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Preview Microbial symbionts of Great Barrier Reef sponges

I MICROBIAL SYMBIONTS OF GREAT BARRIER REEF SPONGES >AM M. BURJA. NIC OLD S. WEBSTER. PETER I MURPHY AND RUSSELL T. HILL BUrja, A.M.. Y\'ehster. N.8., Murphy, P.T. & Hill.R/I 199906 30: Microbial Svmbiontsof GreatBarrierReefSponges.Memo'u5o/'//ycQueewlfru.lMuseum44:63-75.Brisbane. ISSN 9079-3835. Microbial symbiontsoj rw«i sponges, Rhopaloekiesodorahik(Oietyoceratida: Spongiidae) and a new species 'Yen White Fan1 (VWF)(DTcfyoceratvda: Phyllospongiidae), Lire being studied in detail. Bacteria isolated from A', ud&wbile, V\VT. and the surroundingarribienl seawater were characterised using morphological, biochemical, arid molecular techniq Inthe case ofIt odurahilv, a single bacterium., designated NW001, was found todominate ulturablebacterialcommunity associated with the sponge but wasabsent fromambient seawater samples. Strain NW00I was predominant in aJl individual sponges sampled (N-40) from different regionsot theGreat BarrierReef, generally at more than an orderof magnitude greater than the second most common bacterium (NW002). The bacterial community associated with & adarabfkappears tobeflighty stable. InthecaseofVWF, ihe .irable bacterial community was more diverse and showed greater variation between individuals. This community general!}- comprised eight predominant bacteria, rarely isolated from water samples and constituting ca. 70% of the total eulturable bacteria. I.viensi\e biochemical testingwasperformedona!! isolates*togivedata forclusteranalyses to identify the major groups of bacteria present. One isolate from each sponge was characterisedat the molecular level by PCRamplification and sequencingof!6S ribosomal RNA gene fragments. Analysis of sequence from NW0D2 indicates it is a Pseudoattemmouus sp; Strain E300043J5 from VWF is a mteroalga. with 16S rRNA sequence from its piastidcloselyrelated tothat ofother plastirfs nfrntfrine eukaryotk algae. Thisstudy produced anarraj r>fwell-characterised Enjctobes fOJ natural products ser- in paru'. inn far importantcompoundsknown tobe protiuc ffisfH Sponge, syuihioHS, Djctyoceratidff, Demospon I6S rRNA. Rh lias adarah hiirmaisiiw, Vibria, i.dfeemniceM,lUPiMrLhi:So P3. TioMwunrspvihfyl,e\MfGa,rlnOeLBiDopr4a8dIuQetA&uGsrtroaulpisa:AuNsitcroalleianWeIbnssttietru,teFoajc'uMlfftryjrto/je Health, Lite, and Molecular Sa&iCoz, Jam tft University ofNorth Queensland txwnsviUc. OLD 48 /, Australia; Russell 7. Hill (email: hillna urftbl uwdedit), Cento, vj Marine Hioteelmotogy, Umversit] of Maryland Biatechnotbi titute 01 East Pratt . . Buttmtort: MD 21Jul USA: 4April I Symbiosis isconsideredapermanentassociation matrix and can occupy up to 60% ofthe sponge between organisms ofdifferent species. This term volume (Wilkinson, 1978a). is not restated to rnutualistic associations but The HoIm£V ofbaUcnum_sponuc associations encompasses all associations, regardless ot the hasd]CUed considerablc intcrest ^(m researchers type oj interaction between the individuals. investigating novel chemicals derived from Mutualistichactenal-mvenebratesymbiose^have sponges. The term symbJonl has been broadly been reported from many invertebrate taxa. applied and few investigators have explored Examples ofthese meltidc cellulolytic nitrogen metabolic relationships and capabilities of the fixingbacteria fromwoodboringbivalves(Shieh symhtont-host complex. One approach that will & Lin. 1994).methanotrophicbacteriaofbivalves contribute to understandingtheserelationships is (Dubilier et aL, 1995) and bacterial syrnbiotltS pf to isolate symbiotic bacteriaand investigate their echinoderms (Burnett & McKerizie, 1997; Kelly metabolic and taxonomic characterisi & McKenzie, 1995). Although chemoautotrophie Cosmopolitan microbial wmhiont* associated symbiosis has received the most attention, there vyith marine sponges include heterotrophic are also many symbtoses where the type ot bacteria, cvanobactcria and unicellular algae, interaction between the host and then symbiont Numerous studies have described three general remainsunknown. Mostsymbiotic bacteria from classes of heterotrophic bacterial-sponge spongeshave been located withinthe intercellular associations (Wilkinson. 1978a). 1 ) Small 1 64 MEMOIRS OF THF QUEENSLAND MUSEUM populationsofuosmppdlitanbacteriawiffiaspecies MATERIALS ANDMETHODS composition similar to thai (bund in the ambient iu_t These are most likely utilised asa food iNGE COLLECTION AND BACTERIAL rcc by the sponge. 2) Species- specific popul- ISOLATION. Material examined in this study ation inhabiting themesohyl region, not found in was collected using, SCI I M)m depth"). seawater, and most likely comprising true Seasonal sampling for bacterial community studies symbionts. 3] Fairly ill-defined, consisting of was conducted o\ I months at Davies Reef liketleyriatolobceatetdruewitshyimnbitnhnetsS.pOPHhenoty; pH (ASuOstnraaultiicaa,l milEeSs°4of9f.6TovS\.ns\ i|ll4e7, cO3ue4e.n4s91 iclared bacterial symbionts have been describe!d Immediately after collection, specimens ii onomicaily disparate sponges collected processed for bacterial isolation. Using aseptic raj ally remote Iocj technique, 3 km" section ofsponge tissue Sponge syinbioni ls have included members I>1 'lie ehxocmiosegdemansdedsuirnfasctee-rsitleerairltiisfeidc.ialSpsoenagweattiesrsu(eASWl ecus and using a uv.-riarand pestle. Serial dilutions | W&tftt (Sanlavy el al , 1990). U has boon I0*1 and I re prepared in ad plated determined that t'acullarivt i: onto several media for isolation ofmicrobes. n.iiahvthsi- a wide- nmge ofciompounds and may. Media for isolation of heterotrophic ba, imipjoi1r1atIteasnhtaarsienanrloestomeoib.receulnatpionsgtuwlaatiteerd(L\tuVChtaU:tfcisntIinciksyi were1roUnpsoanet-dlsieionlgetechntiiiscvsetvuimdbyar.rioiDsnifef(eQmoxeoMdtaidr)uimnaenAdPgCaSBrBS2A2.f1o6ia ;oIoniea may wtribiitors Ctive medium for bacterial pathogens (Oxoid 1 XirjufguencSttriuocntsurtahlairighiadivtey tbWeielnkisnusgogne,st|e9d78c)« af. 1i9m7b1ia) aBnlid MN + tBr1B2as(eW).aiBcGrb-ulry1 (&StaSrtifii -.ymhunits include digestion of 1978) were used for isolation of oxygenic tg the !i( ' i tfi . Litect phototrophs. Plates were incubatedat27 uporatiaa ofdissolved organic matter from period ranging between 2- Total cultur- rates,anddigestionandrecyclingofin i I 1 1 ci tony counts were obtained from I »if uble sponge collar Man' 1216spreadplates. Representati1 i poitgc syinbionls are of biotcchnoiogical ach morphotypc were cultured Irom initial interest since bioacliee compounds ofpotential isolation and cryoprcserved tor further stt* medical importance isolated Irom sponges Total bacterial counts were deterno ted 'in origin(Bewfcy& Faulkner, 19, 98; fluorescent microscopic, enumeration of ceils stained with 496-diatntdino-2-phetivImdole ley ei af. 1996; Stierle et af. L988) 1 Here bedby Porter & Feig(198i intakes in Symbionts winch produce bioacti\e compounds, ANNING AND TRANSMISSION lading consistent yield and large-scale ELECTRON Mb :'PV. Sponge sec production in iermemers, obviatingthe need for were pre I blade to Cut collection of sponges Irom natural cc Jmm thicksectionsofsponge'tissue, ensuring l/ilinskaset af, 1995). tha1t both the cciosome and choanosome were In this study, microbial symbionts v represented. Sections were fixed in 2 investigated in twfl Great Barrier Reef sponges, glutaraldehyde made in 0. 1 M sodium caeodylak- Rh<>; tes odorabiie Thornpson et at. butler fur ZOlirs. fixed samples wci (Dictyoceratida: Spongiidae) and a new species. into 1 1 odium eacodylate and stored aj 4°C ted here vVery White Fan' (VWF) (sec until further processing. Sect ponce jqirist et al., L999, this volume). This is a first tissue were placed in a 1% osmium tetroxide ascertainingwhether these symbionts solution (prepared in D.2M potassium phosphate Ii ed in the production id important buffer,pll 7.4)tor3.5hrs, Sections were pexQi ctive compounds tes odombite., and washed thoroughJ> in sterile distilled writer, common throughout ihe GBR, produces novel dehydrated in aexactedcfhano series! 15% I norscsiertcrpenes (rhopaloie actdsi whicll exhibit 75%, 85%and " aced in embedding ,, 1 potentcytotoxicactwinestOhtaet and capsules and coveted with Spurr's resin. Thin >" contains the compound fanolidI eI {if sections were cut and stained with 2% ui Murphy, unpublished data), which retards the acetate followed by 0.2% lead citrate. growth ofseveral tuniourccl] lines. were mounted on 200 mesh copper TLM grids GBR SPONGE MICROBIAL SYMBIONTS 65 TABLE 1. Type cultures used as control strains in morphological characteristics were determined: biochemical analyses. Key: ACMM, Australian colony morphology, gram stain and cell Collection of Marine Microorganisms; ATCC, morphology, plate swarming, oxidation/ American TypeCultureCollection. fermentation(Leifson, 1963; Lemoselal., 1985), Collection number Organism oxidase, catalase and growth at various salt ACMM667 Vibrioparahiwmoiviicus concentrations (0%, 1%, 6%, 8%). In addition AACCMMMM68698 VV..ipbarnio/haategimnoolivyltiiccuuss s1e5v0e|riagl,aanmtpibiicoitlilcinsus1c0e|pitgib&ilitpyolteysmtisx(i0n/1B29510iu&) ACMM90 V parahaemolyticus were performed along with growth on different media (Lecithinase^ DNase, TCBS, SBA). ATCC33809 Vibriofhivialis Several American Type Culture Collection ATCC33807 V. fluvialis (ATCC) and Australian Collection of Marine ATCC 7966 Aeromoruishydrophila Microorganism (ACMM) strains were included ATCC35624 Aeromonasgroup77 as controls (Table 1 ). Isolates were tentatively ATCC33509 Vibrioordalii identified to either the genus or species level by comparing their phenotypic characteristics with coated with carbon and Formvar. Samples were those of type cultures and by comparing visualised following standard scanning and biochemical test results, carbohydrate utilisation transmission electron microscopy techniques at patterns,andcellmorphologiestothoseofspecies James Cook University and University of described in Sergey's Manual of Systematic Queensland. Bacteriology (Holt, 1986) and Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (Buchanan & BIOCHEMICAL TESTING OF BACTERIAL Gibbons, 1974). ISOLATES. The isolates were characterised by DATA ANALYSIS. The levels ofrelatedness of determiningbiochemical characteristics in 96-well the bacteria were determined from the pheno- mHiacnrosteintr&e-pSloatrehseibmas(e1d99on1 ).mSeetvheordasl ddyeescirnidbiecdatboyr t1y9p8i4c).data using Jaccard's similarity index (Zar, toersntisthwienre,ebpaesref;onrimteradt:erMeodlulcetri'osn,arOgNinPiGne,, ilnydsoilnee,, Sy =a/(a + b + c) acetoin,tellurite,aesculin,alginate,acid-arabinose, whereSj=Jaccard'ssimilaritycoefficient, a=no. arbutin, glucose, inositol, mannose, salicin, species in sample A and sample B (joint occurr- sorbitol, sucrose, and urea. The following tests ences), b = no. species in sample B but not in wereperformedtodeterminetheabilityto utilise sample A, c = no. species in sample A but not in different carbon sources in assimilation broth: sample B. arabinose, cellobiose, galactose, glucose, Phenograms were constructed by using mannose,melibiose, lactose,melizitose,sucrose, unweighted pairgroup mean average (UPGMA) trehalose, xylose, ethanol, glycerol, propan-1-ol, linkage (Sokal & Michener, 1958), Euclidean sorbitol, gluconate, glucuronate, amygdalin, distances and the computer software package arbutin,citrulline,hydroxyproline,leucine,gluco- STATISTICA (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma). samine, hydroxybutyrate, a-ketoglutarate, succinate, base (control), adenine, aminovalerate, BACTERIAL IDENTIFICATION BY 16S N-acetyl-D-glucoseamine, ethanolamine, RIBOSOMAL RNA (rRNA) ANALYSIS. Two m-erythritol, D-fruetose, D-galacturonate, microbial isolates, NW002 from R. odorabile glutarate, inositol,malonate,maltoseandvalerate. and the microalga E30004315 were identified The assimilation broth contained (per litre) using a molecular approach, partial sequencing 0.015g of yeast extract, l.Og of ammonium ofthe 16S rRNA gene fragments amplified from chloride,0.075gofdi-potassiumhydrogenortho- these isolates using the polymerase chain phosphate, 6.1g of Tris (hydroxymethyl) reaction (PCR). Total DNA was prepared from aminomethane and 15g ofASW salts (pH 7.5). strains NW002 and E30004315 using a method Afterautoelaving, the carbon sources were filter modified from Ausubel et al. (1987). Oligonucleo- sterilised and added aseptically to a final tide primers with specificity for eubacterial 16S concentration of8%(wt/vol.). Inoculationswere rRNA aenes [Forward primer 8-27:5\AGAGTTT performed by suspending colony material in GATCCTGGCTCAG -31 (modified from FD1) ASW and inoculating lOOuJ of this suspension (Weisbunretal., 1991)andReverse primer 1492:5'- into each test. In addition, the following GGTTACCTTGnACGACTT-3, (Reysenbach et 66 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM al., 1992)] were used to amplify a OS rRNA gene fragment from I NW002. The cyanobacterial and plastid-speeific 16S rRNA primers described by Niibel cl ai. (1997) were used "tor E300043I5, since thisisolate, althoughunialgal,may have been contaminated with low numbers ofheterotrophic bacterid PCRfragmentswerepurifiedusing the Microcon 30 system (Amicon, Beverly. MA), and sequenced using the PRISM Ready Reaction Kit (PE Applied BioSystems. FosterCity, CA) and an AB1 310 sequencer PE Applied i BioSystems). Sequencingdatawere .cd by comparison to los rRNA genes in the Ribosomal Database Project {Maidak et al.. 1999; Maidak et al., 1991) and the (ienbank database, and aligned manuallyusingthePhydiisoftware (Chun, 1995). EVoLutiotiary trees wcrc inferred using the neighbour- & joining (Saitou Nci. 1987). Fitch-Margoliash {Fitch & Margoliasli, 1%7)andmaximum- parsimonv (Klu^e Si Harris. 1969) algorithms in the PI1YL1P package (Felsenstein, 1993). Evolutionarydistancematrices lor the neighbour-joining and Fitch- MargoIiash meIhods werc generated as described by Jukes & Cantor! 1969), Tree topologies were evaluated by performing bootstrap analyses of the neighbour-joining data, based on 1000 re-samplings (Felscnstein. I'Ui 1. Electron micrographs of VWF sponge sections. \, Low 1985). Abbreviations: A IMS, magnificationscanningelectron micrograph oJ spongesection. U,High magnification ofsponge section showing cells identified as putative Australian Institute of Marine eyanobaeteria on morphological criteria, ( -D, Low and high Science; ASW, Artificial seawatcr; magnification, respectively transmission electron micrograph of IMP1. Diamidino-phcnylindolc. sponge mesohy] section showing location of bacteria within 16S rRNA, 16S ribosomal kbactcrioc\tcs' and putative eyanobaeteria, indicated by arrows. ribonucleic acid; SBA, Sheep Blood Agar; TCBS, Thiosulphatc Citrate Bile electron microscopy to be present within the Salts Medium; VWF, Very While Fan. sponge VWF {.Fig. IA-D). Bacteria closely associated with the sponge tissue, possibly RESULTS embedded in a polysaccharide matrix, were presumed to be eyanobaeteria based on morpho- ELECTRON MICROSCOPY \ large and logical crileria (Fig. IB), since these cells complex bacterial community was shown by resemble filamentous eyanobaeteria (e.g. genus . GBR SPONGH MICROBIAL SYMBIONTS f>7 OsaVatoria). Cellspresumed to beothereubacteria, basedonthe standard morphological criteria of size, shape and membrane structure, were also in close contact with the sponge tissue and contained in cellular organelles resembling the "bacterioeytes1 described by VacelctA Donadey 1977)(fig. ( C-D). Sand grains were 1 observed which appeared to be incorporated into the aponge external structure (also reported by Bergquist, et al., 1999), possibly performing the function of increasing structural integrity (Shaw, 1927). The bacterial community within R odorabile was also large and appeared to be comprised oi' many different bacteria (Fig. 1I. The bacteria appearto bedispersedthroughout the sponge mesohyl and no bacteriocytes were evident. In contrast" u> VWF, cells FIG. 2. Transmission election micrograph showing the diversity of resembling cyanobacteria were bacteria]morphologiesand thedensityofbacterialcellswithin thetissue not seen. ofthe sponge R odorabile. BACTERIAL FNUMI•RATION VWF individuals from different locations Tlte average number of eulturable bacteria from VWF revealed several similarities. Eight eubacteria, direct plate counts obtained from was designated AB001 to AB00S. were frequently 3.6x10 /ml and the average Lota! count observed from0APJ stainingwas6.3x1oVnii.Only 0.0<v:n cObosmemruvneidtaysobfeVinWgFparatndofwtehreeefuolutnurdatbolebebapcrteesreinatl oftotal bacteria were able lobe recovered using traditional culture techniques. The range oftotal only in small numbers in samples from the water column. and eulturable bacterial counts found in samples fromeightindividual VWFspongesareshownin Atotal of220 isolateswereisolated lrom VWF Figure 3, samples collected between June 1997-May 1908 The average percentage ofeulturable bacteria from locations between Trunk Reel'and Davies 0f.r0o0m1A-\0.o8d%o.raTbhieleawvaersaognelypeQr,c1e%ntawgiethoafrbaanctgeerioaf Rceoenff,ormGerdeatto oBnaerorfieerighRteeclfu.steTrhse(sFeig.i5s)o.laTtweos able to be cultured from the water column was clusters were Gram-positive with the remainder 0.23% with a range from 0.003-0.9%. Total and being Gram-negative. The Gram-positive eulturablebacterialcountsfoundinsamplesfrom bacteria were further sub-divided by means of four individual A\ odorabile sponges and the cellular morphology. Approximately 40% ofall ambient seawater surrounding each sponge are bacteria (including strains AB004, AR007, and shown in Figure -1. AB00S)isolated from VWFclustered in phenons 6 and 7 (Fig. 5); these phenons contained the BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISATION Of vibrio and aoromonad representatives, re- BACTERIAL ISOLATFS. Morphological and spectively, ofthe ribrionaceae type strains used biochemical dataindicatedthat,at leastasjudged m this study. In addition, approximately 30% oi lrom the eulturable fraction, the bacterial the total bacterial community fell in a single community within VWFdiffered from thatpresent phenon (phenon S), which contained the strain in the water column. Culture results lrom 15 AB005, Of the remaining three Grani-ne&aihe 68 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 1.0C&08 I 1.0C&07 — &1.00B06 -I I ^ I I § 1.00&05 2 1.00BO4 § 1.00B03 o FIG. 4. Total and culturable bacterial counts from FIG. 3. Total and culturable bacterial counts from tissue offourR. odorahiie individuals and seawater tissue ofeight VWF individuals collected at Davies surrounding each individual collected at Davies Reef, Great Barrier Reef. Reef, Great BarrierReef. clusters,phenon3 containedpigmentedbacteria, catalase-positive and separated on the basis of phenon 4 included strains AB003 and AB004, carbonsourceutilisation. Oneofthefiveclusters and phenon 5 included strains AB001 and containedsmAeromonassp.typeculture(phenon AB002. StrainAB001 appears closely related to 6) and a second cluster contained the Vibrio NWOOl fromR. odorahiie*withbothstrainsbeing anguillarum type culture (phenon 4). NW001 representatives ofthe alpha-Proteobacteria (data was a Gram-negative rod; oxidase, catalase, not shown). urease, VP and indole positive; utilised adenine From biochemical and morphological dihydrogenase and had the ability to utilise observations, it was apparent that the bacterial glucoseandgluconateascarbonsources.NW002 communitywithinR. odorahiiewasquitedistinct was a Gram-negative rod, oxidase, catalase, VP, from the bacterial assemblages associated with indoleandacidarabinose positive. Itwas urease— the ambient water column. In general, both total cneagrabtoinvesaounrdcedsi.d nBootthutiNliWse00an1y aonfdthNeWt0es0te2d and culturable counts from sponges exceeded counts from the corresponding water samples. clustered within phenon 5. oTrhgeansipsomngedemsiicgrnoabtieodtaNwWaOsOld,omiwnhaetreedasbythains MICROALGAL ISOLATES. In addition to the isolate was completely absent inthe surrounding heterotrophic bacterial isolates, eight straiVnsWoFf water column. A small component of the oxygenic phototrophs were isolated from microbial community was observed in both the wanadsocnhearoafcttehersiesesdtrabiyns,1d6eSsirgnRaNteAd Ese3q0u0e0n4c3i1n5g sponge tissue and the ambient seawater. (below). A single phototroph strain was isolated A total of223 isolates were collected from 40 from R. odorahiie. Phototroph strains were not R. odorahiie samples collected between August characterised by biochemical testing because of I997-May 1998.Theseisolatesconformedtoone the difficulty in identification ofmicroalgae by of ten major clusters (Fig. 6). Two clusters this means; instead I6S rRNA sequencing was (phenons 9 & 10) were Gram-positive and these used as a method for identification of strain were distinguished from each other on the basis E30004315. of the oxidase reaction. Two of the Gram- negative clusters (phenons 1 & 2) were oxidase- PHYLOGENETIC POSITIONS BASEDON 16S negativeand showed profiles linkingthem tothe rRNA SEQUENCING. Phylogeneticrelationships Enterobacteriaceae. One of the Gram-negative, fortheplastidofmicroalgaE30004315 from VWF oxidase-positive clusters (phenon 3) was catalase- andheterotrophicbacterial strainNW002 from R. negative and the remaining five clusters were odorahiie are shown in Figures 7 and 8, 5 GBR SPONGE MICROBIAL SYMBIONTS 69 a 2 2 1 Grampositiverods Streptococcusspp. 7 Grampositivecocci UNIDENTIFIED GROUP 3 Gramnegativerods PIGMENTEDBACTERIA A Gramnegativerods UNIDENTIFIED GROUP AB003& AB006 5 Gramnegativerods PROTEOBACTERIA AB001& AB002 g Gramnegativerods Vibriospp. AB004.AB007&AB008 •7 Gramnegativerods Aeromonasspp. Q Gramnegativerods Photobacteriumspp. ABQ03 FIG. 5. Similarity dendrogram for isolates obtained from VWF. respectively.Theplastidfrom isolateE300043 invertebrates. Several studies have documented VWF 1 irom is closely related to plastids ofother diverse microbial communities associated with marine eukaryotic algae. NW002 is a Pseuch- sponges (Vacelet, 1970, 1975; Vacelet & alteromonas sp. Donadey, 1977; Wilkinson, 1978a,b,c; Santavy, 1985; Willenz & Ilartman, 1989; Santavy & DISCUSSION Colwell, 1990; Santavy et al., 1990; Lopezetal., 1999). These communities are generally Thiscomprehensivebiochemical and morpho- logical analysis of bacteria isolated irom two comprised of large numbers of heterotrophic Great Barrier Reef sponges further emphasises bacteria thatoften occupy upto60%ofthesponge thevariability inmicrobiotaassociatedwithmarine volume (Santavy, 1985; Wilkinson, 1978a,b). 70 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 2.0 1.5 Q^h 1.0 0.5 mm 0.0 i Gramnegative, oxidase(-) Snterobacteriaspp. 2 Gramnegative, oxidase(-) 'i Gramnegative, oxidase(+), catalase(-) A Gramnegative, oxidase(•*-), catalase(+) Vibriospp. flj Gramnegative, oxidase(+), catalase(+), CSU (-) NW001 & NW002 Gramnegative, oxidase(+), catalase(+), moller's(+) f: "T Gramnegative, oxidase(+), acid(+) © Gramnegative, oxidase(+), acid(-) »< *< Q Grampositive, catalase(-), oxidase(+) Streptococcusspp. 1 A Grampositive, catalase(-), oxidase(-) Streptococcusspp. FIG. 6. Similarity dendrogram for isolates obtained fromR. odorabile. PhenotypicanalysisofbacteriafromtheCaribbean evident from the present study, that the sponges VWF sclerosponge, Ceratoporella nichohoni revealed Rhopaloeides odorabile and support significant differences in sponge and seawater taxonomically diverse microbial assemblages, phenotypes (Santavy & Colwell, 1990). It is High microbial diversity is not surprising when GBR SPONGE MICROBIAL SYMBIONTS 71 MarinecloneHstpLl reported that many sponge phototrophs are — morphologicallyflattenedtoincrease surfacearea 82.f. p —MarinecloneHstpL4 for interception oflight. This is consistent with StrainE30004315 the structural morphology ofVWF. In contrast, only a single phototroph was isolated from 7?. Rhodophyte plastidEnvOCS54 odorahile and cells with characteristic cyanobacterialmorphologywerenotobservedon CjanobactenuwcloneLD27 microscopic examination ofR. odorahiletissue. Ansptew—McdLsimchloropiast The culturable bacterial community of R. r odorahilewasdominatedbystrainNW00 which 100.f.p i SternacwfttacMoroplatf comprised 74% of the total culturable b1a,cterial community in this sponge but was consistently L 5Up *-Metowmpeudocosfohtmchloropiast absentfromtheseawatersamples.Thisisthefirst -|—sup Marineeubacteritimagg56 report of a single bacterium comprising such a OkMkmrm high proportion ofthe culturable bacteria from a 1 chloropiast sponge. Previously, aspecific bacterial symbiont 0.01 was found in nine often sponges oftwo classes 1 /tau/atdirtcohchloropiast and seven orders, and a second symbiont was specific to the sponge Verongia, but only as one FIG. 7.Neighbour-joiningtree for631 bpofsequence componentofalargemixedbacterialcommunity poKbretiyam:ienrfesadnfdruospminisgntdrciaicynaatnEeo3bba0rc0at0ne4crh3iea1sl5taihsnaotdlawtpeelrdaesftiardlo-smsopVefcWoiuFfni,dc b(eWtiwlekeinnsNoWn0e0t1ala.,nd1R9.81o)d.orTahhielereprloavtiidoensshainp using the Fitch-Margohash or maximum-parsimony ideal model system for investigating the methods, respectively. Thenumbers at thenodes are relationshipbetweenthisstrainanditshostsponge percentages(onlyvaluesover50%shown)indicating because this isolate is predominant and has a the level of bootstrap support, based on a characteristic colony morphology which neighbour-joininganalysis of 1,000 re-sampled data facilitates enumeration of strain NW001 based sets. Scale bar represents 0.01 substitutions per solely on colony morphology. Initial indications nucleotide position. are thatthisrelationship persists overspatial and temporal scales and is highly stable (work in considering that sponges derive their nutrition progress). Although the relationship between from filtering the ambient seawater. It has been NW002 and R. odorahile appeared less stable, demonstrated thatmarine sponges arecapableof NW002 was frequently the second most discriminating between food bacteria and predominant culturablebacterium (afterNW001) bacterial symbionts. The mechanisms for this present in R. odorahile, and was present in the recognition are not clear but it has been spongetissue atmuch higherconcentrations than postulated that sponge phagocytic cells do not detectable in the ambient water surrounding the recognise the capsule coating of symbionts sponges. Similarly, strains AB001-AB008 were (Wilkinson et al., 1984). consistentlypresent inthespongeVWFathigher Eightpredominantheterotrophicbacteriawere concentrations than detected in the surrounding evident in the culturable community isolated seawater. The mechanism whereby the sponges from VWF and these isolates were generally acquire these symbionts is a topic of current absent from the surrounding seawater samples. research. These culturable bacteria clustered in several It appears as though the two sponges adopt phenonsonbiochemical analysis. Theculturable different strategies for harboring their microbial community ofVWF was more diverse than that communities. Rhopaloeides odorahilemaintains observed in R. odorahile and showed greater the bacterial ceils in the loose matrix of the fluctuations between individual sponges. One mesohy1,whereasVWFappearstoincorporatethe notable feature was the prevalence of cells cellsintostructuresreferredtoasbacteriocytes. In resemblingcyanobacteriawithintheVWFmatrix, VWF,thebacteriaarealsocloselyassociatedwith observed by microscopy. Also, eight strains of thesandgrainsjustbelowthecuticle.Thereasons phototrophs were isolated from this sponge. It is for these different approaches are uncertain but postulated that VWF is a phototrophic sponge, may relate to the structural composition of the deriving a component ofits carbon budget from sponge orthe function ofthe bacteria within the photosynthetic symbionts. Wilkinson (1992) has spongetissue.Rhopaloeidesodorahilemaintains 72 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM AUerotnonasaurantia Gram-positive bacteria, which made up 100fp approximately 10% ofthe total isolates in each Alteromonascitrea case.Earlystudiesofmarinemicrobiology found Psevtdoalteromonassp. ANGjo2 that about 95% ofmarine isolates were Gram- -negative (ZoBell, 946)butrecently30%ofthe '-: r 1 Pseudoalteromanassp.MB8-11 bacteria associated with a marine alga were & L_MI5S67ff.pHydiothemmlventstrainPVEOTU5 f1o9u9n5d) taondbeitGriasm-lpikoesliytitvheat(tJheensepnroporFteinoincalo,f NW002 Gram-positive bacteria in most marine habitats I & hasbeenunderestimated(Jensen Fenical, 1994). ^—NorthSeabacteriumH? Gram-positive bacteria include actinomycetes, a 76f.p —Ps&vtdoalteromonassp.SWOS dgirsocuopveorfyp.articular importance in natural products tPseudom.on.asatlantica Because of the difficulties in accurately S8f.p identifying marine bacteria by conventional •Pseudoa.iterom.anashaloplcmktis biochemicalcharacterisation,moleculartechniques ^ Pseudoaltarom.onasgracilis are the most appropriate for unequivocal identif- 83f ication of marine bacteria. A single isolate Pseudoatteromonascitrea (NW002) fromphenon 5 oftheassemblage from Pseudoaiteromonasantarctica R. odorabile was selected to demonstrate the '"-Lif utility ofthis approach and as a first step in the Alteromonasetyxkavn molecularidentification ofone isolate from each 87f^ phenon. In addition, because ofthe difficulty in Pseudoalteromanasnigrifaciens identification of marine microalgae by 63fl conventional techniques, phototroph isolate 01 Alteromonasdistincta E30004315 was characterised by 16S rRNA FIG. 8. Neighbour-joining tree for over 1,000 bp of sequence analysis ofits plastid. sequenceobtainedusingeubacterial-specificprimers Sequence analysis ofthe plastid ofmicroalgal fromstrainNW002 isolatedfromR. odorabile.Key:f strain E30004315 revealed that this plastid was andpindicatebranchesthatwerealsofoundusingthe Fitch-Margoliash or maximum-parsimony methods, most closely related to sequences of clones respectively. The numbers at the nodes are HstpLl and HstpL4, cloned from a library ofthe percentages(onlyvaluesover50%shown)indicating unculturedmicrobesassociatedwiththeseagrass the level of bootstrap support, based on a Halophilastipulacea,aubiquitousseagrassfrom neighbour-joining analysis of 1,000 re-sampled data the subtidal zone ofthe GulfofElat (Weidneret sets. Scale bar represents 0.01 substitutions per al., 1996). Anothercloserelationshipwastoclone nucleotide position. OCS54, aplastid rRNA sequence from anatural phytoplanktonpopulationcollectedinthePacific a bacterial community two orders ofmagnitude Ocean, off the mouth of Yaquina Bay, Oregon greaterthan thatpresent in tissue ofVWF. (Rappe et al., 1998). The identified microalgae with plastids clustering close to E30004315 fall isoBliaotceshefmriocmalVcWhFaraacntderRi.saotdioonraobfilaellwcausltuisveafbulle MinicthreosgceonpeircaeOxdaomnitnealtliaoannodfSEk3e0le0t0o4n3e1m5ar(eFvieg.al7e)d. in clustering each of these assemblages into morphology consistent with identification as a distinctphenons. Insome cases, the presumptive microalga in the eukaryotic phytoplanton, with identity of isolates could be deduced by cigar-shaped cells about lOum long. comparisonwithtypecultureswhichclusteredin the same phenon. However, this approach must Strain NW002 clearly belongs to the genus be used with caution because ofthe difficulty in Pseudoalteromonas, a genus with many marine identifying marine isolates based on criteria representatives, on the basis of the close generally established for readily-culturable phylogenetic relationship between this isolate isolatesofmedicalsignificance. Inaddition,many and sequences ofstrains classified in the genus isolates scorednegativeagainstalmostthe entire Pseudoalterowonas. The 16S rRNA sequence biochemicalprofile,asisfrequentlythecasewith mostcloselyrelatedtothatofNW002wasderived marineenvironmental isolates. Interestingly, two from a clone derived from a microbial mat at a phenons from each sponge comprised hydrothermal vent site, the Loihi Seamount,

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