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Preview Methods, systems, and apparatus to synchronize actions of audio source monitors

US008855101B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,855,101 B2 Chen (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 7, 2014 (54) METHODS, SYSTEMS, AND APPARATUS TO FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS SYNCHRONIZE ACTIONS OF AUDIO SOURCE MONITORS EP 0946012 9/1999 EP 1133090 9/2001 (75) Inventor: Jie Chen, Land O Lakes, FL (US) (Continued) 73 Assi 8 nee: The Nielsen Corn P an y US , LLC, OTHER PUBLICATIONS Schaumburg, IL (US) Wagner, David P. Battelle. Report: Lexington Area Travel Data C01 * Notice: Sub'Je ct to any disclaimer, the term of this lection Test; GPS for Personal Travel Surveys. Final Report for Of?ce patent is extended or adjusted under 35 of Highway Information Management, Of?ce of Technology Appli U.S.C. 154(b) by 523 days. cation, and Federal Highway Administration, Sep. 1997, (92 pages). (21) App1.No.: 12/968,677 (Continued) (22) Filed: Dec. 15, 2010 Primary Examiner * Ricky Ngo (65) Prior Publication Data Assistant Examiner * Christine Ng US 2011/0222528 A1 Sep. 15, 2011 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Hanley, Flight & Zimmerman, LLC Related US. Application Data (60) Provisional application No. 61/311,893, ?led on Mar. 9, 2010. (57) ABSTRACT (51) Int. Cl. Systems, methods, articles of manufacture and apparatus are H04] 3/06 (2006.01) disclosed to align actions of audio source monitors. An G01S 11/14 (2006.01) example method disclosed herein includes invoking an audi H04N 21/442 (2011.01) ence monitor to transmit a radio frequency (RF) initialization G01S 5/18 (2006.01) packet to a base unit, receiving an indication that the base unit (52) US. Cl. has received the RF initialization packet at a ?rst time, and CPC ........ .. H04N21/44218 (2013.01); G01S 11/14 invoking the base unit to transmit an RF acknowledgement (2013.01); G01S 5/18 (2013.01) packet to the audience monitor. The example method also USPC ......................................... .. 370/350; 370/338 includes receiving an indication that the RF acknowledge (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ment packet is received by the audience monitor and waiting USPC ........................ .. 370/252, 328, 338, 350, 503 for an end to a delay period having a ?rst value, identifying See application ?le for complete search history. Whether the audience monitor has ?nished processing the RF acknowledgement packet When the delay period ends at a (56) References Cited second time, and incrementing the delay period to a second U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS value When the audience monitor is still processing the RF acknowledgement packet and the delay period has ended. 2,903,508 A 9/1959 Hathaway 3,056,135 A 9/1962 Curreyet a1. 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Patent Oct. 7, 2014 Sheet 5 0f 21 US 8,855,101 B2 500 \ ( START ) 'v NO 502 RECEIVE TAG RF INITIALIZATION SIGNAL? VYES BEGIN STORING AUDIO SAMPLES AS DATA /_ 504 SAMPLES AND RECORD TIME OF START V N0 RF DATA INDICATIVE OF TAG AUDIO 506 STREAM (DATA SAMPLES) RECEIVED? YES V /— 508 STOP STORING AUDIO SAMPLES AT BASE UNIT V IDENTIFY PORTION OF TAG AUDIO TI-IAT /_ 5’10 MATCHES BASE UNIT DATA SAMPLE v COUNT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BETWEEN (1) RF /- 512 INITIALIZATION SIGNAL PLUS TIME DELAY (TD) AND (2) THE MATCHING POINT V MULTIPLY SAMPLE NUMBER COUNT BY /_ 514 SAMPLE RATE TIME AND SPEED OF SOUND V STORE DISTANCE CALCULATION WITH TAG /_ 516 IDENTIFIER AND TIME STAMP FIG. 5 US. Patent Oct. 7, 2014 Sheet 6 0f 21 US 8,855,101 B2 600 \ ( START ) > r V NO/ TIMER EXPIRE? 'YES /- 604 TRANSMIT RF lNlTlALlZATlON SIGNAL ' 606 SET DELAY TIME TD /_ 608 DELAY TIME TD EXPIRE? y ; YES CAPTURE AMBIENT AUDIO DATA AT /_ 61° HARDWARE SAMPLE RATE 7 620 FINISH TIME TF REACHED? y "YES 632 APPLY BANDPASS FILTERING |/_ 6 634 APPLY SCALE FACTOR |/_ 636 DECIMATE STORED AUDIO DATA if v 638 | CALCULATE ABSOLUTE VALUE OF SAMPLES M TRANSMIT DECIMATED AUDIO /_ 67° SET TO BASE UNIT FIG. 6

cation, and Federal Highway Administration, Sep. 1997 Systems, methods, articles of manufacture and apparatus are 7/2006 Kabala . Fang et al., “Design of a Wireless Assisted Pedestrian Dead Reckon Cricket Project, “Cricket v2 User Manual,” MIT Computer Science Engineering Inc., Dec.
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