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Preview Metro Ottawa - January 4, 2010

Sports pg 12 T e a c hE nglish Canada off to finals a nd make a world of difference after 41 York St. Free Teach Abroad Seminar562-8370 downing Tuesd a y January 5th @ 7 pm Swiss OTTAWA • MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 2010 metronews.ca TeFarcehe E Tneglaischh o Ar Fbrernocahd o nS ea mbeiancha rin Cuba this Winter unitedtesol.com Next TESOL Course : January 12th - 17th ePwePAleRxrcLotIoeApdMr rreEerNopTirreeTgtshesseun rtoaitlneiv oegfs will FRANK GUNN/THE CANADIAN PRESS Fpfoularn nselnareainld erode further if the federal government makes good on its suggestion to make officer prorogation an annual event, experts said. “It’s not easy to see how this can work,” said David Mitchell, president of the TIM WIECLAWSKI Ottawa-based Public Policy [email protected] Forum. “It raises the ques- tion: Why do we have a Par- CZAPNIKThe funeral liament?” service for slain Ottawa Po- When Prime Minister lice Const. Ireneusz (Eric) Stephen Harper suspended Czapnik will be held at the parliamentary activity last Ottawa Civic Centre at week until early March, his 1:30 p.m. Thursday. spokesman called the move Czapnik, 51, was stabbed “routine,” noting it has oc- to death on Dec. 29 while curred 104 times previous- sitting in his cruiser at the ly. Government sources say Family members watch yesterday as pallbearers carry the casket of Pte. Garrett Chidley to a waiting hearse during his repatriation Civic Campus of the they are contemplating for- ceremony in Trenton, Ont. Chidley, three other Canadian soldiers and journalist Michelle Lang were killed Wednesday when the ar- Ottawa Hospital. It was the mally shutting down Parlia- Fmoureda vehicle thley wlere teravelling inn was stru ck bfy a roiadsidve bomb belast near Kanrdahare city. turn first time ment at the end of every since 1983 year. that an Ot- But the trouble with fre- tawa Police quent proroguing is that it officer was disrupts parliamentary ac- killed in the tivity. Legislation moving to Canadian soil line of duty. through Parliament is Ottawa killed. And the work that resident MPs were elected to do in Ireneusz (Eric) Kevin Greg- Ottawa is not being Czapnik son, a 43- performed.THE CANADIAN PRESS year-old RCMP officer on unpaid News on the M ve leave for medical reasons, Families, friends grieve deaths of soldiers, journalist has been charged with What’s this first-degree murder. His barcode for? next court appearance will Learn how to scan Grieving family members George Miok, 28; Sgt. Kirk they hold her as high in be on Thursday. tthhee i bnastrrcuocdteio wnsit aht of five Canadians killed in 140 ICna anlal,d 1ia3n8 sol- Taylor, 28; Cpl. Zachery Mc- their esteem as the soldiers There will be a mass the top of pg 2 Afghanistan huddled close Cormack, 21; and Pte. Gar- because of the important held tonight at 7 at the St. diers and two against the biting wind as rett Chidley, 21 — during a work journalists do in Hyacinth R.C. Polish Parish civilians have died as part of Going Green pg 8 the remains of their loved Canada’s eight-year mission in bitterly cold and snowy Afghanistan. on Lebreton Street where ones were unloaded from repatriation ceremony at “They’re all the same,” Czapnik was a member of Afghanistan. a military plane yesterday CFB Trenton. said Helga Haecker, 71. the congregation. The in a seemingly endless ket was taken off the plane The piper played his sor- “They were all doing their mass will be conducted in grim march of flag-draped first, and emerged from be- rowful song as each of the job. She went out there to Polish. Visitation for Czap- caskets. neath a shelter arm-in-arm five coffins were carried to give us an insight what the nik will be held at the Michelle Lang, 34, the to bid the award-winning the hearses by stoic pall- soldiers are doing.” Beechwood Cemetery, to- first Canadian journalist to journalist a final farewell. bearers, after being un- The five were killed morrow and Wednesday be killed covering the war, Michael Louie, the man loaded from the massive Wednesday when the ar- from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 A new look at was given full participation Lang was to marry this sum- military plane carrying moured vehicle they were p.m. to 9 p.m. in the military repatriation mer, carried a single red such a heartbreaking load. travelling in was struck by a Czapnik was born in solar power ceremony. Soldiers and dig- rose and wept openly as he Hundreds of people lined massive roadside-bomb Warsaw, Poland in 1958. nitaries saluted her coffin as approached the vehicle, the fence outside the base, blast on the outskirts of He immigrated to Canada it was carried to the line of while others around him as they often do for the all- Kandahar city — the third- in 1990 and joined the Ot- On the web waiting hearses. pulled each other close. too-frequent ceremonies. bloodiest day for Canadian tawa Police Service on Her loved ones stood One by one, the ritual re- Many of them said it was no Forces since the Afghan April 10, 2007. Visit metronews.ca alongside the grieving mili- peated for each of the men different because Lang was mission began in 2002. Czapnik leaves his wife for news updates tary families as Lang’s cas- Lang died alongside — Sgt. being honoured also, as THE CANADIAN PRESS and four children. (cid:58) (cid:91) (cid:59) (cid:23) (cid:92) (cid:59) (cid:51)(cid:52)(cid:33)(cid:50)(cid:52)(cid:0)(cid:53)(cid:51)(cid:41)(cid:46)(cid:39)(cid:0)(cid:57)(cid:47)(cid:53)(cid:50)(cid:0)(cid:39)(cid:50)(cid:37)(cid:37)(cid:46)(cid:0)(cid:34)(cid:41)(cid:46)(cid:1) (cid:22)(cid:22) (cid:99) (cid:69)(cid:94)(cid:88)(cid:96)(cid:34)(cid:106)(cid:101)(cid:21)(cid:104)(cid:105)(cid:86)(cid:103)(cid:105)(cid:104)(cid:21)(cid:63)(cid:86)(cid:99)(cid:106)(cid:86)(cid:103)(cid:110)(cid:21)(cid:39)(cid:37)(cid:38)(cid:37)(cid:35) (cid:59)(cid:100)(cid:103)(cid:21)(cid:89)(cid:90)(cid:105)(cid:86)(cid:94)(cid:97)(cid:104)(cid:33)(cid:21)(cid:107)(cid:94)(cid:104)(cid:94)(cid:105)(cid:21)(cid:93)(cid:104)(cid:91)(cid:91)(cid:100)(cid:88)(cid:95)(cid:100)(cid:101)(cid:106)(cid:106)(cid:87)(cid:109)(cid:87)(cid:36)(cid:89)(cid:87) Free Daily News Group Inc., operating as Metro Ottawa 130 Slater Street, Suite 300, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2. Publisher: Bill McDonald metro metronews.ca Monday, January 4, 2010 2 News on the M ve 1DOWNLOAD THE FREESCANLIFE 2USE THE SCANLIFE APPLICATION 3THE CODES WILL DIRECT YOUR APPLICATION WITH YOUR ON YOUR SMARTPHONE TO MOBILE BROWSER TO RELEVANT IN THREE EASY STEPS SMARTPHONE AT 2DSCAN.COM SCAN 2D BARCODES IN METRO CONTENT AT M.METRONEWS.CA Lights on display through Jan. 7 Local Residents and visitors in the nation’s capital have until Thursday to take in the Christmas Lights Across Canada display. The 375,000-light display on Parliament Hill and at 70 sites including museums, historic sites, embassies and other landmarks along Confederation Boulevard will be on from 4:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. nightly through Jan. 7. The program creates a link between the nation’s capital and cities across the country. METRO OTTAWA Opening restaurant DownhillThrills TRACEY TONG/M wild ride for couple ETRO OTTAW Dream’s realization presented on TV series A SUBM late 2008. HTtrRaecA ewCyE.taYos nT gaO@ NpmGoeltirtoinceawls.ca ITTED PHOTO ccthroeFeuwoiprr l eht’hhasoe d u nrtseheesx,e tt a kfyuieelrmyaasrni ,n tta og faitlnh5md0e strategist who worked on hours a week at the restau- Parliament Hill. She had a rant, their home, on er- Scan this barcode for more Local news on your smartphone. background in marketing rands and even during a Learn how to scan the barcode with and communications. romantic weekend get- the instructions at the top of this page. So what do you get when away to Montreal. News in brief your typical Ottawa couple “They saw it all,” said puts everything on the line Ishii. “The fighting, the ELECTION Candidates interest- to follow a dream of open- anger, the depression and ed in running for the 2010 mu- ing a restaurant? the happiness.” nicipal election can file their Small successes, a series “It shows us at our best, nomination papers starting to- of messes and a roller-coast- at our worst, the problems day. While Bay Ward Coun. Alex er ride of fights, laughter we face and how we strug- Cullen will announce his inten- and tears. ZenKitchen owners Caroline gle to deal with them,” tions this morning, Mayor Larry A challenge for anyone, Ishii and Dave Loan will star in Loan added. O’Brien has said he would de- but when you’re doing it in a 13-part reality series, The While the pair has not cide whether or not to seek re- front of millions of people Restaurant Adventures of Caro- seen all the episodes, election over the holidays. on national television, it’s line and Dave. they’re confident the series There are rumours that Ottawa even tougher. will have appeal. West-Nepean MPP Jim Watson, On Wednesday night, started hosting wildly popu- “We wanted it to be a re- and councillors Diane Deans ZenKitchen chef Caroline lar monthly dinners. al-life story of a couple,” and Peter Hume and past may- Ishii and sommelier Dave They had just begun toy- Ishii said. “And it makes a or Bob Chiarelli may enter the Loan go from restaurant ing with putting their life good story. It’s a roller- mayoral race. METRO OTTAWA owners to reality television savings on the line to open coaster ride every day.” stars when their 13-part se- a vegan restaurant when The experience — both of ries, The Restaurant Adven- they heard a production opening a restaurant and tures of Caroline and Dave, company was looking for a starring in a TV show — premieres on W Network. couple who was opening “stressed and strengthened What’s online today. Several years ago, Ishii, their own restaurant. our relationship,” said Ishii. then a consultant, pur- “We laughed at the idea People will be able to ImmigrationGuidy Ottawa resident Rob Faulkner slides down the toboggan hill at sued a lifelong passion by of having our own reality learn from the series, Ishii Mamann on restrictions the Arboretum yesterday afternoon. The Canadian Forces mem- attending chef school in show,” said Loan, but after said. against refugees claiming ber, who came out with his son David and friends for some win- New York. submitting a last-minute “Life is short, and you work experience to tery fun, has been coming to the hill for about 40 years. The couple began a per- application, they got an of- have to follow your apply for residence sonal chef business and fer for their own show in dream,” she said. at metronews.ca/ immigration LRT tunnel could face costly complications: Advocate Lotteries Friday, Jan. 1 Lotto Max:7, 9, 13, 18, 27, 33, & 44 Bonus 15 A local transit advocate has a 3.2-kilometre long tunnel more than 100 feet. “It’s money for problems like completion date pushed Saturday, Jan. 2 said the price tag for Ot- between LeBreton Flats and passing underneath build- hitting fault lines, tricky back three years. Lotto 6/49: 16, 22, 25, 33, 39 & 48 Bonus 28 tawa’s proposed downtown the University of Ottawa — ings and it’s passing geological conditions and A senior project manager Sunday, Jan. 3 light rail tunnel could rise and four underground sta- through rock that we real- even old sewers. with the city played down Ontario Pick 3:7 2 7; Ontario Pick 4:4 4 7 4 due to engineering compli- tions — could present un- ly don’t know much But Jeanes said the proj- fears the Ottawa tunnel Encore:2687888 cations, CBC News Online foreseen complications. about,” Jeanes said. ect could run into prob- could face similar prob- Daily Keno: 3, 5, 6, 8, 14, 18, 26, 35, 37, 40, reports. “Ottawa is proposing a “Very few other building lems similar to those en- lems. Dennis Gratton said 42, 43, 45, 51, 52, 54, 57, 60, 62, 63. David Jeanes, head of the tunnel (that) is very deep,” owners or landowners have countered by a hydro tun- deep transit tunnels under These results are not official. transportation advocacy he said. Portions of the ever gone as deep as we nel project in Niagara Falls, bodies of water are becom- group Transport Action tunnel will go under the need to go for this system.” where the cost ballooned ing more commonplace ADVERTISE TODAY! Canada, said digging that Rideau Canal, and at Ottawa officials have said to $1.6 billion from $985 around the world. 1 888 91 metro (63876) far underground to create a points will reach depths of they have budgeted extra million, and its expected METRO NEWS SERVICES Monday, January 4, 2010 metronews.ca metro Jail death Toronto’s first homicide of 2010 3 For the third time in two months an inmate has died in suspicious circumstances at a Toronto jail. Kevon Philip, 24, died in hospital Saturday af- ternoon after corrections officers found him unconscious at the Toronto (Don) Jail. It was Toronto’s first murder of 2010. TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE Widow wants ‘the truth’ Canada The widow of one of the men killed in the worst construction accident in the last half century has called for a full public inquiry into the Christmas Eve deaths of four workers who fell 13 storeys from a scaffold in Toronto. “I want the truth,” Oksana Afanasenko, left, told The Toronto Star in an interview through a Russian-language translator on Sunday in her North York basement apartment. TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE Airport security restrictions Small business loan program failing: Report expected to stay for a while BUSINESS An Industry Cana- of loans, hitting a new low da loan program for small of 9,000 — about half the business continues to lose number the program sup- Canadian officials have little say in decision: Experts money and annoy bankers ported in 1999 when it was a decade after it was re- overhauled to put it on a designed to avoid those more business-like footing. DrtSasoboiatifotora T yyucr n.tshe anaec’rlteatsda r e rb yCxgexf- aaeoul,pnn itnanges av oth clodiituntlav i stg tatec,ihgi ngeroeaa hrinag lttUtoi aseeern ni plrxonagi opsnt t eetree wyUtdcrssputit.Stse-h.s- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS/INTELCENTER otstmlttohihomnnwepTeo uadr sueflae irdgllcn ieha.uagsspnl hnpt urdttoisiri dcrlt s tteemefi imvousnieC,nrtc sdotase hci nscoe watsaarhudt tiaielacnsorl ,h eon U tcs liaoa.caSoyanpel.ssr,---. vCnfpeaolveoaa uATretnrnryhnnt caef ed piodanan rlassepigou owlr abSro o y mlisegn smrmrPale eaolrssoplsmoah .utongBao,nrr -ur gtawttp su.hmi hanoed irn eecfas ehcnsdl ht iterhnFeaerieees--- gllcsftioehiruoneaeTTeanscnd hhrl eisoaeetb na a1rpntiuisene9sr.enveos 9diuedg9o ne r,nos aadunmsbm ea o naa tbpulhdhnlyat -eda bi ds$ cu sb 1oosist0alztioolnhne e b eekfcIaonisrtslsssrf,-- other restrictions, are like- “Right now, we’re evalu- imburses financial institu- dustry Canada was sup- ly to last as long as the ating everything and our tions for losses on default- posed to cover the default Americans want them to. options,” department ed loans, is a tangle of red claims paid out, but the “Canada is very much a spokeswoman Melanie tape and inflexible terms math has never worked in victim of the United Lafrance said yesterday. that has lenders fleeing, Ottawa’s favour. States,” said David Gillen, “Until further notice, says the KPMG study, com- Claims paid out have director of the University they’re in place.” missioned by Industry risen steadily over the of British Columbia’s Cen- But the Canadian gov- Canada. decade, and now top $100 tre for Transportation ernment actually has little “Lenders have identified million annually, while Studies. say in the matter, says the a heavy administrative revenues have consistently “They’re the ones who head of the Air Transport burden, which includes a lagged, costing taxpayers a (are) driving the entire Association of Canada. paper-based system, and net $335 million so far. process.” “Transport Canada, I difficulties with the claim Put another way, cost re- Enhanced security meas- don’t think has a word to process, as major obsta- covery is currently at only ures have been in place say in it,” said John McKen- cles,” the consultants’ re- about 60 per cent rather since an apparent terror This image taken from a website frequently used by militants to na, the organization’s pres- port concludes. “It is not than the 100 per cent that attack was thwarted on disseminate their messages, purports to show Nigerian Umar ident and chief executive profitable to them.” was planned, and is in Christmas Day. Farouk Abdulmutallab. In a statement posted on the website officer. The result has been a steady decline. Umar Farouk Abdulmu- dated Saturday, Dec. 26, al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula has “They’re going to abide sharp drop in the number THE CANADIAN PRESS tallab, a 23-year-old Niger- claimed responsibility for the attack on a U.S. airliner bound for by American decisions on ian man, was arrested after Detroit on Christmas Day. this anyway, because oth- he allegedly tried to bring erwise we’ll be denied the Olympics boosting B.C. premier down the Northwest Air- dam to Detroit. authorities to at least tem- right to fly over U.S. air- lines flight from Amster- The incident prompted porarily ban carry-on bags space.” THE CANADIAN PRESS POLITICS B.C. Premier in January, says his Gordon Campbell is job is only half fin- sending strong sig- ished and he’s plan- Al-Qaida-affiliated terror big wig lived in Toronto nals the Winter ning to run for a Olympics are giving fourth-straight term SOMALIA One of the most Omar Hammami — Shabab, to wage Islamic ji- him a second politi- in 2013. visible leaders of an al-Qai- known to followers as Abu had and recruit other for- cal wind, dashing Opposition New da-affiliated terrorist militia Mansour “Al-Amriki” — eign nationals to the cause, widespread specula- Democrat Leader Ca- in Somalia spent a year in married a Toronto woman say former friends and rela- tion the three-term Gordon role James said she’s Toronto ingratiating him- of Somali origin. Then, after tives speaking publicly of leader was consider- Campbell also planning for a Scann tehwiss boanr cyooduer sfomr amrtoprheo Cnaen.ada self into the Somali immi- learning Somali ways, he the terrorist’s Toronto con- ing retiring in first third election show- Learn how to scan the barcode with grant community as a con- left to join the Horn of nections for the first time. place after the Games. down in 2013. the instructions at the top of pg 2 vert to Islam. Africa’s top terror group, Al- TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE Campbell, who turns 61 THE CANADIAN PRESS Give yourself the Start the New Year off Right! ultimate gift of Health, Fitness Avoid the Congested Gym! & Wellbeing Personal Training Rehabilitation Nutrition Grocery Tours Shop, Ship & DropTM (613) 255-0289 SHOP ON-LINE at www.FRTraining.ca www.FRTraining.ca [email protected] metro metronews.ca Monday, January 4, 2010 6 V ER 0% 4 canada Retriever saves boy from cougar O A boy, 11, in B.C. was unhurt after his dog attacked a cougar in the SOLD back yard. Police shot the cougar; the dog had minor injuries.THE CANADIAN PRESS Storm lashes East High waves cause widespread flooding ClmastStfilhhutostoreteetrtoalagnti eNirdatett ibf ig,o oyn otluerhenigutft sa oht n cdtlitwauoedn ocumroagnrzdskat eebbeai snorweduyhssnr i eia bcllstoaddothy fa ni ut inanhahdnlg mddoes ost m dda ofofozeerfemvsf-- THE CANADIAN PRESS/RAY BOURGEOIS and businesses. “It’s turned completely around and lifted off its foundation,” Terry Murphy said as he examined his 1100 small grey cottage in Up- per Cape, in southeastern Four-year-old Jayda Morehouse and her father Brad, of Frederic- GRANDPRIZES NmeaMwnu Broprufh nyts,h wewi chkloo. caisl echmaeirr-- tpoanre, sdh toov tehl eo ruets stn oofw th aef tperro av ilnacreg,e F wreidneterric sttoonr mgo yte osftfe fradiarlyy. Ceoasmy.- gency measures commit- swept through the Mar- above normal. W ! tee in nearby Port Elgin, itimes on Saturday, dump- At its height Saturday, al- N E spent all of Saturday night ing up to 30 centimetres of most 45,000 homes and assisting other homeown- snow that was whipped by businesses in Nova Scotia, TTTTOOOOPPPP GGGGRAND PRIZE ers through their distress. high winds that caused New Brunswick, and The rapidly rising waters most of the damage. Prince Edward Island were and the storm surge forced Port Elgin fire Chief blacked out. local officials to declare a Steve Alward said his By yesterday evening, state of emergency for sev- crews were up all night us- about 4,100 customers eral hours. ing boats and tractors to across New Brunswick Police reported three help evacuate people who were still waiting for the deaths related to the mas- were cut off by water lev- power to be restored. sive winter storm that els that rose several metres THE CANADIAN PRESS Report calls for Alzheimer plan Canada needs a national utes,” Harvey said. “If strategy to prepare for a What could help nothing changes, this tidal wave of dementia cas- sharp increase in the num- es in the coming decades (cid:129) Prevention programs ber of people living with that could swamp the based on healthy diet and dementia will mean that health-care system and put physical activity. by 2038, the total costs as- PLUS a severe drain on the econ- (cid:129) Enhanced skill-building sociated with dementia omy, a new report says. and support programs for will reach $153 billion a CCCCAAAASH, CAR & TRIP GRAND PRIZES The report by the family caregivers. year.” Alzheimer Society, entitled (cid:129) Assigning a case manag- The report, prepared Rising Tide: The Impact of er, to each newly diagnosed over two years at a cost of Dementia on Canadian So- dementia patient. $150,000, also projects ciety, suggests that cases of that annual new cases of the mind-robbing disease society spokesman David Alzheimer’s and other will more than double to Harvey, noting that projec- forms of dementia will 1.25 million within 30 tions suggest direct and in- more than double to years, as baby boomers direct costs of the disease 257,800 in 2038 from the move into old age. will multiply ten-fold. current 103,700 a year. “The impact of the “Today, someone in “There will be a huge im- growth of the population Canada develops dementia pact on the number of peo- MMIILLLLIIOONNSS IINN VVEEHHIICCLLEESS,, CCAASSHH,, EELLEECCTTRROONNIICCSS && MMOORREE of people with dementia is every five minutes; in 30 ple that will be involved in going to have huge eco- years, there will be one caregiving,” said Harvey. nomic consequences,” said new case every two min- THE CANADIAN PRESS OR Toronto Humane Society reopens News in brief CASH ACCIDENT Police say a young More than a month after more than a thousand woman, allegedly playing the Toronto Humane Soci- stray animals, resumed “chicken” with oncoming vehi- ety’s doors were locked Dec. 29 after a four-week SAVE $50 1-888-551-1111 ccoleass, tw oafs V kainllceodu ovne rt hIsela enads tFri- acrmuiedlt ayl,l eag asptiookness omf aann ismayasl sSuoscpieetnys siopnok. eBsmuta nH Iuamn aMnce- 3 TICKETS Ext. 123 day after being hit by a pickup staff at the embattled Conachie said the society FOR $250 ® truck, CBC News Online downtown shelter are anx- won’t be meeting its true OR $100 EACH reports. RCMP say the 17-year- ious to get back to the mandate until it’s working old woman, identified as Cyn- business of rescuing stray with the public again. NEW! ORDER ONLINE www.heartandstroke.ca/lottery thia Bernice Williams, of Port and abandoned pets. “That’s always our first Alberni, B.C., was pronounced The shelter reopens to priority, to place these ani- dead at the scene. The driver the public today, five mals into new homes,” Mc- Please help support life-saving Heart and Stroke Foundation research. and passenger of the pickup weeks after the Ontario So- Conachie said in a phone truck were not injured. A 26- ciety for the Prevention of interview. year-old man, believed to have Cruelty to Animals raided All adoptions are being PICK UP YOUR been with the victim at the the building and arrested cleared by veterinarians as BROCHURES AT: time of the crash, was arrested five senior staffers, includ- well as OSPCA workers, a short distance away for ing former president Tim who have been put in *Please refer to full brochure for cash outs, prize details, ticket issuing and draw information. Odds of winning are approx. 1 in 3. All breaching a no-contact order Trow, on a number of charge of animal care at imnquustir ibees oatn ltehaes to d18d sy eoaf rws inonf inagge a. re6 8t,o7 8b9e mpraizdees taot tah ev aliclueen soef e$ 1p0ri,o6r3 t6o, 5ti3c2k e(itn pculurdchinags ea.l lO tanxlye s2 4a0n,d0 0f0re tigichkte) tws iallr eb ea vaawilaarbdlee.d P. uEracrhlya sbeirrds with her. According to police, charges, including animal the shelter. sales deadline is February 4th, 2010. Final sales deadline is February 9th, 2010. On March 16th, 2010 an advertisement will be placed in no other charges have been cruelty. Some 109 cats and 25 ©th eB aTonkro onft oC aSntaadr aa n–n boaunnkc innogt ea ilml magaejosr uwseindn aenrsd. aAlt ecroemd pwleitthe pleisrtm oisf swioinn.n Leorst tewriyll Laiclseon cbee #a: v2a0il7a3ble at www.heartandstroke.ca/lottery. laid. Business operations at dogs have been cleared for METRO NEWS SERVICES the shelter, which houses adoption. THE CANADIAN PRESS Monday, January 4, 2010 metronews.ca metro Works of art stolen from French home 5 About 30 works of art, including paintings by Pablo Picasso and Henri Rousseau, have been stolen from the home of a private collector in southern France, police said Saturday. The theft was carried out while the owners were on vacation abroad and was discovered by a caretaker at the home in the village of La Cadiere-d’Azur.THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Man accused of killing relatives found World A man accused of killing four relatives at a Thanksgiving holiday dinner was captured at a motel in the Florida Keys where police said he had eluded authorities for about a month by checking in under a fake name and address, and hiding his car with a cover. Paul Merhige, 35, pictured, was arrested without a struggle Saturday night after the TV show America’s Most Wanted aired and provided the tip that led to Merhige’s capture. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Selling their stories IndiaShelter from the storm UAtoh nfe he c.wteohSau irvsney b.pt rdao,yrrr’i cstno Bhskdueinega grglfto ehisris- tctptshau etrathe tf eiusn yliUgls .n stsKetto.mr acryu.i n.Slt couanrne CHANNI ANAND/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PpiiURnnoa.ctSuyleri.mec rtvialeeeieslesnei nwftvso gifssor l iybaaro ri bnndegle d unbwireaenrstiegnwidgno bryksst ‘chDi(cid:129)netiPesorcvltiickoeiwerbss t aioagnraegion s ittnk h p apejylaoi ncngeu efotworrnsEpavriamlsiiaosrnil mye offno ’rut slbt rsae-lecuomm rcpeernteittrievdde shut Yemen vying for access to avoid distorting the news. The morning news shows and accidental celebrities and concern is that news subjects prime-time magazines. These embassies photos. will change their stories to outlets now fight for stories Three of the past make them more valuable or that might have been consid- over threats month’s accidental celebri- please those who paid them. ered tabloid fodder years ago. ties — Jasper Schuringa, the Dutch tourist who son accepted NBC’s offer of get a publicist, a lawyer from al-Qaida helped thwart an attack on a ride home from Brazil on and an agent and figure out a Detroit-bound plane; a charter airplane. how to make money” from SAN’A The U.S. and Britain David Goldman, who took Representatives for that notoriety, he said. locked up their embassies a custody fight for his son Michaele and Tareq Salahi, The society condemned in Yemen yesterday after to Brazil; and the White who embarrassed the Oba- NBC for “checkbook jour- threats from al-Qaida, and House party-crashing ma administration by nalism” with the Goldman the White House Salahis — have either sneaking into a state din- trip. NBC said it had al- expressed alarm at the ter- sought or received goodies ner, were reportedly seek- ready chartered a plane to ror group’s expanded from TV networks eager to ing six-figure bids from bring its personnel back reach in the nation, where hear their stories. networks to tell their story. from Brazil. But NBC took an offshoot apparently or- Schuringa gave inter- “I don’t know if people multiple pictures and inter- dered the Christmas Day views to outlets that had would have thought of that viewed Goldman on the plot against a U.S. airliner. agreed to purchase blurry in the past,” said Andy plane before his exclusive U.S. President Barack cellphone images he’d tak- Schotz, head of the ethics interview for the news Obama’s top en of a man who authori- committee for the Society show Today. A chartered jet counterterrorism adviser, ties say tried to use explo- of Professional Journalists. from Brazil to New York John Brennan, cited “indi- sives to take down the “But now often the first would cost about $90,000. cations al-Qaida is plane. Goldman and his thing people think of is to THE ASSOCIATED PRESS planning to carry out an Labourers wrapped in woolens take shelter from rain on a cold attack against a target” in and foggy morning in Jammu, India yesterday. More than 30 the capital, possibly the people have died in cold weather-related incidents in northern REINVENT embassy, and estimated India in the past 24 hours, including 10 people killed in train ac- the group had several hun- cidents caused by dense fog. dred members in Yemen. Security reasons led YOURSELF! Britain to act, too; it was Search for man grounds flights not known when the em- bassies would reopen. NEWARK Authorities were nal C about 5:30 p.m. east- The U.S. is worried searching for a man who ern, said Transportation with a new look and attitude about terrorism in walked through a screen- Security Administration Yemen, a U.S. ally and aid ing checkpoint exit into spokeswoman Ann Davis. recipient, Brennan said, the secure side of a termi- Screening was halted in Fitness Kickboxing and but doesn’t consider the nal last night at a U.S. air- the Continental terminal country a second front port, and flights were while authorities looked at Martial Arts classes will with Afghanistan and Pak- grounded and passengers surveillance tapes to iden- help you get trim, firm istan in the fight against being re-screened, an air tify the man. terrorism. safety official said. Passengers were moved up and feel great! THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A man was seen at back from the airport’s se- Newark Liberty Interna- cure side to go through tional Airport walking screening for a second News in brief down an exit lane at Termi- time. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AIR ATTACK British intelligence officials knew that the Nigerian man suspected of trying to bomb a Detroit-bound airliner had ties to U.K. extremists but did not consider him enough of a high risk to alert American authorities, a senior British offi- cial said yesterday. Officials re- TRY US FOR alized about a year after Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab came to FREE  London to study in 2005 that he was in contact with Islamic ex- tremists. POPE A Vatican spokesman says Pope Benedict XVI’s personal aide has visited the young woman who jumped Bank St. - Alymer - Stittsville/Kanata - Kemptville - Westboro over a barrier and knocked the 613.234.5000 www.douvris.com pontiff down in St. Peter’s Basil- CALL NOW OR VISIT ica on Christmas Eve. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS metro metronews.ca Monday, January 4, 2010 (cid:66)(cid:67)(cid:51)(cid:65)(cid:50)(cid:47)(cid:71)(cid:26)(cid:14)(cid:56)(cid:47)(cid:60)(cid:67)(cid:47)(cid:64)(cid:71)(cid:26)(cid:14)(cid:35)(cid:66)(cid:54) 6 world Saddleback Church raises $2.4M from parishioners Evangelical pastor Rick Warren’s plea for donations to fill a $900,000 deficit at his Southern California megachurch brought in $2.4 million.THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (cid:14)(cid:14)(cid:84)(cid:93)(cid:96)(cid:14)(cid:97)(cid:83)(cid:92)(cid:87)(cid:93)(cid:96)(cid:97)(cid:14) (cid:25) (cid:36)(cid:30) Nuclear plants shut after Brazil mudslide (cid:97)(cid:79)(cid:100)(cid:83)(cid:14)(cid:31)(cid:35)(cid:19) The mayor of a mudslide- necessary. devastated city urged a 27 The dual slides Crews using rescue dogs, precautionary shutdown were triggered heavy machinery, boats of Brazil’s only nuclear by 27 centimetres and helicopters took ad- power plants yesterday (10 inches) of rain that had vantage of improved due to blocked highways drenched the region since weather on Sunday to hunt (cid:93)(cid:92)(cid:14)(cid:97)(cid:79)(cid:90)(cid:83)(cid:26)(cid:14)(cid:81)(cid:90)(cid:83)(cid:79)(cid:96)(cid:79)(cid:92)(cid:81)(cid:83)(cid:14)(cid:79)(cid:92)(cid:82)(cid:14)(cid:14) while the discovery of Wednesday, authorities for any survivors from the more bodies raised the re- said. Angra dos Reis slides. (cid:96)(cid:83)(cid:85)(cid:99)(cid:90)(cid:79)(cid:96)(cid:27)(cid:94)(cid:96)(cid:87)(cid:81)(cid:83)(cid:82)(cid:14)(cid:91)(cid:83)(cid:96)(cid:81)(cid:86)(cid:79)(cid:92)(cid:82)(cid:87)(cid:97)(cid:83) gion’s storm-caused death A civil defence spokes- toll to 75. to avoid a future problem.” woman said two bodies Angra dos Reis Mayor Tu- There was no immediate were recovered in the Cari- (cid:62)(cid:90)(cid:99)(cid:97)(cid:26)(cid:14)(cid:14) ctha e Jonrudcaloe asra ipdo wtheart pwlahniltes rthesoproitniesse, fbroumt osfefinciioarls aouf- opclea dsileudm — — a wndh etwreo 1 o5n p tehoe- are not damaged or threat- Brazil’s state-run nuclear Ilha Grande island, where (cid:97)(cid:79)(cid:100)(cid:83)(cid:14)(cid:79)(cid:92)(cid:14)(cid:83)(cid:102)(cid:98)(cid:96)(cid:79)(cid:14)(cid:31)(cid:35)(cid:19) ened, mudslides that have energy company Eletronu- at least 29 died when a hill- killed at least 44 people in clear said a temporary clo- side collapsed on a vaca- his city alone have disrupt- sure of the plants would tion resort and neighbour- (cid:93)(cid:92)(cid:14)(cid:89)(cid:87)(cid:82)(cid:97)(cid:184)(cid:14)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:87)(cid:92)(cid:84)(cid:79)(cid:92)(cid:98)(cid:97)(cid:184)(cid:14)(cid:84)(cid:79)(cid:97)(cid:86)(cid:87)(cid:93)(cid:92)(cid:97) ed escape routes needed to not seriously hurt the ing houses on New Year’s (cid:101)(cid:86)(cid:83)(cid:92)(cid:14)(cid:103)(cid:93)(cid:99)(cid:14)(cid:99)(cid:97)(cid:83)(cid:14)(cid:103)(cid:93)(cid:99)(cid:96)(cid:14)(cid:54)(cid:80)(cid:81)(cid:141)(cid:14)(cid:59)(cid:79)(cid:97)(cid:98)(cid:83)(cid:96)(cid:49)(cid:79)(cid:96)(cid:82)(cid:151)(cid:14)(cid:93)(cid:96)(cid:14)(cid:103)(cid:93)(cid:99)(cid:96)(cid:14)(cid:54)(cid:80)(cid:81)(cid:14)(cid:49)(cid:96)(cid:83)(cid:82)(cid:87)(cid:98)(cid:14)(cid:49)(cid:79)(cid:96)(cid:82) cope with any emergency. country’s power supply, ac- Day. The spokeswoman de- (cid:24)(cid:65)(cid:93)(cid:91)(cid:83)(cid:14)(cid:83)(cid:102)(cid:81)(cid:90)(cid:99)(cid:97)(cid:87)(cid:93)(cid:92)(cid:97)(cid:14)(cid:79)(cid:94)(cid:94)(cid:90)(cid:103)(cid:28)(cid:14)(cid:65)(cid:83)(cid:83)(cid:14)(cid:80)(cid:83)(cid:90)(cid:93)(cid:101)(cid:14)(cid:84)(cid:93)(cid:96)(cid:14)(cid:82)(cid:83)(cid:98)(cid:79)(cid:87)(cid:90)(cid:97)(cid:28) “We don’t want any cording to Globo TV. On clined to be quoted by risk,” said Jordao, whose Saturday, before the may- name, in accordance with municipality has about or’s request, the company goverment policy. 120,000 people. “We want said a shutdown was not THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Palestine no longer torturing Hamas inmates PfoRrIScOesN Pina letshtein iWane sste cBuarnitky MAJDI M hHaavme as stporpispoende rst,o retnudriinngg OHAMM taTtsewabhriTuoedvhs i Ateeeoy,w s escHhsaoh.aarcavmsinae agt toeseaf d ik n iePnsmnry e psaesttrfseeaf mesicn cttait oc itilniendc,- ED/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS October, was confirmed by a West Bank Hamas leader, human rights activists and the Palestinian prime min- ister. It defuses a potential problem for Washington since the U.S. has been closely involved in training Palestinian troops under the control of Western- backed President Mah- Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad speaks Thursday during moud Abbas, a rival of the an interview in his office in the West Bank city of Ramallah. Hamas militants. Hamas legislators and out charge. for the better” in West human rights researchers However, they said the Bank prisons and said 43 said they still get sporadic worst abuses — prisoners officers have been jailed, reports of prisoners being beaten with clubs and ca- fired or demoted for abus- slapped or forced to stand bles, suspended from the ing prisoners. for several hours during in- ceiling while tied up in In an interview, he de- terrogation. And security painful positions and nied torture was ever offi- forces continue to keep a forced to stand for days -— cial policy, but acknowl- close watch on Hamas ac- have ended. edged past “excesses” that tivities, often arresting ac- Palestinian Prime Minis- he said stemmed from a tivists and holding them ter Salam Fayyad con- flawed culture of revenge. for lengthy periods with- firmed a “dramatic change THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Travellers from some nations News in brief to face extra screening by U.S. MEXICO A bus carrying farm workers and their families SECURITY The Transporta- sponsors of terrorism — as home plunged off a cliff in tion Security Administra- well as “other countries of northern Mexico on Saturday, tion says passengers flying interest” — will be re- killing 14 people and injuring into the United States from quired to go through en- 21. The bus was travelling certain countries will be hanced screening. along a winding stretch of subject to enhanced The State Department highway before dawn when it screening techniques, such lists Cuba, Iran, Sudan and veered off at high speed over a as body scans and pat- Syria as state sponsors of cliff halfway between the bor- downs. terrorism. The other coun- der cities of Tijuana and Mexi- Starting today, all pas- tries whose passengers will cali, according to reports from sengers on U.S.-bound in- face enhanced screening at police and prosecutors. Baja ternational flights will be airports include California state prosecutors subject to random screen- Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, said the bus fell about 100 me- *15% discounts excludes: Women’s wear: La Collection, ABS, Groupe JS Collection dresses & suits, Tahari suits, Andy Thê-Anh, Anne Klein New York, Ba&sh, By Malene Birger, Ça Va de Soi, Chaiken Profile, Dana ing. Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, tres and broke in two, scatter- Buchman, Ellen Tracy, Hoss, Laila, Lauren by Ralph Lauren, Mint, Norma Kamali, Tavãn & Mitto, Three Quarter, Tara Jarmon, Walter, BAIA Black Label, DKNYC sportswear. Men’s wear: West End Shop/Boutique Le Président. Additionally, anyone Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, So- ing luggage, seats and passen- Cosmetics & fragrances. Spanx hosiery, Dooney & Bourke handbags, Calvin Klein handbags, Treesje handbags, Kenneth Cole NY handbags. Swarovski crystal, Gucci watches, furniture, major appliances, home entertainment, mattresses, Hbc Gift Cards, pharmacy, licensed merchandise & licensed departments. CA Day discount cannot be combined with New Account Discount. Other exclusions may apply. See in-store for details. travelling from or though malia and Yemen. gers along the slope below the nations regarded as state THE ASSOCIATED PRESS highway. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Monday, January 4, 2010 metronews.ca metro world Avalanches kill 4 in Alps 7 Police say at least four people have been killed in two separate avalanche incidents in the Swiss Alps. Police say at least three people died yesterday in the Diemtig Valley. In a separate incident yesterday, a man was killed by an avalanche near the town of Verbier. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS London blast Mexico not GazaDay of rest wraps up injures 11 EXPLOSIONPolice say 11 HATEM M backing down pivackLneopeeil nrnaoaoetrpd mglrtloyemaee n sd othe .raefnae mxSvtspsh ean lr igoboneeserw ditteohhsnnbew i uttnehrosjyawut t 2ron es6fed5- OUSSA/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Jcarhueh ampsivltulei itltn iwcetgaado prr dywetu rpreuarreegiidsdk ba s tolo h anasafstettt,e aokprcif oalk hll eificodse ra cs4gtocia0aron,li ksbga e,so i bdvnau eC tkrat iehartyl sewo cmsahp Bseai eeumslftnt borcahefl nerata h vLoreee fi vfct dyahhaeree,-- Police say two of the in- brothers, sending a strong tel after his brother died. juries are serious, includ- message that Mexico will A third brother, Alfredo, ing a woman who suffered not back down in the drug was arrested in January severe burns and a man war. 2008. At least one other with spinal injuries. A judge ordered Carlos brother, Mario, remains at The blast yesterday Beltran Leyva held for at large and is listed as one of demolished apartments least 40 days while officials Mexico’s 24 most-wanted and a shop, and damaged investigate possible charges drug lords. neighbouring apartments. of organized crime, illegal Carlos Beltran was not in- Residents say the explo- arms posses- cluded on the sion caused buildings in sion and using list, although the neighbourhood to illicit funds, Echos of the past the Public shake, and triggered heavy the Attorney Safety Depart- smoke and flames. Debris General’s Of- (cid:129) The recent blows to the ment said littered the streets. fice said in a Beltran Leyva cartel mirror there had The explosion and statement yes- the downfall several years been a war- cleanup caused major de- terday. ago of two other brothers rant for his ar- lays for motorists, as part Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men of the radical Neturei Karta group are seen at the end of the Jewish The Public who ran a notorious, Tijua- rest since of the town centre was sabbath in Gaza City Saturday. A few members of an anti-Zionist Jewish sect have spent the Jew- Safety Depart- na-based drug trafficking 2008. closed to traffic. ish sabbath in Gaza with some of Israel’s most bitter enemies, the militant Islamic group Hamas. ment an- outfit. In February 2002, po- The arrest THE ASSOCIATED PRESS nounced Sat- lice fatally shot drug lord gave Calderon urday night Ramon Arellano Felix, then back-to-back Iranian reporter’s sentence upheld Beltran Leyva arrested his brother Ben- victories in the News in brief was arrested in jamin a month later. drug war and Culiacan, the underscored QUAKE About 20,000 people capital of the Pacific coast the government’s determi- were left homeless in the im- The wife of a prominent mote desert town and a His wife, Mahdieh Mo- state of Sinaloa, where he nation to destroy the Bel- poverished Central Asian Iranian journalist says an lifelong ban on political ac- hammadi, says her hus- and several of his brothers tran Leyva cartel despite the nation of Tajikistan after an appeals court has upheld tivity. band’s lawyer informed were born and allegedly threat of reprisal attacks. earthquake levelled their his conviction on a charge The journalist and for- her of the appeals court’s started their gang. Days after Arturo Beltran homes in a mountainous of spreading propaganda mer student leader was ruling yesterday. His brother Arturo, the al- was killed, gunmen massa- region, officials said yesterday. against the ruling Islamic among more than 100 po- The mass trial and a leged chief of the Beltran cred the mother and three No deaths were reported after establishment. litical figures and activists crackdown on street Leyva cartel, died during a other relatives of the only the magnitude 5.3 quake The court also confirmed tried together in the after- demonstrations has failed two-hour shootout with marine who died in the struck the Pamir Mountains Ahmad Zeidabadi’s sen- math of Iran’s disputed to silence Iran’s opposition marines in the city of Cuer- Dec. 16 shootout in Cuer- Saturday, the Emergency Situa- tence of six years in prison, June election. movement. navaca on Dec. 16. He was navaca. The brutality of the tions and Civil Defence five years of internal THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the highest-ranking drug attack — staged just hours Committee said. Hundreds of exile in a suspect taken down since after the marine was buried mud-brick houses in several vil- re- President Felipe Calderon in a public ceremony — lages in the Gorno- sent tens of thousands of sol- shocked Mexicans who Badakhshansky region diers and federal police have increasingly been were damaged. THE across the country three numbed by daily reports of ASSOCIATED years ago to fight drug violence. PRESS brutal drug Calderon vowed he gangs. would not be intimidated Mexi- by reprisals. However, au- can of- thorities were far quieter in fi- announcing Carlos Bel- tran’s capture, waiting three days to make the ar- rest public in a terse state- ment Saturday night. Chance and Mexi- co’s intelligence system appeared to have led to Beltran Ley- va’s capture. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS metro metronews.ca Monday, January 4, 2010 8 Computers still active in sleep mode Did you know the energy savings from turning your computer off when not in use could pay for your next computer system, in full? It may surprise you as well, but screen savers do not save energy and many computers still consume more than 15 watts in sleep mode. Turn it off and start saving. METRO NEWS SERVICES Urban farming Going Green The Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-Sufficient Living in the Heart of the City ($12), is a hands-on guide to help you harvest your own vegetables, raise city chickens and convert your home to solar energy. METRO NEWS SERVICES EDITOR: [email protected] The changing face of solar power Green Tips in brief COMPUTERSMore than three- quarters of computers sold in Latest prototypes challenging the way the world looks at renewable energy the Canada each year end up in a dump. That’s why comput- M PLANETSOLAR ers and other electronic waste TNMhAeteDro IsA Wu LnoO riDldsD NtOheweisr only ETRO WORLD NEW gavnarTendehc nee s ,tss eoaiscml uhaetnti ootonlhopsegt, iimcorareiliss gemian ra ciodhnf- mllaaeynaa addkne,f idc lula sJpde, man7c0nicu ypo mBerdor, iancnenngndi ntt om ’os KfeT itrrmhucuee Mryc iKn- motor. S the PlanetSolar project. Green @ Work: 100 Ways You That’s what two innova- This 30 metre long and 35 Can Make the Environment tive prototypes have in metre wide catamaran is Your Business. Instead of pitch- common, along with the covered by 470 of photo- ing it, recycle it. Give it to the fact that they’re Swiss proj- voltaic panels. non-profit iRecycle Computers. ects and that, by 2011, “Technology and knowl- they will be taking up the edge, which can allow us LIGHTERSMore than 1.5 billion challenge of doing a world to live in harmony with na- disposable lighters end up in tour using no other energy ture, are already available landfills or incinerators every than what our lucky star now,” said the Swiss skip- year, according to Gillian Dea- can supply. per Raphaël Domjan, con’s Green For Life. They carry Solar Impulse, by sky, founder of PlanetSolar. an ugly environmental legacy and PlanetSolar, by sea, as- “We have to show the — the casings are made of pe- pire to become the ambas- A solar plane from Solar Impulse will be soon flying around the planet. world that these solutions troleum-based plastic, and the sadors of a green mobility exist, work and are eco- butane fuel is a petroleum revolution. This prototype sets itself nomically viable.” product. Use cardboard match- SOLAR IMPULSE apart from previous proj- Under construction since es instead. They are made from sio“nZse,r oz erfuo elp, olzluertioo ne,”m —is- edcimts ebnesciaouns,”e osf aiitds “hCulamuadne METRO W Jbaona.t 2w00il9l itnak Ge etrhmea sneya, st hine raebciylictyle tdo p daepceorm apnods hea fvaes ttehre. tlpahlraa nt’esI mtthhpaeut m lsfleoi ettso pu rosofijn etghc teo, nSloya- MSnoeilrcvshaheyilp-,S .o ilna r cIhmarpguel seo fp athrte- ORLD NEWS MPoaArytf tF2ee0rs 1ta0i v faailtr. s tth teo Hura mofb uErug- AlioTMn A RTEMCE tIrPaTnSsaAcrtoiounnsd o ocncuer bil- solar energy — by day and Solar Impulse has a pilot rope, PlanetSolar will be each year in Canada and most night. Two hundred photo- on board — uncommon sailing the world’s oceans. of them will spit out receipts voltaic panels cover its 60- for solar projects. To have On board, Raphaël Domjan when you’re done. That’s a lot metre wings — the same enough power to bare the and his well-known part- of unnecessary paper. You span as an Airbus A340. weight of a man, the key is ner, the French skipper should instead consider keep- When the sun shines, the lightness: “When you A solar boat from PlanetSolar will take to the seas in 2010. Gérard d’Aboville (first ing tabs over your transactions electricity produced is don’t have a lot of energy, man to row across the At- online. If 10,000 people decid- transferred to the motors you’ve got to save it,” said The first test flights will tour around the world. lantic ocean alone), will ed to do that, together they’d and at the same time, the Michel. “Consider that 1 kg be run by the end of this It’s not destined for com- make stops along their save a roll of paper more than turbines recharge the bat- less on a plane, means 144 year and, in 2011, Solar Im- mercial use but it does journey to raise awareness 460 metres long, according to teries with the surplus en- liters of fuel saved over a pulse should be the first have agricultural poten- on the power of renewable The Ideal Bite. ergy. year. That’s 500 kg of CO2.” solar plane to undertake a tials. energies. METRO NEWS SERVICES WIN WIN YOUCOULD D AllianceFrançaise UL Language Training & Cultural Centre CO WINARUNOFENGAGEMENT U PASSTOSEESHERLOCKHOLMES WARM UP YOUR FRENCH! 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January1,1at11:pm.Oddsofwinningdependonnumberofentries January1,1at11:pm.Oddsofwinningdependonnumberofentries Herbal Magic © 2010. All rights reserved. received.Forfullcontestrulesanddetails,visitwww.metronews.ca. received.Forfullcontestrulesanddetails,visitwww.metronews.ca. Monday, January 4, 2010 metronews.ca metro going green 9 XXXXXXXXX 4 Synthetic trees are being developed to help deplete the CO2 levels in the world. Inventions to look for Green is ERASABLE PAPER to get better air quality. By every- Q Xerox is working finding antipollution coat- where. on an erasable pa- ing for frontage. And why There is per that can be not try to find solutions for not one day where you used multiple times. Bill interior pollution. don’t see a green McKee, of the public rela- message. tions at Xerox Canada SOLAR CELLS PAINTING And there is now a very talks about the erasable Q Solar panels are lucrative market for green paper. How is it possible to heavy and expen- inventions. From simple create erasable paper? sive. Think about devices to major discover- A The paper itself is painting rooftops with so- ies. Here are four inven- just real paper, lar cells! Ted Sargent, from tions that may change our with a very thin the Canada Research Chair future. coating of chemicals that in Nanotechnology at the contain light activated University of Toronto SYNTHETIC TREE molecules. We pass it explains us how it works. Q Trees are very im- through a printer with an How can you do solar pan- portant for our air ultraviolet light bar that els with paint? quality. But is there changes the colour of the A We grow our semi- enough left on the planet? pixels. The molecules conductors in solu- A researcher invented a change colour with the UV tion: specifically, synthetic tree that can get light and then through we use as solvent a very rid of CO2. Klaus Lackner, heat, erases everything on pure form of olive oil from Columbia University the page. (think of it as extra-virgin!) in New York speak on how that forms little pillows is invention works? ANTI-POLLUTION around nanometer-sized A The leaves are CONCRETE semiconductor particles. made from a plastic Q French company Ci- Because the crystals are so material that ab- ments Calcia is pro- small, and are so well-pro- sorbs CO2 when it is dry posing an anti-pol- tected with their shell of and releases it again when lution concrete. Project olive oil (oleic acid) mole- it is moist. Standing in the manager Olivier Fourcault cules, they can be dis- wind the sorbent material talks to us about it. How persed in a solvent — just loads up with CO2, it is can you make anti- like paint. The invention is then transferred into a pollution concrete? still in the research phase. chamber, from which the A The concrete does- It will be usable wherever air can be removed and n’t absorb the pol- solar cells are used today moisture is introduced. lution but it decom- (rooftops, solar farms, so- The plastic (a resin) releas- poses pollutant gases by lar-charging cellphones) es CO2 into the chamber, chemical reactions pro- and beyond. which is pumped out and duced by ultraviolet rays. VINCENT FORTIER/ compressed to liquid CO2. We need to find other ways METRO WORLD NEWS Sushi craze depleting bluefin tuna is illegal, but for bluefin tu- ELISABETH BRAW na, the reality is very dif- Metro World News ferent. In 1940, the world had 1.2 million metric tons She’s beautiful. She’s fast. of bluefin tuna. Sixty years She’s smart. But she may later, it had less than 0.2 soon be gone forever. The metric tons. “Fishing bluefin tuna has fallen vic- methods have become very tim to the global sushi efficient,” says Richard El- vogue. Sushi remains in vogue. lis, author of the recently “When it comes to released book Tuna: Life, bluefin tuna, oceans are peace. “There’s no enforce- Death and Mercury. “But like the Wild West,” says ment of rules, and fishing the market is the driver. Phil Kline, a veteran com- companies are making a The sushi craze is the main mercial fisherman who huge profit.” reason for the near-extinc- now works for Green- In theory, depleting fish tion of the bluefin tuna.” metro metronews.ca Monday, January 4, 2010 10 OTTAWA METRO CANADA Assoc Mana gingEditor, Tarin Elbert Art Director, Laila Hakim Managing Editor, Tracey Tong Group Publisher, Bill McDonald Enter/Lifestyle Editor, Dean Lisk National Sales Director, Peter Bartrem Sales Manager, Dara Mottahed Distribution Manager, Bernie Horton Editor-in-Chief, Charlotte Empey Asst Mana gingEditor, Amber Shortt Interactive/Mrktng Director, Jodi Brown Comment & Views EDITOR: [email protected] METRO CANADA:TORONTO| OTTAWA| MONTREAL| HALIFAX| EDMONTON| CALGARY| VANCOUVER Comment Taking a look at the year ahead InTransit for the year ahead in Ot- back up to 7.5. Where she ly — finally — have an elicit a similar commit- was 54.4 per cent. A little tawa transit. stops, nobody knows. agreement on scheduling, ment from the feds. more than half of the elec- Even with my limited In addition to paying the key sticking point that Further clouding the pic- torate actually showing up Steve prognosticative abilities, I more, riders can expect to led to the transit strike in ture is a municipal election is nothing to brag about, can confidently predict, get less. Currently, $3.5 mil- 2008. Not a year too soon, in November. The last time but in the election before Collins like clockwork, another lion worth of route cuts, either, as this endlessly de- we had one it resulted in that, only 33 per cent of us fare hike in 2010. and reduced weekend and layed contract will run out the death of our original, bothered. The price increase was evening service on some in spring 2011. cheaper, $1-billion plan — Here’s hoping we can do Gmetronews.ca/intransit originally set at 7.5 per cent surviving routes comprise Light rail service will not for reasons of cost, no less. better this year, and in par- before the transit commit- the rest of the city’s begin this year or any year This budget-conscious can- ticular that those who care aze with me into tee recommended it be fiendishly clever plan for terribly soon. The Ontario cellation cost $100 million about public transit will get the crystal ball dropped to 3.5 per cent to boosting ridership in 2010. government’s $600-million in penalties and legal fees. up and do something about (alternately, any ease the burden on people Also sometime in the funding pledge for the first Incidentally, voter it. grime-encrusted who can least afford it, and coming year, barring fur- phase, the cost of which is turnout was at a record bus window will council as a whole, eye on ther obstinacy, OC Transpo currently estimated at $2.1 high in the 2006 election. Steve Collins lives, writes and walks in do) as we read the portents the tax rates, cranked it and its drivers should final- billion, has so far failed to Embarrassingly, that record Ottawa; [email protected] M WViewasys to make any day seem brighter ICHAEL DE ADDER HineSight Help is at hand. Here’s a that chocolate comes from fect to making you feel list of five ways to make beans doesn’t make it a better. any day seem brighter. health food. 4Buy one of my Anne 1Make a list of things 3Hit the drugstore and books. This is 100 per you DON’T have to do make note of the prod- cent guaranteed to create Hines today. This might include: ucts you don’t need ... at happiness. If only for me. Today, I don’t have to en- least at the moment. For 5Make a list of the ways ter a witness protection instance, I myself was darn in which your life is bet- metronews.ca/hinesight program. glad to realize that I don’t ter than Halle Berry’s. For 2Limit your bad new in- currently need hemor- many of us, this may be a Jan. 4. The holidays are take. Studies show that rhoid medication, head short list. And limited to, over and today we go back the less bad news we hear, bandages or foot fungus “I don’t have to choose yet to work or school or to the happier we are. As a cream. another fabulous dress to wishing we had work or general rule, the only bad Tips: Don’t spend time wear to yet another fabu- school. February (proof news we really need to in the “family planning” lous event.” that God hates us) is just hear is limited to: The section thinking, “Well, I Have a great day! 27 cold, bleak days away. building you are in is on certainly don’t need con- But, I ask you, is this any fire. doms or strawberry scent- Anne Hines is an author and humour writer. reason to be feeling down? Bad news we don’t need ed lubricant gel,” as this She has written three novels and one collection of nonfiction humour. The answer: Of course it is. to hear includes: The fact can have the opposite ef- Tell us your views by email to [email protected] or comment on metronews.ca or on Twitter @metroottawa Letters must include sender’s full name, address and phone number –street name and phone numbers will NOT be published. We reserve the right to edit letters. METRO Ottawa130 Slater Street, Suite 300, Ottawa, ON K1P 6E2; Tel: 613-236-5058 • 1-888-916-3876; Fax: 1-866-253-2024; Advertising: 613-236-5058 • [email protected]; [email protected]

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