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INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MECHANICAL SCIENCES COURSES AND LECfURES -No. 320 METHODOLOGY, IMPLEMENTATION AND APPLICATIONS OF DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS EDI1EDBY A. LEW ANDOWSKI WA Y NE STA 1E UNIVERSITY P. SERAFINI UNIVERSITY OF UDINE M. G. SPERANZA UNIVERSITY OF BRESCIA SPRINGER-VERLAG WIEN GMBH Le spese di stampa di questo volume sono in parte coperte da contributi del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. This volume contains 37 i11ustrations. This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concemed specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of iJiustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. © 1991 by Springer-Verlag Wien Originally published by Springer Verlag Wien-New York in 1991 ISBN 978-3-211-82297-5 ISBN 978-3-7091-2606-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-2606-6 PREFACE In 1988 the idea arose within the group of people working in the Deci sion Science Program at the International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA}, Laxenburg, Austria, to held an international school to review the current state of the art in the subject of Decision Support Systems, with special emphasis to management applications. The presence of researcliers from the University of Udine among these people and the aim of involving an Italian institution in this inititative, led naturally to the choice of the International Center for Mechanical Seiences (CISM), Udine, Italy, as a host institution. After a preparatory phase the school was held in the week September 17-21, 1990 at CISM as ajoint activity between IIASA and CISM. Also the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Udine was partly involved in the organization. The topics of the ,,chool were intended to be divided into general methodolog ical issues and practical applications to various fields, like business, environment, transportation and production, with the goal, whenever possible, to show also the actual implementation during special software sessions. Due to the broad scope of the subject a full week of lectures was planned by involving as lecturers internationally distinguished experts in the area. The school arose great interest and was successfull in all respects. The present volume collects the proceedings of the school, although not all contributions could be prepared for publication. However, most of the lectures are reproduced here giving a faithful representation of the Ievel and scope of the School. For ease of presentation the papers have been arranged in the book according to first author's alphabetical order. The editors wish to express their deep gratitude first of all to CISM and IIASA. Without their organizational support the school could not even be planned. We are also deeply grateful to Unesco for its generotts contribution which made possible the attendance to the sch.ool for many re,qearchers from developing coun tries. Also we want to thank all the CISM'.q sta.ff for its continuous and preciotLS support which let all organization run smoothly. We also express our gratitude to all participants in the school whose friendly attitude established a nice and fruitful atmosphere. A ndrzej Lewandowski Paolo Serafini Maria Grazia Speranza CONTENTS Page Preface Intelligent decision support systems by H.W. Gottinger, H.-P. Weimann ............................................................... 1 A decision support system for the management of Corno lake: structure, implementation and performance by G. Guariso, S. Rinaldi, R. Soncini-Sessa ................................................... 2 9 A decision generator shell in prolog by K.M. van Hee, W.P M. Nuijten ............................................................. .4 7 A multi objective decision support system for public planning by R. Janssen, M. van Herwijnen ................................................................ 6 7 Two decision support systems for continuous and discrete multiple criteria decision making: VIG and VIMDA by P. Korhonen ..................................................................................... 8 5 Decision support systems and multiple-criteria optimization by A. Lewandowski .............................................................................. 1 0 5 Interactive multi-objective programming and its applications by H. Nakayama .................................................................................. 1 7 5 A hierarchical approach to periodic scheduling of large scale traffic light systems by C. Pascolo, P. Serajini, W. Ukovich ....................................................... 1 9 9 A multi-stage decomposition approach for a resource constrained project scheduling problern by P. Serafini, M.G. Speranza .................................................................. 2 11 Concepts of the reference point class of methods of interactive multiple objective programming by R.E. Steuer, LR. Gardiner .................................................................. 245 Aspiration-ted decision support systems: theory and methodology by A.P. Wierzbicki ............................................................................... 2 7 1 DSS MIDA: Lessons from experience in development and application in the chemical industry by M. Zebrowski .................................................................................. 3 0 3 INTELLIGENT DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS H.W. Gottinger University of Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands and Fraunhofer Institute for Technological Forecasting, Euskirchen, Germany H.-P. Weimann Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft, Ottobrunn, Germany Abstract This paper explores the basic ingredients of intelligent decision support systems in partial centrast to approaches followed by expert systems. Rule based expert systems for decision support have been successful for weil struc tured, weil understood decision situations of a taxonomic classification type. But, in general, A.l. has growing influence in software engineering for ill-structured applica tion areas by supporting an incremental development process with new program ming techniques and architectures. As uncertainty is prevalent, information costly and payoff relevant, and the preferred solution depends on the specific beliefs and preferences of an individual or group decision maker the resolution methods of de cision theory embodied in first-order predicate logic form a natural basis for compu terized intelligent decision support. A unified characterization of knowledge and in ference for logical, probabilistic, and decision-theoretic reasoning is developed for intelligent decision support over a wide spectrum of decision Situations. Key-words Intelligent Decision Support, Expert Systems, lnfluence Diagrams, Decision Theory, Knowledge Engineering. 2 H.W. Gottinger, H.-P. Wiemann 1. INTRODUCTION ln the past few years there has been substantial attention devoted to the use of artificial intelligence (Al) methods and architectures, most commonly rule based expert systems, as tools for decision support. An inherent focus of expert system de velopment is the adequate modeling of human problern solving capabilities. ln its sequel we observe the construction of several methods of representation like pro duction rules, semantic networks, frames and scripts as weil as inference mecha nisms such as logic reasoning, non-monotenie reasoning and default reasoning, e.g., in facing problems like inconsistency and knowledge gaps. From the software engi neering point of view, systems analysis can be done on a higher Ievei of abstraction (closer to the domain expert) and involving the entire engineering cycle (Patrick 1986). Especially rule based techniques have proven to be very attractive for a variety of problems particularly those which have fairly weil structured (though possibly large) problern spaces, which can be solved through the use of heuristic methods or rules of thumb, and are currently solved by human experts. ln these domains the reasoning and explanation capabilities affered by rule based expert systems are very effective. A rule-based approach tends to breakdown when applied to more difficult problems or problems that require a normative, prescriptive structure for decision and inference purposes, in particular, relating to the following Situations: • there is substantial uncertainty on various Ieveis of decision-making; • the preferred solution is sensitive to the specific preferences and desires ot one or several decision makers; problems of rationality and behavioral coherence are intrinsic concerns of deci sion systems; problems of resource-boundedness for the user can be dealt with more adequa tely (Hansson and Mayer, 1988). ln established fields such as operations research and management science we have been developing methods for allocating resources under various conditions ot time, uncertainty and rationality constraints. Central to these methods is the exist ence of a~ objective or utility function, as an indicator of the desirability of various outcomes. We will draw on this body of knowledge,. especially elements related to the normative use of individual and group decision theory to approach difficult deci sion problems. On the other hand, an evolutionary approach to system development is a major advantage of a production system or rule based program architecture and of expert system techniques in general. That is, once general decisions have been made re garding the basic control procedures and the organization of the rule base, the knowledge base can be incrementally improved by adding, modifying or deleting in- Intelligent Decision Support Systems 3 dividual production rules. The advantage of rule-based program architecture combi ned with new programming paradigms such as object-oriented programming and logic programming facilitates advanced prototyping. ln this light we develop methods for reasoning about the structure of probabilistic and decision theoretic models in a rule-based manner based on domain knowledge. Summarizing, our attempt is to integrate conventional Al, logic-based approa ches to problern solving with techniques for probabilistic analysis and decision making under uncertainty from Operations research and management science to develop methods for improving the quality of decision making. ln this view, an intelligent decision support system (IDSS) is an interactive tool for decision making for well-structured (or well-structurable) decision and planning situations that uses expert system techniques as weil as specific decision models to make it a model-based expert system (integration of information systems and deci sion models for decision support). The decision model imposes a normative profile on the IDSS serving for problern structuring and knowledge representation. 2. COMPUTER-AIDEO DECISION MAKING Advances in artificial intelligence, coupled with analytic techniques developed in the fields of systems analysis and operations research, can provide a means of si gnificantly improving the quality of decision making by individuals and organizations. Traditional approaches to computer assisted decision making include decision support systems (DSS). The typical DSS provides means to sort, select, and trans form information in the data base. Another recent development has been the use of artificial intelligent techniques, most commonly rule-based expert systems, as tools for decision support. The efficacy of a rule based approach to decision support depends on the nature of the problern being solved. The classification-recommendation approach to deci sion making has significant limitations for particular types of domains. There are several incompatible taxonomies for the categorization of expert system pro!:>lem areas. The most common scheme (Ciancey, 1986) divides expert systems applica tion areas into analysis problems (e.g. debugging, diagnosis and interpretation) and synthesis problems (e.g. configuration, planning and scheduling). Some problems cannot be classified that way because they comprise subtasks with many inde pendent or semi-dependent sources of knowledge, interacting to find a common SO lution. The best example for such class of problems is speech recognition, but also in decision support we have problern areas such as planning/scheduling in military command and control. ln those areas the "expert systems" approach supports the incremental improvement of the heuristic problem-solving process by adequate mo deling of a rule- or frame-based representation embedded in an appropriate archi tecture, e.g. the blackboard architecture (Nii, 1986). Especially for the analysis pro- 4 H.W. Gottinger, H.-P. Wiemann blems, the heuristic classification based an an recommendation approach to deci sion making has significant limitations for particular domains. Perhaps the biggest drawback of the "expert systems" approach isthat most im plementations do not have a generat representation for the preferences or beliefs of the decision maker. This Iack of a high Ievei map to describe what the decision maker desires and believes has several ramifications. Another problern isthat traditional Al systems are not weil equipped to handle small differences in Outcomes on a variety of attributes which may affect decision making. For example, most planning systems are based on developing a plan which can be proven to achieve a specific goal. The plan is either successful or unsuccessful (i.e. it can be proven constructively that there exists a successful plan or not), but most planning algorithms cannot evalua te trade-offs among factors such as the speed of achieving a goal versus cost and safety considerations. This contrasts with real decision Situations, where alternative possible plans meet a variety of objectives to various degrees. ln specific applica tion areas combining analysis and synthesis problems (e.g. command and control) it might be advantageaus to merge expert system techniques with decision proce dures. ln the planning and scheduling task for air traffic control or for the planning task of military operations for example we set up utility functions for the resource al location process while we devise production rules and specific inference engines basedontemporal reasoning (Allen, 1984) for scheduling activities. Finally, most si gnificant decisions involve an element of uncertainty: that is, the decision maker Iacks information about some aspects of his problem. Rule-based systemsoparate deter ministically in their own reasoning, however, they can be engineered tobe effective in a particular uncertain domain (the best example is the Mycin approach with un certainty factors). ln relatively weil understood, static domains, one can design systems to Iook for the most likely cause of a fault before those that are less likely, and then recommend the repair strategy most likely tobe effective. Therefore expli cit treatment is not always necessary for a system which has to deal with uncertain ty. However, in many cases uncertainty is encountered at a deeper Ievei. Uncertain ty arises because the Situation is new or has not been previously considered. Representations of uncertainty must be based an the information and beliefs of a particular decision maker, and cannot be delegated to an "expert". Finally, if there is an int~raction between uncertainty, an individual's attitude toward risk, and the preferred course of action, then explicit consideration of uncertainty is needed. 3. INTEGRATION OF DECISION THEORY Westart out from recent efforts to design computer systems for decision support based on decision theory (Holtzman, 1985; Shachter, 1986). Moregeneral systems can be established by starting from group decision theory (team theory) for distribu ted decision making (Gottinger, 1989).

The book aims at giving the methodological framework for design decision support systems. Several applications are also described in detail, ranging from environment control, production planning, transportation planning. The book is of special interest to operations researchers, environment speciali
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