitry Nesterov was partially supported by RFBR grant 14-02-01173 and Andrei Barvinsky is grateful to RFBR grant 14-01-00489. A Determinant of the Fadeev-Popov operator Here we prove (11) that for nondegenerate operator Q (10) on L2(S1) d2 Qf = β f +γ kgf − dτ2 I its zeta-regularized determinant is γ DetQ = T2 kg. (24) β I 4As follows from a deeper analysis of the behavior of term g′′ for the instantons under consideration it is not g exactly negative definite, as was conjectured in [2]. This fact complicates investigation of the convexity of the action(using the specificgaugesuggestedin[2],where g′′ becomesthe potential). Howeveritdoes notspoilsthe − g coincidence of the final one-loop results. 5 For constant β,γ one can prove that by analyzing the spectrum of the operator. For simplicity consider it is positively definite, which is for example guaranteed by βγ kg > 0. Right eigenmodes5 can be constructed from that of operator d2 : −dτ2 H 2/T sin 2πτ n n N T | | ∈ − e (τ) 1/T 1 n = 0 . (25) n ≡  p ·  2/T cos 2πτn n N p T ∈ The structure of Q implies that rightpeigenfunctions should be of the form e (τ) α e n N n n 0 − ∈ − e˜ (τ) e k = 0 (26) n 0 ≡  e (τ) α e n N  n n 0 − ∈ where α = γH kgen . Correspondent eigenvalues are n βn2e0 γH kgen − β(2π)2n2 n N ˜ T2 ∈ − λ = γ kg k = 0 (27) n   β(H2Tπ2)2n2 n ∈ N Thus the product of eigenvalues equals to the product of nonzero eigenvalues of operator β d2 − dτ2 and homogeneous mode eigenvalue γ kg. Denoting operator d2 on the space of functions −dτ2 L2 (S1) h(τ) : h(τ) = 0 by ⊟ one can write [5] const ≡ { } H ⊥ H DetQ = βζ⊟(0)Det⊟ γ kg . (28) · I ζ⊟(0) and Det⊟ can be expressed via Riemann zeta function ζR(s) as ζ⊟(0) = 2ζR(0) = 1 and − 2 ∞ 2πn 2π lnDet⊟ = 2 ln = 4ln ζ (0) 4ζ (0) = 2lnT (29) T T R − R′ n=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) X which confirms (24). B Path integral with delta-functions In this section we discuss more precisely the calculation of the path integral (12) Dn Dϕ δ[χ] e−Γ2[n,ϕ] Z Z 5Analogousprocedurecanbeperformedexplicitlyfortheleftsetofeigenmodes. Thoughthemodesaredifferent the spectrum obviously remains the same. 6 Note the measure and δ-function conventions we use in this paper: Dϕe−21H ϕ2 = 1 ; L2(ZS1) dϕ m Dϕf[ϕ(τ)] = f[ ϕ e (τ)] ; m m √2π L2(ZS1) L2(ZS1) mY∈Z mX∈Z f[ψ]= Dϕ δ[ϕ ψ] f[ϕ]= Dϕ Dρ eiH ρ(ϕ−ψ) f[ϕ] , − L2(ZS1) L2(ZS1) L2(ZS1) so that δ[ϕ ψ] = √2πδ(ϕm ψm) under decomposition ϕ(τ) = ϕmem(τ) w.r.t. basis (25). − m Z − m Z ∈ ∈ Q P For “inhomogeneous” subspace L2 (S1) ϕ˜(τ) ϕ˜= 0 and correspondent delta-functions: const ≡ { | } ⊥ dϕ H 0 Dϕf[ϕ] = Dϕˆ f[ϕ˜(τ)+ϕ e (τ)] ; 0 0 √2π L2(ZS1) L2 Z (S1) ZR ⊥const f[ψ˜]= Dϕ˜ δ˜[ϕ˜ ψ˜]f[ϕ˜] = Dϕ˜ Dρ˜ eiH ρ˜(ϕ˜ ψ˜) f[ϕ˜]. − − L2 Z (S1) L2 Z (S1) L2 Z (S1) ⊥const ⊥const ⊥const The first step is the decoupling of the delta-functions for the gauge (8): Theorem 1. √2π ˜ δ βn˙ +γ kϕ = δ[βn˙] δ γ kϕ (30) √T (cid:2) H (cid:3) (cid:0) H (cid:1) Proof. Dn Dϕ δ βn˙ +γ kϕ f[n,ϕ] Z Z L2(S1) L2(S1) (cid:2) H (cid:3) = Dn Dϕ Dρ eiHρ(βn˙+γH kϕ) f[n,ϕ] Z Z Z L2(S1) L2(S1) L2(S1) dρ = Dn Dϕ Dρ˜eiβH ρ˜n˙ 0 eiρ0√TγHkϕ f[n,ϕ] √2π L2Z(S1) L2Z(S1) L2(S1Z)/const ZR √2π ˜ = Dn δ[βn˙ ] Dϕ δ γ kϕ f[n,ϕ] , (31) √T Z Z L2(S1) L2(S1) (cid:0) H (cid:1) where we used decomposition of functions on S1 into homogeneous and inhomogeneous subspaces ρ(τ) = ρ e (τ)+ρ˜(τ) and e (τ) - homogeneous basis function (25) 0 0 0 7 Aswasnoted, thedecoupling ofdelta-functionscouldbepredicted bythefactthatgauge-fixing condition βn˙ + γ kϕ = 0 implies separate vanishing of n˙ and kϕ. The main purpose of the theorem is to fix extra factors under given normalization of path integrals and delta-functions. H H Going further in calculation of (7) with the help of two following theorems one can perform integration with correspondent delta-functions in n and ϕ sectors. Theorem 2. On S1 β dc ˜ Dn δ[βn˙] f[n] = | | f[c] (32) √T √2π L2Z(S1) ZR Proof. Using spectral decomposition n˙(τ) = c e˙ = c 2π( m)e (τ) one comes to m Z m m m Z m T − −m ∈ ∈ P P dc 2π(+m) Dn δ˜[βn˙] f[n] = k √2πδ β c f[ c e ] m m m √2π T − Z k Z m Z=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) R Y∈ Y∈ 6 X T dc 0 = f[c e ] 0 0 2πmβ × √2π mY∈Z6=0(cid:12) (cid:12) ZR β (cid:12) dc (cid:12) = | | f[c] (33) √T √2π ZR Product factor T is nothing but the inverse of (absolute value of) the operator’s β∂ 2πmβ τ m Z=0 ∈ 6 determinant on LQ2 (cid:12)(S1)(cid:12) h(τ) : h(τ) = 0 – the space of functions on S1 orthogonal to cons(cid:12)t (cid:12)≡ { } constant functions⊥. This determinant can be expressed in terms of Riemann zeta-function [7]: H T = em∈PZ6=0ln 2πTβ +m∈PZ6=0ln m1 = eln|2πTβ|·2ζR(0)+2ζR′ (0) = e−ln|2πTβ|−ln2π = |β| . (34) 2πmβ T (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) mY∈Z6=0(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Extra √T comes from rescaling of integration variable c = c√T. 0 Also the product factor in calculations above could be expressed as zeta-renormalized inverse of square root of determinant of operator β2 d2 (29) on the same space which leads to the same − dτ2 result. Next theorem shows the result of integrating one-dimensional delta-function: Theorem 3. 1 √2π Dϕ δ γ kϕ f[ϕ] = Dϕ f[ϕ ] (35) k k Z (cid:18) I (cid:19) γ2 k2 Z ⊥ ⊥ L2(S1) L2 (S1) ⊥k q H 8 Proof. Here it is convenient to use method of dealing with delta-functions in path integrals anal- ogous to that used in Appendix in [2]. √2π Dϕ δ γ kϕ f[ϕ] f 1 δ √2πlim Dϕ δ γ kϕ eiHϕJe−ǫ21H ϕ2 ≡ i δJ ǫ 0 J(τ)=0 L2Z(S1) (cid:18) I (cid:19) (cid:2) (cid:3) →L2Z(S1) (cid:18) I (cid:19) (cid:12) (cid:12) = f 1 δ lim Dϕ dρ0 eiρ0γH kϕ eiH ϕJe−ǫ21Hϕ2 (cid:12) (36) i δJ ǫ 0 √2π J(τ)=0 (cid:2) (cid:3) →L2Z(S1) ZR (cid:12) (cid:12) = f 1 δ lim Det δ2S[ϕ(τ),ρ0] −1/2e−S[ϕ(τ),ρ0] on−(cid:12)shell i δJ ǫ→0(cid:18) δ(ϕ(τ),ρ0)2 (cid:19) (cid:12) (cid:12)J(τ)=0 (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:12) (cid:12) where S[ϕ(τ),ρ ] = iρ γkϕ iϕJ +ǫ1ϕ2 . To make integrals well defined we have(cid:12) intro- 0 − 0 − 2 duced the regularization of the initial integrals with regularization parameter ǫ (which is auxiliary H (cid:0) (cid:1) and should not be mixed with ε parameter in the main part of the article). Equations of motion are ǫϕ(τ) = iγρ k(τ) + iJ(τ) and k(τ)ϕ(τ) = 0, so on-shell one can 0 express ϕ(τ) and ρ in terms of J(τ) and k(τ) which gives ρ = HkJ and ϕ(τ) = iP J(τ), 0 H0 −γHk2 ǫ ⊥k where P – projector orthogonal to k: k ⊥ k(τ)k(τ ) ′ P kJ(τ) dτ′ δ(τ τ′) J(τ′) . (37) ⊥ ≡ − − k2 I (cid:18) (cid:19) So, finally H 11 S[ϕ(τ),ρ ] = JP J . (38) 0 k on shell ǫ2 ⊥ (cid:12) − I (cid:12) Determinant of the hessian (cid:12) δ2S[ϕ(τ),ρ0] ǫδ(τ τ′) iγk(τ) = − − (39) δ(ϕ(τ),ρ ) δ(ϕ(τ ),ρ ) iγk(τ ) 0 0 ′ 0 (cid:18) − ′ (cid:19) where the quadratic form acts on vector of L2(S1) R space, by the determinant property of block ⊕ matrices gives δ2S[ϕ(τ),ρ ] γ2 Det 0 = DetǫIL2(S1) k2 . (40) δ(ϕ(τ),ρ ) δ(ϕ(τ ),ρ ) × ǫ 0 ′ 0 I Since DetǫIL2(S1) = ǫζI(0) then 1 1 11 √2π Dϕ δ γ kϕ f[ϕ] = f 1 δ lim e−ǫ2H JP⊥kJ (41) L2Z(S1) (cid:18) I (cid:19) (cid:2)i δJ(cid:3) γ2 k2 ǫ→0 √ǫζI(0)−1 (cid:12)J(τ)=0 (cid:12) q (cid:12) H ζI(0) – quantity “counting” number of modes on L2(S1). Its regularized value is expressed in terms of Riemann zeta-function ǫζI(0) = ǫ2ζR(0)+1 = 1. But in fact there is no need in this here, 9 since we will utilize all ζI(0) 1 powers of √ǫ coming from 1/2 power of the determinant (40) to − − obtain in the limit ǫ 0 product of ζI(0) 1 delta-functions for each mode on L2 (S1) space. 6. → − k Thus the limit in r.h.s. precisely gives δ [P J(τ)]. Exploiting the integral r⊥epresentation of k k ⊥ ⊥ the latter δ [P J(τ)] = Dϕ eiHϕ⊥kJ . (42) k k k ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ Z L2 (S1) ⊥k applying f 1 δ eiH ϕ⊥kJ = f[ϕ ] eiH ϕ⊥kJ and setting J(τ) to zero one finally proves the state- i δJ k ⊥ ment of the theorem (35) . (cid:2) (cid:3) Combining together three theorems above one gets (12) in the form (15) β 1 1 dc Dn Dϕ δ βn˙ +γ kϕ e−Γ2[n,ϕ] = | | Dϕ k e−Γ2[c,ϕ⊥k] . (43) L2Z(S1) L2Z(S1) (cid:2) H (cid:3) |γ| k2TL2 Z(S1) ⊥ ZR √2π ⊥k q H C Changing the gauge in Gaussian integration Here we justify the relation (18) using the analogy with the finite-dimensional vector case. Let A be degenerate finite dimensional symmetric operator on linear space V with one zero eigenvector g>. | Determinant of A is zero, but one is often interested in ’regularized’ determinant det A which ∗ is defined as the product of its nonzero eigenvalues. The latter object has the integral representation (to simplify the formulae we will assume A does not have negative eigenvalues, and consider the simplest norm in V): det∗A −1/2 = det⊥gA −1/2 ≡ Z (2dπn)−(n1−x1′)/2 e−12<x′|A|x′>, (44) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) V⊥g where <.,.> is the Euclidean inner product in V = Rn and x runs over V , which is (n 1)- ′ g dimensional subspace of initial Rn which is orthogonal to g>. In the exponen⊥t x > is assume−d to ′ | | be immersed in V as x,0>. In x>= x,z> the one-dimensional parameter z is the coordinate ′ ′ | | | along g>. Such integral representation can be interpreted as the determinant of operator over | particular subspace of initial vector space. 6On L2(S1) one can introduce some orthonormal basis e˘ (τ), m Z so that e˘ (τ) = k(τ)/k , then J m 0 τ m∈Z′Jme˘m(τ) and JP⊥kJ = m∈Z′Jm2 where m ∈ Z′ runs throu∈gh all the modes except 0-t|h|mode e˘0(τ≡). “PNumber”ofallmodeHs inL2(S1)bPasisisζI(0). So ζI(0)−1isthe number ofmodes inbasisofL2⊥k(S1)–the space of functions orthogonalto k(τ). Thus ǫl→im0 √ǫζI1(0)−1e−1ǫ12HJP⊥kJ = ǫli→m0 m∈Z′(cid:18)√1ǫ ·e−1ǫ21JmJm(cid:19)=m∈Z′√2πδ(Jm)=δ⊥k[P⊥kJ(τ)] . Y Y 10

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