Michael Prince, PMI-ACP Carolyn Yon, PMI-ACP Richland County WWhhyy AAuuttoommaattee AAGGIILLEE PPrroojjeecctt MMggmmtt?? Why VersionOne? VVeerrssiioonnOOnnee aatt RRiicchhllaanndd CCoouunnttyy Electronic Scrum Meetings Flexibilityy Customization Reporting Monitoring and Coaching Usingg AGILE since 2008 All Development Activity use Agile Process Two Teams Michael Prince Stand-Alone Projects Large Projects - Scrum Medium Projects - Scrum Carolyn Yon Multi-Deppartment//Multi-Apppplication Small to Medium New Projects - Scrum Enhancement / New Features to existing systems - Scrum Production Supppport – Scrumban ((Scrum // Kanban)) Currently 5 Active Projects Production Supppport 23 Team Members IInnccrreeaassiinngg nnuummbbeerr ooff pprroojjeeccttss uussiinngg AAGGIILLEE Space required for Physical boards and Scrum VVaarriieettyy ooff PPrroojjeecctt nneeeeddss – TTeeaamm ssiizzee, dduurraattiioonn, visibility and reporting MMaannaaggiinngg bbaacckklloogg ooff ssttoorriieess Differing Features for projects NNeeeedd ttoo uussee SSccrruumm aanndd SSccrruummbbaann pprroocceesssseess Need for comprehensive reporting WWee iinnvveessttiiggaatteedd sseevveerraall ttoooollss – VVeerrssiioonnOOnnee,, Target Process, Rally, Trac, Aldon, ScrumWorks Many of these tools provided a limited use model or a free trial Overall VersionOne met our specific needs V1 provided a SaaS model that was very appealing to us In the last 2 years V1 has improved their product significantly VV11 wwoouulldd aallllooww uuss ttoo ccrreeaattee SSccrruumm bbaasseedd projects and Scrumban projects V1 Allows us to conduct Scrums via touchscreen monitors and overhead projector V1 allows us to track pprojject pproggress througgh a number of reports V1 made it significantly easier to manage and maintain the backlog for projects V1 allows tracking team members capacity & availability across multiple projects and tasks. We are able to conduct Scrum meeting via V1 SSpprriinntt DDuurraattiioonnss ccaann bbee sseett ffoorr eeaacchh pprroojjeecctt Projects can share Features or maintain their oowwnn lliisstt ooff ffeeaattuurreess Allows for creating Epics which can be broken down into rigght-sized stories for a spprint Retrospectives results are maintained in V1 RReelleeaassee ppllaannnniinngg iiss aavvaaiillaabbllee A high level plan for the next set period of time UUppddaatteedd aatt tthhee ssttaarrtt ooff eeaacchh SSpprriinntt Tells what can be done and when it can be ddoonnee