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Methods of Numerical Approximation. Lectures Delivered at a Summer School Held at Oxford University, September 1965 PDF

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Preview Methods of Numerical Approximation. Lectures Delivered at a Summer School Held at Oxford University, September 1965

METHODS OF NUMERICAL APPROXIMATION Lectures delivered at a Summer School held at Oxford University September, 1965 Edited by D. C. HANDSCOMB Oxford University Computing Laboratory SYMPOSIUM PUBLICATIONS DIVISION PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD LONDON · EDINBURGH · NEW YORK TORONTO · SYDNEY · PARIS · BRAUNSCHWEIG Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 & 5 Fitzroy Square, London W.l Pergamon Press (Scotland) Ltd., 2 & 3 Teviot Place, Edinburgh 1 Pergamon Press Inc., 44-01 21st Street, Long Island City, New York 11101 Pergamon of Canada, Ltd., 6 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontario Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 20-22 Margaret Street, Sydney, New South Wales Pergamon Press S.A.R.L., 24 rue des Ecoles, Paris 5e Vieweg & Sohn GmbH, Burgplatz 1, Braunschweig Copyright © 1966 Pergamon Press Ltd. First edition 1966 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 66-23045 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY BELL AND BAIN LTD., GLASGOW 2955/66 Lecturers taking part: J. D. P. Donnelly L. Fox Oxford University Computing Laboratory D. C. Handscomb D. F. Mayers A. R. Curtis Ί Atomic Energy Research Establishment, M. J. D. Powell J Harwell EDITOR'S PREFACE FOR several years now it has been the practice of Oxford University Com­ puting Laboratory, with the co-operation of external lecturers and of the Delegacy for Extra-Mural Studies, to arrange short Summer Schools in Oxford on various topics in or around the field of computation. This book is based on the Summer School held in September 1965, which was attended by some seventy people drawn mainly from university and other computing installations throughout Great Britain. The Editor would like to take this opportunity to record his gratitude to Professor Fox for the invitation to organize this course and for his much- needed encouragement and advice, to all his fellow authors for the long time spent in preparation and the short time spent in redrafting for publication, to the staff of the Delegacy for the smoothness of all the administrative and domestic arrangements, to Miss O. Moon for accurately and uncomplainingly typing the manuscript, and to the staff of the Pergamon Press for seeing it through to publication. Finally he must thank all the participants in the Summer School, and particularly those whose criticisms or other remarks have helped him in the making of this book. D. C. HANDSCOMB IX CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION D. C. HANDSCOMB THE subject of this book is the approximation of functions of one or more variables by means of more elementary functions, regarded as a tool in numerical computation. This is not to say that we present the reader with rules of thumb so that he can programme for his computer without further thought, for none of us would claim to be able to predict the best method to apply to any particular problem. On the other hand we have been somewhat selective in discarding material of purely theoretical interest while retaining everything that seems practically relevant. Some may have thought, on glancing at the table of contents, that we should have been even more selective; why, for instance, pay so much attention to questions of uniqueness or rates of convergence? The answer to this question lies partly in the fact that most present-day computing is performed by automatic machinery. Previously, when the numerical analyst had to do his own calculation with desk machine, pencil and paper, he could leave many decisions to his own instinctive feel of the direction the computation was taking. The automatic computer, on the other hand, has no instincts, and needs to be told under precisely what conditions to take any course of action. It is therefore advisable for the programmer to find out at least what even­ tualities he need or need not allow for. Quite apart from such practical reasons, however, we believe that it is fatal to productive research for the specialist to be completely ignorant of the foundations or the applications of his speciality, as so many specialists tend to be. The foundations of the modern theory of approximation were laid in the middle of the nineteenth century by P. L. Chebyshev (whose name has appeared in various other spellings) in the course of some very practical investigations. His work began by considering approximation by poly­ nomials alone. Other systems of approximating functions have since been taken into consideration; in this book we mention the systems of trigono­ metric sums, rational functions, continued fractions, and spline functions, and one or two others. These systems may be divided into linear (polynomials, trigonometric sums, and splines) and non-linear. The theory and techniques connected with the linear systems are, naturally, the more highly developed; 3 4 D. C. HANDSCOMB nevertheless a look at the bibliography will show that all departments of the subject are becoming more and more active. One reason for the sudden surge of interest in approximating functions in recent years is again the rise of the automatic digital computer. Previously the most convenient way of representing any function was by means of a table of values, this being the form that enabled the human computer most easily to see what was happening, and to avoid, detect, or correct errors. Tables of values are far less suitable for an automatic computer, though. For one thing, they fill up a great deal of storage with information most of which (such as the first digits of a slowly-varying function) is strictly redundant, when the computer still has to be told how to find its place in this table and how to interpolate; on the other hand the computer can manipulate quantities with few or many significant figures with equal ease, and so has no reason to prefer tabular values. Another point that could be made here is that the automatic computer is particularly well suited to long iterative processes, such as are called for in searching for "best" approximations. Such approximations have thus for the first time acquired more than academic interest. We have in this book concentrated most of our attention on the approxi­ mation of "mathematical" functions, meaning functions which can in principle be determined as exactly as we please (defined, perhaps, by a precisely-formulated differential equation or a contour integral). We have said less, possibly less than we should, about the approximation of experi­ mental data. The latter problem differs from the former in important respects. First of all one is not often able to choose the points at which observations are to be made—they may well have been made at some time in the past. Secondly, and most important, there is a definite limit to their accuracy—usually two or three significant figures. And thirdly the approxi­ mating function may be required to conform to a preconceived theory, either by taking some special form or by being nearly-linear, smooth, monotone, or otherwise "well behaved". In such circumstances there is one injunction above all to bear in mind: do not try to approximate the data more closely than their experimental error warrants; too close a fit usually means that one is using too complicated a function, and probably getting spurious humps and inflexions. The plan of the book is simple. After a chapter of fundamental definitions the second section deals with linear processes of approximation—much of this material is covered in standard texts. The third section deals with rational functions and continued fractions, linking the latter with the QD and ε algorithms although the main scope of these algorithms has little to do with approximation. The final section deals with miscellaneous topics, including some of the most recent developments. INTRODUCTION 5 When dealing with theoretical matters we have concentrated on results and methods of proof rather than the proofs themselves; when the reader can easily reconstruct a proof or find it in a convenient text we have often abbreviated or omitted it. The same can be said on the other side; when explaining a practical method we have tried not to obscure the principle with minute detail. We hope that we have succeeded in presenting a comprehensive and up-to- date survey of the approximation methods available, with some indication of the virtues and vices associated with each, and in stimulating some readers to explore this subject more deeply. CHAPTER 2 SOME ABSTRACT CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS D. C. HANDSCOMB 1. INTRODUCTION It is possible to discuss the subject of approximation without going beyond the bounds of "traditional" analysis, and indeed many branches of the subject do not lend themselves to any other treatment. The reader should find, however, that some familiarity with a few of the modern relevant concepts is a great spur to constructive thinking, besides being essential in order to understand much of the current literature. A fundamental concept is that of a function as a thing in itself. One can then regard functions in some respects as if they were points of a geometric vector space (often actually spoken of as "function-space") and make use of geometrical reasoning, speaking for instance of "convex sets" of functions or of the "distance" between functions. The usefulness of this quasi-geometric approach, which is that of functional analysis, lies mainly in establishing general theorems from which many diverse results may be deduced as special cases. A price that we pay for this convenience is that we are discouraged from following certain lines of thought that cannot be made to fit in with the general scheme (cf. Hammer, 1964)*. The important instance of this is the study of non-linear, and particularly rational, approximations, which are discussed later in this book. Even when dealing with linear approximation, however, we have often found it easier to present the material in traditional form. Nevertheless, we feel that the reader who ignores the abstract side does so to his loss, if only because he may not appreciate the underlying pattern to all that is done. This account will be brief. A more comprehensive account will be found in Buck (1959), or in any of the books on approximation theory such as Achieser (1947), Natanson (1949), Timan (1960), Davis (1963), or Rice (1964). * Full references are given on pp. 199-214. 7 B 8 D. C. HANDSCOMB 2. FUNCTION SPACES Let F be a set of functions defined over a domain A\ so that/(x) is defined (real or complex) and one-valued for every xeX and every feF. Notice that we do not restrict the nature of X; it could for instance be a finite set of points, an interval [a, b] of the real line, or the whole of 3-dimen- sional complex Euclidean space. We do, however, restrict the values of f(x) to be real or (sometimes) complex. The functions of F may be treated as if they were vectors (of possibly infinitely many components), by defining vector addition and multiplication by a scalar in the natural manner: f+g=h if h(x)=f(x) + g(x) for all xeX (1) Xf=h if h(x) = λ/(χ) for all xeX (2) where/, g, and h are members of F and λ is a scalar. The analogy with ordinary vectors may be made clear by considering the special case where X is the set of integers {1, 2, ... , n}, when any function/on X may be described by the vector of its values {/(l),/(2),... ,/(«)}. The rules (1) and (2) are then simply the rules for vector addition and multiplication in n dimensions. The set F is a linear vector space, or simply a vector space, over the field of real (or complex) numbers if it is closed under addition and multiplication; in other words, if f+geF for all fgeF (3) XfeF for all feF and for all real (complex) λ. (4) The set of all functions on X is ajvector space, but in practice one normally considers some closed subspace of this. Some important subspaces are (a) the space of bounded functions, denoted by B{X), (b) (if X is an interval, for example) the space of continuous functions, denoted by C(X), (c) the space of all functions of the form Xlf1+X2f2 + --+KL· where fufi^ ·" >fn are given; this is the space spanned byfl,f2, ... ,/,. Here we may introduce the idea of convexity. A set S of functions is convex if, for all real λ in the interval [0, 1], Xf+(l-X)geS for all fgeS (5) or, in geometrical terms, if the line-segment joining any two points of S lies wholly in S. The set of functions of the form kxfx +... +X„fn9 with A^O, ...,^Ο,Σλ,- = 1, is a convex set and is called the convex hull off, ...,/,. SOME ABSTRACT CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS 9 3. METRICS, NORMS AND SEMINORMS Any discussion of approximation requires that we have a way of measuring the discrepancy between two functions. If quasi-geometric arguments are to work it is reasonable to demand that this measure should have some of the properties of geometrical distance, or in formal terms that it should be a metric. A *functional d(f9 g) is a metric on a set F(not necessarily a vector space) if it satisfies the following requirements: d(f, g) is defined, real, and non-negative, for all/, geF (6) d(f9g)=0 if and only if j = g (7) d(f,g) = d(g,f) (8) d(f9h) ^ d(f,g) + d(g,h). (9) The most general form of metric, as here defined, is not rich enough in its properties, however, to yield enough useful results, and we do better to confine our attention to a more restricted class of metric that is defined on linear vector spaces alone. A functional n(f) is a norm on a linear vector space F if it satisfies the following: n(f) is defined, real, and non-negative, for all feF (10) n(f) = 0 if and only if /= 0 (that is, if/(x) = 0 for all xeX) (11) n(kf) = \k\n(f) for every scalar k (12) n(f+g)£n(f) + n(g). (13) The notation n(f)=\\f\\, with or without distinguishing subscripts, is generally employed for a norm. It follows from (10) to (13) that any norm gives rise to a metric d(f,g) = \\f-g\\ (14) and almost all approximation theory is constructed with reference to a metric of this form. If n(f) satisfies (10), (12), (13) but not (11) except to the extent that «(0) = 0, so that there are non-zero functions with n(f) = 0, then n is a seminorm. If a norm satisfies the stronger condition that n(f+g) <n(f)+n(g), unless g = 0 or / = kg for some k, then it is a strict norm. * A functional is a function whose arguments are functions; we use the term here merely to avoid confusion. We examine linear functional in more detail in Chapter 20.

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