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Preview Methylation-Associated Gene Silencing of RARB in Areca Carcinogens Induced Mouse Oral ...

Hindawi Publishing Corporation BioMed Research International Volume 2014, Article ID 378358, 13 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/378358 Research Article RARB Methylation-Associated Gene Silencing of in Areca Carcinogens Induced Mouse Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Zi-LunLai,1Yung-AnTsou,1,2,3Shin-RuFan,4Ming-HsuiTsai,2,3Hsiao-LingChen,5 Nai-WenChang,6Ju-ChienCheng,4andChuan-MuChen1,7 1DepartmentofLifeSciences,AgriculturalBiotechnologyCenter,NationalChungHsingUniversity, No.250Kao-KuangRoad,Taichung402,Taiwan 2DepartmentofOtolaryngologyHeadandNeckSurgery,ChinaMedicalUniversity,Taichung404,Taiwan 3SchoolofMedicine,CollegeofMedicine,ChinaMedicalUniversity,Taichung404,Taiwan 4DepartmentofMedicalLaboratoryScienceandBiotechnology,ChinaMedicalUniversity,No.91Hsueh-ShihRoad, Taichung404,Taiwan 5DepartmentofBioresources,Da-YehUniversity,Changhwa515,Taiwan 6DepartmentofBiochemistry,CollegeofMedicine,ChinaMedicalUniversity,Taichung404,Taiwan 7RongHsingResearchCenterforTranslationalMedicine,iEGGCenter,NationalChungHsingUniversity,Taichung402,Taiwan CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoJu-ChienCheng;[email protected] andChuan-MuChen;[email protected] Received7May2014;Revised8June2014;Accepted10June2014;Published17August2014 AcademicEditor:CalvinYu-ChianChen Copyright©2014Zi-LunLaietal.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Regardingoralsquamouscellcarcinoma(OSCC)development,chewingarecaisknowntobeastrongriskfactorinmanyAsian cultures.Therefore,weestablishedanOSCCinducedmousemodelby4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide(4-NQO),orarecoline,orboth treatments,respectively.ThesearethemaintwocomponentsofthearecanutthatcouldincreasetheoccurrenceofOSCC.We examined the effects with the noncommercial MCGI (mouse CpG islands) microarray for genome-wide screening the DNA methylationaberrantininducedOSCCmice.Themicroarrayresultsshowed34hypermethylatedgenesin4-NQOplusarecoline inducedOSCCmicetonguetissues.Theexaminationsalsousedmethylation-specificpolymerasechainreaction(MS-PCR)and bisulfitesequencingtorealizethemethylationpatternincollectedmousetonguetissuesandhumanOSCCcelllinesofdifferent grades,respectively.Theseresultsshowedthatretinoicacidreceptor𝛽(RARB)wasindicatedinhypermethylationatthepromoter regionandthelossofexpressionduringcancerdevelopment.Accordingtotheresultsofreal-timePCR,itwasshownthatde novoDNAmethyltransferaseswereinvolvedingeneepigeneticalternationsofOSCC.Collectively,ourresultsshowedthatRARB hypermethylationwasinvolvedintheareca-associatedoralcarcinogenesis. 1.Introduction ThemainriskfactorfordevelopingOSCCischewingareca, especiallyinmanyAsiancultures. Throughouttheworld,oralsquamouscellcarcinoma(OSCC) In a clinical study, the incidence of oral cancer was isoneofthemostcommontypesofcancers.Ithasahighcure elevated28timesforbetelquidusersascomparedtononbetel rateforsmallprimarytumorsandinvolvesthedevelopment quidusers[3].Cigarettesmokinghassynergisticeffectwith of second primary tumors and the long-term survival rate areca chewing, and such users have an 89 times higher is <60% [1]. Furthermore,in Taiwan, accordingto statistics incidenceratethannonusers.Ifonehasthehabitofdrinking, from the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, smoking, and betel quid chewing combined, there will be OSCCranksasfourthamongthetenleadingcausesofcancer a 123 times higher incidence rate of having oral cancer among males and is the fourth leading cancer in the male than those average individuals in the general population populationandthenumberofdeathsincreaseseveryyear[2]. that are nonusers. There is the longitudinal cohort study 2 BioMedResearchInternational on the alcohol, betel quid, and smoking, to the oral cancer genomicalterationsinOSCC[32,33].Consequently,weused risk. The betel quid partook the significant higher hazard home-made mouse CpG island microarray to understand risk to the oral carcinogenesis [4]. The most tumorigenic aberrantmethylationprofileduringOSCCtumorigenesisin part of betel quid is the Piper longum L. and the calcium thisstudyandvalidatedthemethylationstatusbyMS-PCR, hydroxide (slaked lime) which will cause the oral cavity bisulfitesequencing,andreal-timePCR. to develop into an alkaline condition which will promote In many previous studies, retinoid acid suppresses car- the tumorigenic effect of the Safrole in the Piper longum cinogenesisandinhibitsthegrowthofhumanheadandneck L. The fibers of areca also cause oral mucosa damage and squamouscellcarcinoma(HNSCC)[34,35].Lossofretinoids increasedmucosatobeexposedtothetumorigenicmaterial and their receptors has been associated with malignant inthebetelquid.Inaclinicalsurvey,oralcancerwithareca progression in HNSCC [36]. Their receptors (RAR) are chewing had far more incidence of oral submucosa fibro- centralregulatorstothenormalgrowthanddifferentiationof sis and erythroplakia; furthermore, the pathologic findings avarietyofepithelialcells.RARchangeshavebeenassociated also show severe hyperkeratosis, caries, and gingivitis as with cell immortalization, and re-expression of RAR-beta compared to nonareca users. The oral cancer patients who (RARB) leads to growth inhibition in some circumstances had the habit of betel quid chewing were also found to [19].LossofRARBexpressionisassociatedwithachangein have a higher percentage of dysplastic change surrounding proliferativelifespanpotentialfrommortalitytoimmortal- the tumor margin, and skip cancer lesion was frequently ity in HNSCC [37–39]. The promoter hypermethylation of notedintheupperaerodigestivetract(tongue,hypopharynx, RARBcouldinhibitthegeneexpressionwhenaddedtothe 󸀠 and esophagus). The condemned mucosa even reached the methylationinhibitoranddeacetylationinhibitorlike5 -aza- 󸀠 esophagus. In an average clinical survey, 18% of cases were 2 -deoxycytidine(5-aza-dC)andtrichostatinA(TSA)which foundtohaveesophaguscancerdiagnosedatthesametime could recover the gene expression and inhibit tumor cells whenoralcancerpresented[5].Synchronousdoublecancer growth[36,39]. (second primary cancer) in the upper aerodigestive tract is In the present study, we investigated the role of RARB frequentlynoted[6]. hypermethylationofCpGislandsinOSCCmousemodeland Therewasastimulatingeffectwhenarecanutischewed its association with RARB expression in human oral cancer along with betel leaf [7]. Furthermore, in Chiang et al. [8], celllines.Inaddition,weexaminedwhethertherepressionof they used areca nut extract (ANE) and saliva-reacted ANE RARBtranscriptioncouldbereversedby5-aza-dCinhuman (sANE) to treat three oral carcinoma cell lines, KB (epi- oral cancer cell lines, and finally, we evaluated the three dermoid carcinoma), SAS (tongue carcinoma), and Ca9-22 main DNA methyltransferases that were involved in RARB (gingivalcarcinoma).The higher cytotoxiceffects involving hypermethylation. cellmorphologicchangesandupregulationofinflammatory signalinginmRNAexpressionlevelswereobservedinthese 2.MaterialsandMethods treatments. In addition, arecoline is the major alkaloid in areca nut extracts and betel quid. It is the primary 2.1.MouseModelforOralCancer. Themousemodeldevel- activeingredientresponsibleforthecentralnervoussystem opment was modified as highlighted by Chang et al. [15, simulation that is roughly comparable to that of nicotine, 40]. Briefly, the OSCC model was established by treating which has a similar chemical structure [9–12]. There is arecoline (Sigma, St. Louis, MO), as well as in combina- alsoanothercarcinogen,4-nitroquinoline1-oxide(4-NQO), tion with 4-NQO (Fluka, St. Louis, MO) in 4-5week age which effectively induces oral and esophageal cancers that old of C57BL/6JNarl male mice. The conditions for OSCC closelyresembleearlyhumanlesionsinmiceandrats[13,14]. formation are 500𝜇g/mL arecoline (A), 200𝜇g/mL 4-NQO Inthisstudy, wefollowedChangetal.[15]whoestablished (N), and 4-NQO (200𝜇g/mL) combined with arecoline aneffectivemousemodeloforalcancerandusedthismodel (500𝜇g/mL) (NA) in the drinking water for 8 weeks. The to identify potential markers of oral tumor progression by drinkingwaterwaschangedeveryday,andmicewereallowed utilizinganoncommercialmethylationmicroarray. accesstothedrinkingwateratalltimeswhilereceivingtreat- The promoter hypermethylation now has a key role for ment.Afterthetreatment,thedrinkingwaterwaschangedto research in the area of human multistage carcinogenesis. Silencing of certain tumor suppressor genes may occur in ddH2Oandmiceweresacrificedatweek8,12,14,18,20,26, and28,respectively.Thetongueswerecollectedandclassified the absence of genetic change, via aberrant methylation of into tumor parts (T) and nontumor parts (NT) for mouse CpG islands [16–18]. OSCC is believed to arise through CpGislandmicroarrayanalysis. theaccumulationofnumerousgeneticandepigeneticalter- ations [19–21]. There are several methods to determine whetherpromotermethylationhasbeendevelopedincluding 2.2. Cell Culture and 5-aza-dC Treatment. Normal human combination of bisulfite restriction assay (COBRA) [22], oral keratinocytes (NHOK) were cultured in Keratinocyte genomicbisulfatesequencing[23],methylation-specificPCR Growth Medium (KGM, GIBCO, CA, USA). Oral cancer (MS-PCR)[24],andmicroarray-basedmethylationanalysis celllines,DOK,OC2,andCa9-22,wereculturedinDMEM [25]. Methylation microarray is a high throughput tool (GIBCO, CA, USA). HSC3 and TW2.6 were cultured in for genome-wide methylation analysis [26–31]. To identify DMEM-F12(GIBCO,CA,USA).Allcellssupplementedwith and characterize potential targets for treating oral cancer, a 10% fetal calf serum and 1% penicillin-streptomycin and ∘ genome-wideapproachwastakentoquantitativelymeasure culturedat37 Cwith5%CO2.Oralcancercellsweretreated BioMedResearchInternational 3 Table1:PrimersetsusedforRT-PCR,MS-PCR,andbisulfitesequencing. Primersets Senseprimer(5󸀠 →3󸀠) Antisenseprimer(5󸀠 →3󸀠) Tm(∘C) PCRsize(bp) RARB-Hu-RT AGGAGACTTCGAAGCAAG GTCAAGGGTTCATGTCCTTC 60 771 Dnmt1-Hu-RT TACCTGGACGACCCTGACCTC CGTTGGCATCAAAGATGGACA 60 102 Dnmt3a-Hu-RT TATTGATGAGCGCACAAGAGAGC GGGTGTTCCACCCTAACATTGAG 64 110 Dnmt3b-Hu-RT GGCAAGTTCTCCGAGGTCTCTG TGGTACATGGCTTTTCGATAGGA 62 112 RARB-Mo-M GGATTAGAGTTTTCGTGCGTCG TACCCCGCCGATACCCAAACG 65 90 RARB-Mo-U GGATTAGAGTTTTTGTGTGTTG TACCCCACCAATACCCAAACA 62 90 RARB-Mo-BS CCACCCAACTCCATCAAACTC CCATACAATCAAACATAATCTC 58 476 RARB-Hu-M ATGTCGAGAACGCGAGCGATTC CTCGACCAATCCAACCGAAACG 64 151 RARB-Hu-U GGATGTTGAGAATGTGAGTGATTT TACTCAACCAATCCAACCAAAACA 62 155 RARB-Hu-BS GTGTGATAGAAGTAGTAGGAAG GTGATAGAAGTGGTAGGAAG 55 401 ∗ Hu:human,Mo:mouse,RT:real-timeRT-PCR,M:methylatedset,U:unmethylatedset,BS:bisulfitesequencing. by 5-aza-dC at 2𝜇M to reverse the methylation status as (Perkin-Elmer Life Sciences, NJ, USA) fluorescent dyes describedin[36,41]. were coupled to tumor (T) and normal (NT) amplicons, respectively, and cohybridized to the microarraypanel. The combinedtumor/normalcontrolpair,with8𝜇gDNA,more 2.3.DNAandRNAExtraction. ThegenomicDNAextraction than 180pmol Cy5, and 150pmol Cy3, would give strong was conducted as noted in our previous report [42]. We hybridization signals. The hybridization of 4,608 spots is usedcollectednontumorparts(NT)andtumorparts(T)of carried out under a 24 × 50mm cover glass sealed tightly tonguesforDNAandRNAextractions. within a moistened hybridization chamber, GeneMachines ∘ HybChambers (Genomic Solutions, MI, USA), in a 65 C 2.4. RT-PCR and Real-Time PCR. Total RNA was prepared water bath from 12 to 16h. The posthybridization wash- usingtheTRIREAGENT(Invitrogen,CA,USA).Onemicro- ing steps are essentially those described by UltraGAPS gramoftotalRNAwastreatedwith10unitsofRQ1RNase- CoatedSlidesinstructionManual.Thehybridizedslideswere FreeDNase(Promega,WI,USA)andextractedwithphenol- scannedwiththeGenePix4000Bscanner(Axon,CA,USA) chloroform.DNasethattreatedtotalRNA(1𝜇g)wasreverse and the acquired images were analyzed with the software transcribedwiththeImPromIIReverseTranscriptionSystem GenePix Pro 4.0 (Axon, CA, USA). The microarray data (Promega, WI, USA). For RT-PCR amplification was per- wasanalyzedasdescribedpreviously[43–46,48,49].Briefly, formed with 2720 thermal cycler (Applied Biosystems Inc., the Cy5/Cy3 ratio and the hybridization intensity from the CA,USA)andReal-TimePCRamplificationwasperformed tumor amplicons to the hybridization intensity from the withRotor-Gene6000(Corbett,CA,USA).Theamplification normal amplicons, from each image, are normally guided ∘ ofRT-PCRwasrepeatedfor28cyclesasfollows:95 C,30sec by both the average global Cy5/Cy3 ratio from each image for denature of the annealing temperature depending on and the Cy5/Cy3 ratios from 9 internal controls (clones thepairofgenespecificprimersets(Table1)for30secand withoutrestrictioncuttingsiteswhosecopynumbersremain ∘ 72 C, 30sec for extension. PCR reactions were performed the same in tumors and normal samples). Yellow spots in triplicate and the transcription level was normalized (normalizedCy5/Cy3=1)representequalamountsofbound with the GAPDH. For Real-Time PCR, the calculated gene DNAfromeachamplicon,indicatingnomethylationdiffer- expression fold fromCT valuewas performedaccordingto encesbetweentumor(T)andnontumor(NT)genomes.The the previously mentioned study, with a 𝑃 value of less than analyzed data were using hierarchical clustering to classify 0.05exhibitinganobviouslysignificantdifference. the relationships of all genes between collected T and NT samples. A hierarchical clustering algorithm was used to 2.5.PreparationofMouseCpGIslandMicroarrayandAmpli- investigaterelationshipsamongtumorsamples.Thecomplete con Generation. The mouse CpG island microarray was linkage and the dissimilarity measure (1 minus the Pearson based on previously described human CpG island microar- correlation coefficient of the log-adjusted Cy5:Cy3 ratios) rays [43–46]. A total 2,304 mouse CpG islands library wereusedfortheanalysis.Theresultantdendrogramshowed (mCGI) clones were spotted on UltraGAPS Coated Slides linked closely related colorectal tumors into a phylogenetic (Corning,MA,USA)bytheBioDotAD1500(BIODOT,CA, treewhosebranchlengthsrepresentedthedegreeofsimilar- USA).Theampliconsformethylationanalysiswereprepared itybetweenthesetumors. aspreviouslydescribed[47,48]. 2.7. Bisulfite Sequencing and Methylation-Specific PCR 2.6.MicroarrayHybridizationandDataAnalysis. Thepuri- (MS-PCR) for Methylation Status Analysis. Genomic DNA fied amplicons (5𝜇g) were conducted using the BioPrime (∼0.5𝜇g)wastreatedwithsodiumbisulfiteaccordingtothe DNA labeling system (Invitrogen, CA, USA). Cyanine 5- manufacture’srecommendations(EZDNAMethylationKit; ddUTP(Cy5-ddUTP)andCyanine3-ddUTP(Cy3-ddUTP) Zymo Research, CA, USA). All selected genes methylation 4 BioMedResearchInternational 100 %) 80 esis ( 60 n e g no 40 ci ar C 20 0 8 12 14 18 20 26 28 Week 4-NQO/arecoline Arecoline 4-NQO (a) 18weeks 18weeks 26weeks 28weeks Control 4-NQO Arecoline 4-NQO+arecoline (b) Figure1:TheprogressionofmousemodeldevelopmentforOSCC.(a)TheratioofcarcinogenesisinmouseOSCCmodel.Therewerethree treatments,4-NQO/arecoline,4-NQO,andarecoline.Miceweresacrificedatweeks8,12,14,18,20,26,and28,respectively.Thescoringcriteria formouseOSCCmodelaredescribedinSection2.(b)OSCCtonguetissueswithtumorswereexcised,fixed,embedded,andsectionedfor H&Estaining.Themicethatweretreatedwith4-NQO+arecolinewouldinducemoreseriousOSCCformationthan4-NQOonlyand arecolineonly.Theorderofseveritywasfollowedthetimeoftreatment. statuses were examined by methylation-specific PCR (MS- 3.Results PCR) and sodium bisulfite genomic sequencing. The PCR ∘ 3.1.OSCCMouseModelInducedbyArecolineand4-NQO. To reaction was as follows: 95 C for 5min, followed by 45 ∘ ∘ evaluatetheefficiencyofmousemodelinvolvingcotreating cycles of 95 C, 30sec, Tm for 30sec (Table1), 72 C for ∘ witharecolineand4-NQOthatmimictheetiologyforOSCC 45sec and ended with an extension of 72 C for 5min and ∘ tumorgrowth,thepercentageofmiceexhibitingcarcinogen- quickchillto4 ConaGeneamp2400PCRsystem(Applied esis was calculated in Figure1(a). Tumor development was Biosystems, CA, USA). For bisulfate sequencing analysis, assessed when treated with 4-NQO (N) and 4-NQO plus each PCR product was subcloned into the pGEM-T Easy arecoline(NA)butnotinarecoline.Micewerealsosacrificed Vector (Promega, WI, USA) and performed 5–10 clones at 18, 26, and 28 weeks, and tongues with tumors were in each selection, respectively. Each colony was sequenced excised, fixed, embedded, and sectioned for H&E staining usingtheBigDyeTerminatorv3.1CycleSequencingKitand (Figure1(b)).TheH&Estainingalsoshowedthatthetumor theautomatedABIPRISM3100GeneticAnalyzed(Applied progresses were dealing with time and according to the Biosystems,CA,USA). treatments.Accordingtotheresults,theincidenceoftongue carcinogenesisinNAgroupwassignificantlyhigherthanN 2.8. Statistical Analysis. Statistical analysis was performed group and arecoline group. Taken together, the treatment using𝑡-testtoexaminetheassociationbetweenNHOKand of NA at week 28 was much more serious than other othercelllines.One-sidedtestingwasusedtocalculatethe𝑃, weeks.Theseresultssuggestthatarecolinepromotes4-NQO and𝑃<0.05wasconsideredstatisticallysignificant. carcinogenesisindamagedoralepitheliacells. BioMedResearchInternational 5 4-NQO (28weeks) 4-NQO/arecoline (26weeks) 4-NQO/arecoline (28weeks) (a) 4-NQO/arecoline 4-NQO 26NA3 26NA6 28A 28C 28NA3 28N7 28N8 Nit1 MDR1 Hoxd4 BRCA2 ELYS p21 RARB (b) Figure2:PresentingofMCGImicroarrayhybridizationresultsandhierarchicalclusteringofmethylationdataofOSCCmodelmice.(a) MCGImicroarrayhybridizationpanelcontained4,608duplicatedCpGislandtags.Theexpandedhybridizationviewsshowedtheusefulness oftheMCGImicroarrayscohybridizedwithfluorescentlylabeledT(tumorpart)andNT(nontumorpart)withNat28weeksandNAat 26and28weeks.Spotshybridizedpredominantlywithtumorampliconbutnotwithnormalampliconwouldappearredandareindicative ofhypermethylatedCpGislandlocipresentinthetumorgenome.(b)HierarchicalclusteringofN(4-NQO)andNA(4-NQO/arecoline) samples.Atthetopliststhe5NAand2Nstudied.Therowcorrespondstoeachof109CpGislandlociselectedformethylationanalysis.CpG islands(thenormalizedCy5:Cy3ratiosare≧2)arethosewithhypermethylationintumorDNA.Theselectedhypermethylatedcandidates wereshowedontherightsides.TheyaredescribedingreaterdetailinTable2. 3.2.IdentificationofHypermethylationGenesfromOSCCTis- red and are indicative of hypermethylated CpG island loci, suesbyCpGIslandMicroarray. Accordingtothetumorpro- present in the tumor genome. The hybridization results gression percentages and H&E staining results, we selected showed that treatment with NA at week 28 represented the tongues tissues to be targets from OSCC mouse model muchmorespotsthatwereobviouslymorehypermethylated with N and NA at 26 and 28 weeks for MCGI microarray thanothertreatments.Yellowspots(Cy5:Cy3=1)represent screening. Figure2(a) depicts representative data from the equal amounts of bound DNA from each amplicon, an OSCC study. The expanded hybridization views showed indicationofnomethylationdifferencesbetweentumorand the usefulness of the MCGI microarrays cohybridized with nontumor genomes. Selection of genes was based on the fluorescently labeled T (tumor part) and NT (nontumor criteria described in the Materials and Methods. Figures part) with N at week 28 and NA at weeks 26 and 28, 6(b) and 6(c) showed specific genes of selection results respectively. Spots hybridized predominantly with tumor inhypermethylationandhypomethylation,respectively.We amplicon, but not with nontumor amplicon, would appear conducted a confirmation study to determine whether the 6 BioMedResearchInternational Table2:Theselectedgenelistofhypermethylation. AccessionnumberGenesymbol Description Functions Relatedcarcinomatypes DNAbinding, Nonsmallcelllungcancer,hepatoma,bladder S80555 RARB Retinoicacidreceptor-beta ligand-dependentnuclear cancer,rectalcancer,breastcancer,headand receptoractivity necksquamouscancer AF069985 Nit1 NitrilasehomologI Hydrolaseactivity Oralsquamouscellcarcinoma(inthisstudy) AL355176 BRCA2 BreastcancerIIgene Proteinbinding Bladdercancer,breastcancer,ovariancancer AL928664 Hoxd4 HomeoboxD4gene DNAbinding Breastcancer,leukemia,neuroblastoma Nonsmallcelllungcancer,bladdercancer, Cyclin-dependentkinase Cyclin-dependentprotein AF457187 p21 breastcancer,ovariancancer, inhibitorIA kinaseinhibitoractivity medulloblastoma,hepatoma Pancreaticcancer,breastcancer,colorectal Multidrug-resistance ATPbinding,ATPase M60348 MDR1 cancer,glioblastoma,leukemia,laryngeal proteingene activity cancercell Embryoniclargemolecule AB081498 ELYS DNAbinding Oralsquamouscellcarcinoma(inthisstudy) derivedfromyolksac cutoffratio(≧2)couldaccuratelyidentifyhypermethylation. 3.4. Methyltransferase Expressions in Human OSCC Cell The hierarchical clustering presented the 109 gene loci of Lines. DNA methylationis catalyzed by the familyof DNA hypermethylationintheclassifierinNandNA(Figure2(b)). methyltransferases(DNMT)includingDnmt1,Dnmt3a,and Thismethylationprofileanalysishasledtotheidentification Dnmt3b. Figure5 shows the measurement of gene expres- of CpG island clusters that could evaluate many new genes sionsviareal-timePCRonDnmt1,Dnmt3a,andDnmt3bin correlating with OSCC progression in mouse model. These humanoralcancerlines.ForDnmt1,therewerenoexpression newly collected genes are shown in detail in Table2. Upon differencesbetweenNHOKandothercelllines(Figure5(a)). furtherexamination,weselectedtheRARBgenetoexamine However, Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b showed significantly higher expression levels in TW2.6 and Ca922 than others (Figures ingreaterdetailbyMS-PCRbisulfitesequencingandsemi- 5(b)and5(c)). quantitativeRT-PCR.ThelocationsofCpGislandsinmouse and human RARB genes were predicted using MethPrimer (http://www.urogene.org/methprimer/index1.html), respec- tively(Figures3(a)and4(a)). 4.Discussion OSCCisthemostcommonheadandneckneoplasm,affect- 3.3.VerificationofMethylatedGenesbyMS-PCRandBisulfite ing270,000peopleworldwideeachyear[20,32].According Sequencing. TheRARBgenewasacandidatetargettoverify to related research, patients who smoke, drink, and chew themethylationstatusinthesemouseOSCCtonguestissues betel quid experience a 5.32-fold increased likelihood of andinhumanoralcancercelllinesthatwerealsotreatedby death as compared to those without any oral habits [50]. 󸀠 󸀠 5 -aza-2 -deoxycytidine(5-aza-dC).Interestingly,RARBwas In Taiwan and other Southeast Asian countries, betel quid hypermethylatedinmouseOSCCandreexpressionby5-aza- chewing is one of the most important risk factors for oral dCtreatmentinhumanoralcancercelllines.InFigure3(b), cancer patients and associates as the main cause between RARB was hypermethylated in mouse OSCC tumor parts betel quid chewing and oral cancer development [51]. of N (4-NQO) and NA (4-NQO + Arecoline) compared to 4-NQOisquinolinederivativeandatumorigeniccompound normal parts. Furthermore, the methylation ratio of RARB which can induce DNA lesions. Quinone oxidoreducatase in NA treatment at 28 week was 60%. It was much higher is one of the major enzymes that convert 4-NQO to the than the 4-NQO treatment (20%) at 28 week. These results more active metabolite, 3-hydroxyaminoquinoline 1-oxide correlated with the microarray analysis data. RARB also [52].Thisoxidoreducatasecanbeproducedfromthemucosal investigated the methylation status in human oral cancer ofthesublingualinhumansandmice.Arecolineisanatural lines (Figure4(b)). The results showed that Ca922, TW2.6, alkaloidproductfoundinthearecanut.Inthisstudy,these andHSC3werehypermethylatedthaninNHOK.Italsolost two compounds were used to induce oral carcinogenesis in expressionsinCa922,TW2.6,andHSC3butnotinNHOK a mouse model. When we added 4-NQO plus Arecoline to (Figure4(c)).InFigure4(d),thebisulfitesequencingshowed thedrinkingwaterofmice,theresultsshowedthatmicewere the hypermethylation in TW2.6 (92.5%), Ca922 (96.3%), shown to have induced carcinogenesis at 100% at week 26 OC2(90%),andHSC3(93.8%),butintheNHOKandDOK, and28(Figure1(a)).InH&Estaining,resectedoraltissueat the normal and precancer cell lines were not methylated the end of week 28 (Figure1(b)) also showed that NA and in bisulfite sequencing results. Taken together, these results Ntreatmentcouldinducesquamouscellcarcinoma,respec- showed that the promoter methylation of RARB plays the tively.However,treatmentwitharecolinealonerevealedthat mainroleinOSCCprogression. itdidnotinducetumorigenesisafter28weeks. BioMedResearchInternational 7 CDS Exon1 Exon2 Exon3 Exon4 Exon5 Exon6 Probe 1170bp MS-PCR analytic region (a) 4-NQO 4-NQO/arecoline B S N T N T N T N T N T N T M 18weeks U Methylation (%) 0(0/3) 0(0/3) M 20weeks U Methylation (%) 33.3(1/3) 33.3(1/3) M 26weeks U Methylation (%) 33.3(1/3) 33.3(1/3) M 28weeks U Methylation (%) 20 (1/5) 60 (3/5) (b) Figure3:MethylationstatusofRARBgeneinmouseOSCCmodel.(a)TheCpGislanddiagramofRARBgene.Thehybridizedprobeusedto microarraylocatedfromexononetoexonthree.WedesignedtheMS-PCRprimersetslocatedwithinthisregion.(b)ThedesignedMS-PCR analysisresultsin4-NQOand4-NQO/arecolineat18,20,26,and28weeks,respectively.TheRARBgeneshowedhypermethylation(60%)in 4-NQO/arecolineat28week.M:methylatedset,U:unmethylatedset,B:bloodDNAformethylationnegativecontrol,S:SssItreatedDNA formethylationpositivecontrol,and%methylation:thepercentagesofmethylation.Theredinvertedtriangleshowedthatthemethylated RARBgenecouldbeamplified. Methylation is important in the development of OSCC themethylationstatusandmRNAexpressionlevelscouldbe and many tumor suppressor genes targeted by promoter verifiedbyMCGIarray. methylation will by no doubt be described in the future. Accordingtothedepictedrepresentativedatafrompre- Thetechniquesusedatpresenttodetectmethylationprovide vious studies, RARB expression is thought to be associated goodsensitivity,specificity,andspeed.Therearemanytypes withcellularsensitivitytoretinoidinnumerouscancercells, ofmethylationarraysforagenome-wideapproachtorealize including HNSCC cells, breast cancer cells, lymphocytic methylation profile. In this study, we applied a home-made leukemia,andlungcancercells[53–57].MethylationofRARB high throughput MCGI array to analyze DNA methylation was identified which had a correlation with primary oral acrosstheentiregenomeintheOSCCmousetonguetissues. malignant diseases [58, 59]. The methylation array of 4,608 Thishome-madeMCGIarraynotonlycouldidentifymethy- genes(duplicateonchip)thatweusedinthisstudyincluded lationprofilebutalsocoulddetectmRNAexpression(inour themajorityofgeneswhichhavepreviouslybeenassociated previous studies). The chip was cohybridized with mouse withheadandneckcancer(e.g.,DAPK,MGMT,andCDH1, Cot-I DNA and total RNA mixture to evaluate the quality etc.). However, only RARB in previously studied genes and the exon-containing portions can be used to measure were shown to be positive for methylation. To explain the levelsofgeneexpression.Accordingtothepreviousresearch, possibilityofthisdiscrepancy,thehybridizedprobesmaybe 8 BioMedResearchInternational CDS Promoter +1 Human RARB CpG island R T MS-PCR analytic region 1469bp Bisulfite sequencing region R RA response element (RARE) T TATA box (a) NHOK DOK TW2.6 Ca922 OC2 HSC3 Blood SssI M U NHOK DOK TW2.6 Ca922 OC2 HSC3 RARB M 5-aza-dC U 𝛽-Actin (b) (c) NHOK DOK 0% 5% TW2.6 Ca922 92.5% 96.3% OC2 HSC3 90% 93.8% (d) Figure4:MethylationstatusinhumanoralcancercelllinesofRARB.(a)TheschematicforCpGislandpresentationofRARB.Therewas a CpG island located in promoter region. We designed the MS-PCR and bisulfite sequencing primer sets in this region. (b) The RARB 󸀠 methylation status in different human oral cancer cell lines. The cell lines were also treated with 5-aza-dC. The methylation status was 󸀠 recoveredbecauseof5-aza-dCtreatment.(c)TheRARBmRNAexpressionindifferenthumanoralcancercelllines.TheRARBwasnot expressedinCa922,OC2,andHSC3obviously.(d)TheRARBbisulfitesequencingindifferenthumanoralcancercelllines.Thereweremore methylatedRARBinTW2.6,Ca922,OC2,andHSC3thaninNHOKandDOK.ThehollowcircleistheunmethylatedCpGsiteandthefull circleisthemethylatedCpGsite. locatedondifferentregionsbetweenourarrayandprevious were higher expressions in TW2.6 and Ca922, the primary methylation studies. However, we found some interesting oralcancercelllines,butnotinOC2andHSC3.Ascompared genes and described this in greater detail in Table2 as they to other tumors, no correlation was seen between DNMT were shown to have hypermethylation on the chip, but this upregulationandpromoterhypermethylation-inducedinac- wasnotreportedbeforeinOSCC. tivation of tumor-related genes. The exact mechanisms of In our study, DNMT1 does not affect the expression in DNMTupregulationremainunclear,butitissuggestedthat human OSCC cell lines. Nevertheless, DNMT3a and aberrantDNMTactivity,especiallywithregardtoDNMT1, DNMT3bdidaffecttheexpressionsinhumanOSCCcelllines isduetoarapidproliferationofcancercellsbecauseDNMT1 (Figure5).TheseresultsshowedthatDNMT3aandDNMT3b binds to proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) [60]. BioMedResearchInternational 9 4 12 d) Dnmt1 d) Dnmt3a n (fol 3 n (fol 10 ∗ o o essi essi 8 pr pr x 2 x 6 e e A A N N 4 R R m 1 m d d 2 e e at at Rel 0 Rel 0 NHOK DOK TW2.6 Ca922 OC2 HSC3 NHOK DOK TW2.6 Ca922 OC2 HSC3 Cell lines Cell lines (a) (b) 30 Dnmt3b ∗ 25 ∗ d) 20 ol n (f 15 o pressi 4 x e A N R m d 2 e at el R 0 NHOK DOK TW2.6 Ca922 OC2 HSC3 Cell lines (c) Figure5:DNMTsRNAexpressioninhumanoralcancercelllines.ThemeasurementofDNMTsexpressionlevelsbyreal-timePCRwas showedin(a),(b),and(c),respectively.(a)TheDnmt1expressionwasnotchangedinallhumanoralcancercelllines.(b)and(c)TW2.6and Ca922werehigherexpressioninDnmt3aandDnmt3bthanothers.Thefiguresshownarethemeanofthreeexperimentswhereallofthe sampleswereanalyzedintriplicate.Thestartsignshowedthestatisticallysignificant(𝑃<0.05). Overexpression of all the DNMTs at the mRNA level havesecondprimarycancersandlocalregionalrecurrence, has been shown for several cancers [45, 61, 62]. However, thus causing the results to be less significant even though DNMT3aandDNMT3bwerethedenovomethyltransferases. there was trend to have reduced second primary cancers In this result (Figures 5(b) and 5(c)), we thought DNMT3a developedandlesslocalregionalrecurrenceinpriorstudies andDNMT3bwereaddedtonewmethylgroupstoDNAto [63]. However, there was another clinical research using causeDNAmethylationaberrantattheearlystageofOSCC the isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid) (50 to 100mg per progression. square meter of body-surface area per day) as compared We used some different approaches to deal with the with placebo, to be taken daily for 12 months. They offer sparsenessofdata.Tobeginwithweusedamethylationarray significantly reduced second primary cancer development of 4,086 genes (duplicated on chip), which provided more after 32 months of follow-up, and multiple second primary comprehensive data. Here we also suggest that this study tumorsdevelopedintheplacebogroup[64].Therefore,they couldofferabasicevidencethatpromoterhypermethylation suggestthatisotretinoinstillhastheabilitytopreventsecond of RARB is correlated with the occurrence of betel-related primary cancers, but there was less use in preventing the OSCC. primary site recurrence [64]. There was another human Isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid) is considered to have cohort study using an in situ hybridization (ISH) analysis the effect of preventing second primary cancers and local checkerwith38pairsofsurgicalspecimensofprimaryOSCC orregionalrecurrenceafterheadandneckcanceristreated. and noncancerous matched normal control to compare the However,inapreviousclinicaltrial,chemopreventionther- cellular expression level of RARB. They found the loss of apy involving retinoid acid does not cause significant dif- RARB in the advanced OSCCs especially when they are ferencesinearlyheadandneckcancers.Thenonsignificant betel quid users [65]. This prominent result also give us benefit result is due to the small number of patients. The an understanding that RARB is really an important factor prospectivestudyrenderedasmallpercentageofpatientsthat forchemopreventionfortumorprogression.Therefore,betel 10 BioMedResearchInternational Mouse 4-NQO/arecoline induced oral cancertumorigenesis Amplicons preparations 45s rRNA,3 CpG island microarray 18s rRNA,3 26and28week normal/tumor part Nonblast,13 Selective ratiomedian≥2 Others,8 34genes upregulated in mouse OSCC RARB ELYS Hosd4 Nit1 Rule out the ratio of minus and≥10000 MDR1 p21 RRCA2 15genes upregulated in mouse OSCC Selective ratio ofmedian≥2 34genes upregulated in mouse OSCC (a) (b) Others,8 45s rRNA 18s rRNA Nonblast p21 RARB BRCA2 Hoxd4 Rule out the ratio of minus and≥10000 15genes upregulated in mouse OSCC (c) Figure6:Outlineofthisstudy.(a)Theflowchartofresearchproject.(b)TheselectionfromMCGImicroarrayhybridizationresultsbythe ratiohigherorequaltwo.Therewere34genesthatwerehypermethylatedinOSCCmousemodel.(c)TheselectionfromMCGImicroarray hybridizationresultsbyrulingouttheratiowasminusandhigherorequalto10,000.Therewere15genesthatwerehypermethylatedinOSCC mousemodel. quid related hypermethylation of RARB will really increase oral cancer to reduce the incidence of oral cancer and to thetumorigenesisandpoortreatmentoutcomeoforalcancer. provideabettertreatmentoutcome. Concerning the mechanisms of the chemoprevention func- tion,therewasanotherstudythatrevealedthattheretinoids ConflictofInterests could suppress basal expression of Cox-2 or EGF-mediated inductionofCox-2inhumanoralsquamouscarcinomacells The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests [66].Thus,RARBnotonlyhascellcycleinhibitionandtumor regardingthepublicationofthispaper. suppressant effects, but also anti-inflammatory effects that ceaseCOX-2relatedcancerizationeffectsontheoralmucosa. This is pilot study that talked about the detailed mech- Authors’Contribution anisms of retinoid acid function affected by areca. In the future,weshouldconsiderretinoidaciduseorRARBrelated Zi-Lun Lai, Yung-An Tsou, and Shin-Ru Fan contributed drugsforarecauserswhoarefoundtohaveoraltumorsor equallytothiswork.

part of betel quid is the Piper longum L. and the calcium hydroxide . The complete linkage and the dissimilarity measure (1 minus the Pearson .. Education, Taiwan, under the Aiming for the Top University 197–201, 2006.
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