SchoolofDistanceEducation UNIVERSITYOF CALICUT SCHOOL OF DISTANCEEDUCATION BA English (2011 Admission Onwards) II Semester BA English (2012 Admission onwards) V Semester Core Course METHODOLOGY OF LITERATURE QUESTION BANK 1. Thestudyofsignsiscalled_ a. Linguistics b. Semiotics c. Scientology d. Stylistics 2. Whocoined theword netspeak todenote thelanguage usedininternet communication? a. Roland Bartthes b. Michel Foucault c. David Crystal d. David Lodge AHouse forMr.Biswas 3. Whoistheauthor of ? a. ShivNaipaul b. Kushwant Singh c. DomMoraes d. VSNaipaTuhlings fallApart 4. Who wrote ? a. Chinua Achebe b. WoleSoyinka c. Ismuth Chugthai dT.raYinetaotsPakistan 5. isafamousnovelbyKushwantSinghbasedon a. Partition b. Untouchables c. Prostitution d. Famine MethodologyofLiterature 1 SchoolofDistanceEducation Summer inCalcutta 6. Who wrote ? a. Kamla Das b. Mahasweta Devi c. Mihir Sen d. Satyajit Ray a. Nolonger atEase 7. Wb.hiAcrhroowftohfeGfooldlowing isnotanovelbyChinua Achebe? c. AManofpeople d. Shame 8. Achebebelongsto_ a. Nigeria b. Sudan c. South Africa d. Ethiopia ThingsfallApart 9. Thepoemwhichlendsthetitleof byAchebeis a. Easter 1916 b. Byzantium c. Second Coming Ad.nADraefafoodfiDlsarkness 10. byVSNaipaulisa a. Travelogue b. Novel c. Shortstory d. Drama 11. isanovel byPatrick White, theAustralian novelist. a. Snake b. Voss c. Cosmos Td.heRSatjoQneuaArntgeetl 12. isanovel written byMargaret Lawrence, anativeNeepawa in a. Africa b. England c. Australia Td.heGuiUdeSA 13. isanovelwrittenby a. RKNarayan b. KRNarayanan c. Anita Desai d. KiranDesai MethodologyofLiterature 2 SchoolofDistanceEducation MuktaDhara 14. isaplayby a. Tagore b. RKNarayanan c. Anita Desai d. Manjula Padmanaban 15. Theterm“Gitanjali”ofthepoemofthesamenamebyTagoremeans a. GodSongs b. Goodsongs c. Verses d. Songofferings Gitanjali 16. Whowrote theintroduction to ? a. WBYeats b. Tagore c. Eliot d. LouisFischer 17. Rabindra NathTagore thefirstIndiantogetNobel Prize wasawarded Nobel Prize in forliterature. a. 1930 b. 1960 c. 1931 d. 1913 Kelly,Shipwreck, TheGolden Lover Fischer’s Ghost 18. Douglas Steward whowrote manyverse plays like and originally belonged to a. Australia b. NewZealand c. Trinidad d. China TheWestern Canon 19. Whowrote thebook ? a. Harold Bloom b. David Lodge c. William wordsworth Ldi.teFraRryLTeahveiosry:AnIntroduction 20. isabookwrittenby a. Harold Bloom b. Terry Eagleton c. F.R.Leavis d. Northrop Frye TheCommon Pursuit? 21. Whowrote thebook a. Harold Bloom b. Terry Eagleton c. F.RLeavis d. Coleridge MethodologyofLiterature 3 SchoolofDistanceEducation 22. “OfthestandardofTaste”isanessayby a. David Hume b. Harold Bloom c. David Lodge d. Plato 23. Thetermcanon originaly meanin gameasuring rod,isof origin a. Hebrew b. Arab c. Chinese d. Greek Illiberal Education :Thepolitics ofSexand RaceonCampus 24. Thefamous bookonculture warsinUSA, iswrittenby a. Dinesh D’souza b. Amartya Sen c. Arundhadi Roy d. Noam Chomsky 25. Macaulay’s “Minutes onIndianEducation” dates backto a. 1835 b. 1935 c. 1845 d. 1925 26. What doestheacronym DWEM stands for? a. Dear white European Males b. Dead white English Man c. DeadWhite European Male d. Dear White English Man 27. Whomade adistinction between implied reader andactual reader? a. Wolf GangIser b. Kamla Das c. Mahasweta Devi d. Terry EagletoRnubaiyat 28. Whotranslated ofthePersian poetOmar Khayyam intoEnglish? a. Homer b. Edward Fitzgerald c. Harold Bloom 29. d. Terry Eagleton LooseCanons: Notes ontheCulture Wars Who wrote thebook (1992)? a. Henry LouisGates b. Harold Bloom c. Dinesh D’souza d. Milton MethodologyofLiterature 4 SchoolofDistanceEducation 30. Whospokeabouttheconcept ofvalueinliterature? a. TSEliot b. Coleridge c. FrankKermode d. Wordsworth 31. Thewordforcopying another person’s ideas, words, orwork andusingasiftheyare yoursiscalled a. Plagiarism b. Theft c. Robbery d. Copyright 32. “PiersPlowman”isapoemby a. Cervantes, b. Wycliffe c. William Langland d. Tyndale 33. means intended togiveinstruction, isapplied toaworkwithan educational value a. Didacticism b. Structure c. Textual criticism d. Sensualism 34. Aestheticismmeansintendedfor_ a. Learning b. Pleasure c. Teaching Md.ysStpoirryituality 35. isafictionalautobiographyof a. Kamala Das b. AKRamanujam c. Indira nooyi Ad.utoNbisiosgimraEpzhiykoiaflanUnknownIndian 36. isof a. Nirad Chaudhri b. Kamaladas c. Kushwant Singh d. DomMoraes 37. Whowrote thefamous essay “WhatisanAuthor?” 1969? a. Roland Bartthes b. Michel Foucault c. David Crystal d. David Lodge MethodologyofLiterature 5 SchoolofDistanceEducation a. AfineBalance 38. Wb.hiUcnhtoofutchheabfolellsowing isanovel byMulk RajAnand? c. ByeByeblackbird d. Maneater ofMalgudi Poetics 39. Whowrote ? a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Longinus d. Horace 40. What doestheideaof“catharsis” byAristotle mean? a. Emotion b. Fear c. Pity d. Purgation ofpityandfear 41. Inwhich century didShakespeare live? a. Eighteenth b. Nineteenth c. Twentieth d. Sixteenth 42. Whowrotetheessay“From worktoText”? a. Roman Jakobson b. Roland Barthes c. Todorov d. David Cristal 43. Thecomparison between twodifferent things byusinglikeorasasin“Omylove’s likearedredrose”iscalleda a. Metaphor b. Simile c. Epicsimile d. Conceit 44. Thecomparison between twodifferent things bynotusinglikeorasasin“Omy love’saredredrose”iscalleda_ a. Metaphor b. Simile c. Epicsimile d. Conceit TheSocial Construction ofReality 45. Whousedtheword social construction forthefirsttimeinthebook ? a. David Crystal b. Peter Berger& Tomas Luckman c. Tomas Luckman Methododlo.gyEoafLgilteetroatnure 6 SchoolofDistanceEducation 46. Abrand ofcriticism thatargues thatwriting inEnglish continues colonialism iscalled a. Neocolonialism b. Nativism c. Regionalism d. PracticalismImaginary Home lands 47. Whose bookis ? a. Salman Rushdie b. Naipaul c. Vikram Seth d. Bilkram Chandra 48. Whoisconsidered asthefather ofsociology? a. BipinChandra b. Romila Thapar c. Emile Durkheim d. DDKosambi 49. Abookofsynonymsiscalled a. Dictionary b. Reverse Dictionary c. Thesaurus d. Oxymoron 50. Whoistheonlywriter whohaswontheBooker ofBooker prize? a. Rushdie b. Hanif Kureishi c. Arundhadi Roy d. David Lodge 51. SlavojZizekisanativeof a. Iran b. America c. Slovenia d. Italy a. Indefence oflostcauses 52. Ob.fthTehfoelFlorwaginilegAbsolute isnotabook byZizek. c. TheTicklish subject d. TheCultural Turn TheFragile Absolute 53. What isthesubtitle of bySlavojZizek?. a. WhyistheChristian Legacy worth fighting for? b. IstheChristian Legacyworth fighting for? c. Christian Legacy d. Noneofthese MethodologyofLiterature 7 SchoolofDistanceEducation 54. Zizek’sfavouritephilosopherwhoinfluenceshisworksmostis a. Jacques lacan b. Lyotard c. Foucault d. Habermas 55. Whoiscalled “theFrench Freud”? a. CJYung b. Jacques Lacan. c. Lyotard d. Foucault 56. Jacques lacan’s formulation oftheconcept ofpsycho‐sexual development hasthe following threestages ofsymbolic, imagination andthe stage a. Object b. Subject c. Self d. Mirror 57. “TheInsistenceoftheLetterintheUnconscious”isacelebratedessayby a. Jacques lacan b. Bakhtin c. Derrida d. Foucault 58. Ferdinand deSaussure whoplayed animportant partinthedevelopment of structuralism isa_ linguist. a. German b. Italian c. British CourseinGenerallinguistics d. Swiss 59. publishedin1975iswrittenby a. Barthes b. Derrida c. Saussure d. Lacan 60. Thefigure ofspeech in which apartofsomething isused tosignify thewhole asin “tenhands” for “tenworkers”iscalled a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Personification d. Synecdoche 61. “Structure, SignandPlayintheDiscourse oftheHumansciences” isanessayby a. Saussure b. Lacan c. Jacques Derrida Methododlo.gyofJLuiltiearaKturirseteva 8 SchoolofDistanceEducation a. OfGrammatology 62. Wb.hichDiossfetmheinfaoltlioowning books isnotofJacques Derrida? c. Writing andDifference d. Waste Land 63. Whocoined thenewword “difference” tomean“todiffer” and“todefer” atthesame time? a. Lacan b. Derrida c. Barthes d. Tudor 64. Whoistheproponent ofaffective stylistics? a. Harold Bloom b. Derrida c. Lacan d. Stanley Fish 65. Whosaysthatall“reading is…….misreading”? a. Harold Bloom b. Foucault c. MHAbrams d. Todorov 66. Which critical school hasitsideal theestablishment ofanauthentic text? a. Newcriticism b. Aesthetic criticism c. Textual criticism d. Structuralism Principles ofTextual Criticism 67. wrote thetext . a. James Thorpe b. Vladimir Propp c. Eliot d. Eagleton 68. Whowrote thefamous essay“TheDeath oftheAuthor”? a. Roland Barthes b. Lacan c. Foucault d. Derrida TheFourFundamental Concepts ofPsychoanalysis? 69. Whose bookis a. Jacques Lacan b. Siigmund Freud c. Earnest Jones d. Jung MethodologyofLiterature 9 SchoolofDistanceEducation 70. “ThePhilosophyofComposition”isby a. Keats b. Edgar Allan Poe c. Coleridge d. Tennison 71. Which criticmadearevaluation ofMetaphysical poetsandpraised them forblending statesofmindandfeeling a. TSEliot b. FRLeavis c. Samuel Jonson d. Shelley AftertheNewCriticism 72. wrote (1980) a. FRLeavis b. Samuel Jonson c. Frank Lentricchia d. Shelley Defence ofpoetry 73. wrote a. Shelley b. Keats c. Longinus d. Shakespeare TheWellWrought Urn 74. Thetitleofthebook (1947) byCleanth Brooks istakenfrom thepoem byJohnDonne. a. TheFlee b. Valediction c. TheCanonization d. TheAnniversary 75. Theterm issuggestive ofcarefully worked outimages thatwere elaborated overanumber oflines. a. Wellwrought b. Simile c. Humour d. Zeitgeist 76. According toFreud allhuman behavior ismotivated by orSexual energy. a. Libido b. Thanatos c. Eros d. Oedipus complex 77. OedipusComplexisahypothesisdevelopedby a. Adler b. Freud c. Jung Methododlo.gyofPLiiategreatture 10