The cutior ad pisier weknowtedaes, vith Grats fist of elt grec deverions shown by Roar desk Teer (ay Parker, for me cxceten! rendition of Hee caver cmt the tlvsrraitons of the deities, We are alsa shank Hrimagatads Aven for eiting, to Meri: Aven for Ber proifiction assivionce, cod Erwnse trae far bis ‘assistance with ue lastraions. F300 Pergo i t Waa pMETE RETER/ Vola ANLKAUSAR Laie KaMsre BYITLATION StS AUN NEERR AMEN L ‘Copyright © 1994 Ry Ua Nef amen An vightseeserved, Nu arta thie book way be eepied, store Grraprilaced th any for without express writen perovofon ‘rom he per: Pablishes hy Kaamie Corp. 140 Bucking Rae, Brooklen ny lize sp tra. 8 SECOND EDITION ‘PROPERTY OF BENY STATE UNERSITE smMaULL cones LRAT ; SOTICE TO sH1# READER AVE RECORTINGS OF THE CHANTS TAUGHT IN TEE NOOK ARE ALSO AVAILABLE IF THEY ARE NOT CARRIED BY YOUR BOOKSTORE, ORDER THEM FROM KHAMITCORP. Hi BUCKINGHAM RD, BROOKE, KEW YORK, 1126, WRITE POR A CATALOG. PARLE OF CONTENTS Autre’ Preface hip Fe tre Bunt of Ration ad roe ‘he des is. dyna St Chapter? fevafconnagsi ecu af Net Sine ffiering Sige 2 opts “Spe # Fs sas fo Fa a Chapkr + Te nthe fe Doe of i Tanai fhe Coan ae Spe Chagier of Siva Paencte He's Bahra Paco inh Sor, Sue he phe Sen Sok he Seventh Shana, Hest ie Salis othe Spe iw Sate Gohan Her he Hh Sphere, Hert hs Fuh Spore, Maat Te Ad DvHon athe Sp hw Third Sphere Seer The Sand Sphere. Te Tha Re Sphere, dase Above the Fs, Ao, Ka Chapters he Thice Tape af Som Aus she Sty peo Perce Mee The Face ie Ansar Ma hes San he Facey the Ab oe The Saks an Te Rae of ‘Si, the age se apter? Ts Shofar ede, a Fit Gen of Set The Noa Shin ies Aetesen 1 aint Soest. Pv of li Programming The Scie Mererin of Rei “the Si hoepatia of meron Chupters pie Kamit The Devotonal Ste cle at iis of at Suen of Pho Herc Stage Herb Mee Stace of Suto Macey Chapter 10 Chapter LT ‘The dase Sing of he {yooh fonction fo Sprit Device The tt Sa of tee Mat Ge Overcome te Sehoor Sosa easy sation to Dacose ake Sef oe Combionsigs The Soros ua Chapter 0 he Sebek shag af tin Ti Ses of rons Aircon base The Dew Chapter 13 ‘The Heirs Sg of stn Chapter 4 ies Soe of hapten 1S The Here cogpeer 16 The ace Sogo 2f ta ‘oda for olin sain rps Governing Cote Mental he Fs Chapler 1? The Sehr Sage of oto Caper 18 The Hy Thaw S98 ene 0: Cher 19: Cahutns Remar Appeniia A: Ye Chavis pene Assn Osos During et Appenin C: Hlanratone Appenie Di lusiioy Rooks and Papier he emt Ke Recon tenting Indes AUTHOR'S PREEACE “The bows isa piece ofa ashen... Yrs tm ke he ‘on thot suas ie Tian, at eer aan a sp an fave is hein Gad hee as w-ithal af your Fr ovpiaene wig yn arbive the way you do, Taide (a > ins reel beoure is an swell one, oF or of Being so habituated te hig bara pcls Eider wy Hal do ie po. 1c bose the Hine cemeapenls mt the faeus at cemscousnes, ad Hw wil whichis the Tacaly cough whic me index wht we nied to 60, and accompli ad" slow the Tin comespacts tothe siasoneions. whieh ste pow in dharge of varving ov our inlenious. Witphonzze as a nskerg, the Hind peise a"gwaning” plore, 35 cae cel y see at che CelI tie ung lighioaitt projector above ue wer Tine, Tie 2 bconscies caries the Tramhare ef weight od si. TR thooe ina conc Raween sack other, af the avons is easily predicied. Yet, sic and woigh: don't sell be whe say. Vis, thee is more gswori news, In addition fo beag the lager aod Stronger party, the subconscious, ae wane ica ose ‘Wonk ela but back, x01 spe orks fr a, supposedly rvs. ee out of ur cit ad rrge of pore, Sins le ombories to pow ovary cut our War in Bes 19 Powell thing tobe lle vrs make ar wee ‘Teese soll he no pean he onsen i de sbconzcicus sivas worse in um wits eachother, But fo fost people, tht iste rive xeepson. Curse the nar of thing ht people want ans noe a. opposed to ne wo hee Ts aeloaly yor All savarted Kebavier, ll veces happenings a Se lis ip to result of aduoe ken ye Four subconscious, tyiaishy in shagveemert wih sue aris. Foc SE, it ise dservines sate ou vl be wel 2 poo. Higent ff a ing am Edel op airing pm arog men. Ara aes bios Tho mbcenscaiy iy al iv ciaige of aig yeur psiloc! proeesges ts detrrinan yous hoa ‘The aismity beleren the corscis mind and tae suhevntciour ig ritectad in show evens i which you know asthing ike be nace! semaine, ar seur Phone numb ete tne to a qoasior, 2g“ (son the ip "your eongue” aod vou {ant coal the fect 9 rind, che woes and sage Ueno ti and the wll es for ft the Seance WEieh Hein shegeof earghg ae: actions Yabo! yw ap het Napbe not it ss me vething out Se examintin room. Therein anaghce Side" Yunr dees Gaels your wll te give op 9 had bedi. Your heh, may’ Yur life depron but Ee sboanscions Kreps you ing back‘ more se gan "196 deh soma RBA a The sty cue sh yo wl and wha you do el reveals coeaunicaion sl tanbrsbnaing ster, Ohvieasy ‘ston you say to smal? det jag well not combs 1 > rach, or whan fe sce gives vr a Tegty spmon a Irby you abouen |e neseps dacs not dereend gto che Srtconsetow it iaavous that here sa great eal of meee of fw the susenscivm Ff ueveed, ig of ite to noe at ‘resto ein Fini iets infacncing te conscious par of herp Were! nh the aubeaatio.s bus beta skews gel ved 2 psychologis. Yo, ne wi see tate educa a te routine Seuss athe mbcarscious isthe domain 0: lion TFprager lp you eenove sets thea of wile ba “ae, vin if you ered ulizple eves tn erin inevan en, ant schreor you Wl andthe subeansc.ous muse tke place. Fading ‘fom seta one le i we cay say ead ht ‘ere Season sow Te ager proosis eap. i ts shih and ints 9 comin! imiy betwee, the will adh scbeuneious in tie purpose of thie book The licow bow sar wed cut over ax Winns yews ag 9y De thoes he Sie yaley. eis aged thelr Te Selon a te abit to detemeine bo is peace With the eseptan et a fe Hess fa we iheted fom te inal Fingda—sited into oe cep im wid warns) rvy—svat 'e Recpes wae ples ete throng he eunseioas snd, And tel wate progr eo ov eal kingdom, win ot bis, ean Be removed by tbe eoscesaus mite. This Joa: scan inthe Aveavan region of Kae Fain Lgspl) the sist vcliion ars spit ulin spoon koa Isiemy pempoce in ing the Alot te,evertully at volume set te ghe te tang pute 8 Wording knosledes and procieal guide To tae apt my uc bib Gevolepea by Be Acans ot Rant ancient Ezy) che Cenansites, and te Indus Kush svileton ds re-Aryen Blaks who crctsd the Yoea sytem af Ini). ta volume one ct “is book, Fwcrredansd dhe Katie eracl, “ne Af Notr tthe wavls, and eeplainsd the Karstie eyaen of medion and sual cat ecion. The volume, hive dete te Austin roigioe, waioh was oe leading Wyse sed by the ancisne Eevpicns, v2 Kaman, velo thee people to he lev that enabod tho to ive thew tne ftion of scion CGrestaes cana be ashioved by a people wana social arrogance eaecilly he preatneyt waa th Wok. ‘over four Mouser eure ble Ihe scrim elena am Tnwation gst heed en the prado ning: the vidal te reshape andvdivost he fneat oe sacri, This sept Slop process was based a ths Tice af Ti a seuss thos ‘ebioh evry pum ofthe subonscieus vend mapped, eta ees, end thes releiooship wo each tier ara conribsion © “te wha.2 es pied “Toe taal spstace preven nie book i x prac poids the active uf the Avsinin reba, Long s0r2 Ye Fave eonletes ere wn ois w I be gat the ably to kk bp ary Keri el gs Blencare wal ucdentaral leas 73% of iL Conplaion ef the pera ill develop whiny ae onseoathes, wey’ oF tink tad spel yoo ta or ls ‘he aages af Kamit esa far marvin = tea ta to tbs fay aa nt sta eeslad. Mone ronan you wl eoeoe oe aye to renvoring el iain. eww lent tr the pst Ie thowsend yous Abou sms Ue 18 ge exec to poem, vice habe bok be eed several aes, alone wi teeadings ‘ouluste wes elo erasing athe miitien progran Stay on ne he Sebo Sera 1 Un ger Asn eBhon Ur Shan, aon Or Aaa Nov Fook awh i CHAPTER | THE AUSARIAN RELIGION nuk Ausan* “1 aunse” ‘Thess ere Se Hon hacked vet ete. tat smal Kelle Cancent Eeyiion) me! nn west. bope 2 proce hafoe Uni hes“ a0 tos ast encug Zr eva tens spite te thie Heal “ae se natin co eas Seca! Vacnony eal he propery that ess Siow is Ww eccly dos eamean to sey “Aank ura” Co fae ha sen dus course i nh uve fo sp for new Ba if people hs ard tea hed this soni, de lS, vould he "es thel si wapsriencin Tmgle thes sow hive come a9 wth a wow sister Loe tsishing dogs to jo Ugh s op ad is fing hile cher Systeics ero acceding Skuse sigh canal eesch thensthes [sim ss ek, youre laine ourself nd your eer fr Fh Dlue The set ee of the a io ed oF seep 2389 lo sieve penal esl harmay od prespenty Tye Ee the provtes aquies Moir wy ang unesable bshevios seal pling the with ther pps, we) as ave 2nd Sevelageng dorisa tats sat ohise mee are ser Tike in they za ace temselves Yet, the proponets st the ‘vient Gehavior shaping vas ia tke world vaksy moigonst, — pareichsivsawilog'se. edecaters, ihsupbes, lessee the fui of their sta by ang ve uaa over to Be pacsle hse eps ive hei a eu be se of 96 “oss ale” Is prvi progr seculsaton Tigge ore ho way sy ste, dey euuee Bourkee poaple we saypeties. ine-ang ov eikens ei) ilo olin thas il were not ae they wr hens owl be mo nee ie Savior Soci, inti, seve wer ivvored co ase people aut of timsestontgs, is sft of respons is wat pridence of a grand Mactinelion ht-eyoop fort seal Sibu ers. 1 {eto igo and ek of scoyuien oF de te bs for beavis slang mem, kp aber wos aot the damunse ehavir sap ogstn’ and neon fn ths wor a vet Ceunespiny af Man (2nd Go sree ees) 3 Goes etch rig Wat ewould you sepect if yo anos 20 geet Dek ns san and fled to elie the ria Vou ould Ein! eivine etn Nobel grbes for Nias mecons ir ese of the faves ad a rg ac dg the Zoo 2 an on 1 pou march down *he pale aswtablo dele. nthe sae fnaer ‘hac you soph m1 nabs enstoget ue sho alt, ‘imily eu of enorence athe arts nate, 0 Fas Westn ma “npcesstine 9 pine Bahaeoe “al ers ble oe. oat ‘fpr hs aes {hina fe Mans nat’? Were you an ancien eles of he ial ths Nix “Ausie” sel sutice a2 youe anne. Dyvnnoly, we tov many more Hae to exper In oer 16 Corvin gee he in esos, a8 "Asa" eye thing 300 {Strate pani bere 00, ‘The sig n° thie i He eter chai I 5 che shjoee of reign. poy ny. sociksay,pailwy, essai ‘hoon the stoping 0 as babs cept ve peop taming ot fost of nig, guveniane enc scunoiies. whe fy ty tKasn es Mews person eel barns and prospesige Tas oye Faming ot. of ass sytem dks scorer view of ors ness Swe +] havior hap fens exempt to take tn som one okie in prow so avotes bey ou a have ma fv ar lea ae othe bashing se el vigas. When you it on 3 jouzoey yon ans ow stare you siatsd om. a3 Svlase sna are guing. ese s65 bar the doo bev shesing sytem we Ube si wed inthe ace remwe they know nly af fe pretat Ive. Keeeing nthing of Men's ori fa hare they cust ake Mar fa ihr grt they ene ry ophitiored kori Isr ste sate het eke hes Lower fags of grawih atte eaeace his bine, Oorerecexrs in Kemi fuoisnr Femme) deveoped profound inset ins ats Pcholgl (el) evo, Iie eukoina i of ice. hey “hinted a the gae susizUblthe wesces Bolavier staging “Seton woh ars based on Mr: ver soing with ani ti nd lower inlet fe is fever thal these bave een sper sourpuars and satelite), the aren Athen eviientons otavior stp syssr'—reiacs inieaion—a im fol Mu’ teivy nhareir reid the divine elects thal Grated hinvee a! lviahier hier Tif. While the ween tan feter a hinds of tahavioe har oe we rane ie liner pt vag he Affe syeom sec (9 eee Wi ‘at at se? Lets answer tha quscon nese ‘Ynys enone of choke movie es gen “000 AD in sigatisy Brseny. Your rein aap are space Gacy {ves ship 3¢ sap speed suru by cho mest amazing ‘cho age wiz, In fet, our best end ie pet Fran, ae ‘pa 7930, Uefa wh earn eh sem ous the na Traie—Geds snake. ercnion 09 saath gaat.” Sy wit ean discen you! Ihe sid prin exivel panne angst, teal ev elon, eae wil zo 3 (emacs tie weston vs fw thefts, OF eeursa you ry Tne mood Ssh pein ing a Gage, or bu lets, hedrogon bobs Tie ara ling seisree avase us, Sesves Te $09 ay [eve we tn fd thar eho irs sienoe Hot Codiyes eveo yeeday’s tsi? Rost aed the wat those ws ae evealing tu eth weston. cept af the Rs Thcoes aut oc tuke any vision af sprtipeycbokagal 2h 2 Man A fie juan Fe fre thar wesem mur can se, Fe ai Sovtol Seth that ea higher i to Ma, whe sey, sor occupy He inept dof wane Behavioral pres Fear lave down the ceshings abou: Man's tnre—the Kresge 0? Salta devoloped by the areore lack elation lets elo ur soit experionge aE we fy ile 1 se tha hese og a jas na mk ul station fhm eel self a su chat hee Rate ean ie At you tant wt sansint skit you and yt tuna. poe alrmgliog itt bor fmol sul! id, “Pa tho ‘wanna ely Lac ae ping th ive fan Une haze oe vont spn he ishing sky i ell Pcie eave Bal Gis a aaggle ye un, ed Sotroa aes lll you fie fr hor to bo egal, he Teed hea as on Sept ekg, HU ie cane ane tl erty of Tote to ecmlwant entios are eased hy the smustue of vesem tight peters ts ected in is languages In the preceding strmes: we sat that tie nommal fer people involv in an imer sugele sey tha iti "tht i desing 9 sud 39a Whe ems aoe tae "thy eagulng wget There is 9 uaertaing thw ibe pret Feng = wach oe oerges Us foe expcienced ae deste ast emote I eeprale Tren Uh atte fe fi aged enn tae wns GF ek se il ins ato Te pt Fini he hergss of einacons arf tsineives—ahe Tet and dees, ‘ plessres and ssalomoies—inrort samo the pee bene Maral ep ssana warren tas "ary a” ‘Thies oY being o whieh we wll dover a ere: dsl anor, i ths rare for tho cosnng ofthe sre "nico Teiba compte jrng ot seston "uli" using it torre ro outelies we ate Mendy saving tes Min is eompoaed fF ee ets tac elthoueh sexes fn expemon, are inmgal ompleseasy sane ef @ whole hoses. bie i am inden Sutin. Lets enot the siger sal of elas he "Se (eh this booe ell axeye be sania! «0 distinguish ic fam “ie ommer. sage) [ci fa resne> fo tis pat of boing, ich hy ‘ts Taw of is nao is neapeble at expeizcing ery eration, fat {hs prone "is ap seal, The othr eit owes eng il Ww be dsigneted the peton 1s is he pct wf being thee axe the quetios askin, op our pecs, emotional pprtom tnd $0. of, Ar iC angeraamen. i. mise: 19 henge, Shee ae nay Sevres chaozod ors te years—j0u cette desyine ja our katy. your Sa. Ae tae vears ge by, yoo may core vo salts fit wiser 3a (Fy tha waders sme eamy, sere ie ster part ha renaine abiays the sare, Your arenes of tis fependt on your deeree of etches incospoction, weigh ix tnfanczale vowel eto, Is pratt reliae eh fn fins Akon. eit ew oy be ees blshed an pemaanence of 4 isos so fhe oon in Ee dorian bebo Lupiag Sate sae world—sho malor re lgioaa. poveheo ‘ees at Sey havo bean designed fe uh ler pa as berg as ie ident, ‘The on conrad ys fi, se wl Ie a, ht pat oF Beng suber Greirg pase fa Wows hing tha aoe rr an evil Thee bscaee thas fs ling os mie dit is che aay to digerminats se Viet 2 sony pee eit WE: et yt exseen he he Yeo base ahi pleases ad insta tat a6eec ‘his par sing ow oun of right ore cong? We wl come to fe that he ee! ays asm span ne ea on ae sfevelopraene and stengtherna ache eames of heise 2m ft hog i he day 4b Tb of the inde, sree san. be ‘uted by she comping inAsencos ofthe war Ie les ibe aswngest pare of ysut being isthe Sa wh by The te ot lisheinpcanaoe be motivated 2y pzesuo orleans, ten yo. rise low oy ah Behavior whan heir an sik th ewer pam ef tong (th pasom, ie In heameny ih he, Is Tosse Aiea of argo. hs masierkoy 9 el a nl honit, wslth, wisdom, iwmeors er prope ie “lst inthis bande thee reside in aa ee ery nvioal svoye se aan nl dows te Maker, ges