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Michael Prince, PMI-ACP Carolyn Yon, PMI-ACP - SCGMIS PDF

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Preview Michael Prince, PMI-ACP Carolyn Yon, PMI-ACP - SCGMIS

Michael Prince, PMI-ACP Carolyn Yon, PMI-ACP Richland County WWhhyy AAuuttoommaattee AAGGIILLEE PPrroojjeecctt MMggmmtt??  Why VersionOne?  VVeerrssiioonnOOnnee aatt RRiicchhllaanndd CCoouunnttyy   Electronic Scrum Meetings  Flexibilityy  Customization  Reporting  Monitoring and Coaching Usingg AGILE since 2008  All Development Activity use Agile Process  Two Teams   Michael Prince  Stand-Alone Projects  Large Projects - Scrum  Medium Projects - Scrum  Carolyn Yon  Multi-Deppartment//Multi-Apppplication  Small to Medium New Projects - Scrum  Enhancement / New Features to existing systems - Scrum  Production Supppport – Scrumban ((Scrum // Kanban)) Currently 5 Active Projects  Production Supppport  23 Team Members  IInnccrreeaassiinngg nnuummbbeerr ooff pprroojjeeccttss uussiinngg AAGGIILLEE  Space required for Physical boards and Scrum  VVaarriieettyy ooff PPrroojjeecctt nneeeeddss – TTeeaamm ssiizzee, dduurraattiioonn,  visibility and reporting MMaannaaggiinngg bbaacckklloogg ooff ssttoorriieess  Differing Features for projects  NNeeeedd ttoo uussee SSccrruumm aanndd SSccrruummbbaann pprroocceesssseess  Need for comprehensive reporting  WWee iinnvveessttiiggaatteedd sseevveerraall ttoooollss – VVeerrssiioonnOOnnee,,  Target Process, Rally, Trac, Aldon, ScrumWorks Many of these tools provided a limited use  model or a free trial Overall VersionOne met our specific needs  V1 provided a SaaS model that was very  appealing to us In the last 2 years V1 has improved their  product significantly VV11 wwoouulldd aallllooww uuss ttoo ccrreeaattee SSccrruumm bbaasseedd  projects and Scrumban projects V1 Allows us to conduct Scrums via  touchscreen monitors and overhead projector V1 allows us to track pprojject pproggress througgh  a number of reports V1 made it significantly easier to manage and  maintain the backlog for projects V1 allows tracking team members capacity &  availability across multiple projects and tasks. We are able to conduct Scrum meeting via V1  SSpprriinntt DDuurraattiioonnss ccaann bbee sseett ffoorr eeaacchh pprroojjeecctt  Projects can share Features or maintain their  oowwnn lliisstt ooff ffeeaattuurreess Allows for creating Epics which can be broken  down into rigght-sized stories for a spprint Retrospectives results are maintained in V1  RReelleeaassee ppllaannnniinngg iiss aavvaaiillaabbllee  A high level plan for the next set period of time  UUppddaatteedd aatt tthhee ssttaarrtt ooff eeaacchh SSpprriinntt  Tells what can be done and when it can be  ddoonnee

Why Automate AGILE Project Mgmt? ❖ Why Automate AGILE Project Mgmt? ❖ Why VersionOne? ❖ VersionOne at Richland County. ❖ VersionOne at Richland
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