RCMP OFFICER’S BODY COMES HOME TODAY, PG 3 Sports pg 12 Celebrity Buzz One-point Brangelina weekend set to for the split? Herd pg 18 HALIFAX • MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2010 metronews.ca Danton to debut ‘Profound Discovery CentreLego this week at SMU HDmSWTraOaeaSeiCnnvkdaKtotienEon r MYenh tSs F iaMditsosri ae ydarsyn’mrec.sybbh He’uuser udtr hN gsuwek HlcaieiotdeLdhnes c trftooi hMraemcihkeed RYAN TAPLIN/METRO HALIFAX ignorance’ on the weekend he plans to insert the 29-year-old CUPE wants leaders to apologize forward into his lineup Jacquie Bramwell said. when the PAUL MCLEOD “Neither Stephen Mc- Huskies host [email protected] Neil nor Karen Casey the Acadia speak on behalf of our Axemen at 7 CUPE leaders are members and it is outra- p.m. at the demanding apologies geous in the extreme to be Forum. from Stephen McNeil and making these kinds of in- Mike Danton Danton, Karen Casey over allega- flammatory and inaccu- on parole af- tions the union conspired rate statements.” ter five years in prison for a with the provincial gov- CUPE Nova Scotia leader failed murder-for-hire plot ernment in recent Danny Cavanagh said the in 2004, hasn’t played since contract talks. leaders’ statements he skated with the St. Louis But the opposition lead- demonstrate “a profound Blues six years ago. ers are refusing to ignorance of collec- The Huskies (12-5-4) are back down. tive bargaining” and ranked ninth in the coun- CUPE was re- CUPE “is demanding try. sponding to a story a full and immedi- MATTHEW WUEST/METRO HALIFAX in Friday’s edition of ate apology from Metro that quoted both these leaders.” News on the M ve Liberal Leader Mc- Liberal and Pro- Neil and Tory Leader gressive Conserva- What’s this Casey saying the Stephen tive officials con- barcode for? union and the NDP McNeil firmed yesterday Learn how to scan government faked both leaders are tthhee i bnastrrcuocdteio wnsit aht tough contract ne- standing by their the top of pg 3 gotiations that end- comments. ed early last week Last week, McNeil for health-care questioned how a VancouverGames workers and school contract with educa- support staff out- tion workers could Countdown side the Halifax re- be worked out after to 2010 gion. Karen a few hours of nego- Robin Sather, Canada’s only certified Lego professional, finishes a space shuttle made entirely McNeil said union Casey tiations when the Follow Metro as we from Lego yesterday at the Discovery Centre. Sather had help from hundreds of kids and leadership and gov- two sides hadn’t bring you daily volunteers from the Nova Scotia Lego Users Group over the weekend. The shuttle is part of the ernment used rank and been at the table for coverage leading up new Wings, Wheels and Waves Lego exhibit, which is on display until April. file members as “pawns” months. to the 2010 Winter in the talks. Casey said the “Something’s up,” he Olympics in Van- whole thing was “a game.” concluded. couver. CUPE issued a strongly Casey said both sides • Today — Bus driver has crashed before worded release Friday de- knew since the fall that Duncan manding the leaders re- unions would get the pay clinches cant their statements. parity they were seeking, Olympic ACCIDENT The seriously in- Ken Mitchell, a longtime River near Monastery. “Stephen McNeil has but “wanted to appear to berth, jured driver of a bus that employee of Acadian Lines, Denise Sirois of the bus some gall. You do not be- be letting the process page 14 veered off a bridge and was among five people sent line confirmed Mitchell was come the biggest union in work itself through.” plunged into a river Satur- to hospital with non-life- also driving an Acadian bus the country, with 600,000 The NDP has denied the On the web day during whiteout condi- threatening injuries Satur- Feb. 3, 2009, when it skid- members, without having charges. One government tions was the same man be- day after his bus smashed ded on ice, pitched over a the utmost integrity and official joked not only did Visit metronews.ca hind the wheel of another through a bridge guardrail bridge and landed wheels- character. How dare he they collaborate with for news updates intercity bus involved in a and fell almost eight metres up in the Baddeck River. suggest otherwise,” CUPE unions, but Elvis led the similar crash last year. to the ice-choked Tracadie THE CANADIAN PRESS Atlantic regional director bargaining team. Atlantic Free Daily Newspapers Inc., operating as Metro Halifax 3260 Barrington Street, Suite 102, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 0B5. Publisher: Greg Lutes Monday, January 25, 2010 metronews.ca metro News on the M ve 1DOWNLOAD THE FREESCANLIFE 2USE THE SCANLIFE APPLICATION 3THE CODES WILL DIRECT YOUR 3 APPLICATION WITH YOUR ON YOUR SMARTPHONE TO MOBILE BROWSER TO RELEVANT IN THREE EASY STEPS SMARTPHONE AT 2DSCAN.COM SCAN 2D BARCODES IN METRO CONTENT AT M.METRONEWS.CA Police capture missing offender Local Halifax Regional Police have captured a man wanted for parole violation after he failed to return to a halfway house last week. Joseph Jacko Obed, 42, left, had been ordered to stay at the halfway house as part of a prison sentence for break and en- ter and failing to abide by the national sex-offender registry. He was picked up Fri- day afternoon at an apartment on Primrose Street in Dartmouth after police received a tip. Obed is expected to face new charges as a result. THE CANADIAN PRESS Officer killed in Haiti coming home News in brief ACCIDENT Two people were taken to hospital with non-life- Funeral for RCMP Sgt. Mark Gallagher to be held Thursday in New Brunswick threatening injuries after Hali- fax Regional Police say a vehi- cle went off the road and hit a ScfftPpiiaohgHnctTimteIlaiiL.hnpr lIiM. Pegnctk r i CgbioamelRu orlhaOecekdhrodU. yteGm Chr ioa@HnqeflEm lu HtRateaho gatkredihote anRei ’yerCsow oinMdssn.e cPeJav aaonsf--. NATHAN DENETTE/THE CANADIAN PRESS SGgatl.l aMgahrekr rrcw2l5bwiiol00evpaaiGae0,teirp hdnms,ad0e.s l sdl0 et a0 dags hphakurenuaeoporpddd,f-- ApoRuspotfihieolrrfcSna edecaJwSgcyofuadAeil eyhpgewyU r ana-h e RveLptn tvTe Bore1otee hrasrH1lna s eidr:tcai.ce1 rn lalkiame8ingtefp a a.pttoHp xthPc.v ema cDeoRedli lidrde.iif ,niciag e vnwbetxnieesyo i stilrtand aashtntaoeye edb lc ot u tPohSkinoatoehtt-ni-l 12 is scheduled to land in gram co-or- lice say a man was assaulted Moncton, N.B., this after- dination at the UN mission outside of the Cheers noon, and followed by a in Port-au-Prince. Before nightclub on Grafton Street private ramp ceremony, starting his tour in Haiti, Saturday morning. Police say will receive a police escort he spent two years in Hali- the incident took place at 3:30 to Woodstock, N.B., where fax as the public-relations a.m., with the victim transport- an RCMP regimental funer- officer for the RCMP in No- ed to hospital for treatment. A al will be held on Thurs- va Scotia and New man was arrested on scene by day. Brunswick. a police officer. METRO HALIFAX An RCMP release said “Sgt. Gallagher was pop- yesterday first responders, ular with his colleagues, including RCMP, munici- with his pleasant de- pal police officers and oth- meanour and engaging er emergency respondents, RCMP pallbearers carry the casket of Sgt. Mark Gallagher, who was killed in the Haitian earthquake smile,” said Col. Ibrahim will set up a “Highway of two weeks ago along with RCMP Supt. Doug Coates, at CFB Trenton in Ontario on Friday. Moussa, the UN’s chief of Heroes” at different routes police in Haiti. along the Trans-Canada based in Halifax, will take procession of hearses car- Gallagher, a Bathurst, Gallagher, who had just Highway later today to pay place at St. Gertrude’s Ro- ried his body and that of N.B., native, and Coates returned from leave when Scanne twhsis o bna yrcooudr es mfoar rmtpohroen Leo.cal respect for Gallagher as he man Catholic Church at 2 Supt. Doug Coates of Ot- were among 17 Canadians the earthquake hit, was re- Learn how to scan the barcode with makes the roughly three- p.m. Visitation is sched- tawa along the stretch of confirmed by the Depart- membered for being an of- the instructions at the top of this page hour drive to Woodstock. uled for tomorrow and Ontario pavement re- ment of Foreign Affairs to ficer with the common The funeral for Gal- Wednesday. named “Highway of He- have died in the massive touch. lagher, a former Nova Sco- Gallagher’s final journey roes” in honour of soldiers 7.0-magnitude tremor, WITH FILES FROM tia RCMP spokesperson home began Friday as a killed in Afghanistan. which toppled buildings, THE CANADIAN PRESS WHAT’S ONLINE TODAY Agricultural college to School workers OK new contract VideoTwenty-four Haitian receive $7M in funding adoptees arrive to open arms LABOUR The new CUPE con- April 2009 and one per in Canada, and Haiti’s prime tract for about 3,000 98%Annapolis cent raises over the next minister thanks Ottawa and BIBLE HILL The Nova Scotia Hill’s AgriTECH Park. The school support staff out- Valley two years. Canadians for their support at Agricultural College is get- government of Canada, side of Halifax has passed Regional Contracts for both metronews.ca/ ting $7 million in funding through the Atlantic Cana- its first test — by a land- School groups of workers were canada from the provincial and da Opportunity Agency, is slide. Board workers voted 98% in reached early last week. A federal governments. contributing $2 million to- Annapolis Valley Region- favour of their new contract. Monday-morning strike The money was an- ward the first two phases al School Board workers deadline had been set and Lotteries nounced yesterday in Bible of the new 20,000-square- were the first over the per cent raises in April of in the case of hospital Friday, Jan. 22 Hill and will go toward the foot facility. weekend to vote on the 2010 and 2011. workers, a strike was actu- Lotto Max:17, 26, 30, 32, 34, 39 & 41 Bonus 49 construction of the At- The facility is expected contract and 98 per cent CUPE hospital workers, ally on for about 90 min- Saturday, Jan. 23 lantic Centre for Agricul- to bring inventors and in- voted in favour. about 4,100 outside of Hal- utes before the union ac- Lotto 6/49: 29, 35, 36, 38, 41 & 43 Bonus 47 tural Innovation at the col- novators together to work The five-year deal in- ifax, will begin voting on cepted the most recent These results are not official. lege. with business develop- cludes 2.9 per cent annual their offer today. That con- government offer. The province is con- ment professionals to cre- raises from April 2007 to tract includes a 2.9 per PAUL MCLEOD/ HALIFAX tributing $500,000 for the ate new business opportu- April 2009. There are one cent raise backdated to METRO HALIFAX first two phases and $4.5 nities in agriculture and FOLKLORE CENTRE million for the third phase the agri-food sector. D D oAf rtrhee sptro jmect aidn eBi balefter manTR mURO DaAIkLY eNEWsS SUPER SLPIEMCIITAEL Spain Seaside SUPER SLPIEMCIITAEL HockMeoy nNtirgehatl Located 1j5uCC2soot84 mm oB2feer2fu - nttS6soop3w r5iooic0nuukgrr SGta.rden Rd. sexual overtures toward girl Package JJAANNUUAARRYY SSAALLEE!! Package CCooooll mmuussiiccaall iinnssttrruummeennttss CRIME A 20-year-old man made sexual overtures to- $1,390 $899 && ggeeaarr aatt ggrreeaatt prices... was arrested late last week ward a young female while + taxes, per person, based in relation to what Halifax she was walking home starting at on double occupancy from + taxes, per person RCMP deem as recent cases from school. The girl ran 2 weeks in 1 bedroom apartment of suspicious activity in home and her family con- package includes: Includes: Return airfare, 2 nights Lower Sackville. tacted police. • Roundtrip air Halifax to Malaga accommodations at the Fairmont Queen In a release issued Fri- Police say the suspect • Airport transfers Elizabeth, and lower level game tickets. day, Halifax RCMP referred was arrested last Thursday • One day Countryside excursion to the initial incident, at 4:30 p.m. in Bedford. He One week packages also available! Toronto or Ottawa Game Packages also available! where they said a man in was scheduled to appear in his late teens or early 20s court Friday, charged with Call us today! 902-455-0034 three counts of breaching TOLL FREE: 1-866-322-6538 1 8A8D8V 9E1R mTIeStEr oTO (6D3A8Y7!6) his undertaking. 3200 Kempt Road • absolutetravelspecialists.com TRAVEL SPECIALISTS LIMITED hhaalliiffaaxxffoollkklloorreecceennttrree..ccoomm METRO HALIFAX metro metronews.ca Monday, January 25, 2010 4 local Premier appoints Council on the Economy leaders Nova Scotia Premier Darrell Dexter has appointed a couple of business and labour leaders to co-chair his Council on the Economy. Robert Patzelt, vice- president of Scotia Investments, and Rick Clarke, president of the Nova Scotia Federation of Labour, have agreed to serve.METRO HALIFAX Hundreds ‘stand up’ to PM Dexter ducking out of fight over NB Power deal SaStSseHleiuteaatoagetTstvrrneipuplhespyn hretlree addoaMne rtcae lnd Pu asryhd rrlorHP u oitecawmaoangh rrar dad.eslapnin hr lacMeedlsomhyr d wo i’alis neinpun smino ettstHstepetoo ieandupdpvrle noelieaefd ts antti ihlox-ttioe- ANDREW VAUGHAN/THE CANADIAN PRESS migvdamEnNviiesoigeTaaEeenn ihRlodrl atGawe u D $lbY ti3alt opeos.hr2Nnp rfr - eHea oFbalmtrvinyl lpi adlyDdiuoi er oaepvborySnxeo -l cQ itrtNsoefwe uhortBntaei re ihatsb Psdi e oaec s lPcowtn .arrrmroeyeeeert------ hfathotnuhhrtoeihtsOree u t esnwhnpacrr ecr ooeidedervnmWa md.i’ yst,cm“e .ie ”IoDedndbemren ne txiem dthstssm eee sdear tnaamml as yktna,,aewi” idnda daignew nSsi t tgthia etm aanehbwnpnyyee--- speakers including Liberal marks by Newfoundland peared to address concerns MP Geoff Regan and for- and Labrador Premier Dan- raised by the Atlantic pre- mer Nova Scotia NDP ny Williams who is wor- miers around access to leader Robert Chisholm. ried the deal will give Que- New Brunswick’s power Many carried signs, bear- bec a “stranglehold” over grid. He said he was “opti- ing the NDP logo, that said electricity exports from mistic” because control of Stand Up to Harper. eastern Canada. transmission and distribu- Demonstrations also Jennifer Stewart, a tion would remain in the took place Saturday in spokeswoman in Dexter’s hands of the New cities and towns across office, said the Nova Scotia Brunswick government Canada. premier is aware of and the independent sys- “I feel what the prime Williams’ stated concerns. tem operator would also minister has done by clos- “Until he reviews the re- be owned by the province. ing the House ... he’s shut- vised deal in greater detail THE CANADIAN PRESS ting down democracy and Several hundred people attend a rally outside of Province House in Halifax on Saturday to show op- that’s wrong,” Chisholm position to Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s move to suspend Parliament until early March. Harper said as the rally began. has said he decided to delay the resumption of Parliament so that he could focus his attention on News in brief “All of the issues, strategies for the economy. whether it’s the economy, EDUCATION Student groups schools and will develop policy whether it’s our role in for the economy. the rally because she be- Afghanistan’s going on — had a mixed reaction to options on how best to sustain Afghanistan, it’s all about Critics have accused the lieves Parliament should there’s so many important Friday’s news that economist the system long-term. Nova the people of Canada hav- prime minister of taking still be sitting and the things,” Hanson said. Tim O’Neill will conduct a gov- Scotia currently has a funding ing their voices heard in the action to duck opposi- prime minister should be “It doesn’t matter if it’s a ernment study of Nova Scotia’s MOU with universities that ex- our House of Commons.” tion questions about his leading the charge on a va- Conservative government universities. The former Bank pires after the next school year. Harper has said he decid- government’s handling of riety of important matters. or Liberal, I’d be screaming of Montreal executive vice- The province will need to work ed to delay the resumption the Afghan detainee issue. “I’m just against him if either one of them did it president will examine demo- out a new MOU by its of Parliament so that he In Halifax, retiree Hazel (Harper) sitting out while and I want them to get graphic trends and financial 2011/2012 budget. could focus on strategies Hanson said she attended Haiti’s going on, back to work.” situations of post-secondary METRO HALIFAX HRSB REGISTRATION INFORMATION -- 22001100 22001111 (cid:3)(cid:3) SCHOOL YEAR HRSB REGISTRATION WILL TAKE PLACE FROM FEBRUARY 1, 2010 TO MARCH 1, 2010. Students will register for all programs (English and French Immersion) at the school serving the neighbourhood in which they reside. PRIMARY PROGRAM GRADE TEN • A child must have reached his/her fifth birthday on or before December 31, 2010. • Registration will take place at the junior high school the student currently attends. • Parents/guardians must present the child’s birth certificate, proof of residence, • Each school will publicize its dates for student orientation and course selection. health card number and expiry date at the time of registration. OUT-OF-AREA REQUESTS • Each school will publicize its dates for primary orientation. • Parents/guardians may seek placement for their child in a school EARLY FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM outside of the neighbourhood in which they reside under the guidelines of the Creating School Populations Policy (available for viewing on • The Early French Immersion Program is available to students who live within the HRSB website: www.hrsb.ns.ca). areas of eligibility of the Halifax Regional School Board and who register by March 1, 2010. • Parents/guardians may obtain Out-of-Area Request forms at their child’s neighbourhood school. • For further information regarding eligibility, parents/guardians should go to: www.hrsb.ns.ca/content/id/1015.html or contact the principal of • Parents/guardians must forward Out-of-Area Requests to the their neighbourhood school. requested school on or after April 1, 2010. GRADE SEVEN EARLY LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES PROGRAM • Registration will take place at the elementary school the student • This program is offered at Harbour View, Joseph Howe, Nelson Whynder, currently attends. Rockingstone Heights and South Woodside schools. • Each school will publicize its dates for student orientation. • Only children living within the boundaries of these schools, as well as St. Joseph’s–A. McKay and St. Patrick’s–Alexandra, may register for the program. GRADE SEVEN LATE FRENCH IMMERSION Students living within the boundaries of St. Joseph’s–A. McKay and St. Patrick’s– • The Late French Immersion Program is available to students who live Alexandra must register for the program at Joseph Howe. within areas of eligibility of the Halifax Regional School Board and who • To be eligible, a child must have reached his/her fourth birthday on or before register by March 1, 2010. December 31, 2010. Out-of-Area requests do not apply for the Early Learning • For further information regarding eligibility, parents/guardians should Opportunities program. go to: www.hrsb.ns.ca/content/id/1016.html or contact the principal of FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING REGISTRATION, their neighbourhood school. CONTACT THE PRINCIPAL OF YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD SCHOOL. Monday, January 25, 2010 metronews.ca metro Animal vets now required to report possible cruelty local 5 Changes to the provincial Animal Protection Act now require N.S. veterinarians to report any possible animal abuse, neglect and cruelty.METRO HALIFAX Project seeks to keep young workers in area Y2E site to be ‘one-stop-shop’ for connections mentor them.” MONIQUE MUISE Time frame Still in its infancy, the Y2E [email protected] project will need the co-op- (cid:129) Co-ordinator Krista Hall said eration and financial sup- Nova Scotia is hemorrhag- the website could be up and port of local businesses and ing young, talented running within a year, and will youth organizations to get workers and the province start by focusing on at-risk off the ground, said Hall. needs to act fast before it youth in HRM. Eventually Y2E Several of those stakehold- is bled dry. could evolve to help every ers were on hand for the That was the dire warn- young person in the province. project’s launch Friday. ing issued by the Greater “The demographic short- Halifax Partnership Friday potential employers and age is the single biggest is- as it unveiled a new initia- youth organizations that sue facing us right now,” tive promising to make it can help them connect with GHP president Paul Kent easier for young people to the right opportunities. told the crowd, which in- find, and keep, jobs in the “It’s not just going online cluded representatives from HRM. and surfing for a career (in a local construction firms, au- At the centre of the proj- job bank),” explained proj- to body shops and hotels. ect, dubbed the Y2E Frame- ect co-ordinator Krista Hall. Tim Olive, executive di- work, is a website designed “A young person could po- rector of the Downtown to act as a “one-stop-shop” tentially connect to an actu- Dartmouth Business Com- where young people will be al employer in Halifax who mission, also in the audi- able to register and access a has said they’re going to of- ence, called the project a wealth of information on fer an apprenticeship, and “tremendous” opportunity. Going homeTwo years of treatments ANDREW VAUGHAN/THE CANADIAN PRESS Twelve-year-old Son Pham, an orphan from Vietnam, works on a painting at the home of his caregiver in Halifax last week. Doctors at Children’s Hospital Boston have conducted 25 operations and injection treatments over the last two years to reduce a large vascular anomaly on the left side of his face. Son will return home to Vietnam next month to live with his foster family. Ambulance Questions unanswered chopper in Ont. by commissioner: Grits for safety recall HEALTH Nova Scotia’s only FISHERIES Nova Scotia’s op- case and scolded the Liber- helicopter ambulance is position Liberals maintain als, saying “Mr. Belliveau … out of commission for six the province’s conflict of in- acted with full integrity.” weeks. terest commissioner has The commissioner also The Emergency Health left questions on the table made it clear he was unhap- Service LifeFlight concerning their attempt to py about the possibility his chopper is in Ontario for have Fisheries Minister Ster- office’s reputation could be maintenance following a ling Belliveau reprimanded brought into question, even safety recall. over the sale of his fishing by inference. The manufacturer, boat and gear. Liberal Leader Stephen Sikorsky, is replacing a The Liberals alleged Bel- McNeil said Friday that was section of the tail rotor liveau was in a conflict of in- never his party’s intent. after problems were terest because the buyer of “He (Nunn) followed up found with similar his gear was also trying to by telling us he has infor- models. get a loan from the Fish- mation that no one else has Tory health critic Chris eries and Aquaculture Loan ... those questions and the d’Entremont says while Board, which the minister answers that he may think there is a fixed-wing air- oversees. he has, the public want to craft available that won’t But in a letter about 10 know and we are asking help facilities equipped days ago, retired judge Mer- him to answer them in a with heliports. lin Nunn dismissed a re- public forum,” McNeil said. THE CANADIAN PRESS quest for a fresh look at the THE CANADIAN PRESS metro metronews.ca Monday, January 25, 2010 6 Majority of Canadians unaware of Black History Month, poll shows More than two-thirds of Canadians are unaware that February is Black History Month. These are results of a recent poll conducted by TD Canada Financial Group that was released yesterday. Of the 1,020 people that were surveyed across Canada, only 32 per cent were able to correctly identify February as Black History Month. TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE Doc sets up clinic in Afghanistan Canada An Afghan-Canadian cardiologist has managed a remarkable feat — setting up Afghanistan’s first free academic cardiac clinic. The Ali Abad Cardiac Research Centre is a tiny but important step forward for health care in a country where the vast ma- jority of the population cannot afford treatment offered by Dr. Asmat Naebkhil, left, who has spent most of the past two decades working in hospitals across Canada, most recently at Windsor Regional Hospital in Windsor, Ont. THE CANADIAN PRESS Orphans arrive in Ottawa Rare trial begins for Canadian soldier Twenty-four Haitian children meet their new parents AFGHANISTAN A Canadian “It’s unprecedented in ToceCpowmalrapunenbhnaneaatdtr rniayykns-, f ty osloCoHeetnu esft rtrtnhpa e tHieephrswi idacentiira itglisryiiis vas potenho fesfa aaitnrtelyred FRED CHARTRAND/THE CANADIAN PRESS ime3fwttnorld3eeerga“T.0 ”keaIt h i’ tr nm7teeymao r naC uA-no.fodamcrirof r-hoe-Nmt .fme C aasAdacacn Ht ntandthldr-yyha daoet. de handwwa “.e, ” enIo A’ camv sshirjherauii rbennlsend ugtdsxir as gaceb lilhiiAndesttt,,,---- smtwfAtckiahoeifgornaClrgehydutr dhaa ttin.paeeiie2adnnrrtxl0. eli pys0dRwtet 8,oaor i utnbtdlhl in ea n—mserya af t,rua y amfScrs aicede reca msiedcssstroua er T usaa aaoeltuco lmfhdmio fb eh uoiairaoltrsnniassttf- mDs5Wttanhiun0’arta“oec dal Iny.hbrrp eleFrey ed cear,eiwa noacrnmuWsonmac .ssli’aaaldtu nens mrecu,cyd nrhtyc Ie it r h ioamsoend n swcao ei,pta n nmcnhest o’h eecttmbu. teh”eSsbrree,rteee”m c lmpihsoaeoaanaanvrissrddyyet-- morning Ottawa air and in- shorts and T-shirts, were been charged with second- A joint “synopsis” of the to the warm embraces of wrapped in blankets and degree murder in the Afghan incident, their new parents. whisked inside to greet battlefield killing of filed in court last The first group of Haitian their new families. an insurgent fighter year, states Semrau adoptees to arrive in Cana- Several of the older chil- following a pro- was mentoring an da were brought to Port-au- dren flashed bright white longed clash in Afghan National Prince’s airport in the wee smiles at the cameras as Lashkar Gah, the cap- Army unit under hours yesterday and were they peered above their ital of Helmand British command swaddled in compassion blankets. province. when they were am- every step of the way in The arrival marks the The series of run- bushed in the Nad their journey. start of a new life for the ning firefights took Capt. Robert Ali district. From the workers who children who have not only place as British and Semrau A U.S. Apache heli- carried the little wide-eyed survived the deaths of their Afghan forces along copter was called in bundles on a bus from the parents but the near-de- with their Canadian men- and sprayed the area with Canadian Embassy to the struction of their country. tors helped defend the city cannon fire. When the airport, to the Air Canada Immigration Minister Ja- in October 2008. But Sem- Afghans and Canadians volunteers who gently son Kenney said officials rau wasn’t charged until swept the district after- stroked their bellies to help were expecting upwards of the alleged killing came to wards they discovered one them sleep on the plane, 50 kids on the flight, but the attention of Canadian dead insurgent and another the children were the recip- there were logistical and or- commanders two months with wounds “too severe ients of a tremendous out- phanage staff problems on later. for any type of treatment” pouring of care — before the ground in Haiti. Michel Drapeau, a retired in the field. they even reached their There are 90 children al- colonel and lawyer, said he The document says an as- anxious parents. One of 24 orphaned Haitian children arrives yesterday from ready cleared to come to hasn’t been able to find a sault rifle was taken from “When I saw that plane earthquake-stricken Haiti at the Ottawa airport. The orphaned Canada, and another 90 be- case of this kind in Canadi- the wounded man before land, I was overwhelmed,” Haitian children arrived in Canada early yesterday into the open ing fast-tracked through the an military legal history, Semrau was allegedly seen said Gerry Naugler, the arms of their new adoptive parents. immigration system. where a soldier was tried firing his rifle at him. Two proud new father of He said the government for the battlefield murder of shots were heard. Dakemsia, 10, and Deulan- for all the Canadian fami- country, though Dakemsia hopes to have the vast ma- a prisoner. THE CANADIAN PRESS do, 4. lies who were reunited in was intently watching an jority of children in Canada “When I saw the children there this morning.” in-flight movie, she said she within a few days. coming off, I felt so relieved On the way to her new was looking forward to be- THE CANADIAN PRESS Obama not expected to attend opening ceremonies WINTER BOOKING SALE VANCOUVER British Prime Minister Gordon Brown isn’t expect- 2010 Games ed to attend, nor is Italian Our best prices in 2010! Prime Minister Silvio The Best Prices DIGNITARIES U.S. President Berlusconi. Barack Obama is not ex- Instead, sports ministers pected to attend the open- from their countries are ing ceremonies for the confirmed. 2010 Winter Olympics, but Russia, which is hosting that doesn’t mean he isn’t the 2014 Winter Games, is coming at all. An official expected to be represented announcement from the by current President Dmit- White House may come as ry Anatolyevich Medvedev, early as next week regard- as well as Vice-President ing the American delega- Dmitry Kozak, who over- tion to the Games. sees those Olympics. It’s expected Vice-Presi- As for Prime Minister dent Joe Biden will be Vladimir Putin, it’s a quali- Guaranteed Quality Installations • Free Estimates named as the U.S. govern- fied maybe. ment’s official face at the THE CANADIAN PRESS SSeelleeccttiioonn •• SSeerrvviiccee •• SSaattiissffaaccttiioonn lavish Feb. 12 event. The He will join a roster of kings, queens and govern- earlier ment ministers who have you book… Dartmouth: 468-4373 • 90 Raddall Ave, Unit 6 said they will be attending, though not all of the heads the more you Halifax: 455-0874 • 6040 Almon St of state of the 80 nations save. Call today www.metrowindows.ca competing at the Games for details! have RSVP’d. Casnpaedlila mnsig ehntj owyainntg t Joa nthuaanryk’ so murild It’s a low-profile list, so friend El Nino, says Environment far. Canada. Scan this code for the story. Monday, January 25, 2010 metronews.ca metro Plane crash-lands in Iran 7 A passenger plane carrying 157 passengers and 13 crew crash landed in northeastern Iran yesterday injuring at least 46 people, state television reported. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Election puts into question U.S. presence World The future of an American military base and the balance of U.S.-Japan relations were thrown into further question yesterday as voters in a small city elected a mayor opposed to the base. Residents of the Okinawan city of Nago chose challenger Susumu Inamine, left, who campaigned against any expansion of U.S. military presence in the area, over incumbent Yoshikazu Shimabukuro. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS U.S. downplays tape RODRIGO ABD/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BcOndthiIiosaNoea li smmLna Ald-yaeDQie scEbassaNatiitnd egiWora edLn hlpaae tiduyath eerdap ndeHtoe r aao rnh ntunoeadseudde wnl g tyo cara fibevfugdiye--- CTVtoweneafEeaVhl rNwPeslEvra y yZengi aysvUsoineeiEovedskLentetAzerew ncnd rAtchd m foHecaaraenoyurnbn mngkfltoseoe rlto - Ch cdrhereis afatyviicirenazlg gered heightened alarm regulations requiring it to about renewed attacks. Srwadeidcaislh Is plaomliciset sa rree cgrruaiptipnlgin ygo wutihth, televise some of the social- In the tape, which U.S. of- some of whom have already been ist leader’s speeches. ficials said could not be im- killed in the Somali insurgency. Venezuelan cable and Scan this code for the story. mediately authenticated, satellite TV providers bin Laden claimed responsi- he declined comment on stopped transmitting Ra- bility for the plot to bomb a whether the U.S. believes dio Caracas Television, an Detroit-bound airliner on bin Laden played any role anti-Chavez channel Christmas Day and threat- in the Christmas incident. known as RCTV, after it ened more attacks on the State Department did not broadcast Chavez’s Children receive food at a distribution centre organized by the UN in Port-au-Prince yesterday. U.S. spokesman P.J. Crowley speech Saturday to a rally White House adviser said there appeared to be of political supporters. In More than 111,000 David Axelrod told CNN’s no special significance to Caracas neighbourhoods, State of the Union that the bin Laden tape beyond Chavez opponents leaned whatever the source, the confirming the U.S. view out apartment windows bodies recovered: UN message “contains the that he remains deter- early yesterday to bang on same hollow justification mined to serve as a “cata- pots and pans. Others for the mass slaughter of in- lyst” for terrorist actions shouted epithets and driv- nocents.” even as he and his senior ers joined in, honking car Death tolls differ as focus moves from rescue to recovery White House spokesman lieutenants are limited in horns. The national jour- Robert Gibbs said “no- their ability to plan and di- nalists’ association called body’s had a chance to au- rect attacks. it a violation of human thenticate that tape,” and THE ASSOCIATED PRESS rights. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Haiti Danger of child trafficking Crisis (cid:129)The possibility of child traf- dren have been separated ficking in Haiti following that from their parents or care- The confirmed death toll country’s devastating earth- givers because of the Jan. 12 We’re looking for from Haiti’s devastating quake has become a top con- earthquake, according to the (cid:57)(cid:55)(cid:68)(cid:55)(cid:58)(cid:55)(cid:189)(cid:73)(cid:22)(cid:74)(cid:69)(cid:70)(cid:22)(cid:40)(cid:43) earthquake has topped cern for the United Nations or- UN Children’s Fund, making 150,000 in the Port-au- ganization that oversees the them potential victims of traf- Prince metropolitan area welfare of children. Many chil- ficking or sexual exploitation. (cid:63)(cid:67)(cid:67)(cid:63)(cid:61)(cid:72)(cid:55)(cid:68)(cid:74)(cid:73)(cid:23)(cid:22)(cid:22) alone, the communications minister said yesterday, were killed by the magni- knew they were searching with many more tude-7.0 quake, according and would come for me,” he thousands dead around to Haitian government fig- said. the country or still buried ures cited by the European Haiti’s government has under the rubble. Commission. declared an end to searches Communications minis- “Nobody knows how for living people trapped ter Marie-Laurence Jocelyn many bodies are buried in under debris, and officials Lassegue said that the fig- the rubble — 200,000, are shifting their focus to ure is based on a body count 300,000?” Lassegue said. caring for the thousands of in the capital and outlying “Who knows the overall survivors living in squalid, areas by CNE, a state com- death toll?” makeshift camps. pany that has been collect- Experts say chances are UN relief workers said the ing corpses and burying slim that more survivors shift is critical: While deliv- them in a mass grave. It will be found in that debris, eries of food, medicine and does not include other af- although rescuers tunnelled water have ticked up after fected cities such as Jacmel, through wreckage on Satur- initial logjams, the need Last week to nominate your where thousands are be- day to extract a man continues to be overwhelm- lieved dead, nor does it ac- trapped there for 11 days. ing and doctors fear out- Top 25 Canadian Immigrants of 2010 count for bodies burned by Wismond Exantus, 24, breaks of disease in the relatives. said he survived by diving camps. Reports have varied on under a desk during the Doctors Without Borders Seeking to uncover and celebrate the stories and remarkable how many are known to quake and later consuming reported that some its med- achievements of outstanding Canadian immigrants, this national have died, and the United cola, beer and cookies in ical teams were beginning people’s choice award is the only one of its kind that recognizes Nations stuck with its previ- the cramped space. He to see more patients with individuals who’ve made a difference since their arrival in Canada. ous total of 111,481 bodies passed the time praying, “infections or complica- recovered despite the high- reciting psalms and sleep- tions following basic or am- er number from Haitian of- ing while waiting for res- ateur attempts at treatment If you know an immigrant who has made a positive impact – large ficials. All told, authorities cuers. in the early days of the af- or small – to the fabric of Canada, you can go online and nominate estimate 200,000 people “I wasn’t afraid because I termath.”THE ASSOCIATED PRESS him or her today at canadianimmigrant.ca. News in brief Nominations close February 1st! OIL SPILL The U.S. Coast Guard any local wildlife. The spill about 90 people on board has Visitcanadianimmigrant.ca/top25 today! used sheets of plastic and happened Saturday when a crashed into the sea shortly skimmers yesterday to 240-metre tanker collided after takeoff from Beirut. The contain and clean up a crude with a towing vessel near Port plane was headed to Addis Presented by In association with oil spill in a southeast Texas Arthur. Ababa, the Ethiopian capital. port. The spill was contained EUROPE Lebanese aviation About 50 of the passengers Media Partners in a three-kilometre area and and security officials say an were Lebanese, the officials was not believed to have hurt Ethiopian Airlines plane with said. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS metro metronews.ca Monday, January 25, 2010 8 HALIFAX METRO CANADA Assoc Mana gingEditor, Tarin Elbert Art Director, Laila Hakim Publisher, Greg Lutes Sales Manager, Dianne Curran Group Publisher, Bill McDonald Enter/Lifestyle Editor, Dean Lisk National Sales Director, Peter Bartrem Managing Editor, Philip Croucher Distribution Manager, April Doucette Editor-in-Chief, Charlotte Empey Asst Mana gingEditor, Amber Shortt Interactive/Mrktng Director, Jodi Brown Comment & Views EDITOR: [email protected] METRO CANADA:TORONTO| OTTAWA| MONTREAL| HALIFAX| EDMONTON| CALGARY| VANCOUVER Comment Respite from the February blues UrbanScrawl both sunshine and days off. provinces and territories off during the year to give cally of other provinces. so some ideas for them in- During this period, we observe nine or more days, them an opportunity for a For instance, some New- clude giving employees will notice more sick days while Ontario and Quebec much deserved break. If foundland-owned compa- their birthday off, or grant- Christina being taken, productivity celebrate eight. you have these days in nies in other parts of the ing a wellness or mental suffering as employees be- Just because our local your contract make sure Maritimes grant their em- health day. Biluk come uncharged, and we governments haven’t been you use them. ployees Regatta Day or St. As an employee, don’t may even witness an in- able to do much to adjust Flexible/bankable Patrick’s Day. While some wait for someone else to crease in people moving this imbalance, it doesn’t hours. With budgets tight, Western Canadian-based take charge. Talk to your Imetronews.ca/urbanscrawl from job to job, hoping to mean we can’t impact our gather your lieu time and companies will observe employer — if you ask, get a few days break be- own staff and employees. use it to take an afternoon Family Day, and U.S.- you may receive. We lob- t’s the time of year tween starting and finish- Why not find your own off or sleep in one Monday owned organizations will bied for a “mental health when our snug pants ing. unique way to help em- morning. celebrate both U.S. and day” at our office and were serve as the only re- The Atlantic provinces ployees find mental health Vacation days. During Canadian holidays. Pick a successful — you may be, minder of those remi- observe the fewest statuto- respite in the dull days of your employee evaluation, day, such as Munroe Day too. niscent vacation days. ry holidays in Canada, with winter. if money for raises isn’t in (Feb. 5), and give your em- We are heading into the Nova Scotia and Prince Ed- Some ideas can include: the budget this year, nego- ployees an unexpected day Christina Biluk is a member of FUSION February blues. The stretch ward Island bringing up Personal days.Provide a tiate for extra vacation off. Halifax. Visit FUSIONHalifax.ca to find out between Christmas and the rear with only six ob- set number of personal days and use them. We know that all busi- Hahloifawx yao bue ctatenr gpelat cinev tool vlievde, t wo ohrekl pa nmda pklea y. Easter is long — it lacks in served days. The Western days an employee can take Observing holidays lo- nesses can’t close for a day, M WViewastch out for Most Hell Bent On Skates ICHAEL DE ADDER HineSight members how much trou- you can’t have any dis- portive things such as, “You ble you were last time, and cernible knowledge of, abili- going to lie there all night?” b) well, that’s it really. ty in or talent for playing Some of us have dubbed the Anne I am happy to report hockey. If you can’t skate ei- event “Mocking for Money.” though that my partner, Liz, ther, so much the better. Funds raised go to Gilda’s Hines is doing everything possible Last year, our male goalie Club, a fine organization to help me recover by Satur- had to be helped to the net providing care for cancer day. The reason: Liz loves by his girlfriend and patients, making it all metronews.ca/hinesight two things. Me. And hockey. propped into position, worthwhile. And playing I’m pretty sure in that order. where I’m delighted to say hockey lets out a part of me For the past three days I Once a year she gets to have he ended with a shutout. that sits on the sidelines for found myself in the grip of a both together when her Sometimes, players refuse the rest of the year. Twice second horrible, nasty flu hockey league hosts its an- to come out for their turn, I’ve taken home the trophy since fall. I’m calling this nual charity event, The preferring to sit on the for “Most Hell Bent On one H2N2. Wives Game. bench and chat, one woman Skates.” And if my tempera- The last time, I suggested The Wives Game is played saying, “What’s the point? ture goes below 101 come fellow sufferers plant your- by the spouses, partners and We can’t score to save our Saturday night, I’m looking selves on the couch and be- friends of the regular lives.” for No. 3. come flu divas for a day. The woman players. You don’t Friends and partners of problem with trying this have to be a wife to play. the players ante up $10 each Anne Hines is an author and humour writer. again in a three-month peri- You don’t even have to be fe- to enter us, then sit on the She has written three novels and one collection of nonfiction humour. od is: a) everyone still re- male. The only criteria is sidelines and call out sup- Tell us your views by email to [email protected] or comment on metronews.ca or on Twitter @metrohalifax Letters must include sender’s full name, address and phone number –street name and phone numbers will NOT be published. We reserve the right to edit letters. METRO Halifax3260 Barrington Street, Suite 102, Halifax, NS B3K 0B5; Tel: 902-444-4444; Fax: 902-422-5610; Advertising: 902-421-5824 • [email protected]; [email protected]; News: [email protected] 100 Million $ Inventory Blowout For Example: For Example: WMAen’Ss F a4sh9ions Use your Sears® MasterCard® WWomAenS’s Fa3sh9io9n9s 99 or Sears Card & NOW 29 save a total of up to N OW 1 199 99 85 % Plus, take an extra Plus, take an extra 50%off 50% off 14 off 5 99 99 = Sears original = ticketed prices Each after additional savings of Each While quantities last 50% While quantities last off the already-reduced clearance prices of men’s, women’s & kids’ fashions, outerwear, women’s intimates and men’s & women’s shoes Excludes national brand boxed bras, briefs & bodybriefers, athletic shoes, kids’ footwear, boots, slippers, cosmetics, fragrances & items from our Licensed Departments. While quantities last. Selection varies by store. Offer valid at Sears Department stores only, on approved credit. Offer ends Sun., Jan. 31, 2010 Many items at up to 35% below cost! NE014G310 © 2010. Sears Canada Inc. metro metronews.ca Monday, January 25, 2010 10 Energy savings Install a ground-source heat pump and you can produce at least two-thirds of the energy needed to heat your home — meaning savings of 30 to 70 per cent off your home heating costs.METRO NEWS SERVICES Climate cover-up Going Green Canadian environmental activists Hoggan and Littlemore pull no punches in their indictment of global warming deniers — Climate Cover-up. The book spotlights what they allege to be pre- meditated attacks by the oil and coal industry on climate change science. METRO NEWS SERVICES EDITOR: [email protected] Thirsty? Try a nice box of water M ETRO W HMEeItDroI WPAoTrAldL ANeNwOs METRO W ORLD NEWS CLIMATEThere was a time ORLD NEW when we thought being re- S sponsible meant drinking water and recycling the bottle it came in. But today, a growing mass of evidence is point- ing to how harmful the bottled water industry is for the economy and ecolo- gy of the modern world. Whether it’s the amount of gas it takes to ship the Boxed water is being encouraged as a replacement for bottled. water — the documentary film Tapped estimates that Gott sensed the tide was sustainable materials. Like in the U.S. alone, 18 mil- turning on bottled water bottled water brands The Tara expedition will have travelled more than 150,000 kilometres when it’s completed. lion barrels of oil are used back in March of 2008, so Dasani and Aquafina, Breath of fresh thinking every year to transport bot- he came up with a brilliant Boxed Water is purified tap tled water — or the toxins concept that was previous- water. present in the plastic bot- ly non-existent in the $16- Since the containers are tles, there is a realization billion bottled water indus- collapsible, shipping the Expedition seeks to link CO2 absorption and oceans that bottled water puts a try — boxed water. cartons greatly reduces the serious strain on the envi- The 950-millilitre con- carbon imprint generated ronment. tainers are made from 85 from shipping plastic bot- M Entrepreneur Benjamin per cent environmentally tles. NMAetDroIA W LoOrDldD NOews ETRO W Science takes time, ORLD NEW patience and stamina. In S the middle of the Mediter- ranean, the schooner Tara is at the beginning of a three-year odyssey around the world: A 150,000-kilo- metre expedition to explore the largely unknown world of the Plankton account for 90 per cent of the biological mass in oceans. oceans. “Ninety per cent of the bi- 60 The Tara ex- ological mass of the oceans pedition will Oceans is made of plankton,” ex- cross the plains Spanish marine biol- Medi- (cid:129) 50 per cent of the CO2 ogy researcher Silvia Aci- terranean Sea, Red Sea, Indian produced on the Earth is ab- nas, scientific co-ordinator Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific sorbed by the oceans. for Tara. Ocean, and Arctic Ocean and (cid:129) 50 per cent of the air we “These organisms are re- stop in 60 ports during its re- breathe is produced by the sponsible for absorbing 50 search mission. oceans. per cent of the CO2 emis- sions on the Earth and pro- bacteria and protista. ducing 50 per cent of the At the back of the boat, ture and salinity and study oxygen we breathe but we the oceanographic winch the currents. only know one per cent of allows sea water sampling A few hundred samples them: This expedition is of up to 2,500 metres in are carefully labelled and about discovering the re- depth, thanks to the special preserved, either to be ana- maining 99 per cent.” Niskin bottles. lyzed in the on-board dry The uncertainty of cur- “A very ingenious device lab or to be sent to the re- rent climate models has a because their lids can be search centres on land. great deal to do with this closed at a given depth tak- Every eight weeks a special unknown life. As a matter ing samples at an exact parcel is sent in extremely of fact, oceans are the major point of interest,” explains rigorous conditions of tem- factor influencing climate, French ocean engineer perature and time to get the working as carbon pumps Hervé Le Goff. plankton to destination safe to a greater extent than The plankton on the sur- and sound. This expedition rainforests do. face of the water will not es- will lead to the creation of a Every other day, the boat cape the meticulous scien- world-wide database of stops for a 12-hour scientific tists either. Nets a few me- planktonic forms of life, station. Pumping, filtering, tres long are thrown from along with supplying a sorting and labelling: The the back of the boat. For great deal of information on five researchers on board some minutes they trail be- currents, corals and pollu- have a long day ahead of hind the boat like giant jel- tion. But just as sampling is them. Over a thousand lyfish, under the impatient time-consuming, research litres of sea water are eyes of the researchers, be- also takes patience. pumped on board and fil- fore being pulled back up The results of this ex- tered in the wet lab to sepa- and sampled. Otherpieces traordinary expedition will rate the different kind of of scientific equipment are not be known until a few sea plankton — viruses, sunk to measure tempera- years after its end.