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Michael R. Whipple aka Sky Jones July 10, 2001 Oklahoma,City, Oklahoma UNITED STATES ... PDF

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Preview Michael R. Whipple aka Sky Jones July 10, 2001 Oklahoma,City, Oklahoma UNITED STATES ...

Michael R. Whipple aka Sky Jones July 10, 2001 Oklahoma,City, Oklahoma UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 2 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION) 3 Plaintiff, 4 CASE NO. V. )1:99CV02568(HHK) 5 (D.D.C.) C.E.C. INDUSTRIES CORPORATION, 6 GERALD H. LEVINE, and MARIE A. LEVINE, 7 8 Defendants. 9- 10 11 12 VOLUME I 13 DEPOSITION-OF MICHAEL R. WHIPPLE aka SKY JONES 14 TAKEN ON BEHALF OF THE PLAINTIFF 15 IN OKLAHOMA CITY,, OKLAHOMA 16 JULY10, 2061 -17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 REPORTED BY: KERRI L. WOOD, CSR TRENA K. BLOYE, CSR 25 Alderson Reporting Company I I I I 14th Street, N.W., Suite 400. 1-800-FOR-DEPO Washington, DC 20005 2 APPEARANCES 2 3 4 For the Plaintiff. Mark Kreitman Attorney at Law 5 450 5th Sheet Northwest Mail Stop 4-2 6 Washington, DC 20549 7 8 For the Defendants: John Dean Harper Attorney at Law 9 1250 Burnham, Suite 212 Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 10 I I Also Present: Marie A. Levine 12 13 14 15 16 INDEX 17 18 19 Page 20 Direct Examination by Mr. Kreitman 6 21 Cross-Examination by Mr. Harper 203 22 Redirect Examination by Mr. Kreitman 307 23 Recross-Examination by Mr. Harper 355 24 Further Redirect Examination by Mr. Kreitman.. 359 25 3 1 INDEX OF COMMISSION EXHIBITS Page 2 1 Notice 7 3 2 Photographs 19 4 3 50-Year Retrospective 47 5 4 CD Cover 67 6 5 ITEX Exhibit No. 24 and 80 Provenance Documentation 7 6 Appraisal - Wavephobia 82 8 7 The Treasure 89 9 8 A November 18, 2000, letter 110 to Detective Craig from 10 Whipple aka Jones 11 9 Banker Art Museum Authenticity 120 12 10 Retained by Counsel 126 13 11 1-22-96 "Banker Art Museum Newsletter" 130 14 12 Pheonix Art Capital Corp. Business Plan 131 15 13 Appraisal for Churchill Advancements, 135 Inc. 16 14 Compilation of Appiraisals 138 17 15 Banker Art Museum List of Paintings 139 18 16 Listing of Acrylic Paintings 142 19 17 Seventy Day Adventist Letter 146 20 18 Appraisal for Daniel R_ Southwick 147 21 5A Mid-Nevada Art, Inc. Provenance 148/152 Documents 22 19 1997 Whipple Depo 153 23 DEFENDANT'S INDEX OF EXHIBITS 24 Page 25 A Postcard 248 I STIPULATIONS 2 3 IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and 4 among the attorneys for the respective parties 5 hereto that the deposition of Michael R. Whipple 6 aka Sky Jones, maybe taken on behalf of the 7 Plaintiff, on the 10th day of July, 2001, in 8 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, by Kerri L. Wood, 9 Certified Shorthand Reporter within and for the 10 State of Oklahoma, pursuant to Notice and Subpoena I I and the Federal Rules. 12 IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED by and 13 among the attorneys for the respective parties 14 hereto that all objections, except as to the form 15 of the question, are reserved until the time of 16 trial, at which time they may be made with the same 17 force and effect as if made at the time of the 18 taking of this deposition. 19 IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED by and 20 among the attorneys for the respective parties 21 hereto that the time of filing of this deposition 22 is expressly waived. 23 24 25 5 1 BY THE COURT REPORTER: (Addressing the 2 witness) Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you 3 shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and 4 nothing but the truth, so help you God? 5 BY THE WITNESS: As well as I'm able, yes. 6 Is that good enough, or do you need it 7 more qualified? 8 BY MR. KREITMAN: I think that's good 9 enough. 10 BY THE WITNESS: Okay. 11 1 know under pressure, people lie; and 12 they can't help it. If they think they're 13 going to be punished, they automatically 14 lie. 15 BY MR. KREITMAN: Okay. 16 BY THE WITNESS: Okay? So, let's clear 17 that up right away. 18 BY MR. KREITMAN: Okay. 19 BY THE WITNESS: The next thing is -- is 20 the truth is a thing that's based on subjective 21 experience, not objective experience. My truth is 22 different than your truth. So, I think I could 23 rewrite the oath so it would be more meaningful. But 24 under the circumstances, I promise to tell the whole 25 truth and -- you know, per what it appears to be the 6 1 truth to me. 2 Now, I have found inthe past that 3 what I thought was the truth turned out not 4 to be the truth. So, I must have been 5 lying. I said I'd promise to tell the 6 truth, but as it seems to me and appears to 7 me. I certainly will cQoperate and -- and 8 say the truth as I perceive it. 9 Okay? Is that good enough? 10 BY MR. KREITMAN:. That's good enough. I I BY THE WITNESS: Okay. Good. 12 BY MR. KREITMAN: Okay. 13 14 MICHAEL R. WHIPPLE aka SKY JONES, 15 being first duly sworn, deposes and says in reply. 16 to the questions propounded as follows: IT -18 DIRECT EXAMINATION 19 BY MR. KREITMAN: 20 Q Good morning, Mr. Jones. 21 A Good morning, sir. 22 Q Yotfre here pursuant to a Notice of 23 Deposition? 24 A Uh-huh. 25 Q You have to answer audibly. 7 I A Oh, yes, sir. 2 Q Okay. And - 3 A I did read that. 4 Q Okay. And I'm going to show you a 5 documentand ask you if this is, in fact, the Notice 6 of Deposition and Document Request that you received 7 and pursuant to which you appear here today 8 (Tendering). 9 A (Reviewing document) All right. 10 Where's Donna? Donna couldn't make it? 11 Q Donna couldn't make it. 12 A Okay. That's fine. 13 All right. Yes, sir, I believe this is 14 the exact same one that I received. 15 Q Thank you. 16 A Uh-huh. 17 BY MR. KREITMAN: I'd ask the court 18 reporter to mark this as Commission Exhibit -- 19 Commission Deposition Exhibit I -- 6r let's make that 20 Commission Jones Deposition Exhibit 1. .21 (Commission Exhibit No. I marked 22 for identification and made part 23 of the record) 24 BY MR. HARPER: Do you have copies for me? -25 BY MR. KREITMAN: I don't, but it's the 8 1 BY MR. HARPER. Okay. Do you have copies 2 from any of the other -- of the other? 3 BY MR. KREITMAN: I think I probably will 4 have them. BY MR. HARPER: I hope you do. 6 BY MR. KREITMAN: If -- If any - If I 7 don't - If there's any that I don't have, I will 8 certainly make it available to -- for you to examine. 9 BY MR. HARPER: Okay. Well, can we get 10 copies made here? I I BY MR. KREITMAN:' Sure enough, as far -- as 12 far as I know. 13 BY MR. HARPER: Okay. 14 Q (By Mr. Kreitman) Okay. Mr. Jones, 15 what's now been marked as Commission Exhibit Jones 1 16 contains a Document Request in three parts. 17 A Uh-huh. 19 Q And I'm 19 A I mean yes. 20 Q Okay. - 21 And I'm going to read each part to you 22 and ask you whether you have produced any document 23 pursuant to that request' Ile first one is: Any and 24 all - Any and all documents that relate to, refer 25 to, reflect, describe, evidence, or concern each 9 I piece of artwork described in the lists attached as 2 Exhibit A, including all documents relating to their 3 value and authenticity. And Exhibit A is identified 4 in the upper right-hand c6meras Exhibit A and is, 5 in fact, the last two pages of Jones Commission 6 Exhibit 1; and it bears Bates Nos., in the lower 7 fight-hand comer, CLOO00529 and what appears to be a 8 Bates No. 078 1. 9 I'm going to ask you to take a look at 10 these -at Exhibit A and tell us if you have brought I I any documents responsive to the request that makes 12 reference thereto. 13 A I don't have any documents relating to 14 any of these paintings here; although, some of them 15 were on public display. And I'm familiar with what 16 these paintings are here. 17 Q Okay. Did you make any search of your 18 documents to see if you had any responsive to that 19 first 20 A Yes. 21 Q -- document request? 22 A Yes, I did. And I came up with this 23 right here (Procuring). 24 During this time, Mr. David Newren and 25 Ms. Pamela Weston were schlepping thy art. And 10 I David Newren I had to call the police because he 2 pulled up a semi and he held off everything. And 3 when I finally signed the settlement, it was prior to 4 the inspection. There's a lot of things missing from 5 the semi. 6 Pamela Weston -- This here is to 7 Detective Jeff Craig where -- Detective Jeff Craig of 8 the Fort Worth Police Department, reporting 9 Pamela Weston from stealing the semi trailer and its 10 contents. And this happened over four years ago. I I I've notified them. 12 1 furnished the -- Now, in the semi 13 there's all kinds of information. All my legal files 14 are in there, all my invoices. The -- She cleaned me 15 out. There's -- She disappeared. There's a lot of 16 paintings. I spent a lot of time working on them; 17 and she took them all, took all the papers. She 18 was -- 19 BY MR. HARPER: Did you say "she" took them 20 all? 21 Sorry. 22 BY THE WITNESS: She She did, yeah. 23 A And David Newren, he he took a lot of 24 papers, too. I never received any papers from him. 25 He was an independent art dealer that contacted these I folks and did whatever happened for them to get the 2 art. 3 And this -- 4 Q (By Mr. Kreitman) Let's do this just to 5 expedite things. 6 A Okay. 7 Q Why don't you just tell us very briefly 8 what the documents that you brought are; and at a 9 break -- 10 A This is -- I I Q -- we'll have a look at them -- 12 A Okay. 13 Q -- and then ask the -- 14 A All right. 15 Q -- questions about them. 16 A This Item No. I here is from Detective 17 Jeff -- to Detective Jeff Craig about Pamela Weston 18 stealing all my stuff and not bringing it back. 19 Q Okay. 20 A All right? And that's what that is. And 21 1 would like a copy -- I would like the original 22 back. 23 Q Okay. 24 A It's the only one I've got. 25 Q And I see -- 12 1 A Then -- 2 Q I'm sorry. 3 A Okay. And -- 4 Q I -- I see you have some other documents* 5 there. 6 A Uh-huh. But 7 Q Why don't -- Why don't you just give them 8 to me and we'll look at them over the break and then 9 you can identify them for 10 A You already I I Q the record. 12 A have a copy of every one -- everything 13 that's in this book here. 14 Q Okay. 15 A This right here you don't have a copy of. 16 This is the one that happened after -- First of all, 17 it was David Newren and then it went to Ronald 18 Welborn and then it went to Pamela Weston. Then it 19 went to Pastor Mark Papendick and his son, Michael 20 Weston, the Seventh Day Adventist Church of Glendale, 21 California- They also ran off with a semi load full 22 of stuff. So -- 23 BY MR. HARPER: Can you identify what 24 you're reading -- the document? 25 BY THE WITNESS: This right here says: "To 13 1 the Seventh Day Adventist Leadership of Glendale, 2 California." And then it says: "December 17th, 3 2000. Dear sirs, on December 21st, 22nd, and 23th, 1 4 will be passing this letter out in the Glendale 5 community." 6 Q (By Mr. Kreitman) I'm going to interrupt 7 you for a minute, Mr. Jones. 8 A Okay. But, anyway, you should 9 Q Okay. 10 A -- read over what that is. I I Q We will look overall --Why not just 12 give us all the documents that you've produced that 13 are responsive to the document request? 14 A Uh-huh. 15 Q And we'll look them over during a break 16 and -- 17 A And then give me back -- 18 Q Okay. 19 A Well -- Well, the -- The only thing 20 that -- 21 Q Any of them that you want the originals, 22 we'll give you back 23 A Oh, okay. 24 Q -- and make copies. 25 A All right. Now -- 14 I Q So, why don't you just,-- 2 A Now -- 3 Q -- give them all to me. 4 A Now - 5 Q And we don't even have to identify them 6 for the record at this point. 7 A Okay. 8 Q We'lldosolater. Thank you. 9 A Okay. 10 Q Are these also documents that you've 11 produced? 12 A No. 13 Q Okay. Now,if you can, retum the-- 14 A Okay (Tendering). 15 Q -- Subpoena to me., 16 Okay. Have you now given us all of the 17 documents that you found that were responsive or that 18 are responsive to the first part of the document 19 request, the one I read into the record? 20 A I believe so. I - 21 Q Okay. 22 A You understand that this isn't the first 23 time I've been - had this - had a deposition; and 24 the last time I had it, all of the - the things on '25 file are available to you. And there isn't anything 15 1 that I have that you do not have in your files; and I, 2 am familiar with what was delivered by -- not by 3 myself, but also by the other people that you 4 deposed. .5 Q Very well. 6 And we do have those --tome of those 7 documents here with U's. 8 A Excellent. 9 Q Let me ask you to listen to the second 10 request -- - 11 A Okay. 12 Q -- which was -- in the -- in the document 13 request attached to the Notice of Deposition and 14 Subpoena-- 15 A Sure. Sure. 16 Q -- which was "any and all documents that 17 relate to, refer to, reflect, describe, evidence, or 18 concern any legal or -- or beneficial ownership 19 interest in or any acquisition or disposition of any 20 Sky Jones'artwork by C.E.C. Industries Corporation; 21 OTS Holdings, Inc.; Mid-Nevada Art, Inc.; 22 David Newren; Gerald H. Levine; and/or Marie A. 23 Levine at any time during the period from January 1, 24 1993, through the present. 25 And my question is: Have you brought any I& I documents today with you that are responsive to that 2 request? 3 A I have no documents in that area. The 4 What I would have had has been stolen. 5 Q I see. 6 And the third request which is "any and 7 all documents that relate to, refer to, reflect. 8 describe, evidence, or concern a public cash market 9 for Sky Jones' paintings or the existence of such a 10 market during the period from January 1, 1993, to the I I present. 12 A I haven't brought any papers relating to 13 that, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist or 14 hasn't existed. 15 Q Okay. But do you have any in your 16 possession? '17 A No, I don't -- When it comes to -- In 18' -barter we have a rule. The rule is: Whoever takes 19 possession loses. Now, that is a pretty profound 120 rule if the person ' s trying to acquire. I practice 21 that; and, so, I don't take possession because in 22 every case, you know, you're -- you're taxed for 23 whatever you take possession of or you have to pay 24 rent and so forth. So, we just have a rule not to 25 take possession. 17 1 Q Very well. 2 A That way, you can you can control the 3 object; and the object isn't controlling you. So, 4 1 1 -- Another thing is: I'm nowhere near the 5 cash market. I don't even mess around with cash. 6 Huh? Cash -- what's that? 7 Q Okay. 8 A I live on, 30 to $40 cash a week; and what 9 -1 do need in the line to do my job, I can get very 10 easily through barter I I Q Very well. 12 A -- which is same as cash. 13 BY MR. KREITMAN: The attendees at the 14 deposition did not introduce themselves for the 15 record when we began, and I'd like us to do that now. 16 My name is Mark Kreitman. I'm a trial attorney with 17 the Securities and Exchange Commission. 18 BY MS. LEVINE: I'm Marie Levine. 19 BY MR. HARPER: I'm John Dean Harper, 20 attorney for Marie and Gerald Levine. 21 BY MR. KREITMAN: Very well. 22 Q (By Mr. Kreitman) Mr. Jones, you were 23 subpoenaed here as Sky Jones; but I understand that 24 that might not be your actual christened or given 25 name. 18 1 A Uh-huh. 2 Q What is your -- 3 A Michael Richard Whipple. 4 Q Very well. #. - 5 And are there other names that you have 6 been known by? 7 A Uh-huh. 8 Q What are they? 9 A Well, let's see. I use Joseph Banker, 10 Arthur Carter, Richard Dickens. I I Q I see. 12 And none of those people exist other than 13 as names for you? Thats right? 14 A Uh-huh. 15 Q Okay. Where do you currently live? 16 A Just down the street here in No. 16 17 Northeast 2nd. It's just about two and a half blocks 18 from this building -- 19 Q Is that a -- 20 A -- in a place called the Banker's Art 21 Museum. And I have a photo of it here if you'd like 22 to see it. 23 Q Yes. 24 A I acquired the building 90 days ago. 25 IVs been a lot of work fixing it up. But here's -- 19 1 Here's a -- the front - front of the building as 1 2 started working on it~ cleaning it up. And here's 3 pictures of me on the inside, you know, painting it, 4 making it nice. 5 Q Okay. Very well.

10 copies made here? I I. BY MR. KREITMAN:' Sure enough, as far -- as. 12 far as I know. 13. BY MR. 22 you said that you had worked for the Scientology. 23 organization at one point. 24. A Uh-huh. Uh-huh. 25 . Now, who the hell is Joe Banker? Well,. 4. I'm connected to all the other Joe Bankers
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