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Ellina Grigorieva Methods of Solving Number Theory Problems Methods of Solving Number Theory Problems Ellina Grigorieva Methods of Solving Number Theory Problems Ellina Grigorieva Department ofMathematics andComputer Science Texas Woman’s University Denton,TX USA ISBN978-3-319-90914-1 ISBN978-3-319-90915-8 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-90915-8 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2018939944 MathematicsSubjectClassification(2010): 00A07,97U40,11D04,11D41,11D72,03F03,11A41,11-0 ©SpringerInternationalPublishingAG,partofSpringerNature2018 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisbookispublishedundertheimprintBirkhäuser,www.birkhauser-science.combythe registeredcompanySpringerInternationalPublishingAGpartofSpringerNature Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland To the Memory of My Father, Valery Grigoriev‚ A warm-hearted Humanist, to my wonderful mother, Natali Grigorieva‚ and to my beautiful daughter, Sasha. Your encouragement made this book possible. And to my university mentor and scientific advisor academician, Stepanov Nikolay Fedorovich. Without your help and brilliant mind my career as a scientist would not be successful! Preface I recall that some basis of elementary number theory was introduced to me as a childinpublicschoolthroughchallengingproblemspostedinclassorthroughmy ownmathOlympiadexperience.Oneoftheinterestingproblemswasthisone:Take a number between 1 and 100, divide it by 2 until it is possible to get a natural number; if it is impossible, then multiply the number by 3 and add to it 1, then divide by 2, and continue the process. For example, let us take 17. Right away we need to multiply it by 3 and add 1, which results in 52, dividing by 2 we have 26, then13,thenbymultiplyingitby3andadding1wewillget40,then20,then10, then5,then5(cid:1)3þ1¼16,then8,then4!2!1.Ifwecontinuetomultiply1by 3 and add 1, then we will again get 4, and eventually would end up in the same cycle. A similar chain can be obtained for the even number 20: 20!10!5!16!8!4!2!1!4!2!1... Surprisingly,whatevernaturalnumbernwasoriginallytakenbymeorbyanyof my classmates, we would end up in the cycle, 4!2!1: Thatcyclecouldnotbeescapedbyanyadditionaltrial.Thisproblemwasinvented by Ancient Greeks and this strange behavior of all natural numbers (not only between 1 and 100) resulting in the same ending scenario remains unexplained. Using powerful computers it is possible to take very big natural numbers and run thealgorithm.Allnaturalnumbersupto260werecheckedforconvergenceto1and it looks like no other ending for any natural number can be found. Then,inhighschool,weoftensolvedlinear,quadraticorexponentialequations in two or more variables in integers using simple rules of divisibility or algebraic identities, without any knowledge of modular arithmetic or even Fermat’s Little Theorem.However,wedidtalkaboutFermat’sLastTheoremandbelievedthatthe equation, vii viii Preface xnþyn ¼zn does not have a solution in integers for all natural powers, n[2. We believed that it would be proven during our lifetime. My mother was a physicist and knew much more about modern science at the time than I did. I remember her excitement about what Pierre Fermat wrote on the margins of his copy of Diophantus’ Arithmetica, “This is how easily I have proven my Theorem; however, there is not enough space on the book margins to show all its proof.” Many mathematicians have dedicated their life to finding the proof of Fermat’s LastTheorem.Euler,whoreallyadmiredthegeniusofFermatandprovedmostof his theorems and conjectures left without proof, attempted his own proof for Fermat’s Last Theorem with the ideas and some methods that were found in Fermat’s notes. The fact that the great Euler was unable to find the proof for Fermat’s Last Theorem (he proved a particular case for n¼3) may have been the excuse other mathematicians needed to give up. The thing is that most of them, including myself as a teenager, believed that Fermat did have a proof of his the- orem.ThegeniusofBritishmathematicianAndrewWileswasinignoringFermat’s note and assuming that Fermat could not prove his Last Theorem using the knowledge and apparatus of the time. Could he? Maybe…Mathematicians should notgiveustooquickly.Andevenaneasyprobleminnumbertheoryallowsseveral methods of solving it and this is what is so fascinating about number theory. The great British mathematician G. H. Hardy stated that elementary number theory should be considered one of the best subjects for the initial mathematical education. It requires very little prior knowledge and its subject is understandable. Themethodsofreasoningadoptedbyitaresimple,common,andfew.Amongthe mathematicalsciencesthereisnoequalinitstreatmentofnaturalhumancuriosity. Indeed,manyquestionsareputsospecificallythattheyusuallypermitexperimental numeric validation. Many of the rather deep problems allow visual interpretation, for example, finding Pythagorean triples. In addition, elementary number theory best combines deductive and intuitive thinking which is very important in the teaching of mathematics. Number theory gives clear and precise proofs and theo- rems of an irreproachable rigor, shapes mathematical thinking, and facilitates the acquisition of skills useful in any branch of mathematics. Often the solution of its problems requires overcoming significant difficulties, mathematical ingenuity, findingnewmethods,andideasthatarebeingcontinuedinmodernmathematics.In favor of the study of the theory of numbers, it is fair to say that for every kind of deep mathematical investigation in different fields, we often encounter relatively simple number-theoretic facts. What is the Subject of Number Theory? Numbertheoryisthestudyofnumericalsystemswiththeirrelationsandlaws.First of all, it is focused on natural numbers that are the basis for constructing other numerical systems: integers, rational and irrational, real and complex. Number theoryisabranchofmathematicswhichdealswiththepropertiesofnumbers.One Preface ix of the main problems of number theory is the study of the properties of integers. The main object of number theory is natural numbers. Their main property is divisibility. Number theory studies numbers from the point of view of their structure and internal connections and considers the possibility of representing certain numbers through other numbers, simpler in their properties. The questions of the rigorous logical justification of the concept of a natural number and its generalizations, as well as the theory of operations associated with them, are considered separately. The Main Topics of Number Theory Theproblemsandchallengesthathaveariseninnumbertheorycanbecategorized as follows: 1. The solution of Diophantine equations, i.e. the solution in integers of alge- braic equations with integer coefficients or systems of such equations for which the number of unknowns is greater than the number of equations; 2. Diophantine approximations, i.e. the approximation of real numbers by rational numbers, the solution in integers of all kinds of inequalities, the theory of transcendental numbers or the study of the arithmetic nature of different classes of irrational numbers with respect to transcendental numbers; 3. Questions of distributing prime numbers in a series of natural numbers and other numerical sequences; 4. Additiveproblems,i.e.thedecompositionofinteger(usuallylarge)numbers into summands of a certain type; 5. Algorithmic problems of number theory, e.g. cryptography. Famous Unsolved Problems, Hypotheses in Number Theory There are still unsolved problems in number theory besides the one previously mentioned that is known as the Collatz conjecture. Maybe one of them could be solved by you. Some of the famous unsolved problems are: 1. The Odd Perfect Number Conjecture 2. Are there Fermat prime numbers for n[4? 3. The Twin Prime Conjecture 4. Goldbach’s Conjecture 5. The Riemann Hypothesis The Odd Perfect Number Conjecture. Are there odd “perfect” numbers? The Odd Perfect Number Conjecture has escaped prooffor centuries. Perfect numbers are positive integers that are the sum of their proper divisors. Forinstance,6isaperfectnumberbecausethesumofitsproperdivisors,1,2,and 3 equals 6 (1þ2þ3¼6). Euclid first found a way to construct a set of even perfect numbers in Book IX of The Elements. In his book, Euclid showed that if 2p(cid:3)1 is prime where p is prime, then 2p(cid:3)1(cid:1)ð2p(cid:3)1Þ is a perfect number. x Preface Prime Fermat Numbers. There are prime Fermat numbers given by F ¼ n 22nþ1 for n¼0;1;2;3;4: Leonard Euler showed that F ¼4294967297¼ 5 641(cid:1)6700413 is notprime.Are there still such numbersfor other n values? Many mathematicians believe that there are no new Fermat prime numbers. The Twin Prime Conjecture. Are there infinitely many twin prime numbers? Twin primes are pairs of primes of the form ðp;pþ2Þ. Examples are (3,5), (5,7), (11,13), (17,19), and (197,199). The largest known twin prime pair at the time of writing is ð2996863034895(cid:4)1Þ(cid:1)21290000 was discovered in September 2016 by PrimeGrid. A straightforward question now arises that since there are an infinite number of primes, are there also an infinite number of twin primes? One of the reasons that this question is interesting is that we know that the gap between the primesincreasesforlargernumbers(fromtheprimenumbertheorem,welearnthat the“average”gapbetweenprimessmallerthanpislnðpÞ).Nevertheless,istherean infinite number of twin primes anyway? As of January 2016, the largest known prime is 274207281(cid:3)1 (more than 22 million digits, also discovered by GIMPS). The Binary Goldbach’s Conjecture. Every even integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two primes. You can check that 4¼2þ2; 6¼3þ3; 8¼5þ3; 10¼5þ5; 12¼7þ5;... Note that for many even integers this representation is not unique. For example, 52¼5þ47¼11þ41¼23þ29; 100¼3þ97¼11þ89¼17þ83¼29þ71¼41þ59¼47þ53: Euler first stated this conjecture but failed to prove it. There is no doubt that this conjectureistrue,anditsvaliditywascheckeduptoeveryevennumberlessthanor equal to 4(cid:1)1018. However, so far nobody has given the complete proof of this conjecture. TheRiemannHypothesis.RiemannexpandedEuler’szetafunctiontothefield of complex numbers and stated that the real part of any nontrivial zero of the zeta functionis1/2.Thoughthistopicisoutofthescopeofthisbook,someinformation about the Riemann zeta function can be found in Section 1.4. The twin prime and Goldbach’s Conjecture together with the Riemann Hypothesis are included as Hilbert Problem 8 and remain the most famous open mathematical problems. What is this Book About? It is known that students have a hard time in trying to solve math problems involving integers, perhaps due to the fact that they study numbers in elementary school and basically never touch the topic again throughout the entire math cur- riculum. Many don’t find arithmetic problems interesting or of much use in our everyday life since many believe that we don’t need to know number theory for such fields as engineering or programming.

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