Table of Contents Page: FEP-1 Video Tutors Page: FEP-1 Micro Biology With Diseases by Body System Page: i About the Author Page: iv Preface Page: v New to This Edition Page: v Chapter-by-Chapter Revisions Page: vii Reviewers for the Fifth Edition Page: xii Contents Page: xiv Feature Boxes Page: xxi 1 A Brief History of Microbiology Page: 1 The Early Years of Microbiology Page: 2 What Does Life Really Look Like? Page: 2 Learning Outcomes Page: 2 How Can Microbes Be Classified? Page: 4 Learning Outcomes Page: 4 Bacteria and Archaea Page: 4 Fungi Page: 4 Protozoa Page: 5 Algae Page: 6 Other Organisms of Importance to Microbiologists Page: 6 The Golden Age of Microbiology Page: 7 Learning Outcomes Page: 7 Does Microbial Life Spontaneously Generate? Page: 7 Learning Outcomes Page: 7 Redi’s Experiments Page: 8 Needham’s Experiments Page: 8 Spallanzani’s Experiments Page: 8 Pasteur’s Experiments Page: 8 The Scientific Method Page: 9 What Causes Fermentation? Page: 10 Learning Outcomes Page: 10 Pasteur’s Experiments Page: 10 Buchner’s Experiments Page: 12 What Causes Disease? Page: 12 Learning Outcomes Page: 12 Koch’s Experiments Page: 13 Koch’s Postulates Page: 14 Gram’s Stain Page: 14 How Can We Prevent Infection and Disease? Page: 15 Learning Outcomes Page: 15 Semmelweis and Hand Washing Page: 16 Lister’s Antiseptic Technique Page: 16 Nightingale and Nursing Page: 16 Snow and Epidemiology Page: 17 Jenner’s Vaccine Page: 17 Ehrlich’s “Magic Bullets” Page: 18 The Modern Age of Microbiology Page: 18 Learning Outcome Page: 18 What Are the Basic Chemical Reactions of Life? Page: 19 How Do Genes Work? Page: 19 Microbial Genetics Page: 19 Molecular Biology Page: 20 Recombinant DNA Technology Page: 20 Gene Therapy Page: 20 What Roles Do Microorganisms Play in the Environment? Page: 20 Learning Outcome Page: 20 How Do We Defend Against Disease? Page: 20 What Will the Future Hold? Page: 22 Chapter Summary Page: 23 The Early Years of Microbiology Page: 23 The Golden Age of Microbiology Page: 23 The Modern Age of Microbiology Page: 23 Questions for Review Page: 23 Multiple Choice Page: 23 Fill in the Blanks Page: 24 Short Answer Page: 24 Matching Page: 24 Visualize It! Page: 25 Critical Thinking Page: 25 Concept Mapping Page: 26 2 The Chemistry of Microbiology Page: 27 Atoms Page: 28 Learning Outcome Page: 28 Atomic Structure Page: 28 Learning Outcomes Page: 28 Isotopes Page: 28 Learning Outcome Page: 28 Electron Configurations Page: 29 Learning Outcome Page: 29 Chemical Bonds Page: 31 Learning Outcomes Page: 31 Nonpolar Covalent Bonds Page: 31 Learning Outcomes Page: 31 Polar Covalent Bonds Page: 33 Learning Outcome Page: 33 Ionic Bonds Page: 33 Learning Outcomes Page: 33 Hydrogen Bonds Page: 34 Learning Outcome Page: 34 Chemical Reactions Page: 35 Learning Outcome Page: 35 Synthesis Reactions Page: 35 Learning Outcomes Page: 35 Decomposition Reactions Page: 36 Learning Outcome Page: 36 Exchange Reactions Page: 36 Learning Outcome Page: 36 Water, Acids, Bases, and Salts Page: 37 Water Page: 37 Learning Outcome Page: 37 Acids and Bases Page: 38 Learning Outcome Page: 38 Salts Page: 39 Organic Macromolecules Page: 40 Functional Groups Page: 40 Learning Outcome Page: 40 Lipids Page: 40 Learning Outcomes Page: 40 Fats Page: 40 Phospholipids Page: 42 Waxes Page: 42 Steroids Page: 43 Carbohydrates Page: 44 Learning Outcome Page: 44 Monosaccharides Page: 44 Disaccharides Page: 44 Polysaccharides Page: 44 Proteins Page: 46 Learning Outcomes Page: 46 Amino Acids Page: 47 Peptide Bonds Page: 47 Protein Structure Page: 47 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids Page: 50 Learning Outcomes Page: 50 Nucleotides and Nucleosides Page: 50 Nucleic Acid Structure Page: 50 Nucleic Acid Function Page: 52 ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) Page: 52 Chapter Summary Page: 53 Atoms Page: 53 Chemical Bonds Page: 53 Chemical Reactions Page: 54 Water, Acids, Bases, and Salts Page: 54 Organic Macromolecules Page: 54 Questions for Review Page: 55 Multiple Choice Page: 55 Fill in the Blanks Page: 55 Visualize It! Page: 56 Short Answer Page: 56 Critical Thinking Page: 56 Concept Mapping Page: 57 3 Cell Structure and Function Page: 58 Processes of Life Page: 59 Learning Outcome Page: 59 Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells: An Overview Page: 59 Learning Outcome Page: 59 External Structures of Bacterial Cells Page: 61 Glycocalyces Page: 62 Learning Outcomes Page: 62 Flagella Page: 62 Learning Outcomes Page: 62 Structure Page: 62 Arrangement Page: 63 Function Page: 64 Fimbriae and Pili Page: 65 Learning Outcome Page: 65 Bacterial Cell Walls Page: 66 Learning Outcomes Page: 66 Gram-Positive Bacterial Cell Walls Page: 67 Learning Outcome Page: 67 Gram-Negative Bacterial Cell Walls Page: 67 Learning Outcome Page: 67 Bacteria Without Cell Walls Page: 69 Bacterial Cytoplasmic Membranes Page: 69 Structure Page: 69 Learning Outcomes Page: 69 Function Page: 70 Learning Outcomes Page: 70 Passive Processes Page: 70 Diffusion Page: 71 Facilitated Diffusion Page: 71 Osmosis Page: 71 Active Processes Page: 73 Active Transport Page: 73 Group Translocation Page: 73 Bacterial Secretion Systems Page: 74 Cytoplasm of Bacteria Page: 74 Learning Outcomes Page: 74 Cytosol Page: 74 Inclusions Page: 74 Endospores Page: 75 Nonmembranous Organelles Page: 76 Learning Outcome Page: 76 Ribosomes Page: 76 Cytoskeleton Page: 77 External Structures of Archaea Page: 77 Glycocalyces Page: 77 Learning Outcome Page: 77 Flagella Page: 77 Learning Outcomes Page: 77 Fimbriae and Hami Page: 78 Learning Outcomes Page: 78 Archaeal Cell Walls and Cytoplasmic Membranes Page: 78 Learning Outcomes Page: 78 Cytoplasm of Archaea Page: 79 Learning Outcome Page: 79 External Structure of Eukaryotic Cells Page: 80 Glycocalyces Page: 80 Learning Outcome Page: 80 Eukaryotic Cell Walls and Cytoplasmic Membranes Page: 80 Learning Outcomes Page: 80 Cytoplasm of Eukaryotes Page: 82 Learning Outcomes Page: 82 Flagella Page: 82 Learning Outcome Page: 82 Structure and Arrangement Page: 82 Function Page: 82 Cilia Page: 82 Learning Outcomes Page: 82 Other Nonmembranous Organelles Page: 82 Learning Outcomes Page: 82 Ribosomes Page: 82 Cytoskeleton Page: 83 Centrioles and Centrosome Page: 83 Membranous Organelles Page: 85 Learning Outcomes Page: 85 Nucleus Page: 85 Endoplasmic Reticulum Page: 85 Golgi Body Page: 86 Lysosomes, Peroxisomes, Vacuoles, and Vesicles Page: 87 Mitochondria Page: 87 Chloroplasts Page: 87 Endosymbiotic Theory Page: 88 Learning Outcomes Page: 88 Chapter Summary Page: 89 Processes of Life Page: 89 Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells: An Overview Page: 89 External Structures of Bacterial Cells Page: 90 Bacterial Cell Walls Page: 90 Bacterial Cytoplasmic Membranes Page: 90 Cytoplasm of Bacteria Page: 90 External Structures of Archaea Page: 91 Archaeal Cell Walls and Cytoplasmic Membranes Page: 91 Cytoplasm of Archaea Page: 91 External Structure of Eukaryotic Cells Page: 91 Eukaryotic Cell Walls and Cytoplasmic Membranes Page: 91 Cytoplasm of Eukaryotes Page: 91 Questions for Review Page: 92 Multiple Choice Page: 92 Matching Page: 93 Visualize It! Page: 93 Short Answer Page: 94 Critical Thinking Page: 94 Concept Mapping Page: 95 4 Microscopy, Staining, and Classification Page: 96 Units of Measurement Page: 97 Learning Outcomes Page: 97 Microscopy Page: 98 Learning Outcome Page: 98 General Principles of Microscopy Page: 98 Learning Outcomes Page: 98 Wavelength of Radiation Page: 98 Magnification Page: 99 Resolution Page: 99 Contrast Page: 99 Light Microscopy Page: 100 Learning Outcomes Page: 100 Bright-Field Microscopes Page: 100 Simple Microscopes Page: 100 Compound Microscopes Page: 101 Dark-Field Microscopes Page: 102 Phase Microscopes Page: 102 Phase-Contrast Microscopes Page: 102 Differential Interference Contrast Microscopes Page: 102 Fluorescence Microscopes Page: 102 Confocal Microscopes Page: 103 Electron Microscopy Page: 104 Learning Outcome Page: 104 Transmission Electron Microscopes Page: 104 Scanning Electron Microscopes Page: 105 Probe Microscopy Page: 105 Learning Outcome Page: 105 Scanning Tunneling Microscopes Page: 105 Atomic Force Microscopes Page: 106 Staining Page: 106 Preparing Specimens for Staining Page: 108 Learning Outcome Page: 108 Principles of Staining Page: 108 Learning Outcome Page: 108 Simple Stains Page: 108 Learning Outcome Page: 108 Differential Stains Page: 109 Gram Stain Page: 109 Acid-Fast Stain Page: 110 Endospore Stain Page: 110 Histological Stains Page: 110 Special Stains Page: 110 Negative (Capsule) Stain Page: 110 Flagellar Stain Page: 111 Staining for Electron Microscopy Page: 111 Learning Outcome Page: 111 Classification and Identification of Microorganisms Page: 112 Learning Outcome Page: 112 Linnaeus and Taxonomic Categories Page: 113 Learning Outcomes Page: 113 Domains Page: 115 Learning Outcome Page: 115 Taxonomic and Identifying Characteristics Page: 116 Learning Outcome Page: 116 Physical Characteristics Page: 116 Biochemical Tests Page: 116 Serological Tests Page: 117 Phage Typing Page: 117 MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry Page: 118 Analysis of Nucleic Acids Page: 118 Taxonomic Keys Page: 118 Chapter Summary Page: 120 Units of Measurement Page: 120 Microscopy Page: 120 Staining Page: 121 Classification and Identification of Microorganisms Page: 121 Questions for Review Page: 121 Multiple Choice Page: 121 Fill in the Blanks Page: 122 Short Answer Page: 122 Visualize It! Page: 122 Critical Thinking Page: 123 Concept Mapping Page: 123 5 Microbial Metabolism Page: 124 Basic Chemical Reactions Underlying Metabolism Page: 125 Catabolism and Anabolism Page: 125 Learning Outcome Page: 125 Oxidation and Reduction Reactions Page: 126 Learning Outcome Page: 126 ATP Production and Energy Storage Page: 126 Learning Outcome Page: 126 The Roles of Enzymes in Metabolism Page: 127 Learning Outcomes Page: 127 Naming and Classifying Enzymes Page: 127 The Makeup of Enzymes Page: 127 Enzyme Activity Page: 128 Temperature Page: 129 pH Page: 131 Enzyme and Substrate Concentration Page: 131 Control of Enzymatic Activity Page: 131 Carbohydrate Catabolism Page: 133 Learning Outcome Page: 133 Glycolysis Page: 133 Cellular Respiration Page: 135 Learning Outcomes Page: 135 Synthesis of Acetyl-CoA Page: 135 The Citric Acid (Krebs) Cycle Page: 136 Electron Transport Page: 136 Chemiosmosis Page: 139 Metabolic Diversity Page: 140 Learning Outcomes Page: 140 Fermentation Page: 140 Learning Outcomes Page: 140 Other Catabolic Pathways Page: 142 Lipid Catabolism Page: 143 Learning Outcome Page: 143 Protein Catabolism Page: 143 Learning Outcome Page: 143 Photosynthesis Page: 144 Learning Outcome Page: 144 Chemicals and Structures Page: 144 Learning Outcome Page: 144 Light-Dependent Reactions Page: 145 Learning Outcomes Page: 145 Cyclic Photophosphorylation Page: 146 Noncyclic Photophosphorylation Page: 146 Light-Independent Reactions Page: 146 Learning Outcomes Page: 146 Other Anabolic Pathways Page: 149 Learning Outcome Page: 149 Carbohydrate Biosynthesis Page: 149 Learning Outcome Page: 149 Lipid Biosynthesis Page: 150 Learning Outcome Page: 150 Amino Acid Biosynthesis Page: 150 Learning Outcome Page: 150 Nucleotide Biosynthesis Page: 151 Learning Outcome Page: 151 Integration and Regulation of Metabolic Functions Page: 151 Learning Outcomes Page: 151 Chapter Summary Page: 154 Basic Chemical Reactions Underlying Metabolism Page: 154 Carbohydrate Catabolism Page: 154 Other Catabolic Pathways Page: 155 Photosynthesis Page: 155 Other Anabolic Pathways Page: 155 Integration and Regulation of Metabolic Functions Page: 155 Questions for Review Page: 156 Multiple Choice Page: 156 Matching Page: 156 Fill in the Blanks Page: 157 Visualize It! Page: 157 Short Answer Page: 158 Critical Thinking Page: 159 Concept Mapping Page: 160 6 Microbial Nutrition and Growth Page: 161 Growth Requirements Page: 162 Nutrients: Chemical and Energy Requirements Page: 162 Learning Outcomes Page: 162 Sources of Carbon, Energy, and Electrons Page: 163 Oxygen Requirements Page: 163 Nitrogen Requirements Page: 164 Other Chemical Requirements Page: 165 Physical Requirements Page: 165 Learning Outcome Page: 165 Temperature Page: 166 pH Page: 167 Physical Effects of Water Page: 167 Osmotic Pressure Page: 168 Hydrostatic Pressure Page: 168 Associations and Biofilms Page: 168 Learning Outcome Page: 168 Culturing Microorganisms Page: 171 Clinical Sampling Page: 172 Learning Outcome Page: 172 Obtaining Pure Cultures Page: 172 Learning Outcome Page: 172 Streak Plates Page: 173 Pour Plates Page: 173 Other Isolation Techniques Page: 174 Culture Media Page: 174 Learning Outcomes Page: 174 Defined Media Page: 175 Complex Media Page: 175 Selective Media Page: 175 Enrichment Culture Page: 176 Differential Media Page: 176 Anaerobic Media Page: 177 Transport Media Page: 177 Special Culture Techniques Page: 177 Learning Outcome Page: 177 Animal and Cell Culture Page: 178 Low-Oxygen Culture Page: 178 Preserving Cultures Page: 178 Learning Outcome Page: 178 Growth of Microbial Populations Page: 179 Learning Outcome Page: 179 Generation Time Page: 180 Learning Outcome Page: 180 Mathematical Considerations in Population Growth Page: 180 Learning Outcome Page: 180 Phases of Microbial Population Growth Page: 180 Learning Outcomes Page: 180 Lag Phase Page: 181 Log Phase Page: 181 Stationary Phase Page: 181 Death Phase Page: 181 Continuous Culture in a Chemostat Page: 182 Learning Outcome Page: 182 Measuring Microbial Reproduction Page: 183 Learning Outcome Page: 183 Direct Methods Not Requiring Incubation Page: 183 Microscopic Counts Page: 183 Electronic Counters Page: 184 Direct Methods Requiring Incubation Page: 184 Serial Dilution and Viable Plate Counts Page: 184 Membrane Filtration Page: 184 Most Probable Number Page: 185 Indirect Methods Page: 186 Turbidity Page: 186 Metabolic Activity Page: 187 Dry Weight Page: 187 Molecular Methods Page: 187 Chapter Summary Page: 188 Growth Requirements Page: 188 Culturing Microorganisms Page: 188 Growth of Microbial Populations Page: 189 Questions for Review Page: 189 Multiple Choice Page: 189 Fill in the Blanks Page: 190 Visualize It! Page: 190 Short Answer Page: 191 Critical Thinking Page: 191 Concept Mapping Page: 192 7 Microbial Genetics Page: 193 The Structure and Replication of Genomes Page: 194 Learning Outcome Page: 194 The Structure of Nucleic Acids Page: 194 Learning Outcome Page: 194 The Structure of Prokaryotic Genomes Page: 194 Learning Outcomes Page: 194 Prokaryotic Chromosomes Page: 195 Plasmids Page: 196 The Structure of Eukaryotic Genomes Page: 196 Learning Outcome Page: 196 Nuclear Chromosomes Page: 196 Extranuclear Chromosomes in Eukaryotes Page: 197 DNA Replication Page: 198 Learning Outcomes Page: 198 Initial Processes in Bacterial DNA Replication Page: 199 Continual Synthesis of the Leading Strand Page: 199 Fragmented Synthesis of the Lagging Strand Page: 201 Other Characteristics of Bacterial DNA Replication Page: 201 Replication of Eukaryotic DNA Page: 201 Gene Function Page: 202 The Relationship Between Genotype and Phenotype Page: 202 Learning Outcome Page: 202 The Transfer of Genetic Information Page: 203 Learning Outcome Page: 203 The Events in Transcription Page: 203 Learning Outcomes Page: 203 Initiation of Transcription Page: 204 Elongation of the RNA Transcript Page: 204 Termination of Transcription Page: 204 Self-Termination Page: 204 Rho-Dependent Termination Page: 204 Transcriptional Differences in Eukaryotes Page: 205 Translation Page: 207 Learning Outcomes Page: 207 The Genetic Code Page: 207 Participants in Translation Page: 208 Messenger RNA Page: 208 Transfer RNA Page: 209 Ribosomes and Ribosomal RNA Page: 209 Events in Translation Page: 210 Elongation Page: 210 Termination Page: 211 Translational Differences in Eukaryotes Page: 212 Regulation of Genetic Expression Page: 212 Learning Outcomes Page: 212 The Nature of Prokaryotic Operons Page: 213 The Lactose Operon, an Inducible Operon Page: 213 Positive Regulation by CAP Page: 213 Repression and Induction Page: 214 The Tryptophan Operon, a Repressible Operon Page: 214 RNA Molecules Can Control Translation Page: 215 Mutations of Genes Page: 216 Learning Outcome Page: 216 Types of Mutations Page: 216 Learning Outcome Page: 216 Effects of Point Mutations Page: 216 Learning Outcome Page: 216 Mutagens Page: 217 Learning Outcomes Page: 217 Radiation Page: 217 Chemical Mutagens Page: 218 Nucleotide Analogs Page: 218 Nucleotide-Altering Chemicals Page: 219 Frameshift Mutagens Page: 219 Frequency of Mutation Page: 219 Learning Outcome Page: 219 DNA Repair Page: 219 Learning Outcome Page: 219 Direct Repair Page: 219 Single-Strand Repair Page: 220 Error-Prone Repair Page: 221 Identifying Mutants, Mutagens, and Carcinogens Page: 221 Learning Outcomes Page: 221 Positive Selection Page: 221 Negative (Indirect) Selection Page: 222 The Ames Test for Identifying Mutagens Page: 222 Genetic Recombination and Transfer Page: 223 Learning Outcome Page: 223 Horizontal Gene Transfer Among Prokaryotes Page: 223 Learning Outcomes Page: 223 Transformation Page: 224 Transduction Page: 225 Bacterial Conjugation Page: 225 Transposons and Transposition Page: 228 Learning Outcomes Page: 228 Chapter Summary Page: 231 The Structure and Replication of Genomes Page: 231 Gene Function Page: 231 Mutations of Genes Page: 231 Genetic Recombination and Transfer Page: 232 Questions for Review Page: 232 Multiple Choice Page: 232 Fill in the Blanks Page: 234 Short Answer Page: 234 Visualize It! Page: 235 Critical Thinking Page: 235 Concept Mapping Page: 236 8 Recombinant DNA Technology Page: 237 The Role of Recombinant DNA Technology in Biotechnology Page: 238 Learning Outcomes Page: 238 Tools of Recombinant DNA Technology Page: 238 Synthetic Nucleic Acids Page: 238 Learning Outcomes Page: 238 The Polymerase Chain Reaction: Multiplying DNA In Vitro Page: 239 Learning Outcome Page: 239 Mutagens and Mutagenesis Page: 241 Learning Outcomes Page: 241 Reverse Transcriptase: To Synthesize cDNA Page: 242 Learning Outcome Page: 242 Restriction Enzymes Page: 242 Learning Outcomes Page: 242 Vectors Page: 243 Learning Outcome Page: 243 CRISPR Page: 244 Learning Outcome Page: 244 Techniques of Recombinant DNA Technology Page: 245 Selecting a Clone of Recombinant Cells Page: 245 Learning Outcome Page: 245 Separating DNA Molecules: Gel Electrophoresis and the Southern Blot Page: 245 Learning Outcome Page: 245 DNA Microarrays Page: 246 Learning Outcome Page: 246 Inserting DNA into Cells Page: 247 Learning Outcome Page: 247 Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology Page: 247 Genetic Mapping Page: 247 Learning Outcomes Page: 248 Locating Genes Page: 248 Genomics and Nucleotide Sequencing Page: 249 Functional Genomics Page: 251 Microbial Community Studies Page: 251 Pharmaceutical and Therapeutic Applications Page: 252 Learning Outcomes Page: 252 Protein Synthesis Page: 252 Vaccine Production Page: 252 Genetic Screening Page: 253 Gene Therapy Page: 253 Medical Diagnosis Page: 253 Xenotransplantation Page: 253 Biomedical Animal Models Page: 253 Agricultural Applications Page: 254 Learning Outcome Page: 254 Herbicide Tolerance Page: 254 Pest Resistance Page: 254 Salt Tolerance Page: 254 Freeze Resistance Page: 254 Improvements in Nutritional Value and Yield Page: 254 The Ethics and Safety of Recombinant DNA Technology Page: 255 Learning Outcome Page: 255 Chapter Summary Page: 257 The Role of Recombinant DNA Technology in Biotechnology Page: 257 Tools of Recombinant DNA Technology Page: 257 Techniques of Recombinant DNA Technology Page: 257 Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology Page: 257 The Ethics and Safety of Recombinant DNA Technology Page: 257 Questions for Review Page: 258 Multiple Choice Page: 258 Modified True/False Page: 258 Short Answer Page: 258 Visualize It! Page: 259 Critical Thinking Page: 259 Concept Mapping Page: 260 9 Controlling Microbial Growth in the Environment Page: 261 Basic Principles of Microbial Control Page: 262 Terminology of Microbial Control Page: 262 Learning Outcomes Page: 262 Microbial Death Rates Page: 263 Learning Outcome Page: 263 Action of Antimicrobial Agents Page: 263 Learning Outcome Page: 263 Alteration of Cell Walls and Membranes Page: 263 Damage to Proteins and Nucleic Acids Page: 264 The Selection of Microbial Control Methods Page: 265 Factors Affecting the Efficacy of Antimicrobial Methods Page: 265 Learning Outcomes Page: 265 Site to Be Treated Page: 265 Relative Susceptibility of Microorganisms Page: 265 Environmental Conditions Page: 266 Biosafety Levels Page: 266 Learning Outcome Page: 266 Physical Methods of Microbial Control Page: 267 Learning Outcome Page: 267 Heat-Related Methods Page: 267 Learning Outcomes Page: 267 Moist Heat Page: 268 Boiling Page: 268 Autoclaving Page: 268 Pasteurization Page: 269 Ultra-High-Temperature Sterilization Page: 269 Dry Heat Page: 270 Refrigeration and Freezing Page: 270 Learning Outcome Page: 270 Desiccation and Lyophilization Page: 270 Learning Outcome Page: 270 Filtration Page: 271 Learning Outcome Page: 271 Osmotic Pressure Page: 272 Learning Outcome Page: 272 Radiation Page: 272 Learning Outcome Page: 272 Ionizing Radiation Page: 273 Nonionizing Radiation Page: 273 Chemical Methods of Microbial Control Page: 274 Learning Outcome Page: 274 Phenol and Phenolics Page: 275 Learning Outcome Page: 275 Alcohols Page: 275 Learning Outcome Page: 275 Halogens Page: 275 Learning Outcome Page: 275 Oxidizing Agents Page: 276 Learning Outcome Page: 276 Surfactants Page: 277 Learning Outcome Page: 277 Heavy Metals Page: 277 Learning Outcome Page: 277 Aldehydes Page: 278 Learning Outcome Page: 278 Gaseous Agents Page: 278 Learning Outcome Page: 278 Enzymes Page: 279 Learning Outcome Page: 279 Antimicrobial Drugs Page: 279 Learning Outcome Page: 279 Methods for Evaluating Disinfectants and Antiseptics Page: 279 Learning Outcome Page: 279 Phenol Coefficient Page: 279 Use-Dilution Test Page: 279 Kelsey-Sykes Capacity Test Page: 280 In-Use Test Page: 280 Development of Resistant Microbes Page: 280 Chapter Summary Page: 281 Basic Principles of Microbial Control Page: 281 The Selection of Microbial Control Methods Page: 282 Physical Methods of Microbial Control Page: 282 Chemical Methods of Microbial Control Page: 282 Questions for Review Page: 283 Multiple Choice Page: 283 Short Answer Page: 283 Visualize It! Page: 284 Critical Thinking Page: 284 Concept Mapping Page: 285 10 Controlling Microbial Growth in the Body: Antimicrobial Drugs Page: 286 The History of Antimicrobial Agents Page: 287 Learning Outcomes Page: 287 Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Action Page: 288 Learning Outcomes Page: 288 Inhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis Page: 289 Learning Outcome Page: 289 Inhibition of Synthesis of Bacterial Walls Page: 289 Inhibition of Synthesis of Fungal Walls Page: 291 Inhibition of Protein Synthesis Page: 291 Learning Outcomes Page: 291 Interference with Prokaryotic Ribosomes Page: 291 Interference with Charging of Transfer RNA Molecules Page: 292 Disruption of Cytoplasmic Membranes Page: 292 Learning Outcome Page: 292 Inhibition of Metabolic Pathways Page: 293 Learning Outcomes Page: 293 Inhibition of Nucleic Acid Synthesis Page: 295 Learning Outcome Page: 295 Prevention of Virus Attachment, Entry, or Uncoating Page: 295 Learning Outcome Page: 295 Clinical Considerations in Prescribing Antimicrobial Drugs Page: 296 Learning Outcome Page: 296 Spectrum of Action Page: 297 Learning Outcome Page: 297 Effectiveness Page: 297 Learning Outcome Page: 297 Diffusion Susceptibility Test Page: 297 Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Test Page: 298 Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) Test Page: 299 Routes of Administration Page: 299 Learning Outcome Page: 299 Safety and Side Effects Page: 300 Learning Outcomes Page: 300 Toxicity Page: 300 Allergies Page: 301 Disruption of Normal Microbiota Page: 301 Resistance to Antimicrobial Drugs Page: 301 The Development of Resistance and Persister Cells Page: 301 Learning Outcomes Page: 302 Mechanisms of Resistance Page: 303 Learning Outcomes Page: 303 Multiple Resistance and Cross Resistance Page: 305 Learning Outcome Page: 305 Retarding Resistance Page: 305 Learning Outcome Page: 305 Chapter Summary Page: 317 The History of Antimicrobial Agents Page: 317 Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Action Page: 317 Clinical Considerations in Prescribing Antimicrobial Drugs Page: 317 Resistance to Antimicrobial Drugs Page: 318 Questions for Review Page: 318 Multiple Choice Page: 318 Visualize It! Page: 319 Short Answer Page: 319 Critical Thinking Page: 320 Concept Mapping Page: 321 11 Characterizing and Classifying Prokaryotes Page: 322 General Characteristics of Prokaryotic Organisms Page: 323 Morphology of Prokaryotic Cells Page: 323 Learning Outcome Page: 323 Endospores Page: 323 Learning Outcome Page: 323 Reproduction of Prokaryotic Cells Page: 324 Learning Outcomes Page: 324 Arrangements of Prokaryotic Cells Page: 325 Learning Outcome Page: 325 Modern Prokaryotic Classification Page: 327 Learning Outcomes Page: 327 Survey of Archaea Page: 327 Learning Outcome Page: 327 Extremophiles Page: 327 Learning Outcome Page: 327 Thermophiles Page: 327 Halophiles Page: 329 Methanogens Page: 330 Learning Outcome Page: 330 Survey of Bacteria Page: 330 Deeply Branching and Phototrophic Bacteria Page: 330 Learning Outcomes Page: 330 Deeply Branching Bacteria Page: 330 Phototrophic Bacteria Page: 330 Cyanobacteria Page: 331 Green and Purple Phototrophic Bacteria Page: 331 Low G + C Gram-Positive Bacteria Page: 332 Learning Outcomes Page: 332 Clostridia Page: 333 Mycoplasmas Page: 333 Other Low G + C Gram-Positive Bacilli and Cocci Page: 333 Bacillus Page: 333 Listeria Page: 334 Lactobacillus Page: 334 Streptococcus and Enterococcus Page: 334 Staphylococcus Page: 334 High G + C Gram-Positive Bacteria Page: 334 Learning Outcomes Page: 334 Corynebacterium Page: 335 Mycobacterium Page: 335 Actinomycetes Page: 335 Actinomyces Page: 336 Nocardia Page: 336 Streptomyces Page: 336 Gram-Negative Proteobacteria Page: 336 Learning Outcome Page: 336 Class Alphaproteobacteria Page: 336 Learning Outcomes Page: 336 Nitrogen Fixers Page: 337 Nitrifying Bacteria Page: 337 Purple Nonsulfur Phototrophs Page: 337 Pathogenic Alphaproteobacteria Page: 337 Other Alphaproteobacteria Page: 338 Class Betaproteobacteria Page: 338 Learning Outcome Page: 338 Pathogenic Betaproteobacteria Page: 338 Other Betaproteobacteria Page: 339 Class Gammaproteobacteria Page: 339 Learning Outcomes Page: 339 Purple Sulfur Bacteria Page: 340 Intracellular Pathogens Page: 340 Methane Oxidizers Page: 340 Glycolytic Facultative Anaerobes Page: 340 Pseudomonads Page: 340 Class Deltaproteobacteria Page: 341 Learning Outcome Page: 341 Class Epsilonproteobacteria Page: 344 Learning Outcome Page: 344 Class Zetaproteobacteria Page: 344 Learning Outcome Page: 345 Other Gram-Negative Bacteria Page: 345 Learning Outcomes Page: 345 Chlamydias Page: 345 Spirochetes Page: 345 Bacteroids Page: 345 Chapter Summary Page: 346 General Characteristics of Prokaryotic Organisms Page: 346 Modern Prokaryotic Classification Page: 346 Survey of Archaea Page: 346 Survey of Bacteria Page: 347 Questions for Review Page: 348 Modified True/False Page: 348 Multiple Choice Page: 348 Matching Page: 349 Short Answer Page: 349 Visualize It! Page: 349 Critical Thinking Page: 350 Concept Mapping Page: 350 12 Characterizing and Classifying Eukaryotes Page: 351 General Characteristics of Eukaryotic Organisms Page: 352 Reproduction of Eukaryotes Page: 352 Learning Outcomes Page: 352 Nuclear Division Page: 352 Mitosis Page: 352 Meiosis Page: 353 Cytokinesis (Cytoplasmic Division) Page: 355 Schizogony Page: 355 Classification of Eukaryotic Organisms Page: 355 Learning Outcomes Page: 355 Protozoa Page: 356 Learning Outcome Page: 356 Distribution of Protozoa Page: 356 Morphology of Protozoa Page: 357 Nutrition of Protozoa Page: 357 Reproduction of Protozoa Page: 358 Classification of Protozoa Page: 358 Learning Outcomes Page: 358 Parabasala Page: 358 Diplomonadida Page: 358 Euglenozoa Page: 359 Euglenids Page: 359 Kinetoplastids Page: 359 Alveolates Page: 359 Ciliates Page: 360 Apicomplexans Page: 360 Dinoflagellates Page: 360 Rhizaria Page: 360 Amoebozoa Page: 362 Fungi Page: 362 Learning Outcome Page: 362 The Significance of Fungi Page: 362 Learning Outcome Page: 363 Morphology of Fungi Page: 363 Learning Outcome Page: 363 Nutrition of Fungi Page: 364 Learning Outcome Page: 364 Reproduction of Fungi Page: 365 Learning Outcomes Page: 365 Budding and Asexual Spore Formation Page: 365 Sexual Spore Formation Page: 365 Classification of Fungi Page: 366 Learning Outcomes Page: 366 Division Zygomycota Page: 366 Microsporidia Page: 367 Division Ascomycota Page: 367 Division Basidiomycota Page: 368 Deuteromycetes Page: 368 Lichens Page: 369 Learning Outcomes Page: 369 Algae Page: 371 Learning Outcome Page: 371 Distribution of Algae Page: 371 Morphology of Algae Page: 371 Reproduction of Algae Page: 371 Learning Outcome Page: 371 Classification of Algae Page: 372 Learning Outcomes Page: 372 Division Chlorophyta (Green Algae) Page: 372 Kingdom Rhodophyta (Red Algae) Page: 372 Phaeophyta (Brown Algae) Page: 372 Chrysophyta (Golden Algae, Yellow-Green Algae, and Diatoms) Page: 373 Water Molds Page: 374 Learning Outcome Page: 374 Other Eukaryotes of Microbiological Interest: Parasitic Helminths and Vectors Page: 375 Learning Outcomes Page: 375 Arachnids Page: 375 Learning Outcomes Page: 375 Insects Page: 376 Learning Outcomes Page: 376 Chapter Summary Page: 377 General Characteristics of Eukaryotic Organisms Page: 377 Protozoa Page: 377 Fungi Page: 378 Algae Page: 378 Water Molds Page: 378 Other Eukaryotes of Microbiological Interest: Parasitic Helminths and Vectors Page: 378 Questions for Review Page: 379 Multiple Choice Page: 379 Matching Page: 379 Visualize It! Page: 380 Short Answer Page: 380 Fill in the Blanks Page: 380 Critical Thinking Page: 380 Concept Mapping Page: 381 13 Characterizing and Classifying Viruses, Viroids, and Prions Page: 382 Characteristics of Viruses Page: 384 Learning Outcome Page: 384 Genetic Material of Viruses Page: 384 Learning Outcome Page: 384 Hosts of Viruses Page: 385 Learning Outcomes Page: 385 Sizes of Viruses Page: 386 Capsid Morphology Page: 387 Learning Outcome Page: 387 Viral Shapes Page: 387 The Viral Envelope Page: 387 Learning Outcome Page: 387 Classification of Viruses Page: 388 Learning Outcome Page: 388 Viral Replication Page: 390 Lytic Replication of Bacteriophages Page: 390 Learning Outcome Page: 390 Attachment 1 Page: 391 Entry 2 Page: 392 Synthesis 3 Page: 392 Assembly 4 Page: 392 Release 5 Page: 392 Lysogenic Replication of Bacteriophages Page: 393 Learning Outcome Page: 393 Replication of Animal Viruses Page: 394 Learning Outcomes Page: 394 Attachment of Animal Viruses Page: 394 Entry and Uncoating of Animal Viruses Page: 394 Synthesis of DNA Viruses of Animals Page: 394 dsDNA Viruses Page: 395 ssDNA Viruses Page: 395 Synthesis of RNA Viruses of Animals Page: 395 Positive-Sense ssRNA Viruses Page: 396 Retroviruses Page: 396 Negative-Sense ssRNA Viruses Page: 396 dsRNA Viruses Page: 397 Assembly and Release of Animal Viruses Page: 397 Latency of Animal Viruses Page: 398 The Role of Viruses in Cancer Page: 398 Learning Outcomes Page: 398 Culturing Viruses in the Laboratory Page: 400 Learning Outcomes Page: 400 Culturing Viruses in Mature Organisms Page: 400 Learning Outcomes Page: 400 Culturing Viruses in Bacteria Page: 400 Culturing Viruses in Plants and Animals Page: 400 Culturing Viruses in Embryonated Chicken Eggs Page: 401 Culturing Viruses in Cell (Tissue) Culture Page: 401 Learning Outcome Page: 401 Are Viruses Alive? Page: 402 Learning Outcome Page: 402 Other Parasitic Particles: Viroids and Prions Page: 402 Characteristics of Viroids Page: 402 Learning Outcomes Page: 402 Characteristics of Prions Page: 403 Learning Outcomes Page: 403 Chapter Summary Page: 406 Characteristics of Viruses Page: 406 Classification of Viruses Page: 406 Viral Replication Page: 406 The Role of Viruses in Cancer Page: 407 Culturing Viruses in the Laboratory Page: 407 Are Viruses Alive? Page: 407 Other Parasitic Particles: Viroids and Prions Page: 407 Questions for Review Page: 407 Multiple Choice Page: 407 Matching Page: 408 Visualize It Page: 408 Short Answer Page: 409 Critical Thinking Page: 409 Concept Mapping Page: 410 14 Infection, Infectious Diseases, and Epidemiology Page: 411 Symbiotic Relationships Between Microbes and Their Hosts Page: 412 Types of Symbiosis Page: 412 Learning Outcomes Page: 412 Mutualism Page: 412 Commensalism Page: 413 Amensalism Page: 413 Parasitism Page: 413 Microbiome of Humans Page: 414 Learning Outcome Page: 414 Resident Microbiota Page: 414 Transient Microbiota Page: 414 Acquisition of the Microbiome Page: 414 How Normal Microbiota Become Opportunistic Pathogens Page: 415 Learning Outcome Page: 415 Reservoirs of Infectious Diseases of Humans Page: 416 Learning Outcome Page: 416 Animal Reservoirs Page: 416 Human Carriers Page: 416 Nonliving Reservoirs Page: 417 The Invasion and Establishment of Microbes in Hosts: Infection Page: 418 Exposure to Microbes: Contamination and Infection Page: 418 Learning Outcome Page: 418 Portals of Entry Page: 418 Learning Outcome Page: 418 Skin Page: 418 Mucous Membranes Page: 418 Placenta Page: 419 The Parenteral Route Page: 419 The Role of Adhesion in Infection Page: 419 Learning Outcomes Page: 419 The Nature of Infectious Disease Page: 420 Learning Outcome Page: 420 Manifestations of Disease: Symptoms, Signs, and Syndromes Page: 421 Learning Outcome Page: 421 Causation of Disease: Etiology Page: 421 Learning Outcomes Page: 421 Using Koch’s Postulates Page: 422 Exceptions to Koch’s Postulates Page: 422 Virulence Factors of Infectious Agents Page: 424 Learning Outcome Page: 424 Extracellular Enzymes Page: 424 Toxins Page: 426 Exotoxins Page: 426 Endotoxins Page: 426 Antiphagocytic Factors Page: 426 Capsules Page: 427 Antiphagocytic Chemicals Page: 427 The Stages of Infectious Diseases Page: 427 Learning Outcome Page: 427 Incubation Period Page: 427 Prodromal Period Page: 427 Illness Page: 428 Decline Page: 428 Convalescence Page: 428 The Movement of Pathogens out of Hosts: Portals of Exit Page: 428 Modes of Infectious Disease Transmission Page: 428 Learning Outcomes Page: 428 Contact Transmission Page: 428 Vehicle Transmission Page: 429 Vector Transmission Page: 430 Classification of Infectious Diseases Page: 430 Learning Outcomes Page: 430 Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases Page: 432 Learning Outcome Page: 432 Frequency of Disease Page: 432 Learning Outcomes Page: 432 Epidemiological Studies Page: 434 Learning Outcome Page: 434 Descriptive Epidemiology Page: 434 Analytical Epidemiology Page: 435 Experimental Epidemiology Page: 435 Hospital Epidemiology: Healthcare-Associated (Nosocomial) Infections Page: 435 Learning Outcomes Page: 435 Types of Healthcare-Associated Infections Page: 437 Factors Influencing Healthcare-Associated Infections Page: 437 Control of Healthcare-Associated Infections Page: 437 Epidemiology and Public Health Page: 438 Learning Outcome Page: 438 The Sharing of Data Among Public Health Organizations Page: 438 The Role of Public Health Agencies in Interrupting Disease Transmission Page: 438 Public Health Education Page: 438 Chapter Summary Page: 439 Symbiotic Relationships Between Microbes and Their Hosts Page: 439 Reservoirs of Infectious Diseases of Humans Page: 439 The Invasion and Establishment of Microbes in Hosts: Infection Page: 440 The Nature of Infectious Disease Page: 440 The Movement of Pathogens Out of Hosts: Portals of Exit Page: 440 Modes of Infectious Disease Transmission Page: 440 Classification of Infectious Diseases Page: 440 Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases Page: 440 Questions for Review Page: 441 Multiple Choice Page: 441 Fill in the Blanks Page: 442 Short Answer Page: 442 Visualize It! Page: 442 Critical Thinking Page: 443 Concept Mapping Page: 443 15 Innate Immunity Page: 444 An Overview of the Body’s Defenses Page: 445 Learning Outcomes Page: 445 The Body’s First Line of Defense Page: 445 The Role of Skin in Innate Immunity Page: 445 Learning Outcome Page: 445 The Role of Mucous Membranes in Innate Immunity Page: 446 Learning Outcomes Page: 446 The Role of the Lacrimal Apparatus in Innate Immunity Page: 447 Learning Outcome Page: 447 The Role of the Microbiome in Innate Immunity Page: 447 Learning Outcome Page: 447 Other First-Line Defenses Page: 448 Learning Outcome Page: 448 Antimicrobial Peptides Page: 448 Other Processes and Chemicals Page: 449 The Body’s Second Line of Defense Page: 449 Learning Outcome Page: 449 Defense Components of Blood Page: 449 Learning Outcomes Page: 449 Plasma Page: 449 Defensive Blood Cells: Leukocytes Page: 450 Lab Analysis of Leukocytes Page: 452 Phagocytosis Page: 452 Learning Outcome Page: 452 Chemotaxis Page: 453 Adhesion Page: 453 Ingestion Page: 453 Phagosome Maturation and Microbial Killing Page: 454 Elimination Page: 454 Nonphagocytic Killing Page: 454 Learning Outcome Page: 454 Killing by Eosinophils Page: 454 Killing by Natural Killer Lymphocytes Page: 454 Killing by Neutrophils Page: 454 Nonspecific Chemical Defenses Against Pathogens Page: 455 Learning Outcomes Page: 455 Toll-like Receptors Page: 455 NOD Proteins Page: 455 Interferons Page: 455 Type I (Alpha and Beta) Interferons Page: 456 Type II (Gamma) Interferon Page: 457 Complement Page: 457 Complement Activation Page: 457 Complement Cascade Page: 459 Inflammation Page: 460 Learning Outcome Page: 460 Dilation and Increased Permeability of Blood Vessels Page: 460 Migration of Phagocytes Page: 462 Tissue Repair Page: 462 Fever Page: 462 Learning Outcome Page: 462 Chapter Summary Page: 465 An Overview of the Body’s Defenses Page: 465 The Body’s First Line of Defense Page: 465 The Body’s Second Line of Defense Page: 465 Questions for Review Page: 466 Multiple Choice Page: 466 Modified True/False Page: 466 Matching Page: 467 Short Answer Page: 467 Visualize It! Page: 468 Critical Thinking Page: 468 Concept Mapping Page: 469 16 Adaptive Immunity Page: 470 Overview of Adaptive Immunity Page: 471 Learning Outcomes Page: 471 Elements of Adaptive Immunity Page: 472 The Tissues and Organs of the Lymphatic System Page: 472 Learning Outcomes Page: 472 The Lymphatic Vessels and the Flow of Lymph Page: 472 Lymphoid Organs Page: 474 Antigens Page: 474 Learning Outcomes Page: 474 Properties of Antigens Page: 474 Types of Antigens Page: 475 Preparation for an Adaptive Immune Response Page: 476 Learning Outcomes Page: 476 The Roles of the Major Histocompatibility Complex and Antigen-Presenting Cells Page: 476 Antigen Processing Page: 477 Processing Endogenous Antigens Page: 477 Processing Exogenous Antigens Page: 477 T Lymphocytes (T Cells) Page: 478 Learning Outcomes Page: 478 Specificity of the T Cell Receptor (TCR) Page: 479 Types of T Lymphocytes Page: 479 Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Page: 479 Helper T Lymphocyte Page: 479 Regulatory T Lymphocyte Page: 479 Clonal Deletion of T Cells Page: 479 B Lymphocytes (B Cells) and Antibodies Page: 481 Learning Outcomes Page: 481 Specificity of a B Cell Receptor (BCR) Page: 481 Diversity of B Cell Receptors Page: 481 Specificity and Antibody Structure Page: 483 Antibody Function Page: 483 Activation of Complement and Inflammation Page: 483 Neutralization Page: 484 Opsonization Page: 484 Agglutination Page: 484 Antibody-Dependent Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity (ADCC) Page: 484 Classes of Antibodies Page: 484 Clonal Deletion of B Cells Page: 485 Immune Response Cytokines Page: 486 Learning Outcome Page: 486 Cell-Mediated Immune Responses Page: 487 Learning Outcomes Page: 487 Activation of Cytotoxic T Cell Clones and Their Functions Page: 487 The Perforin-Granzyme Cytotoxic Pathway Page: 488 The CD95 Cytotoxic Pathway Page: 489 Memory T Cells Page: 489 Learning Outcome Page: 489 T Cell Regulation Page: 489 Learning Outcome Page: 489 Antibody Immune Responses Page: 490 Inducement of T-Dependent Antibody Immunity with Clonal Selection Page: 490 Learning Outcomes Page: 490 Memory Cells and the Establishment of Immunological Memory Page: 492 Learning Outcome Page: 492 Types of Acquired Immunity Page: 493 Learning Outcome Page: 493 Naturally Acquired Active Immunity Page: 493 Naturally Acquired Passive Immunity Page: 493 Artificially Acquired Active Immunity Page: 494 Artificially Acquired Passive Immunotherapy Page: 494 Chapter Summary Page: 495 Overview of Adaptive Immunity Page: 495 Elements of Adaptive Immunity Page: 495 Cell-Mediated Immune Responses Page: 496 Antibody Immune Responses Page: 496 Types of Acquired Immunity Page: 496 Questions for Review Page: 496 Multiple Choice Page: 496 Modified True/False Page: 497 Matching Page: 497 Visualize It! Page: 498 Short Answer Page: 498 Critical Thinking Page: 498 Concept Mapping Page: 499 17 Immunization and Diagnostic Immunoassays Page: 500 Immunization Page: 501 Brief History of Immunization Page: 501 Learning Outcome Page: 501 Active Immunization Page: 502 Learning Outcomes Page: 502 Vaccine Types Page: 502 Attenuated (Modified Live) Vaccines Page: 503 Inactivated (Killed) Vaccines Page: 503 Toxoid Vaccines Page: 503 Combination Vaccines Page: 503 Vaccines Using Recombinant Gene Technology Page: 503 Vaccine Manufacture Page: 505 Recommended Immunizations Page: 505 Vaccine Safety Page: 506 Passive Immunotherapy Page: 507 Learning Outcomes Page: 507 Serological Tests That Use Antigens and Corresponding Antibodies Page: 509 Learning Outcomes Page: 509 Precipitation Tests Page: 509 Learning Outcomes Page: 509 Immunodiffusion Page: 510 Turbidimetric and Nephelometric Tests Page: 511 Agglutination Tests Page: 511 Learning Outcomes Page: 511 Neutralization Tests Page: 511 Learning Outcomes Page: 511 Viral Neutralization Page: 512 Viral Hemagglutination Inhibition Test Page: 512 The Complement Fixation Test Page: 512 Learning Outcome Page: 512 Labeled Immunoassays Page: 512 Learning Outcomes Page: 512 Fluorescent Immunoassays Page: 513 ELISAs (EIAs) Page: 514 Immunoblots Page: 515 Point-of-Care Testing Page: 516 Learning Outcomes Page: 516 Chapter Summary Page: 518 Immunization Page: 518 Serological Tests That Use Antigens and Corresponding Antibodies Page: 518 Questions for Review Page: 519 Multiple Choice Page: 519 Modified True/False Page: 520 Matching Page: 520 Short Answer Page: 520 Visualize It! Page: 521 Critical Thinking Page: 521 Concept Mapping Page: 522 18 Immune Disorders Page: 523 Hypersensitivities Page: 524 Learning Outcome Page: 524 Type I (Immediate) Hypersensitivity Page: 524 Learning Outcomes Page: 524 Sensitization upon Initial Exposure to an Allergen Page: 524 Degranulation of Sensitized Cells Page: 524 The Roles of Degranulating Cells in an Allergic Reaction Page: 524 Clinical Signs of Localized Allergic Reactions Page: 526 Clinical Signs of Systemic Allergic Reactions Page: 526 Diagnosis of Type I Hypersensitivity Page: 527 Prevention of Type I Hypersensitivity Page: 527 Treatment of Type I Hypersensitivity Page: 527 Type II (Cytotoxic) Hypersensitivity Page: 528 Learning Outcomes Page: 528 The ABO System and Transfusion Reactions Page: 528 The Rh System and Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn Page: 529 Type III (Immune Complex-Mediated) Hypersensitivity Page: 530 Learning Outcomes Page: 530 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Page: 530 Glomerulonephritis Page: 531 Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Page: 531 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Page: 531 Type IV (Delayed or Cell-Mediated) Hypersensitivity Page: 532 Learning Outcomes Page: 532 The Tuberculin Response Page: 532 Allergic Contact Dermatitis Page: 533 Graft Rejection Page: 533 Graft-Versus-Host Disease Page: 534 Donor–Recipient Matching and Tissue Typing Page: 534 The Actions of Immunosuppressive Drugs Page: 535 Autoimmune Diseases Page: 536 Causes of Autoimmune Diseases Page: 536 Learning Outcome Page: 536 Examples of Autoimmune Diseases Page: 537 Learning Outcome Page: 537 Autoimmunity Affecting Blood Cells Page: 537 Autoimmunity Affecting Endocrine Organs Page: 537 Autoimmunity Affecting Nervous Tissue Page: 537 Autoimmunity Affecting Connective Tissue Page: 537 Immunodeficiency Diseases Page: 538 Learning Outcome Page: 538 Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases Page: 538 Acquired Immunodeficiency Diseases Page: 539 Learning Outcomes Page: 539 Signs and Symptoms of AIDS Page: 539 AIDS Pathogen and Its Virulence Factors Page: 539 Structure of HIV Page: 540 Origin of HIV Page: 540 Replication of HIV Page: 540 Details of Attachment, Entry, and Uncoating Page: 542 Details of Synthesis and Latency Page: 542 Details of Release, Assembly, and Maturation Page: 543 Pathogenesis of AIDS Page: 543 Epidemiology of AIDS Page: 544 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: 545 Chapter Summary Page: 547 Hypersensitivities Page: 547 Autoimmune Diseases Page: 547 Immunodeficiency Diseases Page: 548 Questions for Review Page: 548 Multiple Choice Page: 548 Modified True/False Page: 549 Matching Page: 549 Short Answer Page: 549 Visualize It! Page: 550 Critical Thinking Page: 551 Concept Mapping Page: 552 19 Microbial Diseases of the Skin and Wounds Page: ch19-1 Structure of the Skin Page: ch19-3 Learning Outcome Page: ch19-3 Microbiome of the Skin Page: ch19-4 Learning Outcomes Page: ch19-4 Bacterial Diseases of the Skin and Wounds Page: ch19-5 Folliculitis Page: ch19-6 Learning Outcomes Page: ch19-6 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch19-6 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch19-7 Enzymes Page: ch19-7 Structural Defenses Against Phagocytosis Page: ch19-7 Toxins Page: ch19-8 Pathogenesis Page: ch19-8 Epidemiology Page: ch19-8 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-9 Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome Page: ch19-9 Learning Outcome Page: ch19-9 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch19-9 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch19-10 Pathogenesis Page: ch19-10 Epidemiology Page: ch19-10 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-10 Impetigo (Pyoderma), Erysipelas, and Cellulitis Page: ch19-11 Learning Outcomes Page: ch19-11 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch19-11 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch19-12 Pathogenesis Page: ch19-13 Epidemiology Page: ch19-13 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-13 Necrotizing Fasciitis Page: ch19-13 Learning Outcomes Page: ch19-13 Acne Page: ch19-16 Learning Outcomes Page: ch19-16 Pathogen Page: ch19-16 Pathogenesis Page: ch19-16 Epidemiology Page: ch19-17 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-18 Cat Scratch Disease Page: ch19-18 Learning Outcome Page: ch19-18 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch19-18 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch19-18 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch19-19 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-19 Pseudomonas Infection Page: ch19-19 Learning Outcomes Page: ch19-19 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch19-19 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch19-19 Pathogenesis Page: ch19-20 Epidemiology Page: ch19-21 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-21 Spotted Fever Rickettsiosis Page: ch19-22 Learning Outcomes Page: ch19-22 Cutaneous Anthrax Page: ch19-26 Learning Outcome Page: ch19-26 Gas Gangrene Page: ch19-27 Learning Outcome Page: ch19-27 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch19-27 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch19-27 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch19-28 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-28 Viral Diseases of the Skin and Wounds Page: ch19-29 Diseases of Poxviruses Page: ch19-29 Learning Outcomes Page: ch19-29 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch19-29 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch19-30 Pathogenesis Page: ch19-31 Epidemiology Page: ch19-31 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-31 Herpes Infections Page: ch19-32 Learning Outcomes Page: ch19-32 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch19-32 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch19-34 Pathogenesis Page: ch19-35 Epidemiology Page: ch19-35 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-35 Warts Page: ch19-37 Learning Outcomes Page: ch19-37 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch19-37 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch19-37 Pathogenesis Page: ch19-37 Epidemiology Page: ch19-37 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-37 Chickenpox and Shingles Page: ch19-39 Learning Outcomes Page: ch19-39 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch19-39 Pathogen Page: ch19-40 Pathogenesis Page: ch19-40 Epidemiology Page: ch19-40 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-40 Rubella Page: ch19-41 Learning Outcomes Page: ch19-41 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch19-42 Pathogen and Pathogenesis Page: ch19-42 Epidemiology Page: ch19-42 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-42 Measles (Rubeola) Page: ch19-43 Learning Outcomes Page: ch19-43 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch19-43 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch19-44 Pathogenesis Page: ch19-44 Epidemiology Page: ch19-45 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-45 Other Viral Rashes Page: ch19-46 Learning Outcome Page: ch19-46 Erythema Infectiosum Page: ch19-46 Roseola Page: ch19-47 Mycoses of the Hair, Nails, and Skin Page: ch19-48 Learning Outcomes Page: ch19-48 Superficial Mycoses Page: ch19-49 Learning Outcome Page: ch19-49 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch19-49 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch19-49 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch19-49 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-49 Cutaneous Mycoses Page: ch19-50 Learning Outcomes Page: ch19-50 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch19-50 Pathogens Page: ch19-50 Pathogenesis Page: ch19-51 Epidemiology Page: ch19-52 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-52 Wound Mycoses Page: ch19-52 Learning Outcomes Page: ch19-52 Chromoblastomycosis Page: ch19-52 Phaeohyphomycosis Page: ch19-53 Mycetomas Page: ch19-53 Sporotrichosis Page: ch19-54 Parasitic Infestations of the Skin Page: ch19-56 Leishmaniasis Page: ch19-56 Learning Outcome Page: ch19-56 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch19-56 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch19-57 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch19-57 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-57 Scabies Page: ch19-57 Learning Outcome Page: ch19-57 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch19-57 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch19-58 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch19-58 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch19-58 Chapter Summary Page: ch19-60 Structure of the Skin Page: ch19-60 Microbiome of the Skin Page: ch19-60 Bacterial Diseases of the Skin and Wounds Page: ch19-60 Viral Diseases of the Skin and Wounds Page: ch19-61 Mycoses of the Hair, Nails, and Skin Page: ch19-61 Parasitic Infestations of the Skin Page: ch19-61 Questions for Review Page: ch19-62 Multiple Choice Page: ch19-62 Matching Page: ch19-63 Fill in the Blanks Page: ch19-64 True/False Page: ch19-64 Short Answer Page: ch19-64 Visualize It! Page: ch19-65 Critical Thinking Page: ch19-66 Concept Mapping Page: ch19-67 20 Microbial Diseases of the Nervous System and Eyes Page: ch20-1 Structure of the Nervous System Page: ch20-3 Learning Outcomes Page: ch20-3 Structures of the Central Nervous System Page: ch20-4 Structures of the Peripheral Nervous System Page: ch20-5 Cells of the Nervous System Page: ch20-5 Portals of Infection of the Central Nervous System Page: ch20-6 Bacterial Diseases of the Nervous System Page: ch20-7 Bacterial Meningitis Page: ch20-8 Learning Outcomes Page: ch20-8 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch20-8 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch20-8 Neisseria meningitidis Page: ch20-8 Streptococcus pneumoniae Page: ch20-9 Haemophilus influenzae Page: ch20-10 Listeria monocytogenes Page: ch20-10 Streptococcus agalactiae Page: ch20-12 Pathogenesis Page: ch20-13 Epidemiology Page: ch20-13 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch20-13 Hansen’s Disease (Leprosy) Page: ch20-14 Learning Outcomes Page: ch20-14 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch20-14 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch20-14 Pathogenesis Page: ch20-15 Epidemiology Page: ch20-15 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch20-16 Botulism Page: ch20-16 Learning Outcomes Page: ch20-16 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch20-16 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch20-17 Pathogenesis Page: ch20-17 Epidemiology Page: ch20-17 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch20-18 Tetanus Page: ch20-20 Learning Outcomes Page: ch20-20 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch20-20 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch20-20 Pathogenesis Page: ch20-21 Epidemiology Page: ch20-22 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch20-22 Viral Diseases of the Nervous System Page: ch20-24 Viral Meningitis Page: ch20-24 Learning Outcome Page: ch20-24 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch20-24 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch20-25 Pathogenesis Page: ch20-25 Epidemiology Page: ch20-25 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch20-25 Poliomyelitis Page: ch20-25 Learning Outcomes Page: ch20-25 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch20-25 Pathogen and Pathogenesis Page: ch20-27 Epidemiology Page: ch20-27 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch20-27 Rabies Page: ch20-28 Learning Outcomes Page: ch20-28 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch20-28 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch20-28 Pathogenesis Page: ch20-28 Epidemiology Page: ch20-29 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch20-29 Arboviral Encephalitis Page: ch20-30 Learning Outcome Page: ch20-30 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch20-31 Pathogens Page: ch20-31 Pathogenesis Page: ch20-31 Epidemiology Page: ch20-32 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch20-33 Zika Virus Disease and Congenital Zika Syndrome Page: ch20-34 Learning Outcome Page: ch20-34 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch20-35 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch20-35 Pathogenesis Page: ch20-35 Epidemiology Page: ch20-36 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch20-36 Mycosis of the Nervous System Page: ch20-37 Cryptococcal Meningitis Page: ch20-37 Learning Outcome Page: ch20-37 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch20-37 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch20-37 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch20-38 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch20-38 Protozoan Diseases of the Nervous System Page: ch20-39 African Trypanosomiasis Page: ch20-40 Learning Outcome Page: ch20-40 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch20-40 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch20-40 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch20-40 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch20-41 Primary Amebic Meningoencephalopathy Page: ch20-42 Learning Outcomes Page: ch20-42 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch20-42 Pathogens, Pathogenesis, and Epidemiology Page: ch20-42 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch20-42 Prion Disease Page: ch20-43 Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (VCJD) Page: ch20-43 Learning Outcome Page: ch20-43 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch20-44 Pathogen, Pathogenesis, and Epidemiology Page: ch20-44 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch20-44 Microbial Diseases of the Eyes Page: ch20-45 Learning Outcomes Page: ch20-45 Structure of the Eye Page: ch20-45 Trachoma Page: ch20-45 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch20-45 Pathogen, Pathogenesis, and Epidemiology Page: ch20-46 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch20-46 Other Microbial Diseases of the Eyes Page: ch20-46 Chapter Summary Page: ch20-47 Structure of the Nervous System Page: ch20-47 Bacterial Diseases of the Nervous System Page: ch20-48 Viral Diseases of the Nervous System Page: ch20-48 Mycosis of the Nervous System Page: ch20-48 Protozoan Diseases of the Nervous System Page: ch20-48 Prion Disease Page: ch20-49 Microbial Diseases of the Eyes Page: ch20-49 Questions for Review Page: ch20-49 Multiple Choice Page: ch20-49 Fill in the Blanks Page: ch20-51 Visualize It! Page: ch20-51 Short Answer Page: ch20-52 Critical Thinking Page: ch20-52 Concept Mapping Page: ch20-53 21 Microbial Cardiovascular and Systemic Diseases Page: ch21-1 Structures of the Cardiovascular System Page: ch21-3 Learning Outcomes Page: ch21-3 Structure of the Heart Page: ch21-4 Learning Outcome Page: ch21-4 Movement of Blood and Lymph Page: ch21-5 Learning Outcome Page: ch21-5 Bacterial Cardiovascular and Systemic Diseases Page: ch21-5 Bacteremia (Septicemia) Page: ch21-5 Learning Outcomes Page: ch21-5 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch21-5 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch21-7 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch21-7 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch21-8 Endocarditis Page: ch21-9 Learning Outcome Page: ch21-9 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch21-9 Pathogens Page: ch21-9 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch21-9 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch21-9 Brucellosis Page: ch21-12 Learning Outcomes Page: ch21-12 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch21-12 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch21-12 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch21-12 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch21-12 Tularemia Page: ch21-13 Learning Outcome Page: ch21-13 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch21-13 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch21-13 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch21-13 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch21-13 Plague Page: ch21-15 Learning Outcomes Page: ch21-15 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch21-15 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch21-16 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch21-16 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch21-17 Lyme Disease Page: ch21-19 Learning Outcomes Page: ch21-19 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch21-19 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch21-19 Pathogenesis Page: ch21-20 Epidemiology Page: ch21-21 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch21-22 Ehrlichiosis and Anaplasmosis Page: ch21-24 Learning Outcomes Page: ch21-24 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch21-24 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch21-24 Pathogenesis Page: ch21-25 Epidemiology Page: ch21-25 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch21-25 Viral Cardiovascular and Systemic Diseases Page: ch21-26 Yellow Fever Page: ch21-26 Learning Outcome Page: ch21-26 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch21-27 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch21-27 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch21-27 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch21-27 Infectious Mononucleosis Page: ch21-28 Learning Outcomes Page: ch21-28 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch21-28 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch21-28 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch21-29 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch21-29 Cytomegalovirus Disease Page: ch21-30 Learning Outcomes Page: ch21-30 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch21-30 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch21-30 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch21-30 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch21-30 Dengue Fever and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Page: ch21-32 Learning Outcomes Page: ch21-32 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch21-32 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch21-32 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch21-34 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch21-34 African Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers Page: ch21-35 Learning Outcome Page: ch21-35 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch21-35 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch21-35 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch21-35 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch21-36 Protozoan and Helminthic Cardiovascular and Systemic Diseases Page: ch21-39 Malaria Page: ch21-39 Learning Outcomes Page: ch21-39 Toxoplasmosis Page: ch21-43 Learning Outcome Page: ch21-43 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch21-43 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch21-43 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch21-44 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch21-45 American Trypanosomiasis (Chagas’ Disease) Page: ch21-46 Learning Outcome Page: ch21-46 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch21-46 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch21-46 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch21-46 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch21-48 Schistosomiasis Page: ch21-49 Learning Outcome Page: ch21-49 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch21-49 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch21-49 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch21-50 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch21-51 Chapter Summary Page: ch21-54 Structures of the Cardiovascular System Page: ch21-54 Bacterial Cardiovascular and Systemic Diseases Page: ch21-54 Viral Cardiovascular and Systemic Diseases Page: ch21-55 Protozoan and Helminthic Cardiovascular and Systemic Diseases Page: ch21-56 Questions for Review Page: ch21-56 Multiple Choice Page: ch21-56 Matching Page: ch21-59 Fill in the Blanks Page: ch21-60 Visualize It! Page: ch21-60 Short Answer Page: ch21-61 Critical Thinking Page: ch21-62 Concept Mapping Page: ch21-63 22 Microbial Diseases of the Respiratory System Page: ch22-1 Structures of the Respiratory System Page: ch22-2 Structures of the Upper Respiratory System, Sinuses, and Ears Page: ch22-2 Learning Outcomes Page: ch22-3 Structures of the Lower Respiratory System Page: ch22-3 Microbiome of the Respiratory System Page: ch22-4 Learning Outcome Page: ch22-4 Bacterial Diseases of the Upper Respiratory System, Sinuses, and Ears Page: ch22-4 Streptococcal Respiratory Diseases Page: ch22-4 Learning Outcomes Page: ch22-4 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-4 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch22-5 Pathogenesis Page: ch22-5 Epidemiology Page: ch22-5 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-6 Diphtheria Page: ch22-8 Learning Outcomes Page: ch22-8 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-8 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch22-8 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch22-10 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-11 Rhinosinusitis and Otitis Media Page: ch22-11 Learning Outcome Page: ch22-11 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-11 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch22-11 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch22-12 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-12 Viral Diseases of the Upper Respiratory System Page: ch22-13 Common Cold Page: ch22-13 Learning Outcome Page: ch22-13 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-13 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch22-13 Pathogenesis Page: ch22-14 Epidemiology Page: ch22-14 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-15 Bacterial Diseases of the Lower Respiratory System Page: ch22-15 Bacterial Pneumonias Page: ch22-15 Learning Outcomes Page: ch22-15 Pneumococcal Pneumonia Page: ch22-16 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-16 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch22-16 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch22-16 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-17 Primary Atypical (Mycoplasmal) Pneumonia Page: ch22-17 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-17 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch22-17 Pathogenesis Page: ch22-18 Epidemiology Page: ch22-18 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-18 Klebsiella Pneumonia Page: ch22-18 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-19 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch22-19 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch22-19 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-19 Other Bacterial Pneumonias Page: ch22-19 Legionnaires’ Disease Page: ch22-21 Learning Outcome Page: ch22-21 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-21 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch22-21 Pathogenesis Page: ch22-21 Epidemiology Page: ch22-22 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-22 Tuberculosis Page: ch22-22 Learning Outcomes Page: ch22-22 Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Page: ch22-26 Learning Outcome Page: ch22-26 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-26 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch22-26 Pathogenesis Page: ch22-26 Epidemiology Page: ch22-26 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-27 Inhalational Anthrax Page: ch22-28 Learning Outcome Page: ch22-28 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-28 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch22-28 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch22-28 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-28 Viral Diseases of the Lower Respiratory System Page: ch22-29 Influenza Page: ch22-29 Learning Outcomes Page: ch22-29 Coronavirus Respiratory Syndromes Page: ch22-33 Learning Outcome Page: ch22-33 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-33 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch22-33 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch22-33 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-34 Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Infection Page: ch22-35 Learning Outcomes Page: ch22-35 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-35 Pathogen Page: ch22-35 Pathogenesis Page: ch22-35 Epidemiology Page: ch22-35 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-36 Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) Page: ch22-36 Learning Outcome Page: ch22-36 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-36 Pathogen Page: ch22-37 Pathogenesis Page: ch22-37 Epidemiology Page: ch22-37 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-37 Other Viral Respiratory Diseases Page: ch22-38 Learning Outcome Page: ch22-38 Mycoses of the Lower Respiratory System Page: ch22-39 Learning Outcome Page: ch22-39 Coccidioidomycosis Page: ch22-40 Learning Outcome Page: ch22-41 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-41 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch22-41 Pathogenesis Page: ch22-41 Epidemiology Page: ch22-41 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-42 Blastomycosis Page: ch22-42 Learning Outcome Page: ch22-42 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-42 Pathogen Page: ch22-42 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch22-43 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-43 Histoplasmosis Page: ch22-45 Learning Outcome Page: ch22-45 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-45 Pathogen Page: ch22-45 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch22-45 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-45 Pneumocystis Pneumonia Page: ch22-46 Learning Outcome Page: ch22-46 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch22-46 Pathogen Page: ch22-46 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch22-47 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch22-47 Chapter Summary Page: ch22-48 Structures of the Respiratory System Page: ch22-48 Bacterial Diseases of the Upper Respiratory System, Sinuses, and Ears Page: ch22-49 Viral Diseases of the Upper Respiratory System Page: ch22-49 Bacterial Diseases of the Lower Respiratory System Page: ch22-49 Viral Diseases of the Lower Respiratory System Page: ch22-50 Mycoses of the Lower Respiratory System Page: ch22-50 Questions for Review Page: ch22-50 Multiple Choice Page: ch22-50 Fill in the Blanks Page: ch22-51 Modified True/False Page: ch22-52 Visualize It! Page: ch22-52 Short Answer Page: ch22-53 Critical Thinking Page: ch22-53 Concept Mapping Page: ch22-54 23 Microbial Diseases of the Digestive System Page: ch23-1 Structures of the Digestive System Page: ch23-2 Learning Outcomes Page: ch23-2 The Gastrointestinal Tract Page: ch23-2 The Accessory Digestive Organs Page: ch23-3 Microbiome of the Digestive System Page: ch23-4 Learning Outcome Page: ch23-4 Bacterial Diseases of the Digestive System Page: ch23-5 Dental Caries, Gingivitis, and Periodontal Disease Page: ch23-5 Learning Outcomes Page: ch23-5 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch23-5 Pathogens, Virulence Factors, and Pathogenesis Page: ch23-6 Epidemiology Page: ch23-6 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch23-7 Peptic Ulcer Disease Page: ch23-8 Learning Outcomes Page: ch23-8 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch23-8 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch23-8 Pathogenesis Page: ch23-8 Epidemiology Page: ch23-9 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch23-9 Bacterial Gastroenteritis Page: ch23-10 Learning Outcomes Page: ch23-10 General Features Page: ch23-10 Shigellosis Page: ch23-12 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch23-12 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch23-12 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch23-13 Traveler’s Diarrhea Page: ch23-14 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch23-14 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch23-14 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch23-14 Campylobacter Diarrhea Page: ch23-14 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch23-14 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch23-15 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch23-15 C. diff. (Antimicrobial-Associated) Diarrhea Page: ch23-15 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch23-16 Pathogenesis Page: ch23-16 Epidemiology Page: ch23-16 Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment Page: ch23-16 Salmonellosis and Typhoid Fever Page: ch23-17 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch23-17 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch23-17 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch23-19 Cholera Page: ch23-19 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch23-20 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch23-20 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch23-21 Bacterial Food Poisoning (Intoxication) Page: ch23-23 Learning Outcomes Page: ch23-23 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch23-23 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch23-23 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch23-24 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch23-24 Viral Diseases of the Digestive System Page: ch23-25 Oral Herpes Page: ch23-25 Learning Outcomes Page: ch23-25 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch23-25 Pathogen and Pathogenesis Page: ch23-26 Epidemiology Page: ch23-26 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch23-27 Mumps Page: ch23-27 Learning Outcome Page: ch23-27 Viral Gastroenteritis Page: ch23-28 Learning Outcomes Page: ch23-28 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch23-28 Pathogens and Pathogenesis Page: ch23-28 Epidemiology Page: ch23-29 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch23-30 Viral Hepatitis Page: ch23-30 Learning Outcomes Page: ch23-30 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch23-30 Pathogens and Pathogenesis Page: ch23-31 Epidemiology Page: ch23-32 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch23-32 Protozoan Diseases of the Intestinal Tract Page: ch23-38 Giardiasis Page: ch23-38 Learning Outcomes Page: ch23-38 Cryptosporidiosis Page: ch23-38 Learning Outcomes Page: ch23-38 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch23-38 Pathogen and Pathogenesis Page: ch23-38 Epidemiology Page: ch23-39 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch23-39 Amebiasis Page: ch23-39 Learning Outcomes Page: ch23-39 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch23-39 Pathogen, Virulence Factors, and Pathogenesis Page: ch23-40 Epidemiology Page: ch23-40 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch23-40 Helminthic Infestations of the Intestinal Tract Page: ch23-42 Tapeworm Infestations Page: ch23-42 Learning Outcomes Page: ch23-42 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch23-42 Pathogens Page: ch23-42 Epidemiology Page: ch23-44 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch23-44 Pinworm Infestations Page: ch23-45 Learning Outcomes Page: ch23-45 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch23-45 Pathogen and Infestation Page: ch23-45 Epidemiology Page: ch23-46 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch23-46 Anisakiasis Page: ch23-46 Learning Outcomes Page: ch23-46 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch23-46 Pathogen and Infestation Page: ch23-46 Epidemiology Page: ch23-47 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch23-47 Chapter Summary Page: ch23-48 Structures of the Digestive System Page: ch23-48 Microbiome of the Digestive System Page: ch23-48 Bacterial Diseases of the Digestive System Page: ch23-48 Viral Diseases of the Digestive System Page: ch23-49 Protozoan Diseases of the Intestinal Tract Page: ch23-49 Helminthic Infestations of the Intestinal Tract Page: ch23-49 Questions for Review Page: ch23-50 Multiple Choice Page: ch23-50 Modified True/False Page: ch23-52 Fill in the Blanks Page: ch23-52 Matching Page: ch23-53 Short Answer Page: ch23-53 Visualize It! Page: ch23-54 Critical Thinking Page: ch23-55 Concept Mapping Page: ch23-56 24 Microbial Diseases of the Urinary and Reproductive Systems Page: ch24-1 Structures of the Urinary and Reproductive Systems Page: ch24-2 Structures of the Urinary System Page: ch24-2 Learning Outcome Page: ch24-2 Structures of the Reproductive Systems Page: ch24-4 Learning Outcome Page: ch24-4 Microbiome of the Urinary and Reproductive Systems Page: ch24-4 Learning Outcome Page: ch24-4 Bacterial Diseases of the Urinary System Page: ch24-5 Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections Page: ch24-5 Learning Outcomes Page: ch24-5 Leptospirosis Page: ch24-8 Learning Outcomes Page: ch24-8 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch24-8 Pathogen Page: ch24-8 Pathogenesis Page: ch24-8 Epidemiology Page: ch24-8 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch24-8 Streptococcal Acute Glomerulonephritis Page: ch24-10 Learning Outcome Page: ch24-10 Nonvenereal Diseases of the Reproductive Systems Page: ch24-10 Staphylococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome Page: ch24-10 Learning Outcome Page: ch24-10 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch24-10 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch24-10 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch24-10 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch24-11 Bacterial Vaginosis Page: ch24-12 Learning Outcome Page: ch24-12 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch24-12 Pathogens Page: ch24-12 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch24-12 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch24-12 Vaginal Candidiasis Page: ch24-13 Learning Outcomes Page: ch24-13 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Diseases (STDs) Page: ch24-16 Learning Outcomes Page: ch24-16 Bacterial STDs Page: ch24-18 Gonorrhea Page: ch24-18 Learning Outcomes Page: ch24-18 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch24-18 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch24-18 Pathogenesis Page: ch24-18 Epidemiology Page: ch24-19 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch24-20 Syphilis Page: ch24-22 Learning Outcomes Page: ch24-22 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch24-22 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch24-22 Pathogenesis Page: ch24-24 Epidemiology Page: ch24-24 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch24-25 Chlamydial Infections Page: ch24-26 Learning Outcomes Page: ch24-26 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch24-26 Pathogens and Virulence Factors Page: ch24-27 Pathogenesis Page: ch24-29 Epidemiology Page: ch24-29 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch24-30 Viral STDs Page: ch24-31 Genital Herpes Page: ch24-31 Learning Outcomes Page: ch24-31 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch24-31 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch24-31 Pathogenesis Page: ch24-31 Epidemiology Page: ch24-33 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch24-33 Genital Warts Page: ch24-34 Learning Outcomes Page: ch24-34 Pathogen, Signs, and Symptoms Page: ch24-34 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch24-34 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch24-34 Protozoan STDs Page: ch24-35 Trichomoniasis Page: ch24-35 Learning Outcome Page: ch24-35 Signs and Symptoms Page: ch24-35 Pathogen and Virulence Factors Page: ch24-35 Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Page: ch24-35 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Page: ch24-36 Chapter Summary Page: ch24-37 Structures of the Urinary and Reproductive Systems Page: ch24-37 Bacterial Diseases of the Urinary System Page: ch24-38 Nonvenereal Diseases of the Reproductive Systems Page: ch24-38 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Diseases (STDs) Page: ch24-38 Bacterial STDs Page: ch24-38 Viral STDs Page: ch24-39 Protozoan STDs Page: ch24-39 Questions for Review Page: ch24-39 Multiple Choice Page: ch24-39 Matching Page: ch24-40 Fill in the Blanks Page: ch24-41 Modified True/False Page: ch24-42 Short Answer Page: ch24-42 Visualize It! Page: ch24-43 Critical Thinking Page: ch24-44 Concept Mapping Page: ch24-45 25 Applied and Industrial Microbiology Page: ch25-1 Food Microbiology Page: ch25-2 The Roles of Microorganisms in Food Production Page: ch25-2 Learning Outcome Page: ch25-3 Bread Page: ch25-3 Fermented Vegetables Page: ch25-3 Fermented Meat Products Page: ch25-3 Fermented Dairy Products Page: ch25-3 Products of Alcoholic Fermentation Page: ch25-5 Wine and Spirits Page: ch25-5 Beer and Sake Page: ch25-7 Vinegar Page: ch25-8 The Causes and Prevention of Food Spoilage Page: ch25-9 Learning Outcomes Page: ch25-9 Causes of Food Spoilage Page: ch25-9 Intrinsic Factors in Food Spoilage Page: ch25-10 Extrinsic Factors in Food Spoilage Page: ch25-10 Classifying Foods in Terms of Potential for Spoilage Page: ch25-11 Prevention of Food Spoilage Page: ch25-11 Food Processing Methods Page: ch25-11 The Use of Preservatives Page: ch25-12 Attention to Temperature During Processing and Storage Page: ch25-12 Foodborne Illnesses Page: ch25-13 Learning Outcome Page: ch25-13 Industrial Microbiology Page: ch25-14 The Roles of Microbes in Industrial Fermentations Page: ch25-14 Learning Outcome Page: ch25-14 Industrial Products of Microorganisms Page: ch25-15 Learning Outcome Page: ch25-15 Enzymes and Other Industrial Products Page: ch25-15 Alternative Fuels Page: ch25-16 Pharmaceuticals Page: ch25-16 Pesticides and Agricultural Products Page: ch25-17 Biosensors and Bioreporters Page: ch25-17 Water Treatment Page: ch25-18 Learning Outcomes Page: ch25-18 Water Pollution Page: ch25-18 Waterborne Illnesses Page: ch25-18 Treatment of Drinking Water Page: ch25-20 Water Quality Testing Page: ch25-22 Treatment of Wastewater Page: ch25-23 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Page: ch25-23 Nonmunicipal Wastewater Treatment Page: ch25-25 Treatment of Agricultural Wastes Page: ch25-25 Artificial Wetlands Page: ch25-25 Chapter Summary Page: ch25-27 Food Microbiology Page: ch25-27 Industrial Microbiology Page: ch25-28 Questions for Review Page: ch25-28 Multiple Choice Page: ch25-28 Modified True/False Page: ch25-30 Fill in the Blanks Page: ch25-30 Matching Page: ch25-30 Visualize It! Page: ch25-31 Critical Thinking Page: ch25-32 Concept Mapping Page: ch25-33 26 Microbial Ecology and Microbiomes Page: ch26-1 Environmental Microbiology Page: ch26-3 Microbial Ecology Page: ch26-3 Learning Outcomes Page: ch26-3 Levels of Microbial Associations in the Environment Page: ch26-3 The Role of Adaptation in Microbial Survival Page: ch26-4 Bioremediation Page: ch26-5 Learning Outcome Page: ch26-5 The Problem of Acid Mine Drainage Page: ch26-5 Learning Outcome Page: ch26-5 The Roles of Microorganisms in Biogeochemical Cycles Page: ch26-7 Learning Outcomes Page: ch26-7 The Carbon Cycle Page: ch26-8 The Nitrogen Cycle Page: ch26-9 The Sulfur Cycle Page: ch26-10 The Phosphorus Cycle Page: ch26-11 The Cycling of Metals Page: ch26-12 Soil Microbiology Page: ch26-13 Learning Outcomes Page: ch26-13 The Nature of Soils Page: ch26-13 Factors Affecting Microbial Abundance in Soils Page: ch26-13 Microbial Populations in Soils Page: ch26-14 Soilborne Diseases of Humans and Plants Page: ch26-14 Aquatic Microbiology Page: ch26-15 Learning Outcome Page: ch26-15 Types of Aquatic Habitats Page: ch26-15 Freshwater Ecosystems Page: ch26-15 Marine Ecosystems Page: ch26-16 Specialized Novel Aquatic Ecosystems Page: ch26-17 Biological Warfare and Bioterrorism Page: ch26-17 Assessing Microorganisms as Potential Agents of Warfare or Terror Page: ch26-17 Learning Outcome Page: ch26-17 Criteria for Assessing Biological Threats to Humans Page: ch26-17 Criteria for Assessing Biological Threats to Livestock and Poultry Page: ch26-18 Criteria for Assessing Biological Threats to Agricultural Crops Page: ch26-18 Known Microbial Threats Page: ch26-18 Human Pathogens Page: ch26-18 Animal Pathogens Page: ch26-20 Plant Pathogens Page: ch26-20 Defense Against Bioterrorism Page: ch26-20 Roles of Recombinant Genetic Technology in Bioterrorism Page: ch26-21 Chapter Summary Page: ch26-23 Environmental Microbiology Page: ch26-23 Biological Warfare and Bioterrorism Page: ch26-24 Questions for Review Page: ch26-24 Multiple Choice Page: ch26-24 Modified True/False Page: ch26-25 Fill in the Blanks Page: ch26-25 Visualize It! Page: ch26-26 Critical Thinking Page: ch26-27 Concept Mapping Page: ch26-27 Answers to Questions for Review Page: AN-1 Chapter 1 Page: AN-1 Multiple Choice Page: AN-1 Fill in the Blanks Page: AN-1 Visualize It! Page: AN-1 Matching Page: AN-1 Concept Mapping Page: AN-1 Chapter 2 Page: AN-1 Multiple Choice Page: AN-1 Fill in the Blanks Page: AN-1 Visualize It! Page: AN-1 Concept Mapping Page: AN-1 Chapter 3 Page: AN-1 Multiple Choice Page: AN-1 Matching Page: AN-1 Visualize It! Page: AN-1 Concept Mapping Page: AN-1 Chapter 4 Page: AN-1 Multiple Choice Page: AN-1 Fill in the Blanks Page: AN-1 Visualize It! Page: AN-2 Concept Mapping Page: AN-2 Chapter 5 Page: AN-2 Multiple Choice Page: AN-2 Matching Page: AN-2 Fill in the Blanks Page: AN-2 Visualize It! Page: AN-2 Concept Mapping Page: AN-2 Chapter 6 Page: AN-2 Multiple Choice Page: AN-2 Fill in the Blanks Page: AN-2 Visualize It! Page: AN-2 Concept Mapping Page: AN-2 Chapter 7 Page: AN-2 Multiple Choice Page: AN-2 Fill in the Blanks Page: AN-2 Visualize It! Page: AN-2 Concept Mapping Page: AN-3 Chapter 8 Page: AN-3 Multiple Choice Page: AN-3 Modified True/False Page: AN-3 Visualize It! Page: AN-3 Concept Mapping Page: AN-3 Chapter 9 Page: AN-3 Multiple Choice Page: AN-3 Visualize It! Page: AN-3 Concept Mapping Page: AN-3 Chapter 10 Page: AN-3 Multiple Choice Page: AN-3 Visualize It! Page: AN-3 Concept Mapping Page: AN-3 Chapter 11 Page: AN-3 Modified True/False Page: AN-3 Multiple Choice Page: AN-3 Matching Page: AN-3 Visualize It! Page: AN-3 Concept Mapping Page: AN-3 Chapter 12 Page: AN-3 Multiple Choice Page: AN-3 Matching Page: AN-3 Visualize It! Page: AN-3 Fill in the Blanks Page: AN-3 Concept Mapping Page: AN-4 Chapter 13 Page: AN-4 Multiple Choice Page: AN-4 Matching Page: AN-4 Visualize It! Page: AN-4 Concept Mapping Page: AN-4 Chapter 14 Page: AN-4 Multiple Choice Page: AN-4 Fill in the Blanks Page: AN-4 Visualize It! Page: AN-4 Concept Mapping Page: AN-4 Chapter 15 Page: AN-4 Multiple Choice Page: AN-4 Modified True/False Page: AN-4 Matching Page: AN-4 Visualize It! Page: AN-4 Concept Mapping Page: AN-4 Chapter 16 Page: AN-4 Multiple Choice Page: AN-4 Modified True/False Page: AN-4 Matching Page: AN-4 Visualize It! Page: AN-4 Concept Mapping Page: AN-4 Chapter 17 Page: AN-4 Multiple Choice Page: AN-4 True/False Page: AN-5 Matching Page: AN-5 Visualize It! Page: AN-5 Concept Mapping Page: AN-5 Chapter 18 Page: AN-5 Multiple Choice Page: AN-5 Modified True/False Page: AN-5 Matching Page: AN-5 Visualize It! Page: AN-5 Concept Mapping Page: AN-5 Chapter 19 Page: AN-5 Multiple Choice Page: AN-5 Matching Page: AN-5 Fill in the Blanks Page: AN-5 True/False Page: AN-5 Visualize It! Page: AN-5 Concept Mapping Page: AN-5 Chapter 20 Page: AN-5 Multiple Choice Page: AN-5 Fill in the Blanks Page: AN-5 Visualize It! Page: AN-5 Concept Mapping Page: AN-5 Chapter 21 Page: AN-5 Multiple Choice Page: AN-5 Matching Page: AN-5 Fill in the Blanks Page: AN-6 Visualize It! Page: AN-6 Concept Mapping Page: AN-6 Chapter 22 Page: AN-6 Multiple Choice Page: AN-6 Fill in the Blanks Page: AN-6 Modified True/False Page: AN-6 Visualize It! Page: AN-6 Concept Mapping Page: AN-6 Chapter 23 Page: AN-6 Multiple Choice Page: AN-6 Modified True/False Page: AN-6 Fill in the Blanks Page: AN-6 Matching Page: AN-6 Visualize It! Page: AN-6 Concept Mapping Page: AN-6 Chapter 24 Page: AN-6 Multiple Choice Page: AN-6 Matching Page: AN-6 Fill in the Blanks Page: AN-6 Modified True/False Page: AN-6 Visualize It! Page: AN-6 Concept Mapping Page: AN-6 Chapter 25 Page: AN-6 Multiple Choice Page: AN-6 Modified True/False Page: AN-7 Fill in the Blanks Page: AN-7 Matching Page: AN-7 Visualize It! Page: AN-7 Concept Mapping Page: AN-7 Chapter 26 Page: AN-7 Multiple Choice Page: AN-7 Modified True/False Page: AN-7 Fill in the Blanks Page: AN-7 Visualize It! Page: AN-7 Concept Mapping Page: AN-7 Appendix A Abridged Microbiology in Nursing and Allied Health (MINAH) Undergraduate Curriculum Guidelines Page: A-1 Impact of Microorganisms in Health and Disease Page: A-1 Microbial Pathogenicity Page: A-1 Identifying and Managing Infectious Diseases Page: A-2 Healthcare-Acquired Infections and Epidemiology Page: A-2 Controlling Microbial Growth to Limit Disease Page: A-2 Scientific Thinking and Critical Thinking Skills Page: A-3 Microbiology Laboratory Skills Page: A-3 Appendix B Pronunciations of Selected Organisms and Viruses Page: A-4 Appendix C Metabolic Pathways Page: A-7A Appendix D Some Mathematical Considerations in Microbiology Page: A-14 Scientific Notation Page: A-14 Logarithms Page: A-14 Generation Time Page: A-14 Glossary Page: G-1 Credits Page: C-1 Photo Credits Page: C-1 Chapter 1 Page: C-1 Chapter 2 Page: C-1 Chapter 3 Page: C-1 Chapter 4 Page: C-1 Chapter 5 Page: C-1 Chapter 6 Page: C-1 Chapter 7 Page: C-1 Chapter 8 Page: C-1 Chapter 9 Page: C-1 Chapter 10 Page: C-1 Chapter 11 Page: C-1 Chapter 12 Page: C-2 Chapter 13 Page: C-2 Chapter 14 Page: C-2 Chapter 15 Page: C-2 Chapter 16 Page: C-2 Chapter 17 Page: C-2 Chapter 18 Page: C-2 Chapter 19 Page: C-2 Chapter 20 Page: C-2 Chapter 21 Page: C-3 Chapter 22 Page: C-3 Chapter 23 Page: C-3 Chapter 24 Page: C-3 Chapter 25 Page: C-3 Chapter 26 Page: C-3