AGREEMENT FORM FOR NON-CANDIDATEASSUE ADVERTISEMENTS jon and Lopation? aa | Weed Gren Rapids ma Bhufie 1 fac hereby requesistation time connerring the following eww igen Feeder Fond P.O. Bor 14182 Larang, 149998 Frosaure dosh Vena Hl r 1 | ‘Time of Day, i Broadcast Retationer | Days : class | Timosper | Number Longin Package Wack | of Wecks i i J rota charge: 70, 65 “This trcodcast time will bs wad by:__Mlchigan Freedom Burd eesti programming (m whole orn part) communicate a] fossage relating to any political matter of national importanes?™ CINo OD vee Forerogrnanirg thst “commuricates amassage ising te any palilel salle of rational bpartence,” Ue he sana of ie legally qusied sandidete(s the programing =f i, the aoeis} ting sought end tie dette of re efectionst f apaicable} LI For progressing trot. “zommurieses a msscoge relatrato ary police reaiter of naonal inporianee, atch Agtend Upon Secale Page 3} | repieseet atthe payment forthe above describes brondeasl cme has beer fumistieg by: thie ae P.O. Bax 14182 Lansing Michigan 40801 ‘eeasuter: Jash Venable H and yevore authoized to announce the time as oid for by such person oF entity. Th Tumishing the payrent,¥ afer then an individual pera, iy Clesoperaton; [ipoemnitos CI ansncosiation or ster unincorporated grou. tre oes, and atestcs of fre obvet execav offoere, dkeciors, andlor ethoviaes agents cfhe erty ons reed aloe Irey beatles separa) THES STATION DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE OR PERMIT DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS: (OF RAUL OR ETHNICITY IN THE PLACMENT OF ADVERTISING, | ayaa is edernéty and hoki hacmlse ihe tation fr ny daages or Hail, including reasanabi aloiney's fea. thee nay eraue fein the seroast of Its agove-requeated tvrtseroe% (s). For the sbove-tated Qroadcasta, | alse age te prenare ascript, Which vil be delivered to the station at ese Dine crear brondasts TO BE SIGNED AY ISSUE ADVERTISER ERAT. 709-405-0988 TO BE SIGNED BY STATION REPRESENTATIVE Sf sccentes Cece n Pat Cl rejeiea Capra tas emanate AGREED UPON SCHEDULE Issue Advertisements That Communicate a Message Relating fo Any | Poltical Matter of National Importance | fi T coy Brosacast | Time of Dain Langtn” | Rotation or | ays Package cress Timss per Week a | Number | sf Wooks | Total Charges: AFTER AIRING OF BROADCASTS: Attach invoices oF Schedule Run Summary te this Form showing: ‘ljactsal airtime and charges for each spot; ‘2)ine datets), exact tinets} and reasons) for Make-Good{s), if any; and (2}the amount of rebaies given (Identify exect date, tine, class of broadcast andl iy dcller etnountfor each retate), i any. Note: Becausethe FCC requires that the political flle contain the | actual fimes the spotealr, that informstion shouldbe included in the | {lla as soon as possible. [f that Information is only generated monthly, the tile should includethe name of a contact person who can provide the thnes that spscific spots aired.