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MGG. Molecular & General Genetics 1991: Vol 225 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview MGG. Molecular & General Genetics 1991: Vol 225 Table of Contents

Contents No.1 1-176 issued January 1991 No. 2 177-346 issued February 1991 No. 3 347-520 issued March 1991 Alley MRK — O’Hare K 17 Bremer H > Chiang C-S 435 tional regulator from Bacillus subtilis Alvarez E > Gutiérrez S 56 Breu V > Grimm B 1 with the promoters of the transition Alvarez MA > Rodicio MR_ 142 Bull A > Grimm B 1 state-activated genes tycA and spoVG AnG — Aryan AP 65 347 Anderl C — Schafer B 158 Cai Y > MaldenerI 113 FuBwinkel H, Schein S, Courage U, Starl- Anthamatten D, Hennecke H: The regula- Campbell EI — Sanchez-Fernandez R 231 inger P, Kunze R: Detection and abun- tory status of the fixL- and fixJ-like Cashel M > Kalman M 379 dance of mRNA and protein encoded by genes in Bradyrhizobium japonicum may Cerda-Olmedo E — Sanchez-Fernandez R transposable element Activator (Ac) in be different from th; ‘ in Rhizobium meli- 231 maize 186 loti 38 Chapon C — Legrain P 199 Araki H — Irie K 257 Chater KF — Rodicio MR 142 Galun E > PerlA 11 Arigoni F, Kaminski PA, Hennecke H, Cherep N — KushnirS 225 Ganal MW, Bonierbale MW, Roeder MS, Elmerich C: Nucleotide sequence of the Chiang C-S, Xu Y-C, Bremer H: Role of Park WD, Tanksley SD: Genetic and fixABC region of Azorhizobium caulino- DnaA protein during replication of plas- physical mapping of the patatin genes in dans ORSS571: similarity of the fixB mid pBR322 in Escherichia coli 435 potato and tomato 501 product with eukaryotic flavoproteins, Christensen AH > Dehesh K 305 Gansz A, Kruse U, Riiger W: Gene prod- characterization of fixX, and identifica- Collier S + Benson F 266 uct dsbA of bacteriophage T4 binds to tion of nifW 514 Consonni G — TonelliC 401 late promoters and enhances late tran- Armstrong KC > Le HT 33 Courage U — FuBwinkel H_ 186 scription 427 Arnau J, Jepsen LP, Stroman P: Integrative Cruz-Alvarez M, Kirihara JA, Messing J: Garcia-Gonzalez MD — Vigal T 278 transformation by homologous recombi- Post-transcriptional regulation of methi- Garrett JM, Singh KK, Vonder Haar RA, nation in the zygomycete Mucor circinel- onine content in maize kernels 331 Emr SD: Mitochondrial protein import: loides 193 Cullingford TE + O’Hare K 17 isolation and characterization of the Sac- Arnberg AC — Meijer WG 320 charomyces cerevisiae MFT1 gene 483 Aryan AP, An G, Okita TW: Structural Daza A — Vigal T 278 Gavazzi G > TonelliC 401 and functional analysis of promoter from Dehesh K, Tepperman J, Christensen AH, Gentry DR > Kalman M 379 gliadin, an endosperm-specific storage Quail PH: phyB is evolutionarily con- Gil JA — Vigal T 278 protein gene of Triticum aestivum L. 65 served and constitutively expressed in Gilchrist AS + Sved JA 443 Aviv D — PerlA 11 rice seedling shoots 305 Giménez-Gallego G > Ruiz-Echevarria Avni A, Edelman M: Direct selection for Delahodde A — Sargueil B 340 MJ 355 paternal inheritance of chloroplasts in Dellaporta SL — Tonelli C 401 Gleba Y > Kushnir S 225 sexual progeny of Nicotiana 273 Dewar K — Royer JC 168 Gocht M — FirbaB R 347 Dianov GL, Timchenki TV, Sinitsina O-I, Gomez SP > O’Brochta DA 387 Babiychuk E > Kushnir S 225 Kuzminov AV, Medvedev OA, Salganik Grimm B, Bull A, Breu V: Structural genes Bannikova M — Kushnir S 225 RI: Repair of uracil residues closely of glutamate 1-semialdehyde aminotrans- Barredo JL — Gutiérrez S 56 spaced on the opposite strands of plas- ferase for porphyrin synthesis in a cyano- Bassiiner R > BaumleinH 459 mid DNA results in double-strand break bacterium and Escherichia coli 1 Baumlein H, Boerjan W, Nagy I, Bassiiner and delection formation 448 Gross HJ > Beier D 72 R, Van Montagu M, Inzée D, Wobus U: Dijkhuizen L > Meijer WG 320 Gutiérrez S, Diez B, Alvarez E, Barredo A novel seed protein gene from Vicia Dingermann T > Kalpaxis D 492 JL, Martin JF: Expression of the penDE faba is developmentally regulated in Diaz-Orejas R + Ruiz-Echevarria MJ 355 gene of Penicillium chrysogenum encod- transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis Diez B > Gutiérrez S 56 ing isopenicillin N acyltransferase in Ce- plants 459 Dolfini SF > Tonelli C 401 phalosporium acremonium : production of Baumlein H, Boerjan W, Nagy I, Panitz R, Doonan JH — Doshi P 129 benzylpenicillin by the transformants 56 Inzé D, Wobus U: Upstream sequences Doshi P, Bossie CA, Doonan JH, May GS, regulating legumin gene expression in he- Morris NR: Two a-tubulin genes of As- Handler AM > O’Brochta DA 387 terologous transgenic plants 121 pergillus nidulans encode divergent pro- Hatat D — Sargueil B 340 Beier D, Stange N, Gross HJ, Beier H: Nu- teins 129 Hattori T +> OhtaS 369 clear tRNA” genes are highly amplified Driver A ~ O’Hare K 17 Hecker M > WegrzynG 94 at a single chromosomal site in the ge- Dujon B — Legrain P 199 Hennecke H > Anthamatten D 38 nome of Arabidopsis thaliana 72 Dunny GM = Torres OR 395 Hennecke H — Arigoni F 514 Beier H > Beier D 72 Dyer TA > Lloyd JC 209 Higgins TJV > Rerie WG 148 Belyaeva ES ~ MazinaOM 99 Horgen PA > Reyer JC 168 Benson F, Collier S, Lloyd RG: Evidence Edelman M — Avni A 273 Hsieh C-H, Wu M, Yang J: The sequence- of abortive recombination in ruv mutants Elmerich C > Arigoni F 514 directed bent DNA detected in the repli- of Escherichia coliK12 266 Emr SD > Garrett JM 483 cation origin of Chlamydomonas rein- Blackman LM — Sved JA 443 Enequist HG > Meijer WG 320 hardtii chloroplast DNA is important for Boerjan W — Baumlein H_ 121, 459 Engels WR — Sved JA 443 the replication function 25 Bonierbale MW — Ganal MW _ 501 Hubbes M > Royer JC 168 Borriss R + Olsen O 177 Feenstra WJ > Visser RGF 289 Hughes P + Malki A 420 Bossie CA — Doshi P 129 Fogel S > Jeyaprakash A 363 Boy-Marcotte E > Kalpaxis D 492 FiirbaB R, Gocht M, Zuber P, Marahiel Inzé D > Baumlein H_ 121, 459 Braun C > Jiingst A 241 MA: Interaction of AbrB, a transcrip- Irie K, Araki H, Oshima Y: Mutations in IV a Saccharomyces cerevisiae host showing its product phospho-adenylylsulphate re- photosynthetic genes from the C, plant, increased holding stability of the hetero- ductase from Escherichia coli 314 maize, in tobacco 411 logous plasmid pSR1 257 Krueger S ~ WegrzynG 94 Matsuoka M — Kano-Murakami Y 203 Isono K + Kang W 474 Kruse U + Gansz A 427 Matsushita Y ~ Kang W 474 Izuhara M, Takamune K, Takata R: Clon- Kuipers GJ > Visser RGF 289 May GS — DoshiP 129 ing and sequencing of an Escherichia coli Kunze R > FuBwinkel H 186 Mazina OM, Belyaeva ES, Zhimulev IF: K12 gene which encodes a polypeptide Kushnir S, Babiychuk E, Bannikova M, Cytogenetical analysis of the 2B3-4-2B11 having similarity to the human ferritin H Momot V, Komarnitsky I, Cherep N, region of the X chromosome of Droso- subunit 510 Gleba Y : Nucleo-cytoplasmic incompati- Phila melanogaster 99 bility in cybrid plants possessing an Atro- McGrath JM — Pichersky E 453 Jacobsen E > Visser RGF 289 pa genome and a Nicotiana plastome Medvedev OA > Dianov GL 448 225 Meijer WG, Arnberg AC, Enequist HG, Jacq C — Sargueil B 340 Kuzminov AV — Dianov GL 448 Terpstra P, Lidstrom ME, Dijkhuizen L: Jacquet M — Kalpaxis D 492 Jepsen LP + Arnau J 193 Identification and organization of car- bon dioxide fixation genes in Xantho- Jeyaprakash A, Welch JW, Fogel S: Multi- Langdale JA, Taylor WC, Nelson T: Cell- copy CUP! plasmids enhance cadmium specific accumulation of maize phospho- bacter flavus H4-14 320 Mellor J, Midgely C, Kingsman AJ, Kings- and copper resistance levels in yeast 363 enolpyruvate carboxylase is correlated man SM, Kim S: Transcriptional activa- John UP — Lloyd JC 209 with demethylation at a specific site Johnson EM, Schnabelrauch LS, Sears BB: >3 kb upstream of the gene 49 tion by upstream activator sequences re- quires distinct interactions with down- A plastome mutation affects processing Lazowska J > Sargueil B 340 of both chloroplast and nuclear DNA- Le HT, Armstrong KC: In situ hybridiza- stream elements in the yeast TRP/ pro- encoded plastid proteins 106 tion as a rapid means to assess meiotic moter 217 Jiingst A, Braun C, Zumft WG: Close link- pairing and detection of alien DNA Merlos-Lange AM — Schafer B 158 Messing J — Cruz-Alvarez M 331 age in Pseudomonas stutzeri of the struc- transfers in interphase cells of wide Midgely C > Mellor J 217 tural genes for respiratory nitrite reduc- crosses involving wheat and rye 33 tase and nitrous oxide reductase, and Legrain P, Chapon C, Schwob E, Martin Momot V — KushnirS 225 other essential genes for denitrification R, Rosbash M, Dujon B: Cloning of the Morikami A > OhtaS 369 241 two essential yeast genes, PRP6 and Morris NR — Doshi P 129 PRP9, and their rapid mapping, disrup- Nagy I > Baumlein H 121, 459 tion and partial sequencing using a linker Kalman M, Gentry DR, Cashel M: Char- Nakamura K — OhtaS 369 insertion strategy 199 acterization of the Escherichia coli K12 Nelson T > Langdale JA 49 Li O-G + Mao Y-M 234 gitS glutamate permease gene 379 Neubauer P — WegrzynG 94 Lidstrom ME — Meijer WG 320 Kalpaxis D, Ziindorf I, Werner H, Reindl Neuhard J > Sorensen KI 249 Lloyd JC, Raines CA, John UP, Dyer TA: N, Boy-Marcotte E, Jacquet M, Dinger- The chloroplast FBPase gene of wheat: mann T: Positive selection for Dictyoste- O’Brochta DA, Gomez SP, Handler AM: structure and expression of the promoter lium discoideum mutants lacking UMP P element excision in Drosophila melano- in photosynthetic and meristematic cells synthase activity based on resistance to gaster and related drosophilids 387 of transgenic tobacco plants 209 5-fluoroorotic acid 492 O’Hare K, Alley MRK, Cullingford TE, Lloyd RG — Benson F 266 Kaminski PA > Arigoni F 514 Driver A, Sanderson MJ: DNA sequence Lockau W > MaldenerI 113 Kang W, Matsushita Y, Isono K : Cloning of the Doc retroposon in the white-one Logsdon JM Jr — Pichersky E 453 and analysis of YMR26, the nuclear gene mutant of Drosophila melanogaster and Luehrsen KR, Walbot V: Intron enhance- for a mitochondrial ribosomal protein in of secondary insertions in the phenotypi- ment of gene expression and the splicing Saccharomyces cerevisiae 474 cally altered derivatives white-honey and efficiency of introns in maize cells 81 Kano-Murakami Y, Suzuki I, Sugiyama T, white-eosin 17 Matsuoka M: Sequence-specific interac- Ohta S, Hattori T, Morikami A, Nakamura tions of a maize factor with a GC-rich Macro JA — Sanchez-Fernandez R 231 K: High-level expression of a sweet pota- repeat in the phosphoenolpyruvate car- Maldener I, Lockau W, Cai Y, Wolk CP: to sporamin gene promoter: f-glucuroi- boxylase gene 203 Calcium-dependent protease of the dase (GUS) fusion gene in the stems of Kim S — Mellor J 217 cyanobacterium Anabaena: molecular transgenic tobacco plants is conferred by Kinghorn JR — Sanchez-Fernandez R cloning and expression of the gene in multiple cell type-specific regulatory ele- 231 Escherichia coli, sequencing and site- ments 369 Kingsman AJ > Mellor J 217 directed mutagenesis 113 Okita TW — Aryan AP 65 Kingsman SM — Mellor J 217 Malkhosyan SR, Panchenko YA, Rekesh Olsen O, Borriss R, Simon O, Thomsen Kirihara JA — Cruz-Alvarez M 331 AN: A physiological role for DNA su- KK: Hybrid Bacillus (1-3,1-4)-B-glucan- Kloppstech K, Otto B, Sierralta W: Cyclic percoiling in the anaerobic regulation of ases: engineering thermostable enzymes temperature treatments of dark-grown colicin gene expression 342 by construction of hybrid genes 177 pea seedlings induce a rise in specific Malki A, Hughes P, Kohiyama M: In vitro Oshima Y — Irie K 257 transcript levels of light-regulated genes roles of Escherichia coli DnaJ and DnaK Otto B > Kloppstech K 468 related to photomorphogenesis 468 heat shock proteins in the replication of Klésgen RB, Weil J-H: Subcellular location oriC plasmids 420 Panchenko YA — Malkhosyan SR 342 and expression level of a chimeric protein Mao Y-M, Shi Q, Li O-G, Sheng Z-J: recA Panitz R > Baumlein H 121 consisting of the maize waxy transit pep- Gene dependence of replication of the Park WD — Ganal MW 501 tide and the f-glucuronidase of Escherichia coli chromosome initiated by Perl A, Aviv D, Galun E: Protoplast fusion Escherichia coli in transgenic potato plasmid pUC13 integrated at predeter- mediated transfer of oligomycin resis- plants 297 mined sites 234 tance from Nicotiana sylvestris to Solan- Kohiyama M > Malki A 420 Marahiel MA — FiirbaB R 347 um tuberosum by intergeneric cybridiza- Komarnitsky I + Kushnir S 225 Martin R > Legrain P 199 tion 11 Korman RZ — TorresOR 395 Martin JF — Gutierrez S 56 Pichersky E, Logsdon JM Jr, McGrath JM, Krone FA, Westphal G, Schwenn JD: Martin JF > Vigal T 278 Stasys RA: Fragments of plastid DNA Characterisation of the gene cysH and of Matsuoka M, Sanada Y: Expression of in the nuclear genome of tomato: preva- lence, chromosomal location, and possi- cally, and construction and characteriza- Torrontegui G de > Ruiz-Echevarria MJ ble mechanism ofi ntegration 453 tion of an intronless genome 158 355 Schein S > FuBwinkel H 186 Quail PH — Dehesh K 305 Schnabelrauch LS > Johnson EM 106 Unkles SE — Sanchez-Fernandez R 231 Schwenn JD > Krone FA 314 Raines CA — Lloyd JC 209 Schwob E — Legrain P 199 Van Montagu M > BaumleinH 459 Reindl N > Kalpaxis D 492 Sears BB > Johnson EM 106 Vigal T, Gil JA, Daza A, Garcia-Gonzalez Rekesh AN — Malkhosyan SR 342 Sheng Z-J - Mao Y-M 234 MD, Martin JF: Cloning, characteriza- Rerie WG, Whitecross M, Higgins TJV: Shi Q — Mao Y-M 234 tion and expression of an a-amylase gene Developmental and environmental regu- Sierralta W — Kloppstech K 468 from Streptomyces griseus IMRU3570 lation of pea legumin genes in transgenic Simon O > Olsen O 177 278 tobacco 148 Singh KK — Garrett JM 483 Viotti A + Tonelli C 401 Rodicio MR, Alvarez MA, Chater KF: Sinitsina O-I — Dianov GL 448 Visser RGF, Somhorst I, Kuipers GJ, Ruys Isolation and genetic structure of [S/12, Somhorst I > Visser RGF 289 NJ, Feenstra WJ, Jacobsen E: Inhibition an insertion sequence responsible for the Sorensen KI, Neuhard J: Dual transcrip- of the expression of the gene for granule- inactivation of the Sa/I restriction-modi- tional initiation sites from the pyrC pro- bound starch synthase in potato by anti- fication system of Streptomyces albus G moter control expression of the gene in sense constructs 289 142 Salmonella typhimurium 249 Vonder Haar RA — Garrett JM 483 Roeder MS — Ganal MW _ 501 Stange N — Beier D 72 Rosbash M — Legrain P_ 199 Starlinger P — FuBwinkel H 186 Walbot V > Luehrsen KR 81 Royer JC, Dewar K, Hubbes M, Horgen Stasys RA — Pichersky E 453 Wegrzyn G, Neubauer P, Krueger S, PA: Analysis of a high frequency trans- Stroman P > ArnauJ 193 Hecker M, Taylor K: Stringent control formation system for Ophiostoma ulmi, Sugiyama T > Kano-Murakami Y 203 of replication of plasmids derived from the causal agent of Dutch elm disease Suzuki I — Kano-Murakaim Y 203 coliphage A 94 168 Sved JA, Blackman LM, Gilchrist AS, En- Weil J-H — Klésgen RB 297 Riiger W > Gansz A 427 gels WR: High levels of recombination Welch JW — Jeyaprakash A 363 Ruiz-Echevarria MJ, Torrontegui G de, Gi- induced by homologous P elements in Welser F — Schafer B 158 ménez-Gallego G, Diaz-Orejas R: Struc- Drosophila melanogaster 443 Werner H — Kalpaxis D 492 tural and functional comparison between Westphal G > Krone FA 314 the stability systems ParD of plasmid R1 Takamune K — Izuhara M 510 Whitecross M > Rerie WG 148 and Ccd of plasmid F 355 Takata R > Izuhara M 510 Wobus U — BaumleinH 121, 459 Ruys NJ — Visser RGF 289 Tanksley SD + Ganal MW_ 501 Wolf K — Schafer B 158 Taylor K + WegrzynG 94 Wolk CP + MaldenerI 113 Salganik RI > Dianov GL 448 Taylor WC — Langdale JA 49 Wu M = Hsieh C-H 25 Sanada Y > Matsuoka M 411 Tepperman J + Dehesh K 305 Sanchez-Fernandez R, Campbell EI, Macro Terpstra P + Meijer WG 320 Xu Y-C —> Chiang C-S 435 JA, Unkles SE, Cerda-Olmedo E, King- Thomsen KK — OlsenO 177 horn JR: Transformation of the filamen- Tian GL > Sargueil B 340 Yang J + Hsieh C-H 25 tous fungus Gibberella fujikuroi using the Timchenki TV > Dianov GL 448 Aspergillus niger niaD gene encording ni- Tonelli C, Consonni G, Dolfini SF, Della- Zahler SA > TorresOR 395 trate reductase 231 porta SL, Viotti A, Gavazzi G: Genetic Zhimulev IF — MazinaOM 99 Sanderson MJ — O’Hare K 17 and molecular analysis of Sn, a light-in- Zimmer M = Schafer B 158 Sargueil B, Delahodde A, Hatat D, Tian ducible, tissue specific regulatory gene in Zuber P > FiirbaB R 347 GL, Lazowska J, Jacq C: A new specific maize 401 Zumft WG — Jiingst A 241 DNA endonuclease activity in yeast mi- Torres OR, Korman RZ, Zahler SA, Ziindorf I + Kalpaxis D 492 tochondria 340 Dunny GM: The conjugative transposon Schafer B, Merlos-Lange AM, Anderl C, Tn925; enhancement of conjugal transfer Welser F, Zimmer M, Wolf K: The mito- by tetracycline in Enterococcus faecalis chondrial genome of fission yeast: inabil- and mobilization of chromosomal genes ity of all introns to splice autocatalyti- in Bacillus subtilis and E. faecalis 395 Indexed in Current Contents

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