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Patent Feb. 8, 2011 Sheet 2 0f 19 US 7,886,359 B2 I START I v 202 RECEIVE uSER INPUT N V DEFINE, BASED ON USER INPUT, A SET OF POLICIES 204 FOR DETECTING VIOLATIONS IN INFORMATION "\J CONTENT 206 INDEX SOURCE DATA N V DEPLOY THE INDEX TO LOCATIONS MONITORING N208 INFORMATION CONTENT DEPLOY THE SET OF POLICIES TO LOCATIONS N210 MONITORING INFORMATION CONTENT ‘L 212 MONITOR INFORMATION CONTENT N 214 N VIOLATION DETECTED? Y 216 REPORT DETECTED POLICY VIOLATION N ‘I, END FIG. 2A U S. Patent Feb. 8, 2011 Sheet 3 0f 19 US 7,886,359 B2 Ill COPY MESSAGE INTO N A FIRSY BUFFER I10 DECODE MESSAGE AND DIVIDE N IN'O CONPONENYS FUllEY ENVEkOPE CDNCERNS VIOLATES ENVELOPE 0F POLICY? Y SYORE DAIA PERTAINING N YD VIOLAYION 2! POLICY INClUDES RULES NO‘ CONCERNING 230 POLICV PRoPEFHv CONCERNS U‘ SUBCOMPONEN'S PROPERYIES OF OLA'ES POHCY UBCOMFONENY') STORE DATA PERTAINING T0 VIO\ATION Poucv CONl’AlNS muss N0! Continuum; vworznnzs 06 SVBCQIAPONENKS? SUBCOMPONENTS CONTAINS TEXT? V v AFPLV RULE N CONCERNING TEXT OF SUB-COMPONENT VIOLATES POLICV7 Y STORE DATA PERYAINING N YO VIOLAYIDN MORE COMPONENTS IN MESSAGE? 2A6 PROCESS svoasn DATA N PERTAINING T0 VIOllTIONS _| FIG. 25 US. Patent Feb. 8, 2011 Sheet 4 0f 19 US 7,886,359 B2 252 DETECT VIOLATION OF POLICY N CONCERNING SOURCE DATA DETERMINE USER'S PERMISSION LEVEL TO N 254 ACCESS SOURCE DATA 256 LEVEL ALLOWS FULL ACCESS TO SOURCE HIGHLIGHT MESSAGE FRAGMENTS MATCHING PROHIBITIVE SOURCE DATA ON THE SCREEN 260 LEVEL ALLOWS LIMITE IE;262 ACCESS TO SOURCE DISPLAY REDACTED SOURCE DATA AND NAMES N 254 OF COLUMNS CONTAINING I / THE SOURCE DATA DISPLAY REDACTED SOURCE DATA , 2‘ END FIG. 2C U S. Patent Feb. 8, 2011 Sheet 5 0f 19 US 7,886,359 B2 £a23“52Wm1t92.:93.> 5 ...... U S. Patent Feb. 8, 2011 Sheet 6 0f 19 US 7,886,359 B2 T22%, $221m US. Patent Feb. 8, 2011 Sheet 7 0f 19 US 7,886,359 B2 l-bguld in m Admini?nlo' may I 14.012 5W!“ hm Edit Securc Dala Pro?le ?elds ny sum Input, (E (E C KER! 308 FIG. 3A