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Metric Affine Geometry PDF

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metric affine geometry Ernst Snapper Dartmouth College Robert J. Troyer Lake Forest College Academic Press New York and London COPYRIGHT © 1971, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED NO PART OF THIS BOOK MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, BY PHOTOSTAT, MICROFILM, RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, OR ANY OTHER MEANS, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHERS. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. Berkeley Square House, London W1X 6BA LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER: 76-154402 AMS (MOS) 1970 Subject Classification: 50A05,50A10, 50A15; 50B10, 50B35; 50C25; 50D05,50D10 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA To our parents Preface For a long time, the axioms of Euclid and Hilbert were the best for Euclidean geometry, but not any more. The modern source for the axiom systems of all affine and projective geometries, both metric and nonmetric, is linear algebra. Examples of metric affine geometries are the Euclidean geometries of various dimensions, the Lorentz plane, and Minkowski space. Examples of metric projective geometries are the elliptic and hyper­ bolic planes. Linear algebra is the algebraic theory of vector spaces. How can this provide us with axioms for all these different geometries ? Nonmetric affine space of dimension « consists of a set X on which the additive group of an «-dimensional vector space V acts (Chapter 1). The elements of X are the points of the space and the action of a vector of V on these points is a translation of the space. A "metric" is introduced in the affine space X by choosing an inner product (metric) for V (Chapters 2 and 3). Different choices of Kand inner product give rise to the different «-dimensional metric affine spaces. For example, if V is a vector space over the real numbers and the inner product is positive definite, X is «-dimensional Euclidean space. Nonmetric projective space of dimension « has the lines (one-dimensional subspaces) of an (« + l)-dimensional vector space V as its points. The geometry of these lines is «-dimensional projective geometry. If V has been given an inner product, one obtains an «-dimensional metric projective space. For instance, if V is a three-dimensional vector space over the real numbers and the inner product is positive definite, one obtains the elliptic plane as the projective plane. In this way, the axioms for a vector space give rise to axiom systems for all affine and projective, nonmetric and metric geometries. Such unity and simplicity cannot be claimed by the classical axiom systems of Euclid and Hilbert, nor by the Erlangen program of Felix Klein. Furthermore, the axioms systems which come from linear algebra are eminently suited to handle concrete problems in geometry, a virtue the axioms of Euclid and Hilbert do not possess. For these reasons, our book makes no use of the Euclid-Hilbert system or the Erlangen program and only mentions them to give background material or historical tidbits. Nevertheless, it should be realized that we are dealing with precisely the same geometries as are treated by xv xvi PREFACE the classical systems. The geometries have not changed, only the choice of axioms. Chapter 1 develops nonmetric affine geometry, Chapter 2 studies inner products of vector spaces, and Chapter 3 treats metric affine geometry. Chapters 1 and 2 are independent and either can be used for a one-semester (term) course. It will take two semesters (terms) to cover the entire book. Our main disappointment in writing this book has been the omission of a proper treatment of projective geometry because it would have made the book too long. Consequently, we have completely omitted projective geometry, except for background remarks for those readers who already have some knowledge of the subject. Others will probably want to omit our remarks on projective spaces. The prerequisites for this book are a course in linear algebra, not neces­ sarily including the study of inner products, and an elementary course in modern algebra which includes the concepts of group, normal subgroup, and quotient group. Although these prerequisites are light, we make heavy use of them. We assume that the reader can think in terms of vector spaces over an arbitrary field as scalar domain. We judge the level of our book to be advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate. The exercises have been placed in the text where we felt they were most appropriate; they have not been held until the end of each section. A starred exercise is one to which a specific reference is made in the text or in another exercise and should not be omitted. Many exercises have hints and since text material is often covered in the exercises, many of the hints are actually short solutions. Of course, the reader should use the hints only in case of "emergency"; with these hints most of the exercises can be worked by any reader. The numbering system for theorems, propositions, definitions, etc., is based on the principle that the number should tell where the statement can be found. Hence Proposition 378.2 means "the second proposition on page 378." Do not fear that 377 propositions precede it! Exercises are numbered consecutively in each section and Exercise 12.46a means "Part a of Exercise 46 which begins on page 12." Most of the second chapter of this book can be found in E. Artin's book, Geometric Algebra. Our main effort has been to slow Artin's exposition and thereby make the tremendous geometric wealth which his masterpiece harbors available to the advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate student. We hope that anyone who has worked through our second chapter can read Geometric Algebra from the geometric viewpoint which Artin found so important. We fear the level of our book is too high for many high school teachers. Nevertheless, this does not mean that discussions of questions related to PREFACE xvii teaching geometry in high school are out of place in a book such as ours. For example, what does it imply for high school geometry that the proper axioms for Euclidean geometry come from linear algebra? Several questions of this kind have been discussed and we hope the reader finds these discussions of interest. Both authors feel that the geometry curriculum for future high school teachers should be based on linear algebra. However, the level should be modified from that presented in this book. A course along the lines of this book was taught by Snapper at the first Cooperative Summer Seminar held at Cornell University in 1964. Excellent notes ("Metric Geometry Over Affine Spaces") were written by Professor J. T. Buckley of Western Michigan University and distributed by the Mathe­ matical Association of America. A grant from the Course Content Improve­ ment Section of the National Science Foundation made it possible for Troyer to spend the academic year 1965-66 at Dartmouth College where Snapper taught an improved version of the course and Troyer wrote the notes " Metric Geometry of Vector Spaces." These notes were then taught by Professor Sherwood Ebey, Mercer University; Jack Graver, Syracuse University; Roger Lyndon, University of Michigan; E. R. Mullins, Grinnell College; Paul Rygg, Western Washington State College; Jon Sicks, University of Massachusetts; Seymour Schuster, University of Minnesota; and R. J. Troyer, University of North Carolina. The present book is a rewrite of these notes, based on the many fine suggestions by these teacher-friends and their students, and on the careful reviews of the notes by Professors Jean Dieudonne and Roger Lyndon. Even with all this assistance, our book would never have seen the light of day had it not been for the unselfish help and expert typing of Mrs. Ann Hackney and Mrs. Mary Lou Troyer; the generous support from Dartmouth College, Lake Forest College, the University of North Carolina, and the National Science Foundation; and the infinite patience of Academic Press. We are grateful to all who have assisted with the painful birth of our book. SYMBOLS 0 2 origin of vector space SU" 5 A7-dimensional affine space V 6 vector space X 6 nonempty set of points e, xe X 6 x is an element of X x,y 6 unique vector which maps x onto / (X, V, k) 7 affine space R 7 field of real numbers Q 7 field of rational numbers c 7 field of complex numbers T 9 translation of X associated with the vector A A <Ü> 10 if and only if s 10 permutation group of the set X x h 10 the identity mapping of X T: X^X 11 mapping of X intoX 0Ί···} 11 all / such that ··· S(x, U) 11 affine subspace dim 12 dimension c, R <=S 13 R is a subset of 5 n, RnS 14 intersection of sets /? and S 0 14 empty set n s 16 intersection of sets S, i e / t t iel <At> 17 set of multiples of the vector At (yi,-->y) 17 affine coordinates of point y n \w\ 18 cardinality of set W ker/ 22 kernel of a linear function im/ 22 image of a function Θ 22 direct sum S\\ S' 27 parallel affine subspaces => 29 implies Λ:Χ v · · · v xd 35 affine space spanned by the points xlf...,xd S1v -" v Sd 35 affine space spanned by the sets Slr.. .,Sd M(c, r) 38 magnification with center c and magnification ratio r k* 38 multiplicative group of nonzero elements of k Di 40 group of dilations *v 46 integers modulo a prime integer p (p, q)l(x> y) 47 ratio of lengths of line segment (p, q) to (x, y) r^s 52 isomorphism Tr 52 the group of translations of X XIX XX SYMBOLS X{c) 59 tangent space at c Sa 71 the group of semiaffine transformations of X Af 72 group of affine transformations of X Sem 75, 90 the group of semilinear automorphisms of V L(c, λ) 75 semilinear automorphism of X(c) GL(n, k) 90 the general linear group Aut k 93 group of automorphisms of k ±9A±B 115 vectors A and B are orthogonal (perpendicular) Ul W 115 subspaces U and V are orthogonal (perpendicular) u* 116, 148 orthogonal complement of U det 122 determinant PT 124 transpose of matrix P k*2 125 group of squares of k* disc V 125 discriminant of V <Γι,...,Γ > 126 linear subspace of V generated by Y ...,Y Μ lf m rad V 142 radical of V υ®···®υ 144 orthogonal sum of the subspaces U ,.. .,U 8 1 S Art2d 193 Artinian space of dimension 2d ^φ···φσ 197 orthogonal sum of the isometries a...,a 5 lt s a\S 197 the function σ restricted to S det# 215 determinant of the linear transformation g 0(W) 215 group of isometries of W -1κ 217 the function A -> — A *A 219 reflection in the hyperplane </l>* o+(v) 221 group of rotations of V res 252, 317 restriction mapping ext 252 extension mapping 0(V;l) 316 isometries of V with line / as axis 0 + (V;l) 316 rotations of V with line / as axis Ω(Κ) 337 commutator subgroup of 0(V) 0 + (V)2 339 set of squares of 0+(V) 0(V2) 339 set of squares of 0(V) n+(v) 340 commutator subgroup of 0+(V) S(V) 359 group of similarities of V 7Ι®~'®7Η 363 orthogonal sum of the similarities γι,...,γη (x9y)±(b,c) 376 perpendicular oriented line segments {x, y} 1 {b, c} 376 perpendicular line segments Mo 380 group of rigid motions of X Sim 413 group of similarities of X chapter 1 affine geometry 1. INTUITIVE AFFINE GEOMETRY Our subject is geometry and we shall begin with the study of affine geometry. To follow a more historical order, we would begin with Euclidean geometry. However, it seems useful to separate the axioms of affine geometry from those of Euclidean geometry. Roughly speaking, affine geometry is what remains after practically all ability to measure length, area, angles, etc., has been removed from Euclidean geometry. One might think that affine geometry is a poverty-striken subject. On the contrary, affine geometry is quite rich. Even after almost all ability to measure has been removed from Euclidean geometry, there still remains the concept of parallelism. Conse­ quently, the whole theory of homothetic figures lies within affine geometry. The notions of translation and magnification (these are the dilations) are in the domain of affine geometry and, more generally, as the name suggests, affine transformations (one-to-one, onto functions which preserve parallelism) constitute an affine notion. 2 1. AFFINE GEOMETRY The question of how to obtain a rigorous approach to affine geometry arises. We choose to base our axiom system on linear algebra, that is, on the theory of vector spaces. First, let us discuss, on an intuitive level, the con­ nection between plane affine geometry and vector spaces. What is the in­ tuitive notion of the affine plane P over the field of real numbers? The points of P can be viewed as the points of any physical plane. If we fix a particular point 0 of P, we can construct a vector space in a natural way. The vectors are the ordered pairs (0, A) where A e P and we picture such a vector as an arrow from 0 to A (see Figure 2.1). We often write A for the vector (0, A), D Figure 2.1 but this can only be done if it is clear from the context which point is being used as 0, that is, as the common initial point of the vectors. Vectors are added in the usual way by "completing the parallelogram" and we perform scalar multiplication by stretching or contracting the vector in the proper direction. Both operations are pictured in Figure 2.2. A A + B Ο ^— ^B — 71A ·* 1« I« M H o »I H H H ** 71A -3A -2A -A-±A0 \A A 2A 3A Figure 2.2 Thus we have associated a real, two-dimensional vector space with the real affine plane. The main thing to realize is that the construction of this vector space is based solely on notions of parallelism, that is, on affine concepts, and not on Euclidean concepts such as distance. However, this vector space is not unique because it depends on the choice of the point 0 in P. It is true that a different point (V gives rise to an isomorphic vector space,

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