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Preview Method to determine defect positions below a metal surface by STM

Method to determine defect positions below a metal surface by STM 5 Ye.S. Avotina,1,2 Yu.A. Kolesnichenko,1 A.N. 0 Omelyanchouk,1 A.F. Otte,2 and J.M. van Ruitenbeek2 0 2 1B.I. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, n National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, a 47, Lenin Ave., 61103, Kharkov,Ukraine. J 2Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratorium, Universiteit Leiden, 1 3 Postbus 9504, 2300 Leiden, The Netherlands. ] l l PACS numbers: 73.23.-b,72.10.Fk a h - s e m . t a m - d n o c [ 1 v 1 5 7 1 0 5 0 / t a m - d n o c : v i X r a 1 I. INTRODUCTION. In the two decades following its invention, scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) has proved to be a valuable tool for investigating surfaces on an atomic scale. More recently, several experiments show a growing interest in the study of structures that are situated in the bulk below the surface in both semiconductors and metals. Whereas in the former (i.e. semiconductor) case the absence of effective screening allows dopants down to the third subsurface layer to be viewed directly as apparent topographic features,[1] the situation for metalsturnsouttobesomewhat morecomplicated. Onemethodthathasbeensuggestedfor imaging structures buried in metal involves several surface study techniques to be employed simultaneously in combination with STM[2]. However, although this experiment has lead to successfulidentificationofsubsurfacedefects, itcannotbeusedasatoolforprobingtheexact depth. Also, its employability is limited to certain specific alloys only. A more successful approach however seems to be by probing standing electron waves[3, 4]. The groundwork of these experiments is as described in Ref.[5], where Cu(111) surface states form a two- dimensional nearly free electron gas. When scattered from step edges or adatoms, these states then form standing waves which can be probed by scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS). Although it has been proposed to utilize these surface states for imaging subsurface impurities[6], the exponential decay of the wave function amplitudes into the bulk will limit the effective range to the topmost layers only. Bulk states however, of which the square falls of with only r2, form a good alternative. To demonstrate this, we mention results that were obtained by bulk state spectroscopy on relatively large structures such as Ar bubbles submerged in Al, [3] and Si(111) step edges buried under a thin film of Pb [4]. In these experiments, bulk electrons are found to be confined in a vertical quantum well between the surface and the top plane of the object of interest. In this paper we show that the investigation of the nonlinear conductance of a point contact placed on a metal surface makes it possible to determine the position of point- like defects such as the vacancies or foreign atoms inside the metal in the vicinity of the contact. We consider theoretical models both for the cases of a tunnel point contact and for a ballistic quantum contact. We look for conductance oscillations caused by interference of electrons that are transmitted directly, and electrons that are first backscattered elastically by the defect and again scattered forward by the contact (i.e. the tip-sample junction), much in the same way as was described for atomic point contacts in Refs. [7–9] The effect of such quantum interference on the nonlinear conductance of quantum wires was theoretically analyzed in Refs.[11–13], but the point contact geometry was not studied yet. The organization of this paper is as follows. In Sec. II we consider a tunnel junction in the limit of a high potential barrier. The interaction of the transmitted electrons with a single impurity near the junction is taken into account by perturbation theory with the electron-impurity interaction as the small parameter. A general analytical expression for the voltage dependence of conductance, G(V), is obtained. It defines G(V) in terms of the contact diameter, the distance between contact and the impurity and the parameters that characterize the metal, and the transmission of the tunnel junction. In Sec. III the conduc- tance of a ballistic quantum contact of adiabatic shape is analyzed. In absence of a barrier inside the contact electrons can still be reflected from it due to the variation of the confining potential. The influence on electron scattering by an explicit barrier potential in the center of the contact is also discussed. As in Sec. II assuming the electron-impurity interaction 2 to be small we derive an expression for G(V) and its dependence on the position of the defect. In Sec. IV we conclude by discussing the possibilities for experimental exploitation of the conductance fluctuations for sub-surface imaging as well as the technical difficulties involved. II. TUNNEL POINT-CONTACT. Let us consider as a first model of our system a nontransparent interface located at z = 0 between two metal half-spaces, in which there is an orifice (contact), as illustrated in Fig. 1. The potential barrier in the plane z = 0 is taken to be a δ function: − U (r) = Uf (ρ)δ(z), (1) where ρ = (x,y) is a two dimensional vector. The function f (ρ) in all points of the → ∞ plane z = 0 except in the contact, where f (ρ) = 1. At a point r = r in vicinity of the 0 interface, in the half-space z > 0, a point-like defect is placed, see Fig. 1. The electron interaction with the defect is described by the potential g(r) = gδ(r r ), (2) 0 − where g is the constant of the electron-impurity interaction. In this section we consider tunnel junctions and assume that the transmission probability of electrons through the orifice is small. In that case the applied voltage drops entirely over the barrier and we choose the electric potential as a step function V (z) = V Θ( z), and take eV > 0. − The electrical current I(V) can be evaluated[10] from the electron wave functions of the system, ψ , k e~ I(V) = 4π3m∗ dk dS Im(ψ∗k∇ψk)Θ(kz)[nF (ε k)−nF (εk +eV)]. (3) Z Z Here, εk = ℏ2k2/2m∗ is the electron energy, k is the electron wave vector and m∗ is an effective mass of electron; nF (εk) is the Fermi distribution function. The real space inte- gration is performed over a surface overlapping the contacts in the region z > 0. At low temperatures the tunnel current is due to those electrons in the half-space z < 0 having an energy between the Fermi energy, ε , and ε +eV, because on the other side of the barrier F F only states with εk > εF are available. The wave function ψ satisfies the Schr¨odinger equation k 2m∗ ▽2ψk(ρ,z)+ ℏ2 [εk −U (r)−g(r)−eV (z)]ψk(ρ,z) = 0 (4) where the wave vector k =(κ,k ) has components κ and k parallel and perpendicular to z z interface, respectively. As shown in Ref.[14], Eq. (4) can be solved for arbitrary form of the function f (ρ) in the limit 1/U 0. The wave function ψ (ρ,z) for k > 0 in the main k z → approximation of the small parameter 1/U takes the form: ∼ 1 ψ (ρ,z) = eiκρ eikz e−ikz + ϕ(−)(ρ,z) (z < 0), (5) k − U k 1 (cid:16) e e (cid:17) ψe (ρ,z) = ϕ(+)(ρ,z) e (z > 0), (6) k k U 3 V(z)=V a V(z)=0 r z 0 FIG. 1: Model of a tunnel junction contact as an orifice in an interface that is nontransparent for electrons except for a circular hole, where tunnelling is allowed. Trajectories are shown schemat- ically for electrons that are reflected from, or transmitted through the contact and then reflected from a defect. where k= κ, k , k = k2 +2meV/~2. The function ψ (ρ,z) satisfies the conditions of − z k continuity(cid:16)and th(cid:17)e condition of the jump of its derivative at the boundary z = 0. At large p e e e 4 U these conditions are reduced to ϕ(−)(ρ,0) = ϕ(+)(ρ,0); (7) k k m∗ ike= ~2 f (ρ)ϕ(k+)(ρ,0). (8) In the absence of the defect (g = 0e) the wave function was obtained in Ref.[14], ∞ iℏ2k ϕ(+)(ρ,z) = dκ′F (κ κ′)eiκ′ρ+ikz′z, (9) 0k −2πm∗ − Z e −∞ where ∞ ei(κ−κ′)ρ F (κ κ′) = dρ , (10) − f (ρ) Z −∞ and k′ = κ2 +k2 κ′2. For a circular contact of a radius a, defined by f ( ρ 6 a) = 1 and fz( ρ > a) z −, the function F (κ κ′) takes the form | | | |p → ∞ − 2aJ ( κ κ′ a) F (κ κ′) = 1 | − | . (11) − κ κ′ | − | In order to introduce the effect of the impurity we solve the Schr¨odinger equation for the Fourier components Φk(κ,z) of the function ϕ(k+)(ρ,z) ∞ ϕ(k+)(ρ,z) = dκeiκρΦk(κ,z). (12) Z −∞ For z > 0 this equation takes the form −κ′2Φk(κ′,z)+ ∂2Φk∂(z2κ′,z) + 2ℏm2∗ [εkΦk( κ′,z)− (13) gδ(z z )e−iκ′ρ0ϕ(+)( ρ ,z ) = 0 − 0 k 0 0 i Integrating Eq. (13) near the point z = z we obtain the effective boundary condition: 0 ∂ ∂ 2m∗g ∂zΦk(κ′,z = z0 +0)− ∂zΦk(κ′,z = z0 −0) = ℏ2 e−iκ′ρ0ϕ(k+)(ρ0,z0) (14) To proceed with further calculations we assume that the electron-impurity interaction con- (+) stant g is small and use perturbation theory. In this approximation we replace ϕ by k (+) ϕ (9) in the right hand side of Eq. (14). Solving the Schr¨odinger equation (13) with the 0k boundary conditions (7), (8), (14), and the condition of continuity of the function Φk(κ,z) at z = z , we obtain in the region z > z 0 0 Φk(κ′,z) = tk(κ′)eikz′z, (15) where iℏ2k 2m∗g tk(κ′) = −2πm∗F (κ −κ′)− k′ℏ2 ϕ(0+k)(ρ0,z0)e−iκ′ρ0sin(kz′z0). (16) z e 5 Using Eq. (13) we find the wave function ϕ(+)(ρ,z) = ϕ(+)(ρ,z) (17) k 0k − ∞ 4πm∗g sin(k′z ) ϕ(+)(ρ ,z ) dκ′κ′eikz′z1 z 2 J (κ′ ρ ρ ), ℏ2 0k 0 0 k′ 0 | − 0| Z z 0 where z = z, z = z , when z > z , and z = z , z = z when 0 < z < z . The 1 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 modulus of the wave function (17) in a plane through the impurity and normal to the circular contact is illustrated in Fig. 2, for an incident wave vector normal to the interface (k = k = 1√2m∗ε ). One recognizes a interference pattern of partial waves reflected at z F ~ F the impurity with those emanating from the contact. These contain the information that we hope to extract. Substituting wave function (6) into Eq. (3) and taking into account Eq. (17), we calculate the current-voltage characteristics I(V). After integration over all directions of the wave vector k and integration over the space coordinate ρ in a plane z = const (z > z ), retaining 0 only terms to first order in g (i.e. ignoring multiple scattering at the impurity site), the current is given by ∞ 2e~5 dρ dρ I(V) = 2πm∗3U2 dkk3 f (ρ )1f (2ρ ) [nF (εk)−nF (εk +eV)] (18) Z ZZ 1 2 0 A2(kρ) m∗gkA(kλ )A(kλ ) A(kρ) 2m∗eV sin(kρ) 2π 1 2 z2 + , ρ4 − ~2 λ2λ2 0 ρ2 ~2 kρ (cid:20) 2 1 (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) where ρ = ρ ρ , λ = z2 + ρ ρ 2, λ = z2 + ρ ρ 2, and | 1 − 2| 1 0 | 0 − 1| 2 0 | 0 − 2| q q sinx A(x) = cosx . (19) x − Differentiating Eq. (18) with voltage V and integrating over the absolute value k of the wave vector, in the limit of low temperatures, T = 0, we obtain the conductance G(V) of the system e2k2~3 dρ dρ A2 kFρ G(V) = F 1 2 (20) π(m∗U)2 f (ρ )f (ρ )  (cid:16)ρ4 (cid:17)− ZZ 1 2 e e  m∗gk A kFλ1 A kFλ2 A kFρ 2m∗eV sin kFρ 2π F z2 + ~2 (cid:16) λ(cid:17)2λ2(cid:16) (cid:17) 0  (cid:16)ρ2 (cid:17) ~2 k(cid:16) ρ (cid:17)− e 1 2 e e Fe e   kF 8πm∗g sin(kρ)A(kλ )A(kλ ) e z2 k3dk 1 2 , k2 ~2 0 e ρ λ2λ2  F Z 1 2 kF   e where k = k2 +2m∗eV/~2 is the Fermi wave vector accelerated by the potential differ- F F ence, and we have assumed eV/ε < 1. For λ and ρ much larger than the Fermi wave length F i p e 6 FIG. 2: Modulus of the wave function in the vicinity of a tunnelling point-contact in a plane perpendicular to the contact axis, having an impurity at (ρ = 5, z = 15). The incident wave has 0 0 a wave vector normal to the point contact a= λ /4π. F λ = 1/k , the function A oscillates with (eV/ε )k λ and (eV/ε )k ρ, which results in F F F F i F F a fluctuation of the conductance with applied voltage. The first term is square brackets of Eq.(20) describes the conductance G(V) = G (V) in the absence of a defect (g = 0). c For a contact of small diameter a λ Eq. (20) can be simplified and the conductance F ≪ is given by 7 1.00 0.96 G(0)/G(0) c 0.92 0.88 0.84 20 16 s(cid:12) 12 nit u 8 22p 20 p/ 16 12 4 l l(cid:11)F z0 (cid:11)llF/22pp un8its 4 0 0 rr0 (cid:12) . FIG. 3: Dependence of the normalized conductance G/G for a single tunnel point contact as a c function of the position of the defect (ρ ,z ), contact radius is a = λ /4π . 0 0 F 6πm∗gA2 kFγ 6m∗eV G(V) = G (V) 1 z2 1+ (21) c  − ~2 k(cid:16) γ4 (cid:17) 0 ~2k2 !−  Fe F kF 72πgm∗ z2 e e 0 dkk4A2(kγ) , e  ~2k7 γ4 F kZF  e   where γ = z2 + ρ 2 is the distance between the contact and the defect. The conductance 0 | 0| G (V) of thqe tunnel junction of small cross section S = πa2 λ2 is given by c ≪ F 4πe2ε2k2a4 π2 2e2 4 G (V) = F F = T k k a , (22) c 9~U2 9 b F h F e (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) for small transmission coefficient T (k) = ~4k2/m∗2Ue2 1. e b In numerical calculations we use a value for the dim≪ensionless parameter 2πm∗gk /~2 = F 0.3tocharacterizethestrengthofthedefectscattering. Fig.3showsaplotofthedependence of the normalized conductance G(0)/G (0), Eq. (20), for the contact as a function of the c position of the defect (ρ ,z ) in the limit of low voltage V 0. We observe a suppression 0 0 → of the conductance that is largest when the contact is placed directly above the defect and find that G is an oscillatory function of the defect position. In Fig. 5 we show the voltage dependence of the normalized conductance G(V)/G (V), Eq. (20), for ρ = 0 and as a c 0 function of the depth z of the defect under the metal surface. 0 8 FIG. 4: 1.0 0.8 G(V)/G(V) c 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 10 e 0.6 8 V/eFe 0.8 2 4z l0 l(cid:11) Fp/622p u nits (cid:12) 1.0 0 FIG. 5: Voltage dependenceof thenormalized conductance G(V)/G (V)of a tunnelpointcontact c for ρ = 0 and as a function of the depth z of the defect under metal surface, contact radius is 0 0 a= λ /4π. F III. BALLISTIC CONTACT. In this section we consider another limit of a junction, a cylindrically symmetric, ballistic contact of adiabatic shape, Fig. 6. The center of the contact is characterized by a δ-function potential barrier of amplitude U. In one of the banks of the contact a single defect is situated 9 ( ) ( ) V z =V L V z =0 z r 2a 0 ( ) 0 2a z FIG. 6: Model of a ballistic contact of adiabatic shape having a defect sitting nearby. The tra- jectories of electrons that are transmitted through the contact and reflected from the defect are shown schematically. at the point r = (ρ ,z ), in the half-space z > 0, such that the distance γ between the 0 0 0 0 center of the contact r = 0 and the defect is much larger than the characteristic length L of the constriction (see Fig. 6). The shape of the contact is described by the radius as a function of the z-coordinate, a(z). The contact size is given by a(0) = a , while a(z) 0 → ∞ for z . The adiabatic condition implies that the radius of the contact a(z) varies | | → ∞ slowly on the scale of the Fermi wavelength. As a result, the electric potential V (r) drops dominantly over the same characteristic length L, as can be derived from the condition of electroneutrality. In the Landauer formalism the exact distribution of V (r) is not important for determining the conductance of a quantum constriction, which can be expressed using only the difference of potentials V in the banks far from the contact. We will consider the effect of quantum interference on the conductance under conditions eV/ε 1 and F ≪ k γ(eV/ε ) > 1. Fluctuations of G(V) results from the phase shift ∆ϕ that the wave F F function accumulates after being scattered by the defect and reflected by the contact, ∆ϕ (eV/ε )k γ. If γ L, the main part of the electron trajectory is situated in the region F F ∼ ≫ where the local electric potential V (r) differs only little from its value V = 0 in the bank at z , and we neglect this small variation of the potential. Assuming hard wall boundary → ∞ conditions, we need to solve the Schr¨odinger equation, 2m∗ ▽2ψ (ρ,z)+ [ε gδ(r r ) Uδ(z)]ψ (ρ,z) = 0, (23) α ℏ2 − − 0 − α with the boundary conditions ψ ( ρ = a(z);z) = 0, (24) α | | and α represents the full set of quantum numbers. In the adiabatic approximation [15, 16] the “fast” transverse and “slow” longitudinal variables in Eq. (23) can be separated and the wave function takes on the form ψ (ρ,z) = ψ (ρ,z)ϕ (z), (25) α ⊥β βε 10

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