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Microbial Fuel Cells Materials and Applications Edited by 1,2,3 4 Inamuddin , Mohammad Faraz Ahmer , 1,2 and Abdullah M. Asiri 1Centre of Excellence for Advanced Materials Research, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia 2Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia 3Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202 002, India 4Department of Electrical Engineering, Mewat College of Engineering and Technology, Mewat-122103, India Copyright © 2019 by the authors Published by Materials Research Forum LLC Millersville, PA 17551, USA All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher. Published as part of the book series Materials Research Foundations Volume 46 (2019) ISSN 2471-8890 (Print) ISSN 2471-8904 (Online) Print ISBN 978-1-64490-010-9 ePDF ISBN 978-1-64490-011-6 This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify this in any future reprints. Distributed worldwide by Materials Research Forum LLC 105 Springdale Lane Millersville, PA 17551 USA http://www.mrforum.com Manufactured in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Table of Contents Preface Microalgae–Microbial Fuel Cell Sabeela Beevi Ummalyma, Dinabandhu Sahoo, Ashok Pandey, Kooloth Valapil Prajeesh .................................................................................................. 1 The Progress of Microalgae Biofuel Cells Rajesh K. Srivastava ....................................................................................................... 21 Microbial Fuel Cell Operating Conditions Naveen Patel, Dhananjai Rai, MD. Zafar Ali Khan, Shivam Soni, Umesh Mishra, Biswanath Bhunia .................................................................................. 53 Microbial Fuel Cells Characterization Fatma Aydin Unal, Mehmet Harbi Calimli, Hakan Burhan, Fatma Sismanoglu, Busra Yalcın, Fatih Şen................................................................................................... 75 Paper-Based Microbial Fuel Cell Suruchee Samparnna Mishra, Swaraj Mohanty, Sonali Mohapatra ............................. 101 Carbon Nanotube Based Anodes and Cathodes for Microbial Fuel Cells Naveen Patel, Dhananjai Rai, Deepak Chauhan, Shraddha Shahane, Umesh Mishra, Biswanath Bhunia ................................................................................ 125 Use of Carbon-Nanotube Based Materials in Microbial Fuel Cells Hakan Burhan, Gazi Yilmaz, Ahmet Zeytun, Harbi Calimli, Fatih Sen ...................... 151 Biofuel Production from Food Processing Waste Nivedita Sharma, Kanika Sharma, Neha Kaushal, Ranjana Sharma ............................ 177 Microbial Desalination Cell: An Integrated Technology for Desalination, Wastewater Treatment and Renewable Energy Generation V.R.V. Ashwaniy, M. Perumalsamy ............................................................................. 221 Biofuels from Food Processing Wastes Rouf Ahmad Dar, Mudasir Yaqoob, Manisha Parmar, Urmila Gupta Phutela ........... 249 Microbial Fuel Cell for the Treatment of Wastewater Dibyajyoti Haldar, Mriganka Sekhar Manna, Dwaipayan Sen, Tridib Kumar Bhowmick, Kalyan Gayen ..................................................................... 289 Microbial Production of Ethanol Khush Bakhat Alia, Ijaz Rasul, Farrukh Azeem, Sabir Hussain, Muhammad Hussnain Siddique, Saima Muzammil, Muhammad Riaz, Amna Bari, Sehrish Liaqat, Habibullah Nadeem .......................................................... 307 Microbial Production of Propanol Mehmet Gülcan, Fulya Gülbağça, Kubra Sevval Cevik, Remziye Kartop, Fatih Şen ........................................................................................... 335 Keyword Index .............................................................................................................. 354 About the Editors ........................................................................................................... 355 Preface Nowadays, a renewable and clean source of energy is the need for our industrialized world. The industrial developments have increased the socioeconomic status of the people. On the other hand, it is leading to a global energy crisis, excessive environment pollution and depletion of fossil fuels. An alternative source of energy may somehow encounter these human threatening problems. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are one of the new renewable sources of energy that are based on the direct conversion of organic or inorganic matters to electricity by utilizing dynamic microorganism as a biocatalyst. Supported advancements and consistent improvement endeavours have recognized the practicality of microbial fuel cells for power generation in various specialized applications that require only low power, for example, ultracapacitors, small 3-wagon toy train, portable electronic gadgets, meteorological buoys, remote sensors, digital wristwatches, smartphones, hardware in space and robots. Wastewater treatment beyond electricity generation is also possible by using microbial fuel cells. Therefore, the values added applications of microbial fuel cells has drawn the wise attention of research and development specialist of various disciplines including, engineers, biotechnologists biologists, environmentalist, material scientists and mechanical engineers. The research in the area of microbial fuel cells has been in progress towards the development of practically viable technologies. Thus, microbial fuel cells based devices have an incredible future but still more research and development studies are needed for commercializing them at a large scale. Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications explores the various aspects of microbial fuel cells, including fuel cells electrochemistry, characterization techniques and operating conditions. The progress of microbial fuel cells is also discussed in brief. The use of different types of materials for the construction of anode and cathode are also reported. Wastewater treatment, desalination and biofuel production by using microbial fuel cells are also described in details. We are appreciative to all the contributing authors and their co-authors for their nice chapters. We may like to thank all publishers and authors who had given permission to use their figures, tables, and schemes. Inamuddin1,2,3, Mohammad Faraz Ahmer4 and Abdullah M. Asiri1,2 1Centre of Excellence for Advanced Materials Research, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia 2Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia 3Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202 002, India 4Department of Electrical Engineering, Mewat College of Engineering and Technology, Mewat-122103, India Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 1-20 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1 Chapter 1 Microalgae–Microbial Fuel Cell Sabeela Beevi Ummalyma1,*, Dinabandhu Sahoo1, Ashok Pandey2, Kooloth Valapil Prajeesh3 1Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD), A National Institute under Department of Biotechnology Govt.of India, Takyelpat, Imphal-795001 Manipur, India 2CSIR-Indian Institute for Toxicology Research, 226-001, Lucknow, India 3CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSIR-NIIST), Trivandrum-695 019, India * sabeela25@gmail.com Abstract Pollution of the environment associated with increased population along with energy consumption and the projected reduction of fossil fuels highlights the necessities for sustainable, cost-effective eco-friendly bio-energy sources. The latest research on microalgae revealed that algal biomass has promising technologies for biofuel production, high-value product development, carbon sequestration and wastewater treatment. However, the latest application of microalgal biomass is its use as microbial fuel cells (MFCs). Microalgae-based microbial fuel cells (mMFCs) are used as a device that can convert energy from sunlight into electrical energy through biological pathways. This chapter is aimed to highlight the advantages of microalgae for power generation in MFCs, factors influencing electricity production from algae, and future perspectives of mMFCs. Keywords Microalgae, Microbial Fuel Cells, Bioenergy, Algal Biomass Contents 1. Introduction ................................................................................................2 2. Microbial fuel cells .....................................................................................3 3. Microalgal microbial fuel cell (mMFC) technology ............................... 4 3.1 Role of microalgae at the anode ..........................................................4 3.2 Role of algae at the cathode ................................................................. 5 1 Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 1-20 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1 4. Factors affecting bioelectricity generation from microalgae ................ 6 4.1 pH .........................................................................................................6 4.2 Temperature .........................................................................................7 4.3 Light and photosynthesis .....................................................................7 4.4 Nature of substrate and its load. ..........................................................8 4.5 Membrane material ..............................................................................9 Future perspective and conclusion .....................................................................9 Acknowledgement ..............................................................................................1 0 References ...........................................................................................................1 0 1. Introduction The increase in alarming signals of global warming associated with the energy crisis throughout the world lead researchers to focus on alternative renewable energy sources. There are different types of resources which have been investigated for bio-energy applications ranging from corn, lignocellulosic biomass, agricultural and other industrial wastes [1]. Microalgae are known as photosynthetic green microscopic plants and resources for third generation biofuels. The advantageous features of algal biomass include high growth rate, availability throughout the year, cultivation on non-agricultural land and are non-competitive with food. The photosynthesis process is initiated with the photon induction in an algal cell similar to higher plants and carbon fixation into different storage compounds such as lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. Many types of research have proven that algal biomass can be used for biofuel production. However, the process technology has not been commercialized in a full-scale operation due to certain challenges associated with energy intensive and costly process. Algal biomass harvesting from liquid suspension itself is 30% of the cost of the whole process [2]. Consequently, a possible way of algal biomass utilization is where drying and harvesting are not involved in the process. Hence the coupling of algal biomass in microbial fuel cells represents a possible, cost effective, alternative environmental friendly technology for sustainable biorefineries. Microalgae can be mass cultivated in seawater, wastewater and rivers as valuable biomass enriched with carbohydrates, lipids and protein. They can be exploited for a wide range of applications of bio-energy with different routes for bio-oils, biodiesel, bioethanol, biomethane, hydrogen and even electricity as well [3-5]. The microalgal biomass production has been initiated with suitable algal strain selection and cultivation, dewatering of biomass from suspended water via harvesting methods followed by 2 Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 1-20 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1 subsequent thickening, drying, post-processing for oils and other product extractions [6]. For mass cultivation of algae, biomass is conducted either in phototrophic or mixotrophic cultivation systems. Algal growths under phototrophic conditions are limited by the light sources. Under high light intensities, the growth of cells is limited; whereas penetration of light can be affected at high cell density, penetration of light is limited to few millimetres of depth from the surface. However, photobioreactor with a large surface area per unit volume and appropriate light intensities are recommended [7]. Microorganisms’ cells have simple cellular construction for fast growth; usually grow in motile unicellular states which help for an easy harvest [8]. Algae-based photosynthetic microbial fuel cell (PMMFC) is an attractive technology, algae are utilized to provide organic substrates in the anodic compartment, production of oxygen for the cathodic compartment, carbon dioxide capture, biofuel production and wastewater treatment [1, 9-16]. This chapter summarizes the microalgal microbial fuel cells along with their advantages and limitations. Future perspectives for the commercial applications are also discussed. 2. Microbial fuel cells The microbial fuel cell (MFC) functions on the catalytic activity of certain microorganisms which utilize organic compounds as a substrate for generating electrons at anode [17]. The electrons present in the anode chamber travelled through an external circuit for electricity generation. These electrons are reduced in the cathode chamber and finally, redox reaction is completed. Proton exchange membranes (PEMs) are used for separating anode and cathode chambers [18]. The ordinary MFCs operate by using a variety of substrates such as alcohols [19], glucose [20], acetates [21] and organic compounds [22]. These fuel cells are gaining more attraction recently owing to their possibility as a renewable source of energy coupled with wastewater treatment [23, 24]. MFCs technology based on the microbiological process, where some bacteria oxidize organic compounds under anaerobic condition and power is generated as a result of electron transport via an electrical circuit. In addition, as a result of the metabolism of substrates, secondary byproduct like hydrogen is produced which can act as fuel and oxidized to produce electrons [25]. The main limitation of MFC is that it works on connection with wastewater treatment which reduces system performance and hence decreasing the output of power. Even though, for more power the substrate feeding rate needs to be increased which is not a cost effective process [26, 27]. The main problems of MFCs for practical use are the cost associated with high installation/operation along with the use of costly membranes and the Pt-implemented cathode. Research is undergoing to lower the fuel cell cost with the refinement of the architecture of MFCs [28] for applying single chamber design to proton 3

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