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SUBJECT INDEX (a) after a reference indicates a leading article; (c) correspondence; (n) note; (r) book review. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW COLLECTIVE BARGAINING See also Deportation, Labor Law, Social Collective bargaining or “collective beg- Welfare. ging”?: reflections on antistrikebreaker Making rules: an introduction — Steven legislation — Samuel Estreicher (a) Croley (r) 1511-38 577-608 Risk regulation and its hazards — Stephen F. Williams (r) 1498-510 COMMERCE CLAUSE AMENDMENTS TO THE Dormant Commerce Clause and state-man- CONSTITUTION dated preference laws: developing a more substantive application of the market-par- See Constitutional Amendments. ticipant exception, The — Benjamin C. Bair (n) 2408-37 ARBITRATION Federal Arbitration Act and individual em- COMMON LAW ployment contracts: a better means to an Federal common law and gaps in federal equally just end, The — William F. Ko- Statutes: the case of ERISA plan limita- lakowski III (n) 2171-91 tion periods for section 502(a)(1)(B) ac- tions — Jim Greiner (n) 382-429 ARMS See Gun Control. COMPARATIVE LAW Book notice — reviewing Evenson: Revolu- ATTORNEYS tion in the Balance: Law and Society in See Legal Profession. Contemporary Cuba 1835-40 BIAS CRIMES CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Punishment of hate: toward a normative Thirteen easy pieces — Frank I. Michelman theory of bias-motivated crimes, The — (r) 1297-332 Frederick M. Lawrence (a) 320-81 CORPORATIONS BIOGRAPHY Cook and the corporate shareholder: a be- Book notice — reviewing White: Justice Ol- lated review of William W. Cook’s publi- iver Wendell Holmes: Law and the Inner cations on corporations — Alfred F. Self 1894-913 Conard (r) 1724-38 Hugo Black among friends — Dennis J. Hutchinson (r) 1885-93 COURTS Justice Lewis F. Powell and the jurispru- dence of centrism — Mark Tushnet Case for appellate court revision, The — (r) 1854-84 Joseph F. Weis, Jr. (r) 1266-72 Modern Hamlet in the judicial pantheon, A — Charles Alan Wright (r) 1841-53 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE See also Fifth Amendment Protections. BOOKS Improving constitutional criminal procedure See also Books Reviewed, in this volume in- — Welsh S. White (r) 1667-85 dex. Privacy’s problem and the law of crim- 1995 survey of books relating to the inal procedure — William J. Stuntz (a) law 1173-913 1016-78 Notes on current books on law and related Problems with privacy’s problem, The — subjects 234-35, 430-31, 641-42, 850-51, Louis Michael Seidman (c) 1079-101 1164-65, 2218-20, 2438-39 Reply — William J. Stuntz (c) 1102-04 Michigan Law Review [Vol. 93 CRIMINOLOGY GUN CONTROL Putting women first — Mary Coombs It isn’t about duck hunting: the British ori- (r) 1686-712 gins of the right to arms — David B. Kopel (r) 1333-62 CRITICAL RACE THEORY See Politics. HATE CRIMES See Bias Crimes. DEMOCRACY See Politics. HAZARDOUS WASTE See Environmental Law. DEPORTATION Single-scheme exception to criminal depor- INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY tations and the case for Chevron’s step Intellectual property and the costs of com- two, The — David A. Luigs (n) 1105-38 mercial exchange: a review essay — Rob- ert P. Merges (r) 1570-615 EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION Employment discrimination claims under INTERNATIONAL LAW ERISA section 510: should courts require International law as a process — Louis B. exhaustion of arbitral and plan remedies? Sohn (r) 1828-34 — Jared A. Goldstein (n) 193-233 Last Minuet: disparate treatment after JURIES Hicks, The — Deborah C. Malamud (a) 2229-324 Book notice — reviewing Adler: The Jury: Trial and Error in the American Court- ENVIRONMENTAL LAW room 1363-72 Case against intermediate owner liability JURISDICTION under CERCLA for passive migration of hazardous waste, The — Robert L. Bron- Supplemental jurisdiction over claims by ston (n) 609-40 plaintiffs in diversity cases: making sense of 28 U.S.C. § 1367(b) — Darren J. Gold EVIDENCE (n) 2133-70 Transfer and choice of federal law: the ap- Conditional probative value: neoclassicism pellate model — Robert A. Ragazzo without myth — Richard D. Friedman (a) 703-71 (a) 439-77 Exaggerated and misleading reports of the LABOR LAW death of conditional relevance — Peter Tillers (c) 478-84 Are trojan horse union organizers “employ- ees”?: a new look at deference to the FEMINIST JURISPRUDENCE NLRB’s interpretation of NLRA section 2(3) — Jonathan D. Hacker (n) 772-93 See Criminology, Property. Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic: the inadequacy of modest proposals to FIFTH AMENDMENT PROTECTIONS reform labor law — Charles B. Craver Chopping Miranda down to size — Michael (r) 1616-44 Chertoff (r) 1713-23 Fifth Amendment first principles: the Self- LAW AND ECONOMICS Incrimination Clause — Akhil Reed Amar Book notice — reviewing Komesar: /mper- & Renée B. Lettow (a) 857-928 fect Alternatives: Choosing Institutions On the “fruits” of Miranda violations, co- in Law, Economics, and Public erced confessions, and compelled testi- Policy 1559-69 mony — Yale Kamisar (c) 929-1010 Public safety exception to Miranda: analyz- LAW AND LITERATURE ing subjective motivation, The — Marc Schuyler Reiner (n) 2377-407 Book notice — reviewing Kornstein: Kill Self-incrimination and the Constitution: a All the Lawyers?: Shakespeare’s Legal brief rejoinder to professor Kamisar — Appeal 1820-27 Akhil Reed Amar & Renée B. Lettow (c) Last Butskellite, The — John D. Ayer 1011-15 (r) 1805-19 1995] Index LAW AND THE ARTS PRIVACY, RIGHT OF “Genius of the place”: William Wilson Cook See also Criminal Procedure, Reproductive and the Michigan law quad, The — Technology. Kenneth A. Breisch (rt) 1778-86 Countermajoritarian paradox, The — Neal Devins (r) 1433-59 LEGAL EDUCATION Book notice — reviewing Gordon: Law PROPERTY School: A Survivor’s Guide 1261-65 Chix nix bundle-o-stix: a feminist critique of Case for (and against) Harvard, The — the disaggregation of property — Jeanne Robert W. Gordon (r) 1231-60 L. Schroeder (a) 239-319 Pragmatism, feminism, and the problem of LEGAL HISTORY bad coherence — Catharine Pierce Wells Book notice — reviewing Palmer: English (r) 1645-66 Law in the Age of the Black Death, 1348- 1381: A Transformation of Governance RECORDS and Law 1768-77 Freedom and criminal responsibility in the White House electronic mail and federal re- age of Pound: an essay on criminal justice cordkeeping law: press “d” to delete his- — Thomas A. Green (a) 1915-2053 tory — James D. Lewis {n) 794-849 History’s stories — Stephan Landsman (r) 1739-67 REGULATORY AGENCIES See Administrative Law. LEGAL PROFESSION De jure revolution? — Margaret M. Russell REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY (r) 1173-95 Denaturalizing the lawyer-statesman — Constitutional misconceptions — Radhika Anthony V. Alfieri (r) 1204-30 Rao (r) 1473-97 In defense of lawyers — Geoffrey C. Hazard, Jr. (r) 1196-203 RICO Should courts impose RICO’s pretrial! re- LEGAL THEORY straint measures on substitute assets? — Misunderstanding positivism — Anthony J. James M. Rosenthal (n) 1139-63 Sebok (a) 2054-132 SECURITIES LEGISLATIVE HISTORY Obsolescence of Wall Street: a contextual Congressional commentary on judicial inter- approach to the evolving structure of fed- pretations of statutes: idle chatter or eral securities regulation, The — Joel Se- telling response? — James J. 3rudney ligman (a) 649-702 (a) 1-106 SETTLEMENTS PERIODICAL INDEX Psychological barriers to litigation settle- Index to recent articles and comments ap- ment: an experimental approach — Rus- pearing in leading law reviews 236-37, sell Korobkin & Chris Guthrie (a) 107-92 432-38, 643-48, 852-55, 1166-72, 2221-27, 2440-47 SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLITICS Fictionalizing harassment — disclosing See also Constitutional Amendments, Pri- the truth — Maria L. Ontiveros vacy, Right of. (r) 1373-400 Power, responsibility, and republican de- mocracy — Marci A. Hamilton SOCIAL WELFARE (r) 1539-58 See also Poverty Law. Stark Karst — Richard Delgado (r) 1460-72 Study in regulatory method, local political cultures, and jurisprudential voice: the POVERTY LAW application of federal confidentiality law Poverty lawyering in the golden age — Mat- to Project Head Start, A — Richard C. thew Diller (r) 1401-32 Boldt (a) 2325-76 Michigan Law Review [Vol. 93 SOCIOLOGY VOTING On humiliation — Jeremy Waldron Democracy and dis-appointment — Pamela (r) 1787-804 S. Karlan (r) 1273-96 SUPREME COURT WITNESSES See Privacy, Right of. Case against section 1983 immunity for wit- nesses who conspire with a state official to TECHNOLOGY present perjured testimony — Jennifer S. See Records Zbytowski (n) 2192-217 UNIONS See Labor Law. AUTHORS Avrier!, ANTHONY V. — Denaturalizing GREEN, THOoMas A. — Freedom and Crimi- the Lawyer-Statesman (book re- nal Responsibility in the Age of Pound: view) 1204-30 An Essay on Criminal Justice 1915-2053 AMAR, AKHIL Reep & Letrow, RENEE B. HamILTon, Marci A. — Power, Responsi- — Fifth Amendment First Principles: The bility, and Republican Democracy (book Self-Incrimination Clause 857-928 review) 1539-58 AMAR, AKHIL REED & Letrow, RENEE B. HAZARD, Georrrey C., Jr. — In Defense — Self-Incrimination and the Constitu- of Lawyers (book review) 1196-203 tion: A Brief Rejoinder to Professor HuTCHINSON, Dennis J. — Hugo Black Kamisar (correspondence) 1011-15 Among Friends (book review) 1885-93 Ayer, Jonn D. — The Last Butskellite KaMISAR, YALE — On the “Fruits” of (book review) 1805-19 Miranda Violations, Coerced Confes- Bo.prt, RICHARD C. — A Study in Regula- sions, and Compelled Testimony (corre- tory Method, Local Political Cultures, and spondence) 929-1010 Jurisprudential Voice: The Application of KARLAN, PAMELA S. — Democracy and Federal Confidentiality Law to Project Dis-Appointment (book review) 1273-96 Head Start 2325-76 Kopet, Davip B. -— It Isn’t About Duck BREISCH, KENNETH A. — The “Genius Hunting: The British Origins of the Right of the Place”: William Wilson Cook to Arms (book review) 1333-62 and the Michigan Law Quad (book KoroskINn, Russet, & GUTHRIE, CHRIS — review) 1778-86 Psychological Barriers to Litigation Brupney, James J. — Congressional Com- Settlement: An Experimental mentary on Judicial Interpretations Approach 107-92 of Statutes: Idle Chatter or Telling LANDSMAN, STEPHAN — History’s Stories Response 1-106 (book review) 1739-67 CHERTOFF, MICHAEL — Chopping Miranda LAWRENCE, FREDERICK M. — The Punish- Down to Size (book review) 1713-23 ment of Hate: Toward a Normative The- CoNARD, ALFRED F. — Cook and the Cor- ory of Bias-Motivated Crimes 320-81 porate Shareholder: A Belated Review of William W. Cook’s Publications on Cor- MALAMUD, DEBORAH C. — The Last porations (book review) 1724-38 Minuet: Disparate Treatment After Hicks 2229-324 Coomss, Mary — Putting Women First (book review) 1686-712 Merces, Rosert P. — Intellectual Prop- erty and the Costs of Commercial Craver, CHARLES B. — Rearranging Deck Exchange: A Review Essay (book Chairs on the Titanic: The Inadequacy of review) 1570-615 Modest Proposals to Reform Labor Law (book review) 1616-44 MICHELMAN, FRANK I. — Thirteen Easy Cro.ey, Steven — Making Rules: An In- Pieces (book review) 1297-332 troduction (book review) 1511-38 MiLLerR, Bryny — Give Them Back Their De_Gapo, RICHARD — Stark Karst (book Lives: Recognizing Client Narrative in review) 1460-72 Case Theory 485-576 Devins, NEAL — The Countermajoritarian Ontiveros, Maria L. — Fictionalizing Paradox (book review) 1433-59 Harassment — Disclosing the Truth (book DitteR, MATTHEW — Poverty Lawyering in review) 1373-400 the Golden Age (book review) 1401-32 RaGazzo, Ropert A. — Transfer and EsTREICHER, SAMUEL — Collective Bar- Choice of Federal Law: The Appellate gaining or “Collective Begging”?: Reflec- Model 703-71 tions on Antistrikebreaker Legis- Rao, RADHIKA — Constitutional Miscon- lation 577-608 ceptions (book review) 1473-97 FRIEDMAN, RICHARD D. — Conditional RussELL, MARGARET M. — De Jure Probative Value: Neoclassicism Without Revolution (book review) 1173-95 Myth 439-77 SCHROEDER, JEANNE L. — Chix Nix Bun- Gorpon, Ropert W. — The Case for (and dle-O-Stix: A Feminist Critique of the Against) Harvard (book review) 1231-60 Disaggregation of Property 239-319 1995] Index xi SEBOK, ANTHONY J. — Misunderstanding TUSHNET, MARK — Justice Lewis F. Powell Positivism 2054-132 and the Jurisprudence of Centrism (book SEIDMAN, Louis MICHAEL — The Problems review) 1854-84 with Privacy’s Problem (correspon- WALDRON, JEREMY — On Humiliation dence) 1079-101 (book review) 1787-804 SELIGMAN, Jo—EL — The Obsolescence of Wels, JoserpH F., Jr. — The Case for Wall Street: A Contextual Approach to Appellate Court Revision (book the Evolving Structure of Federal Securi- review) 1266-72 ties Regulation 649-702 WELLS, CATHARINE PIERCE — Pragmatism, Sonn, Louis B. — International Law as a Feminism, and the Problem of Bad Coher- Process (book review) 1828-34 ence (book review) 1645-66 StunTz, WiLLiAM J. — Privacy’s Prob- Wuire, WetsH S. — Improving Constitu- lem and the Law of Criminal tional Criminal Procedure (book Procedure 1016-78 review) 1667-85 STUNTZ, WILLIAM J. — Reply (corre- WILLIAMS, STEPHEN F. — Risk Regulation spondence) 1102-04 and Its Hazards (book review) 1498-510 TILLERS, PETER — Exaggerated and Mis- WRIGHT, CHARLES ALAN — A Modern leading Reports of the Death of Condi- Hamlet in the Judicial Pantheon (book tional Relevance (correspondence) 478-84 review) 1841-53

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