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Preview Metro Vancouver - January 5, 2009

OUTLOOK FOR VAN CITY SKYLINE BLEAK, PG 4 Going Green Celebrity Buzz Blue-green Pitt hands ready on with to nappy couple? changes pg 6 pg 14 VANCOUVER • MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 2009 metronews.ca At least 40 die TO Prepare for D D as Israel presses KORO ‘traffic chaos’ Gaza attack L/REUTERS as rain returns MIDEAST Israeli forces early today pressed on with dead- JEFF HODSON ly ground, sea and air [email protected] assaults against Hamas mili- tants in the Gaza Strip that COMMUTINGVancouver is has cut the territory in two, bracing for flooded streets while France spearheaded and commuter chaos today diplomatic efforts to obtain as temperatures rise and a truce. rain begins to fall. A Hamas official said a del- The city is worried that egation of the Islamist group the rain and snowmelt would head for talks in won’t drain if storm Egypt, which has also grates are clogged with launched contacts to achieve snow and ice. a ceasefire to end Israel’s 10- “We’re preparing for the day-old offensive. worst,” Mayor Gregor Explosions from gunfire Robertson said yesterday. rocked Gaza overnight after “There is so much snow Israeli soldiers moved into a piled up on the side northern zone and asked streets, there’s the poten- resid ents to leave their tial for it to be really chal- homes to avoid being hurt. lenging — particularly In eastern Gaza City, an with everyone going back Israeli tank shell killed three to work and school.” Palestinian children in their Robertson said the 300 home, said medical officers. city workers will make sure At least 512 Palestinians storm drains are clear. Back- have been killed — a quarter up staff are also available to of them civilians, a UN Family members embrace at a mass memorial yesterday for eight snowmobilers in Sparwood. The snowmobilers were buried alive help prevent “traffic chaos.” agency said. Of the 42 in a series of avalanches in the mountains near Fernie on Dec. 28. Environment Canada is reportedly killed yesterday, calling for a 60 per cent Town remembers 8 most were civilians, a med- chance of precipitation to- ical source said. day, with temperatures At least four Israelis have reaching as high as 7 C. been killed by rockets and More rain is expected mortars fired at Israel since tomorrow and Wednesday. the offensive began. REUTERS killed in avalanches Vancouver’s side streets MORE COVERAGE PAGE 3 and alleys have been slick — and in some cases almost ShareYourViews impassible — since about mid-December when heavy [email protected] snows fell and stayed. ‘Dads, sons, brothers’ lost to mourning community The snow hampered garbage collection and tran- Entertainment pg 13 sit. It also made it difficult The mourners began turn- we started crying.” Jeff Adams, James Drake and All stood when the vic- for many to get around, par- ing up before dawn yester- The mining town of Spar- Jeremy Rusnak — made it tims’ families marched in — ticularly seniors and people day, forming a line outside wood, population 3,600, has out to safety after digging including an elderly grandfa- in wheelchairs. the hockey arena where a been on a similar rollercoast- themselves and each other ther gripping tightly to his The return to mild, if wet, public memorial was held er of emotion since the acci- out of the hard-packed cane and a three-month-old winter weather couldn’t for the eight local men dent Dec. 28 snow, some- baby, clutching a soother. have come at a better time, who died last week in a claimed the times with Schafer returned to his Robertson said, adding that “Everyone has all snowmobiling accident. lives of Daniel just bare hometown from Lethbridge, he was considering solicit- Travolta Jack Schafer was among Bjarnason and these layers of hands. Alta., for the memorial. ing a “block-by-block the first to arrive, a volun- Kurt Kabel, connections.” Yesterday, “Everyone has all these citizen-based response” to struggles teer driver for one of the both 28, War- photos of the layers of connections,” help clear streets. Jack Schafer hastily arranged shuttle bus- ren Rothel, 33, eight victims Schafer said yesterday, “There are certainly peo- with tragedy es used to ferry townsfolk to Kane Rusnak, stood on a glancing at the gold ring on ple who are going to make the arena. His bus was 30, Thomas Talarico, 32, makeshift stage, flanked by a his finger before lifting his it through now that its packed, and all were quiet at Blayne Wilson, 26, and pair of shiny new snowmo- hand to wipe away his tears thawing and get their lives first — until someone in the Leonard Stier, 45, along with biles. Tables were set up with and pointing out the word back to normal.” Sports pg 7 back cracked a joke. his 20-year-old son Mikel. memorabilia from the men’s written on his ring. To the end of 2008, the Shooting Stars “We all started laughing,” They died when a series of lives, including photos of “Dad,” it read, and Schafer city spent about $940,000 said Schafer as he sat by him- avalanches, rushing at them on their snowmobiles noted he has three sons, all (almost $200,000 more than down Canucks self in the corner of the are- speeds of up to 150 km/h, and with their children. around the same age of the budgeted) clearing, salting na bleachers, where thou- crashed down on them as Mourners doffed base- men he was now mourning. and sanding main streets sands marched through, to they rode in the backcoun- ball caps and held roses as “I see this and think about and hills. the sounds of bagpipers. “It try in nearby Harvey Valley. they entered the hall. Two- all those men who were The extra money was was what we all needed. To Three other snowmobil- thousand candles were dads, sons, brothers.” drawn from the city’s laugh and remember before ers on the ride that day — handed out. TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE contingency reserve. Free Daily News Group Inc., operating as Metro Vancouver Newspapers 1190 Homer Street, Suite 250, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2X6. Publisher: Maryse Lalonde metro metronews.ca Monday, January 5, 2009 2 Lawsuit filed over icy roads two years ago on Highway 95 A B.C. man is suing the Ministry of Transportation and a highways maintenance company for injuries he sustained after rolling his car on an icy road. Warner Einer said the January 2007 accident could have been prevented if Highway 95 had been sanded.CKNW.COM Skidegate dock closed till February Local Around 5,000 people living on the Queen Charlotte Islands will be without ferry service until February while B.C. Ferries rebuilds the island’s Skidegate dock. Residents will have access to barge and plane services to Prince Rupert, but they won’t be able to drive off the islands. CBC NEWS ONLINE Grouse bans 4, News in brief FIRE A West Vancouver family members escaped unhurt. injuries during a home invasion believe the attack was targeted has lost its home to a fire early ATTACK A woman suffered sig- at a New West apartment early and are searching for a man and bills for rescue yesterday. All six family nificant, but not life-threatening, Saturday morning. Police woman. METRO NEWS SERVICES KRISTEN THOMPSON Danger zones [email protected] (cid:129) Whistler Blackcomb will Four men have been be kicking skiers off the banned for life from mountain and voiding their Grouse Mountain and season passes if they’re will be billed for the costs caught in unmarked areas of their rescue after after two men died in sepa- allegedly ignoring ski rate avalanches last week. patrollers and ducking under boundary ropes. It’s not the first time avalanche-prone area. people have been asked to Mbaho said their names, pay for being rescued from which haven’t been re- out-of-bounds areas, Wil- leased, will also be circulat- liam Mbaho, a spokesper- ed to all mountains in (cid:6) son for the mountain, said Western Canada. yesterday. “Closed areas are closed “(The cost is) determined for a reason,” he said, on a case-by-case basis,” adding that as long as peo- Mbaho said. “We’re factor- ple respect boundary signs, ing in things like labour, they’re not at risk. time and resources used.” Nearly a year ago, Janusz It hasn’t yet been deter- Gryko and his son Jeremy mined how much the were stripped of their sea- three skiers and one snow- son passes and asked to boarder — all British Co- pay $2,500 for instigating a lumbia men in their mid- dangerous rescue effort af- 20s — will have to pay for ter snowboarding out-of- their Jan. 2 rescue from the bounds at Grouse. Hydro makes Tsawwassen offers PROPERTIESB.C. Hydro may cording to CBC News Online. purchase more than 100 The offer’s deadline is properties involved in a March 10 and owners have long-standing battle over until Jan. 15 to decide the upgrade of high-voltage whether they want an in- transmission lines in dependent property value Tsawwassen. appraisal. B.C. Hydro has sent letters The transmission line is to about 138 owners, offer- being upgraded to meet Van- Introducing Canada’s only high-interest ing to buy properties near couver Island’s electricity the transmission lines, ac- needs. METRO VANCOUVER savings account with no strings attached. Mexican shooting victim sent home Our new High-interest, No-fee Savings Account™ gives you one of the top rates in WHAT’S ONLINE TODAY RELEASED One of two Van - the country without any of the restrictions you might fi nd elsewhere. Plus, you can couver men shot in a bar in designate it as your Tax-Free Savings Account and invest up to $5,000 each year VideoThe conflict in Gaza a Mexican resort town has spills onto Canadian streets at been released from hospital without paying taxes on the interest earned. metronews.ca/canada and sent home. VideoThousands turn up at Francisco Rocha, the sur- With this account, you’ll never be asked to keep a minimum balance or pay a monthly Sparwood memorial for geon in Cabo San Lucas who avalanche victims at treated 26-year-old Brend - fee. And you’ll have free, unlimited access to your funds online, by phone, at a branch metronews.ca/canada han Stowe, advised him to and through over 2,300 EXCHANGE® ATMs across Canada. BushismsU.S. return to hospital upon President George W. returning to Vancouver, Bush’s greatest verbal Rocha told CBC News. To learn more, visit www.coastcapitalsavings.com or call 1.888.517.7000. hits at metronews. Stowe and an acquain - ca/world tance, identified by Foreign Affairs as Nguyen Minh Lotteries Trung Do, 25, were shot at Friday, Jan. 2 a strip bar. Rocha said Do, Super 7:04, 13, 19, 30, 32, 35 & 38 Bonus 16 shot in the neck, might Extra: 10, 36, 39, 95 never walk again. Saturday, Jan. 3 An American tourist and Lotto 6/49: 04, 13, 17, 25, 36 & 48 Bonus 28 security guard were also BC 49:03, 11, 19, 36, 39 & 47 Bonus 32 shot and injured. Mexican Extra:41, 45, 60, 84 authorities have no suspect These results are not official. or motive. KRISTEN THOMPSON /METRO VANCOUVER metronews.ca metro Monday, January 5, 2009 Massive onslaught of comets hit Earth thousands of years ago 3 Tiny diamonds sprinkled across North America suggest a “swarm” of comets hit the Earth around 13,000 years ago, kicking up enough disruption — the equivalent of thousands of atomic bombs — to send the planet into a cold spell and drive mammoths and other creatures into extinction, scientists reported.REUTERS Canada/World Sponsors will Gaza strikes spawn rage Business deliver: VANOC M Investors hope MIDDLE EASTIsrael’s offen- U H sive in the Gaza Strip has AM the worst is over M inflamed sentiment across A D VANCOUVER major sponsors have the Arab world against HAM MARKETSInvestors begin 2010 Games pviurltlueadl lyo uatl,l oevf etnh et hmoaujgohr gdoovinegrn limttelen tosr sneoetnh ainsg to ED / REU tinhge hfiorspti nwge ethke o wf 2o0rs0t9 i strad- corporations involved stop the onslaught. TERS over. Though the S&P 500 It will be a year of have had financial set- Footage of Palestinian index lost 38 per cent of cutbacks for backs. dead, including children, its value last year, Decem- Vancouver Olympic “We’d be “We’d be naïve to being picked from the rub- ber ended on an up note organizers, months assume they are im- ble of buildings hit by with a rally, as attractively naïve to of testing and mune,” said VAN- Israeli fire has been broad- priced shares build invest- tweaking Olympic assume OC’s chief financial cast across the Middle East ment appetite. REUTERS facilities and, officer John Mc - by Arab networks. Some they are above all, hoping Laughlin last have supplied non-stop that the economy immune.” month after organ- coverage. Canada’s market stabilizes. John izers released its Across Jordan, hundreds The Vancouver last financial report wept during noon prayers • Canada’s stock market en- McLaughlin, Organizing Com- of 2008. “But so far, and cursed Arab leaders dured one of its worst years mittee is heading VANOC CFO we have had good perceived by many as not on record in 2008, losing 35 into 2009 with opti- success with them.” only standing idly as A Jordanian woman holds up a poster with pictures of the late per cent of its value, or mism, but an awareness Organizers say they’ve Gazans die, but conspiring senior Hamas leader Nizar Rayyan during a protest against Israel’s about $700 billion. that much has changed in had no indication that with Israel. REUTERS Gaza offensive held yesterday in Amman. the last six months. sponsors won’t deliver on Tickets sales have been their commitments. Russia wants warships worldwide In brief as good as expected and no TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE News in brief NAVY Military leaders ap- the African coast and visit- REAL ESTATE Economists say proved a plan by the na- ing South American allies. PIRATES A French warship cap- the Canadian housing market, News in brief tion’s navy yesterday to A resurgent navy has be- tured 19 Somali pirates yester- once believed to be strong, is station warships perma- come central to a strategy day when it rescued two cargo crumbling as home prices in HEALTH Scientists at McMaster moves one of the hurdles to nently in friendly ports for Russia -— which has ships in the Gulf of Aden. The western provinces fall. The University have found a way to the long-awaited promise of around the world. enjoyed economic revival Jean de Vienne was off the So- Bank of Canada issued a warn- tell the difference between using embryonic stem cells for The Russian navy has since 1998 — to project it- mali coast when it came to the ing that many could lose their normal stem cells and cancer personalized transplants. been reasserting itself by self in foreign affairs. rescue of a Croatian vessel and homes if the economic crisis stem cells, a discovery that re- TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE chasing Somali pirates off REUTERS a Panamanian ship. REUTERS worsens. TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE metro metronews.ca Monday, January 5, 2009 4 LOCAL NATIONAL Assoc MngingEditor, Tarin Elbert Art Director, Laila Hakim Publisher, Maryse Lalonde Group Publisher, Bill McDonald Assoc Night MngingEditor, Jim Reyno National Sales Director, Susan Courtney Managing Editor, Fernando Carneiro Distribution Mgr, George Acimovic Editor-in-Chief, Dianne Rinehart Enter/Lifestyle Editor, Dean Lisk Interactive/Mrktng Director, Jodi Brown Comment & Views Comment New year’s resolutions you can keep Hine entists spent three years, “This year I will live with- environmental footprint” Sight thousands of grant dollars Do make a plan to recycle. For instance, in my financial means” by wearing smaller shoes. and interviewed scores of any resolutions you break this year can be simply sounds like, Do make a plan to recy- Anne people studying this prob- used again next year. “There’s no big- cle. For instance, any reso- lem, finally arriving at the screen TV in your lutions you break this year Hines reason that human beings future, honey.” can be used again next year. find it so hard to change. your success potential by Similar- Try rephrasing this to, Lastly, tell yourself if you Apparently, we don’t making resolutions like, ly, making “This year I’ll play Survivor: don’t keep your resolu- I want to. You see, it pays to “This year I will wear a silly a resolution City Dwellers edition.” tions, there’s one person to consult the experts. paper hat and watch televi- like “take up Then, when you’re blame. Your mother, boss, t’s the first week in Jan- But for those who are still sion programming involv- skydiving” foraging for food and sleep- ex-boyfriend — you get to uary and according to determined not to break ing balls dropping in Times may be just ing under a viaduct it will pick. the experts by the end their promises this year I Square.” setting yourself up for a seem like an adventure. of this week, most of us present: No. 2 on our list: Keep fall. No. 4: Know what you’re Anne Hines is an author and humour writer. will break our new The HineSight Guide To resolutions open-ended. For However, “try something talking about. A friend says She has written three novels and one collection of nonfiction humour. year’s resolutions. Personal- Keeping New Year’s Resolu- instance, “lose 10 pounds” outside my comfort zone” she intends to “reduce her ly, I think this sounds un- tions. leaves very little wiggle could include anything M likely. Most people I know The No. 1 almost fail- room (much like my jeans). from attending a family ICH brTohkee thtreumth o ns eJeamn. s1 . to be pyorouor f mreetshooludt ifoonrs keerpiginhgt Imnostseta rde, sproenssoilbvley .” tToh is“ eaalt- gcoauthnetr itnogil etto p saapmerp.ling dis- AEL DE A that breaking new year’s through to the end of the lows you to occasionally The No. 3 strategy for DD resolutions is as big a tradi- year is this. Don’t make any scarf a pint of ice cream keeping your resolutions is ER tion as making them. Two until 11:59 p.m. on New and think, “Ah, dairy, that’s to make sure they sound highly trained Harvard sci- Year’s Eve. Then, increase health food.” fun. Views City skyline nearly as bleak as markets In a major hit. Construction fi- tionally renowned architect Henriquez Partners Archi- Transit nancing is harder to get and Arthur Erickson once re- tects put forth plans for a uncertainty and confusion ferred to it as “blah.” sleek, 120-metre tower for are prevalent in the real-es- That reputation changed, the North Vancouver water- Derek tate business. Which means to some extent, with several front. But instead of embrac- Moscato some inspired building de- sleek projects slated for the ing it, a group of area NIM- signs are on the verge of go- region — including one cre- BYs made enough noise to ing down before ever getting ated by Erickson himself. quash the project. [email protected] the chance to go up. Dubbed “Vancouver’s When it comes to inspired What a shame. Turn,” the Residences at architecture in metro Van- The chaos on Wall Street Historically, many folks in Ritz-Carlton tower was de- couver, it seems, if nervous continues to pummel the the Lower Mainland have signed by the locally based accountants can’t kill a proj- economy in the new year grumbled about the vanilla architect. But the downtown ect, neighbourhood activists and is going to be felt locally. look of condominium tow- project is now suspended, most certainly will. In metro Vancouver, a sig- ers. The harshest critics pending “design changes.” nature of the economic maintain that Vancouver’s The economic meltdown Derek Moscato is a writer with a focus boom years — so-called star- skyline is less breathtaking can’t take all the blame. on urban issues, transportation, architecture and economics. chitecture — is about to take than it is boring. Interna- Last year, Vancouver-based It’s your turn to tell others what you think. E-mail your thoughts and opinions to: [email protected] Letters must include sender’s full name, address and phone number –street name and phone numbers will NOT be published. We reserve the right to edit letters. METRO Vancouver1190 Homer Street, Suite 250, Vancouver, BC V6B 2X6, Tel: 604-602-1002; Fax: 1-866-254-6504; Advertising: 604-602-1002 • [email protected]; [email protected]; News: [email protected] (cid:147)(cid:156)(cid:147)(cid:202)(cid:142)(cid:152)(cid:156)(cid:220)(cid:202)(cid:195)(cid:133)(cid:105)(cid:202)(cid:136)(cid:195)(cid:202)(cid:152)(cid:156)(cid:220)(cid:202)(cid:62)(cid:202)(cid:125)(cid:192)(cid:62)(cid:152)(cid:96)(cid:147)(cid:62)(cid:202)(cid:85)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:27)(cid:213)(cid:195)(cid:204)(cid:202)(cid:204)(cid:156)(cid:202)(cid:195)(cid:62)(cid:222) Reasons To Use (cid:116)(cid:202)(cid:85)(cid:202)(cid:45)(cid:105)(cid:105)(cid:202)(cid:220)(cid:133)(cid:62)(cid:204)(cid:202)(cid:204)(cid:133)(cid:105)(cid:202)(cid:220)(cid:105)(cid:62)(cid:204)(cid:133)(cid:105)(cid:192)(cid:202)(cid:136)(cid:195)(cid:202)(cid:143)(cid:136)(cid:142)(cid:105)(cid:202)(cid:85)(cid:202)(cid:47)(cid:62)(cid:143)(cid:142)(cid:202)(cid:204)(cid:156)(cid:202)(cid:204)(cid:133)(cid:105) (cid:96)(cid:142)(cid:136)(cid:96)(cid:195)(cid:202)(cid:85)(cid:202)(cid:9)(cid:105)(cid:86)(cid:62)(cid:213)(cid:195)(cid:105)(cid:202)(cid:195)(cid:133)(cid:105)(cid:202)(cid:152)(cid:105)(cid:105)(cid:96)(cid:195)(cid:202)(cid:204)(cid:156)(cid:202)(cid:133)(cid:105)(cid:62)(cid:192)(cid:202)(cid:222)(cid:156)(cid:213)(cid:192)(cid:202)(cid:219)(cid:156)(cid:136)(cid:86)(cid:105)(cid:202)(cid:85) (cid:62)(cid:213)(cid:195)(cid:105)(cid:202)(cid:133)(cid:105)(cid:202)(cid:152)(cid:105)(cid:105)(cid:96)(cid:195)(cid:202)(cid:204)(cid:156)(cid:202)(cid:142)(cid:152)(cid:156)(cid:220)(cid:202)(cid:222)(cid:156)(cid:213)(cid:189)(cid:219)(cid:105)(cid:202)(cid:62)(cid:192)(cid:192)(cid:136)(cid:219)(cid:105)(cid:96)(cid:202)(cid:195)(cid:62)(cid:118)(cid:105)(cid:143)(cid:222)(cid:202)(cid:85) 11 (cid:152)(cid:202)(cid:222)(cid:156)(cid:213)(cid:202)(cid:152)(cid:105)(cid:105)(cid:96)(cid:202)(cid:62)(cid:202)(cid:76)(cid:62)(cid:136)W(cid:143)(cid:135)(cid:156)h(cid:213)a(cid:204)(cid:202)t(cid:85)’(cid:202)s(cid:9) Y(cid:105)(cid:86)o(cid:62)u(cid:213)r(cid:195) (cid:105)R(cid:202)e(cid:222)(cid:156)a(cid:213)s(cid:202)o(cid:118)(cid:156)n(cid:213)?(cid:152)(cid:96)(cid:202)(cid:204)(cid:133)(cid:105) 66¢¢ CANADA & U.S. (cid:136)(cid:152)(cid:125)(cid:202)(cid:171)(cid:213)(cid:171)(cid:171)(cid:222)(cid:202)(cid:85)(cid:202)(cid:47)(cid:156)(cid:202)(cid:220)(cid:136)(cid:195)(cid:133)(cid:202)(cid:204)(cid:133)(cid:105)(cid:147)(cid:202)(cid:62)(cid:202)(cid:21)(cid:62)(cid:171)(cid:171)(cid:222)(cid:202)(cid:1)(cid:152)(cid:152)(cid:136)(cid:219)(cid:105)(cid:192)(cid:195)(cid:62)(cid:192)(cid:222) .. 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(cid:21)(cid:156)(cid:143)(cid:136)(cid:96)(cid:62)(cid:222)(cid:32)(cid:34)(cid:202)(cid:10)(cid:34)(cid:32)(cid:47)(cid:44)(cid:1)(cid:10)(cid:47)(cid:45)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:85)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:32)(cid:34)(cid:202)(cid:45)(cid:22)(cid:20)(cid:32)(cid:49)(cid:42)(cid:45)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:85)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:202)(cid:32)(cid:34)(cid:202)(cid:13)(cid:56)(cid:47)(cid:44)(cid:1)(cid:202)(cid:10)(cid:21)(cid:1)(cid:44)(cid:20)(cid:13)(cid:45) Calls to cell phones may be at a different rate. metro metronews.ca Monday, January 5, 2009 6 Inkjet vs. laser printers Inkjet printers use up to 95 per cent less energy than laser printers, according to Greeniology: How To Live Well, Be Green and Make a Difference by Tanya Ha. METRO NEWS SERVICES Save water easily Going Green Don’t fill up your kettle. Only pour in as much water as you need right now. If every Canadian did this, we could save enough electricity to power every street light across the country, according to Change the World for Ten Bucks: 50 Ways To Make a Difference. TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE EDITOR: MIKE DEREZYCKY, [email protected] Blue-green marriage in your hands Eco-Minded mgraerernie db itnos . coBmupt osdte-fsipllietde SUBM Curbside composting programs having a reputation as a ITTED Kai Chan green city, Vancouver does- PHO (cid:129)In 2006, Ladysmith became (cid:129) P.E.I., Nova Scotia and the n’t have a curbside organ- TO B.C.’s first municipality to im- Greater Toronto Area all have with ics collection program. plement curbside compost curbside organics collection Amy Why not? collection. programs. Vancouver is running Thai out of places to dump its as with many recycling be green bins to keep our waste. A curbside com- programs, contamination hard-working blue boxes posting program is a great (with non-compostables) is company. way to reduce the waste an issue. But composting pro- B stream — as much as 30 to Will Vancouverites ever grams are only as good as lue bag, yellow 40 per cent of household see a green bin gracing their citizen participation, bag, blue box … waste is compostable. And their doorstep? According so the success of these po- green bin? Van- when people have the op- to Mayor Gregor Robert- tential blue-green mar- couverites are fa- tion of getting their organ- Vancouver may be partnering its blue recycling boxes with green son’s new plan to make riages is in your hands. miliar with the ic waste collected, they are compost bins to further divert waste from landfills. Vancouver a more sustain- ubiquitous blue recycling more likely to compost. able city, a citywide curb- Kai Chan is an assistant professor and Cana- da Research Chair at the Institute for box. However, in many However, large-scale First, compost will eventu- near collection locations to side composting program Resources, Environment, and Sustainability Canadian municipalities, composting programs face ally smell, so composting minimize transportation is in the works. So there’s (IRES) at UBC. Amy Thai is an MSc graduate blue boxes are happily a number of challenges. facilities must be located and processing time. And hope that soon there will from UBC’s Department of Geography. Make smarter choices at the grocery store What better place to start ages. For example, Green Reusable bags saving the environment Works is a new line of nat- than at your local grocery ural cleaners that can be store? Making smart choic- (cid:129) Cut down on plastic bags. most stores have their own found at your local grocery es in the grocery aisles can Canadians use approximately brand of reusable bags you can store. Information is avail- help reduce your family’s 10 billion plastic bags each purchase while you are there. able online at www.green- environmental footprint. year. Reducing that number Another alternative is to use workscleaners.com. Here are some simple means bringing reusable gro- cardboard boxes to carry your Take fewer trips: Car ways to turn your shop- cery bags with you to the store. groceries or paper bags that emissions continue to be a ping list green: If you don’t already have some, can be recycled. major contributor to Buy local: When food greenhouse gases in Cana- doesn’t have to travel far, it away from the taste of the Buy environmentally da, making carpooling and requires less packaging food. Another benefit to friendly products: Many fewer trips to the grocery materials, fewer preserva- buying locally grown food companies are trying to be store a must. Making a gro- tives and often fewer pesti- is the shorter distances the more environmentally cery list in advance can cides. Not only are these produce needs to travel, conscious so look for help cut down on trips to processes bad for the envi- which results in less dam- brands that offer natural the store for one-off forgot- ronment but they also take aging greenhouse gases. products in recycled pack- ten items. NEWS CANADA metronews.ca metro Monday, January 5, 2009 Hockey player’s death renews criticism 7 The death of a 21-year-old hockey player who died three weeks after hitting his head on the ice during a fight has renewed calls for tougher rules governing the use of helmets. Don Sanderson, a defenceman with the senior AAA Whitby Dunlops in Ontario, died Friday in Hamilton. METRO NEWS SERVICES Sports Hosp to miss World Championships Austrian downhill skier Nicole Hosp, left, will miss next month’s alpine world ski championships after injuring her left knee. Hosp, the 2007 giant slalom world champion, tore ligaments after crashing during a warmup run for a World Cup slalom yesterday. METRO NEWS SERVICES [email protected] Stars down Canucks in shootout Eagles, Ravens fly through wild card NFLThe Philadelphia Eagles NHL RESULT THE ROBBERY:Labarbera REU and Baltimore Ravens were SfoCrO MTeTt rRoI NVaTnOcUouLver Stars 3 Canucks 2 (SO) dimidp heirss obneastt iRoonb oenrt ao SLtuaorsn’go TERS/AND wplianynoeffr sg ainm NeFs Ly ewsitledr-dcaaryd. THE SKINNY:James Neal pRiobwieerro p sleaeym ini nthgely t hhairdd .a M wiikdee Y CLARK Pnhesiloatdae Vlpikhiinag bse 2a3t -t1h4e o Mn itnh-e scored the deciding goal as the VS open net in which to convert a strength of Donovan Mc- Canucks lost in a shootout for rebound, but Labarbera’s Nabb’s 300 passing yards, the second straight game. Ja- glove appeared out of while the Ravens beat the son Labarbera made 34 saves shootout. The Canucks blew a nowhere to stun Ribiero. Dolphins 27-9 in Miami. in his home debut and nearly 2-0 first period lead, but were The Eagles face the New had the win, but Mike able to force a shootout thanks THE NEXT GAME: The York Giants next weekend Modano’s shot trickled to numerous sensational saves Canucks are off to Edmonton for while Baltimore visits Ten- through him to extend the by Labarbera. a divisional tilt on Wednesday. Kyle Wellwood scores on Marty Turco last night. nessee. METRO NEWS SERVICES Here we go again Toul Canucks are in dire need Box of a long winning streak, but it’s vital they get more W’s than L’s in the near fu- Scott ture if they want to keep Rintoul Calgary in their sights and make the rest of the divi- sion an afterthought. [email protected] (cid:129) Nothing seems to har- ness our collective nation- top me if you’ve al pride in sports like the heard this before, world junior hockey tour- but the Canucks nament. find themselves in If you watched Canada’s the middle of a cru- thrilling 6-5 shootout win cial stretch of games over over Russia on Saturday the next few weeks. night, you know exactly It looked as though Van- what I mean. couver had already battled Of course we love to through its toughest por- thump our chests any time tion of the schedule earlier our dominance on ice is this season when the challenged, but it’s more Canucks played six of their than that. first seven and 19 of their The fact that the squad first 30 games on the road. is composed of young men But the Canucks can ill who have yet to embark afford a string of poor re- on their professional ca- sults if they still have de- reers makes it somehow signs on the third seed in more appealing than get- the West. ting behind the pros. Vancouver currently The lack of knowledge trails Calgary for the divi- about the opposition also sion lead and all four adds to the fervour. teams in the Northwest As much as we’ll all hold games in hand. bleed red and white dur- Edmonton, Colorado and ing the Olympic hockey Minnesota are suddenly tournament next year, it’s within reach of a Canucks a little harder to cheer team that had seized con- against the likes of Alex trol of the division. Ovechkin and Evgeni Making the task of keep- Malkin after applauding ing pace more difficult are their excellence on a a pair of groin injuries to nightly basis during the goaltenders Roberto Luon- NHL season. go and Curtis Sanford and I know I’ll be glued to the need to incorporate tonight’s final against Mats Sundin into the mix Sweden when B.C. boys over the next couple of Evander Kane, Colton Teu- weeks. bert, Brett Sonne, Jamie The good news is that Benn and Canucks’ first- only two of the Canucks’ rounder Cody Hodgson go nine games this month looking for gold. will be played somewhere Want to weigh in? other than GM Place, and Send me an email at only three of those games scott.rintoul@team1040. are against teams that ca. have accumulated more points than Vancouver in Scott Rintoul is a college athlete, sports fan the standings. and broadcaster. He can be heard Monday- Friday on the TEAM 1040 from 6-9 a.m. It’s not as though the metro metronews.ca Monday, January 5, 2009 8 Metro Workology exclusive: Curtain Call Don’t miss Curtain Call, Metro’s exclusive feature series in the Workology section. In the realm of death there are some interesting, lucrative and mysterious career opportunities; we will be digging up the stories for you, so check for Workology on Mondays and Wednesdays and Metronews.ca/work as well. Laurentian opening Workology Laurentian University officially opened its new School of Education, which also houses the music department, the School of Rural and Northern Health, and masters program in human kinetics. METRO NEWS SERVICES EDITOR: DOUGLAS DUNLOP, [email protected] CSI effect breaks reality’s speed limit labour-intensive work. enter the forensic science major medical university in Curtain Call Dr. Martin Evison, direc- program directly from high Canada to offer a forensic tor of the University of school — they have to apply science program, several Curtain Call is a Metro ex- Toronto’s forensic fcience formally to the program af- undergraduate universities clusive series in the program, says the “CSI ef- ter at least one year of post- offer similar programs, in- Workology section that fo- fect” — the instantaneous, secondary studies. Evison cluding the University of cuses on the interesting logic-defying results por- says the process is neces- Windsor and Trent Univer- and often overlooked ca- trayed on shows like CSI — sary to make sure that only sity in Ontario and St. reer opportunities that in- can give many people the people with an interest in Mary’s University in Nova volve death. Check back wrong idea of what foren- real forensics rather than Scotia. daily to see more. sics is really like. flashy TV theatrics get in. Evison says forensics can “The first thing we tell “We try to guarantee that be a highly rewarding field students is that (forensic sci- we admit those kinds of stu- when matched to the right RAFAEL BRUSILOW for Metro Canada ence) is not like CSI at all. A dents who are academically type of person. lot of it is very mechanistic, good and have the right lev- “Forensic science suits CSI aficionados beware: routine and laborious. How- Dr. Martin Evison says forensics can be a highly rewarding field el of interest and maturity,” problem-solving and pa- Real studies and careers in ever there is a reward at the when matched to the right type of person. Evison said. tient personalities, people forensics are nothing like end of the day — if you do it Evison says the “CSI ef- who are willing to do the the TV show. thoroughly and profession- which analysis happens, the results can be rather more fect” has also had a direct meticulous work until they Contrary to the break- ally, a forensic scientist can types of methods available ambiguous than you can influence on the way evi- find something that hope- neck pace of results gather- contribute to solving some and the exactness of the get from CSI,” he said. dence in presented in the fully contributes to solving ing and analysis of crime quite serious crimes,” Evi- end results. The “CSI effect” is so pro- courtroom. a crime. You’re not going to scenes portrayed in shows son said. “It never happens at the nounced, Evison says, that “If there is a phenome- be paid the same salary as like CSI: Miami and CSI: NY, The biggest exaggerations touch of a button and a lot it influenced the University non that typifies the way the actors on CSI, but you real forensic science takes a Evison says shows like CSI of what you see (on televi- of Toronto’s own admission policing is changing it’s a will do socially useful great deal of patience and make are the speed at sion) is science fantasy. The policies. Students cannot move away from eyewit- work,” Evison said. ness evidence and confes- sions and more towards For more of the Curtain Call physical evidence, which exclusive series check the science is expected to pro- Workology section Mondays and Wednesdays or stop by vide,” Evison said. Metronews.ca/work While U of T is the only LEARN. EVOLVE. LEAD. THE GOLD STANDARD Develop your leadership and management skills on the job. Degree Info Telesession Complete a Bachelor’s degree in Management Thursday, January 8, 1:00–2:00 pm using a leadership curriculum applied in your workplace. Work at your convenience with real Join our call from the convenience Accepting applications for our accredited time support from a BCIT faculty coach. of your home or office. To DENTAL HYGIENE PROGRAM participate in our telesession, Your learning is online, anytime. register at bcit.ca/infosessions. For Admissions Tour or Appointment (DOWNTOWN TORONTO) Apply now to start in January. Phone: 416-341-0100 ext 11 or 14 Toll Free: 1-866-666-0481 TECHNOLOGY Email: [email protected] CHANGES Visit bcit.ca, search ‘management degree’ EVERYTHING We look forward to meeting you! metro metronews.ca Monday, January 5, 2009 10workology Royal Roads unveils green plan Victoria-based Royal Roads University released details of its sustainability plan. Among the initiatives outlined in the plan are halving greenhouse gas emissions from 2007 levels over the next 12 years and adopting alternative energy sources. METRO NEWS SERVICES New year’s job outlook on the grim side: Study CareerBuilder.com per cent of employers, sur- HIRING BY INDUSTRY released the results of its veyed by Comparing select indus- latest survey, conducted CareerBuilder.com, state tries, job creation in profes- by Harris Interactive, track- they plan to increase full- sional and business services ing projected hiring trends time, permanent employ- and information technolo- for 2009. ees and 16 per cent plan to gy is expected to carry into The survey was conduct- decrease in 2009. The re- the new year. Twenty-eight ed in November and De- mainder of employers say per cent of IT and 23 per cember among 3,259 hiring they are unsure or don’t cent of professional and managers and human re- plan to make any changes business services employers source professionals in pri- to their headcount in the plan to add full-time, per- vate-sector companies. new year.” manent employees in 2009, “The job market of 2008 FULL-TIME followed by 20 per cent of suffered as the U.S. econo- Fourteen per cent of em- employers in transportation my weakened and entered ployers plan to increase and utilities, 16 per cent in into a recession,” said Matt their number of full-time, sales, 14 per cent in health Ferguson, CEO of Career- permanent employees in care and 13 per cent in fi- Builder.com. “Looking 2009, compared to 32 per nancial services. Retail em- ahead, recruitment levels cent who anticipated in- ployers are also planning to are expected to be lower in creasing headcount in 2008. expand staffs at seven per the new year, but employ- Sixteen per cent plan to de- cent followed by five per ers are not out of the mix crease staff levels in 2009 cent of hospitality employ- completely; instead they’re while 56 percent expect no ers. taking ‘a wait and see’ ap- change. Thirteen per cent COMPENSATION proach to hiring. Fourteen are unsure. With a large number of PART-TIME annual salary increases tak- Eight per cent of employ- ing place in the first quar- ers plan to increase their ter, 56 per cent of employ- number of part-time em- ers expect to raise compen- GET ployees in 2009, down sation levels in the next from 21 per cent who ex- three months. Forty-three pected to do so in 2008. per cent estimate the aver- Fourteen per cent plan to age raise to amount to thre decrease headcount in per cent or more while 12 2009, 62 per cent expect no per cent anticipate an aver- change and 15 per cent are age raise of five per cent or unsure. more. METRO NEWS SERVICES WITH THE PAYROLL/COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING DIPLOMA • Office Administration Diploma Fundamentals of Insurance • Hospitality & Tourism Financial assistance may be available to those who qualify. PROGRAM. E/I recipients accepted. 604-248-1242 • www.trainingforjobs.com Project Management Certificate Program At BCIT, most of our Part-time Studies courses are part of Companies need project management specialists capable of larger programs of study. 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