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Michel Foucault: Personal Autonomy and Education Philosophy and Education VOLUME 7 Series Editors: C. J. B. Macmillan College ofE ducation. The Florida State University. Tallahassee D. C. Phillips School of Education. Stanford University Editorial Board: Richard J. Bernstein, New Schoolfor Social Research. New York David W. Hamlyn, University ofL ondon Richard J. Shavelson, University of California. Santa Barbara Harvey Siegel, University of Miami Patrick Suppes, Stanford University The titles published in this series are listed at the end of this volume. Michel Foucault: Personal Autonomy and Education by JAMES D. MARSHALL The University ofA uckland. New Zealand SPRINGER-SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.V. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Marshall, JaMes <JaMes D.) Mlchel Foucault : personal autonomy and educatlon I by James D. Marshall. p. CM. -- <Phllosophy and education ; v. 7) lncludes bibl lographlca 1 references (p. ) and indexes. ISBN 978-90-481-4697-0 ISBN 978-94-015-8662-7 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-015-8662-7 1. Foucault, Mlchel. 2. Foucault, Mlchel--Contrlbutlons in phllosophy of education. 3. Postmodernism and educat ion. 4. Autonomy (Phl1osophy) 1. Title. Il. Serles. B2430.F724M36 1996 194--dc20 96-11697 ISBN 978-90-481-4697-0 Printed on acid-free paper AII Rights Reserved ce 1996 Springer Science+Business Media Dord.recht Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1996 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements vii Preface Introduction : A Thousand Masks 3 Chapter 1 : Influences Upon Foucault 21 Chapter 2 : Liberalism and Liberaral Education SS Chapter 3 : Personal Autonomy as an Aim of Education 83 Chapter 4 : Education and Power III Chapter 5 : On Education 137 Chapter 6 : Personal Autonomy Revisited 165 Chapter 7 : Doing Philosophy of Education 195 Conclusion 213 References 221 Index of Names 237 Index of Subjects 243 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to acknowledge the following sources in which some of my ideas from my reading of Foucault have been presented. Some earlier ideas on Foucault were presented in: 'Foucault and Education,' Australian Journal of Education 33(2), pp. 97-111, 1989; and, 'Foucault and Educational Research,' in Stephen Ball ed., Foucault and Education: Discipline and Knowledge, London and New York, Routledge, pp. 11-28, 1990. Some of my more recent views are to be found also in: 'The Autonomous Chooser and 'Reforms' in Education,' Studies in Philosophy and Education 15(1) (forthcoming); 'Wittgenstein and Foucault: Resolving Philosophical Puzzles,' Studies in Philosophy and Education 14(2-3), pp. 329-344, 1995; 'Pedagogy and Apedagogy: Lyotard and Foucault at Vincennes,' in Michael Peters ed., Education and the Post- modern Condition, New York, Bergin and Garvey, pp. 167-192, 1995; and, 'Michel Foucault: Governmentality and Liberal Education,' Studies in Philosophy and Education 14(1), pp. 23-34, 1995. I also wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to the following scholars, whose accounts I use in the text: Gary Gutting for his account of Bachelard and Canguilhelm; Roy Boyne for his discussion of Foucault on madness; and Huck Gutman for his account of Rousseau and the Romantic self. vii PREFACE This book is designed to serve two purposes. First it provides an introduction to the ideas and works of Michel Foucault. It should be particularly appropriate for education students for whom, in general, Foucault is a shadowy presence. Second, it provides a Foucault based critique of a central plank of Western liberal education, the notion of the autonomous individual or personal autonomy. There are several introductions to Foucault but they tend to be written from a particular theoretical position, or with a particular interest in Foucault's ideas and works. For example Smart (1986) and Poster (1984) exemplify the former, and Dreyfus and Rabinow (1983) the latter. There is no substantial work in education on Foucault, apart from Ball (1990), which is an edited collection of papers by educationalists. The writer started reading Foucault from a position in education which was in the liberal framework, somewhere between Dewey, Freire and Habermas, but with an interest in punishment, authority and power. The book is the outcome of several years of trying to introduce students in education to his ideas and works in an educationally relevant manner. But an introduction, on its own, cannot show this relevance to education. Unless his ideas are put to work, unless they are used as opposed to mentioned in some sphere or area of education, then they may be of little relevance. In order to understand Foucault it is necessary to have some knowledge and understanding of the intellectual climate(s) in France post World War II, and the ideas, works and thinkers against which, and against whom, he defined and elaborated his thought. Also it is necessary to be aware of ideas, positions, and methods, that he adopted, adapted and made to groan. To comprehend the relevance of his work for education these ideas must be put to work. That is the intention of this book - to show that he provides the basis for a powerful critique of the post-Enlightenment ideal of personal autonomy. It is not just that this ideal is difficult to attain in education but that it is fundamentally incoherent; instead of liberating the individual and guaranteeing independence it promotes dependence, subjection and domination. According to Foucault: one writes things in part because one thinks them but also so one won't have to think them any more. Finishing a book is also not wanting to see it any more. As long as one has some love for his book one works on it. Once one no longer loves it, one stops 1 2 MICHEL FOUCAULT: PERSONAL AUTONOMY writing it. (quoted in Eribon, 1991: 277) This book is now finished, but it has been a long time in the writing, mainly because of constraints upon my energy and time from administrative duties. It has both suffered and prospered from short periods of intensive work whilst in Paris, during four visits in 1990-1992, and as a visiting professor at Simon Fraser University in 1991. It was substantially rewritten whilst I was a visiting fellow at Edith Cowan University in March/April 1994. I am grateful to the space and hospitality afforded me by these two universities, and to my friends Robin Barrow and Bruce Haynes in particular. I am also grateful for the patience of staff at the Biliotheque Nationale and the Bibliotheque Saulchoir, and for the assistance of M.Thierry Holzer of Mission des Archives du Ministere de l'Education Nationale. It was my former colleague Eric Braithwaite who, several years ago, passed me a copy of Foucault's Discipline and Punish. There are many of us who have intellectual debts to Eric. Finally, I would wish to acknowledge the continuing intellectual support for my work on Foucault of my friend and colleague Michael Peters, and the support over many years of Bridget. Josie Lander, Bridget Holland, Hilary Stewart, Denise Davies and Bev Cooke assisted with the preparation of the manuscript. James Marshall The University of Auckland INTRODUCTION A THOUSAND MASKS One of the more interesting and controversial thinkers to have emerged in the Western World in the twentieth century is Michel Foucault. According to Liberation (30 July,1984); "Sans doute la dernier grande voix d'aujourd'hui". Yet he does not seem to impinge directly and explicitly upon educational thought and practice. Where he has influenced Western thought it might be argued that it was at the periphery, perhaps heralding the end of traditional philosophy in the company of Jacques Derrida, or the end of history in the company of Nietzsche. If he has been seen as a visiting European scholar at North American Universities he may not have been taken as a serious philosopher, historian, whatever, but rather as a visitor to established intellectual fortresses, or as a vagabond without the gates demanding entrance. How can anyone who says this be taken seriously by University academics?: I think I have in fact been situated in most of the squares on the political checkerboard, one after another and sometimes simultaneously: as anarchist, leftist, ostentatious or disguised marxist, nihilist, explicit or secret anti-marxist, technocrat in the service of Guallism, new liberal etc. An American professor complained that a crypto-marxist like me was invited to the U.S.A., and I was denounced by the press in Eastern Europe for being an accomplice of the dissidents. None of these descriptions is important by itself; taken together, on the other hand, they mean something. And I must admit that I rather like what they mean. (Foucault, 1984a, p. 383f) The distinguished historian of religion, Georges Dumezil, was to say that there were a thousand F oucaults; "he wore masks, and he was always changing them", so that for Dumezil there was no true identity to be discovered beneath these masks and disguises (quoted in Eribon, 1991, p. xi). There was Foucault as scholar at a desk in the Bibliotbeque Nationale almost daily, there was Foucault the dandy, the academic, the Government advisor, the committed philosopher, engaged homme de 3 4 MICHEL FOUCAULT: PERSONAL AUTONOMY gauche, masked philosopher, and so on. If Dumezil rejected some of the alleged masks he never rejected Foucault. Academics seem exasperated that Foucault does not appear to fit into recognisable categories and does not employ reputable or even recognizable methodologies. Some historians (e.g., Maxcy 1977: Megill,1979) see him as a structuralist - which he vehemently denied, e.g., in the introduction to Words and Things - Foucault, 1973a); others object that he plays fast and loose with historical data and time, appealing to concepts like rupture and discontinuity which, they claim, fail to explain (Megill 1979). Philosophers find him to be incoherent (Taylor, 1986: Walzer, 1986), or protest that his methodology wavers between the philosophical, the politically strategic, and a moral onslaught (Fraser 1985). Marxists believe that what appears as a radical position on the Left cuts across the central and basic tenets of Marxism (or perhaps transcends Marxism by critiquing its fundamental assumptions). In some cases, Foucault is seen as providing important insights into individualisation and the operation of forms of power, even if the final account of power is inadequate (e.g., in relation to state power: Walzer,1986; Poulantzas, 1978). One former Marxist suggests, more radically, that 'the classic discourse of socialism is rendered problematic' (Smart 1983, 1986). But Foucault, like many other French intellectuals, did not write either for a narrow disciplinary or even for an intellectual audience alone as, for example, Discipline and Punish; the birth of the prison (Foucault, 1979a) was read by both criminologists and criminals alike. As a member of Le Group d'lnformation sur les Prisons (G.I.P.) he wrote on prison riots. Independently, as "un homme de gauche" he wrote upon and discussed with workers elements of the class struggle (see, e.g. the discussion with a worker named Jose, in Liberation, May 1973b). Yet he denied the title of intellectual: even that he knew any intellectuals (Foucault, 1980b). He was involved in a number of political causes, and both demonstrated (with Sartre!) and lobbied politicians (Eribon, 1991). However a burgeoning array of academic critiques attest to the interest that his work has aroused in both academic and professional circles. But,in general, Foucault has been ignored by educationalists - with the exception of a scattering of journal articles and an edited collection by Stephen Ball (1990). I would argue that Foucault should be taken for himself and not as some other person neatly classified into recognisable categories. At the time when he was at the height of his influence upon French intellectual life, when he had begun to occupy a position held

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