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Preview Metro London - January 17, 2014

WEEKEND, January 17-19, 2014 metronews.ca | twitter.com/themetrolondon | facebook.com/themetrolondon LONDON Tonight’s Jackpot 12 IF YOU CAN Celebrating Wanted: You gotta DODGE A Lincoln Alcoholic hustle for WRENCH, YOU Alexander labourers that Oscar CAN DODGE A... NNEEWWSS Canada’s fi rst black MP WWOORRTTHH ... A BALL, YES — IN will be honoured by a Pilot project in Amsterdam American Hustle leads SSHHAARRIINNGG.. LONDON THIS WEEKEND Western University event pays alcoholics with beer in nominations while loner DURING A 21-TEAM on Tuesday PAGE 8 exchange for manual labour Llewyn Davis is left out in the CONTEST PAGE 7 PAGE 11 cold (again) PAGE 17 Taxpayers on hook for $97,000 Final sum. Councillors’ Money well spent? legal bills for Billy T’s scandal foolish, City council’s 2014 budget- colleague says setting process for 2014 has begun. Here are a few places where the $97,000 would have come in handy: MIKE DONACHIE (cid:580)(cid:3) It would cover almost [email protected] half of the $200,000 budget cut proposed for London could have done creating bike lanes. other, better things with the $97,000 it spent on lawyers for (cid:580)(cid:3) Council is considering cut- council members caught up in ting $72,000 from funding a scandal. for managing environ- That’s the view of Coun. mentally sensitive areas. Paul Hubert, who led the way in making sure the figure was (cid:580)(cid:3) The planning department made public. wants $85,000 to hire an- The exact cost of lawyers to other planner to address represent seven council mem- the city’s growth. bers involved in the infamous back-room meeting at Billy T’s was $97,148.31, according to sions about various city issues. a new city report. Taxpayers After a lengthy investigation, were left paying the bill. prompted by 60 complaints That works out to some- from the public, Ontario Om- thing like $13,000 for each budsman André Marin decid- person involved, Hubert ed the meeting was private, so pointed out. it broke the law. “As I said when this whole Politicians involved all de- thing came through, foolish- nied they intended to meet in FAR FROM FROWN TOWN ness is always expensive,” said private, saying they had hap- Hubert. pened to be at the restaurant It’s been almost a year at the same time. since the lunchtime meeting Hubert said he was at Billy T’s Tap and Grill that “happy to close the chapter Western University students Jenna Sauve, left, and Alana Fernandez are all smiles and happy to be living in London. They’re among many started the whole affair. on this” but disappointed others, according to a company that’s ranked the happiest cities in Canada based on Instagram photos. And London’s not looking too Mayor Joe Fontana and six that London had its “dirty shabby. Story on page 6. MIKE DONACHIE/METRO councillors met in the back laundry aired in the media room there and had discus- right across Canada.” THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY NOW!!! 0 0 0 5 $ MINIMUM TRADE IS BACK! PUOSRH W, EP UPLICLK, D URPAG 5 LOWEST INTEREST RATE IN CANADA . 1 8 % SELLING TRAILERS AT PAR Example. $25,000 Trailer would be $27,500 = $2,500 in EXTRA SAVINGS UPGRADING HAS NEVER BEEN SO EASY FIRST 50 FREE WINTER STORAGE CUSTOMERS UP TO $15,000 IN FACTORY REBATES 5 YEAR WARRANTY INCLUDED IN PAYMENT WE MAKE CAMPING SO CHEAP YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO STAY HOME MMAANNAAGGEERR’’SS SSPPEECCIIAALL FFAAMMIILLYY FFAAVVOORRIITTEE GATEWAY 3200 2014 PIONEER BH27 O N L Y 3 $21,999 - $5000 (Push/Pull Trade) $$1166,,999999 ++++++ $$7799,,000000 11 $$3300,,000000 OOFFFF!!!!!! TToonn TToowwaabbllee 22 CCeennttrraall AAiirr FFuullll BBaatthh FFuullll KKiittcchheenn22 DDoooorrss $36+/week Patrick Taylor Jason Leuszler Mario Lulay 20 minutes to savings FFFFOOOORRRR AAAADDDDDDDDIIIITTTTIIIIOOOONNNNAAAALLLL DDDDEEEEAAAALLLLSSSS Follow us on Twitter @401auto AAAANNNNDDDD IIIINNNNCCCCCEEEENNNNTTTTTIIIIVVVVVVEEEESSSS W35251W IN9GWE-R.4S4O8L0L5 S1T-.R, 2INVG1.ECR0SAO0LL CINAGEMRSIOLL ST S CULLODENRD401 (cid:40)(cid:51)(cid:51)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:40)(cid:64)(cid:52)(cid:44)(cid:53)(cid:59)(cid:58)(cid:3)(cid:40)(cid:57)(cid:44)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:51)(cid:60)(cid:58)(cid:3)(cid:47)(cid:58)(cid:59)(cid:3)(cid:54)(cid:21)(cid:40)(cid:21)(cid:42)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:40)(cid:57)(cid:44)(cid:3)(cid:62)(cid:48)(cid:59)(cid:47)(cid:3)(cid:24)(cid:23)(cid:12)fa(cid:3)(cid:43)c(cid:54)(cid:62)e(cid:53)bL(cid:3)(cid:54)o(cid:57)i(cid:3)o(cid:44)k(cid:56)k(cid:60)e(cid:48).(cid:61)c (cid:40)(cid:51)uo(cid:44)(cid:53)ms(cid:59)(cid:3)(cid:59) /(cid:57)4o(cid:40)(cid:43)0n(cid:44)1(cid:21) (cid:40) a(cid:51)F(cid:51)u(cid:3)(cid:42)at(cid:40)o(cid:58)c(cid:47)r(cid:3)(cid:55)ve(cid:57)c(cid:48)(cid:42)ba(cid:44)(cid:58)no(cid:3)(cid:40)a(cid:57)o(cid:44)d(cid:3)(cid:55)ka(cid:51)(cid:60)(cid:58)(cid:3)(cid:45)(cid:57)(cid:44)(cid:48)(cid:46)(cid:47)(cid:59)(cid:19)(cid:3) (cid:40)(cid:43)(cid:52)(cid:48)(cid:53)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:43)(cid:48)(cid:19)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:57)(cid:44)(cid:55)(cid:3)(cid:45)(cid:44)(cid:44)(cid:58)(cid:3)(cid:13)(cid:3)(cid:47)(cid:58)(cid:59)(cid:21)(cid:3)(cid:58)(cid:44)(cid:44)(cid:3)(cid:43)(cid:44)(cid:40)(cid:51)(cid:44)(cid:57)(cid:3)(cid:45)(cid:54)(cid:57)(cid:3)(cid:42)(cid:54)(cid:52)(cid:55)(cid:51)(cid:44)(cid:59)(cid:44)(cid:3)(cid:43)(cid:44)(cid:59)(cid:40)(cid:48)(cid:51)(cid:58)(cid:21)(cid:3)(cid:40)(cid:51)(cid:59)(cid:47)(cid:54)(cid:60)(cid:46)(cid:47)(cid:3)(cid:62)(cid:44)(cid:3)(cid:58)(cid:59)(cid:57)(cid:48)(cid:61)(cid:44)(cid:3)(cid:45)(cid:54)(cid:57)(cid:3)(cid:44)(cid:63)(cid:42)(cid:44)(cid:51)(cid:51)(cid:44)(cid:53)(cid:42)(cid:44)(cid:19)(cid:3)(cid:62)(cid:44)(cid:3)(cid:57)(cid:44)(cid:58)(cid:44)(cid:57)(cid:61)(cid:44)(cid:3) (cid:59)(cid:47)(cid:44)(cid:3)(cid:57)(cid:48)(cid:46)(cid:47)(cid:59)(cid:3)(cid:59)(cid:54)(cid:3)(cid:42)(cid:47)(cid:40)(cid:53)(cid:46)(cid:44)(cid:19)(cid:3)(cid:40)(cid:52)(cid:44)(cid:53)(cid:43)(cid:3)(cid:54)(cid:57)(cid:3)(cid:42)(cid:54)(cid:57)(cid:57)(cid:44)(cid:42)(cid:59)(cid:3)(cid:40)(cid:53)(cid:64)(cid:3)(cid:44)(cid:57)(cid:57)(cid:54)(cid:57)(cid:58)(cid:3)(cid:54)(cid:53)(cid:3)(cid:59)(cid:47)(cid:48)(cid:58)(cid:3)(cid:40)(cid:43)(cid:21)(cid:3)(cid:40)(cid:51)(cid:51)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:57)(cid:48)(cid:42)(cid:44)(cid:58)(cid:3)(cid:40)(cid:57)(cid:44)(cid:3)(cid:61)(cid:40)(cid:51)(cid:48)(cid:43)(cid:3)(cid:54)(cid:53)(cid:3)(cid:43)(cid:40)(cid:59)(cid:44)(cid:3)(cid:54)(cid:45)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:60)(cid:41)(cid:51)(cid:48)(cid:42)(cid:40)(cid:59)(cid:48)(cid:54)(cid:53)(cid:21)(cid:3) metronews.ca NEWS 03 WEEKEND, January 17-19, 2014 Quitting smoking Nicotine- replacement drugs harmful to unborn: Western researcher It’s common knowledge that smoking while preg- nant is a bad thing. N Turns out, choosing the wrong way to kick the habit is too. A researcher at Western University say nicotine-replacement E drugs, like gums, patches, nasal sprays and lozenges, can cause a wide range of long-term health prob- lems in unborn babies. W The health issues, researchers say, include increased risks for obesity and developing metabolic syndrome, which increas- es the chance of heart disease and diabetes. There’s lots to choose from but fewer London cyclists are wearing helmets on the road than elsewhere in the province, according to a Statistics Canada report. Thirty studies have SANGELA MUtLLINS/MuETRO dy looks at the S shown that babies born to smoking mothers have a 47 per cent increase in the odds of being overweight, said Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry’s health of Londoners Dr. Daniel Hardy, who led the new research. “And here’s the inter- esting thing, that’s even after adjusting for mom’s diet and socioeconomic status,” he said. METRO Risk factors. It paints where, we tend to throw cau- “The incident rates for shows about four per cent Wednesday’s Metro tion to the wind when riding most of the common cancers fewer cyclists in London wear a picture of the overall bicycles. are pretty much comparable helmets when on the road, health — and habits The study paints a picture to the rest of Ontario,” said Dr. compared to the rest of On- Correction of the overall health — and Glenn Bauman, chair of oncol- tario. — of people living in habits — of people living in ogy at London Health Sciences Gary Brown, a founder The city had Build a the Middlesex-London the Middlesex-London Health Centre and Western Univer- of London Cycling Link, said Budget workshops Wed- Unit’s jurisdiction, comparing sity. “So I’d say that’s within the cost of helmets might be Health Unit’s jurisdiction nesday night and Jan. 11. them to the rest of Ontario. the usual variation.” a hindrance to some in the Incorrect information was But what about that higher Another factor could be region, which has seen hard published in Metro on tendency to contract cancer? that London has a slightly economic times for years. Thursday. For a full list A Statistics Canada study says About 30 more people per older population, which may That’s not the biggest risk of upcoming dates tied residents of London-Middle- 100,000 in the region are diag- partially account for the high- cyclists are taking, though. to the city’s 2014 budget sex are slightly more prone to nosed with cancer than those er incidence rate. “I worry about lights,” he process, visit london.ca/ cancer than those elsewhere living elsewhere. “We know that the biggest said in an email. “I would say budget. in Ontario. It may look bad on paper, risk factor for getting cancer that less then 10 per cent of METRO And, while we exercise but a top London doctor said is getting older,” Bauman said. cyclists light up.” SCOTT TAY- about as often as people else- there’s little to worry about. Another part of the report LOR/METRO up to $14,000 300 VEHICLES in rebates Top trade-in value on OgVrEouRn d, ready to go! FREE Fasin laonwc iansg RRiinngg iinn tthhee NNeeww YYeeaarr basic maintenance 0% on selected models WWWiiittthhh aaa gggrrreeeaaattt dddeeeaaalll fffrrrooommm DDDAAALLLEEE DDDOOOWWWNNNIIIEEE NNNIIISSSSSSAAANNN 1111 Oxford St. E. London•519-451-4560 TollFree1-888-451-3325(DEAL)• www.daledownie.ca 04 NEWS metronews.ca WEEKEND, January 17-19, 2014 K9 recruit gets his day Graduation. Meet Wilco, the London police department’s new best friend These are just a few of the faces you’ll see volunteering when the Memorial Cup tournament arrives in London later this year. DAVID INGRAM/FOR METRO SCOTT TAYLOR 500 strong. Memorial Cup [email protected] volunteers a keen group A four-decade tradition was carried on Thursday at Lon- don police headquarters. Wilco, the latest graduate The Memorial Cup organizing got to shut it down because the of police training, officially committee knows it has many problem with that is if we kept got his badge and became the challenges ahead in playing going and took 700 and we only newest member of the depart- host to the 10-day hockey ex- used 500, we’d have 200 pretty ment’s canine unit. perience in May. upset people that registered The unit doesn’t get a lot of Not the least of which is and didn’t get a call,” Trineer public exposure considering cajoling the home side into said. the high number of cases the winning the four-team tour- Responsibilities for the 10 dogs and their human part- nament, just as it did back in days include family services, ners investigate. 2005. fan-fest activities and ceremony In 2012, the unit participat- But strike one obstacle off duties. ed in more than 2,300 calls for the chalkboard for the host For Trineer, London’s last service and made more than committee. Memorial Cup was the first 550 arrests for various crim- London and area residents time she headed up volunteers. inal offences, including thefts, jammed the Memorial Cup But it wasn’t her last. assaults, break-and-enters, The London Police Service’s newest member, Wilco, got his badge during a Thursday ceremony at police headquarters. volunteer website beginning at Since 2005, she has aver- pursuits and robberies. SCOTT TAYLOR/METRO 9 a.m. Wednesday. A little more aged about one sporting event than five hours later, there a year. They have included the Const. Marty Lessick at- when they’re about 12 to 18 “Ideally, we’d like to get All in a dog’s work were more than 500 registered 2010 Special Olympics, the tended the formal gradua- months old. five to seven years out of to work for free. World Under-17 Hockey Chal- tion ceremony for Wilco, who “They have a good selec- them, but after that we hope Volunteer chair Brenda Trin- lenge and the world field la- Some of the duties and abil- spent 15 weeks in training to tion over there that we’re to cross-train them and put eer was still in shock Thursday crosse championship. ities of a police service dog: make it this far. pretty happy with, and the them into another category afternoon. “There are a lot of really fun “It was physical for both selection process there goes like drugs or guns or bomb de- “I can’t think of any other things about the Memorial Cup (cid:580)(cid:3) (cid:5)(cid:3)(cid:225)(cid:279)(cid:251)(cid:3)(cid:255)(cid:296)(cid:3)(cid:221)(cid:209)(cid:289)(cid:209)(cid:220)(cid:268)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:279)(cid:238)(cid:3)(cid:221)(cid:268)(cid:229)(cid:209)(cid:292)- of us,” he said. “I had to go on for months and months to tection. Anything that they’re sporting event that the volun- and that’s why I think it only (cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:251)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:3)(cid:229)(cid:274)(cid:302)(cid:255)(cid:292)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:220)(cid:305)(cid:255)(cid:268)(cid:225)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:251)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:296)(cid:3) through a bunch of physical pick out a good dog,” Lessick capable of doing,” Lessick said. teer website was shut down in took five and a half hours to (cid:268)(cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:251)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:296)(cid:3)(cid:289)(cid:279)(cid:268)(cid:255)(cid:221)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:209)(cid:225)(cid:291)(cid:305)(cid:209)(cid:292)- tests and so did he. There are said. “You just don’t go there Lessick said it’s been a ca- five and a half hours. It’s crazy,” fill,” Trineer said. “I know the (cid:302)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:296)(cid:3)(cid:315)(cid:255)(cid:302)(cid:254)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:3)(cid:273)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:305)(cid:302)(cid:229)(cid:296)(cid:553) wall climbs, long runs, he and buy one.” reer goal of his to be part of Trineer said. people that were a part of it had to be trained in several There’s no hard and fast the canine unit. Fellow committee member then just so desperately want to (cid:580)(cid:3) (cid:83)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:317)(cid:561)(cid:292)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:302)(cid:292)(cid:209)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:229)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:302)(cid:279)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:289)- disciplines and he had to pass rule about how long the dogs Thanks to assistance from Brad Wills called Trineer short- be part of it this time. And those (cid:289)(cid:292)(cid:229)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:274)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:296)(cid:305)(cid:296)(cid:289)(cid:229)(cid:221)(cid:302)(cid:296)(cid:550)(cid:3)(cid:268)(cid:279)(cid:221)(cid:209)(cid:302)(cid:229)(cid:3) several tests to get where he is can remain in service, but Les- London police, St. Thomas ly after 2 p.m. Wednesday and that (hadn’t) heard about it and (cid:273)(cid:255)(cid:296)(cid:296)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:251)(cid:3)(cid:289)(cid:229)(cid:279)(cid:289)(cid:268)(cid:229)(cid:550)(cid:3)(cid:296)(cid:305)(cid:221)(cid:254)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:296)(cid:3) right now.” sick said, just like people, age police also graduated a dog. informed her the number was want to be part of it now.” (cid:5)(cid:268)(cid:320)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:255)(cid:273)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:561)(cid:296)(cid:3)(cid:289)(cid:209)(cid:302)(cid:255)(cid:229)(cid:274)(cid:302)(cid:296)(cid:550)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:225)(cid:3) The eight dogs in the unit and injuries slow them down. Trax attended Thursday’s at 524 and growing. The fun begin May 16 and (cid:243)(cid:274)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:296)(cid:302)(cid:279)(cid:268)(cid:229)(cid:274)(cid:3)(cid:289)(cid:292)(cid:279)(cid:289)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:302)(cid:317)(cid:553) are all German shepherd pure- Once they’re off patrol, ceremony with partner Const. “I said shut it down, we’ve ends May 25. DAVE LANGFORD/METRO breds imported from Europe though, they remain useful. Sean James. Give your child the gift that will last a lifetime! We’re ÉCOLES ÉLÉMENTAIRES CATHOLIQUES expecting Frère-André Saint-Jean-de-Brébeuf 400 Base Line Road West, London 270 Chelton Road, London you! 519-471-6680 519-963-1219 Sainte-Jeanne-d'Arc Sainte-Marguerite-Bourgeoys MyFrenchSchool.com 35 Fallons Lane, London 700 Bristol Street, Woodstock 519-457-3141 519-539-2911 It’s registration time... Your child deserves COME AND VISIT US the best start! REMEMBERING & IQ YOUR HEALTH NPN 80042656 Helps to enhance memory and cognitive function in adults. Actual results by people:(cid:2)Imagine how frustrating it is for someone with a Ph.D.who has difficulties to concentrate and remembering something that happened President’s own story:15 years ago I started to have arthritis, prostate, kidney, snoring and sleep apnea problems, which were all helped quickly with natural yesterday. Now that I use your Super IQ Brain Function #36 I seem to be back to normal. health products. I made it my life’s purpose to help others. Nick A. Jerch I recommend it to anyone experiencing memory loss of any kind. Glenn A. Guidry Ph.D., 55, Nashville, TN (cid:2)As a student I was surprised with final exams results of ARTHRITIS 95%! I started taking Bell IQ Function #36 half a year ago when I had trouble remembering things in a course. Things changed drastically when I started to take these capsules. I could concentrate and excel better than ever before. 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Alternative for skin on Bell and pain is gone again. Gert Dupuis, Hanmer, ON(cid:2)For 32 years I cried conditions such as Eczema, Psoriasis. barrels of tears. Was in and out of hospitals costing society tens of thousands of Actual Results. (cid:2)After 1 week my dollars. I have taken many thousands of pills that nearly killed me. Finally 3 bottles of severe acne became quite mild and Bell Shark Cartilage costing less than $100 stopped a lifetime of suffering without side after 2 weeks it had completely effects. Eleanor Sauson, Shigawake, QC (cid:2)I suffered for years with sciatica.I tried Eczema & Psoriasis vanished. I suffered for 5 stressful #1 everything and finally after taking a specially processed shark cartilage I was pain free in years of having acne and extremely dry, 2 weeks. After this experience I realised I could help many of those 5 million Canadian irritated skin. Bell #60 “saved my life”. My skin is now beautiful and you would never that suffer every day and night and I started to sell this same type of shark cartilage and helped hundreds of know I suffered from acne and other skin problems for years. Zach Lustgarten, 18, (cid:2)thoMusaanndys p oef ompelne aonnd wooumr ewne tob shiatvee wlersist ep:ai“nC oarn nwoa plka inag aati nal lf.o rN hicoku Ars.” J;”eCrcahn, Pclriemsbid esntati rosf Bweitlhl oLuifte shtaynleg Pinrgo dounc ttso. Oshawa, ON (cid:2)Spent 30 minutes every day popping and picking my face. Since puberty I had acne and irritating itching. After starting Bell #60 my acne cleared up, railing”;”First time in 15 years can sleep at night” Rheumatoid painin joints down 90%, same for my sister… itching stopped, no more breakouts. Make-up looks nice on my face again. Thanks for hundreds of testimonials all with full names and towns. Shark bones/cartilage was a previously thrown away by- an amazing natural product that really works. Adwoa Mainoo, 38, Etobicoke, ON product of the food industry. No sharks are caught for their cartilage. Don’t let any activist confuse you. #60 RED NOSE/CHEEKS ROSACEA gone in less than a week. Was fighting it for 30 years High Blood Pressure? Guaranteed better than with topical creams and prescriptions without getting satisfaction. I live a healthy life, all others they used say don’t smoke and don’t drink. People thought a reddish face comes from drinking. This dozens of delighted users is a myth. Will take it for the rest of my life when needed. Donald E. Gillespie, 56, Innisfil, NPN 80040870. To maintain cardiovascular health in adults. wthieth B fuellll nwaembessit ea.n d W toowrknss obny ON (cid:2)My husbands suffered for 28 years with Rosacea. It has been a nightmare for High blood pressure is called the silent killer. If your BP is higher than normal, try to get cleansing blood inside rather him physically and emotionally. It was frustrating seeing so many doctors and specialists it down to about 120/80. For many people it is easy to control. If it does not work for you than attacking skin from the and spending lots of money without success. Bell #60 worked within a short time. Itching we refund your money. On our website you will find over 50 testimonials with full names outside and leaving the stopped quickly. We’ve finally found our savior product. Lynn Litman, 54, Coeur and towns from all over USA and Canada. Most of them have listed phone numbers and aacretu aa lf ecwa uesxea munptlreesa:ted. Here d’Arlene, ID are happy to talk about the relief they had. No money was paid for testimonials. Dr. C. PSORIASIS(cid:2)I had severe psoriasis over 95% of my body. Last 5 years I have Hammoud M.H., Ph.D.recommends this effective fish peptide blood pressure natural stunned every doctor and dermatologist. I spent tons of money on remedies. After I got Bell #60, I’ve never seen product. So does Dr. Julian Whitaker M.D. anything work as fast in my life. Within 2 days I saw my skin clearing up. I’m speechless. It was inexpensive Truthful actual experiences from real people: (cid:2)I was on 3 blood pressure compared with what I spent before. Jessica Shantz, 25, Dawson Creek, BC (cid:2)My husband had psoriasis so bad drugsthat did not work well. After starting Bell #26 my readings are generally well below he scratched until it was bleeding. We went for 5 years to doctors and dermatologists who prescribed special soaps 120/80. Dona A. Anderson, 76, Sooke, BC (cid:2)My blood pressure was 157/90and I and expensive creams that were of no help. Bell #60 brought complete relief before the bottle was finished. Thanks had side effects from prescription drugs. I bought a monitor. After 6 months on Bell #26 I so much for all the Bell products. We use many of them now. Ruthann Bennett, 64, Pittsburgh, PA was down to 120/80. Toni L. McCuistion, 52, Elizabethtown, PA (cid:2)Blood pressure went #26 ECZEMAFor 6 years my family doctor and dermatologist tried many medications and creams. After taking Bell #60 from 170/110 down to 110/70. Was on three medications that didn’t help. Within a month on Bell#26 my BP for just a few days my eczema itching stopped and my face started to clear up. After suffering so long I am amazed dropped to 110/70. I thought I didn’t need it anymore and the BP went up to 170/110 again. I will now stay on Bell. I with the results. Andy Yuen, 58, Vancouver, BC (cid:2)I am a minister and had eczema on my right hand for some 30 am surprised about its effectiveness without side effects. Bell exceeds my expectations. Patrick McManus, 52, years. This has been an embarrassing problem as I do a lot of handshaking. Expensive prescriptions did very little. Edmonton, AB (cid:2)At work my driver’s medical test was too high at 170/100. After taking Bell #26 for a few days My granddaughter finally helped by recommending Bell #60 and it worked within days. I take it now when needed. I went down to 128/84 which allowed me to pass my work medical. Kris Geier, 48, Windsor, ON. I hope others will be helped just as well. Rev. Larry K. Raynes, 70, Taylors, SC Calming Stress NPN 80041855 Helps to promote healthy mood balance, relaxation, use Bladder & Yeast Infection as a sleep aid and mental stress. Truthful experience by people:(cid:2)I am calm now in stressful situations! In the NPN 80038535 A diuretic to help relieve mild urinary tract infections. past 10 years I had a very short fuse, because my job is quite unpredictable. After I started True success stories by women:(cid:2)Bladder & Yeast Infection #31 works within Bell Calming Chronic Stress #66 the difference was amazing. My reactions to stressful a day or two! My experience in the last 4 years is that whenever I feel symptoms of an situations are totally changed. I also have more energy, too. I don’t yell at others. I have more infections I take two capsules for a day or two and the infection is gone. I love this product. patience and I am much happier as well. Thank you. Mary-Anne Thompson, 61, Lasalle, ON Pat Pearce, 53, Brantford, ON (cid:2)30 years of bladder infections gone! For 30 years (cid:2)I suffered greatly from anxiety. Standard treatments did not make me feel good. So my doctor prescribed antibiotics. As soon as the medication finished the next bladder my mother bought Bell Calming Chronic Stress #66 and it has been helping me a lot. I am infection came back. After 2 days taking Bell # 31 I noticed a complete relief of my infection on my 3rd bottle. Remington Fletcher, 19, Ponty Pool, ON (cid:2)I have a very high stress I had all these 30 years. God bless you all for helping all of us women. Emell Whitaker, 69, careerin the film industry. There was no time for relaxation or meditation as you are on Bronx, NY(cid:2)Bladder infections kept on coming back. Since starting Bell Bladder & demand for 12-15 hours a day with no breaks. Since using Bell #66I am able to focus on the Yeast Infection #31 my infection was gone and I now take it from time to time for prevention tasks at hand with more patience. Thank you for your help! Christina Ollson, 36, Burnaby, BC #66 (cid:2)It’s exactly one year since we began using Bell Calming Chronix Stress #66 apnrodd Iu chtasv aer en.o T mhaonrke ybolaud! d Mera orira yReaacszt, i6n0fe, cVtiaonncso. uIv teor,l dB Cfa m(cid:2)ilyW aenndt ftroie nthdes hboawth groooodm B 1e0ll for our two sons. Our local health food store recommended it. Both of our sons suffer from anxiety disorders. Our times in an hour and more frequently at night!.In the last 2 years I went a number older son (14) was going through puberty and had become quite unmanageable, because he is much larger than I am. We are delighted with the immediate results. Our older son became his former sweet self and our younger son’s (12) of times to the doctor and got different antibiotics and none of them worked. My urination #31 would burn enormously. I bought your Bell Bladder & Yeast infection #31. I can now work anxiety is dramatically reduced. Thank you so much. Donna Van Veen, 48, Grand Prairie, AB all day or sleep all night without getting up to go to the bathroom. I am not afraid anymore to drink water when I am (cid:2)AVAILABLE HERE IN LONDON: Good Health Naturally Cherry Hill Mall, 301 Oxford St . W.; Good Health thirsty. Praise the Lord! Thank you! Harriett Priester, 60, North Charleston, SC Naturally Oakridge Centre, 760 Hyde Park Rd.; Guardian Wonderland Pharmacy 1061 Wonderland Rd S.; Homeopathy 100% Truthful testimonials with full name and towns. Real people you can call, if you want more reassurance. London 130 King St.@ Covent Garden Market; Lyn-Dys Health Foods 1016 Oxford St. E.; Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy 8-312 More testimonials on the Bell website. No money is paid for testimonials.To ensure this product is right for you, Commissioners Rd. W.; Nutrition House Masonville Place Mall, 1680 Richmond St.; Quarter Master Natural Foods 176 always read label and follow the instructions. Wortley Rd.; S & H Health Foods Galleria Mall, 355 Wellington St.; S & H Health Foods Northland Mall, 1275 Highberry Ave.; S & H Health Foods Sherwood Forest Mall, 1225 Wonderland Rd.; S & H Health Foods White Oaks Mall, 1105 Wellington Rd. Try your local health food stores first. If they don’t have it and don’t want to S.; The Health Food Store 390 Springbank Dr. Unit # 8.; Spartan Nuttrition1295 Highbury Ave.: Turner Drug Store 52 Grand order it for you, order on our website or call us with Visa or Mastercard. Ave.(cid:2)AYLMER:Mister Natural 58 Talbot St.(cid:2)GLENCOE:Shirley's Pantry 218 Main St. (cid:2)INGERSOL:Ingersol Pharmacy 1-800-333-7995 www.BellLifestyle.com 19 King Street East., (cid:2)LAMBETH: Nurture The Spirit Health Food 2453 Main St., (cid:2)ST. MARY’S:Jackson's Pharmacy 32 Wellington St. S. (cid:2)ST. THOMAS:Healthy Lifestyles 930 Talbot St.; Yurek Pharmacy 519 Talbot St.; Nature's Balance 548 Talbot St (cid:2)STRATHROY:Elly Boersema Natural Health 3261 Mullifarry Dr. RR 7 (cid:2)TILLSONBURG:Sangster's Health Bell uses the power of nature to help put life back into your lifestyle Centre Tillsonburg Town Centre, 200 Broadway St. (cid:2)WEST LORNE:West Elgin Pharmacy 229 Graham Rd. 06 NEWS metronews.ca WEEKEND, January 17-19, 2014 Break time. The when and why of PA, PD days People with kids are facing In short, they give teachers a tougher day than usual Fri- the chance to do things they day, with the first PA day of can’t manage with a class- 2014. room full of children. It stands for “professional This week’s break is de- activity.” Similar to that are signed to give teachers time PD days, which are for profes- to draw together all the in- sional development. formation they need to write But do parents know what report cards due out in Febru- the days really involve, aside ary. from the fact they need to Other days have different take a day off or find someone purposes, like a day towards to look after their children? the end of the school year that Karen Dalton, Thames Val- allows transition planning as ley District School Board’s classes get ready to move on associate director of learning and teachers get ready to wel- support services, said there come new students. isn’t a sole purpose. MIKE DONACHIE/METRO School’s out (cid:580)(cid:3) (cid:83)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:305)(cid:296)(cid:305)(cid:209)(cid:268)(cid:268)(cid:317)(cid:3)(cid:296)(cid:255)(cid:316)(cid:3)(cid:71)(cid:5)(cid:3) (cid:55)(cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:221)(cid:254)(cid:3)(cid:634)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:47)(cid:305)(cid:274)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:629)(cid:634)(cid:553) (cid:279)(cid:292)(cid:3)(cid:71)(cid:21)(cid:3)(cid:225)(cid:209)(cid:317)(cid:296)(cid:3)(cid:302)(cid:254)(cid:292)(cid:279)(cid:305)(cid:251)(cid:254)(cid:279)(cid:305)(cid:302)(cid:3) (cid:302)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:296)(cid:221)(cid:254)(cid:279)(cid:279)(cid:268)(cid:3)(cid:317)(cid:229)(cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:553)(cid:3)(cid:34)(cid:292)(cid:255)(cid:225)(cid:209)(cid:317)(cid:3) (cid:580)(cid:3) (cid:83)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:71)(cid:5)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:71)(cid:21)(cid:3)(cid:225)(cid:209)(cid:317)(cid:296)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:238)(cid:302)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:3) (cid:273)(cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:266)(cid:296)(cid:3)(cid:302)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:243)(cid:292)(cid:296)(cid:302)(cid:3)(cid:238)(cid:279)(cid:292)(cid:3)(cid:629)(cid:627)(cid:628)(cid:631)(cid:553)(cid:3) (cid:296)(cid:305)(cid:273)(cid:273)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:3)(cid:220)(cid:292)(cid:229)(cid:209)(cid:266)(cid:3)(cid:254)(cid:209)(cid:314)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:274)(cid:279)(cid:302)(cid:3) (cid:220)(cid:229)(cid:229)(cid:274)(cid:3)(cid:296)(cid:221)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:225)(cid:305)(cid:268)(cid:229)(cid:225)(cid:553)(cid:3)(cid:71)(cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:229)(cid:274)(cid:302)(cid:296)(cid:3) (cid:580)(cid:3) (cid:78)(cid:302)(cid:255)(cid:268)(cid:268)(cid:3)(cid:302)(cid:279)(cid:3)(cid:221)(cid:279)(cid:273)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:238)(cid:279)(cid:292)(cid:3)(cid:229)(cid:268)(cid:229)(cid:273)(cid:229)(cid:274)- (cid:315)(cid:255)(cid:268)(cid:268)(cid:3)(cid:251)(cid:229)(cid:302)(cid:3)(cid:302)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:221)(cid:254)(cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:221)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:302)(cid:279)(cid:3) (cid:302)(cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:317)(cid:3)(cid:296)(cid:221)(cid:254)(cid:279)(cid:279)(cid:268)(cid:296)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:221)(cid:254)(cid:3) (cid:251)(cid:255)(cid:314)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:302)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:255)(cid:292)(cid:3)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:289)(cid:305)(cid:302)(cid:3)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:3)(cid:34)(cid:229)(cid:220)(cid:292)(cid:305)- (cid:634)(cid:550)(cid:3)(cid:47)(cid:305)(cid:274)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:636)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:47)(cid:305)(cid:274)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:629)(cid:634)(cid:553)(cid:3) (cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:317)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:3)(cid:225)(cid:292)(cid:209)(cid:238)(cid:302)(cid:3)(cid:268)(cid:255)(cid:296)(cid:302)(cid:3)(cid:255)(cid:296)(cid:3) (cid:74)(cid:229)(cid:273)(cid:209)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:251)(cid:3)(cid:296)(cid:229)(cid:221)(cid:279)(cid:274)(cid:225)(cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:317)(cid:3) (cid:229)(cid:316)(cid:289)(cid:229)(cid:221)(cid:302)(cid:229)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:302)(cid:279)(cid:3)(cid:220)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:255)(cid:296)(cid:296)(cid:305)(cid:229)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:3) (cid:296)(cid:221)(cid:254)(cid:279)(cid:279)(cid:268)(cid:296)(cid:3)(cid:225)(cid:209)(cid:302)(cid:229)(cid:296)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:47)(cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:553)(cid:3)(cid:630)(cid:628)(cid:550)(cid:3) (cid:5)(cid:289)(cid:292)(cid:255)(cid:268)(cid:3)(cid:279)(cid:292)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:209)(cid:317)(cid:553) Some of the happy faces here at Robinson Hall helped secure the bar’s title of happiest place in London. CONTRIBUTED High times in St. Thomas. Man accused of beating woman the Forest City A 49-year-old St. Thomas man Assault charge is facing charges after a wit- ness reported he was chok- ing and hitting a woman in- (cid:83)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:630)(cid:628)(cid:575)(cid:317)(cid:229)(cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:575)(cid:279)(cid:268)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:315)(cid:279)(cid:273)(cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:3)(cid:3) side a vehicle. (cid:225)(cid:255)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:274)(cid:279)(cid:302)(cid:3)(cid:292)(cid:229)(cid:291)(cid:305)(cid:255)(cid:292)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:273)(cid:229)(cid:225)(cid:255)(cid:221)(cid:209)(cid:268)(cid:3) The incident happened (cid:209)(cid:302)(cid:302)(cid:229)(cid:274)(cid:302)(cid:255)(cid:279)(cid:274)(cid:550)(cid:3)(cid:289)(cid:279)(cid:268)(cid:255)(cid:221)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:296)(cid:209)(cid:255)(cid:225)(cid:553) during the noon hour Tues- day on Talbot Street, St. Instagram analysis. Devil, on the top floor of Thomas police said. The Thomas police station the Quoted Robinson Hall on Talbot Nightclub named city’s couple involved in the inci- next day, was arrested and Street downtown. “A lot of people move to a city for the social scene.” dent fled before police ar- charged with a single count best place for smiles Owner John Scott-Pearse rived but were later identi- each of choking and assault. John Scott-Pearse, owner of London’s happiest place laughed long and loud when fied. He remains in custody. he heard about the accolade, The man went to the St. SCOTT TAYLOR/METRO saying the chance to have MIKE Canada but London not far tify the happiest places in a good time is part of the Cooking up a win Sports insights DONACHIE behind in sixth. each city, based on that all- reason why people move to [email protected] And because it’s a travel important smile count. London. guide, the app’s creators London’s happiest place “I’m happy to be a part of Londoner aiming Former MLSE CEO If you’re frowning your have even managed to iden- is the nightclub Thorny it,” he said. for master title to speak at series way through a cold, dark January, here’s a comforting Top photo finishers London radio personality The former CEO of Maple thought. Andrew Lawton will be Leaf Sports and Entertain- London has been named vying for a very special ment is coming to London. the sixth-happiest city in (cid:50)(cid:279)(cid:274)(cid:225)(cid:279)(cid:274)(cid:561)(cid:296)(cid:3)(cid:254)(cid:209)(cid:289)(cid:289)(cid:255)(cid:229)(cid:296)(cid:302)(cid:3)(cid:289)(cid:268)(cid:209)(cid:221)(cid:229)(cid:296) (cid:55)(cid:279)(cid:296)(cid:302)(cid:3)(cid:289)(cid:254)(cid:279)(cid:302)(cid:279)(cid:251)(cid:292)(cid:209)(cid:289)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:292)(cid:229)(cid:296)(cid:302)(cid:209)(cid:305)- (cid:55)(cid:279)(cid:296)(cid:302)(cid:3)(cid:289)(cid:254)(cid:279)(cid:302)(cid:279)(cid:251)(cid:292)(cid:209)(cid:289)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:289)(cid:305)(cid:220)(cid:268)(cid:255)(cid:221)(cid:3) apron — and $100,000 And, while he’s here, Canada by a travel app that (cid:292)(cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:302)(cid:296) (cid:296)(cid:289)(cid:209)(cid:221)(cid:229)(cid:296) — when home cooks Richard Peddie will give used a fascinating process to (cid:628)(cid:553) Thorny Devil, Talbot Street sharpen their knives for people some insight on the measure happiness. (cid:628)(cid:553) 168 Sushi Asian Buffet, (cid:628)(cid:553) Covent Garden Market MasterChef Canada. lessons he learned while he Jetpac City Guides looked (cid:629)(cid:553) McGinnis Restaurant and Oxford Street West The competition was CEO. at Instagram photos from Bar, Wonderland Road (cid:629)(cid:553) Springbank Park starts Monday with 50 Peddie’s visit comes more than six million loca- North (cid:629)(cid:553) Moxie’s Classic Grill, people from across the as part of the Canadian tions around the world. Queens Avenue (cid:630)(cid:553) Western Fair Farmers country putting their Club of London’s 2013-14 It identified faces then (cid:630)(cid:553) The Ceeps, Richmond Row Market best dishes forward for Speaker Series. The lunch- actually measured their (cid:630)(cid:553) The Early Bird, Talbot Street judges Michael Bonacini, eon talk runs from noon to smiles, scoring each smile (cid:631)(cid:553) Joe Kools, Richmond Row (cid:631)(cid:553) Victoria Park Alvin Leung, and Claudio 1:30 p.m. Jan. 29 at London between 1 and 100 based (cid:631)(cid:553) Jack Astor’s, Wellington Aprile. Convention Centre. on the number of pixels it’s (cid:632)(cid:553) Jack’s, Richmond Row Road (cid:632)(cid:553) VIA Rail station The show airs at 8 Check canadianclubo- spread across. Add them up p.m. on CTV. flondon.ca for details. METRO and that leads to a score for (cid:632)(cid:553) Milestones Grill and Bar, Source: Jetpac City Guides analysis METRO each place, with Kingston Fanshawe Park Road coming out as happiest in metronews.ca NEWS 07 WEEKEND, January 17-19, 2014 Dodgeball warriors ready to wallop Make way Vince becomes a leading light in Grab life by the ball Canadian dodgeball. Vaughn and Ben Moffatt, a member of the Stiller. London’s London team the Blue Dev- Watch the action: ils, is head coach of Can- greatest are hosting ada’s national dodgeball (cid:580)(cid:3) (cid:96)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:229)(cid:553) The Forest 21-team contest team. Last year, he helped City Invitational Co-Ed Canada win a gold medal Dodgeball Tournament at the World Dodgeball In- happens on Saturday vitational in Auckland, New at Saunders Secondary MIKE Zealand. School in west London. DONACHIE But why dodgeball? [email protected] “I was in this tournament (cid:580)(cid:3) (cid:96)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:274)(cid:553) It’s open to the six or seven years ago,” Mof- public, and it won’t Sometimes sports need a fatt explained. “The only cost you anything to mean streak. reason I entered it was that go and watch. The There will be more than it was on my birthday. It competition starts at a little bit of sadism, and seemed like an interesting 12:30 p.m. plenty of sporting action, as way to spend a birthday.” London hosts a big dodge- So, with some athletic ball event Saturday. friends from the gym, Mof- Weekend warriors from fatt formed a dodgeball 21 teams will gather to do team: “We got absolutely when the sport is men- battle, and one of their destroyed.” tioned, but it’s gone beyond most prominent members He said: “It seems like a that. may come as a surprise to child’s school pastime, but Last year, North Amer- some people. there’s a surprising amount ica’s biggest-ever tourna- In civilian life, Mike of strategy involved if you ment was held in Detroit Moffatt is a well-known want to play well.” with 70 teams — seven of business professor at the Of course, a lot of people them from London — and Richard Ivey School of Busi- think of the movie Dodge- a top prize of $20,000 went ness. But on Saturdays he ball: A True Underdog Story to the winners, who were from Los Angeles. Saturday’s big London No child’s play here event is designed to bring in some of the best. “It seems like a child’s school pastime, but there’s Teams taking part in- a surprising amount of strategy involved if you clude London’s Blue Dev- want to play well.” ils, Marvel Alliance and Japanese Mafia. Mike Moffatt, a member of London’s Blue Devils dodgeball team and head coach of Also involved is a Toron- Right in the kisser. Mike Moffatt will be on the court Saturday as some the greatest — and most intense — Canada’s national team to group called — seriously dodgeball players do battle. MIKE DONACHIE/METRO — Pow! Right in the Kisser. 08 NEWS metronews.ca WEEKEND, January 17-19, 2014 Western event celebrates first Lincoln Alexander Day Tuesday January 21. Canada’s Lincoln who? first black MP honoured on his Lincoln Alexander birthday (cid:580)(cid:3) (cid:78)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:314)(cid:229)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:315)(cid:255)(cid:302)(cid:254)(cid:3)(cid:302)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:74)(cid:279)(cid:317)(cid:209)(cid:268)(cid:3) Canadian Air Force dur- (cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:251)(cid:3)(cid:302)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:78)(cid:229)(cid:221)(cid:279)(cid:274)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:96)(cid:279)(cid:292)(cid:268)(cid:225)(cid:3) SCOTT (cid:96)(cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:550)(cid:3)(cid:238)(cid:292)(cid:279)(cid:273)(cid:3)(cid:628)(cid:636)(cid:631)(cid:629)(cid:3)(cid:305)(cid:274)(cid:302)(cid:255)(cid:268)(cid:3) TAYLOR (cid:628)(cid:636)(cid:631)(cid:632)(cid:553) [email protected] (cid:580)(cid:3) (cid:25)(cid:268)(cid:229)(cid:221)(cid:302)(cid:229)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:296)(cid:3)(cid:17)(cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:209)(cid:225)(cid:209)(cid:561)(cid:296)(cid:3)(cid:243)(cid:292)(cid:296)(cid:302)(cid:3) Lincoln Alexander was a man (cid:220)(cid:268)(cid:209)(cid:221)(cid:266)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:3)(cid:628)(cid:636)(cid:633)(cid:635)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:225)(cid:3) of many firsts. He was Canada’s (cid:292)(cid:229)(cid:575)(cid:229)(cid:268)(cid:229)(cid:221)(cid:302)(cid:229)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:3)(cid:628)(cid:636)(cid:634)(cid:629)(cid:550)(cid:3)(cid:628)(cid:636)(cid:634)(cid:636)(cid:3) first black MP and cabinet min- (cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:225)(cid:3)(cid:628)(cid:636)(cid:635)(cid:627)(cid:553) ister and an Ontario lieutenant- governor. (cid:580)(cid:3) (cid:34)(cid:229)(cid:225)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:209)(cid:268)(cid:3)(cid:268)(cid:209)(cid:220)(cid:279)(cid:305)(cid:292)(cid:3)(cid:273)(cid:255)(cid:274)(cid:255)(cid:296)(cid:302)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:3) Now, the man who inspired (cid:238)(cid:292)(cid:279)(cid:273)(cid:3)(cid:628)(cid:636)(cid:634)(cid:636)(cid:3)(cid:302)(cid:279)(cid:3)(cid:628)(cid:636)(cid:635)(cid:627) so many will get his due with an event at Western University (cid:580)(cid:3) (cid:61)(cid:274)(cid:302)(cid:209)(cid:292)(cid:255)(cid:279)(cid:561)(cid:296)(cid:3)(cid:629)(cid:631)(cid:302)(cid:254)(cid:3)(cid:268)(cid:255)(cid:229)(cid:305)(cid:302)(cid:229)(cid:274)- marking the first Lincoln Alex- (cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:302)(cid:3)(cid:251)(cid:279)(cid:314)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:274)(cid:279)(cid:292)(cid:553) He held ander Day, at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. the post until 1991, Mohamed Salih, one of the Londoner Mohamed Salih is organizing an event to pay tribute to the late Lincoln Alexander (inset), who he credits with his interest in politics. focusing on youth and event’s hosts, said Alexander in- SCOTT TAYLOR/METRO; INSET: TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE FILE education. spired him to take a deep inter- est in politics with the goal of sons why I delved into politics in London West last year. “He doors for people of all kinds of nate Alexander’s birthday, Jan. (cid:580)(cid:3) (cid:34)(cid:255)(cid:314)(cid:229)(cid:575)(cid:302)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:273)(cid:3)(cid:221)(cid:254)(cid:209)(cid:274)(cid:221)(cid:229)(cid:268)(cid:268)(cid:279)(cid:292)(cid:3)(cid:209)(cid:302)(cid:3) being London’s first black MP. in the first place,” said Salih, obviously broke down barriers. backgrounds.” 21, the Lincoln Alexander Day. (cid:302)(cid:254)(cid:229)(cid:3)(cid:86)(cid:274)(cid:255)(cid:314)(cid:229)(cid:292)(cid:296)(cid:255)(cid:302)(cid:317)(cid:3)(cid:279)(cid:238)(cid:3)(cid:35)(cid:305)(cid:229)(cid:268)(cid:289)(cid:254) “I met him on a few occa- who ran against the eventual He was a racial discrimination Ontario MPPs unanimously He died at age 90 in October sions and he was one of the rea- winner of the NDP nomination pioneer, and he opened the voted in November to desig- 2012. Live steps from Western Fanshawe Park University. Windermere 1 2 Sarnia W Newly Renovated W R Huron Suites at Affordable Prices onderland Western ichmond Colborne Adelaide Oxford The Dorchester The Whitehall 1 2 1231 Richmond Street 1265 Richmond Street W Western University Each designer suite offers brand new features including Amenities include: Bachelor, 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Suites custom kitchen cabinetry, new appliances plus a (cid:41) Outdoor swimming pool $865 dishwasher, new bathrooms and modern lighting. (cid:41) Tennis court from Suites feature open-concept living with large windows, (cid:41) Off-leash dog park spacious living areas, as well as private balconies with (cid:41) Brand-new fitness and spectacular city and university views. yoga facility coming soon Rent today! 888.294.7208 1231 & 1265 Richmond Street Visit www.timbercreekcommunities.com and click on Student Living. metronews.ca NEWS 09 WEEKEND, January 17-19, 2014 Don Seymour. CEO picked for mental-health group A CEO has been named for a gamation of WOTCH, the local new mental-health organiza- branch of the Canadian Mental tion to serve London-Middlesex. Health Association and Search After a national recruitment Community Mental Health Ser- process, leaders of the effort vices — is expected to launch in have picked someone from the next few months. their own backyard. Work toward the voluntary Don Seymour, who’s been merger started about a year ago the executive director of and was prompted by recom- WOTCH Community Mental mendations made as part of Health Services for the past a large-scale report on how to three years, will assume his best enhance community-based new role Feb. 1. mental-health and addiction The new agency — an amal- services. METRO Chirag Shah. Western names new board chair There’s some new leadership at vice-chair of the board in 2013. Western University. Shah is on the boards of The board of governors has TechAlliance and the United appointed Chirag Shah chair of Way of London & Middlesex. the board for 2014. He’s also a Western alum- Shah is the London market nus, with a bachelor of science. Drink and feast to your heart’s content leader for Pricewaterhouse- He earned a master’s of busi- Coopers LLP, managing deliv- ness administration from Wil- ery of the firm’s services. frid Laurier University. Crowds packed into the Western Fair District Thursday night for the start of the London Wine and Food Show. Among the many attractions was the He joined the Western board The board also appointed range of drinks on offer by marketing and distribution agency the Kirkwood Group and, from left, Lauren Dam, Jenna Whitney and Abbey Haynes were in 2010, chairing its property Hanny Hassan vice-chair for helping to serve. The show continues Friday and Saturday. MIKE DONACHIE/METRO and finance arm. He served as 2014. MIKE DONACHIE/METRO L I V E F R O M L L O Y D M I N S T E R , S K / A B TOMORROW NOON CELEBRATING THE GAME 2PM NEW YORK RANGERS AT OTTAWA 2PM EDMONTON AT WINNIPEG 5PM CELEBRATING THE GAME (PART 2) 6:30PM HOCKEY TONIGHT 7PM MONTREAL AT TORONTO 10PM CALGARY AT VANCOUVER All games streaming online at cbcsports.ca cbcsports.ca/hockeyday @cbchockeyday #hockeyday

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