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https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20080004408 2019-01-03T13:36:05+00:00Z United States Patent 1191 [ill Patent Number: 5,017,283 Oder [45] Date of Patent: May 21, 1991 [54] METHOD OF MAGNETIC SEPARATION 3,503,504 3/1970 Bannister .......................... 209/223.1 AND APPARATUSTHEREFORE 3,938,966 2/1976 Kindig et al. ..................... 44/622 X 4,052,170 10/1977 Yan ................................... 44/622 X [75] Inventor: Robin R. Oder, Export, Pa. 4,137,156 VI979 Morey et al. ....................... 209/212 4,235,710 11/1980 Sun ............................... 209/223.1 X [73] Assignee: EXPORTech Company, Inc., New 4,238,323 12/1980 Zakharova et al. ................ 209/212 Kensington, Pa. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS [21] Appl. No.: 462,331 0535106 11/1976 U.S.S.R... ......................... 209/223.1 [22] Filed: Dec. 21, 1989 0797114 3/1982 U.S.S.R.... ........................... 209/212 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Related U.S. Application Data [63] Continuation of Ser. No. 251,111, Sep. 28, 1988, aban- "Frantz Isodynamic Magnetic Separator", S. G. Frantz doned. Co., Inc., Trenton, N.J., 1977. [51] Int. Cl.5 ................................................ BO3C 1/00 Primary Examiner-Michael S. Huppert [52] U.S. C1. ...................................... 209/212; 209/38; Assistant Examiner-Edward M. Wacyra 209/228 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Michael J. Kline [58] Field of Search ...................... 209/3, 38, 212-215, WI ABSTRAm 209/223.1, 228, 231; 44/608, 620-622, 627 An apparatus for magnetically separating and collecting [561 References Cited particulate matter fractions of a raw sample according U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS to relative magnetic susceptibilities of each fraction so collected is disclosed. The separation apparatus in- 653,342 7/1900 Gates ................................... 209/212 cludes a splitter which is used in conjunction with a 731,038 6/1903 Gates ................................... 209/212 magnetic separator for achieving the desired fraction- 1,829,565 10/1931 Lee ...................................... 209/212 2,694,223 11/1954 Stem ............................. 209/223.1 X ation. 3,279,602 10/1966 Kottenstette et al. .............. 209/214 3,318,447 5/1967 Ellingboe, Jr. et al. ..... 209/223.1 X 9 Claims, 17 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent May 21,1991 Sheet 1 of 17 5,017,283 50 * A 'I - 40 I' \ ----- Weight / \ Sulfur - - / \ . .- . .- Ash I \ - I \ 30 / \ I I ' \ \ ' - / ,.? 20 I \ r- / \ - 10 - \ 0 Ill I111111 I I I , . . I I I IIIII I I I Ill[ - 2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 Distance Fromhiagnet Face +I. SAmps o1.9Amps NG- 2 Amps OW7' 5,017,283 U.S. Patent May 21, 1991 Sheet 2 of 17 NmMAUZED MAGNETIC ENERGY GRADIENT Frantz Isodynamk Sepdrator Mgnet 0.8 - 0.7 44 -(' 016 € c, 0,5 cu & 0.4 p3 \ 013 >< 9 012 3 0.1 m 0.0 -0.I -0,2 -03 -2.0 0,o 2.0 4.0 Distance From kgnet Face (em) .MAmps +I, 5 Amps 01.9 Amps 0 FIG, 3 MAXIMUM MAGNETJtC FIELD AT SPLITTER Fran tz Isodynamic Separator - 21 -. 20 -. 19- 2 18- 17- g 16- -- 15- 0 3 14- - 13 s.;;; 12- I i - ~d IO- 3 -2 9-, 0c, o 8- gE 6: 5 5 4: E 3- ii 2- 9 I - 0 I I I I I I I 1 I l l 1 I , , I 1 1 1 0 0.2 0.4 06 0.8 I 1.2 1-4 1.6 IS 2 FIG- 4 Magnet Current (Amps) U.S. Patent 5,017,283 May 21,1991 Sheet 3 of 17 NmMALIZED FIELD AND ENERGY GRADIENT Frantz Isodynamic Magnetic Separaior NNoorrmmaalliizzeedd QQuuaannttiittiieess 11..00 II-- 7 Magnetic Field -- 001166 - - \c 0.2 Energy Gradient - \ \ -0.2 - - \----- I I I I I I I I FIG, 5 U.S. Patent May 21,1991 Sheet 4 of 17 5,017,283 ASH REJECTION, 5 PENNSYLVANIA COALS Dry OGMS, -30,325 Mesh I M First Separation Second Separation SULFUR REJECTION, 5 PENNSYLVANIA COALS Dry OGMS, -30+ 325 Mesh loo 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 - -10 - 20 i I First Separation Second Separation eaLK mUF a P G r m L F mpWa. 66 U.S. Patent 5,017,283 May 21,1991 Sheet 5 of 17 DISTRIBUTION OF MAGNETICS 30x50 Mesh Lower Kittanhg Raw Coal 1 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 AAppppaarreenntt MMaaggnneettiicc SSuusscceeppttiibbiilliittyy oAsh +Sulfur o Weight FIG- 7 ~ MAGNETOGRAPH tl50 Microns, Lunar Soil Sample 64421 c1 SI *- 20 E 2 . csJ 10 0 v) z c 0 40.8 0.8 5.5 63,8 740.3 N G, 8 Magnetic Susceptibility(/O~-6c c/gm) U.S. Patent May 21,1991 Sheet 6 of 17 5,017,283 MAGNETO GRAPH 450 Microns, LSS No. 64421 60% 50 X 40 % 30% 20% 10% 0% an 4 0.75 5.58 64.9 699 Magnetic Susceptibility (10"-6 cgs/gm) Anorthite +Agglut hates oweight 0 FIG, 9 - ANORTHITE AND AGGLUTINATE RECOVERY +44 Micron, Lunar Soil Sample # 64421 100% 90%- 80% - 70% - 60%- E 5096- s 5 40%- 0 , gc, 30%- - 20% 10%- 0% I 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% +44 Micron Weight Recovery, Wt % FIG. IO OAnorthite +Agglutinate U.S. Patent May 21,1991 Sheet 7 of 17 5,017,283 MAGNETO GRAPH, CARLTON PEAK ANORTHOSITE 300 X 600 Micron Fraction (0.15 0.15 0.38 0.75 1,5 3 6 12.5 25 51 Magnetic Susceptib;lity (/OA-6 c dgm) FIG- I1 Do% - 2 90% CI 80%- b - 670% C gsox - f P W 4 - h s 40%- + - 30% c, f2 20%- C 2 IO%- w 0’4 ! 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 I 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% FIG.12 Weight Recovery, W t % * U.S. Patent 5,017,283 May 21,1991 Sheet 8 of 17 MAGNETO GRAPH , 44 X 150 Microns, MLS-I 40 % - 35 % % 30% - u' 3 25% 3C 0 20% '- L G 15% Q 10 % 5% ' 0% (0.3 0.3 1,2 2.3 4.6 9.3 I9 38 75 150 300 644 1M S O Magnetic Susceptibility (10n-6 cc /gm 1 NG, 13 o Wight +Iron IRON RECOVERY VS WEIGHT RECOVERY + 44 Micron, Minnesota funtar SirnuIant I 100% - 90% - - 80% 70%- 8 g 60%- b - 2 50% : 40%- 8 a 30% - C c;" 20%- - 10% 0% I I I I I I I f I x RG 14 0% 20 40% 60% 80 % 100% Weight Recovery Wt. % 1 US. Patent 5,017,283 May 21,1991 Sheet 9 of 17 FEED MATERIAL i f15/’8 CRUSH i I SCR+E EN 0.713cm , <I3 U 17- MAGN€7TC ISOLATES FIG, 15 FIG, 16 -22 0.713cm

20. 10. 0. May 21,1991. Sheet 1 of 17. 5,017,283. A. ' I. I ' \. Weight. Sulfur . +Sulfur o Weight. FIG- 7. MAGNETOGRAPH tl50 Microns, Lunar Soil Sample 64421 .. not previously been eco- one does not observe the 3 + oxidation States Of ferro- .. important observations about magnetic beneficiation o
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