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A metric approach for sound propagation in nematic liquid crystals ∗ E. Pereira Instituto de F´ısica, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Campus A.C. Sim˜oes, 57072-900, Macei´o, AL, Brazil. S. Fumeron Laboratoire d’E´nerg´etique et de M´ecanique Th´eorique et Appliqu´ee, CNRS UMR 7563, Nancy Universit´e, 54506, Vandœuvre Cedex, France. F. Moraes 3 Departamento de F´ısica, CCEN, Universidade Federal da Para´ıba, 1 58051-970, Caixa Postal 5008, Jo˜ao Pessoa, PB, Brazil. 0 2 In the eikonal approach, we describe sound propagation near to topological defects of nematic n liquid crystal as geodesics of a non-euclidian manifold endowed with an effective metric tensor. a The relation between the acoustics of the medium and this geometrical description is given by J Fermat’sprinciple. Wecalculatetheraytrajectoriesandproposeadiffractionexperimenttoretrieve 1 informations about theelastic constants. 2 PACSnumbers: 43.20.Wd, 43.20.Dk,43.20.El,61.30.Jf ] t f o I. INTRODUCTION Despite (2) represents only a three-dimensional non- s Euclidean manifold, the corresponding geodesics are . t Numberofsystemsincondensedmatterphysicscanbe equaltothenullonesinastaticfour-dimensionalpseudo- a m described by the same mathematical structures as those riemannian manifold with the time coordinate [4]. Since describing the gravitational field in General Relativity: wewilldealwithstaticrefractiveindexes,whenevercon- - d this is the core of the analogue gravity (or effective ge- sideringthetime,thetimecoordinateappearsintheline n ometry) programme [1]. In General Relativity, gravita- element o tion is accounted by the distortions of spacetime, which ds2 = c2dt2+dΣ2, (3) c is modeled by a pseudo-riemannian manifold [2] of sig- − [ nature (-,+,+,+). The properties of this spacetime are where c is the speed ofthe light in vacuum and dΣ2 rep- 1 encompassed in the metric tensor g (or simply metric) resents the spatial line element obtained by the method v andotherquantitiesderivedfromit,suchastheRiemann thatwillbeexposedinthispaper. Forthestudythatwill 9 tensor or the Ricci scalar. Free-falling particles follow be developed here, c is the velocity of the sound in the 3 trajectoriescorrespondingtothe geodesics(curvesofex- materialofinterestwhenitishomogeneousandisotropic. 0 5 tremallength)ofthe manifold. Inparticular,lightpaths In this paper, we will apply this gravitational anal- . correspond to the null geodesics of spacetime ogy to describe the sound propagation in liquid crystals 1 [5–7], materials raising a considerable interest as they 0 3 ds2 =gµνdxµdxν =0, (1) are both theoretically challenging [8–10] and of practi- 1 cal interest (PVA screens, q-plates or cellphones [11]). : where ds2 is the square of elementary length along the Theyaremadeofanisotropicmolecules(disc-likeorrod- v i geodesic and the gµν are the covariant components of g like)thatpresentmeta-statesbetweenthecrystallineand X (the Einstein summation convention is assumed, where liquid phases. One of these meta-states is the nematic r greekindices refer to spacetimecoordinatesandlatinin- phase: the molecules’ axis are oriented on average along a dices are related to spatial ones). a specific direction called director (represented by the As light trajectories can also be curved when crossing versornˆ) whereas their centers of mass are randomly lo- a refractive medium, Fermat’s principle can be stated in cated. Once in the nematic phase, the refractive index, terms of an effective geometry [2, 3]. For a given refrac- the sound velocity and other macroscopic properties be- tiveindexn(~r),where~r isthepositionvectorofthelight come anisotropic. Moreover, the nematic phase can ex- wavefront, the light trajectories are interpreted as the hibit birefringence, as the director plays the role of the geodesics ofa non-Euclideanspace with the line element optical axis [5, 6, 12]. dΣ2 The gravitational analogy will be based on Fermat’s principle, once it can also be used to determine sound dΣ2 =n2(~r)(dx2+dy2+dz2), (2) trajectories [13]. The local speed of sound plays the role of the speed of light in General Relativity and sound propagates along the null geodesics of the acoustic met- ric. Theinterestofusingthisanalogy(or,moreproperly, ∗ Correspondingauthor: erms@fis.ufal.br thisgeometricalapproach)isthatithelpsunderstanding 2 from a different point of view several problems dealing or with acoustics (for example, tomographic image recon- N2sin2α N2cos2α struction via ray tracing [14], flight time in acoustical p + p =v. (5) vρ vρ waveguides[15],problemsusingvariationalmethod[16]) C11 C33 or nematoacustics [17]. Wewillconsiderthesoundpropagationaroundapunc- Following [7], we define the refractive index vector N~p ≡ ttoupalol(ocgailclaelddheefedcgthoogf)thaendneamalitniecaprh(acsaelloedf adilsiqculiindatciroyns)- vvpkˆ and denote by index ⊥ (resp. //) components of vec- tors that are orthogonal (resp. parallel) to director nˆ. tal with rod-like molecules [5–7, 18]. Sound trajectories Thus, the components of N~ are N = N sinα and will be exhibited and the diffraction patterns will be de- p p⊥ p N =N cosα. For acoustic waves in anisotropic crys- termined in the perspective of retrieving the elastic con- p// p tals (which is the case of a liquid crystal in its nematic stants of the liquid crystalline medium. phase [20, 22]), it is known that v~ kˆ=v = v~ N~ =v. (6) g p g p II. ANALOG MODEL OF ANISOTROPIC · ⇒ · LIQUID CRYSTALS Identifying (6) with (5), we found the components of v~ g A. Acoustic aspects v = Np⊥; v = Np//. (7) g⊥ vρ g// vρ C11 C33 The specific structure of the liquid crystal in nematic Introducing β asthe angle betweenv~ andnˆ, then alter- g phaseallowstwokindsofacousticwavestoexist[5,6,19], nate expressions for the group velocity components are similarly for sound in solid crystals [20, 21]: the ordi- v = v/N sinβ and v = v/N cosβ. Thus, the use nary wave, that behaves as inside an isotropic medium, g⊥ g g// g of (7) in (6) results in andthe extraordinary one that depends onthe anglebe- v tween the direction of the propagation and the director v =v~ N~ = N sinβ+N cosβ nˆ. For each kind of wave, one usually defines two char- g· p Ng p⊥ p// acteristic velocities: the phase velocity, which points in v2 vρ (cid:0) vρ (cid:1) the directionofthewavevector~k,andthe group velocity = N2 C sin2β+ C cos2β . that is orientedsimilarly to the acousticPoyntingvector g (cid:18) 11 33 (cid:19) S~ (in general, not parallel to ~k) and indicates the direc- Finally, we obtain tion of energy propagation. The phase velocity v of the p v2ρ v2ρ extraordinary wave, for a liquid crystal in the nematic N2(β)= sin2β+ cos2β. (8) g C C phase with the director nˆ orientated on the z-direction, 11 33 can be measured by the pulse-superposition technique In the next section, we will discuss about the connec- [12], producing the expression tion between the acoustic group index and the effective metric experienced by sound in the nematics. C +(C C )cos2α v2(α)= 11 33− 11 , (4) p ρ (cid:0) (cid:1) B. Geometric aspects where ρ is the density, α is the angle between the wave vector~kandnˆ [5,6]. Thisrelationexpressesthataliquid We intent to study the paths followed by the extraor- crystalcanbeviewedasasimple solidwithlinearelastic dinary ray. This can be achieved by applying Fermat’s constants in the x- and y- directions both equal to C11 principle [23], for which the path followed by sound be- and in the z-direction equal to C33 [5, 19]. Additionally, tween points A and B is the one that minimizes the in- the smallest portion of liquid crystal where the director tegral can be defined presents local cylindrical symmetry and B therefore, we will consider (4) to be locally valid for any F = N (β)dl, (9) configuration of the director nˆ (even in the presence of g ZA defects as in sections IIIA and IIIB). where l is the arc length of the path. As pointed out The proceduretoobtainN (β) reliesfirstlyonthe de- g by Joets and Ribotta [24] for light inside an anisotropic termination of v (α) and phase refractive index N (α). p p To determine the latter, one replaces (4) in N2 = v2 , crystal,the use ofFermat’s principle to determine sound p v2(α) paths is equivalent to calculating the null geodesics of a p where v is the velocity of sound in the isotropic phase of manifold with line element dΣ2 = g dxidxj, where i,j ij the liquid crystal, obtaining thisnullgeodesicisthecurvethatminimizestheintegral P v2ρ B N2 = , dΣ. (10) p C sin2α+C cos2α 11 33 ZA 3 The mathematicalresemblanceofthe twopreviousideas in the application of (9) and (10) suggests one to make the identification N2(β)dl2 = g dxidxj =dΣ2, (11) g ij i,j X where dl2 is recognized as the Euclidean line element. Still according to Joets and Ribotta, the resulting space is a Finslerian one. However, due to the symmetry of theliquidcrystalmoleculesandthe spatialconfiguration of the director nˆ in the applications where this metric FIG. 1. Hedgehog and (k = 1,c = 0)-disclination defects. approach will be applied, the Riemannian geometry is The arrows represent the director nˆ. enough to describe the sound propagation[25, 26]. Thus, substituting (11) in (3), we found the general expression of the line element experienced by the sound ofthenematicphase: thepunctualdefectcalledhedgehog, wave in cylindrical coordinates withdirector nˆ =rˆwrittenin sphericalcoordinates,and the linear defect called disclination with director nˆ = ρˆ ds2 = c2dt2 written in cylindrical coordinates (Fig. 1). − (12) +N2(β) dr2+r2dθ2+dz2 To determine the acoustic metric associated to an g hedgehogdefect,thestrategyistoexpresscosβ andsinβ and the covariant compon(cid:0)ents of the acoustic(cid:1)metric re- in terms of the laboratoryframe coordinates,by the Eu- lated to the line element (12) are clideanlineelementdl2 =dr2+r2 dθ2+sin2θdφ2 ,sub- stitute them in (8) and we obtain the g ’s by (11). ij c2 0 0 0 In Frenet-Serret frame [28], the(cid:0)position vector(cid:1)along − g= 0 Ng2(β) 0 0 . (13) the sound path R~ = rrˆ and the tangent vector T~(l) are 0 0 r2Ng2(β) 0 related by  0 0 0 N2(β)   g    dR~ d(rrˆ) dr drˆ T~(l)= = = rˆ+r . (16) Form the standpoint of sound, an anisotropic medium dl dl dl dl can thus be mimicked by an effective gravitational field. As for light,the WKB (or shortwavelength)approxima- As T~(l) has the same direction as v~g, then tionenablesto identify soundpathstothe nullgeodesics dr of the effective metric g. In pseudo-Riemannian geome- T~ nˆ =cosβ = r˙. (17) try [2, 4, 27], the curve that minimizes the line element · dl ≡ ds2 is obtained from the geodesic equation From the modified Euclidean line element d2xµ dxµdxσ +Γµ =0, (14) 1=r˙2+r2 θ˙2+sin2θφ˙2 , dτ2 νσ dτ dτ (cid:16) (cid:17) with τ a parameter alongthe geodesicand Γµ the com- one identifies νσ ponents of the Riemannian connection sinβ = r2 θ˙2+sin2θφ˙2 . (18) 1 ∂g ∂g ∂g Γµ = gµξ ξσ + νξ νσ . (15) r νσ 2 ∂xν ∂xσ − ∂xξ (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:18) (cid:19) Thereplacementof(17)and(18)in(8)resultsintheline In the next section, we will apply these equations to element study sound propagation near defects occurring in the ρv2 ρv2 nematic phase of liquid crystals. dΣ2 = dr2+ r2 dθ2+sin2θdφ2 , C C 33 11 (cid:0) (cid:1) which gives the effective metric for sound in the vicinity III. APPLICATIONS of a hedgehog defect. The rescaling of the radial coordi- nate of this equation by r˜ ρ vr produces A. Sound paths near a defect in nematics ≡ C33 q When a liquid crystal transits from the liquid (or dΣ2 =dr˜2+b2r˜2 dθ2+sin2θdφ2 , (19) isotropic) phase to nematic one, defects (points or lines) canarisespontaneously,causingareorientationofthedi- whereb2 C33. Therefores(cid:0)oundpathsaret(cid:1)hegeodesics ≡ C11 rector. We will focus ontwo different topologicaldefects of(19),thatisthespatialpartoflineelementofaglobal 4 Here,we denoteby ∂ ∂ , g arethe componentsof µ ≡ ∂xµ µν the metric g(determinantg)givenby eq. (19). We have alsousedtheconventionoftherepeatedindexesforsum- mations. Solutions are the usual harmonic plane waves of the form Φ=Φ(t,r,θ,φ)=e−iωtψ(r,θ,φ), where ω is the wave pulsation. The spherical symmetry of the problem allow us to ∞ write ψ(r,θ,φ)=ψ(r,θ)= a R(r)P (cosθ), where l=0 l l l P (cosθ) are the Legendre polynomials of order l and l P a are worthless constants for the partial wave method. l Applying ψ(r,θ) in Φ(t,r,θ,φ) and expanding (22), we FIG.2. Soundtrajectoriesontheequatorialplaneofahedge- obtain the radial equation hog in a liquid crystal with b=0.9. This result is similar to sound trajectories on z =Cst plane near to a (k =1,c=0)- R′′(r)+2Rl′(r) + ω2 l(l+1) R (r)=0, (23) disclination lying on thez direction with b=0.9. l r − b2r2 l (cid:20) (cid:21) ′ where R (r) ∂ R (r). Solutions to this equation are monopole [29], and they are depicted on Fig. (2) for l ≡ r l Bessel functions of the first kind R (r)=J (r), where l n(l) b=0.9. We now study the case of disclinations. These defects 1 1 1 2 1 b2 2 are expressed in terms of parameters k and c [7], which n(l)= l+ − . are related to director in cylindrical coordinates by b "(cid:18) 2(cid:19) − 4 # ~n=(cos(kφ+c),sin(kφ+c),0). (20) When b=1, we recoverthe flat space and the last equa- tionbecomesl+1. Thephase shift δ (b)ofthescattered Repeating the same procedure as for hedgehog defects, 2 l wave is we obtain a generalized effective metric, similar to one found in [26] π 1 δ (b)= l+ n(l) l dΣ2 = ρ2 cos2α+ ρ2 sin2α dr2 2 (cid:18) 2 − (cid:19) 1 (cid:18)C33 C11 (cid:19) π 1 1 1 2 1 b2 2 + ρ2 sin2α+ ρ2 cos2α r2dφ2 (21) = 2 l+ 2 − b "(cid:18)l+ 2(cid:19) − −4 # .(24) C C (cid:18) 33 11 (cid:19)   ρ2 ρ2 Theangulardistributionofthescatteredsoundisgiven 2 sinαcosα rdrdφ, by [30] the differential scattering cross section σ(θ) − C − C (cid:20) (cid:18) 11 33(cid:19) (cid:21) where α = kφ + c. In the case of (k = 1,c = 0)- ∞ 2 1 disclination, the geodesics are represented on Fig. 2. σ(θ) f(θ)2 = (2l+1)(e2iδl 1)Pl(cosθ) , Equations(19)and(21) areexamples ofeffective met- ≡| | (cid:12)2iω − (cid:12) (cid:12) Xl (cid:12) ricsexperiencedbythesoundclosetotopologicaldefects (cid:12) ((cid:12)25) (cid:12) (cid:12) in nematic liquid crystals. In the next section, they will (cid:12) (cid:12) serve as basis for calculations beyond the WKB approx- where f(θ) is called scattering amplitude. The spherical imation to determine scattering sections. symmetry of the scattering generates an annular diffrac- tionpattern,aringofsound. Theangularlocationofthe maximumofsound is givenby eq. (25), as it is shownin B. Acoustical diffraction by defects in nematics Fig. (3). An analytical expression for the location of the light The connection between geometric and wave optics is diffraction ring scattered by a global monopole defect in well-known: inthe WKBapproximation,lightraysiden- the real spacetime is found in [32] and a similar one is tify with curves that are tangent at each point to the developed here. The idea is to expand the scattering Poyntingvector[22]. Similarly,sincethe directionofthe amplitude about b2 1 ≈ energy velocity for sound waves defines the direction of f(θ)=f(0)(θ)+f(1)(θ)+..., (26) the sound rays [21], we use the partial wave method [30] to examine the scattering of sound waves by the previ- and to analyze the angular behavior of the first two ous hedgehog defect and indicate its diffraction pattern terms. For the phase shift (24), we make ζ l + 1 (fordisclinations,asimilaranalysiscanbefoundin[31]). ≡ 2 and a2 1−b2, obtaining Sound plane waves obey d’Alembert’s wave equation for ≡ 4 scalar fields: 1 π ζ a2 ∇µ∇µΦ≡ √ g∂µ √−ggµν∂νΦ =0. (22) δl(b)= 2 ζ− bs1− ζ2!. − (cid:0) (cid:1) 5 anisotropicmediasuchasnematicliquidcrystals. Inthis framework,the influence of eachdefect is representedby an effective metric: metrics for hedgehogs are similar to those of global monopoles, whereas (k, c)-disclinations havemorecomplexforms. Soundtrajectoriesanddiffrac- tion patterns are thus modified by the non-trivial met- ric. In particular, sound scattering by hedgehog defects is identical to light scattering by a global monopole. It’s interesting to note the relation between the met- ric approach shown here and Katanaev-Volovich’s the- ory [34]. While Katanaev uses an affine transformation to deform and curve the elastic medium, generating the anisotropic properties, we start from the anisotropic ve- locity to derive the effective metric. We could reinterpretate the obtained results by Cos- mology’s view. Once sound waves can be understood as propagating perturbations in the effective metric gener- FIG. 3. Differential scattering cross section, eq. (25), for a ated by the director field nˆ(~r), they are analog to gravi- hedgehog defect with (b=0.9,ω=1) truncated at l=600. tationalwavespropagatinginatruegravitationalmetric generatedbyacosmicdefect. Thus,the annulardiffrac- Weexpandthislastequationabouta2 0(thatisequiv- tion pattern due to defects in a liquid crystal can also alent to expand about b2 1), resultin≈g in be expected for gravitational waves coming on cosmic ≈ strings or global monopoles. In other words, the diffrac- π 1 a2 tion pattern is a gravitational signature of the presence δ (b) 1 ζ+ +O(a4) . (27) l ≈ 2 − b 2bζ of cosmic defects, and its properties may help retriev- (cid:20)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) ing information about them. Furthermore, considering Substituting (27) in the scattering amplitude, we obtain the weakeffects ofgravitationalwavesonpossibledetec- the first two terms of the expansion, f(0)(θ) and f(1)(θ). tors, we have presented an algebraic result for the angle Theycanbewrittenintermsofthegeneratingfunctions, of the maximum intensity of the scattered gravitational h(θ,α), of the Legendre polynomials waves. Since the scatteredwaveonthis anglehas ampli- ∞ tude greater than incident wave’s one, our results indi- 1 h(θ,α)= eπiαζ(l)P (cosθ)= , catetheangularpositionwheredetectorsofgravitational l 2(cosπα cosθ) wavesmustbeplacetoimprovetheirpowerofdetection. Xl=0 − Another possible extension in this way is the possibil- where α = 1 1. The zero-orderpterm, f(0)(θ), can be ity to test a cosmological mechanisms predicted in the − b written considering the derivative of h(θ,α) paperofT.DamourandA.Vilenkin[35]: fromouranal- ogy,production of sound wavesshould occur by cusps of 1 sinπα f(0)(θ)= , (28) disclinationsinliquidcrystals. Ifrequiredbythereferee, 2√2ω(cosπα cosθ)3/2 we can insert these comments in our article. − and the first-order term, f(1)(θ), can be written consid- In the language of cohomology [36], the Volterra pro- cess for a cosmic string is obtained by a removing of a ering h(θ,α) cylindrical solid angle, whereas the Volterra process of πα2 1 the corresponding antistring is obtained by an addition f(1)(θ)= . (29) 2bω 2(cosπα cosθ) of a cylindrical solid angle. For example, in nematics, − such pair will consist in a (k = 1,c = 0)-disclination, Theequations(28)andp(29)divergewhenθ =θ =πα, with b2 < 1 in its effective metric, being the analogue 0 that is the analytical expression for the angular loca- for a cosmic string, and a (k = 1,c = π/2)-disclination, tion of the diffraction ring. For example, when b = 0.9, withb2 >1 initseffective metric,being the analoguefor θ = π(1 1/0.9) 0.35 rad, as indicated by Fig. (3). the anti cosmic string. As it is known, the annihilation 0 − ≈ For (k = 1,c = 0) disclinations, the same result is ob- of disclinations in nematics, a velocity field is expected tained [31] and they are in agreement with the calcula- near the pairs, keeping the director fixed [37–39]. And, tions derived by Grandjean [33]. as in the analogue models based in moving fluid where the gradientof velocity field maps the gravitationalfield [40],wecouldprevisethepresenceofagravitationalfield IV. CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES in the vicinity of two annihilating cosmic strings. Still in cosmology, topological defects such as cosmic We have developed an effective geometry approach strings and global monopoles appear as a result of sym- to investigate properties of sound propagation inside metrybreakingsduringphasetransitionsoccurringwhile 6 theearlyuniversecooleddown. IntheKibblemechanism of sound waves propagating in nematic liquid crystals. [41], the formation of these defects gives rise to emission Futuredevelopmentsofthisworkconcernontheinflu- of gravitational waves. In liquid crystals, defects appear ence of temperature on elastic constants, directors fluc- as a result of SO(3) symmetry breaking of the isotropic- tuations (corresponding to fluctuations of the metric it- nematic transition phase during cooling. Formation of self [43]) and consequentlyon the soundtrajectoriesand defects also obeys a Kibble mechanism [8, 42]. There- diffractions. Anotherinterestingpathshouldbe the pos- fore, by means of our analogy, we should be able (in sibility of simulating the exterior metric of spherical, principle) to characterize the properties of gravitational uncharged, non-rotating mass, known as Schwarzschild waves (such as polarization for example) from the study metric [2, 4], for sound rays (as it was proposedfor light in [9]). [1] C.Barcelo´, S.Liberati, and M.Visser,LivingRev.Rel- [23] M. Kline and I. W. 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