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Methods of Real Analysis(Richard R. Goldberg) PDF

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Preview Methods of Real Analysis(Richard R. Goldberg)

RICHARD R. GOLDBERG The Uae of lowe SECOND FOITION Hi 1 J / JOHN YALEY & SONS, In. GSTS Ge nd com Reser Capa) [No pe oi hak sy be age ya ans at ‘rte ne ela inl a assne ngage i ery of Cons Cte i Pees Date Qaas1sase ne sis 1s as PREFACE ny book ie inseuded us x ouryees couree for sludems wbo ‘uve cenipleld ea nlinusy sequence of cours im eleaeriry culls I presents ia rigoreus fashion basic rmzseial om the fundurmeatul concep ual “ools of aralyse—functons, lil, coatinu= ity dervather usd integrals, sequences ung seres, Most of -e dita ports aly lovin uver an elementary course: ace deli ooh iz dela, well ut many mere rulegneed sop desinell lo gee w gout backround Zor fuze hopefully use of) rederu wnulis and topology. 1a paroculu, there ure weattoents of meer sputes und Tebergne calearution, Wyice that are ule eeserved for mere wlvamesd course, Alo inluted are racay swaller bur interesting ties not esuly peeented 3 courses ut bs level the taies inclute Baie eatery aad Jseoutinvae Fometaors, semmablly of sefis, the Welostrase thgorein cer appiosinaige of ccauous fvnetions by pl bowials, end a pono! ofthe sandard existense theorem ne allan! eau Eoom Ue paint of wot af Fxed-poie theory te book ie wien at the same level as texts for cadiional “advaced calcul” course, bul dot not cousider opie in "soveralverables.” Marerial on cffereule and cor cali, a eur upimin, cea be unders.oo best from ike ant uF view ul ee Aiverental yore el belong 2 & pare ere REMARKS ON THE SECOND EDITION. Macy daanges in, niiinas tal ene Jeleuwe (wnt J ft aion have been made in aceon wil Magnghi(l extn fen ears callesqoes alge wel al ‘A naajot festoce oF SHG new edition in dhe saline 1 seine called “Noles aed Adgitonal Exerciecs” sich include vasely nf materiel, Tene ae fama these related co the material 20 the body of the txt” for example, the SehvOder-Ravnacia Ueoren fom set dheary, tbe Tetas exteasion cheorsa from ropelagy, and Stone's generalztion oF the Weie-sease approximation chcore3. Tho prac ave given :o ontive Fad with reat del ett the salen as exerci. Un hove ew seen there ur Ao myeluneeus exert anuay of whit are jute chelengitg) aud en eceasioual bist 2° now Ar insrtctor’ sollicns suarual tor the proslesns ia the new weal can be sai fram the sath alse ace aa eppembs thi. contac ex wave (ralment uf he seal amber start Thie wax a enmprise belween ma estan lim the fre eign al 4 Tent evelopment Feenbasie principles Sat T rink would etal the readers propa intn the ene of the book. The aun plone how, the re esbers an the necessary feu that es be erie Pus these naan are are prevented “Theve ane a nucber uf util ilugeevone a's 8 Separtne fron The Fe and gsr exetitenoty of th cer gel nem ps Ricbond & Gling CONTENTS, Iorodnor Assure and Notations MM 12. Ww. 2 22, 2a 2A 2s 28, 28 28. 2.10 2a Sets and functions Sets and eles Oparoions on sae eabvolcd fnstons Fauivoence counbilty eal numbers ect upper bounds Sequences of roal numbers Defiin of sequence and subsequence Lint of sesuence Convergent seguances Drstaont sequences Bounded stqvonces Monstane saquencos Operaion on vergent sequencer Lint super ond inferior Couey sequencer Surtmabilty of sequences 2212. lint superior and lr insiar tr anqueres af see Series of real numbers 8.1. Convergence and divergence 2.2. Series with nonmegafie erm 2.3. Alleating sein 3.A. Conditional convergence and absolle convergence 2.5. Reerongemens of secien 118. Tet for belie conwergance 2.7. Sevos whase tems form 2 naninicoring sequence 28, Summation by pars 32. 16,3) sunmabity of eres 240. The cass? 3.11, Real mumbets end dasial expensions 2.02, Note and adele! nares for (Chapters 1, 2, and 3 mits ond metre spacer 421, Lint ofa Fctlon oth el ie 4.2 Moe paces Continuous funetions on metre spaces 5.1. Fantionscomiuous ata point an he rea ne 152. Reformation 453. Funlionscaninuovs on ami pace 54. Open sets 55. Clad ste 534. Diconinsow Rneons on A! 5.7. The lite fom point oa et Connectedness, completenet, anu compactnoss 62. Camectd sa (62. Bounded see and oly hounded st 0.4. Complete mei eacee 65. Compute etic ses v8 149 “9 6.5. Contnueus functions on compoct metic paces 18 67. Conti of the avez freon 166 68. Uniform coninsty wer 69, Noles and adconal exercises for Chapters 4, 5am ” Calculus we 7A. Sets. moni 20 w 7.2, Defi ofthe Bemann inegrat 180 7.3. Exislence of fhe Riemann integral 16 7.4. Propeties ofthe Reman integral 18 75. Bervatves 9 7.8. Real's theorem 290 77, Thelav ot thereon 203 7.8, Fundamental theorems of elou ut 208 7.9. Improper negro a 7.10. improper integra continued 28 8. The elemontary functions. Tayler serios m 8.1. Hypirblc fans ms 8.2, The exponent onston ore 8.3, The logeitmic Kineton, Denton of e* poy BA. The iganomeniefuncions 200 8.5, Toplrs theorem 28 8.46, The binomial theorem an 8.7. Hospital as 9. Sequences and series oF Functions ae 9.1. Pointe convergence of sequence of unctions a2 9.2. Uniform convergence of sequences at fncions 28 9.3. Consequences of uitoem convergence 0 9.4. Convergence and uniform convergence af sie af Rnctions 264 9.5. Iteqation and difrenition of ste of enchonn 268 9.6. Abe surablly m 9.7. 2 continuous, nowhere ditreatobe fonction a 10. Three famous theorems 16,1, The meine space Clas 10.2. Thy Waiartans approximation theorem 20 10, Peotdasiance shooter fr ciel equations or 10.4, The Arzlathetem on equicominuaus fancy 0 DLS. Notes and edciional exercises for Chopters # and 10 2a 1, The Lebesgue integral m0 V1. Lonath of epan os anl lose sate 9 1.2, liner and puer means. Measurable = wen 11.5. Propenties of measuabie ste 208 114. Manabe fenefione m 11.5. finan and exnlence ofthe Lnberpue ing for bowl functions as LTS. Properties of he Lebesgue inogel for bowed essere fn a S12. The ebexgue infer or anbourddfnehions me 11. Sere fda Merete 28 11.9, The mete soe £0. oa 11.19, The ata! on (= 20} arin he plone on 12, Fourier corias 25 12.1. Definion of Fura ar as 12.2. Felon of soneigeee probes 358 12.8. The (C1) emmy of Fer serie 362 12st, The E? teary of Forres 38 12.5. Coneigene f Futer snes 368 12.6. Onhonomal axpensions I Ela. wa 27, Notes an ecltonal sxe for ‘Chapars 17 and 12 300, Appendix: the algebraic and ower oso for ha el rombae 8 Special Symbols 5 Index we INTRODUCTION ASSUMPTIONS AND NOTATIONS A. The book det ent agin with an entsnded sovelopmtn of the real rumen. However, he reads: who wishes © proceed ia aviely Toye ler shoul Gr get the tusie detiniions aad dhearotas aboot set and Funeione fa Seoiags [trough (3nd her cum 18 che Appanduc for dhe slgeors and order axioms of the veat and “he ‘eorewn sr svihertte aml sequels that aoe derived trom thoee atome Aer “ae Avert the reilr shoul gry Selion 1 ehere cht ceil epper aeune axiom ie pickerel, AT this point the reater wil have seeo a saree ieraens of all the baste Essunptions about the res'e Anon clinsng Fe appro ay sip mow ly paragraph a These are sine whe fel, ewer, thal HL petra ist be Le form. hoot Ge roi! amar a Ih he mle ev ge eee mal oF the bovk mere Quy. Fromm is ania of vicw i halter I daly naling (ie “Appencix ane simply Grover Sireny throng Ge main hed of the est For thane shu ooh se take Ths uppronch we arancon hretly same fasts aba the nels "An integer is a"wale nua?” Thus 6, 3 ae eyes A rama neers re umber dist can bo sxovstied as a quoient of itegere Thos 3/2 snl 9,378 one ‘ional acrobers. Ans integer £ Ig Cm & rational Mather singe we way write FAL ‘a uational unter is 3eal pumber that ix a 4 cainssl wowiher. For exaenne, Soluion to the ection a2 muse be an aradonal uber, ‘The render shotl have some Eatity sn handling iroquaidies, He stould know the: if sand 7 ate cod) autabers aa 0, thea —y. Alg, # Ushaeey. then Oe 15 For c50 we define 110 be Fin ¢0 we define [a to be —, Pally we deine 10]. Thus for ang veal numbers, [x 3 he numeral value” of We eal [sche bsolute vale of «By considering varieus eases secouiny oh ga af «and whe reader aould hase nn detienlty in penving the smsvensyimportaat TEES betel el uy and Wo aad fh are eal nuabsrs, hen the geometie iacraretation of lx A] the dicance rom a to b for from & 16 a) This ntetprctation ie cepceally mpparaat for the Undevtaading of he ctental ideas: many of che proais. I a, «ate veal comers, fe geemncri weaning ofthe inequaley Jone sane k a ie that the distance Hom w 10 b is aa grsezer than the distance from uta pls the Aistanee frome e 40 This should seem quits reascnabe. Soe If you van prove (2). [Lee sea eyre hand xs t}] CW assume eis truth of laws af exponents auch ¢5 2°17 —a°Q? for aU aad Jor vation valase of « and, 10 Chapter ow define tor cy real number » aad her prove the amie vs ef exponent ir arhise-y exponents. The nating 2 and Yu Fath cea the peiive seanae ol wo The axikonce a! # pave guar oor fas aay restive sue ie putentad in euatine 82 Saatita 62) 1D. Ha aie sone npiatgcn, He and fe as scl mers wit a we dsaore Py (ey the st al eal sere « ash that a Ry (2.25) wo mean the at ofall ISal Sich that esa. Be fnseya) we mean these a all cal a Wiha a, The so 4F) Jncallod a botnded opeafotsival while | sepa} ad [u-cel ate calcd unbounded open fnvervas, The set of el real numer is soncetisnes denetee Ly { <2.) Nate that We ‘arent defining the symbol: Taf. the [od] denoces tis set of ral namers 4 auch thac 2.4.74 5. These ie ‘alle bowaded closed bverval, A clored inerval ay ths contain ouly one post (it 1 We oscesonaly need to aie “bed-open” terete, Por example. 01) dese the Interval of aumbere.© wich she 1 ‘ear use ha station a6) ta denote pin a the pee, AB we mill os, Ae point whase Me-eonediaate” is a and whose “y-scordinate™ is wil he donotee by agh is oftea cantoaioat crits in parontosss. tothe right ofa digslayed tome. the values of ts variable” oo arabes? fc which the stateaten tte, For exam fier awn wens Cutt the imber fy) 3 Jess chao 7 er a» in [23h 'B Ihe mutenel io this buok is logically independien: of courses io eiemenssry ecrnetsy, Iigononiery exe! eteule hat. me be ao esol roca these elementary ourses Ht uy definigon or eu tbe stecemeat ur prest ef a theucent unlese ae have previously eolublstiel tie resi ouelves, Neverbele, we une Greely resule a Soncepty Ero emensiny elculy to lctere ou delinurs ail theorems, Vai, 23 fearaple, we de nol Ueline the siwefuuetion yes Caples 8, But we do we laniiar ‘colt aoa tbe sie fomctur.f exnmpey ama exgucse a elon chaptes “Therese seme petri Tumainne onthe text. Dut nora gat many. We Delve thet {Ge teadar thorldleacs 9 daar his wa pitures as carly a possible, Prestaably. the tasteuecer wil help 2) fhe rough spo in eis ake,

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