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MGG. Molecular & General Genetics 1991: Vol 229 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview MGG. Molecular & General Genetics 1991: Vol 229 Table of Contents

Contents No.1 1-160 issued September 1991 No. 2 161-324 issued October I 1991 No. 3 325-482 issued October II 1991 Allmansberger R > JacobS 189 Coplin DL — Poetter K 155 sion potential in a dnaA mutant of Allmen J-M von, Rottmann WH, Gengen- Creanor J + MacNeill SA 109 Escherichia coli 175 bach BG, Harvey AJ, Londsdale DM: Crowne H — Sedgwick SG 428 Fromm H, Katagiri F, Chua N-H: The to- Transfer of methomyl and HmT-toxin Croy RRD — Fordham-Skelton AP 460 bacco transcription activator TGA1a sensitivity from T-cytoplasm maize to to- Cundliffe E + Holmes DJ 229 binds to a sequence in the 5’ upstream bacco 405 region of a gene encoding a TGA 1a-re- Andersen LN — Pedersen PA 285 Daniels MJ — Dums F 357 lated protein 181 Aparicio C + Zimmer W 41 D’Ari R — Kuczius T 479 Fsihi H > DassaJ 341 Apirion D + Oh B-K_ 52 Dassa J, Fsihi H, Marck C, Dion M, Arnold W — Selbitschka W 86 Kieffer-Bontemps M, Boquet PL: A new Gaidamakova EK — Blinov AG 152 Audino DC — Denis CL 395 oxygen-regulated operon in Escherichia Gainey LDS, K6lble K, Connerton IF: Iso- coli comprises the genes for a putative lation and expression of the acetate-in- Bae Y-S > Ohira M 325 third cytochrome oxidase and for pH 2.5 ducible isocitrate lyase gene (acu-3) from Beltran J-P + Nacken WKF 129 acid phosphatase (appA) 341 Neurospora crassa: Evidence for a Belyaeva ES ~ Kim AJ 437 Dekker S > Cleton-Jansen A-M 206 second constitutive isozyme 253 Belyaeva ES > VlassovalIE 316 Denis CL, Audino DC: The CCR1 (SNF1) Gale MD — Cheung WY 373 Beppu T > Vujaklija D 119 and SCH9 protein kinases act indepen- Gancedo C — Stucka R 307 Bhaya D, Grossman A: Targeting proteins dently of cAMP-dependent protein ki- Gartner D > JacobS 189 to diatom plastids involves transport nase and the transcriptional activator Gehrung S > Padmanabha R 1 through an endoplasmic reticulum 400 ADR1 in controlling yeast ADH2 ex- Gengenbach BG — Allmen J-M von 405 Blinov AG, Sobanov YV, Gaidamakova pression 395 Glimelius K + HakanssonG 380 EK, Bogachev SS, Kolesnikov NN, Fi- Dennis ES — Brettell RIS 365 Gomi K — TadaS 301 lippova MA, Kiknadze Il: MEC: A Dequin S > Stucka R 307 Goosen N — Cleton-Jansen A-M 206 transposable element from Chironomus Dion M — DassaJ 341 Graphodatsky AS > Vlassova IE 316 thummi (Diptera) 152 Domon C, Evrard J-L, Pillay DTN, Stein- Groot A de, Filloux A, Tommassen J: Bodi Z, Gysler-Junker A, Kohli J: A quan- metz A: A 2.6 kb intron separates the Conservation of xcp genes, involved in titative assay to measure chromosome signal peptide coding sequence of an the two-step protein secretion process, in stability in Schizosaccharomyces pombe anther-specific protein from the rest of different Pseudomonas specis and other 77 the gene in sunflower 238 gram-negative bacteria 278 Bogachev SS — Blinov AG 152 Doyle N — Sedgwick SG 428 Grossman A + BhayaD 400 Boquet PL > DassaJ 341 Dums F, Dow JM, Daniels MJ: Structural Gustafsson P > Jansson S 67 Boulet A > Fabre F 353 characterization of protein secretion Gysler-Junker A > Bodi Z 77 Bowring FJ, Catcheside DEA: The initia- genes of the bacterial phytopathogen tion site for recombination cog is at the Xanthomonas campestris pathovar cam- Hajec LI — Volker MR 319 3’ end of the his-3 gene in Neurospora pestris: relatedness to secretion systems Hakansson G, Glimelius K: Extensive nu- crassa 273 of other gram-negative bacteria 357 clear influence on mitochondrial tran- Brettell RIS, Dennis ES: Reactivation ofa Dunn MA, Hughes MA, Zhang L, Pearce scription and genome structure in male- silent Ac following tissue culture is asso- RS, Quigley AS, Jack PL: Nucleotide se- fertile and male-sterile alloplasmic Nico- ciated with heritable alterations in its quence and molecular analysis of the low tiana materials 380 methylation pattern 365 temperature induced cereal gene, BLT4 Hanhart CJ > KoornneefM 57 Buchwald P, Krummeck G, Rédel G: Im- 389 Hansen L, Wettstein-Knowles P von: The munological identification of yeast SCO1 barley genes Ac// and Ac/3 encoding acyl protein as a component oft he inner mi- Eisenstadt E + Woodgate R 81 carrier proteins I and III are located on tochondrial membrane 413 Eitinger T > Kuczius T 479 different chromosomes 467 Bystrém AS > KorchC 96 Elmerich C > Zimmer W 41 Hara S > TadaS 301 Ennis DG —> Woodgate R 10 Hartley MR > Fordham-Skelton AP 460 Castorph H > Kuczius T 479 Erratum 324 Harvey AJ > Allmen J-M von 405 Catcheside DEA — Bowring FJ 273 Evrard J-L — DomonC 238 Hattori J + Rutledge RG 31 Cebula TA — Woodgate R 81 Heemskerk E — Pastink A 213 Chao S + Cheung WY 373 Fabre F, Boulet A, Faye G: Possible in- Henschke RB > Niicken EJ 137 Cheung WY, Chao S, Gale MD: Long- volvement of the yeast POLIII DNA Heyde M, Coll J-L, Portalier R: Identifica- range physical mapping of the a-amy- polymerase in induced gene conversion tion of Escherichia coli genes whose ex- lase-1 (a-Amy-/) loci on homoeologous 353 pression increases as a function of exter- group 6 chromosomes of wheat 373 Faye G — Fabre F 353 nalpH 197 Chua N-H — Fromm H 181 Filippova MA — Blinov AG 152 Hillen W — JacobS 189 Cleton-Jansen A-M, Dekker S, Putte P van Filloux A + Groot Ade 278 Hogg RW, Voelker C, Von Carlowitz I: de, Goosen N: A single amino acid sub- Fogel S + Welch JW 261 Nucleotide sequence and analysis of the stitution changes the substrate specificity Fordham-Skelton AP, Taylor PN, Hartley mgl operon of Escherichia coli K12 453 of quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase MR, Croy RRD: Characterisation of sa- Holmes DJ, Cundliffe E: Analysis of a ri- in Gluconobacter oxydans 206 porin genes: in vitro expression and ribo- bosomal RNA methylase gene from Coddington A — Talbot NJ 267 some inactivation 460 Streptomyces tenebrarius which confers Coll J-L + Heyde M_ 197 Fralick JA: Studies on the alteration of resistance to gentamicin 229 Connerton IF + Gainey LDS 253 chromosome copy number and cell divi- Hong S-K — Vujaklija D 119 IV Horinouchi S > Vujaklija D 119 Maloney DH — Welch JW 261 and genomic organization of a highly ex- Hughes MA > Dunn MA 389 Marck Ch — DassaJ 341 pressed late nodulin gene subfamily in Huijser P + Nacken WKF 129 Marcker KA — Richter HE 445 soybeans 445 Maxwell Dow J — Dums F 357 Rédel G > Buchwald P 413 Ikeda H — Ohira M 325 Miki BL > Rutledge RG 31 Rottmann WH — Allmen J-M von 405 Ivey DM, Krulwich TA: Organization and Mountain HA — KorchC 96 Rottschafer T > Selbitschka W 86 nucleotide sequence of the atp genes en- Russell DA, Sachs MM: The maize cyto- coding the ATP synthase from alkaliphil- Nacken WKF, Huijser P, Beltran J-P, solic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehy- ic Bacillus firmus OF4 292 Saedler H, Sommer H: Molecular char- drogenase gene family: Organ-specific acterization of two stamenspecific genes, expression and genetic analysis 219 Jack PL ~ Dunn MA 389 tap! and fil/, that are expressed in the Rutledge RG, Quellet T, Hattori J, Miki Jacob S, Allmansberger R, Gartner D, Hil- wild type, but not in the deficiens mutant BL: Molecular characterization and ge- len W: Catabolite repression of the oper- of Antirrhinum majus 129 netic origin of the Brassica napus aceto- on for xylose utilization from Bacillus Nivard MJM — Pastink A 213 hydroxyacid synthase multigene family subtilis W23 is mediated at the level of Niicken EJ, Henschke RB, Schmidt FRJ: 31 transcription and depends on a cis site Site-specific integration of genes into hot in the xy/A reading frame 189 spots for recombination flanking aadA in Sachs MM — Russell DA 219 Jansson S, Gustafsson P: Evolutionary Tn2/ transposons 137 Saedler H + Nacken WKF 129 conservation of the chlorophyll a/b-bind- Nurse P + MacNeill SA 109 Salmon J-M — Stucka R 307 ing proteins: cDNAs encoding Type I, II Sandal NN — Richter HE 445 and III LHC I polypeptides from the O’Connor CD — QiS-Y 421 Schmidt FRJ — Niicken EJ 137 gymnosperm Scots pine 67 Oh B-K, Apirion D: 10Sa RNA, a small Schmidt M — Selbitschka W 86 stable RNA of Escherichia coli, is func- Sears BB, Sokalski MB: The Oenothera Katagiri F > Fromm H_ 181 tional 52 plastome mutator: Effect of UV irradia- Kieffer-Bontemps M — DassaJ 341 Ohira M, Bae Y-S, Ikeda H: A new type tion and nitroso-methyl urea on muta- Kiknadze II + Blinov AG 152 of insertion mutation in monkey cells: tion frequencies 245 Kim AI, Belyaeva ES: Transposition of insertion accompanied by long target site Sedgwick SG, Lodwick D, Doyle N, mobile elements gypsy (mdg4) and hobo duplication 325 Crowne H, Strike P: Functional comple- in germ-line and somatic cells of a gene- Oliver RP > Talbot NJ 267 mentation between chromosomal and tically unstable mutator strain of Dro- plasmid mutagenic DNA repair genes in sophila melanogaster 437 Padmanabha R, Gehrung S, Snyder M: bacteria 428 Kitamoto K — TadaS 301 The KNS1/ gene of Saccharomyces cerevi- Selbitschka W, Arnold W, Priefer UB, Kleiner D + Kuczius T 479 siae encodes a nonessential protein ki- Rottschafer T, Schmidt M, Simon R, Koch WH — Woodgate R 81 nase homologue that is distantly related Puhler A: Characterization of recA genes Kohli J + Bodi Z 77 to members of the CDC28/cdc2 gene and recA mutants of Rhizobium meliloti Kélble K - Gainey LDS 253 family 1 and Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar vi- Kolesnikov NN — Blinov AG 152 Pan Y-B, Peterson PA: Newly activated ciae 86 Koornneef M, Hanhart CJ, Veen JH van germinal Ugq elements in maize are clus- Sengupta-Gopalan C — Richter HE 445 der: A genetic and physiological analysis tered on one linkage group independent- Shiina T > Tanaka K 334 of late flowering mutants in Arabidopsis ly of the standard Ug element 161 Simon R = Selbitschka W 86 thaliana 57 Pastink A, Heemskerk E, Nivard MJM, Snyder M > Padmanabha R 1 Korch C, Mountain HA, Bystr6m AS: Vliet CJ van, Vogel EW: Mutational Sobanov YV — Blinov AG 152 Cloning, nucleotide sequence, and regu- specificity of ethyl methanesulfonate in Sokalski MB —> Sears BB 245 lation of MET14, the gene encoding the excision-repair-proficient and -deficient Sommer H —> Nacken WKF 129 APS kinase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains of Drosophila melanogaster 213 Steinmetz A ~ Domon C 238 96 Pearce RS ~ Dunn MA 389 Strike P — Lodwick D 27 Krulwich TA > Ivey DM 292 Pedersen PA, Andersen LN: Deletion and Strike P + Sedgwick SG 428 Krummeck G — Buchwald P 413 duplication of specific sequences in the Stucka R, Dequin S, Salmon J-M, Gance- Kuczius T, Eitinger T, D’Ari R, Castorph K88ab fimbrial subunit protein from do C: DNA sequences in chromosomes H, Kleiner D: The gitF gene of Klebsiella porcine enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli II and VII code for pyruvate carboxylase pneumoniae : cloning and initial charac- 285 isoenzymes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae : terization 479 Peterson PA > Pan Y-B 161 analysis of pyruvate carboxylase-defi- Pillay DTN +~ DomonC 238 cient strains 307 Levine AS > Woodgate R 81 Poetter K, Coplin DL: Structural and func- Sukupolvi S > QiS-Y 421 Levy AA, Walbot V: Molecular analysis of tional analysis of the rcsA gene from Er- Sundaresan V > Zhao ZY 17 the loss of somatic instability in the winia stewartii 155 bz2::mu1 allele of maize 147 Portalier R + Heyde M 197 Tada S, Gomi K, Kitamoto K, Takahashi Lodwick D, Strike P: Distribution of se- Priefer UB —> Selbitschka W 86 K, Tamura G, Hara S: Construction of quences homologous to the inmpCAB Pihler A — Selbitschka W 86 a fusion gene comprising the Taka-amy- operon of TP110 among bacterial plas- Putte P van de — Cleton-Jansen A-M 206 lase A promoter and the Escherichia coli mids of different incompatibility groups B-glucuronidase gene and analysis of its 27 Qi S-Y, Sukupolvi S, O’Connor CD: Outer expression in Aspergillus oryzae 301 Lodwick D — Sedgwick SG 428 membrane permeability of Escherichia Takahashi H > Tanaka K 334 Londsdale DM — Allmen J-M von 405 coli K12: isolation, cloning and mapping Takahashi K > TadaS 301 of suppressors of a defined antibiotic-hy- Talbot NJ, Oliver RP, Coddington A: MacNeill SA, Creanor J, Nurse P: Isola- persensitive mutant 421 Pulsed field gel electrophoresis reveals tion, characterisation and molecular Quellet T > Rutledge RG 31 chromosome length differences between cloning of new mutant alleles of the fis- Quigley AS ~ Dunn MA 389 strains of Cladosporium fulvum (syn. Ful- sion yeast p34?" protein kinase gene: via fulva) 267 identification of temperature-sensitive Richter HE, Sandal NN, Marcker KA, Tamura G — TadaS 301 G,-arresting alleles 109 Sengupta-Gopalan C: Characterization Tanaka K, Shiina T, Takahashi H: Nucleo- tide sequence of genes ArdA, hrdC, and Von Carlowitz 1 + Hogg RW 453 la TA, Eisenstadt E: Induction and hrdD from Streptomyces coelicilor A3(2) Vujaklija D, Ueda K, Hong S-K, Beppu T, cleavage of Salmonella typhimurium having similarity to rpoD genes 334 Horinouchi S: Identification of an A-fac- UmuD protein 81 Taylor PN — Fordham-Skelton AP 460 tor-dependent promoter in the strepto- Tommassen J + Groot Ade 278 mycin biosynthetic gene cluster of Strep- Zhang L — Dunn MA 389 tomyces griseus 119 Zhao ZY, Sundaresan V: Binding sites for Ueda K — Vujaklija D 119 maize nuclear proteins in the terminal in- Walbot V > Levy AA 147 verted repeats of the Mu/ transposable Veen JH van der > Koornneef M 57 Welch JW, Maloney DH, Fogel S: Gene element 17 Vlassova IE, Graphodatsky AS, Belyaeva conversions within the Cup/’ region from Zhimulev IF > VlassovaIE 316 ES, Zhimulev IF: Constitutive hetero- heterologous crosses in Saccharomyces Zimmer W, Aparicio C, Elmerich C: Rela- chromatin in early embryogenesis of cerevisiae 261 tionship between tryptophan biosynthe- Drosophila melanogaster 316 Wettstein-Knowles P von > Hansen L sis and indole-3-acetic acid production in Vliet CJ van > Pastink A 213 467 Azospirillum: identification and sequenc- Voelker C + Hogg RW 453 Woodgate R, Ennis DG: Levels of chromo- ing of a trpGDC cluster 41 Vogel EW — Pastink A 213 somally encoded Umu proteins and re- Volkert MR, Hajec LI: Molecular analysis quirements for in vivo UmuD cleavage of the aidD6::Mu d1 (bla lac) fusion mu- 10 tation of Escherichia coliK12 319 Woodgate R, Levine AS, Koch WH, Cebu- Indexed in Current Contents

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