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Preview Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 371: RNA Polymerases and Associated Factors, Part D

METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY EDITORS-IN-CHIEF John N. Abelson Melvin I. Simon DIVISIONOFBIOLOGY CALIFORNIAINSTITUTEOFTECHNOLOGY PASADENA,CALIFORNIA FOUNDING EDITORS Sidney P. Colowick and Nathan O. Kaplan Contributors to Volume 371 Articlenumbersareinparenthesesandfollowingthenamesofcontributors. Affiliationslistedarecurrent. Todd E. Adamson (19), Department of Yehudit Birger (39), Protein Section, Biochemistry, University of Iowa, Iowa Laboratory of Metabolism, Center for City,Iowa52242 Cancer Research, National Cancer Insti- tute, National Institutes of Health, Michael Anikin (9), Morse Institute of Bethesda,Maryland20892-4255 Molecular Genetics, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, SUNY Sergei Borukov (16), Department of DownstateMedicalCenter,450Clarkson Microbiology and Immunology, SUNY Avenue,Brooklyn,NewYork11203-2098 Health Science Center at Brooklyn, 450 Clarkson Avenue Brooklyn, New York Ekaterina Avetissova (13), Skirball 11203-2098 Institute, New York University Medical Center,NewYork,NewYork10016 Zachary F Burton (18), Department of Paul Babitzke (30), Department of Bio- Biochemistry,MichiganStateUniversity, EastLansing,Michigan48824 chemistry and Molecular Biology, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity,University Michael Bustin (39), Protein Section, Park,Pennsylvania16802 Laboratory of Metabolism, Center Na- Gil Bar-Nahum (11), Department of Bio- tional Cancer Institute, National Insti- tutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland chemistry,NewYorkUniversityMedical 20892-4255 Center,NewYork,NewYork10016 Irina Bass (14), Institute of Molecular MarianCarlson(45),DepartmentofGen- Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, etics & Development and Institute of Moscow,123182,Russia Cancer Research, Columbia University, NewYork,NewYork10032 Jodi Becker (17), NCI Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute— Michael J. Carrozza (40), Howard FrederickCancerResearchandDevelop- HughesMedicalInstitute,Departmentof mentCenter,Frederick,Maryland21702 BiochemistryandMolecularBiology,The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity,University OxanaBereshchenko(14),PublicHealth Park,Pennsylvania16802-4500 ResearchInstitute,455FirstAvenue,New York,NewYork10016 MichaelCashel(44),LaboratoryofMo- PhilipC.Bevilacqua(30),Departmentof lecular Genetics, NICHD, NIH Building Chemistry,ThePennsylvaniaStateUniver- 6, Room 3B314 Bethesda, Maryland 20892-2785 sity,UniversityPark,Pennsylvania16802 Kishor K. Bhakat (22), Sealy Center for Hyon Choy (38), Genome Center for En- MolecularScienceandtheDepartmentof teropathogenic Bacteria, Department of Human Biological Chemistry and Genet- Microbiology,ChonnamNationalUniver- ics,UniversityofTexasMedicalBranch, sity Medical College, Dong-Gu, Hak-1- Galveston,Texas77555 Kwang-Ju501-746,SouthKorea xi xii contributors to volume 371 Adrienne Clements (41), The Wistar In- Jane Fellows (36), Cancer Research UK, stitute,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania19104 London Research Institute, Clare Hall Laboratories, South Mimms, Hertford- Ronald Conaway (20), Stowers Institute shire,EN63LDUnitedKingdom forMedicalResearch,KansasCity,Mis- souri64110;DepartmentofBiochemistry J. Estelle Foster (5), Department of and Molecular Biology, Kansas Univer- Chemistry,CB3290,VenableandKenan sityMedicalCenter,KansasCity,Kansas Laboratories,UniversityofNorthCaroli- 66160 naatChapelHill,ChapelHill,NorthCar- olina27599-3290 Joan Weliky Conaway (20), Stowers In- stitute for Medical Research, Kansas David I. Friedman (32), Department of City,Missouri64110;DepartmentofBio- CellandStructureBiology,Universityof chemistryandMolecularBiology,Kansas Colorado School of Medicine, 4200 E. University Medical Center, Kansas City, Ninth Avenue, UCHSC Campus, Box Kansas66160 B-111Denver,Colorado80262 Ciara´n Condon (35), CNRS UPR9073, DmitryV.Fyodorov(37),SectionofMo- lecular Biology, University of California, Institute de Biologie Physico-Chimigue, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093- 75005Paris,France 0347 Asis Das (33), University of Connecticut MichellE.Garber(24),RegulatoryBiol- Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut ogy Laboratory, Salk Institute for Bio- 06030-3205 logicalStudies,10010NorthTorreyPines SaulA.Datwyler(6),AbbottLaborator- RoadLaJolla,California92037-1099 ies, 100 Abbott Park Rd, Abbott Park, Alex Goldfarb (14), Public Health Re- Illinois60064 search Institute, 455 First Avenue, New RichardH.Ebright(10),WaksmanInsti- York,NewYork10016 tute, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Paul Gollnick (31), Department of Bio- Rutgers University, 190 Frelinghuysen logical Sciences, Hochstetter Hall 613, Road,Piscataway,NewJersey08854 State University of New York Buffalo, YonW.Ebright(10),WaksmanInstitute, NewYork14260 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Rut- Nathan Gomes (24), Regulatory Biology gersUniversity,190FrelinghuysenRoad, Laboratory Salk Institute for Biological Piscataway,NewJersey08854 Studies,10010NorthTorreyPinesRoad, VitalyEpshtein(14),InstituteofMolecu- LaJolla,California92037-1099 lar Genetics, Russian Academy of Sci- Xue Q. Gong (18), Department of Bio- ences,Moscow,123182,Russia chemistry and Molecular Biology, Mich- Dorothy A. Erie (5), Department of igan State University, East Lansing, Michigan48824 Chemistry,CB3290,VenableandKenan Laboratories,UniversityofNorthCaroli- FengGong(29),DepartmentofBiological na at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, Carolina27599-3290 California94305-5020 PeggyJ.Farnham(43),McArdleLabora- Max E. Gottesman (26), Institute of tory for Cancer Research, University of Cancer Research, Department of Bio- Wisconsin Medical School 1400 Univer- chemistryandMolecularBiophysics,Col- sity Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53706- umbia University, New York, New York 1599 10032-2798 contributors to volume371 xiii MikhailGrachev(14),LimnologicalInsti- JamesKadonaga(37),SectionofMolecu- tute,RussianAcademyofSciences,Ulan- larBiology,UniversityofCalifornia,San batorskaya3664033,Russia Diego,LaJolla,California92093-0347 IvanGusarov(11,28),DepartmentofBio- ChangwonKang(12),DepartmentofBio- chemistry,NewYorkUniversityMedical logical Sciences, Korea Advanced Insti- Center,NewYork,NewYork10016 tute of Science and Technology, 373-1 Guseong-dong,Yuseong-gu,Daejeon701, MartinGuthold(3),DepartmentofPhys- RepublicofKorea ics, Wake Forest University Winston- Salem,NorthCarolina27109-7507 AchillefsN.Kapanidis(10),Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCLA, Hiroshi Handa (18), Frontier Collabora- LosAngeles,California90095 tive Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology,Yokohama226-8503,Japan ValeriN.Karamychev(7),Departmentof NuclearMedicine,WarrenG.Magnuson Ahmed H. Hassan (40), Howard Hughes Clinical Center, National Institutes of Medical Institute, Department of Bio- Health,Bethesda,Maryland20892 chemistry and Molecular Biology, The Mikhail Kashlev (7, 14, 17, 42), NCI PennsylvaniaStateUniversity,University Center for Cancer Research, National Park,Pennsylvania Cancer Institute—Frederick Cancer Re- Shannon F. Holmes (4), Department of search and Development Center, Fred- Chemistry,CB3290,VenableandKenan erick,Maryland21702 Laboratories,UniversityofNorthCaroli- Hyeong C. Kim (26), Department of Bio- na at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North chemistryandMolecularBiophysicsCol- Carolina27599-3290 umbia University New York, New York MasayoriInouye(34),DepartmentofBio- 10032-2798 chemistry,RobertWoodJohnsonMedical Jae-Hong Kim (38), Aging and Apoptosis, School, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854- Research Center, Dept. of Biochemistry 5635 andMolecularBiology,CollegeofMedi- Akira Ishihama (6), Nippon Institute for cine, Seoul National University, 28 Yon- gon-Dong, Chongno-GU, Seoul 110-799, Biological Science, Shin-machi, 9-221 SouthKorea Ome,Tokyo198-09924,Japan RodneyA.King(15),LaboratoryofMo- NandanJana(33),UniversityofConnecti- lecularGenetics,NICHD,NIH,Building cutHealthCenter,Farmington,Connecti- 6B, Room 3B-308, Bethesda, Maryland cut06030-3205 20892 Manli Jiang (9), Morse Institute of Mo- MariaL.Kireeva(17,42),NCICenterfor lecular Genetics, Department of Micro- Cancer Research, National Cancer Insti- biology and Immunology, SUNY tute—Frederick Cancer Research Devel- Downstate Medical Center 450Clarkson opment Center, Frederick, Maryland Avenue,Brooklyn,NewYork11203-2098 21702 KatherineA.Jones(24),RegulatoryBiol- NataliaKomissarova(7,17),NCICenter ogy Laboratory, Salk Institute for Bio- forCancerResearchNationalCancerIn- logical Studies, 10010 North Torrey stitute—Frederick Cancer Research and Pines Road, La Jolla, California 92037- Development Center, Frederick, Mary- 1099 land21702 xiv contributors to volume 371 Stephanie Kong (20), Stowers Institute CraigT.Martin(2),DepartmentofChem- Medical Research, 1000 E. 50th Street, istry, University of Massachusetts, Am- KansasCity,Missouri64110 herst,Massachusetts01003-9336 Ekaterine Kortkhonjia (10), Waksman TatyanaMaximova(14),LimnologicalIn- Institute, Howard Hughes Medical Insti- stitute, Russian Academy of Sciences, tute,RutgersUniversity,190Frelinghuy- Ulanbatorskaya3664033,Russia senRoad,Piscataway,NewJersey08854 WilliamT. McAllister(9), Morse Insti- Nataliya Korzheva (13, 14), Public tute of Molecular Genetics, Department Health Research Institute, 225 Warren ofMicrobiologyandImmunology,SUNY Street,Newark,NewJersey07103-3535 Downstate Medical Center 450 Clarkson AvenueBrooklyn,NewYork11203-2098 Maxim Kozlov (14), Public Health Re- search Institute, 455 First Avenue, New Claude F. Meares (6), Department of York,NewYork10016 Chemistry, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, Cali- SergeiKuchin(45)InstituteofCancerRe- fornia95616-5295 search, Columbia University, New York, NewYork10032 Vladimir Mekler (10), Waksman Insti- tute, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Oleg Laptenko (16), Morse Institute of Rutgers University, 190 Frelinghuysen Molecular Genetics, Department of Road,Piscataway,NewJersey08854 Microbiology and Immunology, SUNY Jaime Garcia Mena (33), University of Health Science Center at Brooklyn, 450 Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Clarkson Avenue, Brooklyn, New York Connecticut06030-3205 11203-2098 Gregory Michaud (33), University of David Lazinski (33), University of Con- Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, necticutHealthCenter,Farmington,Con- Connecticut06030-3205 necticut06030-3205 Sankar Mitra (22),SealyCenter for Mo- Lasse Lindahl (27), Department of Bio- lecular Science, University of Texas, logicalSciences,UniversityofMaryland, MedicalBranch,6.136MedicalResearch Baltimore Country, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Building,Galveston,Texas77555 Baltimore,Maryland21250 Mark Mortin (46), Laboratory of Molec- CuihuaLiu(2),WyethResearch,87Cam- ular Genetics NICHD, NIH, Building bridgeparkDrive,Cambridge,Massachu- 6B, Room 3B-331, Bethesda, Maryland setts02140 20892-4255 Eugeny Lukhtanov (14), Epoch Pharma- Jayanta Mukhopadhyay (10), Waksman ceuticals,Inc.,Bothell,Washington98021 Institute, Howard Hughes Medical Insti- KaiyuMa(9),MorseInstituteofMolecular tute,RutgersUniversity,190Frelinghuy- Genetics,DepartmentofMicrobiologyand sen,Road,Piscataway,NewJersey08854 Immunology, SUNY Downstate Medical Helen Murphy (44), Laboratory of Mo- Center,Brooklyn,NewYork11203-2098 lecular Genetics, NICHD, NIH Building Vadim Markovtsov (14), Public Health 6, Room 3B-314, Bethesda, Maryland Research Institute, 455 First Avenue, 20892-2785 NewYork,NewYork10016 Arkady Mustaev (13, 14), Public Health RonenMarmorstein(41),TheWistarIn- ResearchInstitute,455FirstAvenue,New stitute,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania19104 York,NewYork10016 contributors to volume371 xv Yuri A. Nedialkov (18), Department of Yuri V. Postnikov (39), Protein Section, Biochemistry,MichiganStateUniversity, Laboratory of Metabolism, Center for EastLansing,Michigan48824 Cancer Research, National Cancer Insti- tute, National Institutes of Health, Melody N. Neeley (32), Department of Bethesda,Maryland20892-4255 MicrobiologyandImmunology,TheUni- versityofMichiganMedicalSchool,Ann David H. Price (19), Department of Bio- Arbor,Michigan48109-0620 chemistry,UniversityofIowa,IowaCity, Iowa52242 Ronald D. Neumann (7), Department of NuclearMedicine,WarrenG.Magnuson Daniel Reines (21), Department of Bio- Clinical Center, National Institutes of chemistry, Emory University School of Health,Bethesda,Maryland20892 Medicine, 4023 Rollins Research Center, Atlanta,Georgia30322 VadimNikiforov(14),InstituteofMolecu- lar Genetics, Russian Academy of Sci- ClaudioRivetti(3),DipartimentodiBio- ences,Moscow,123182,Russia chimicaeBiologia,MolecolareUniversita degli Studi, di Parma Parco Area, delle EvgenyNudler(11,13,28),Departmentof Scienze23/A43100,Parma,Italy Biochemistry,NewYorkUniversityMed- icalCenter,NewYork,NewYork10016 Jeffrey W. Roberts (8), Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell MatthewJ.Oberley(43),Departmentof University,Ithaca,NewYork14853 Oncology,Room417AMcArdleLabora- tory of Cancer Research, University of AzizSancar(23),DepartmentofBiochem- Wisconsin-Madison, 1400 University istryandBiophysics,UniversityofNorth Avenue,Madison,Wisconsin53706-1599 Carolina, School of Medicine, Chapel Hill,NorthCarolina27599-7260 Jeffrey Owens (6), IDEC Pharmaceut- icals,3031ScienceParkRoad,SanDiego, Thomas J. Santangelo (8), Department CA92191 of Molecular Biology and Genetics, IgorG.Pantyutin(7),DepartmentofNu- Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 clear Medicine, Warren G. Magnuson Clinical Center, National Institutes of Janell Schaak (30), Department of Bio- Health,Bethesda,Maryland20892 chemistryandMolecularBiologyandDe- Sang Chul Park (38), Aging and Apop- partmentofChemistry,ThePennsylvania tosis Research Center, Department of State University, University Park, Penn- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, sylvania16802 CollegeofMedicine,SeoulNationalUni- BrianD.Schmidt(6),OnyxPharmaceut- versity, 28 Yongon-Dong Chongno-GU, icals, 3031 Research Drive, Richmond, Seoul110-799,SouthKorea California94806 Thodoris G. Petrakis (36), Cancer Re- search UK, London Research Institute, C.P.Selby(23),DepartmentofBiochemis- Clare Hall Laboratories, South Mimms, try and Biophysics, University of North HertfordshireEN63LD,UnitedKingdom Carolina, School of Medicine, Chapel Hill,NorthCarolina27599-7260 Sangita Phadtare (34), Department of Biochemistry, Robert Wood Johnson RanjanSen(15),LaboratoryofMolecular Medical School, 675 Hoes Lane Piscat- Genetics, NICHD, NIH, Bldg. 6B, Rm. away,NewJersey08854-5635 3B-308,Bethesda,Maryland20892 xvi contributors to volume 371 Sibani Sengupta (33), University of Con- Catherine L. Squires (35), Department necticut Health Center, 263 Farmington of Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Avenue, Farmington, Connecticut 06030- Tufts University, School of Medicine, 3205 Boston,Massachusetts02111-1800 Hyuk-KyuSeoh(35), Department ofMo- Vasily M. Studitsky (42), Department of lecular Biology and Microbiology, Tufts Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University School of Medicine, Boston, Wayne StateUniversitySchoolofMedi- Massachusetts02111-1800 cine,Detroit,Michigan48201 KonstantinSeverinov(14,34),Waksman JesperQ.Svejstrup(36),CancerResearch Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers, The UK, London Research Institute, Clare StateUniversityofNewJersey,190Fre- Hall Laboratories, South Mimms, Hert- linghuysenRoad,Piscataway,NewJersey fordshireEN63LD,UnitedKingdom 08854 AlexiTatusov(7),DepartmentofNuclear Haihong Shen (12), Department of Bio- Medicine, Warren G. Magnuson Clinical logical Sciences, Korea Advanced Insti- Center, National Institutes of Health, tute of Science and Technology, 373-1 Bethesda,Maryland20892 Guesong-dong,Yuseong-gu,Daejeon305- Vladimir Tchernajenko (566), Depart- 701Korea mentofBiochemistryandMolecularBiol- Ali Shilatifard (20), Edward A. Doisey, ogy, Wayne State University School of Department of Biochemistry, St. Louis Medicine,Detroit,Michigan48201 UniversitySchoolofMedicine,St.Louis, Dmitri Temiakov (9), Morse Institute of Missouri63104 Molecular Genetics, Department of Nubuo Shimamoto (4), National Microbiology and Immunology, SUNY Institute of Genetics, School of Life Downstate 450 Clarkson Avenue, Brook- Science, The Graduate University for lyn,NewYork11203-2098 Advanced Studies, Mishima, 411-8540 Igor Tsarev (14), Limnological Institute, Japan Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulanba- SarahM.Shore(19),DepartmentofBio- torskaya3664033,Russia chemistry,UniversityofIowa,IowaCity, Andrea U´jva´ri (2), Department of Mo- Iowa52242 lecular Biology, Lerner Research Insti- Igor Sidorenkov (17), NCI Center for tute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland,Ohio44195 Cancer Research, National Cancer Insti- tute—Frederick,CancerResearchDevel- Susan Uptain (25), Department of Mo- opment Center, Frederick, Maryland lecularGeneticsandCellBiology,Univer- 21702 sity of Chicago, 5841 South Maryland Avenue,Chicago,Illinois60637 YoungheeSohn(12),DepartmentofBio- logical Sciences, Korea Advanced Insti- Wendy Walter (7), Department of Bio- tute of Science and Technology, 373-1 chemistryandMolecularBiology,Wayne Guseong-dong Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305- State University School of Medicine, 701,RepublicofKorea Detroit,Michigan48201 Rui Sousa (1), Department of Biochemis- Robert A. Weisberg (15), Laboratory of try, University of Texas Health Science MolecularGenetics,NICHD,NIHBuild- Center,7703FloydCourtDrive,SanAn- ing 6B, Room 3B-308, Bethesda, tonio,Texas78284-7760 Maryland20892 contributors to volume371 xvii Katherine L. West(39), Protein Section, CharlesYanofsky(29),HerzsteinProfes- Laboratory of Metabolism, Center for sor of Biology, Department of Biological Cancer Research, National Cancer Insti- Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, tute, National Institutes of Health, California94305-5020 Bethesda,Maryland20892-4255 Eugeny Zaychikov (14), Max-Planck-In- Jerry L. Workman (40), Howard Hughes stitute for Biochemie 8033, Martinsreid Medical Institute, Department of Bio- bei,Munchen,Germany chemistry and Molecular Biology, The Janice M. Zengel (27), Department of PennsylvaniaStateUniversity,University Biological Sciences, University of Mary- Park,Pennsylvania16802-4500 land Baltimore Country, Baltimore, AlexanderV.Yakhnin(30),Department Maryland21250 of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, ZuoZhang(33),UniversityofConnecticut The Pennsylvania State University, Uni- HealthCenter,Farmington,Connecticut, versityPark,Pennsylvania16802 06030-3205 YukiYamaguchi(18),GraduateSchoolof Victor Zhurkin (7), Laboratory of Com- Bioscienceand Biotechnology,Tokyo In- putationalandExperimentalBiology,Na- stitute of Technology, Yokohama 226- tional Cancer Institute, National 8503,Japan InstitutesofHealth,Bethesda,Maryland Suk Hoon Yang (22), Sealy Center for 20892 Molecular Science and the Department ofHumanBiologicalChemistryandGen- etics, University of Texas Medical Branch,Galveston,Texas77555 METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY VolumeI.PreparationandAssayofEnzymes Edited by Sidney P. Colowick and Nathan O. Kaplan VolumeII.PreparationandAssayofEnzymes Edited by Sidney P. Colowick and Nathan O. Kaplan VolumeIII.PreparationandAssayofSubstrates Edited by Sidney P. Colowick and Nathan O. Kaplan VolumeIV.SpecialTechniquesfortheEnzymologist Edited by Sidney P. Colowick and Nathan O. Kaplan VolumeV.PreparationandAssayofEnzymes Edited by Sidney P. Colowick and Nathan O. Kaplan VolumeVI.PreparationandAssayofEnzymes(Continued) PreparationandAssayofSubstrates SpecialTechniques Edited by Sidney P. Colowick and Nathan O. Kaplan VolumeVII.CumulativeSubjectIndex Edited by Sidney P. Colowick and Nathan O. Kaplan VolumeVIII.ComplexCarbohydrates Edited by Elizabeth F. Neufeld and Victor Ginsburg VolumeIX.CarbohydrateMetabolism Edited by Willis A. Wood VolumeX.OxidationandPhosphorylation Edited by Ronald W. Estabrook and Maynard E. Pullman VolumeXI.EnzymeStructure Edited by C. H. W. Hirs VolumeXII.NucleicAcids(PartsAandB) Edited by Lawrence Grossman and Kivie Moldave VolumeXIII.CitricAcidCycle Edited by J. M. Lowenstein VolumeXIV.Lipids Edited by J. M. Lowenstein VolumeXV.SteroidsandTerpenoids Edited by Raymond B. Clayton xix xx methods in enzymology VolumeXVI.FastReactions Edited by Kenneth Kustin VolumeXVII.MetabolismofAminoAcidsandAmines(PartsAandB) Edited by Herbert Tabor and Celia White Tabor VolumeXVIII.VitaminsandCoenzymes(PartsA,B,andC) Edited by Donald B. McCormick and Lemuel D. Wright VolumeXIX.ProteolyticEnzymes Edited by Gertrude E. Perlmann and Laszlo Lorand VolumeXX.NucleicAcidsandProteinSynthesis(PartC) Edited by Kivie Moldave and Lawrence Grossman VolumeXXI.NucleicAcids(PartD) Edited by Lawrence Grossman and Kivie Moldave VolumeXXII.EnzymePurificationandRelatedTechniques Edited by William B. Jakoby VolumeXXIII.Photosynthesis(PartA) Edited by Anthony San Pietro VolumeXXIV.PhotosynthesisandNitrogenFixation(PartB) Edited by Anthony San Pietro VolumeXXV.EnzymeStructure(PartB) Edited by C. H. W. Hirs and Serge N. Timasheff VolumeXXVI.EnzymeStructure(PartC) Edited by C. H. W. Hirs and Serge N. Timasheff VolumeXXVII.EnzymeStructure(PartD) Edited by C. H. W. Hirs and Serge N. Timasheff VolumeXXVIII.ComplexCarbohydrates(PartB) Edited by Victor Ginsburg VolumeXXIX.NucleicAcidsandProteinSynthesis(PartE) Edited by Lawrence Grossman and Kivie Moldave VolumeXXX.NucleicAcidsandProteinSynthesis(PartF) Edited by Kivie Moldave and Lawrence Grossman VolumeXXXI.Biomembranes(PartA) Edited by Sidney Fleischer and Lester Packer VolumeXXXII.Biomembranes(PartB) Edited by Sidney Fleischer and Lester Packer VolumeXXXIII.CumulativeSubjectIndexVolumesI-XXX Edited by Martha G. Dennis and Edward A. Dennis VolumeXXXIV.AffinityTechniques(EnzymePurification:PartB) Edited by William B. Jakoby and Meir Wilchek

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