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metroclassifieds.ca TALL ORDER YOUTH SELL YOUR CELL TOWER WON’T MOVEMENT BE WELCOMED BY STUFF FOR RESIDENTS FREE {page 4} BLUE-LINER BACK HOME Details in Classifieds section {page 20} HALIFAX Thursday, January 12, 2012 www.metronews.ca 6 News worth 1 sharing. e g a p n o Council inquiries r e Visit f PM. f o t will be answered s e t a l r u o t Councillors vote to look into how sale of St. Patrick’s-Alexandra u o School took place Daycare centre operating inside the school k may now have its lease extended instead of an eviction c e h RYAN TAPLIN/METRO C JENNIFER TAPLIN Meeting cancelled @METRONEWS.CA There will be no fireworks at city Over the past few weeks council- hall next week: the regular Tues- lors threw a multitude of questions day council meeting has been at HRM staff regarding the process cancelled because of a light agen- involved in selling St. Patrick’s- da. Alexandra school. But they got silence in return. He said council voted to proceed It was an issue that upset sever- with the sale on Dec. 13, so staff al of them during Tuesday night’s couldn’t comment on it past that Richard Butts marathon meeting. date. “As a councillor, I find this very, “We cannot provide information for someone to lay out the steps of very troubling,” Coun. Jennifer on an individual basis to council- how this happened over the past Watts said during the near-seven- lors that could be seen to draw into year and how we got here,” she said hour session. question the direction of council,” Wednesday. That night, council voted to take he said in his statement. “We want to have factual infor- back their earlier decision to sell “Now that we have further direc- mation on what happened and Prime Minister Stephen Harper, shown in Edmonton last week, the property to Jono Developments tion from council we can proceed that’s what we weren’t getting.” will be in Halifax on Thursday morning where is he expected to Ltd., and put the sale on hold until with fulfilling that request.” She said it may be a matter for announce his government has finished contract talks with the a staff report looking into the Watts said she was told staff HRM’s auditor general to look into. Irving Shipyard in the National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy. process could be completed. couldn’t answer her questions “The auditor general should be Story, page 3. Richard Butts, HRM’s chief because it would look like staff was looking carefully at that report. This administrative officer, wouldn’t interpreting council-directed poli- is something we need to pay close JOHN ULAN/THE CANADIAN PRESS Harper in Halifax today take media requests about the issue cy. attention to,” she said. on Wednesday, but released a state- “I’m not interested in their inter- ment. pretation of policy.… I was asking More coverage {page 2} WINTER SALE DUGGER’S 20-50% OFF (cid:22)(cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:23)(cid:1)(cid:52)(cid:81)(cid:83)(cid:74)(cid:79)(cid:72)(cid:1)(cid:40)(cid:66)(cid:83)(cid:69)(cid:70)(cid:79)(cid:1)(cid:51)(cid:69)(cid:15)(cid:13)(cid:1)(cid:41)(cid:66)(cid:77)(cid:74)(cid:71)(cid:66)(cid:89)(cid:1)(cid:47)(cid:52)(cid:1)(cid:35)(cid:20)(cid:43)(cid:1)(cid:18)(cid:40)(cid:20)(cid:1)(cid:114)(cid:1)(cid:26)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:15)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:1)(cid:114)(cid:1)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:72)(cid:72)(cid:70)(cid:83)(cid:84)(cid:71)(cid:66)(cid:84)(cid:73)(cid:74)(cid:80)(cid:79)(cid:15)(cid:68)(cid:80)(cid:78) on selected merchandise… 02 news: halifax metronews.ca THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 Struggle ahead for Dartmouth firm 1 Missing out on a contract 12 “This not only impacts for two HRM elections. But eral manager in Scytl’s to supply telephone and e- our bottom line, I don’t price had something to do Oakville, Ont., office said voting to HRM is a one-two know if the company can with winning the current that’s not the case. punch for a Dartmouth survive,” he said, adding contract: Scytl’s bid came “We look to secure ref- company. The number of people he didn’t agree with in about $330,000 less. erences, and we’re cre- Burnside-based Inteliv- working at Intelivote. HRM’s point system for Smith said they charged ative in doing that, but we ote Systems Inc. lost the awarding contracts. the same amount they did will be competitive with HRM contract by three Dean Smith said on “We know now one of four years ago, and came all the other vendors out points to the Spanish com- Wednesday losing the con- our investors that was in under HRM’s budget. there,” she said. pany Scytl Secure Elec- tract threatens the compa- thinking about investing He said Scytl is throw- She said Scytl’s experi- tronic Voting. Council ny’s survival because of is not going to now be- ing in low bids to scoop up ence in the world market- voted to award the con- the financial loss and also cause we didn’t win.” business in Canada, where place and its product news tract to Scytl on Tuesday the hit to its reputation if Intelivote won the pre- the firm is trying to enter allow the firm to offer the night. it doesn’t have the con- vious 42-month long con- the marketplace. service “cost-effectively.” Intelivote president tract in its own backyard. tract, providing services Susan Crutchlow, gen- JENNIFER TAPLIN Tide turning at city hall: Coun. Tues. session ends with plenty RYAN TAPLIN/METRO FILE of emotion on school sale issue RYAN TAPLIN/METRO A dispute over buggy safety has made scofflaws of JENNIFER Kentucky’s Amish, and some TAPLIN could face jail time. @METRONEWS.CA Scan the code for the story Halifax regional council 1 Download the free emerged from its Tuesday- ScanLife app with night pressure cooker as your smartphone something new, says Coun. at 2dscan.com Jackie Barkhouse. “I have never felt that in 2 Use your the room what happened smartphone to (Tuesday) night,” she said scan 2D barcodes Wednesday. “I feel like Coun. Jackie Barkhouse in Metro something changed at city hall.” 3 The codes will After five hours on a tion around council cham- direct your mobile lengthy council agenda on bers and in the gallery, Halifax regional councillors are seen in this file photo from July inside city hall chambers. browser to Tuesday, an emotional and where community mem- m.metronews.ca loud debate broke out on bers had waited all night going in-camera to debate to hear council discuss the Tuesday, Barkhouse said Barkhouse wouldn’t say can now get from staff the On the web at putting off the sale of St. issue. she felt she’s been pushed specifically who she was school-sale-related an- metronews.ca Patrick’s-Alexandra Mayor Peter Kelly into a corner so many referring to. swers that they need. School. warned the crowd several times that she feels she “I believe the people “I feel that we literally Councillors were told times to keep quiet, even has to push back so hard who I was directing it to shook the walls of city hall the sale was within days of threatening once to clear “people will be going knew who I was talking (Tuesday) night,” she said. being complete and if they the chamber. through a window.” about and we’ll leave it at “There’s no turning put off the matter it would In an emotional out- Speaking about the that.” back now. It’s full speed be over. There was frustra- burst to her colleagues on comment the next day, But she said councillors ahead.” Calder loses her appeal in Lobster-price News in brief Denver Nuggets activists talk drug-smuggling case mascot Winter storm tactics summons some expected to hit Tim Tebow Nova Scotia’s highest court dence misapprehended by DRIVING. Members of a Halifax has dismissed an appeal the judge was not crucial to newly formed lobster mystique for a filed by a former Crown at- the case. fishermen’s group in half-court shot. torney convicted of smug- The three-member panel DRIVING. It could be a southwestern Nova Scotia Watch at gling drugs into the Central of justices also found the messy commute home for say they may tie up their Nova Correctional Facility trial judge did not make er- motorists on Thursday. boats to get better lobster metronews.ca/ in Burnside. rors in reaching his ver- A winter storm could prices. video Anne Calder’s lawyer dicts, and he did not offer drop about 10 centime- Nearly 300 people who had argued the judge who an unfit sentence. tres of snow on the Hali- packed the Grand Hotel convicted his client misun- Anne Calder Last June, Nova Scotia fax region by later in Yarmouth on Wednes- derstood the evidence of a Supreme Court Judge Kevin tonight, with the white day agreed not to sell Follow us on psychiatrist who diagnosed But the Nova Scotia Coady sentenced Calder to stuff set to begin late in their lobsters for less than Twitter Calder with a depressive Court of Appeal, in a unani- 30 months in prison on the afternoon. $5.50 a pound. @metrohalifax disorder and a personality mous decision released on three drug charges. PHILIP CROUCHER THE CANADIAN PRESS disorder. Wednesday, says any evi- THE CANADIAN PRESS metronews.ca 03 THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 RYAN TAPLIN/METRO Halifax shipbuilders work on a navy ship in this file photo from October. Prime Minister to visit Irving Shipyard Harper will appear at 9 a.m. Thursday for photo op, announcement He isn’t taking questions from media ALEX National Shipbuilding Pro- tract until after negotia- BOUTILIER curement Strategy in Octo- tions have finished. @METRONEWS.CA ber. Irving took the largest A spokeswoman for Pre- of three NSPS contracts, mier Darrell Dexter said Prime Minister Stephen winning the right to build Wednesday that the invest- Harper will visit Halifax’s $25 billion worth of war- ment won’t likely be dis- Irving Shipbuilding and ships, while Seaspan took closed any time soon — as Vancouver’s Seaspan Ma- the smaller, non-combat they’ll just see the details of rine on Thursday. vessel contract. the contract for the first Harper is expected to an- Negotiations have been time on Thursday. nounce the federal govern- ongoing since the contracts “It’s not going to be ment and the two yards were awarded on Oct. 19. (Thursday), because we have finished contract talks The provincial govern- don’t know the details of on the single largest mili- ment has refused to dis- the agreement yet,” Jen- tary procurement program close how much support it nifer Stewart said. in Canadian history. intends to give Irving Ship- “I highly doubt we’re go- Both Irving and Seaspan building in improving their ing to be doing anything won part of the $35 billion yard for the massive con- the same day.” POST-SECONDARY INSTITUTIONS 215KThe dollar EduNova is a amount partnership of around 20 ACOA EduNova received institutions, including from ACOA last year. universities, private edu- extends cation centres, and the Atlantic Canada private sector groups. It EduNova Opportunities Agency, an- aims to increase the edu- nounced the feds are ex- cational and economic funding tending funding to benefits of bringing inter- EduNova for a second national students to study year. in the province. An initiative aimed at at- “Our education sector Once they get here, in- tracting international stu- is one we can boast ternational students pay dents to Nova Scotian (about) throughout the over $7,000 more than post-secondary world,” Valcourt told Canadians in tuition per institutions received reporters. year. Valcourt said that $185,000 from the federal “(EduNova is) on the amount is still government on Wednes- world stage selling the ed- competitive, when day. ucation potential of Nova compared to the United Bernard Valcourt, the Scotia to the whole world. States and Europe. minister responsible for I think this is great.” ALEX BOUTILIER 04 news: halifax metronews.ca THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 Not in my backyard, AUDITOR GENERAL’S REPORT schools, hospitals and other buildings. Province The labour department’s acting defends deputy minister told a residents say of tower legislative committee on fire-safety Wednesday that inspec- tions were being done, record but they weren’t being recorded. A public meeting to discuss the proposed cellphone tower is Jeff Conrad said six of scheduled for Thursday at 7 p.m. at Highland Park Junior High School The province is challeng- the 25 points in auditor ing the auditor general’s general Jacques RYAN TAPLIN/METRO assertion that public Lapointe’s report in May JENNIFER safety had been compro- have been dealt with, TAPLIN mised for years because and it will take up to two @METRONEWS.CA fire inspections weren’t years to respond to the being carried out at some others. THE CANADIAN PRESS Residents of north-end Halifax are not rolling out the welcome wagon for a Adding seats not proposed new neighbour: A 30-metre-tall cellphone an option: Dodds tower. Bell Mobility applied to Industry Canada to put up a monopole structure with An upcoming electoral- said Wednesday. “I come an equipment shelter all boundary review in Nova back to this fundamental- enclosed by a steel-wire Scotia must reckon with democracy side of things, fence behind the Halifax population shifts into ur- with, you know, how Water tower at 3468 Robie ban areas as well as com- much does my vote St., facing Prescott Street. munities of interest, Colin count?” The area is zoned for resi- Dodds says. Voters in Argyle, Clare, dential use, and Erin Poiri- Dodds, who is president Richmond and Preston er’s property borders the of Saint Mary’s University, were protected in the 1992 water tower. served as the chair of the review, and have signifi- “The biggest thing for last boundary-review com- cantly fewer electors than us is ... that’s community mission in 2002, which the provincial average. green space that will no North End Coun. Jerry Blumenthal supports residents opposed to the building of a recommended the But the terms of refer- longer be community 30-metre cellphone monopole behind the Halifax Water tower, looming behind him, province re-examine the ence for this commission green space if there’s a 30- on Robie Street. four “protected” Acadian require the number of metre cell tower on it with and African Nova Scotian electors in each riding to an enclosing fence,” Poiri- ridings in 10 years. Now, be within 25 per cent of er said. property for an outdoor to decide if the tower is tawa to make the final de- Dodds is vice-chairman of the provincial average. The grassy space is playground,” she said. built. cision in four to five the commission tasked That has drawn the ire of where families play Fris- There’s a meeting at the Salih said staff will take months. with just that. Acadian groups and the bee or football on the school on Thursday night, public input and write a “I don’t like it and my “There’s been shifts in opposition, who say the weekend, she added. and residents can talk report for the Peninsula residents don’t like it,” the school population, variance will destroy those “And it’s right across about the project with Dali Community Council, who area Coun. Jerry Blumen- shifts in the overall popu- cultural and linguistic mi- the street from Highland Salih, HRM planner, and a will make a recommenda- thal said. “I think there’s a lation. There’s been a drift nority seats. Park Junior High School, representative from Bell. tion to Industry Canada. lot of radiation that’s giv- to the urban areas,” Dodds ALEX BOUTILIER which doesn’t have a huge But it’s not up to HRM Salih said she expects Ot- en off of those towers.” news: halifax metronews.ca 05 THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 Gunfire incidents unrelated: Police Armed standoff ends in surrender But shootings likely not ‘random’: Spokesman RYAN TAPLIN/METRO A police standoff with a Halifax Regional Police say considered life-threatening. al Police spokesman Const. man barricaded in his two shootings on Tuesday About three hours later, Brian Palmeter. “Based on home near Truro ended night aren’t connected to police received a call of our investigation ... with peacefully on Wednesday. one another. more gunfire in the 200 the people involved, there’s An RCMP news release Just before 9:30 p.m., po- block of Ross Street in Clay- nothing to suggest a con- says crisis negotiators lice were called to Churchill ton Park. nection between them.” convinced the man to sur- Court in Dartmouth after Police say that when offi- In the first shooting, po- render to police at about receiving reports of several cers arrived two unoccu- lice found several bullet 7:40 a.m. at the residence shots being fired. pied vehicles at an casings in a parking lot, and in Millbrook. About 20 minutes later, apartment complex had say the victims drove them- RCMP say shots were police were contacted by bullet holes in them. selves to hospital as a vehi- fired outside the hospital staff that two men “Neither incident is be- cle was found outside with A police car sits in front on an apartment building residence on Tower Road, in their 20s showed up with lieved to be random at this smashed windows. at 196 Ross St. on Wednesday morning. but nobody was injured. gunshot wounds that aren’t point,” said Halifax Region- PHILIP CROUCHER THE CANADIAN PRESS … adds up to $7,380* in 5 years Whisk your family away to Waikiki, $4,205* in just fi ve years. 3 years $1,332* Investing $25 1 year a week… Today 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Investing $25 a week is all it takes to make a family dream trip come true. Start today. Flying the family to Hawaii. Saving for your children’s education. Getting a head start on retirement. 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RMFI, RBC Global Asset Management Inc., Royal Bank Canada, Royal Trust Corporation of Canada and The Royal Trust Company are separate corporate entities which are affi liated. RMFI is licensed as a fi nancial services fi rm in the province of Quebec.. 06 metronews.ca THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 Canada to assist J a n 1 4 & 1 5 Haitian relocation World Trade & Convention Centre HSaalti:f a9x:3, 0Naomva - S5c:3o0tipam Ottawa providing $19.9M to finance resettlement of Sun: 10am - 5pm camp dwellers, create 2,000 jobs for removing debris DIEU NALIO CHERY/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS One of the most visible A youth walks inside the earthquake-damaged symbols of Haiti’s earth- cathedral in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Jan. 7. quake will soon be disman- tled as officials relocate nearly 20,000 people from a Monster tent camp outside the col- DOOR lapsed National Palace, the government said Wednes- CRASHER More day. TRAVEL President Michel Martel- specials! ly said Canada would help move the residents from EXPERTS the Champ de Mars plaza to new homes north of the Than Ever! capital. He said the opera- tion would begin in six Beverley Oda, Minister of tom of a mountain also weeks. International Cooperation, north of the capital to O v e r two“Y oyuea’vres, bsueeffne rihnegr ew iftohr- shaeildp ttrhaein p5r0o jHecatit iwanil le natlrseo- houTshee theea rctahmqupa’sk ere soind eJnatns.. 0 0 out talking, with the kids,” preneurs and create 2,000 12, 2010, killed an estimat- 0 0 , Martelly told a crowd who jobs for removing debris ed 300,000 people and dis- 4 $ applauded the news a day and rebuilding and repair- placed 1.5 million more. before the quake’s second ing homes. Officials say the number of anniversary. “We are going The government is build- people now without homes i n p r i z e s tuon dreerm thovee t eenvtes.r”yone from ianngd 430,00 0h0o mmeosr en eaatr t thhee bboaty- h55a0s ,00d0r.o pTHpEe dAS SOCtIoA TEDa bPRoEuSSt t o b e w o n ! Online. Movement Big fight over teensy frog and JAN 14 & 15 weensy fish H&a Cliofanxv eWnotiroldn TCreandtere A frog that can perch on Save $2SS autnudrdaay:y : 1 90:a3m0a -m 5 p- m5:30pm trcshomlaoeia mmtlilp eets doot fasv psye aotrrhtueeer b hpwraaionst rekbl,die eo’e suwnti-th Admission: tinying a fish that got the OFF ADMISSIONM $wE8it Tho rRt h$i6s coupon titlHe oinw 2ev0e0r6, .a scientist who found another ween- sy fish disputes both claims. An article Wednesday in the journal PLoS One named Paedophryne amauensis as the world’s smallest animal with a spine. But a University of This photo, provided by Canturi Jewels, shows Washington scientist says a custom-designed Barbie wearing a necklace a male anglerfish he found featuring a one-carat pink diamond. in 2006 is even smaller. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Call for bald BaCrANTbURI JEiWEeLS/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS HANDOUT/CHRISTOPHER AUSTIN/THE CANADIAN PRESS There’s an online movement to get Barbie to attempt what could be her biggest feat yet: Going For the most up-to-date details, bald to fight cancer. A Facebook page titled Beautiful and Bald Barbie! Let’s see if we can get it made, was visit maritimetravel.ca started a few days before Christmas. By Wednesday afternoon, the page had more than 15,000 fans. The goal is to get toy maker Mattel Inc. to create a bald P. amanuensis Barbie in support of children with cancer. Presentation Schedule ... metronews.ca 07 M THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 A Saturday, January 14, 2012 Genocide accused’s Room I R 10:50 “The Art of Touring in Style” with Insight Vacations 11:30 Nassau – Quick Getaways for 3 and 4 nights with Sunquest Vacations I 12:10 Highlights of Melia Hotels International – Cuba T deportation delayed 12:50 See the Extraordinary at Universal Orlando Resort and hear from Visit Orlando 1:30 Samana and the many sides of the D.R. with Air Canada Vacations! 2:10 Follow your Lucky Star… Iberostar Hotels & Resorts in Cuba and the Dominican Republic I 2:50 Direct Departures to the Sun with Air Canada Vacations M 3:30 Jamaica - Once you go, you know! by the Jamaica Tourist Board & Sunset Resorts Room II E PAUL CHIASSON/THE CANADIAN PRESS UN to investigate claims that 11:00 Amazing Thailand by the Tourism Authority of Thailand 11:40 A Snapshot of AMResorts he will be tortured in Rwanda 12:20 Discover the Caribbean with Sandals’ Luxury Included®Resorts T 1:00 Inside Cuba – The 4 destinations offered by Transat Holidays & Nolitours 1:40 Fun for all with Beaches Resorts! R After nearly two decades in “Our fair legal 23::2000 TJahme aDiocma i–n iGcraann R Beaphuibal iPcr i–n cFiepaet uarnindg “ Sthpee c“iIaTl”t yZ Woneee kwsi”th w Tirtahn Ssuant qHuoelisdta Vyascations Canada, a man accused of system has 3:40 Discover SeaWorld, Aquatica, Busch Gardens & Discovery Cove and hear from Visit Orlando A helping to incite the Rwan- determined that Room III dan genocide may have V he is here illegally, been granted one more re- 10:50 The Occidental Experience with Occidental Hotels & Resorts prieve that would delay de- he’s guilty of 1112::3100 TDoisucr otvheer TCuarkyos &Sa Cnataic Mosa –ri ao n&l yC wayitoh EAnirs eCnaancahdoas V wacitaht iHoonlsa! Sun Holidays E portation back to his serious war crimes, 12:50 Collette Vacations - Escorted Tours that allow you to see the world like never before homeland. 1:30 Experience Europe with Air Canada Vacations L Leon Mugesera had been and that he has to 2:10 Florida Private Pool Homes, Condos & Townhomes and Legoland, Orlando’s newest attraction ordered to be deported ear- face justice in his 23::3500 LTihvee BLeikset oRfo Byaalrtbya wdoitsh Riu Hotels & Resorts 1 ly Wednesday when a Fed- country of origin.” Room IV eral Court ruled against his JASON KENNEY, IMMIGRATION 9 last-ditch effort to stay in MINISTER 10:40 Highlights of Melia Hotels International - Cuba Canada, his home for the 11:20 Trafalgar’s Europe, Britain, North America and More! “See the World From the Inside” T 12:00 The Dominican Republic – Featuring the “IT” Zone with Transat Holidays last 19 years. be tortured in Rwanda. 12:40 Discover Europe and the World with Globus and Avalon Waterways But a pair of other devel- Meanwhile, Mugesera 1:20 SuperClubs’ Collection of Hotels & Resorts ~ Discover what they do best H opments, later in the day, was brought to hospital to 2:00 Junkanoo In The Bahamas! With The Bahamas Tourist Office 2:40 Russia, Eastern Europe & more with Exotik Tours complicated matters. be treated for an unspeci- 3:20 Malaysia, Truly Asia with Tourism Malaysia Mugesera’s lawyer an- fied health issue. Television Room V A nounced the United Na- images showed him being tions Committee Against carried out of his Quebec 10:50 Modern Luxury with Celebrity Cruises Torture has ordered Canada City home, laid out on a 11:30 AMAWATERWAYS- The most desired trend in travel with the most desirable river cruise line. N Leon Mugesera to keep him here while it stretcher. 12:10 Uniworld’s Boutique Luxury Cruising in Europe, Egypt & Russia 12:50 Exclusive Sailing on AmaCerto with EncoreCruises investigates his claims he’d THE CANADIAN PRESS 1:30 Royal Caribbean International - Oasis Class, Deployment and What's New! N 2:10 The World by Water – Cruising with Air Canada Vacations 2:50 Cruise the High Seas with Transat Holidays 3:30 Carnival Cruise Lines – A Million Ways to Have Fun! U Sunday, January 15, 2012 A Room I 11:00 Punta Cana - Gran Bahia Principe Bavaro and “Specialty Weeks” with Sunquest Vacations L 11:40 Discover Cayo Santa Maria & Cayo Ensenachos with Hola Sun Holidays 12:20 Cancun - Gran Bahia Principe Tulum and “Specialty Weeks” with Sunquest Vacations 1:00 Trips of a Lifetime – From Italy to Argentina… Discover the magic of our own Small Group Adventures V 1:40 Jammin’ in Jamaica with Transat Holidays 2:20 Discover Fabulous Fiji & New Zealand with Boomerang Tours A 3:00 Jamaica - Once you go, you know! by the Jamaica Tourist Board & Sunset Resorts 3:40 Follow your Lucky Star… Iberostar Hotels & Resorts in Cuba and the Dominican Republic Room II C 10:50 A Snapshot of AMResorts A 11:30 SuperClubs’ Collection of Hotels & Resorts ~ Discover what they do best 12:10 The Occidental Experience with Occidental Hotels & Resorts 12:50 Highlights of Melia Hotels International - Cuba T 1:30 Discover the Caribbean with Sandals’ Luxury Included Resorts 2:10 Live Like Royalty with Riu Hotels & Resorts I 2:50 Samana and the many sides of the D.R. with Air Canada Vacations! 3:30 Discover the Caribbean with Sandals’ Luxury Included Resorts O Room III N 11:00 Junkanoo In The Bahamas! With The Bahamas Tourist Office 11:40 “The Art of Touring in Style” with Insight Vacations 12:20 Tour the Turks & Caicos – only with Air Canada Vacations! 1:00 The Sunshine State – Cruise or Stay – with Transat Holidays S 1:40 Nassau – Quick Getaways for 3 and 4 nights with Sunquest Vacations 2:20 Air Canada Vacations –South America, Asia & South Pacific (SAS) U 3:00 Inside Cuba – The 4 destinations offered by Transat Holidays & Nolitours 3:40 The Best of Barbados P Room IV 10:50 Florida Private Pool Homes, Condos & Townhomes and Legoland, Orlando’s newest attraction E 11:30 Amazing Thailand by the Tourism Authority of Thailand 12:10 Discover Europe and the World with Globus and Avalon Waterways R 12:50 See the Extraordinary at Universal Orlando Resort and hear from Visit Orlando 1:30 Trafalgar’s Europe, Britain, North America and More! “See the World From the Inside” 2:10 Malaysia, Truly Asia with Tourism Malaysia S 2:50 Discover SeaWorld, Aquatica, Busch Gardens & Discovery Cove and hear from Visit Orlando 3:30 Collette Vacations - Escorted Tours that allow you to see the world like never before T Room V O 11:00 Cruise the High Seas with Transat Holidays 11:40 The World by Water – Cruising with Air Canada Vacations R 12:20 Carnival Cruise Lines – A Million Ways To Have Fun! 1:00 Cruise Europe in Style with EncoreCruises 1:40 AMAWATERWAYS- The most desired trend in travel with the most desirable river cruise line. E 2:20 Modern Luxury with Celebrity Cruises 3:00 Azamara Club Cruises - Longer Stays, More Overnights and Night touring! 3:40 Uniworld’s Boutique Luxury Cruising in Europe, Egypt & Russia 08 news metronews.ca THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 Motorbike assassins strike As they speed by, they attach a magnetic bomb to top Iranian nuclear scientist’s car He and his driver are killed, a pedestrian wounded Defiant Iran warns: ‘We will continue our (nuclear) path’ FARS NEWS AGENCY/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS It seemed a clockwork killing. Motorcycle riders flashed by and attached a magnetic bomb onto a car carrying a top nuclear scientist working at Iran’s main uranium-enrichment facility. By the time the blast tore apart the silver Peugeot, the motorcycle was blocks away, weaving through Tehran traffic. Behind it, the nuclear scientist lay dead and his driver dying. A pedestrian was wounded. It was the latest strike in what Iran calls an esca- lating covert war — at least the fourth targeted hit against a member of Iran’s nuclear brain trust Magnetic-bomb aftermath: A car is removed by mobile crane in Tehran on Wednesday in two years. in this photo provided by Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. Wednesday’s blast killed Israel hints at ‘bad things’ Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, 32, a chemistry expert and U.S. denies it “I want to categorically a director of the Natanz deny any United States uranium-enrichment facil- involvement in any kind of Whodunnit? Iran pointed “I don’t know who settled the score with ity, the centrepiece of act of violence inside Iran,” the finger at Israel for the the Iranian scientist but I certainly am Iran’s expanding program said Secretary of State bomb assassination. not shedding a tear.” to make nuclear fuel. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Israeli officials, howev- ISRAEL’S CHIEF MILITARY SPOKESPERSON BRIG. GEN. YOAV MORDECHAI “A heinous act,” said left. er, hinted at covert cam- Iran’s Atomic Energy “We believe there has to paigns without directly Organization. be an understanding admitting involvement. department. “Iran is in a quoted as telling a parlia- But it warned defiantly: between Iran, its “Many bad things have situation where pressure mentary panel that 2012 “We will continue our (nu- neighbours and the inter- been happening to Iran in on it is mounting, and the would be a “critical year” clear) path without any national community that the recent period,” said latest assassination joins for Iran — in part because doubt … Our path is irre- The United States insisted finds a way forward for it Mickey Segal, a former di- the pressure.” of “things that happen to versible.” it had nothing to do with to end its provocative be- rector of the Israeli mili- Israeli military chief Lt. it unnaturally.” THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Wednesday’s killing. haviour.” tary’s Iranian intelligence Gen. Benny Gantz was THE ASSOCIATED PRESS news metronews.ca 09 THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS It’s a jungle The cosmos are a crowded “We’re awash in planets, where 17 years and crazy place as three ago we weren’t even sure there were new studies demonstrate a planets.” solar real estate boom up there … The more astronomers HARVARD UNIVERSITY ASTRONOMER LISA KALTENEGGER look for other worlds, the more they find. Way, most stars have plan- ist,” said Lisa Kaltenegger, They think planets easi- ets. And since there are a a Harvard University as- ly outnumber stars in our lot of stars in our galaxy — tronomer. Those things in- Astronomers discover solar galaxy and they are find- about 100 billion — that clude planets that mirror ing them in the strangest means a lot of planets. Star Wars’ Luke Skywalk- real estate boom New planets of places. “We’re finding an excit- er’s home planet, which Kepler 35, a newly discovered planet, circles One of those studies ing potpourri of things we orbits twin suns, she said. and new stars in strangest of places not one but two stars. shows that in our Milky didn’t even think could ex- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Incoming! Canada, Scandinavia and most of Russia’s ground Space probe territory appear to be spared. is falling, Phobos-Ground had been carrying 12 tons of but where? highly toxic fuel. Experts have warned that if the fuel has frozen, A falling space probe is it could survive re-entry keeping Russia — and the through the atmosphere world — guessing. and pose a serious threat if Russian space officials it falls over populated ar- hope the Phobos-Ground eas. probe will fall into the But space officials insist Indian Ocean between all the fuel will burn on Saturday and Monday. re-entry some 100 kilome- But they have no guar- tres above ground and antee of the crash site — pose no danger. although a large part of THE ASSOCIATED PRESS How long... % 0 2 January 6-12 3 0 % January 13-19 % 0 4 J a n u a r y 2 0-2 6 ...can you afford to wait? 5 0 % January 27-31 420-1735 1569 Barrington Street, Halifax 10 business metronews.ca THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 Skyscrapers Iberia Prairies lead tallest buildings and im- The company said it has portend pending financial crises. cancels rescheduled flights for The Great Depression hit as most of the estimated recession? record-breaking 40 Wall more flights 10,000 passengers on long- economic Street, the Chrysler Build- haul, medium-haul and do- ing and the Empire State due to strike mestic flights affected by A skyscraperbuilding boom Building were finished in Wednesday’s strike. in China and India may be a New York. China is home to The stoppage is the pack: Report sign of an impending eco- half of the world’s skyscrap- Spanish airline Iberia says fourth one-day strike by pi- nomic correction, accord- ers currently under con- it has cancelled 104 flights lots union SEPLA, which ing to Barclays Capital. struction. India is seeing its during a one-day strike by claims the creation of the Barclays has mapped an first skyscraper building pilots protesting the com- Iberia Express budget air- “unhealthy correlation” be- boom, with 14 under con- pany’s planned new budg- line will lead to job losses. tween construction of the struction. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS et carrier. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton top economic forecast for 2012 Cwpcoriitoulilsep pslle ee rianoidtf y W yineoea vsretgserr,r onatw chctCeho ar nndaaienndxdgat TMSXarket mDoolmlarent PRICES AS OF 5 P.M. W ¶ tWeon ecdean Bneo sadroaduy otblfo yCo akthn ea drCeal.oenafseerd- EDNESDAY Western cities are bene- fitting from resource riches - 9.71 - 0.22¢ and attracting migrants, (12,260.94) (98.11¢ US) boding well for housing and consumer spending. Oil Natural gas Edmonton created almost $2.77 US 40,000 new jobs last year (- 17¢ US) alone, the think-tank says. “In spite of global eco- Gold nomic turmoil, high prices - 1.37¢US $1,639.60 US for agricultural products, ($100.87 US) (+ $8.10 US) minerals and oil are likely to continue,” said Mario ernment cutbacks weigh- BEST BACKED CARS IN THE WORLD* Want to know more? Visit mitsubishi-motors.ca Lefebvre, director of munic- ing on growth domestically. ipal studies for the board. 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Bi-Weekly Payment $177.86 - Term 84 Month Rate 4.64%. 2012 Outlander ES-FWD - MSRP = MARK LENNIHAN/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS $25,998 + FRT $1,700 + DOC Fee $495 + Air Tax $100 + Tire Fee $15 Less Rebates - $900 = $27,408 + Tax $4,411.20 = $31,519.20. Bi-Weekly Payment $199.98 term 84 Months Rate. $4.84%. 2012 RVR ES-FWD - MRSP = $19,998 + FRT $1,700 + DOC Fee $495 + Air Hostess chips away at costs Tax $100 + Tire Tax $15 Less Rebate - $800 = $21,508 + tax $3,226.20 = $24,743.20. bi Weekly Payment $159.86 Term 84 Months Rate 4.64%. Education, Loyality and Military rebates for purchasers who qualify only. METRO MITSUBISHI Apply Online For Fast Approvals Hostess Brands Inc. is filing for chapter-11 bankruptcy 230 WYSE ROAD, DARTMOUTH, BETWEEN THE BRIDGES protection and said Wednesday it will be able to 1-888-764-8509 www.metromitsubishi.ca maintain routine operations thanks to a $75-million US financing commitment from a group of lenders.

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