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Preview Metro London - January 27, 2012

WHAT A HOWL TAG TEAM IT’S LIAM NEESON VS. THE WOLVES IN NEW WILL DOWNTOWN THRILLER {page 11} MURALS CURB MOVING FORWARD PLAYERS CHOOSE GRAFFITI? THEIR SIDES IN NHL ALL-STAR DRAFT {page 19} {page 4} LONDON Weekend, January 27- 29, 2012 www.metronews.ca News worth sharing. WU-ing the world University says new brand has broader reach, better reflects identity ‘Western University’ helps set school apart as top tier, leaders say ANGELA MULLINS That’s especially important, @METRONEWS.CA officials said, as they push harder to snag international students. Diplomas will still read University of Western Ontario. And History wasn’t pushed aside as the school’s Twitter hashtag and web address will keep the university leaders blazed new the “UWO” label for now. trails. The new name has close ties to But officially speaking, the institution of higher learning that under which the school was orig- that has called London home since 1878 is now Western inally chartered: Western University of University — or WU as the case may be. London Ontario. The new brand, which includes a redesigned As for the new logo, it ditches the bell tow- logo, was rolled out Thursday after more er for an updated version of the shield in West- than a year of consultation with faculty, ern’s coat of arms — the school’s main iden- staff, students, alumni and at least one tifier before the tower was introduced. designer. While the work behind the Another historic touch is hidden in the logo rebranding was intricate, its driving font. Designed specifically for Western, the let- goal is quite simple, said Keith tering will be registered as “Hellmuth,” in hon- Marnoch, director of media and our of Bishop Isaac Hellmuth, the school founder. community relations. Perhaps most important to some, Mustangs can “When Ontario’s in our still say they’re “Purple and Proud.” name, it regionalizes the Apart from a slight shift from Pantone 266 to 268, school a little bit,” he said. the school colours are staying the same. For more coverage, Putting a clear-cut “West- turn to page 2. ern” stamp on the univer- $200K sity helps “solidify what we Western University have with the people that student Aya Fasoukh, 25, know us locally and gives us of London, models a shirt a bit of a new greeting card to with the new logo Thursday The cost of Western’s go out and reach new audiences at the University Community rebranding. and new markets,” he said. Centre. Source: University officials ANGELA MULLINS/METRO 02 news: london metronews.ca WEEKEND, JANUARY 27-29, 2012 Rallies as Caterpillar post big gains 1 DAVE CHIDLEY/THE CANADIAN PRESS Spokesman says CAT is strong but Caterpillar-owned Electro-Motive London plant isn’t competitive workers picket a Caterpillar equipment dealership in London, Thursday, Company hired 26,427 in 2011 ANGELA MULLINS At a glance @METRONEWS.CA Illinois-based construction As Caterpillar reported giant Caterpillar financial news record financial results results: Thursday morning, Cana- dian Auto Workers across Fourth-quarter 2011 profit: the county launched infor- $1.5 billion, up 60 per cent mational pickets to from fourth-quarter 2010. support the company’s Total profit for 2011: $5 bil- locked-out London lion, up 83 per cent from employees. 2010. Toromont — a CAT Fourth-quarter 2011 sales dealer with offices on En- and revenue: $17.2 billion, terprise Drive — was up 35 per cent from among the places union fourth-quarter 2010. workers picked to hand Total sales and revenue for out flyers. The scene was 2011: $60.1 billion, up 41 The pay is lousy and the gig is similar at dealers in about per cent from 2010. temporary, but London’s a dozen other cities spread unemployed are still across seven provinces, Jim Dugan declined a flocking to Olympics jobs. Scan code for story. said Bob Scott, chairman request for financial data of the CAW unit at specific to the company’s Electro-Motive Diesel. locomotive plant in 1 Download the free Caterpillar’s firm finan- London. ScanLife app with cial footing hardly came “We report sales and your smartphone as a surprise, Scott said. revenue at a much, much terms of its overall costs,” cluded deep wage cuts and shouldn’t have come as a at 2dscan.com Most workers expected higher level,” he said. “We including labour. other concessions. surprise to anyone at 2 Use your the company to make big don’t report (on) even a The contract offer that “We’re looking to put a Caterpillar, Scott said. smartphone to profits. country-by-country basis Electro-Motive workers re- structure in place so that “When they purchased scan 2D barcodes “It was just how much much less at a facility lev- jected last month … the facility is competi- the facility (in 2010) they in Metro it was actually going to el.” stemmed directly from tive,” Dugan said knew what the contract be,” he said. Dugan did say the plant that, he said. Union repre- Thursday. was,” he said. “That plant 3 The codes will Caterpillar spokesman isn’t “competitive in sentatives have said it in- The plant’s “structure” has always made money.” direct your mobile browser to m.metronews.ca Western’s look ‘right amount of change’: Expert On the web at metronews.ca CONTRIBUTED vard or Berkley. on and rolling out its new ANGELA MULLINS “We sound like the big identity Thursday morn- @METRONEWS.CA guy,” Smith said. ing, Smith said. While the In a word, Western’s new Re-branding a company effort didn’t include a big brand is “smart,” said — or institution in this buy-in from the communi- The new logo Wendy Smith, president of case — is no small task, ty at large, that’s not neces- London marketing firm Re- she said. It’s a detailed sarily a bad thing, she said. dRhino. process that includes field- Smith credited school Western University ing a lot of opinion and try- leaders with tying their As for the naysayers? No Honestly, if you’re going to sounds strong, bold and is- ing to please many new look into the school’s one should be discouraged make a change, do it, stick n’t too far afield from the stakeholders. history and holding true to by them, she said. to it and next year no one Police surround images one might associ- Western clearly did a lot its traditional colour — “We have a 10-second at- will even remember what Australian PM ate with names like Har- of research before deciding purple. tention span nowadays. the old logo looked like.” Julia Gillard as they force a path Reader tweets @melsloboo:“Do you University? #UWO #forev- @laurabeaulne: “So, is @lesleyannecamp: “i through think if enough of us peti- er” my grey hoodie that says don’t care what we call it, rowdy tion they will change it @aalexxanddria:“I feel “UWO” a vintage i still love it #uwo #wester- Here’s what back to #UWO ? Because like making a new #uwo collector’s piece now? nuniversity #purplepride protesters. people were this whole WU thing does- logo was a waste of time... #uwo” @annakwan78: “Just dis- Watch at saying on n’t work for me Call me dumb but #idont- @amydyck:“Thanks for covered that my alma Twitter about the @UWOproblems” getit.” the personalized email mater, #UWO has changed metronews.ca/ rebranding of Western @IanGooda:“Is it just me @shamjacobs:“People are Amit, but im still not a big its name to #WesternU. video University: or is rebranding #uwo to gonna think I go to water- fan of the new #Uwo iden- Why weren’t alumni #westernuniversity loo now #shame #UWO” tity. Western university? informed of this???” Follow us on @3_Audrey:“#UWO is al- confusing. It’s all about @April_VC: “Woke up to Nahhh.” @evabumbleb: “I still go Twitter so the perfect hashtag...I context, it’s western only #uwo's rebranding! Have @devballs: “oh #UWO to #uwo, but congrats @themetrolondon bet they didn’t think if you’re in ON, ergo to say after watching the you’ve really stooped low. #westernu” about that before they #UWO” video I like it! Western or should I say Western @alexchurchill: “it’ll changed the name...” @kerrymeikle:“Western University!” University” always be #uwo” REVEAL ROGERS What’s new. What’s next. GALAXYY NNEEXXUUSSTTMM $159 999 NNOO TTEERRMM $$5599999999 WITH 3-YR. HARDWWAARREEE DISCOUNT AGREEMMEENNNTTT ON SELECT PLANS1 The smartphone that goes where no other smartphone has gone before. Introducing the ground-breaking Galaxy Nexus superphone from Rogers. It’s the world’s first phone to run the Android 4.0 operating system. Android 4.0 enables the Nexus to do things you’ve never seen before. For instance, it uses facial recognition to unlock your phone. It also features ‘Android Beam’ that allows you to share videos, contacts and webpages with friends, just by touching two phones together. 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The DECF is the greater of (i) $25 or (ii) $5 per month remaining in the Data Term, to a maximum of $100 (plus applicable taxes), and applies in addition to the ECF for termination of your Service Agreement. If you subscribe to a plan combining both voice and data services, both the ECF and DECF apply. 1 With new activation on any 3-yr. term voice and data plan having min. $45 monthly service fee (plus Government Regulatory Recovery Fee of up to $2.97). Early cancellation fees apply. The Government Regulatory Recovery Fee varies by province and ranges from $2.35-$2.97/line/month ($2.35 AB/BC/MB/ON, $2.75 QC, $2.88 NB, $2.97 NL, $2.78 NS, $2.85 PEI, $2.97 SK). It is applied to help fund fees, costs and other amounts related to federal, provincial and/or municipal mandates, programs and requirements. It is not a tax or charge the government requires Rogers to collect and is subject to change. See rogers.com/regulatoryfee for details. A one-time Activation Fee of up to $35 (varies by province) also applies. Where applicable, additional airtime, data, long distance, roaming, options and taxes are extra and billed monthly. ©2012 news: london metronews.ca 04 WEEKEND, JANUARY 27-29, 2012 ANGELA MULLINS/METRO McKegg explodes onto the scene for Knights MIKE ARSENAULT MIKE ARSENAULT/FOR METRO [email protected] Up next First impressions are impor- tant on job interviews and The Knights host the dates. And so is your first Windsor Spitfires at fortnight with a new hock- 7:30 p.m. Friday; Saturday ey team in front of thou- night they visit the sands of new fans. Saginaw Spirit. In Bachelor-speak, it’s London is once again A woman walks by a Talbot Street alley featuring city-endorsed murals. The murals safe to say that Londoners the top-ranked team between Dundas and King streets have gone virtually untouched since they were are giving Greg McKegg a in the Canadian Hockey painted to mark the 2005 Memorial Cup at the John Labatt Centre, a city official said. rose and want to see him League, after dropping again. Greg McKegg to No. 2 for a couple of The new crowd favourite weeks. Project aims to at the JLC has been on a tear since joining the Knights may be the overwhelming who have played on McK- with 10 goals and 16 points support the Knights receive. egg’s wing. “He can put the in just nine games. This af- “It’s always fun coming puck in the net and he has promote murals ter averaging just under a back to London,” he said. great vision on the ice. He’s point a game (34 points in “It’s really cool to be a part helped our team out a lot.” 35 games) with the Erie Ot- of it now.” The St. Thomas native’s ters. McKegg, drafted in the secret weapon may well be “The skill level is differ- third round by the Toronto the home cooking he’s re- ent here as opposed to Maple Leafs in 2010, has not ceived since moving back Organizers say more art on walls of downtown (Erie),” McKegg, 19, said. only endeared himself to with his family. “It’s a little bit easier play- Londoners, but also to his “It’s definitely nice,” he businesses will help prevent unsolicited tagging ing here — I’m definitely re- teammates. said. “It makes things easier juvenated coming to a “He’s a great all-around — you know your routine $37K ANGELA Amount of done by legitimate artists. first-place team.” player,” said Brett Welych- and how you like things MULLINS money He’s 100 per cent behind a Part of that rejuvenation ka, one of many Knights done.” @METRONEWS.CA Downtown London program that would keep spends annually to re- that from happening, as Ryan Mahy is a big propo- move unwanted long as there’s room for all Fluoride Lightning Liberals nent of covering the walls “tags” from buildings. styles of art downtown. of downtown businesses Janette MacDonald, head debate lasts lose in clarify with art. could create a clear distinc- of Downtown London, as- While he likes the idea tion in city bylaws between sures that’s the goal. While six hours Moncton caesarean of a new venture that aims “graffiti vandalism” and art- the project is still in its ear- to make that happen, he al- work that has been com- ly stages, Downtown Lon- comments so worries things could go missioned with the don and other organizers too far. permission of business ultimately want to see It was a long night for city The London Lightning “I’m hoping that this owners. That’s where Mahy something akin to a “mural politicians, health officials, dropped a 98-91 decision to process is going to be for comes in. registry” created. and about 200 members of the Miracles in Moncton in Ontario’s Liberal govern- the better,” said Mahy, 27. A well-known London “What we want to do is the public who argued the National Basketball League ment scrambled Thursday “But I’m really concerned artist, Mahy has multiple make sure that if a mural pros and cons of keeping of Canada action Thursday to clarify it will not force about artists losing the free- outdoor murals under his goes up, it’s not offensive fluoride in London’s drink- night. Gabe Freeman led pregnant women to pay dom of expression.” belt and has led some of the and the building owner ing water at last night’s the way for London with 21 for planned C-sections, af- City councillors gave the city’s largest efforts on the agrees to maintain it,” she public input meeting. The points and 13 rebounds. ter suggesting earlier this initial nod earlier this week front. said. “(Murals) may not all committee voted to have Darrell Wonge led all scor- week that the procedure to a project based around But, he said, city officials be graffiti-style, but some of staff look over the informa- ers with 23 points for the would no longer be keeping downtown free of have in the past painted them may be. I think you tion, and report back in six Miracle, who led 52-46 at covered by medicare. graffiti. The effort also over graffiti-style murals need a nice blend.” weeks. AM980/AM980.CA halftime. METRO THE CANADIAN PRESS 06 metronews.ca news WEEKEND, JANUARY 27-29, 2012 Deaths not an accident: Crown FRANK GUNN/THE CANADIAN PRESS Crown delivers closing arguments Police guard the rear entrance to the Frontenac County courthouse in Shafia family trial Security after a bomb threat was received in Kingston, Ont., on Thursday. issue spurs delay earlier in the day The evidence against three people accused of killing Deliberations half their family over hon- our is “irrefutable,” a Crown attorney told the ju- The verdict was expected ry in the case in closing ar- to be in the jury’s hands guments that lasted well Friday afternoon or early into the evening after a evening. bomb threat delayed pro- cee dings earlier Thursday. our killing of Shafia’s Crown attorney Laurie three daughters and his Lacelle told the jury hear- other polygamous wife. ing the Shafia family mur- “You know this was not der trial that Mohammad an accident — it was mur- Shafia, 58, his wife Tooba der,” Lacelle said at the end Yahya, 42, and their son of her lengthy address. Hamed, 21, were each re- “They did what they each sponsible for planning and believed had to be done. carrying out four murders, Now it’s your turn. Find executed to get rid of fami- them all guilty as charged. ly members causing them There is no other way.” dishonour. The courthouse in “Shafia, Tooba and which the Shafia trial is Hamed had decided that taking place was evacuated there was a diseased limb just before court was about on their family tree,” she to start Thursday morning. said. “Their decision was to While police would only trim the diseased limb and say there was a “security prune the tree back to the concern.” A source told good wood.” She urged the The Canadian Press the jury to find all three guilty reason for the evacuation in what the Crown has al- was a bomb threat. leged is a quadruple hon- THE CANADIAN PRESS 7 Forces members recognized for bravery SEAN KILPATRICK/THE CANADIAN PRESS It was one of the those Chinook with gunfire. The native of Niagara heart-stopping moments Fielding was among sev- Falls managed to land the Acts of valour every pilot who flew in en members of the Canadi- burning chopper in the Afghanistan feared — the an Forces to receive the middle of insurgent-con- dull thud of rounds hitting Medal of Military Valour trolled territory and get Holmes was recogni zed for the helicopter and the from Gov. Gen. David John- everyone off safely with- his actions in a series of smell of smoke. ston in a ceremony at Ot- out any casualties. bloody fights in Panjwaii. But for Capt. William tawa’s Rideau Hall. The other recipients Mikkelson, Millar and Nel- Todd Fielding, it wasn’t His helicopter was hit in were soldiers and included son were praised separately some abstract concern and the fuel tank and immedi- Master-Cpl. Adam Holmes, for delivering life-saving on Thursday he was award- ately caught fire as it took Master-Cpl. Gilles-Remi first-aid treatment to ed the country’s third- off from a forward posi- Mikkelson, Pte. Philip Mil- soldiers under fire. highest valour decoration tion in the volatile Pan- lar, Master-Cpl. Paul Mitchell and Verrier were for what he did in the criti- jwaii district, west of Gov. Gen. David Johnston presents the Medal of Mitchell, Pte. John Nelson, recognized for holding cal moments after the Tal- Kandahar city on Aug. 5, Military Valour to Pte. Philip Millar of Lower Sackville, N.S. and Sgt. Graham Verrier. their ground under fire and iban sprayed his CH-147 2010. THE CANADIAN PRESS inspiring other soldiers. PAWEL DWULIT/ HANDOUT/THE CANADIAN PRESS Digging up THE CANADIAN PRESS Plane-crash survivor speaks out the Dirty The wreckage from ’30s and a a mystery tiny ivory the plane crash. elephant. The lone survivor of a Brian Shead says the cial injuries, but the pilot While deadly plane crash in Jan. 10 crash near the tiny and the three other pas- Elephant A time capsule unearthed some of northern Ontario says he native community of sengers died. during renovations at the capsule’s contents tried in vain to pull fellow North Spirit Lake hap- As the sole survivor, the Toronto’s famed Maple Leaf relate to the time it was passengers from the pened in a flash. The Win- father of three small chil- Gardens spilled its secrets buried, there was little to wreckage and snuff the nipeg-based administrator dren is haunted by guilt Thursday, revealing hockey explain the mysterious ele- fire that eventually de- for First Nations escaped and dozens of unanswered paraphernalia, news from phant. THE CANADIAN PRESS stroyed the small aircraft. with a crushed foot and fa- questions.THE CANADIAN PRESS news metronews.ca 07 WEEKEND, JANUARY 27-29, 2012 No coddling at Facebook Facebook addicts get help at ‘rehab’ GIA DINH XA HOI/GETTY IMAGES What it’s really like to work for A pair of entrepreneurs Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has created an online tool to target Facebook addicts, called FaceAnonymous. Mark Zuckerberg’s former is focused on getting it “The first thing most director of engineering done and has a limited tol- young people do when says the Facebook CEO is erance for emotional they log in to a computer not a pain in the ass to fragility in the people he is to type an F,” says Dan work with, but don’t ex- needs to help him execute Penguine, co-founder of pect “emotional coddling.” on that mission.” FaceAnonymous, the first Yishan Wong is giving Great business leaders “Facebook rehab.” after “gaming,” and it is the world a glimpse of the tend to have “a significant Penguine and friend trending higher. social-networking boy won- body count of ex-employ- Siavosh Arasteh set up a “The first step to fix an der on the question-and- ees claiming that they website spreadsheet addiction is to become answer website Quora, for were autocratic and where people worldwide aware of the problem,” which Wong is an advisor. mean,” Wong pointed out. can record every time they Siavosh told Metro. Wong worked at Face- Zuckerberg gives em- logged in to Facebook. But Internet psycholo- book from 2005 to 2010, ployees “ever-greater chal- Curt Dalton, CEO of In- gist Graham Jones empha- for much of that time in lenges to surmount,” he ternet Time Machine, a sizes that as Facebook management roles when said, which should be fine company that analyzes addiction is so new, treat- the company exploded in- for an employee who is web search words, says ment is only experimental to a major corporation confident and emotionally Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg “Facebook” is the fastest at this stage. from a small startup. secure. is seen here during a private trip to growing addiction search KARIN WASTESON IN LONDON “He’s a demanding CEO If you’re looking for a Ha Long Bay, Vietnam, on Dec. 25, 2011. 10% with a monomaniacal fo- boss to develop you or who A recent study from China published in cus on making Facebook gives you confirmation or Plos One found 10 per cent of Internet succeed in its mission,” even acknowledgement of of Asperger’s,” said Wong, to ignore people when users suffer from Internet Addiction Disorder, a re- Wong wrote. your opinions, Zucker- referring to the disorder they’re talking. cently acknowledged condition that disrupts “He’s a perfectly nice berg’s not the guy for you, that robs people of social “I would characterize brain-nerve fibres responsible for emotions, deci- guy on a personal level; it’s said Wong. skills that he said accounts him as tough but fair.” sion-making and self-control. Its effects can be as just that professionally, he “He does have a touch for Zuckerberg appearing TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE damaging to young people as alcohol or cannabis. New Year, New YOU! 1 years Laser $299 unlimited, 3 areas Spray Tan, $69 4 visits Two Brazilian & $89 Eyebrow Wax We also offer: Botox, Filler, TruBlood, Zeltiq Coolsculpting, IPL photofacial, Manicure, Pedicure, Facial, Massage, Waxing and Laser Hair Removal ** All under the Supervision of Medical Staff Doctor and Nurse ** 5 Oxford Street West (519) 434-0444 Gift cards are available! 08 news metronews.ca WEEKEND, JANUARY 27-29, 2012 New Libyan Suspects detained Buildings. Collapse Rescue workers stand in implant scandal rulers accused next to the area where three buildings collapsed in Rio de Janeiro, Thursday. INTERPOL/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Police in pre-dawn sweeps of torture Thursday arrested two top former executives of the now-defunct French com- pany at the centre of a Canada urged to pressure Libya breast implant scandal af- fecting tens of thousands on new detainee torture reports of women worldwide. Jean-Claude Mas, who The new leaders of Libya, founded and ran implant- Jean-Claude Mas helped to power by an air New leadership maker Poly Implant war waged by Canada and Prothese (PIP), was detained No. 2 executive Claude its major allies, were de- Canada has stood firm be- as part of a judicial probe in Couty also was detained. nounced as torturers hind Libya’s new the southeastern city of The suspect PIP implants Thursday by major inter- transitional leadership Marseille into manslaugh- are made with industrial- national groups. both before and after Gad- ter and involuntary in- grade silicone instead of The Canadian leader of hafi was driven from pow- juries, an official said. A medical-grade gel. Amnesty International er last year. regional official said former THE ASSOCIATED PRESS called on the Harper gov- Amnesty said the torture is ernment to use its influ- being carried out by “offi- ence with Libya’s new cially recognized military ‘Joke’ leads transitional government to and security entities” as he joked that a package he end the abuse of prisoners, well as the many armed was delivering to a U.S. to terror documented by the organi- militias still active in the Army base was likely a zation in a new report. country. SILVIA IZQUIERDO/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS bomb. Military police evac- Doctors Without Bor- 6 dead, 16 missing in Rio charges uated 215 people. ders said it was suspending of Misrata because some Charges filed Wednes- work in Libyan prisons be- detainees were brought for A 20-storey building collapsed in Rio Wednesday day in Utah show the deliv- cause of rampant torture of care only to make them fit evening, causing the collapse of two other smaller Prosecutors charged a eryman was dropping off a detainees. The group said it for further interrogation. ones. At press time, rescuers had pulled six bodies FedEx driver with threat of package Sept. 20 at Camp was pulling out of the city THE CANADIAN PRESS from the rubble and 16 people were still missing. terrorism over allegations Williams. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Iran ready for talks with foes Iran is ready to revive talks with the U.S. and other world powers, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday, but suggest- ed that Tehran’s foes will have to make compromis- es to prevent negotiations from again collapsing in stalemate. Iran’s insistence that it will never give up uranium enrichment — the process that makes material for re- actors as well as weapons — scuttled negotiations a year ago and still looms as a potential deal breaker even as tougher Western sanctions target Iran’s crit- ical oil exports. Ahmadinejad added his voice to proposals by Iran- ian officials to return to talks Thursday at a rally in PAUL BRANDT ~ NOW TOUR ~ 2012 the southeastern city of Kerman, saying a nation WITH SPECIAL GUESTS HIGH VALLEY that is in the “right” Centennial Hall should not be worried Thursday, February 2, 2012 - 7:30pm about holding dialogue. Tickets available in person at Box Office Iran indicated earlier this week it was ready for a 519 672.1967 or 1 888 999 8980 new round of talks with the www.centennialhall.london.ca five permanent UN Security Council members plus Ger- many. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS business metronews.ca 09 WEEKEND, JANUARY 27-29, 2012 Harper signals change SEAN KILPATRICK/THE CANADIAN PRESS FEDERAL FINANCE Ottawa rethinks Prime Minister’s speech in Davos hints at reforms for pensions, securities investment and immigration Canada ‘model of confidence,’ Harper says regulator Ottawa will transform the ADRIAN WYLD/THE CANADIAN PRESS ment has worked to keep fi- Jim Flaherty country’s pension system to nancial disorder out of The federal government ments, to create a one- curtail government costs, Canada and is stepping up announced Thursday stop shop for the coun- but details won’t come un- efforts to set the country on that it will head back to try’s securities til the budget, Prime Minis- the right track for coming the drawing board regulation. ter Stephen Harper said decades. THE CANADIAN PRESS following a court verdict But Flaherty pointed Thursday. tprcmhirlteaoaiOanert etstsset cralf ieuaowmg rtnat uiala tles etantdidtioa lo ilntitr insh.ao loons cbpraoioelg psdsi eneytoc,aul- orSddouuaaoy pt“j m-uIrtttehod’ smf-agd otcmear lt ey heaCa n reofreert uig edtnru’hets l tra oashatttf lei it Clorhlonaeln eoa.f- WHiavnsea golIrwo rnprplee edamlfr lo mearaEmnlsasc tojors o e nsir—snio egs m aipnmreaaiccellmhll ce hidaFgi n noralaod rtt uo ttidmmohhenee,-- TMSXarket mDoomllarent PRICES AS OF 5 P.M. THURSDAY and in collaboration securities will remain name of ensuring Canada’s with the provinces, that with the provinces,” Fla- economy is on a strong would play a role in herty said. footing. Stephen Harper talks with British Prime Minister David monitoring long-term “But (the court) also The idea, he said, is to Cameron at pub in Davos, Switzerland on Thursday. risks to financial said that there is an area position Canada as a more - 74.89 + 0.18¢ markets. of federal jurisdiction, competitive force in the (12,464.32) (99.83¢ US) Finance Minister Jim including national stan- global economy and to con- the 2,600 forum delegates. approvals for major energy Flaherty delivered his dards and systemic risk. front the pressures of an ag- Despite the immediate projects and said he would Oil Natural most elaborate public re- So I hope ... we can make ing population. audience, the speech was press ahead with develop- gas action since last month’s an arrangement with “In the months to come, aimed as much at voters ing ways to export energy $2.60 US critical ruling by the the provinces to proceed our government will under- back home as it was at in- to Asia. (- 12¢ US) Supreme Court of Cana- with a Canadian securi- take major transformations ternational business and He chided wealthy coun- da. ties regulator,” he said in to position Canada for political leaders. tries for being too compla- Gold That decision may an interview at the growth over the next gener- The prime minister also cent about ringing up debt + 30¢US $1,726.70 US have quashed the Davos economic ation,” Harper said in an ad- reiterated a commitment to that they cannot afford, ($99.70 US) (+ $26.60 US) decade-old project, tout- summit. dress to several dozen of streamline environmental Harper said his govern- ed by successive govern- THE CANADIAN PRESS Boomers piling on too much debt: CIBC Baby boomers and Canadi- able annual income has RYAN REMIORZ/THE CANADIAN PRESS those with a lot of room to ans who can least afford it been rising steadily since borrow, but instead what Debt debate are the most responsible 2007 and recently reached we see is those with a lot of for statistics that show con- a record 153 per cent. debt are piling on more.” Household debt has been sumers are piling on too That puts Canadian Another concern, Shen- a hotly-debated issue in much debt, according to an households on the doorstep feld said, is that Canadians Canada since central analysis of household fi- of the 160 per cent level, over 45 years old who banker Mark Carney began nances released Thursday where Americans were pri- should be saving for retire- fretting that debt was by the CIBC. or to the housing collapse. ment are increasingly dip- reaching record highs even The micro-examination But as the CIBC report ping into the credit market, as the economy was in re- of debt in Canada suggests suggests, households in a trend likely contributing cession. the problem may be more other countries, particular- to the rise in bankruptcies serious than thought and ly Denmark, the Nether- among the 50 and older set. Last week, economists sheds new light on Bank of lands, Norway and The CIBC analysis Craig Alexander and Derek Canada governor Mark Car- Switzerland, have reached A new study suggests household debt may be a showed one-third of debt Holt of TD Bank and Scotia- ney’s statement last week significantly higher thresh- bigger problem in Canada than previously thought. carriers are already above bank, respectively, that he is most worried olds without triggering a the 160 per cent line and suggested the problem about “vulnerable” house- crisis. that they are wholly re- may be exaggerated. The holds. “It’s not only the it of their borrowing capac- economist Benjamin Tal. sponsible for about three- household debt-to-income The raw numbers are amount of debt Canadians ity,” said CIBC chief econo- “It would have been nice quarters of all the measure was deeply bad enough. The ratio of are carrying, but how many mist Avery Shenfeld, to have found that the rise household debt in Canada. flawed, they argued. household debt to dispos- are getting close to the lim- co-author of the paper with in debt was coming from THE CANADIAN PRESS Taxpayers still owed for bailouts: Watchdog Consumer confidence index up, board says A government watchdog will continue to exist for ducing mortgage pay- The Conference Board of calls a “welcome develop- sits 14.3 points below says U.S. taxpayers are years, says a report issued ments, will last as late as Canada says its monthly ment” after a dismal read- where it was at the same still owed $132.9 billion Thursday by Christy 2017, costing the govern- survey of consumer ing in December. time in 2011. US that companies Romero, the acting spe- ment an additional $51 moods shows Canadians Last month, the index About 16 per cent of re- haven’t repaid from the fi- cial inspector general for billion US or so. The gyrat- are a little more upbeat dropped to its lowest level spondents to its survey nancial bailout, and some the $700 billion bailout ing stock market has about their finances this in more than two years. say they’re better off of that will never be re- US. slowed the Treasury De- month. Even though con- financially than they were covered. Some bailout pro- partment’s efforts to sell The think-tank says its sumers seem a little more six months ago, while The bailout launched at grams, such as the effort off its stakes in 458 bailed- index of consumer confi- optimistic in January, the 22.3 say they believe the height of the financial to help homeowners out companies, the report dence for January rose measure of their willing- things are tougher. crisis in September 2008 avoid foreclosure by re- says.THE ASSOCIATED PRESS four points to 73.9, what it ness to spend money still THE CANADIAN PRESS 10 voices metronews.ca WEEKEND, JANUARY 27-29, 2012 ‘AMERICA’S BACK’ Register at Local tweets metropolitanpanel.ca SPEECH CAN’T and take the quick poll @mucka- at the @JLC last night! #do- pedia: #UWO nateyourextras #ldnont SAVE SINKING SHIP Do you still own a land-line phone? name-change @gmacXFMreporter: The makes “City of College Journeyman goalie Opportunity” look like is playing for the Wheeling shrewd stroke of market- Nailers tonight in THE ing brilliance! #ldnont is #Fanshawe mens ice hock- 84% My resolution this New Year’s NO, IT’S NOT OFFICIALLY its own worst ey intramurals METRO LIST Eve was to be less cynical. Oh 1993 joke. @jbak6:6 hr mtg on the well, four weeks still beats last @DanniBoi1989: use of Flouride in the #ld- MIKE BENHAIM year’s record. #lndont,#ldnont Our June nont H20 system and at METRO 1 Research in (slow) Mo- 10, 2012 registration count end of night council tion:RIM appointed a is climbing. Will you be decides to send it back to new CEO in an attempt next to register? staff for review...LAME!! to revive dying BlackBerries in a world of WalkToFightArthritis.ca @NikkehSass:Something iPhones and Androids. His name is 16% @samkohn: Thanks to really needs to be done Thorsten Heins, but he may as well be YES, I LIKE THE Green Shield, 2 matches about all of these sink RATES Thurston Howell III, because all the money from BigBroBigSis got to holes in #ldnont. It’s not in the world ain’t getting him off that see the normal to be having so island. @GoLondonKnights game many! 2 Muddled Voyage: The man that drove his car through the Waterloo, Ont., police station last No- vember was apparently sentenced to a year of com- NASA/NOAA/GSFC/SUOMI NPP/VIIRS/NORMAN KURING (LEFT) GETTY IMAGES (RIGHT) munity service ... as captain of a cruise ship. Oops! Daily Zoom 3 Political Hubris:Stephen Harper finally met with delegates at the World Economic Forum this week. He rebuked European leaders for being fiscally irre- sponsible, and cited Canada as the role model. He referenced our medicare system which, in hard times, as- sures Canadians the same unsatisfactory services they’ve come to expect, at no additional cost. 4 Idol Setback:American Idol is back for its 11th sea- son, and the first individual voted off is Steven Tyler for his rendition of The Star Spangled Banner. 5 Sexy Spinsters: Ladies, if you are unattached, attractive, and believe in love at first sight with a stranger who will also be dating 25 other women on national TV, then I’ve got great news — The Bachelor is coming to Canada! The not-so-great news is that you are probably desperate and have low self-esteem. But good luck! 6 Love on the Rocks: Another celebrity breakup hit the news wire this week as German model Heidi Klum is divorcing R&B singer Seal. My immediate reaction to the news was, “Those two were married?” 7 Spoiler Alert: Academy Award nominees were un- veiled this week, and I want to prepare for my Os- car pool by identifying this year’s pretentiously touted film that no one actually wants to watch, à la Eng- lish Patient or King’s Speech, and bet on that. Shinier ‘Blue Marble’ 8 Ice Dreams: Bruins goalie Tim Thomas ignited con- troversy by refusing to join the NHL champs who were invited to appear at the White House this week. Thomas stated that he had become disillusioned with the government, whose actions over the past few years, he feels, have been counter-constitutional. On the other hand, he still blames his parents for never providing figure-skating lessons. New image of 824 First photo was 9 God Save the School: Dr. Alisun Pawley, a musicolo- gist from the University of York in England, Earth captured Satellite facts upside down concluded in a recent study that the Canadian na- tional anthem was not very “sing-along-able.” My first SNAP.It’s our blue planet, Composite image: HISTORY. The original “Blue question is, “Who funded this study, and why?” Second like we’ve never seen kilometres — the dis- Created from four orbits of Marble” photo was taken question is, “Should a university professor be using a before. Nasa’s latest “Blue tance above Earth this the Earth’s surface. by the Apollo 17 crew on word like ‘sing-along-able’?” Marble” photograph is the photograph was Worth lots of numbers: Dec. 7, 1972, from a distan- 10 American Delusions: The U.S. prez showed us most high-resolution image taken. This new high- Suomi NPP weighs 2,041 ce of about 45,000 kilome- once again that “Campaign Obama” is far bet- of Earth ever captured. This resolution image dis- kgs, carries five tres. It was the first ter at his job than “President Obama.” His picture was taken on Jan. 4 plays about 1.6 instruments, and orbits opportunity to photograph “America’s back” speech was shrewdly more feeling than from Suomi NPP, Nasa’s kilometres per pixel. the Earth about 14 times the south polar ice cap. It fact. If the country were a business, I’d suspect he was get- most recently launched each day. was originally taken upside ting ready to sell to China, but that’s just silly ... or is it? Earth-observing satellite, ‘For weather forecasting’: down due to the way the the first in a new series of Collects data on clouds, at- astronauts were then More from Mike Benhaim at metronews.ca/backbeat such devices. MWN mosphere and oceans. travelling. 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