METHODIST HISTORY VOLUME XL October 2001-July 2002 Charles Yrigoyen, Jr., Editor Published by General Commission on Archives and History The United Methodist Church Madison, New Jersey Contributors and Articles Annadale, Naomi H. Syracuse University: Place of Faith on “Piety Hill” Borgen, Peder George Wolff (1736-1828): Norwegian-born Merchant, Consul, Benevolent Methodist Layman, Close Friend of John Wesley Brittain, John William Arthur’s The Tongue of Fire: Pre-Pentecostal or ee eeeweer Terr a ee ne 246 Castillo-Wilson, Larry Thomas Harwood: Prophet and Precursor of Multicultural Ministry Cooney, Jonathan The Origin and Use of the Service for the Dedication of Infants in the Evangelical United BrethrenChurch Crouse, Eric R. Methodist Encounters: Confronting the Western and Urban Frontiers of 19% Century America 274 Contributors and Articles Dreyer, Frederick JOHN WESICY: Clit CNGUSCHET PICUS!. «6. 655s ses ce ees Hee os Hamilton, Barry W. The Moral Philosophy of Asa Shinn Hanshaw, Mark E. Wesley and Liberty: Embracing Poles ..................... Hartley, Benjamin L. Salvation and Sociology in the Methodist Episcopal Deaconess Movement Kimbrough, Jr., S T The Living Church Conflict in the Russian Orthodox Church and the Involvement of the Methodist Episcopal Church Long, Kimberly Bracken Methodist Worship on the Delmarva Peninsula, 1800-1850 McEllhenney, John G. Contention, Contrition, Celebration, Caution: The 2000 General Conference in Historical Perspective Rogal, Samuel J. Charles Wesley, Richard Swanwick, and the Political/Poetical .. . Imagination Sokol, David B. Portrayals of Childhood and Race in Sunday School Conversion Pe, CD. 65 x0 os hie UTE ee Pee eeeee Topolewski, John L. Resolution of Intent: A Case Study in Legislative Process ...... Warner, Laceye Towards a Wesleyan Evangelism White, Charles Edward The Decline of the Class Meeting Williams, J. Dennis From Presiding Elder to District Superintendent: The Development of an Office in Episcopal Methodism from 1792 to 1908 GENERAL INDEX Volume XL, October 2001—July 2002 A.I.D.S., see Acquired Immune Aldersgate conversion, 74 Deficiency Syndrome (A.I.D.S.). Aldersgate experience, 72-74 A.M.E., see African Methodist Episcopal Aldersgate Renewal Fellowship, 39 Church (A.M.E.) Aldersgate Street meeting, 73 A.M.E. Church, see African Methodist Alexander the Great, 49 Episcopal Church (A.M.E.). Allen, Richard (1760-1831), bishop, 123 A.M.E.Z., see African Methodist Episcopal Altar, 89, 98, 248 Zion Church (A.M.E.Z.). Altar call, 89, 98, 201 A.M.E. Zion Church, see African Altar picture, 20 Methodist Episcopal Zion Church American colonies, 51-60 (A.M.E.Z.). American colonists, 44, 51-60 a Kempis, Thomas, see Haemmerlein, American Evangelicalism, 270-271 Thomas (Thomas a Kempis). American loyalist, 49 1784 Christmas Conference, 35, 120 American Methodist circuit riders, 169 Abortion, 39 American Methodist missionary efforts, Abraham, William, 232 182 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome American Methodism, 3, 16, 85- 87, 96, (A.LD.S.), 32 123, 168, 198 Adam, 72 American pioneers, 211 Addams, Jane, 183, 223 American Review, 158 Address to the Candidates, 239 American Revolutionary War, 46, 49, Adobe chapels, 139 51-60, 175 Africa, 14, 22, 33, 36-37, 52, 272 American slavery, 27 African-American Buffalo soldiers, American slaves, 52 139-140 American southwest, 139 African-American denominations, 200 American “Success Myth,” 163- 164 African-Americans, 4, 15, 95, 123, 141 American troops, (American Revolution), African-American Methodist denomina- 45-46 tions, 35 American west, 141 African culture, 52 Anabaptist movement, 150 African Methodist Episcopal Church Anabaptists, 78 (A.M.E.), 35, 129 Andover House, 193 African Methodist Episcopal Church Anglican, 22, 74, 84, 97 Review, 66 Anglican Church, see Church of England. African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Anglicanism, 212 (A.M.E.Z.), 35, 129 Anglican tradition, 235 African slaves, 52 Anglican parish churches, 233 Africans, 27, 58, 61-62, 119 Anglican-Wesleyan past, 102 Afterlife, 5, 9-10 Ankara, 114 Agricultural society, 51, 163 Ankara government, 114 Agricultural methods, 144 Ankara National Assembly, 114 Agriculture, 26 Anker, Bernt, 20, 24-26 Albright, Jacob, 36 Anker, Carsten, 22 Albuquerque Boys’ Industrial School, 145 Anker, Jess, 20 Albuquerque College, 145 Anker, Peter, colonel, 20, 23 Albuquerque Girls’ School, 144 Annadale, Naomi H., 206, 216-229 Albuquerque, New Mexico, 138 Annamessex, Maryland, 88-89, 91 276 Methodist History “Another” (constituting the second part of 168, 198 “Written under the Picture”), 44, 50 Baptism, 93, 149-156 Antebellum evangelicalism, 159, 219 Baptism of Fire, 247 Antigua, 121 Baptist church, 123 Anti-Catholic sentiments, 176 Baptist minister, 59 Anti-gun resolution, 40 Baptists, 151, 159, 161, 201 Anti-Semitism, 193 Barbon, Thomas, 14-15 Antinomian divinity (Calvinism), 169 Barratt’s Chapel Museum, 93 Antinomianism, 84 Bashford, Bishop, 261 Antinomians, 79, 84 Bass, Dorothy, 217 Antonine, Metropolitan Bishop of Bell, George, 204 Moscow, 110, 114-115 Bengal Conference, India, 182 Apache, Cruz, 140 Benjamin, Metropolitan of Jaroslav, 117 Apaches, 140, 144 Bennett, David, 201 Appenzeller, Henry G., 270 Berkeley, George (1685-1753), 171, Archbold, John Dustin, 224 176-177 Archimandrite Ianov, 113 Bethanien Verein (Bethany Society), 182 Arizona, 139, 144 Bethany Nazarene College, 138 Arminian, 172, 175 Bey, Reuf, 114 Arminian doctrine, 159 Bi-raciality, 85 Arminians, 172 Bibbens, Samuel, 259 Arminian theology, 150, 187 Bible, 6, 8, 10, 14, 41, 74, 90-91, 95, 98, Arthur, William, 246-254 143, 176, 180, 186, 190, 192, 213-214 Articles of Religion, 99-100, 124 Bible Belt, 149 Asbury, Francis (1745-1816), bishop, 57, Bible department, 228 59, 61-64, 86-88, 119-122, 198, 260 Bible School, 98 Asia, 22, 121, 195, 270, 272 Asian-American men, 29-30 Bible verses, 41 Asian Christianity, 270 Biblical criticism, 241 Atheism, 179 Biblical feminism, 239 Atheists, 114, 224 Biblical languages, 192 Atlanta, Georgia, 39 Biblical sign, 34 Auburn, New York, 223 Biblical Studies, 192, 241 Augsburg Confession, 78 Biblical symbols, 34 Australia, 201 Billy Sunday Tabernacle, 222 Bacon, Francis (1561-1626), 172 Birch, Thomas, 63 Baconian induction, 177 Birmingham, England, 19 “Berums Verk,” Norway, 19 Bishop’s assistant, 262 Baker, Eric, 211 Blackheath, London, England, 43 Baker, Frank, 74 Board of Bishops, (Evangelical United Baldwin Wallace College, 111 Brethren Church), 153 Balham, England, 18, 20, 24, 26- 27 Board of Bishops, (Methodist Episcopal Ballard, Frank, 214 Church), 116 Balmer, Randall, 270-271 Board of Foreign Missions (Methodist Baltic Mission (Methodist Episcopal Episcopal Church), 106, 109 Church), 107, 109-110 Board of Pension and Health Benefits, 40 Baltic Mission Conference (Methodist Boehm, Henry (1775-1875), 86-87 Episcopal Church), 109- 110 Boehm, Martin, 36, 150 Baltic States, 106-108 Bohler, Peter, 72, 73 Baltimore, Maryland, 85, 90-91, 93-94, Bolingbroke, Henry St. John (1678-1751), 122, 165, 198, 261 180 Bancroft, Jane, 187 Bolshevik government, 116 Band (subset of class), 207, 234 Bolshevik Revolution, 105, 106, 112, 118 Bangs, Nathan (1778-1862), 63, 158, 161, Book Agent, Methodist Episcopal Church, Index 198 Brown, Jr., Warner H., 36 Borgen, Peder, 2, 17-28 Bruun, Frederik, 19 Bosanquet, Mary, see Fletcher, Mary Bruun, Inger, 19 Bosanquet. Brunnmark, Gustav, 23 Bosley, Harold A., 102 Bulgakoff, secretary to Tolstoy, leader of Boston Herald, 110 the Tolstoyans of Moscow, 114-115 Boston, Massachusetts, 110, 183, 184, Bureau of Methodist Missions for Boston 187-189, 192 and Vicinity, 187 Boston’s North End, 192 Burgoyne, John, general, (17221792), 44, Boston’s South End, 188, 192 47 Boston University, 138, 185, 187, 189, Buflkampf, 79-83 194-195, 206 Butterworth, Joseph (1770-1826), 21-22 Boston University Department of Byron, George Noel Gordon (1788- 1824), Missions, Social Service and Church 48 Work, 195 Boston University School of Religious C.M.E., see Christian Methodist Episcopal Education and Social Work, 195 Church (C.M.E.). Boston University School of Social Work, Caesar, Gaius Julius (100-44 B.C.), 30 195 Caffre (South African), 14 Boston University School of Theology, California, 139-140, 158, 162, 250 138, 185, 187-188, 194 A Calm Address to Our American Boston University settlemeri house, 187 Colonies, 55-58 Bourgeois Methodists, 3-4, 13 Calvin, John (orig. Jean Chauvin or Jean Boylan ,Anne M., 5, 10, 13 Caulvin, 1509-1564), 52, 176 Brandywine Creek, Chadd’s Ford, Calvinism, 52, 159, 169, 172-173, 180, Pennsylvania, 44-45, 47 204, 211 Bremen, Germany, 72, 118, 185 Calvinists, 41, 78 Brereton, Virginia Lieson, 184- 185, 188, Campbell, J. W., 191 192-194, Camp-Meeting Association, 87 Bridges, 259 Camp-Meeting Manual, 3 Bristol, England, 21, 59, 124, 237 Camp meetings, 3-4, 11-12, 63, 87-98, Bristol society, 210 157, 160-161, 164, 201 Brite Divinity School, 2, 138 Camp-meeting conversion, 12 British and Foreign Bible Society, 17-18, Camp meeting revivalism, 88 21-22, 27 Campus fellowship, 219 British and Foreign Bible Society, 21 Campus, University, 219 British Army, 43, 96 Canada, 22, 70, 121 British elections, 54 Capitalism, 168, 223 British evangelical revival, 234 Caribbean, 272 British government, 53, 55, 59 Carnegie, Andrew, 226 British Isles, 234 Carnegie Foundation, 226 British Methodism, 124 Carr, Clarence, bishop, 35 British Methodist Church, 207 Cartwright, Peter (1785-1872), 160-162, British monarchy, 59 166, 259, 260, 264 British Museum Library, 21 Carver, Thomas Nixon, 193 British subjects, 46 Cary, Seth C., 188-189 British troops, 44, 47, 94 Castillo-Wilson, Larry, 138-148 British Wesleyan Methodism, 43 Catholicism, see Roman Catholicism. British Wesleyan Methodist deaconesses, Catholics, 78, 146 238 Catholic (Byzantine) Church, 113 Brittain, John N., 206, 246-254 Celibacy, 251 Broaddus, Dorothy C., 169, 171- 173, 175 Central New York Annual Conference Brookline Friendly Society, 192 (Methodist Episcopal Church), 217-218, Brown, Marianna C., 8 221 278 Methodist History Central Texas Annual Conference (The Christian sociology, 112 United Methodist Church), 2 Christian supernaturalism, 171 Chandler, William P., 87-89 Christiania (now Oslo, Norway), 19, 23 Chapel, 9, 18, 20, 22-23, 217 Christmas Conference, 35, 120 Chapel Board, 217 Church, B[rothe]r., 258, 259 Chaplain, 141 Church Creek in Dorchester County, 92 Chaplaincy, 217 Church doctrine, 37, 221 Chaplains, 229 Church extension, 188, 264 Chapman, Clare J., 100-101, 103 Church of England, 74, 84, 102, 117, 124, Charleston, South Carolina, 61-62 212, 230 Charters, 264 Church of Rome, 251 Chase, R.A., 262 Church of the United Brethren in Christ, Cheesement, John (1731-1783), 23 see United Brethren in Christ, Church of Cheesement, Sarah, 23 the (U.B.C.). Chesapeake Bay, 44, 85, 86, 88 Church periodicals, 261 Chesapeake island people, 97 Church praxis, 230 Chesapeake Methodism, 86, 97 Church property, 264 Chesapeake Methodists, 86, 92, 97 Cincinnati, Ohio, 143, 165, 183 Chesapeake region, 85, 97 Cincinnati Deacons School, 183 Chesapeake religion, 85 Circuit preachers, 91, 162, 167, 178 Chester, Pennsylvania, 46 Circuit rider, 86, 160, 162, 166, 169, 180, Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania, 45 255 Chicago, Illinois, 41, 165-166, 182-183, Circuits, 124, 157, 160, 163, 169, 175, 180, 193, 197, 240 256 ; Chicago Deaconess School, 183 Circumcision, 152 Chicago Training School, 183, 190, 195, City bonds, 218 239, City Council of London, England, 20 Children’s literature, 3-16 City Road Chapel, 18, 20, 22, 23, Children’s deathbed narratives, 4- 10, 14 Civil authorities, 30, 113 Children-as-proselytizers, 9 Civil disobedience, 32, 34 Chiles, Robert, 215 Civil War, 21, 31, 35, 40, 117, 139, 141, China, 270 148 Choctaw, 11-12 Civil War evangelicalism, 219 Christ United Methodist Church, Clarke, Samuel (1675-1729), 169- 171, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 138 178 Christian Advocate (Methodist Episcopal Class, 231 Church), 117 Class barriers, 210 Christian Advocate, Spanish language, 143 Class leader, 208-210 Christian Century, 195 Classes, 36, 159, 160 Christian Century, 37 Class leaders, 233 Christian Church, 87 Class meeting, 207-215, 234 Christian colleges, 223 Class meetings, 95 Christian Communists, 114 Class status, 210 Christian community, 103, 211 Class structure, (Wesley’s), 251 Christian doctrines, 178, 231 Classical literature, 235 Christian education, 112, 153 Classical traditions, 232 Christian Home mission theory, 192 Clement of Alexandria (orig. Titus Flavius Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Clemens, d. 215), 153 (orig. Colored Methodist Episcopal Clergy rights for women, 31, 41 Church) (C.M.E.), 35, 129 Cleveland, Ohio, 31, 38-39, 99 Christian perfection, 76-77, 81, 204, Clinton, Henry (1738?-1795), 47 213-215, 237 Coal miners, 204 Christian social service, 242 Coalbrookdale on the River Severn, Christian Socialism, 247 England, 204 Index Coke, Thomas (1747-1814), bishop, 61-63, Crocket, Thomas, 90 87, 119-121 Crosby, Sarah, 236 Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, Crouse, Eric R., 138, 157-167 206 Cummings, Edward, 187-188 College of Wooster, 70 Curriculum, 179, 185-193, 195- 196, Colorado, 103, 139, 262 218-219 Colorado conference, 263 Currie, Robert, 214 Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, 35 Curtis Chapel, 93 see also Christian Methodist Episcopal Curwen, John, 8-9 Church. Cushing, Isabela A., 185 Committee of Privileges, 18 Cushman, Robert E., 102 Committee on Itinerancy, 262 Cussons, George, 21 Committee on Revision, 261 Committee on the Establishment of a Daily Christian Advocate, 101 Deaconess Institution (Methodist Dalhousie University, 138 Episcopal Church) Germany, 182 Danish Board of Commerce, 23 Commons, John R., 223 Danish language, 18 Communism, 106, 114-115, 117 Danish prisoners, 18, 27 Community service, 188, 228 Danish sailors, 18 Comparative religions, 217 Danish-Norwegian Church, London, 17, Conference Claimants’ Connectional 20, 23 Funds, 264 Danish-Norwegian Consul, 23, 27 Confessing Movement caucus, 38- 39 Daugherty, Ruth A., 31, 34, 100- 101 Confession of Faith (Evangelical United David, 252 Brethren), 100 David, Christian, 83 Confession of Faith (United Brethren in Davies, John, 21 Christ, Church of the,) 153 Davis, T. W., 265 Confirmation, 149, 153 Day, James R., 220 Confirmation class, 149 Deaconess candidates, 239 Connectionalism, 226 Deaconess home, 106, 185, 190 Consecration, 152-153 Deaconess Hospital, 191 Consecration services, 239 Deaconess movement, 182 Constantinople, 113-114 Deaconess organizations, 243 Constitutional amendment, 31, 36 Deaconesses’ ministry, 238 Consumerism, 260 Deacons, 86, 93, 184, 249 Continental Congress, 45, 56 Deacons school, Cincinnati, 183 Continental theology, 253 Deal’s Island, off Somerset County, Conversion, 2, 3-16, 73-74, 79-83, 88-91, Maryland, 93 97-98, 159, 165, 188, 249 Deal’s Island camp meeting, 93 Conversions, 3-16, 81-82, 155, 166, 202, Dean of the Moscow Cathedral, 112 260 Deathbed narrative, 4, 8-11 Conviction, 3, 7, 11-12, 88 Dedication of Infants, 149-156 Cooney, Jonathan, 138, 149-156 Deeds, 264 Cooperative theory, 223 Delaware, 86-88, 93 Copenhagen, Denmark, 23, 116 Delaware bays, 86 Corinth, 253 Delaware district, 87 Cornell University, 227 Dell, Gregory, 41 Cornwall, England, 124 Delmarva Peninsula, 85-86, 88, 97 Cornwallis, Charles (1738-1805), 45, 47 Democracy, 223 Council of Bishops, 29 Denmark,17-18, 20-21 Countess of Huntington, 210 Denominal patriotism, 224 Cranz, David, 80 Denominational control, 221 Creeks, 121 Denominational totals, 155-156 Croaker 3-4, 15-16, 269 Denominationalism, 85 280 Methodist History Denver, Colorado, 103, 267 Educational Commission of the Russian Detroit, Michigan, 198 Church, 110 Diakonia, 231 Educational opportunities, 237 Disciples, 41, 115, 150, 247-248 Educators, 127, 169, 236 Discipline (Methodist Episcopal Church), Edwards, Jonathan, 159, 180, 201, 232 186, 255-265 Edwards, Rem B., 170 Discipline (United Brethren in Christ, Eichel, Johan Bartholin, 18, 26 Church of the), 153-154 Eklund, Anna, deaconess, Methodist Discipline (The United Methodist Church), Episcopal Church Russia Mission, 33-34, 40-41, 99-104 105-106, 108 Disease, 115, 253 El Abogado Cristiano (The Christian District Superintendent, 38, 140, 255-265 Advocate), 143, 145 Dives, 223 El Paso District, 140 Divine nature, 170, 249 Ellis, Reuben, 256 Dobroff, Segius, Protodiakon, 117 Elmira, New York, 223 Doctrine and Discipline see Discipline. Embury, Philip, 85 Domestic Science, course of study, Emotional conversions, 3, 74 191-192 Emotionalism, 7, 164, 181 Donskoy monastery, 110 Empiricism, 171-172, 174, 179 Dougherty, Mary Agnes, 184, 188, 196, England, 18-21, 26-27, 44, 49, 51- 59, 73, 241 84, 117, 123-124, 183, 253 Dow, Lorenzo, 89 English admiralty, 20 Downing, Augustus S. 227 English coal miners, 211 Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, 3, English industrialization, 18" century, 204 206 English parliament, 55 Drew University Caspersen School of English Reformation, 235 Graduate Studies, 2, 38, 70, 138 Enlightenment, 117, 170, 174, 179-181 Drew Theological Seminary in Madison, Entrepreneurs, 237 New Jersey, 38, 111 Ephod, 248 Dreyer, Frederick, 70-84 Epideictic rhetoric, 175 Drury, A. W., 152-153 Epigram, 50 Duke University, 206 Episcopal Church, 38-89 Duke University Divinity School, 206 Episcopal duties, 257 “Dunkers,” 151 Episcopal elections, 29-30 Durchbruch, 79 Episcopal Fund, 264 Dyer, John, 139 Episcopal Methodism, 255-265 Epworth Leagues, 264 E.U.B., see Evangelical United Brethren Estonia, 106 Church (E.U.B.). Estonian language, 106 East Allegheny Avenue church, 265 Ethnocentrism, 139, 148 Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Ethos, 221 Philadelphia, 2 Eudokim, Metropolitan of Odessa and Eastern Fathers, 249 Kharkoff, 117 Eastern Patriarchs, 113 Eugenics, 193 Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference Eustatia, 121 (The United Methodist Church), 2, 206 Evangelical Anglicans, 21 Ecclesial authority, 90 Evangelical Church, 36, 150, 156 Ecclesiastic, 115 Evangelical faith, 248 Ecclesiastics, 221 Evangelical revival, 74, 181, 234 Eccesiolae in ecclesia, 212-213, 215 Evangelical United Brethren Church Edinburgh Missionary Conference, 194 (E.U.B.), 36, 123, 149- 150, 153-156, Education Committee, Central New York 200 Annual Conference (Methodist Evangelical United Brethren Confession of Episcopal Church), 217-218 Faith, 100 Index Evangelism, 201, 230 Frontier religion, 143 Evangelist, 158, 167 Frontier, American, 255 Evangelistic imperative, 230 Frontiers, Urban, 157-167; Western, Evangelistic ministries, 232 157-167 Evangelistic visitation, 240 Frontiersman, 260 Evangelists, 162-164, 166-167, 201 Fruits of the Spirit, 252 Evans, Caleb, 59 “An Evening of Repentance for the Sin of Galena Charge, 259 Racism,” 31, 34 Galena, Illinois, 259 Evolutionary theory, 242 Gardner, John, 21 Evolutionists, 214 Garrett Biblical Institute, 241 Excommunication, 213 Garrettson, Freeborn, 61-63, 85- 86, 119-120 Fallen state, 251 Gay advocates, 33 Family devotions, 6 Gay church members, 33 Farsund, Norway, 19 Gay lifestyle, 33 Fasting, 142, 210 Gay marriage, 38 Federal Council of Churches, 267 Gay pastors, 31 Feminist ideologies, 238 Gay unions, 33, 41 Feminist theology, 38 Gender, 10, 231 Field preaching, 233 General Board of Customs and Commerce, Finley, James Bradley (1781- 1856), 258 25 Finney, Charles Grandison (1792- 1875), General Board of Global Ministries (The 158-159, 163, 201 United Methodist Church), 70, 272 Finns, 105 General Commission on Christian Unity First Pentecost, 250 and Interreligious Concerns, 99, First Methodist Episcopal Church, Decatur, 102-104 Illinois, 108 General Committee, Strangers’ Friend Fisher, Violet L., 36 Society, 21 Fleet Street, London, England, 22 General Conference, 61, 63-64, 122 Fletcher, John William (orig. De la General Conference (Evangelical Church), Fléchére) (1729-1785), 180, 203-204 150 Fletcher, Mary Bosanquet (1739- 1815), General Conference (Methodist Episcopal 204, 236 Church), 118, 143, 145, 182, 190, 198, Flexner, James Thomas, 45 260-262 Fontaine, John, 96 General Conference (United Brethren in Food distribution, 237 Christ), 151, 153, 156 For the Right, 247 General Conference (United Methodist Forbes, Robert, 261 Church), 29-42, 99-104 Foreign missions, 192, 264 General Deaconess Board (Methodist Forts, New Mexico, 141 Episcopal Church), 190, 196 Foundery Chapel, London, 20 Gentile, 224 Foundery, 237 Geo. & Ernst Wolff, Ltd., 17, 19 Francke, August Hermann (1663- 1727), George, bishop of Dmitroff, 117 72-73, 76-77, 79-81 George, Enoch, 93, 263 Frederick, Maryland, 36, 85 Georgia, 121, 158, 163 Frederick County, Maryland, 85 Georgia colony, 52, 71-72, 74, 82- 83 Free Methodist denominations, 200 German language, 36-37, 105-106, 250 Free thinkers, 224 German Baptists, or “Dunkers,” 151 Free Thoughts on the Present State of German converts, 13 Public Affairs, 53 German Historical Society, 127 Freemen’s Aid Society, 264 German Methodism, 182 French, (language), 250 German Pietism, 71-72, 76 French Revolution, 74 German Reformed, 36 282 Methodist History Germantown, Pennsylvania, 45-47, 50 Hispanics, 29-30, 139-141, 143- 147 Germany, 73-74, 79, 182-183, 185, 187 Historical criticism, 214, 217 Germany Annual Conference (Methodist Historical Society of The United Methodist Episcopal Church), 182 Church, Minutes of the 2001 Annual Geronimo, 144 Meeting, 126- 133 Gethsemane, 20, 144 Hobbes,’ Thomas (1588-1679), 169-171, Gibbon, 180 178, 180 Glossolalia, 249 Holiness, 75, 77, 81, 85, 246 Goia, 11 Holiness Movement, 138, 253 Good News movement, 38-39 Holistic Evangelism, 241 Gorham, Elizabeth, 19 Holland’s Islands, 91 Gorham, B. W., 3-4 Holmes, E.M., 263 Graham, William Pratt, 221 Holy Club, (Georgia), 74 Granicus River, Turkey, 49 Holy Club (Oxford), 74, 237 Gray, Joseph Taylor, 264-265 Holy Ghost, 253-254 Great Awakening, 234 Home fellowship groups, 251 “Great Reversal,” 253 Home missions, 264 Green, C.W., 265 Homosexual behavior, 39 Greene, Nathaniel (1742-1756), 45-46 Homosexuals, 32, 39, 41 Greenland mission, 81 Homosexual unions, 33 Grove, William Boyd, bishop, 31, 36, Homosexuality, 29, 31-34, 37, 39- 41, 123 100-101 Horton, John, 20, 26-27 Guildford, Surrey, England, 43-44 Horton, Tom, 98 Guinea (country), 12 Hospitals, 23, 190-191, 223 Gun control, 29, 40 Howard, Ivan, 246 Howe, D.N., 151-153 Haitolovo, Russia, 106 Howe, William, general, 44-48 Hall of Languages, 217 Hughes, Hugh Price, 182-183 Haemmerlein, Thomas (Thomas a Kempis) Hughes, Katharine Price, 182 (1380-1471), 74 Hull House, 183, 223 Hamilton, Barry W., 138, 168-181 Human nature, 26, 52, 251 Handguns, 29, 40 Human condition, 95, 251 Handrovo, Russia, 106 Human predicament, 251 Hanshaw, Mark E., 2, 51-60 Human rights, 233 Harkness, Georgia Elma (1891- 1974), 102 Hume, David (1711-1776), 171, 174-180 Hartford Times, 158 Huse, Raymond, 196 Hartley, Benjamin L., 138, 182-197 Hutcheson, Francis, 169-170, 172- 174 Harvard College, 188, 206 Hutchinson, John, 170 Harvard Divinity School, 187 Hymn, 14-15, 96 Harvard University, 183, 187-188, 193 Hymn writer, 202 Harwood, Thomas, 138-148 Hymnal, 95 Harwood, Emily, 140, 143, 146 Hymn book, 91 Heathen Woman’s Friend, 185 Hymnodist,50 Hebrew, 220 Hymnody, 46, 50 Hecker, Julius F., 111-112, 114, 116-118 Hymns, 50, 95, 143, 164, 272 Henry, Patrick (1736-1799), 60 Hynson, Leon Orville, 247, 253 Henry Percy (Harry Hotspur), 48 Herrnhut, Germany, 73-74, 76, 80-84 Idealism, 116, 171, 174, 177, 180 Herrnhutians (Moravians), 25 Illinois, 2, 40, 182 Higher education, 194, 216-218 Illinois District, 259 Higonnet, Anne, 10 Illinois Valley Community College, La Hispanic church members, 30 Salle, Illinois, 2 Hispanic men, 29 Illiteracy, 146 Hispanic Presiding Elders, 145 India, 182, 270