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Preview Metro Boston - January 27, 2017

BOSTON NO. 1 FREE DAILY IN THE US Weekend, Janu 117 metro.us | t:MetroBOS | f:MetroBoston FIERCE AF . Christina Ricci shows us the ‘Resident Evil’ may be ending, but Milla Jovovich's real Zelda Fitzgerald. 12 zombie-slayer Alice will forever bea badass. 10 POLITICAL BRUSHSTROKES Student artists exhibit portraits with a purpose. 4 rer ours) byjJanuary 2eth[and get'a FREE Sports \.Designed| Bag of/6[a' Organic Dark Chocolates www.chocolatetext.com, 100% Belgian Chocolate - USA Made | Order Yours Today! Office & Party Pool Pack * ChocolateTextBoxes™ » ChocolateSideCars™ Big Game Chocolate Football Stadium 2 NEWS MEXICO PRESIDENT CANCELS TRUMP SUMMIT Mexico's president on forthe wal sid scrapped a planned summit inhis own tweet with Donald Trump inthe PSF thathe would face of insistent tweets fom the BRAIN otatiend and US. president demanding Mexico had informed ay fora border wala deepen the White House of this. Trump later presented the scrapped plan asa mutual agreement. Addressing Repub lican members of Congress ata ‘meeting in Philadelphia, he said Ihe and Pena Nieto had agreed to cancel the meeting. amas ing ft that theeatens Mexican cfonts to sahage trade ties. Mex ‘an resident Enrique Pena Nieto, responding toa Twitter message from Trump saying it woud be better for him nat to cme tothe meeting if Mexico would not pay BIRD FLU OUTBREAKS RAISE RISK OF PANDEMIC Talend of ely ow fr man eat, Dirisisaeron Ses tte at til rae curety types, and their presence nso culating and causing infections many parts ofthe word atthe havereached unprecedented same time, nceases the risk of levels, asing therskofapoten- viruses mixing and mutating — tial human outbreak according and possibly jumping to people to disease experts. Multiple "Thisisa fundamental change in outbreaks have been reported the natural history of influenza ‘npoultry farms and wid locks viuses” Michael Ostesholm, an ‘across Europe Arca and Asia infectious disease specialist at inthe past thee months. While University of Minnesota, said of ‘most involve strains that are cur- the proliferation of bird. amas METROUS WEEKEND, JANUARY 27:29, 2017 FLA. AIRPORT SHOOTING SUSPECT INDICTED injury aswell as Ader gays Disencin tame cine @D counts an iraq war veteran if convicted, sipeded loge espe hema Trac ongataronaa” EMEA puede oct this month US, prosecutors, ‘aid on Thursday. steban Santa: 90,26, is acused of opening fre ‘nthe baggage claim areaf the Fort Lauderdale airport on Jan. 6. ‘The charges against him include muktiple counts of violence at ‘an ior esuling in death and imprisonment or death. The US. Attorney General hasnt decided whethec to seek a death sentence, the prosecu tors ofce si. The inditment was retuned by federal rand juin rowacd County Florida, there the tack ocr. ae (= THINGS You NEED TO KNOW MICROSOFT CONTINUES TO INVEST IN CYBERSECURITY ios poset ech ff erstiretoe Nay siento 1 billion annually uy" Shah said. While the BY erste SF attacks was 20000 week toot ube yrs onli halon reno 007000, pesiesietien rien toms tininesdoere theese sel asthe bute saucy wh fester sree bere tdgigrate ame con gbersecurty research and development inthe amin years, a senior executive ‘sid, Ths amount doesnot include acquisitions Microsoft may make inthe sects, Bharat Sha Miro soft vice president of security told Reuters onthe sidelines ofthe fami BlueHiat cyber security con- Ferenc in Teli. ‘As more and WELCOME TO METRO.US! President Trump is following through on his campaign promise to repeal Obamacae, but the cost of health care reform will vary from state to state, Wallethub haste ist on which states sand t lose the most ‘metro.us/health PLAY TO WIN $100! 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Suite © Difficulty Standing [ Heaviness and Swelling TP) rcester Rd, Suite 13, Framingham, MA 01701 METROUS WEEKEND, JANUARY 27:29, 2017 4 NEWS / x ee ody Cota’ pce mthe sh cumsroresernmesey “My Home|" by nds Oarison cus Feu Student artists add politics to portraiture An exhibit at Lesley person, tobea likeness for University explores. that person” Cherry sid But in the cases ofthese, feelings about the the portrait is used to rep- current political resent not just a person climate. and what they look like, “REPRESENT: Politics climate ut anidea,aconceptand and ort wisn roussant political narrative” 1 hrstndakota Cotard, a 20yearold ing vsomewsiw@neseis junior at Lesley, said that nt he isn't really’ “political” In his 1994 hit “Juicy” Nottosaythathisartwork Biggie Smalls raps “If you isn't’ serious, he said. don't know, now you But just being a black know.” male in America right But on a portrait of now is political, Cotard so many people on cam the rapper in a new Les- knows. He's been think pus saying that they were ley University exhibit, ing about topics like po- going to leave the coun. the line is changed just lice brutality, and how try if Donald Trump was slightly enough to Rave some people are ignorant elected. a Whole new mean- of those issues, “T felt really strongly ing “If you don’t know, “I feel like there are that I didn’t want to be you should know. a lot of things people scared out of my own Rocky Cotard, a clearly have the avenue country or own home, a 2oyearold junior at Les- to know about,” such as place where I have a right ley, created the artwork police brutality, Cotard to be,” she said. "People foran exhibit called “REP- said, but “even though should feel that way, not RESENT: Politics and Por- they've heard about it, feel bullied by a scary traiture.” His is one of 15 they try to be ignorant. time” pieces on view until Feb, They uy to act as though Her portrait in the 21 at the Raizes Gallery at the problems don't exist.” show is of a young wom: Lesley University’s Lunder They should know. an who appears to be Arts Center Moseh Tucker decided wearing a headscarf, the The exhibit prompted to offer to the exhibit words, “This is my home students to apply a per painting titled “King and you can’t scare me’ sonal political issue toa Mens” or “King Vic.” overlay her image. larger conversation, Les- which he said is “both a Cherry said. that the ley professor Matthew commentary on today's show isdiverse not only in henry said influential figures within the portraits’ subjects and Cherry ‘helped org the African-American mediums, but in perspec nize the’student show as community and the lack tives, which is what can well as an accompanying of Black/African imagery spur powerful discussions. exhibit called “Impoliteic _ in classic paintings. “The more people we Politics"That show will “Itend to dive into my add tothetable, we're able be just down the hall at own. subconscious when to have really broad con: Lesley's Roberts Gallery coming up with ideas for _versations,” he said. “But and features three profes- paintings,” he said of his if you're excluding some- sional artists’ largescale work body because of race, a portrait paintings on po- Linda Danison, _a_ perceived weakness "in litical issues like LGBTQ 22yearold Lesley gradu- general, a perceived moral rights and racial profiling. ate, painted her piece issue with sexuality, then ‘In the past, portraits rightafter the presidential you're excluding that di- were used to represent a election. 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EDELMAN FINANCIAL PLANNING Advisory services offered through Edelman Financial Services, LLC. Securities offered through EF Legacy Securities, LLC, an affiiated broker/dealer, memiber FINRA/SIPC, METROUS 6 NEWS WEEKEND, JANUARY 27-29, 2017 Boston protesters respond quickly to Trump’s sanctuary city vow er Alavsut led by Boston tax “One day without im- | ovness agains the sate was migrants,” the protes- | dismissed by a federal judge tors asked commuters to | earlier thisweek ina move that envision their communi- | Uber haiss a victory ties without immigrants. | The Boston Tax Owners “If we had a boycott, | Associaton aimed that the if, we had a general | commonwealth new aw requ Boston and sur- rounding cities like Cambridge and Somerville have adopted sanctuary policies. strike ... one day with- | lating riding seices such out immigrants, what | asUberand ft dsadvanaged eration would this country Took | cabouness Etenenere like?” protest organizer | US. Disc Judge Nathaniel Gloribel Mota told The | Gorton denied the asociations Boston's immigrant Boston Globe. The group | move for an junction of the community took to the was from the Boston | lav,writinginhisordrthat, User sopmeaacamecs streets Thursday morn- chapter of the Cosecha | “pnts have nt alleged that ing in protest, less than Movement. thecommonveath has evoked, rights to make exusiity he a day. after President There are about eight | suspended orimpeded its ability continued. Donald Trump vowed to million undocumented | ‘ouseits tax] medalions “This tling sa victor for crack down on comm. immigrants working | The Massachusetts law the thousands of divers who nities that harbor undoc- _Ptestesheld th bre pon an overpass he Sure Tune in the US., making up | esabished diferent equa partner ith Uber to ear exible umented immigrants. ance.rwmaven about 5 percent of the | ‘ions fortanspotaton network income and milions of riders Boston and surround- US. workforce, accord- | companies, or NCS suchas wo use Uber as an affordable ing cities like Cam- that kind of safe harbor place an unnecessary ing to Pew Research | Uber andlyf, thanfortavs. The reliable way to move around bridge and Somerville to immigrants who are strain on state and fed- Center data. If Trump | assodations await caimedthat the commonwealth? an Uber offer sanctuary policies in the country illegally. _eral resources. follows through with | wasunconsttuionaland harmful representative sai, that provide protec Mayor Marty Walsh But this morning in promises of mass depor- | totheirbusiness “he tal owners had led tions from deportation and others have vowed East Boston, several doz- tations, industries like | The ost Tai Owner’ this suit in September; mre to nonviolent, undocu- to. uphold sanctuary en proimmigrant dem- farming and construc | Assodations’‘soledlaim sthat than 30 ther Bostnrarea ab mentedimmigrants who policies despite the po- onstrators challenged _ tion stand to lose 26 per- | theloss of marketexcusvty companies fled a similar lawsuit are charged with minor tential loss of millions in that notion. cent and 15 percent of | caused bythe enaciment ofthe in December. offenses. On Wednes- federal aid. Holding a 20foot- workers, respectively. | new TNCstatute as diminished ‘Aphone message left day, Trump threatened Opponents of sanctu- long banner with the For" more about | thevalueoftheirmedalions” withthe attomey forthe taxi to pull federal funding ary city provisions con- phrase, “Un dia sin in- planned protests, visit | Corton wote association was not immediately from cities that provide tend illegal immigrants migrantes,” Spanish for, —metro.us. Butthe ax owners have “no returned. KRISTIN TOUSSAINT P Government Center Garage ‘TREMONT TEMPLE Baptist CHURCH 7 1 presents The Solution For Snow! A Musical Celebration in Honor of Black History Month Saturday, February 4, 2017 at 4PM Featuring Boston Children’s Choir HTC Brotherhood Choir Marva Hunt, Soloist The New England Conservatory Gospel Ensemble TTBC Choir Sheryl Fernandes, P&W Park for $4” per day wi and more... ht & Weekend Monthly Pa S25 yermnt Grace "Park for $17" per day with % forthe °% 24/7 Monthly Pa ig Page Human Race For by grace you have been saved through faith More Discount Programs Available And this is not your own doing; it 617-227-0385 ‘Tremont Temple Baptist Church @ 88 Tremont Street @ Boston, MA 02108. GOvVERNMENTCENTERGARAGE.COM (617) 523-7320 m wwrvctremonttemple org, sader $375 per month the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8 (ESV) METROUS ‘WEEKEND, JANUARY 27.29, 2017 We want your pics! ‘Send Metro your photos to be featured in next Friday's fssue. Post your best local photos to Instagram or “Twitter using the hashtag #metropcsnyc/¥metropcspily/#metrapicsboston to not only se them in our Paper, but also on Metro.us and ou social media pages. rmuccuov@ aemysacea START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT: GET READY FOR THE SPRING HOME BUYING MARKET! Make that New Year's Resolution to buy your new home a reality with the help of the Boston Home Center! Join us for a special Saturday Meet the Lender and Realtor Plus and take a class: Homebuyer Financing Programs 9:15 & 10:00 Structuring Your Finances for Homeownership 10:15-11:45 Learn what you need to know, and Meet the Lenders and Realtors that can help buy that home in 2016! JOIN US! REGISTER TODAY AND RESERVE YouR SEAT! www.bostonhomecenter.com 617.635.HOME (4663) ae, POSTON HOME CENTER For more information, visit or call: ‘www.bostonhomecenter.com 617.635.HOME (4663) City of Boston Reco «= fe) Mayor Martin J. Walsh Devstcpment ea, NEWS 7 Trump administration debates designating Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist group TITTTE the entire Brotherhood a terrorist group would complicate relations with, Turkey, a key American ally in the fight against Islamic State, and where ‘A debate is under way in the Trump administration about whether the United States should declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization and subject it to US. sanc- the Islamistrooted AKP tions, according to US. of Party that dominates the ficials and people close to Turkish government of President Donald Trump's transition team. ‘Afaction led by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is in power. Tu- nisia’s Islamist Ennahda Michel yon eras Michael Flynn, Trump's Party has also partic National Security Advi- ut said it was ultimately pated in democratic elec. sor, wants to add the unclear when oreven if tions Brotherhood to the State the administration ulti- ‘The Muslim Brother- Department and US. mately would go ahead hood in Egypt, the coun- Treasury lists of foreign _with such a move. tuys oldest Islamist move terrorist organizations, the sources said “Lknow it has been discussed. I'm in favor of it,” said a Trump transition advisor, who declined to be named. because of the sensitivity of the issue. Other Trump advisors, as well as many veteran, onal security, diplo- tic, law enforcement intelligence officials 1e the Brotherhood ‘ment, was designated as a terrorist organization in that country in 2013. It isnot clear which faction within the US. evolved peacefully insome counties 2c Sen, Ted Cruz and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart this The adviser said people loseto Trump's month introduced legisla- Hynn’s team discussed entourage. tion to add the Brother adding the group to the ‘They worry that a hood to the terrorist list US. list of terrorist groups US. move to designate sams The Neighborhood Home Initiative (NHI) gives first-time homebuyers the chance to participate in a lottery to purchase an affordable single or two-family home in Boston. With SIX new homes available now, and more coming soon, NOW is the time to see if you qualify! APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE NOW! www.bostonhomecenter.com 617.635.4663 City of Boston Regiborros, Qa Mayor Martin J, Walsh Development 8 NEWS METROUS WEEKEND, JANUARY 27:29, 2017 Crisis deepens as Trump floats 20 percent tax on Mexico goods to pay for wall Mexico ships 80 per- cent of its exports to the US, and around half of Mexico's foreign direct invest- ment has come from its northern neighbor over the last two decades. er tax overhaul package that the US, Congress is contemplating, White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters on Thursday. It was not immedi- ately clear how the tax ‘would work. Parts of the proposal that Spicer de- scribed resemble an ex- isting idea, known as a border adjustment tax, being considered by the Republican-led US. House of Representatives. Spicer said: “We have a new tax at $50 billion at 20 percent of imports — which is, by the way. a practice that 160 other ‘counties do right now.” “Our county's policy is to tax exporis and let imports flow freely in, which is ridiculous. Butby doing it that way we can do $10 billion a year and ‘easily pay for the wall. just, through that mechanism alone," Spicer told report- fers traveling with Trump to Philadelphia. ‘The White House later on Thursday said it was not endorsing the border adjustment tax. No fur ther details were avail able, ‘Addressing Republican, members of Congress at a meeting in Philadelphia, ‘Trump stid he and Pena Nieto had agreed to can- cel the meeting, adding it Would be fruitless if Mext codid not treat the United States “fairly”, “Tve said many times that the American people President Donald ‘Trump could pay for a wall on the southern border with a new 20 percent tax ‘on goods from Mexico, the White House said on Thursday, deepening a qrisis after plans for a ‘summit with the Mexican president fell apart. Trump wants the mea sure to be part of a broad- United South End Settlement Harriet Tubman House Microsoft Office Administrative Training Boston MAGES Taxe THE NEXT STEPS TOWARD YOUR FUTURE! Inro SESSIONS ON 1/30 AND 2/6, 11:00 AM A 12.week traning designed to help law skilled and low-wage workers improve their technology and sot skils Eligibility Requirements: + Commit to 12 weeks of training “Be a Boston resident + Be able to type at least 15 wpm + Provide a resume and two references + Have a high school diploma or equivalent + Poss assessments in reading and digital literacy nd willing to wark. Job placement services for students upon completion. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call Kobe at (617) 375-8142 or es @ email [email protected] Class dates: February 27- May 26 Monday - Thursday: 8:30AM - 2:30PM Fridays: 9:30AM - 12:30 PM deal candidates must be al + FIRE RETARDANT CHEST © FITS 9X12 ENVELOPES * KEY LOCKING LID four-w 13172" out jour. wart] 43/e" |103/4"] 7 LBs COMPARE AT $52 SALE PRICE $28 BENTON CLEARANCE STORE 230 FRIEND ST., BOSTON - NEAR NORTH STATION OPEN: TUE-FRI 10AM-5PM TEL. 617-523-3162 san atmosphere of crisis in the United States goingto last a long time. Weare going to have to get used to living like this.” Cian ' diger removes sand ifs rm the Wexcan ideo the US-Mesco order fence on September 28, 206. crm mcs summit earlier in the week, when it became lear that Trump was go- ing to go ahead with mes- sures to build the wall and lamp down on immigrs- tion. “There is_an_atmo- sphere of crisis in the United States and it is go- ing to last a long time. We are going to have to get used to living like this,” he said on Mexican radio, will not pay for the wall,” Trump told the gathering. “Unless Mexico is going to treat the United States fairly, with respect, such a meeting would be fruit. less and I want to goa dif. ferent route.” Trump views the wall, a major promise during his election campaign, as part of a package of measures to cub illegal immigration. Mexico has long insisted it will not heed Trump's demands to pay for the construction project. The United States runs a $58.8 billion trade deficit with Mexico, ac cording to the latest US, government figures. But Mexico is also the United States’ second-largest ex- port market. Former foreign minis. ter Jorge Castaneda said the Mexican government should have canceled the Want to be Beach Body Perfect for the ~ New Year? Only $500 per Get Rid of COOLSCULPTING Excess Fat treatment area for a and Cellulite limited time only. Now! Call Boston Acne and Cosmetic Specialists today at 888-380-3222 or visit www.bostoncosmeticspecialists.com 1260 Cambridge st. Cambridge, MA 02139 >) Boston ACNE & COSMPrrc METROUS ‘WEEKEND, JANUARY 27.29, 2017 MBA or EMBA: Which one’s right for you? Know the facts Admissions before you apply. requirements Another difference WORLD tetween the two degrees is that they are MBA catered to professionals "at different stages in TOUR iiereuesr Ets are designed for managers Often, the executive __with extensive prior MBA (EMBA) is miscon- work experience, gener- strued to be a superior ally in the range of 10 to form of MBA study, but 15 years, substantially the truth is the two de- more than the three to grees hold equal cachet five years usually held WORLDMBA 9 on graduation. What by MBA candidates. does set them apart Full-time MBA admis- is their purpose and sions also place more delivery format, factors _ emphasis on GMAT which lead to entirely scores as a way to help different experiences. __ differentiate candidates Here are some points during the selection. to consider in your de- process. EMBA admis- cision-making process __sions, on the other and when meeting with hand, often do not schools at fairs, like the require standardized QS World MBA tour, to. entrance exam scores, discuss options Slthough some EMBA programs, such as Co Program lumbia Business School, allow you to take a new pace, length & EMBA-oriented version curriculum of the GMAT. Addition- Metaphorically speak Sly, for the EMBA, i's ing, while an EMBA can especially important beseenasasseries of for proof that you have sprints, the MBA can be support from your likened toa marathon, current employer as Though program length workstudy balance will vary by school, will impact on program the principal differ. Success ence is that the EMBA is always parttimeto Return on. accommodate working professionals. Typically, investment some ofthe learning Both MBA and EMBA takes place by distance candidates can expect andjor online, while a salary increase upon in-person EMBA classes graduation. EMBA are held on weekends, graduates saw an aver- evenings or even at dif age salary boost of 12 ferent locations around percent, according to a the world. For example, 2016 survey of US. pro- UCLA Anderson offers | grams by EMBAC. MBAS, . two EMBA options: one by comparison — with fully in-person and the much more to gain as other split between half they tend to be earlier in-person, half online. on in their careers — 7 Both options require all saw an increase of 75, students to complete a _ percent in compensa- one-week international tion postgraduation, ‘component, according to a 2015 QS While both EMBA . ROI (return on invest- and MBA curricula ment) report looking at Cover the same core mathe US. and Canada. = 3 - h THE Wms Toe BIS Harvard, #Wharton, *Columbia, Boston University telat, EMEA progeams OF couse, degree fot, Ga AMS RMMMEY | Questrom, Boston College, Northeastern University iene ms oer ewes sat also has significant Suffolc University - Sawyer, Bentley University, ecaves AS TUCIMBA, financlal implications Boston MBA Event Brandeis International Business School, University of Students will often here. EMBA students Monday, January 30th ga eaparigi al Business School Ung ‘enjoy more freedom earn a full-time sal- Hilton Boston Back Bay ma if when selecting classes, ary while studying and ‘5:00pm 9:00pm Represented by Alumni with the possibility of don’t incur the same You can attend any time between taking a concentration) cots anoiated with re ‘5:00pm-9:00pm SECURE YOUR PLACE TODAY: However, there are ‘MBA program. TopMBA.com/MetroBoston also targeted EMBAS, _VSIAAWUDRAGOMC ‘such as Yale's program focusing on health care, In partnership with or the University of the QS World MBA tour Miami's EMBA aimed at and the QS World Grad NEL stars. School tour TAMA MORENO eMeto805 Milla Jovovich is playing favorites. She's asked. which “Resident "Evil" she prefers, ‘Undoubtedly, this one,” she says. It's her sixth go as. Alice, the security operative. turned-hero against both the zombie revolution and the bioengineering corporation that caused it, In the first entry, from 2001, Alice awoke with amnesia. Every film has found her battling the undead and com: pany minions, all while searching for the truth of her past. That, apparently, ar rives in. “Resident Bvil: The Final Chapter, which is what draws the it's actress (and_ musician, model and fashion de signer) to it. “I love that Alice finally discovers her own story and who she really is.” As the franchise's (al leged!) swan song, the experience couldn't help but be bittersweet. “I met my husband making that movie. Now [have two beauti ful kids,” Jovovich says of the firsi, while refer ring to filmmaker Paul WS. Anderson. The two wed in 2009, ‘and he's now directed her in not only four of the “RE.” films, but also 2011's “The Three Musketeers,” in which she played the villainous Milady. Jovovich and’ Ander son's first daughter, Ever Anderson, makes an ap- pearance in “The Final Chapter” playing the evil Red Queen. “I'm very proud of ” Jovovich says. here's nothing _more magical than sharing the set with your daughtei ‘The sctress, now 41, finds it tricky. balanc ing motherhood with her status as one of the screen's great ass-kick: ers, When she was shoot ing this last film back in 2015, she had just given birth to. her second daughter, Dashiel Edan. “Itwas definitely a big challenge to go into su perheroine mode, then go back to the role of mom,” she says. “It was a bit more difficult than it usually is for me to lose weight and get in shape to be Alice, But I worked harder to achieve it.I fol lowed a very strict diet that worked, But I have to say, at first I thought, “Wow, this is never going ita lovovich mak Sow a Ale, the Hee HE FUN STARTS HI Asked what she'd do if con: fronted with to happen.” Sul, Jovovich will always find Alice to be an_ inspiration. an actual ‘When I wake up zombie, she in the mornings has a short and do not feel my reply best, [can pull out “Probably my inner Alice to run. ‘ep me. going in the right direc tion,” she says. And she swears "The 4 Final Chap. ter” really isthe fin chapter, complete the circle of the — story,” she explains, “No matter how hard it is to say goodbye T have to doit

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