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Preview Metro Vancouver - January 24, 2013

COUPLAND ON THE Weather HOME LAND your cold. EXCLUSIVE: AUTHOR DOUGLAS COUPLAND SHOWS OFF HIS NEW FURNITURE LINE We’ll all feel better. PAGE 16 VANCOUVER Thursday, January 24, 2013 4 1 News worth sharing. metronews.ca | twitter.com/vancouvermetro| facebook.com/vancouvermetro Rebagliati eyes ganja gold rush Ross’ Gold. Olympian With attitudes toward pot Quoted becoming more liberal south has big ambitions of the border, Rebagliati said “We want to create a for medical-marijuana now is the time to prepare to franchise, starting model that’s going to take advantage of the oppor- set the standard for the tunity. with Whistler location Ross’ Gold will apply for a industry.” Ross Rebagliati production licence — though it has already signed on as a EMILY juana, said in a phone inter- licensed producer — and sell JACKSON view from Whistler. legal retail items at its stores [email protected] His business ambitions in the interim. The team has come on the heels of Health already scouted locations for Marijuana almost cost him Canada’s proposal to priva- the flagship Whistler shop an Olympic gold medal, but tize the medical-marijuana slated to open as early as this snowboarder Ross Rebagliati business and only allow au- spring. is hopeful it could soon earn thorized producers to grow While the business model him millions. the plant. sounds like it will appeal to Rebagliati plans to open a And he figures his high- a more recreational user, Re- medical-marijuana franchise end stores with coffee shops bagliati said it will follow all under the name “Ross’ Gold” in the front and dispensaries federal regulations and only with storefronts in Whistler, in the back will earn $1 mil- sell to those with medical- Vancouver and Toronto, he lion in the first year alone, ac- marijuana prescriptions. The announced online Tuesday. cording to a report posted on classy features are meant “It’s no secret that my his website. to make dispensaries more name has been synonymous “We want to create a welcoming than they are cur- with marijuana since I was at model that’s going to set the rently. the Olympics 15 years ago,” standard for the industry,” he If the government ever Rebagliati, who won and was said. “We want to be chasing legalizes recreational use allowed to keep a gold medal the wine industry and their — which Rebagliati doesn’t in the 1998 Olympics despite model, as far as wineries and expect any time soon — his testing positive for mari- pairings.” business will be ready. Furlong family Spence ends Canucks score denies abuse hunger strike first win ‘Shocking allegations’ that The Attawapiskat chief calls a Kassian goal secures a ex-VANOC head physically halt to her six-week fast, but shootout win against the and sexually abused loved she and her supporters still Calgary Flames after ones have no merit, want a meeting with the PM Vancouver surrenders statement says PAGE 3 and Governor General PAGE 8 another two-goal lead PAGE 25 Olympic gold-medal-winning snowboarder Ross Rebagliati. FACEBOOK.COM NOT BECAUSE THEY’RE LAZY, NOT BECAUSE THEY ENJOY IT, BECAUSE THEY NEED HELP. LET’S END THE STIGMA. ON FEBRUARY 12, LET’S TALK ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH. BELL.CA/LETSTALK metronews.ca NEWS 03 Thursday, January 24, 2013 Furlong. Family responds to abuse, rape allegations N Family members of former Vancouver Olympic CEO John Furlong — including his ex-wife — have condemned new allegations against him of domestic and sexual abuse. E The family issued a state- ment Wednesday decrying the latest allegations made by reporter Laura Robinson, who is being sued by Furlong over W an article she wrote about his time as a teacher at two Cath- olic schools in northern B.C. A statement of defence filed by Robinson this week claimed Furlong physically abused his former spouse and sexually as- A woman walks between offi ce towers in Vancouver. Seattle-based WalkScore has named Vancouver as Canada’s most walkable city. DARRYL DYCK/THE CANADIAN PRESS saulted a common-law partner. S Vancouver walks “These shocking allegations are without merit and portray a character whom none of us recognizes,” said the statement from Furlong’s children, their mother Margaret, and their stepmother Gail, along with the walk, safely Furlong’s 11 grandchildren. “We are being subjected to shame and embarrassment by misuse of journalistic privilege and license.” The family said they felt compelled to speak out about Who’s up for a stroll? ing the talk,” he said Wednes- Quoted the “serious, unsubstantiated” City named most day. “Walkability is the key allegations contained in the “Walkability is the key to a multi-modal city to a multi-modal city because pedestrian-friendly in court documents. every trip starts and ends with because every trip starts and ends with your feet.” None of the allegations has Canada your feet.” been proven in court. Brent Toderian, Vancouver’s former chief planner and head of Toderian Urban Works It is also the key to real- Furlong, a member of the estate success and to healthier Order of Canada, is suing the and greener cities, Toderian Georgia Straight newspaper, PHYLICIA walkability of more than 300 there public art there … so said, adding that a pedestrian- Robinson, publisher Daniel Mc- TORREVILLAS Canadian cities and 1,200 that people not only are safe friendly city starts with mixed Leod and editor Charlie Smith, [email protected] neighbourhoods. while they’re walking, they’re use of land, density and de- claiming the article is false and According to WalkScore, having a good time doing it?” sign. defamatory. Vancouver has been hailed as the best Vancouver neigh- she added. “Unfortunately, much of “Obscene accusations and the ultimate walker’s paradise bourhoods for walkabilty are Brent Toderian, Vancou- North America has been de- innuendo have now been in Canada. Downtown (96), the West End ver’s former chief planner and signed to be seen through printed nation-wide and noth- WalkScore, a Seattle-based (94), Strathcona (93), Kitsilano now head of Toderian Urban the windshield from a speed- ing could possibly undo that,” mobile-app company, gave (89), and Fairview (89). Works, said the city’s trans- ing car, whereas we designed said the statement. Vancouver a “walk score” rat- Coun. Heather Deal said portation plan in the mid- our city to be enjoyed at eye- “The public should be ing of 78, making it the most the city has been focusing 1990s was the first in North level and at walking speed,” deeply concerned at the power walkable city in the country. on pedestrian safety such as America to prioritize walking Toderian said. of a single journalist whose Toronto came in second, creating well-lit and well-de- as the most important form of “Walkability is the closest words can smash into a family followed by Montreal, Missis- signed crosswalks. movement. thing to a silver bullet because like a wrecking-ball.” sauga, Ont., and Ottawa. “Is the sidewalk wide “A great deal of time and so many things flow out of de- THE CANADIAN PRESS The company rated the enough to put a bench on? Is effort has been done in walk- signing a walkable city.” WHISTLER BLACKCOMB PEAK DEALS 50 RESORTQUEST SAVE % N Valid for arrivals from Feb 24 - Apr 30 WHISTLER UP TO N Representing over 500 units in Whistler SUMMIT SAVE 40% N 40% off 3+ Nights LODGE & SPA UP TO N Valid Mar 1-31 WESTIN SAVE 25% N 25% Off 3+ Nights RESORT & SPA N Valid for arrivals to Apr 30 6OWF HSN.ISO4WTLFAERLL M BA(LN2ADE1C C TFKOUECRNOEETTMINS)BG p: ERic Berger AstllaF ayi drnevqedrutiir sememd eoonftfrse reasn addr eme sidua-bwljesece tk ot orne csht ralincotgideo nwgsi tmihnoauyg ta n paoptlinyc.e Td aaxn eads acarnted is vufebiejtsei caetr teso e axavtraati. lawbilhityi ast tthlee trimbel oaf cbokokcinogm. Blabck.couot dmate/sp, meinaimkudme leangltsh of WHERE THE SNOW IS. 1.888.767.1248 whistlerblackcomb.com/peakdeals 04 metronews.ca Thursday, January 24, 2013 Let your savings have a happy new year too. The Emily Carr University will be moving to a new campus on Great Northern Way after the province announced it will chip in $113 million to help it relocate from Granville Island. PHYLICIA TORREVILLAS/METRO Emily Carr move GIC WIN 1 of 5 won’t hurt Granville 1-YEAR $10,000* * 1.6 %* SPECIAL Island, says CMHC PRIZE PACKS RATE New home. University land, which it has called home just replace it with a retail has outgrown its campus for more than 30 years. It has store. a lease in place until 2043 with “I’m not so much worried on Granville Island, Canada Mortgage and Housing about (losing business or its Take advantage of this limited time offer. which it has called home Corporation (CMHC) that man- tourism appeal) because it’s ages Granville Island on behalf always going to be a tourist Plus, a chance to win $10,000**. for more than 30 years of the Canadian government. destination, but I’m more wor- Lisa Ono, CMHC’s manager ried that the character might of public affairs and program- be changed,” she said. Purchase a 1-year GIC at a rate of 1.6%* and be entered for The loss of Emily Carr Univer- ming, said they are not wor- Emily Carr chancellor Jake sity to new digs on the city’s ried Emily Carr’s departure Kerr said it has been tough ac- a chance to win 1 of 5 $10,000 prizes, while this offer lasts. Eastside won’t cramp the will have a negative effect on commodating 1,800 students tourism appeal and charac- Granville Island. in a campus designed for only ter of Granville Island, says a “They’ve been a valued ten- 800 people, forcing them to Visit your nearest Scotiabank branch, call 1-800-515-3329 spokesperson for the corpora- ant, and we will miss them, turn away a lot of qualified tion that manages the tourist but we will be transitioning student candidates. or go to Scotia OnLine. destination. to either an education use or Clark’s government has Premier Christy Clark an- arts-and-culture-related use for been recently criticized for not nounced the provincial gov- the space, so we will continue doing enough for B.C.’s film scotiabank.com/giccontest ernment will invest up to $113 to be that cultural hub for the industry, but the premier said million for the $134-million city,” she said, adding they’re investing in Emily Carr’s new project to build a new visual, working with Emily Carr digs will be great for creative- media and design facility for through the transition to find arts training. Emily Carr at the Great North- a suitable new tenant. “It’s part of our commit- ern Way Campus. The univer- Alannah New-Small, a man- ment to making sure that we sity and donors are expected ager of a glass studio and gal- do more than just tax credits to cover the remaining costs. lery at Granville Island, said to support the creative arts,” Emily Carr has outgrown she’s sad to see Emily Carr go she said. its campus on Granville Is- and hopes that CMHC won’t PHYLICIA TORREVILLAS/METRO Injection site Portland Hotel Society, Abbotsford resident Abbotsford which operates Vancou- Matt West thinks mari- considering ver’s supervised injection juana dispensaries should site, says council needs have been considered as options for to end the ban on needle well. harm reduction exchange. A former heroin addict, ® Registered trademarks of The Bank of Nova Scotia. “When you’re in pol- he kicked the drug with * T he 1.60% annual interest rate applies only to the Special Rate 1-year non-redeemable GIC, which is a Canadian Eight years after contro- itics, sometimes you’ve methadone and medical dollar investment. The Special Rate 1-year non-redeemable GIC is available within registered, non-registered and TFSA portfolios. Interest is accrued daily on your GIC from the issue date up to, but not including, the maturity date. versially banning needle got to be a leader,” he said. marijuana. Also, interest will be accrued on the leap day in a leap year. Annual interest rate for a GIC paid monthly is 1.35% exchanges, Abbotsford is “Obviously, they need ser- To get marijuana legally, and semi-annually is 1.475%. Last interest payment is on maturity. If the maturity date does not fall on a business revisiting the issue of harm vices, because, trust me, if he had to go to a dispens- day then the term of the GIC will be extended to the next business day and interest will be paid to that day. This reduction as public policy. they don’t think they have ary in Vancouver; it was far Special Rate GIC offer is not to be used in conjunction with any other rate bonus or discretionary offers. The Bank On Tuesday night, a drug users in their city, easier to buy it from a drug of Nova Scotia, Scotia Mortgage Corporation, Montreal Trust Company, and National Trust Company each issue forum at city hall discussed they’re fools.” dealer, he said, but also this Special Rate GIC. We reserve the right to change, extend or cancel this offer at any time without prior notice. the issue. Addictions work- His society has been detrimental to his recovery. A $1,000 minimum investment is required. ers and the public both distributing clean needles “Anything that reminds ** N o purchase necessary. Contest is open to legal residents of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba who have reached the age of majority in the province in which they reside at the time of entry. No employees, agents spoke during what Mayor in Abbotsford in violation you of your former life, you or representatives of The Bank of Nova Scotia and their respective agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, related companies, Bruce Banman said was a of the bylaw for two years. want to get past that,” he advertising or promotional agencies, or assignees; or a member of the household and/or immediate family of any of respectful meeting. He called the ban “appal- said. “Waiting in parking the above parties are eligible to participate in the contest. Visit scotiabank.com/giccontest for entry details and full “People listened to one ling and ridiculous.” lots, it’s exactly what you rules. Contest starts at 12:01 a.m. on January 14, 2013 and ends at 11:59 p.m. on January 31, 2013. Odds of winning another and there was lots “It’s a proven fact that were (doing) before and a prize depend on the total number of eligible entries received. Correctly answering a skill testing question required. of food for thought,” he services like these save that triggers the memories Limit one prize per customer. said. lives…. It’s a no-brainer,” of waiting for heroin.” Mark Townsend of the he said. LIAM BRITTEN/FOR METRO 06 NEWS metronews.ca Thursday, January 24, 2013 Oprah draws ire over foreskin-derived face cream Rogers Arena show. Oprah’s show at the Rogers Winfrey would respond if a Medica spokeswoman Chrissy enough to anger Callender’s Arena Thursday to condemn skin cream for men used tissue Baum said. The foreskin fibro- group, which takes issue with Vancouver advocates to her endorsement of SkinMed- taken from the genitalia of lit- blasts are cultured in a lab and any circumcision done with- protest Winfrey’s promo ica products, which contain tle girls? I think people would growth hormones from this out consent, which is impos- of anti-aging products anti-aging growth factors de- lose their minds over it.” process are used in the prod- sible to obtain if an infant is rived from a circumcised ba- Oprah’s website only men- ucts. involved. by’s foreskin. tions SkinMedica briefly in “It’s not like there’s actual It’s a double standard that “Tissue from little boys is a 2009 post, but she has pro- foreskin in the products,” she circumcising girls younger Oprah rubbed a group of Van- being put into cosmetic prod- moted it at times over the past said. than 18 is illegal in Canada couver activists the wrong ucts for vain old women to rub decade. Foreskin fibroblasts also yet the same practice is done way when she promoted face on their faces. That is absolute- The products, lauded in a have medical purposes, such on boys frequently, Callender cream with ingredients de- ly wrong,” CAN-FAP founder variety of beauty magazines, as regrowing skin for burn said. rived from foreskin. Glen Callender said in an inter- contain growth factors that victims or helping heal ulcers. In Canada, circumcision is The Canadian Foreskin view, adding he expects a few were bioengineered from a They can easily be bought on- not recommended as a medic- Awareness Project (CAN-FAP) dozen people at the protest. single donation of foreskin line for about $85 a piece. ally necessary procedure. Oprah Winfrey will hold a protest outside “How do you think Oprah more than 10 years ago, Skin- But one foreskin used is EMILY JACKSON/METRO FRAZER HARRISON/GETTY IMAGES Tax incentives. Film-industry meeting draws support, but not from the province A meeting of film profession- productions from B.C. He said als in North Vancouver Tues- B.C. does not need to match day night attracted thousands Ontario’s tax incentives, but concerned about the future of he does want the provincial the industry in B.C. government to close the gap Organized by the Motion to within five per cent. Picture Production Indus- Bill Bennett, the provin- try Association (MPPIA), the cial minister responsible for meeting’s goal was to focus the film industry, said that lobbying efforts with polit- will not happen. icians and get the public on- “The digital media, post- side with the film industry’s production and television value. side are still strong,” he said. “There’s a perception that “I think the public is left with people fly up in private jets the impression that the in- and someone hands them dustry is fleeing British Col- a bag of money, and that’s umbia, but that’s not true.” really not the case at all,” said Bennett said the govern- Peter Leitch of the MPPIA. ment will announce help for “(Film) creates 25,000 jobs, the industry next week, but it’s part of the creative econ- won’t be “throwing a bunch omy.… It’s renewable and it of money at it.” dumps an awful lot of money Bennett suggested that the back into the economy.” aid would involve reducing Leitch said better tax in- red tape and combining agen- centives in Ontario are luring cies. LIAM BRITTEN/METRO Review Yaletown Auditor general Condo resident considering charged with two-year extension mischief after flood B.C. auditor general John Police charged a resident Doyle is considering an of a flooded Yaletown offer to remain in his post highrise after he allegedly for another two years. opened the standpipes The offer came from in the condo’s stairwells a Liberal-dominated Monday night, causing legislative committee that extensive water damage to had voted earlier not to every floor of the highrise. extend Doyle’s term. The man allegedly The committee re- opened several standpipes SSttaarrbbuucckkss BBlloonnddee RRooast More and more Canadians are enjoying viewed the issue on the — meant for fighting fires urging of Premier Christy — between the 25th and tthhee mmeelllloowweerr,, eeaassyy ddrriinnkking taste of Starbucks Blonde Roast. In fact, Clark, who’s also prom- 37th floors of the 37-storey ised to bring in legislation condominium at 928 CCaannaaddiiaannss ddrriinnkk ttwwiiccee aas much Blonde Roast as Americans*. to extend the appoint- Beatty St., where he lived. WWee iinnvviittee yyoouu ttoo ttrryy iitt yyoourself. ment of the auditor from Salvador Villarreal- CCCCCaaaaannnnnaaaaadddddiiiiiaaaaannnnnsssss kkkkknnnnnooooowwww what they like. six to eight years and Gomez, 24, has been make it a single term. charged with mischief New Democrat critic over $5,000. He was re- Shane Simpson is welcom- leased from custody under ing the reversal of the the condition he only re- original decision not to turn to the building once, retain Doyle, but he says accompanied by police, the Liberals on the com- to obtain his belongings, mittee made a mess of the Const. Brian Montague starbucks.ca/blonde whole affair. said Wednesday. THE CANADIAN PRESS Property managers © 2013 Starbucks Coffee Company. All rights reserved. did not return calls, but *On a per person basis. For more local news on Wednesday police visit metronews.ca described the damage as “severe.” EMILY JACKSON/METRO Take greater interest in your savings . Earn Bonus Interest on your savings. 2%* – CIBC TFSA Tax Advantage Savings Account® on New Balances – CIBC RRSP Daily Interest Savings Account Limited Time Conditions apply. Speak to a CIBC advisor today. Visit any branch, go to cibc.com/bonusinterest or call 1 866 525-8622. *This is a combined bonus and regular annual interest rate paid on new balances deposited to a CIBC TFSA Tax Advantage Savings Account (“TFSA”) and/or CIBC RRSP Daily Interest Savings Account (“RRSP DISA”). The bonus and/or regular rates may change at any time without prior notice. Ask a CIBC advisor for current rates. How it works: the applicable regular interest is paid on the full daily closing balance for each. In addition, on days when the closing balance exceeds the Oct 31/12 closing balance (the difference between the two balances is a “new balance”), the new balance earns a bonus interest rate for that day. Interest is calculated daily on each day’s fi nal balance and paid monthly. Bonus interest rate offer expires Mar 28/13. Other conditions apply; ask in-branch or see cibc.com/bonusinterest for full terms and conditions. ®Registered trademark of CIBC. “CIBC For what matters.” is a TM of CIBC. 08 metronews.ca Thursday, January 24, 2013 Chief Theresa Spence is ending her hunger strike, which was initially supposed to help set up a meeting with the Prime Minister, the Governor General and First Nations leaders. FRED CHARTRAND/THE CANADIAN PRESS Chief Spence to end hunger strike Forcing the discussion. Assembly of First Nations, will Declaration continue to fight to achieve,” Protest ends after Atleo said in a statement on “Far too long we have NDP, Liberals and First Wednesday. Nations chiefs agree to been denied an equit- Spence has been subsisting able stature within the on only fish broth and medicin- declaration of demands al tea since Dec. 11 to push for a Canadian society.” meeting between First Nations A line from the draft declaration agreed leaders, the Prime Minister and upon by First Nations leaders the Governor General. Attawapiskat Chief Theresa The breakthrough comes Spence has agreed to end her attention of Prime Minister Ste- after a coalition of Liberal and hunger protest, and National phen Harper, his ministers and NDP politicians and First Na- Chief Shawn Atleo is coming his top officials, and galvanized tions chiefs agreed to a dec- back to work, but Ottawa First public opinion in Canada and laration spelling out 13 specific Nations politics are certainly around the world, revealing a demands for continuing nego- not returning to normal. stark division between people tiations between First Nations Spence agreed Wednesday who want to see more help for and the federal government. to call a halt to her 44-day fast, First Nations and those who be- The declaration calls for during which she stayed in a lieve they already get too much. improvements to housing and teepee on a frigid island up- “Our shared goal is simple schools on reserves, as well stream from Parliament Hill and clear: To guarantee that our as an immediate meeting be- — and managed to push First children can achieve the bright- tween the Governor General, Nations issues to the top of the er future that they deserve. This the federal and provincial gov- national political agenda. is what every chief across this ernments and all First Nations The protest commanded the country, every member of the leaders. THE CANADIAN PRESS Right to fight Antarctica. Weather stalls U.S. lifts ban on efforts to find 3 Canadians women serving in combat on missing plane Pentagon chief Leon Pan- etta is removing the U.S. Severe winds and heavy snow the trio on board the aircraft. military’s ban on women continued to hamper the “The winds are extreme, serving in combat, opening search for three Canadians we are told the snow condi- hundreds of thousands of aboard an airplane missing in tions are getting heavier and front-line positions and Antarctica as rescue crews on that’s preventing the heli- potentially elite commando standby braced for hours of copters and the Twin Otter jobs after more than a more bad weather. (search) aircraft from heading decade at war, senior U.S. No information was avail- down,” said Steve Rendle, a defence officials say. able on the fate of the three spokesman with New Zea- The groundbreaking men aboard the ski-equipped land’s Rescue Co-ordination move recommended by Twin Otter, which is owned Centre in Wellington, which the Joint Chiefs of Staff by Calgary-based Kenn Borek was organizing the search. overturns a 1994 rule pro- Air. The plane was flying from hibiting women from being While the plane’s emer- the South Pole to an Italian assigned to smaller ground gency locator beacon con- base in Antarctica’s Terra combat units. tinued to emit signals, rescue Nova Bay when its emergency THE ASSOCIATED PRESS crews were unable to estab- beacon went off en route. lish any radio contact with THE CANADIAN PRESS 10 BUSINESS metronews.ca Thursday, January 24, 2013 Is soft-drink size limit racist? New York City. New The NAACP’s New York higher than average among ing high-sugar drinks in cups state branch and the Hispanic blacks and Hispanics, accord- or containers bigger than 16 rule to curb sugary Federation have joined bever- ing to the federal Centers for ounces. beverages could harm age makers and sellers in their Disease Control. The groups The NAACP and the His- effort to stop the rule from tak- say in court papers they’re con- panic Federation, a network minority businesses, ing effect March 12. cerned about the discrepancy, of 100 northeastern groups, opponents argue Critics are attacking what but the soft-drink rule will un- say minority-owned delis and they call an inconsistent and duly harm minority businesses corner stores will end up at a undemocratic regulation, and “freedom of choice in low- disadvantage compared to gro- while city officials and health income communities.” cery chains. Opponents of New York City’s experts defend it as a pioneer- The latest in a line of That’s because supermar- limit on the size of sugary ing and proper move to fight healthy-eating initiatives dur- kets and many convenience drinks are raising questions of obesity. ing Mayor Michael Bloomb- stores — including 7-Eleven, Various sizes of soft-drink cups stand next to stacks of sugar cubes during a racial fairness alongside other The issue is complex for the erg’s administration, the bev- home of the Big Gulp — aren’t May 2012 news conference at city hall in New York. Critics of the city’s complaints as the novel restric- minority advocates, especially erage rule bars restaurants and subject to city health regula- regulation limiting the size of soft drinks are using arguments including tion faces a court test. given that obesity rates are many other eateries from sell- tions. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS racial fairness to try to stop the rule taking effect. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE Corporate wireless market. RIM opens secure enterprise system to other smartphones Smartphone owners who want Defensive move? to use their personal phones at work can now pick whether Whisk your family away to Waikiki, idtr’so iad BdleavcikcBe.erry, iPhone or An- (cid:580)(cid:3) Oseprveincien gal suop pitrso etencttesr pRrIMise Research In Motion made from the possibility that in just fi ve years. the latest update to its secure its new devices could be enterprise service available for considered a sales flop. download to IT professionals on $7…, ad3ds u8p to0 * Wednesday, which it said gives (cid:580)(cid:3) With a system that invites IT departments the flexibility to both the Apple and An- in 5 years accommodate a growing trend droid operating systems of bring-your-own-device in into the fray, it could workplaces. continue to operate no “It’s a single platform, from matter the outcome of an IT perspective, that can man- the new product launch. age the full suite of mobility devices they may need to sup- port inside of their organiza- try are making their own plans. tion,” said Jeff Holleran, senior RIM chief executive Thors- director of enterprise product ten Heins has said more than management of RIM in a recent 90 per cent of Fortune 500 interview. companies deploy BlackBerry The move comes as compe- in their enterprise system. But $4,205* tition heats up for the highly lu- the firm has lost market share crative corporate smartphone to Apple and to devices using 3 years market, which has largely been Google’s Android operating a stronghold for RIM for years, system. but other players in the indus- THE CANADIAN PRESS Economic growth keep interest rates at super- low levels for longer than Global slowdown expected in the face of the is impacting surprisingly weak economy. $1,332* Harper says his govern- $In2vest5ing 1 year Canada, PM says ment downgraded its own growth forecast in the fall Prime Minister Stephen due to changes outside its a week… Harper is lowering ex- borders. “There has been pectations when it comes to a general slowing of the Canada’s economy, saying a global economy over the global financial slowdown past half-year, so it is ob- Today 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 is affecting the country’s viously a concern to us. And growth. ... it’s going obviously to The prime minister have some fiscal impact on Investing $25 a week is all it takes to make spoke after the Bank of us, will have some impact a family dream trip come true. Start today. Canada downgraded its eco- on the pace of job creation.” nomic growth outlook for But Harper says despite the country to 1.9 per cent the setback, Canada con- for the year just ended and tinues to create jobs and is two per cent for this year. faring relatively well com- The central bank also pared to other countries. said it will likely have to THE CANADIAN PRESS Talk to an RBC® advisor, Market Minute TSX call 1-866-808-4302 or 12,794.05 (-30.59) DOLLAR visit rbc.com/hawaii 100.10¢ OIL TM (-0.64¢) $95.23 US (-$1.45) ® / ™ RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. © 2013 Royal Bank of Canada. * This example assumes a 5% annual rate of return in a Tax-Free Savings Account. Natural gas: $3.57 US (+1¢) GOLD Example is strictly for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be representative of the performance of any actual or future investment available to investors. Actual client returns Dow Jones: 13,779.17 (+66.96) $1,686.70 US (-$6.50) may differ substantially.

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